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The West European house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus, is a particularly suitable model to investigate the role of chromosomal rearrangements in reproductive isolation. In fact, it exhibits a broad range of chromosomal polymorphism due to Robertsonian (Rb) fusions leading to various types of contact zones between different chromosomal races. In the present study, we analyzed a parapatric contact in central Italy between the Cittaducale chromosomal race (CD: 2n= 22) and the surrounding populations with standard karyotype (2n= 40) to understand if Rb fusions play a causative role in speciation. One hundred forty‐seven mice from 17 localities were genotyped by means of 12 microsatellite loci. A telomeric and a pericentromeric locus situated on six chromosome arms (four Rbs and one telocentric) were selected to detect differences in the amount of gene flow for each locus in different chromosomal positions. The analyses performed on the two subsets of loci show differences in the level of gene flow, which is more restricted near the centromeres of Rb chromosomes. This effect is less pronounced in the homozygotes populations settled at the border of the hybrid zone. We discuss the possible cause of the differential porosity of gene flow in Rbs considering “hybrid dysfunctions” and “suppressed recombination” models.  相似文献   

The Robertsonian fusion is a common chromosomal mutation among mammal species and is especially prevalent in the West European house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus. More than 40 races of the house mouse exist in Europe, including the famous “tobacco mouse” (Poschiavo race) of Val Poschiavo, Switzerland. Documented here is the discovery of an extreme case of karyotypic variation in the neighboring Upper Valtellina, Italy. In a 20-km stretch of the valley, 32 karyotypes were observed, including five chromosomal races and 27 hybrid types. One previously unknown race is reported, the “Mid Valtellina” race, with a diploid number of 2n = 24 and the Robertsonian fusions Rb(1.3), Rb(4.6), Rb(5.15), Rb(7.18), Rb(8.12), Rb(9.14), Rb(11.13), and Rb(16.17). The Poschiavo race (2n = 26), Upper Valtellina race (2n = 24), Lower Valtellina race (2n = 22) and all-acrocentric race (2n = 40) were also present. The races form a patchy distribution, which we term a “mottled hybrid zone.” Geographical position, isolation, extinction, recolonization, and selection against hybrids are all believed to be instrumental in the origin and evolution of this complex system. Previous studies of house mice from Upper Valtellina indicated that two of the races in the valley (the Upper Valtellina and Poschiavo races) may have speciated in the village of Migiondo. We discuss the possibility that there may have been a reinforcement event in this village.  相似文献   

Changes in expression of genes are thought to contribute significantly to evolutionary divergence. To study the relative role of selection and neutrality in shaping expression changes, we analyzed 24 genes in three different tissues of the house mouse ( Mus musculus ). Samples from two natural populations of the subspecies M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus were investigated using quantitative PCR assays and sequencing of the upstream region. We have developed an approach to quantify expression polymorphism within such populations and to disentangle technical from biological variation in the data. We found a correlation between expression polymorphism within populations and divergence between populations. Furthermore, we found a correlation between expression polymorphism and sequence polymorphism of the respective genes. These data are most easily interpreted within a framework of a predominantly neutral model of gene expression change, where only a fraction of the changes may have been driven by positive selection. Although most genes investigated were expressed in all three tissues analyzed, significant changes of expression levels occurred predominantly in a single tissue only. This adds to the notion that enhancer-specific effects or transregulatory effects can modulate the evolution of gene expression in a tissue-specific way.  相似文献   

Western house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) and common shrews (Sorex araneus) are important models for study of chromosomal speciation. Both had ancestral karyotypes consisting of telocentric chromosomes, and each is subdivided into numerous chromosomal races many of which have resulted from fixation of new mutations (Robertsonian fusions and whole‐arm reciprocal translocations). However, some chromosomal races in both species may alternatively have originated through hybridization, with particular homozygous recombinant products reaching fixation. Here, we demonstrate the process of generation of hybrid chromosomal races for the first time in either species using molecular markers. Analysis of centromeric microsatellite markers show that the Mid Valtellina (IMVA) and Upper Valtellina (IUVA) chromosomal races of the house mouse are recombinant products of hybridization of the Lower Valtellina (ILVA) and Poschiavo (CHPO) chromosomal races, supporting earlier theoretical analysis. IMVA and IUVA occupy a small area of the Italian Alps where ILVA makes contact with CHPO. IUVA and CHPO have previously been shown to be reproductively isolated in one village, emphasizing that hybrid chromosomal races in small mammals, as in plants, have the potential to be part of the speciation process.  相似文献   

