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Chromosomes that determine sex are predicted to evolve differently than autosomes: a lack of recombination on one of the two sex chromosomes is predicted to allow an accumulation of deleterious alleles that eventually leads to reduced functionality and potential physical degradation of the nonrecombining chromosome. Because these changes should occur at an elevated evolutionary rate, it is difficult to find appropriate species in which to test these evolutionary predictions. The unique genetic sex‐determining mechanism of the crustacean Eulimnadia texana prevents major chromosome degeneration because of expression of both ‘proto‐sex’ (i.e. early stage of development) chromosomes in homozygous form (ZZ and WW). Herein, we exploit this unique genetic system to examine the predicted accumulation of deleterious alleles by comparing both homogametic sexual types to their heterogametic counterpart. We report differences in crossing over in a sex‐linked region in the ZW hermaphrodites (~ 3%) relative to the ZZ males (~ 21%), indicative of cross‐over suppression in the ZW hermaphrodites. Additionally, we report that both ZZ and WW genotypes have reduced fitness relative to ZW hermaphrodites, which is consistent with the prediction of harboured recessive mutations embedded on both the Z and the W chromosomes. These results suggest that the proto‐sex chromosomes in E. texana accumulate recessive deleterious alleles. We hypothesize that recessive deleterious alleles of large effect cannot accumulate because of expression in both ZZ and WW individuals, keeping both chromosomes from losing significant function.  相似文献   

Parallels have been drawn between the evolution of nonrecombining regions in fungal mating‐type chromosomes and animal and plant sex chromosomes, particularly regarding the stages of recombination cessation forming evolutionary strata of allelic divergence. Currently, evidence and explanations for recombination cessation in fungi are sparse, and the presence of evolutionary strata has been examined in a minimal number of fungal taxa. Here, the basidiomycete genus Microbotryum was used to determine the history of recombination cessation for loci on the mating‐type chromosomes. Ancestry of linkage with mating type for 13 loci was assessed across 20 species by a phylogenetic method. No locus was found to exhibit trans‐specific polymorphism for alternate alleles as old as the mating pheromone receptor, indicating that ages of linkage to mating type varied among the loci. The ordering of loci in the ancestry of linkage to mating type does not agree with their previously proposed assignments to evolutionary strata. This study suggests that processes capable of influencing divergence between alternate alleles may act at loci in the nonrecombining regions (e.g., gene conversion) and encourages further work to dissect the evolutionary processes acting upon genomic regions that determine mating compatibility.  相似文献   

The evolution of dimorphic sex chromosomes is driven largely by the evolution of reduced recombination and the subsequent accumulation of deleterious mutations. Although these processes are increasingly well understood in diploid organisms, the evolution of dimorphic sex chromosomes in haploid organisms (U/V) has been virtually unstudied theoretically. We analyze a model to investigate the evolution of linkage between fitness loci and the sex‐determining region in U/V species. In a second step, we test how prone nonrecombining regions are to degeneration due to accumulation of deleterious mutations. Our modeling predicts that the decay of recombination on the sex chromosomes and the addition of strata via fusions will be just as much a part of the evolution of haploid sex chromosomes as in diploid sex chromosome systems. Reduced recombination is broadly favored, as long as there is some fitness difference between haploid males and females. The degeneration of the sex‐determining region due to the accumulation of deleterious mutations is expected to be slower in haploid organisms because of the absence of masking. Nevertheless, balancing selection often drives greater differentiation between the U/V sex chromosomes than in X/Y and Z/W systems. We summarize empirical evidence for haploid sex chromosome evolution and discuss our predictions in light of these findings.  相似文献   

