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Species-specific obligate pollination mutualism between Glochidion trees (Euphorbiaceae) and Epicephala moths (Gracillariidae) involves a large number of interacting species and resembles the classically known fig-fig wasp and yucca-yucca moth associations. To assess the extent of parallel cladogenesis in Glochidion-Epicephala association, we reconstruct phylogenetic relationships of 18 species of Glochidion using nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences (internal and external transcribed spacers) and those of the corresponding 18 Epicephala species using mitochondrial (the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene) and nuclear DNA sequences (the arginine kinase and elongation factor-1alpha genes). Based on the obtained phylogenies, we determine whether Glochidion and Epicephala have undergone parallel diversification using several different methods for investigating the level of cospeciation between phylogenies. These tests indicate that there is generally a greater degree of correlation between Glochidion and Epicephala phylogenies than expected in a random association, but the results are sensitive to selection of different phylogenetic hypotheses and analytical methods for evaluating cospeciation. Perfect congruence between phylogenies is not found in this association, which likely resulted from host shift by the moths. The observed significant discrepancy between Glochidion and Epicephala phylogenies implies that the one-to-one specificity between the plants and moths has been maintained through a complex speciation process or that there is an underestimated diversity of association between Glochidion trees and Epicephala moths.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation can evolve between species as a byproduct of adaptation to different niches, through reinforcement, and by direct selection on mating preferences. We investigated the potential role of direct selection in the reproductive isolation between sympatric species of threespine sticklebacks. Each sympatric pair consists of a small-bodied limnetic species and large-bodied benthic species. We compared the mate preferences and courtship behavior of males from one sympatric limnetic population and two allopatric populations. We used limnetic-like allopatric populations to control for the effects of ecological character displacement and adaptation to different niches on mate preferences. The sympatric limnetic males preferred the small limnetic females, whereas the allopatric limnetic-like males preferred the large benthic females, suggesting that adaptation to the limnetic niche does not automatically confer a preference for small limnetic females. This reproductive character displacement of male preference is consistent with the predictions of both reinforcement and direct selection on mate preferences. To test for direct selection, we assessed a prediction of one proposed mechanism: predation by benthic females on eggs guarded by limnetic males. The allopatric males come from populations in which there is no egg predation. Sympatric limnetic males were more aggressive toward benthic females than toward limnetic females, whereas the allopatric limnetic-like males did not treat the two types of females differently. The contrast in male behavior suggests that egg predation has shaped male preferences. Direct selection is potentially more effective than indirect selection via reinforcement, and it is likely that it has been important in building up reproductive isolation between limnetic and benthic sticklebacks.  相似文献   

Evolutionary change in New World Monkey (NWM) skulls occurred primarily along the line of least resistance defined by size (including allometric) variation ( gmax ). Although the direction of evolution was aligned with this axis, it was not clear whether this macroevolutionary pattern results from the conservation of within population genetic covariance patterns (long‐term constraint) or long‐term selection along a size dimension, or whether both, constraints and selection, were inextricably involved. Furthermore, G ‐matrix stability can also be a consequence of selection, which implies that both, constraints embodied in gmax and evolutionary changes observed on the trait averages, would be influenced by selection. Here, we describe a combination of approaches that allows one to test whether any particular instance of size evolution is a correlated by‐product due to constraints ( gmax ) or is due to direct selection on size and apply it to NWM lineages as a case study. The approach is based on comparing the direction and amount of evolutionary change produced by two different simulated sets of net‐selection gradients ( β ), a size (isometric and allometric size) and a nonsize set. Using this approach it is possible to distinguish between the two hypotheses (indirect size evolution due to constraints or direct selection on size), because although both may produce an evolutionary response aligned with gmax , the amount of change produced by random selection operating through the variance/covariance patterns (constraints hypothesis) will be much smaller than that produced by selection on size (selection hypothesis). Furthermore, the alignment of simulated evolutionary changes with gmax when selection is not on size is not as tight as when selection is actually on size, allowing a statistical test of whether a particular observed case of evolution along the line of least resistance is the result of selection along it or not. Also, with matrix diagonalization (principal components [PC]) it is possible to calculate directly the net‐selection gradient on size alone (first PC [PC1]) by dividing the amount of phenotypic difference between any two populations by the amount of variation in PC1, which allows one to benchmark whether selection was on size or not.  相似文献   

Abstract— Indoleamine- N -methyltransferase (INMT) activity in brain and other tissues from various species was investigated. Using conventional radiochemical assay techniques it was found that apparent INMT activity in brain was linear with time and concentration of protein, indoleamine substrate and methyl donor ( S -adenosylmethionine). However, examination of the reaction products by means of exhaustive thin-layer chromatographic analysis failed to reveal evidence of significant N -methylation of tryptamine or N -methyltryptamine by S -adenosylmethionine. By contrast, with other tissues, notably rabbit lung. N -methylation of indoleamine was reproducibly demonstrable. The significance of these findings with reference to the transmethylation hypothesis of schizophrenia is discussed.  相似文献   