Underdominance for chromosomal rearrangements is the central assumption of several models of chromosomally based speciation including the cascade model, proposed for the Sceloporus grammicus complex. Several cytotypes of the S. grammicus complex hybridize at localities in central México. A hybrid zone between two of the most chromosomally divergent races (= cytotypes) of S. grammicus (F5, 2n = 34 and FM2, 2n = 44–46) was examined to assess the meiotic effects of heterozygosity at multiple chromosomes. Meiosis was examined in males heterozygous for “simple” Robertsonian fissions at chromosomes 1, 3, 4, and 6 and/or a pericentric inversion at chromosome 4. Analysis of synaptonemal complexes and chromosomal configurations at diakinesis showed trivalent formation in fission heterozygotes and heterosynapsis (lack of reverse-loop formation) in an inversion heterozygote. Analysis of metaphase II configurations revealed primarily balanced segregation and low levels of nondisjunction regardless of chromosomal background. The lack of underdominance associated with “simple” fission heterozygosity in this narrow hybrid zone contradicts the key premise of most chromosomally based models of speciation.  相似文献   

Studies of the genetics of hybrid zones can provide insight into the genomic architecture of species boundaries. By examining patterns of introgression of multiple loci across a hybrid zone, it may be possible to identify regions of the genome that have experienced selection. Here, we present a comparison of introgression in two replicate transects through the house mouse hybrid zone through central Europe, using data from 41 single nucleotide markers. Using both genomic and geographic clines, we found many differences in patterns of introgression between the two transects, as well as some similarities. We found that many loci may have experienced the effects of selection at linked sites, including selection against hybrid genotypes, as well as positive selection in the form of genotypes introgressed into a foreign genetic background. We also found many positive associations of conspecific alleles among unlinked markers, which could be caused by epistatic interactions. Different patterns of introgression in the two transects highlight the challenge of using hybrid zones to identify genes underlying isolation and raise the possibility that the genetic basis of isolation between these species may be dependent on the local population genetic make-up or the local ecological setting.  相似文献   

The effects of hybridization on developmental stability and size of tooth characters were investigated in intersubspecific crosses between random-bred wild strains of the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus and M. m. musculus). Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and trait size were compared within and between parental, F1, backcross, and F2 hybrid groups. The relationship between FA and reproductive fitness within the F1 hybrids was also studied. The results indicated that both FA and character size levels differed significantly between the two subspecies. The F1 hybrids and the recombined groups (backcrosses and F2 hybrids) showed heterosis for both parameters. No significant differences in the FA of fertile and sterile F1 hybrid individuals were found. Comparison of the FA levels obtained in this study with those found in wild populations from the hybrid zone in Denmark showed that the levels of FA were lower in laboratory-bred samples than in the wild populations. This study provides further evidence that, in hybrids, the developmental processes underlying most of the morphological traits we studied benefit from a heterotic effect, despite the genomic incompatibilities between the two European house mice revealed by previous genetical and parasitological studies.  相似文献   

Several chromosome races of the mesquite lizard, Sceloporus grammicus complex, hybridize at localities in central Mexico. In most cases, the hybridizing populations are delineated by centric fissions at one or more of the macrochromosomes. One notable exception is the Tulancingo hybrid zone between the F5 and FM2 cytotypes. In addition to fission and/or inversion differences at chromosomes 1, 3, 4, and 6, these races differ by a complex rearrangement of chromosome 2, which carries the nucleolus-organizer region in this species. The meiotic consequences of heterozygosity at this chromosome were examined in males to assess the potential for this chromosome to contribute to the dynamics of the hybrid zone. Chromosomal analysis revealed several putative F1 hybrids and confirmed the production of nonparental chromosomal morphologies through recombination. Pachytene analysis revealed meiotic pairing difficulties associated with chromosome 2 in males heterozygous for the parental chromosomal morphologies. Significant aneuploidy is expected because of random disjunction of the chromosome-2 elements. As a result, these males likely suffer reduced fertiliity and fitness. In contrast, males heterozygous for recombinant chromosomal morphologies displayed low levels of meiotic irregularities and presumably exhibit higher fertility than individuals heterozygous for parental morphologies. It is hypothesized that the recombinant phenotypes facilitate gene flow between the F5 and FM2 cytotypes.  相似文献   