We compared sex chromosomal and autosomal regions of similar GC contents and found that the human Y chromosome contains nine times as many full-length (FL) ancestral LINE-1 (L1) elements per megabase as do autosomes and that the X chromosome contains three times as many. In addition, both sex chromosomes contain a ca. twofold excess of elements that are >500 bp but not long enough to be capable of autonomous replication. In contrast, the autosomes are not deficient in short (<500 bp) L1 elements or SINE elements relative to the sex chromosomes. Since neither the Y nor the X chromosome, when present in males, can be cleared of deleterious genetic loci by recombination, we conclude that most FL L1s were deleterious and thus subject to purifying selection. Comparison between nonrecombining and recombining regions of autosome 21 supported this conclusion. We were able to identify a subset of loci in the human DNA database that once contained active L1 elements, and we found by using the polymerase chain reaction that 72% of them no longer contain L1 elements in a representative of each of eight different ethnic groups. Genetic damage produced by both L1 retrotransposition and ectopic (nonallelic) recombination between L1 elements could provide the basis for their negative selection.  相似文献   

Regions of the chromosomes determining mating compatibility in some fungi, including Microbotryum lychnidis‐dioicae and Neurospora tetrasperma, exhibit suppressed recombination similar to sex chromosomes in plants and animals, and recent studies have sought to apply basic theories of sex chromosome evolution to fungi. A phylogeny of the MTL1 locus in Microbotryum indicates that it has become part of the nonrecombining regions of the mating‐type chromosomes in multiple independent events, and that recombination may have been subsequently restored in some cases. This illustrates that fungal mating‐type chromosomes can exhibit linkage relationship that are quite dynamic, adding to the list of similarities to animal or plant sex chromosomes. However, fungi such as M. lychnidis‐dioicae and N. tetrasperma exhibit an automictic mating system, for which an alternate theoretical framework exists to explain the evolution of linkage with the mating‐type locus. This study encourages further comparative studies among fungi to evaluate the role of mating systems in determining the evolution of fungal mating‐type chromosomes.  相似文献   

In 1917, sex chromosomes in plants were discovered in a liverwort with hetermorphic U and V chromosomes. Such heteromorphy is unexpected because, unlike the XY chromosomes in diploid-dominant plants, in haploid-dominant plants the female U and the male V chromosomes experience largely symmetrical potential recombination environments. Here we use molecular cytogenetics and super-resolution microscopy to study Frullania dilatata, a liverwort with one male and two female sex chromosomes. We applied a pipeline to Illumina sequences to detect abundant types of repetitive DNA and developed FISH probes to microscopically distinguish the sex chromosomes. We also determined the phenotypic population sex ratio because biased ratios have been reported from other liverworts with heteromorphic sex chromosomes. Populations had male-biased sex ratios. The sex chromosomes are monocentric, and of 14 probes studied (eight satellites, five transposable elements and one plastid region), four resulted in unique signals that differentiated the sex chromosomes from the autosomes and from each other. One FISH probe selectively marked the centromeres of both U chromosomes, so we could prove that during meiosis each U chromosome associates with one of the opposite telomeres of the V chromosome, resulting in a head-to-head trivalent. The similarity of the two U chromosomes to each other in size and in their centromere FISH signal positions points to their origin via a non-disjunction event (aneuploidy), which would fit with the general picture of sex chromosomes rarely crossing-over and being prone to suffer from non-disjunction.  相似文献   

Robertsonian translocations resulting in fusions between sex chromosomes and autosomes shape karyotype evolution by creating new sex chromosomes from autosomes. These translocations can also reverse sex chromosomes back into autosomes, which is especially intriguing given the dramatic differences between autosomes and sex chromosomes. To study the genomic events following a Y chromosome reversal, we investigated an autosome‐Y translocation in Drosophila pseudoobscura. The ancestral Y chromosome fused to a small autosome (the dot chromosome) approximately 10–15 Mya. We used single molecule real‐time sequencing reads to assemble the D. pseudoobscura dot chromosome, including this Y‐to‐dot translocation. We find that the intervening sequence between the ancestral Y and the rest of the dot chromosome is only ~78 Kb and is not repeat‐dense, suggesting that the centromere now falls outside, rather than between, the fused chromosomes. The Y‐to‐dot region is 100 times smaller than the D. melanogaster Y chromosome, owing to changes in repeat landscape. However, we do not find a consistent reduction in intron sizes across the Y‐to‐dot region. Instead, deletions in intergenic regions and possibly a small ancestral Y chromosome size may explain the compact size of the Y‐to‐dot translocation.  相似文献   

