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The growth rate, stationary cell concentration, and toxicity of Prymnesium parvum N. Carter were measured using a strain isolated from Texas inland waters. We used a multifactor experimental approach with multiple regression analysis to determine the importance of environmental factors, including temperature, light, and salinity to these algal measurements. Exponential growth rate was unimodal in relation to temperature, salinity, and irradiance, with an estimated maximal growth of 0.94 d?1 occurring at 27°C, 22 practical salinity units (psu), and 275 μmol photons·m?2·s?1. Stationary cell concentrations also had unimodal responses to temperature and salinity but increased with irradiance. Maximal cell concentrations were estimated to occur at 26°C and 22 psu. Both maximum growth rate and highest stationary cell concentrations were measured at levels of each factor resembling warm, estuarine conditions that differ from the conditions under which blooms occur in inland waters in the southwestern United States. Acute toxicity to fish was highest at the lowest salinity and temperature levels, conditions not optimal for exponential growth but similar to those under which blooms occur in inland waters. Our results imply that summer blooms could occur in inland waters of the southwestern United States. Generally, they have not, suggesting that factors other than those investigated in this research influence bloom dynamics.  相似文献   

Blooms of the freshwater stalked diatom Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngb.) M. Schmidt in A. Schmidt typically occur in oligotrophic, unshaded streams and rivers. Observations that proliferations comprise primarily stalk material composed of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) led us to ask whether or not the production of excessive EPS is favored under nutrient‐limited, high‐light conditions. We conducted experiments in outdoor flumes colonized by D. geminata using water from the oligotrophic, D. geminata–affected Waitaki River, South Island, New Zealand, to determine the relationship between D. geminata stalk length, cell division rates, and light intensity under ambient and nutrient‐enriched conditions. Stalk lengths were measured in situ, and cell division rates were estimated as the frequency of dividing cells (FDC). FDC responded positively to increasing light intensity and to nutrient additions (N+P and P). Under ambient conditions, stalk length increased as light level increased except at low ambient light levels and temperature. Nutrient enrichment resulted in decreased stalk length and negative correlations with FDC, with this effect most evident under high light. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that extensive stalk production in D. geminata occurs when cell division rates are nutrient limited and light levels are high. Thus, photosynthetically driven EPS production in the form of stalks, under nutrient‐limited conditions, may explain the development of very high biomass in this species in oligotrophic rivers. The responses of FDC and stalk length under nutrient‐replete conditions are also consistent with occurrences of D. geminata as a nondominant component of mixed periphyton communities in high‐nutrient streams.  相似文献   

This study assessed the implication of oxidative stress in the mortality of cells of Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz. Cultures grown at 25°C were exposed to 32°C, darkness, and hydrogen peroxide (0.5 mM) for 96 h. The cellular abundance, chl a concentration and content, maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm ratio), intracellular oxidative stress (determined with dihydrorhodamine 123 [DHR]), cell mortality (revealed by SYTOX‐labeling of DNA), and activation of caspase 3–like proteins were assessed every 24 h. The presence of DNA degradation in cells of M. aeruginosa was also assessed using a terminal deoxynucletidyl transferase‐mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay at 96 h. Transferring cultures from 25°C to 32°C was generally beneficial to the cells. The cellular abundance and chl a concentration increased, and the mortality remained low (except for a transient burst at 72 h) as did the oxidative stress. In darkness, cells did not divide, and the Fv/Fm continuously decreased with time. The slow increase in intracellular oxidative stress coincided with the activation of caspase 3–like proteins and a 15% and 17% increase in mortality and TUNEL‐positive cells, respectively. Exposure to hydrogen peroxide had the most detrimental effect on cells as growth ceased and the Fv/Fm declined to near zero in less than 24 h. The 2‐fold increase in oxidative stress matched the activation of caspase 3–like proteins and a 40% and 37% increase in mortality and TUNEL‐positive cells, respectively. These results demonstrate the implication of oxidative stress in the stress response and mortality of M. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

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