In wild populations of the house mouse from Tunisia, fluctuating asymmetry and character size of tooth traits were compared between chromosomal races (2n = 40, all acrocentric standard karyotype, and 2n = 22, with nine fixed Robertsonian fusions) and their natural hybrids. Developmental stability was impaired in hybrids compared to both parental groups. Because genetic divergence measured by allozyme markers was low, genomic incompatibilities were not expected between the chromosomal races. This suggests that differentiation of gene systems specifically involved in development may have occurred between the chromosomal races. Support for the latter was found in the study of character size which showed that the 2n = 22 mice had smaller teeth than either the hybrid or the standard mice. The study of Tunisian chromosomal races thus shows that chromosomal evolution may lead to important changes in coadapted gene systems without involving extensive genic differentiation.  相似文献   

福建省莆田地区小家鼠种群繁殖的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
洪朝长  陈小彬 《兽类学报》1992,12(2):153-158
1987—1989年,作者在福建省蒲田地区采集小家鼠标本1616号(雌865,雄751),解剖、观察雌雄生殖器官的特征和变化,对种群中的性比、睾丸下降率、繁殖雌鼠率、怀孕率、胎仔数、繁殖指数的季节变化和年度差异作了分析。结果表明,该地区小家鼠全年均可繁殖。雄性小家鼠体重≥10克,雌性体重≥11克时,已有75%以上达性成熟,故体重可作为划分成体的标准。种群密度对种群繁殖有明显的反馈调节作用。  相似文献   

Determining the extent and causes of barriers to gene flow between genetically divergent populations or races of single species is an important complement to post facto analyses of the causes of reproductive isolation between recognized species. Sympatric populations of pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris, Homoptera: Aphididae) on alfalfa and red clover are highly genetically divergent and locally adapted. Here, hierarchical estimates of population structure based on Fst suggest that gene exchange between closely adjacent aphid populations on the two hosts is highly restricted relative to that among fields of the same host plant. Although these host-associated races are presently considered to be the same subspecies, they appear to be significantly reproductively isolated, suggesting incipient speciation. Habitat (host) choice was investigated as the first in a temporal series of factors that could reduce gene exchange between these sympatric populations. Field studies of winged colonists to newly planted fields of each host suggest pronounced habitat fidelity. This result was verified using replicated observations of the host choice behavior of different aphid genotypes for which the relative demographic performance on each host was known. These laboratory observations of behavior revealed a strong genetic correlation between habitat choice (or acceptance) and the relative performance in each habitat. Because mating occurs on the host plant, habitat choice in this system leads to assortative mating and is therefore a major cause of reproductive isolation between the sympatric pea aphid populations on alfalfa and clover. However, the extent of dispersal between hosts estimated from the field study of winged colonists (9–11%) is too great to be consistent with the genetic divergence estimated between the races. This suggests that barriers to gene flow other than host choice also exist, such as selection against migrants or hybrids in the parental environments, hybrid sterility, or hybrid breakdown.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that the X chromosome plays a large role in intrinsic postzygotic isolation. The role of the Z chromosome in speciation is much less understood. To explore the role of the Z chromosome in reproductive isolation, we studied nucleotide variation in two closely related bird species, the Thrush Nightingale ( Luscinia luscinia ) and the Common Nightingale ( L. megarhynchos ). These species are isolated by incomplete prezygotic isolation and female hybrid sterility. We sequenced introns of four Z-linked and eight autosomal loci and analyzed patterns of polymorphism and divergence using a divergence-with-gene flow framework. Our results suggest that the nightingale species diverged approximately 1.8 Mya. We found strong evidence of gene flow after divergence in both directions, although more introgression occurred from L. megarhynchos into L. luscinia . Gene flow was significantly higher on the autosomes than on the Z chromosome. Our results support the idea that the Z chromosome plays an important role in intrinsic postzygotic isolation in birds, although it may also contribute to the evolution of prezygotic isolation through sexual selection. This highlights the similarities in the genetic basis of reproductive isolation between organisms with heterogametic males and organisms with heterogametic females during the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Individuals of the F5 and FM2 cytotypes of the Sceloporus grammicus complex form a narrow zone of parapatric hybridization near Tulancingo, Hidalgo, Mexico. Reproductive parameters were examined among chromosomally parental and hybrid females to assess the degree to which reduced clutch size is correlated with the level of chromosomal heterozygosity. Although clutch size in the two parental groups was highly correlated with female body size, this was not the case for females with intermediate karyotypes. These females displayed increased levels of infertility manifested as smaller clutches and as inviable embryos. F1 females produced the smallest average clutches and suffered the most precipitous fecundity loss (up to 75%). The number of heterozygous marker chromosomes and heterozygosity at chromosome 2 had significant effects on the number of viable embryos. Analysis of embryo karyotypes revealed the production of triploid offspring and an excess number of embryos heterozygous at chromosome 1. Differences in viability, among females heterozygous for the same number of chromosomes, suggest that genetic background of the female and/or sire may be an important factor in determining reproductive success.  相似文献   