A comprehensive linkage map, including 236 linked markers with a total sex-average map length of about 2300 cM, covering nearly all parts of the pig genome has been established. Linkage groups were assigned to all 18 autosomes, the X chromosome and the X/Y pseudoautosomal region. Several new gene assignments were made including the assignment of linkage group U1 (EAK-HPX) to chromosome 9. The linkage map includes 77 type I loci informative for comparative mapping and 72 in situ mapped markers physically anchoring the linkage groups on chromosomes. A highly significant heterogeneity in recombination rates between sexes was observed with a general tendency towards an excess of female recombination. The average ratio of female to male recombination was estimated at 1–4:1 but this parameter varied between chromosomes as well as between regions within chromosomes. An intriguing finding was that blood group loci were overrepresented at the distal ends of linkage groups.  相似文献   

The properties of sex chromosomes, including patterns of inheritance, reduced levels of recombination, and hemizygosity in one of the sexes may result in the faster fixation of new mutations via drift and natural selection. Due to these patterns and processes, the two rules of speciation to describe the genetics of postzygotic isolation, Haldane's rule and the large‐X effect, both explicitly include quicker evolution on sex chromosomes relative to autosomes. Because sex‐linked mutations may be the first to become fixed in the speciation process, and appear to be due to stronger genetic drift (in birds), we may identify pronounced genetic differentiation in sex chromosomes in taxa experiencing recent speciation and diverging mainly via genetic drift. Here, we use nine sex‐linked and 21 autosomal genetic markers to investigate differential divergence and introgression between marker types in Certhia americana. We identified increased levels of genetic differentiation and reduced levels of gene flow on sex chromosomes relative to autosomes. This pattern is similar to those observed in other recently‐divergent avian species, providing another case study of the earlier role of sex chromosomes in divergence, relative to autosomes. Additionally, we identify three markers that may be under selection between Certhia americana lineages.  相似文献   

Although sexual antagonism may have played a role in forming some sex chromosome systems, there appears to be little empirical or theoretical justification in assuming that it is the driving force in all cases of sex chromosome evolution. In many species, sex chromosomes have diverged in size and shape through the accumulation of mutations in regions of suppressed recombination. It is commonly assumed that recombination is suppressed in sex chromosomes due to selection to resolve sexually antagonistic pleiotropy. However, the requirement for a sex chromosome‐specific mechanism for suppressing recombination is questionable, since more general models of recombination suppression on autosomes also appear to be applicable to sex chromosomes. Direct tests of the predictions of the sexual antagonism hypothesis offer only limited support in specific sex chromosome systems and circumstantial evidence remains open to interpretation.  相似文献   

When speciation events occur in rapid succession, incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) can cause disagreement among individual gene trees. The probability that ILS affects a given locus is directly related to its effective population size (Ne), which in turn is proportional to the recombination rate if there is strong selection across the genome. Based on these expectations, we hypothesized that low‐recombination regions of the genome, as well as sex chromosomes and nonrecombining chromosomes, should exhibit lower levels of ILS. We tested this hypothesis in phylogenomic datasets from primates, the Drosophila melanogaster clade, and the Drosophila simulans clade. In all three cases, regions of the genome with low or no recombination showed significantly stronger support for the putative species tree, although results from the X chromosome differed among clades. Our results suggest that recurrent selection is acting in these low‐recombination regions, such that current levels of diversity also reflect past decreases in the effective population size at these same loci. The results also demonstrate how considering the genomic context of a gene tree can assist in more accurate determination of the true species phylogeny, especially in cases where a whole‐genome phylogeny appears to be an unresolvable polytomy.  相似文献   

