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Benner, Knecht, and Engel have replied to my critique of their interpretation of a Carboniferous trace fossil produced by an insect at the edge of water. Here I respond by pointing out that their reiterated scenario still requires mutually exclusive paths of motion and I show that their assertions of methodological shortcomings are tangential and lack merit. Overall, this discussion provides an opportunity to examine in greater detail competing hypothesis about behaviors and taxonomic identity of the trace maker, and relevance thereof to competing theories regarding early events in the evolution of pterygote insects.  相似文献   

By means of population genetical models, we investigate the competition between sex-specific segregation distorters. Although the models are quite general, they are motivated by a specific example, the t complex of the house mouse. Some variants at this gene complex, the t haplotypes, distort Mendelian segregation in heterozygous males in their favor. The selective advantage at the gamete level is counterbalanced by strong negative fitness effects at the individual level (male sterility or even lethality in both sexes). A plethora of different t haplotypes has been found, both in the field and in the lab. Up to now, however, models have focused on the equilibrium frequency of a single t haplotype. In contrast, we explicitly model the competition between several t haplotypes. A deterministic model for a large, well-mixed population predicts a surprisingly high degree of polymorphism. Haplotypes with seemingly inferior fitness characteristics may easily coexist with “superior” haplotypes. For instance, a lethal haplotype with a low segregation ratio may stably coexist with a sterile haplotype with a high segregation ratio. Stable coexistence is even possible for haplotypes with a segregation disadvantage. A simple stochastic model shows that the same principles apply in the context of a structured metapopulation. Although counterintuitive at first sight, all our results can be explained by the fact that segregation distorters have an inherent advantage when they are rare. We conclude that fitness comparisons are not sufficient to predict the outcome of competition when selective forces are acting at different levels.  相似文献   

Structure in a population of host individuals, whether spatial or temporal, can have important effects on the transmission and evolutionary dynamics of its pathogens. One of these is to limit dispersal of pathogens and thus increase the amount of contact between a given pair or within a small group of host individuals. We introduce a “law of diminishing returns” that predicts an evolutionary decline of pathogen virulence whenever there are on average more possibilities of pathogen transmission between the same pair of hosts. Thus, the effect of repeated contact between hosts will be to shift the balance of any trade-off between virulence and transmissibility toward lower virulence.  相似文献   

Computer simulations of model plants are used to assess the influence of leaf shape, size, and pattern of arrangement (= phyllotaxy) on the direct solar radiation intercepted by leaf surfaces. Changes in phyllotaxy significantly influence light interception (and, by inference, net assimilation rate) for rosette growth habits. However, changes in leaf shape and orientation and in stem length can compensate for the negative effects of leaf overlap produced by phyllotactic patterns. Phyllotaxy is viewed as a developmental limiting factor in photobiology that may necessitate compensatory changes in other morphological features not directly controlled by patterns of leaf initiation. This distinguishes it from functioning as a “developmental constraint” sensu stricto and may provide a paradigm for other features in plant evolution.  相似文献   

Gohli et al. (2013) report a positive relationship between genetic diversity and promiscuity across passerine birds, and suggest that female promiscuity acts as a form of balancing selection, maintaining differences in genetic variation across species. This is an interesting hypothesis, but the enormous variation in genetic diversity present within species is not taken into account in their analyses. This, combined with a small sample size at several levels, makes the relationship between genetic diversity and promiscuity very difficult to interpret. Demonstrating that species‐level differences in genetic diversity (if they occur at all) are affected by promiscuity would require a far more comprehensive study than is presently possible.  相似文献   

While rigorous techniques have usually been used to generate phylogenetic trees from molecular data, morphological analysis has sometimes been more informal. A recent example was a study of the evolution of the fultoportula in the diatom order Thalassiosirales ( Kaczmarska et al. 2006 ). Phylogeny was inferred using modern phylogenetic principles applied to nuclear SSU rDNA sequences, but inferences about morphological character evolution were made using noncanonical reasoning and evolutionary scenario building. The preferred hypothesis posited that marginal fultoportulae evolved from the marginal ridge of Lithodesmiales. A related hypothesis suggested that fultoportulae in the valve center were not homologous with those near the valve margin. Shared symplesiomorphies, shared homoplasies, gaps in the fossil record, and subtle morphological differences between central‐ and marginal‐area fultoportulae were offered as the primary evidence for these scenarios. The literature has demonstrated such arguments to be either irrelevant or logically weaker than inferences made under the tests of similarity, conjunction, and congruence. Five prior hypotheses about the origin and evolution of the fultoportula were examined in this study using these tests. The hypothesis that the areola evolved into the multistrutted process, which evolved into the fultoportula, was best supported.  相似文献   