The F5 (2n = 34) and FM2 (2n = 44–46) chromosome races of the Sceloporus grammicus complex form a parapatric hybrid zone in the Mexican state of Hidalgo, characterized by steep concordant clines among three diagnostic chromosome markers across a straight-line distance of about 2 km. Here, we show that this zone is actually structured into local patches in which hybridization extends over an extremely irregular front. The distribution of hybrid-index (HI) scores across the transect reveals some hybridization at almost all localities mapped in a central 7 km × 3 km area. Pooling the central samples produces both a strong heterozygote deficit for all diagnostic markers and strong linkage disequilibria between all pairwise combinations of these (unlinked) markers. Moreover, a highly significant association exists between the habitat on which each individual was caught and its karyotype (F5 chromosomes are more likely to be found on oak). Analysis of genotype frequencies over a range of spatial scales shows that there is no significant heterozygote deficit or habitat association within local areas of less than about 200 m; however, there is significant linkage disequilibrium over the smallest scales (R = D (pquv)1/2 = 0.29, support limits, 0.18–0.36) over 100 m. These patterns suggest that lizards mate and choose habitats randomly within local patches. This conclusion is supported by mark-recapture estimates of dispersal (≈ 80 m in a generation) and by inference of matings from embryo and maternal karyotypes. Closer examination of the two-dimensional pattern reveals a convoluted cline for all three markers, with a width of 830 m (support limits 770 m–930 m). This cline width, combined with the strength of local linkage disequilibrium, implies a dispersal rate of σ = 160 m in a generation and an effective selection pressure of 30% on each chromosome marker. The proportion of inviable embryos is greater in females from the center of the hybrid zone; this is caused by effects associated with both karyotype and location. The hybrid zone is likely to be maintained by selection against chromosomal heterozygotes, by other kinds of selection against hybrids, and by selection adapting the chromosome races to different habitats. The structure of the contact may be caused by both random drift and by selection in relation to habitat.  相似文献   

Genome divergence during speciation is a dynamic process that is affected by various factors, including the genetic architecture of barriers to gene flow. Herein we quantitatively describe aspects of the genetic architecture of two sets of traits, male genitalic morphology and oviposition preference, that putatively function as barriers to gene flow between the butterfly species Lycaeides idas and L. melissa. Our analyses are based on unmapped DNA sequence data and a recently developed Bayesian regression approach that includes variable selection and explicit parameters for the genetic architecture of traits. A modest number of nucleotide polymorphisms explained a small to large proportion of the variation in each trait, and average genetic variant effects were nonnegligible. Several genetic regions were associated with variation in multiple traits or with trait variation within‐ and among‐populations. In some instances, genetic regions associated with trait variation also exhibited exceptional genetic differentiation between species or exceptional introgression in hybrids. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that divergent selection on male genitalia has contributed to heterogeneous genetic differentiation, and that both sets of traits affect fitness in hybrids. Although these results are encouraging, we highlight several difficulties related to understanding the genetics of speciation.  相似文献   

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