Intragenomic conflict has the potential to cause widespread changes in patterns of genetic diversity and genome evolution. In this study, we investigate the consequences of sex‐ratio (SR) drive on the population genetic patterns of the X‐chromosome in Drosophila neotestacea. An SR X‐chromosome prevents the maturation of Y‐bearing sperm during male spermatogenesis and thus is transmitted to ~100% of the offspring, nearly all of which are daughters. Selection on the rest of the genome to suppress SR can be strong, and the resulting conflict over the offspring sex ratio can result in the accumulation of multiple loci on the X‐chromosome that are necessary for the expression of drive. We surveyed variation at 12 random X‐linked microsatellites across 16 populations of D. neotestacea that range in SR frequency from 0% to 30%. First, every locus was differentiated between SR and wild‐type chromosomes, and this drives genetic structure at the X‐chromosome. Once the association with SR is accounted for, the patterns of differentiation among populations are similar to the autosomes. Second, within wild‐type chromosomes, the relative heterozygosity is reduced in populations with an increased prevalence of drive, and the heterozygosity of SR chromosomes is higher than expected based on its prevalence. The combination of the relatively high prevalence of SR drive and the structuring of polymorphism between the SR and wild‐type chromosomes suggests that genetic conflict because of SR drive has had significant consequences on the patterns of X‐linked polymorphism and thus also probably affects the tempo of X‐chromosome evolution in D. neotestacea.  相似文献   

As a result of suppressed recombination, heterogametic sex chromosomes (either Y or W) are usually assumed to gradually shorten over evolutionary time as a way to remove accumulated mutations. However, suppressed recombination removes the most obvious mechanism for excising portions of sex chromosomes. We examined ratios of W/Z chromosome size across 224 bird species from 146 genera. Much of the data were obtained from a previous study (Rutkowska et al. 2012. Biology Letters 8 : 636–638), who, similar to ourselves, found no gradual decrease in W chromosome length over evolutionary time. However, we show an abrupt decrease in W chromosome length at or just after the phylogenetic split between the two extant bird superorders, Paleognathae and Neognathae, indicating that the key to understanding sex chromosome evolution may have little to do with gradual suppression of recombination.  相似文献   

Comparative mapping and sequencing show that turnover of sex determining genes and chromosomes, and sex chromosome rearrangements, accompany speciation in many vertebrates. Here I review the evidence and propose that the evolution of therian mammals was precipitated by evolution of the male‐determining SRY gene, defining a novel XY sex chromosome pair, and interposing a reproductive barrier with the ancestral population of synapsid reptiles 190 million years ago (MYA). Divergence was reinforced by multiple translocations in monotreme sex chromosomes, the first of which supplied a novel sex determining gene. A sex chromosome‐autosome fusion may have separated eutherians (placental mammals) from marsupials 160 MYA. Another burst of sex chromosome change and speciation is occurring in rodents, precipitated by the degradation of the Y. And although primates have a more stable Y chromosome, it may be just a matter of time before the same fate overtakes our own lineage. Also watch the video abstract .  相似文献   

Understanding the driving forces and molecular processes underlying dioecy and sex chromosome evolution, leading from hermaphroditism to the occurrence of male and female individuals, is of considerable interest in fundamental and applied research. The genus Phoenix, belonging to the Arecaceae family, consists uniquely of dioecious species. Phylogenetic data suggest that the genus Phoenix has diverged from a hermaphroditic ancestor which is also shared with its closest relatives. We have investigated the cessation of recombination in the sex‐determination region within the genus Phoenix as a whole by extending the analysis of Pdactylifera SSR sex‐related loci to eight other species within the genus. Phylogenetic analysis of a date palm sex‐linked PdMYB1 gene in these species has revealed that sex‐linked alleles have not clustered in a species‐dependent way but rather in X and Y‐allele clusters. Our data show that sex chromosomes evolved from a common autosomal origin before the diversification of the extant dioecious species.  相似文献   

Among different teleost fish species, diverse sex-determining mechanisms exist, including environmental and genetic sex determination, yet chromosomal sex determination with male heterogamety (XY) prevails. Different pairs of autosomes have evolved as sex chromosomes among species in the same genus without evidence for a master sex-determining locus being identical. Models for evolution of Y chromosomes predict that male-advantageous genes become linked to a sex-determining locus and suppressed recombination ensures their co-inheritance. In the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, a set of genes responsible for adult male ornaments are linked to the sex-determining locus on the incipient Y chromosome. We have identified >60 sex-linked molecular markers to generate a detailed map for the sex linkage group of the guppy and compared it with the syntenic autosome 12 of medaka. We mapped the sex-determining locus to the distal end of the sex chromosome. We report a sex-biased distribution of recombination events in female and male meiosis on sex chromosomes. In one mapping cross, we observed sex ratio and male phenotype deviations and propose an atypical mode of genetic sex inheritance as its basis.  相似文献   