A planktonic alga similar in general morphology and pigments to Aureococcus anophagefferens Hargraves and Sieburth has caused persistent and ecologically damaging blooms along the south Texas coast. Experiments using 100 μM NO3?, NO2?, and NH4+ demonstrated that the alga could not use NO3? for growth but could use NO2? and NH4+. Doubling iron or trace metal concentrations did not permit growth on NO3?. Chemical composition data for cultures grown in excess NO3? or NH4+, respectively, were as follows: N·cell?1 (0.88 vs. 1.3 pg), C:N ratio (25:1 vs. 6.4:1), C:chlorophyll a (chl a) (560:1 vs. 44:1), and chl a·cell?1 (0.033 vs. 0.16 pg). These data imply that cells supplied with NO3? were N-starved. Culture addition of 10 mM final concentration chlorate (a nitrate analog) did not affect the Texas isolate while NO3? utilizing A. anophagefferens was lysed, suggesting that the NO3? reductase of the Texas isolate is nonfunctional. Rates of primary productivity determined during a dense bloom indicated that light-saturated growth rates were ca. 0.45 d?1, which is similar to maximum rates determined in laboratory experiments (0.58 d?1± 0.16). However, chemical composition data were consistent with the growth rate of these cells being limited by N availability (C:N 28, C:chl a 176, chl a·cell?1 0.019). Calculations based on a mass balance for nitrogen suggest that the bloom was triggered by an input of ca. 69 μM NH4+ that resulted from an extensive die-off of benthos and fish.  相似文献   

Gametophytes of Ulva mutabilis Føyn and Ulva lactuca L. were artificially induced to form gametangia by removal of sporulation inhibitors. After this treatment, U. mutabilis gametes were ready for swarming on the third morning after induction, while U. lactuca gametangia needed 1–2 d longer for maturation. Release of gametes of U. lactuca was dependent solely upon exposure to the first light in the morning. Gametangia of U. mutabilis, however, also required sufficient dilution of the swarming inhibitor (SWI). SWI was excreted transiently by both Ulva species early during gametogenesis. While the SWI concentration in U. mutabilis medium remained above the inhibitory concentration until the gametangia were mature, the concentration of U. lactuca‐SWI dropped rapidly below this level. In the presence of sufficient SWI, mature gametes of U. mutabilis remained motionless within the gametangia despite light and open exit pores. However, using SEM, an additional seal was detected within these pores, which probably prevented premature swarming until dilution of SWI and exposure to light. Observations by time lapse microscopy and experiments with the myosin kinase inhibitor BDM suggest that the gametes may be either extruded by the gametangium or leave the exit pore by active gliding motion, driven by a myosin‐like motor protein. The SWIs were purified from both Ulva species, and mass spectral analysis showed their molecular masses (292 Da) were identical.  相似文献   

The geological record of South American mammals is spatially biased because productive fossil sites are concentrated at high latitudes. As a result, the history of mammalian diversification in Amazonia and other tropical biomes is largely unknown. Here we report diversification analyses based on a time‐calibrated molecular phylogeny of opossums (Didelphidae), a species‐rich clade of mostly tropical marsupials descended from a Late Oligocene common ancestor. Optimizations of habitat and geography on this phylogeny suggest that (1) basal didelphid lineages inhabited South American moist forests; (2) didelphids did not diversify in dry‐forest habitats until the Late Miocene; and (3) most didelphid lineages did not enter North America until the Pliocene. We also summarize evidence for an Early‐ to Middle‐Miocene mass extinction event, for which alternative causal explanations are discussed. To the best of our knowledge, this study provides the first published molecular‐phylogenetic evidence for mass extinction in any animal clade, and it is the first time that evidence for such an event (in any plant or animal taxon) has been tested for statistical significance. Potentially falsifying observations that could help discriminate between the proposed alternative explanations for didelphid mass extinction may be obtainable from diversification analyses of other sympatric mammalian groups.  相似文献   