The sex‐ratio X‐chromosome (SR) is a selfish chromosome that promotes its own transmission to the next generation by destroying Y‐bearing sperm in the testes of carrier males. In some natural populations of the fly Drosophila neotestacea, up to 30% of the X‐chromosomes are SR chromosomes. To investigate the molecular evolutionary history and consequences of SR, we sequenced SR and standard (ST) males at 11 X‐linked loci that span the ST X‐chromosome and at seven arbitrarily chosen autosomal loci from a sample of D. neotestacea males from throughout the species range. We found that the evolutionary relationship between ST and SR varies among individual markers, but genetic differentiation between SR and ST is chromosome‐wide and likely due to large chromosomal inversions that suppress recombination. However, SR does not consist of a single multilocus haplotype: we find evidence for gene flow between ST and SR at every locus assayed. Furthermore, we do not find long‐distance linkage disequilibrium within SR chromosomes, suggesting that recombination occurs in females homozygous for SR. Finally, polymorphism on SR is reduced compared to that on ST, and loci displaying signatures of selection on ST do not show similar patterns on SR. Thus, even if selection is less effective on SR, our results suggest that gene flow with ST and recombination between SR chromosomes may prevent the accumulation of deleterious mutations and allow its long‐term persistence at relatively high frequencies.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes can evolve gene contents that differ from the rest of the genome, as well as larger sex differences in gene expression compared with autosomes. This probably occurs because fully sex‐linked beneficial mutations substitute at different rates from autosomal ones, especially when fitness effects are sexually antagonistic (SA). The evolutionary properties of genes located in the recombining pseudoautosomal region (PAR) of a sex chromosome have not previously been modeled in detail. Such PAR genes differ from classical sex‐linked genes by having two alleles at a locus in both sexes; in contrast to autosomal genes, however, variants can become associated with gender. The evolutionary fates of PAR genes may therefore differ from those of either autosomal or fully sex‐linked genes. Here, we model their evolutionary dynamics by deriving expressions for the selective advantages of PAR gene mutations under different conditions. We show that, unless selection is very strong, the probability of invasion of a population by an SA mutation is usually similar to that of an autosomal mutation, unless there is close linkage to the sex‐determining region. Most PAR genes should thus evolve similarly to autosomal rather than sex‐linked genes, unless recombination is very rare in the PAR.  相似文献   

One characteristic of sex chromosomes is the accumulation of a set of different types of repetitive DNA sequences in the Y chromosomes. However, little is known about how this occurs or about how the absence of recombination affects the subsequent evolutionary fate of the repetitive sequences in the Y chromosome. Here we compare the evolutionary pathways leading to the appearance of three different families of satellite-DNA sequences within the genomes of Rumex acetosa and R. papillaris, two dioecious plant species with a complex XX/XY1Y2 sex-chromosome system. We have found that two of these families, one autosomic (the RAE730 family) and one Y-linked (the RAYSI family), arose independently from the ancestral duplication of the same 120-bp repeat unit. Conversely, a comparative analysis of the three satellite-DNA families reveals no evolutionary relationships between these two and the third, RAE180, also located in the Y chromosomes. However, we have demonstrated that, regardless of the mechanisms that gave rise to these families, satellite-DNA sequences have different evolutionary fates according to their location in different types of chromosomes. Specifically, those in the Y chromosomes have evolved at half the rate of those in the autosomes, our results supporting the hypothesis that satellite DNAs in nonrecombining Y chromosomes undergo lower rates of sequence evolution and homogenization than do satellite DNAs in autosomes.[Reviewing Editor: DR. Jerzy Jurka]  相似文献   

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