Recently, some evolutionary biologists have argued that selection on the male component of fitness shapes the evolution of reproductive characters in angiosperms. Floral features, such as inflorescence size, that lead to increased insect visitation without a concomitant increase in seed production are viewed as adaptations to enhance the probability of fathering seeds on other plants. In tests of this “pollen donation hypothesis,” male reproductive success has usually been measured indirectly by flower production, pollinator visitation, or pollen removal. We tested the pollen donation hypothesis directly by quantifying the number of seeds sired by individual genotypes in a natural population of poke milkweed, Asclepias exaltata, in southwestern Virginia. Multiple paternity was low within fruits, a fact which allowed us to use genotypes of progeny arrays to identify a unique pollen parent for 85% of the fruits produced in the population. Seeds sired (male success) and seeds produced (female success) were significantly correlated with flower number per plant (for male success, r = 0.32, P > 0.05; for female success, r = 0.66, P > 0.001). While the number of pollinaria removed, the usual estimator of male success in milkweeds, was highly correlated with numbers of seeds sired (r = 0.47; P > 0.001), it was even more highly correlated with numbers of seeds produced (r = 0.71, P > 0.001). Analysis of functional gender indicated that plants with many flowers did not behave primarily as males. In fact, individuals with the highest total reproductive success contributed equally as males and females. Furthermore, estimates of gender based on numbers of flowers produced or pollinaria removed overestimated the number of functional males in the population. In pollen-limited species, such as many milkweeds, proportional increases in both male and female reproductive success indicate the potential for selection to shape the evolution of large floral displays through both male and female functions.  相似文献   

G.C. Williams's 1957 hypothesis famously argues that higher age-independent, or "extrinsic," mortality should select for faster rates of senescence. Long-lived species should therefore show relatively few deaths from extrinsic causes such as predation and starvation. Theoretical explorations and empirical tests of Williams's hypothesis have flourished in the past decade but it has not yet been tested empirically among humans. We test Williams's hypothesis using mortality data from subsistence populations and from historical cohorts from Sweden and England/Wales, and examine whether rates of actuarial aging declined over the past two centuries. We employ three aging measures: mortality rate doubling time (MRDT), Ricklefs's ω, and the slope of mortality hazard from ages 60–70, m '60–70, and model mortality using both Weibull and Gompertz–Makeham hazard models. We find that (1) actuarial aging in subsistence societies is similar to that of early Europe, (2) actuarial senescence has slowed in later European cohorts, (3) reductions in extrinsic mortality associate with slower actuarial aging in longitudinal samples, and (4) men senesce more rapidly than women, especially in later cohorts. To interpret these results, we attempt to bridge population-based evolutionary analysis with individual-level proximate mechanisms.  相似文献   

The eyespot apparatus (EA) of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii P. A. Dang. consists of two layers of carotenoid‐rich lipid globules subtended by thylakoids. The outermost globule layer is additionally associated with the chloroplast envelope membranes and the plasma membrane. In a recent proteomic approach, we identified 202 proteins from isolated EAs of C. reinhardtii via at least two peptides, including, for example, structural components, signalling‐related proteins, and photosynthetic‐related membrane proteins. Here, we have analyzed the proteins of the EA with regard to their topological distribution using thermolysin to find out whether the arrangement of globules and membranes provides protection mechanisms for some of them. From about 230 protein spots separated on two‐dimensional gels, the majority were degraded by thermolysin. Five major protein spots were protected against the action of this protease. These proteins and some that were degradable were identified by mass spectrometry. Surprisingly, the thermolysin‐resistant proteins represented the α and β subunits of the soluble CF1 complex of the chloroplast ATP synthase. Degradable proteins included typical membrane proteins like LHCs, demonstrating that thermolysin is not in general sterically prevented by the EA structure from reaching membrane‐associated proteins. A control experiment showed that the CF1 complex of thylakoids is efficiently degraded by thermolysin. Blue native PAGE of thermolysin‐treated EAs followed by SDS‐PAGE revealed that the α and β subunits are present in conjunction with the γ subunit in a thermolysin‐resistant complex. These results provide strong evidence that a significant proportion of these ATP‐synthase subunits have a specialized localization and function within the EA of C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

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