Few studies have determined whether formal estimates of selection explain patterns of trait divergence among populations, yet this is one approach for evaluating whether the populations are in equilibria. If adaptive divergence is complete, directional selection should be absent and stabilizing selection should prevail. We estimated natural selection, due to bear predation, acting on the body size and shape of male salmon in three breeding populations that experience differing predation regimes. Our approach was to (1) estimate selection acting within each population on each trait based on an empirical estimate of reproductive activity, (2) test for trait divergence among populations, and (3) test whether selection coefficients were correlated with trait divergence among populations. Stabilizing selection was never significant, indicating that these populations have yet to attain equilibria. Directional selection varied among populations in a manner consistent with trait divergence, indicating ongoing population differentiation. Specifically, the rank order of the creeks in terms of patterns of selection paralleled the rank order in terms of size and shape. The shortest and least deep-bodied males had the highest reproductive activity in the creek with the most intense predation and longer and deeper-bodied males were favored in the creeks with lower predation risk.  相似文献   

To determine whether California horn snails are more likely to be consumers or facilitators of Ulva expansa (Setch) S. & G. growth in estuaries, we conducted manipulative experiments that evaluated algal growth and the movement of N between the water column, algal tissue, and, in the second experiment, sediments. Algae grew poorly in the absence of sediments, drawing on their own sequestered N supplies (3.5% of dry weight reduced to <2%) and N released by snails and by depleting inorganic N in the water column. There was no evidence of consumption when snail densities ranged from 0 to 900.m?2 (0, 3, 6, and 9 per aquarium), as algal growth was similar for all snail densities, and snail lengths did not increase during the 21–d experiment. when sediment was provided, N was depleted in the sediment and enhanced in the algal tissue. As in the first experiment, the water column was depleted of inorganic N and enriched with organic N, mostly in the dissolved form. Because both snails and macroalgae often dominate the shallow waters of southern California's lagoons and estuaries, our evidence that the snails are primarily facilitators of algal growth (via transfer of N from sediments to the water column) suggests that snails may play an important role in both food web and N dynamics.  相似文献   

There has been recent criticism of experiments that applied enforced monogamous mating to species with a long history of promiscuity. These experiments indicated that the newly introduced monogamy reversed sexually antagonistic coevolution and caused males to evolve to be less harmful to their mates and females to evolve reduced resistance to harm from males. Several authors have proposed alternative interpretations of these experimental results based on qualitative analysis. If well-founded, these criticisms would invalidate an important part of the empirical foundation for sexually antagonistic coevolution between the sexes. Although these criticisms have a reasonable basis in principle, we find that after quantitative evaluation that they are not supported.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Wright et al. (2003) argue for the hypothesis that greater biologically available energy elevates the rate of molecular evolution. However, their results are also consistent with alternative hypotheses that invoke either environmentally driven variation in effective population sizes, or natural selection, or both. The available energy gradient cited by Wright et al. is linearly correlated with temperature fluctuations, and the observed rate heterogeneity could be a consequence of this environmental variability. The distribution of phylogenetic branch lengths alone is insufficient to distinguish between the hypotheses, and complementary approaches are suggested.  相似文献   

Introgression from a resident species into an invading one is predicted to occur through the demographic process of "allele surfing," and to particularly affect genomic regions transmitted by the lower migrating sex, such as mtDNA. This could explain that northern Iberian populations of Lepus granatensis harbor high frequencies of mtDNA from L. timidus, an arctic hare it replaced there after deglaciation. We report that variation of introgressed timidus-like mtDNA reflects several predicted effects of this process: increasing frequency and diversity in the direction of expansion, strong perpendicular phylogeographic structure and signs of postglacial demographic growth. However, demographic inferences for the granatensis and timidus-like mtDNA lineages suggest the latter may have outcompeted the former in northern Iberia. Autosomal introgression occurs at low frequencies and species-wide rather than only in the north. If this difference with mtDNA resulted from sex-biased migration, an intermediate pattern should prevail for the X-chromosome, but we report species-wide and high-frequency introgression of an X-fragment. Either selection favored this ubiquitous X-introgression, or more complex postglacial expansion patterns prevailed, with different consequences depending on the genomic and geographic region. This illustrates the difficulty of distinguishing demographic and selective effects and the need for genome and species-wide based demographic models.  相似文献   

Gene flow among populations can enhance local adaptation if it introduces new genetic variants available for selection, but strong gene flow can also stall adaptation by swamping locally beneficial genes. These outcomes can depend on population size, genetic variation, and the environmental context. Gene flow patterns may align with geographic distance (IBD—isolation by distance), whereby immigration rates are inversely proportional to the distance between populations. Alternatively gene flow may follow patterns of isolation by environment (IBE), whereby gene flow rates are higher among similar environments. Finally, gene flow may be highest among dissimilar environments (counter‐gradient gene flow), the classic “gene‐swamping” scenario. Here we survey relevant studies to determine the prevalence of each pattern across environmental gradients. Of 70 studies, we found evidence of IBD in 20.0%, IBE in 37.1%, and both patterns in 37.1%. In addition, 10.0% of studies exhibited counter‐gradient gene flow. In total, 74.3% showed significant IBE patterns. This predominant IBE pattern of gene flow may have arisen directly through natural selection or reflect other adaptive and nonadaptive processes leading to nonrandom gene flow. It also precludes gene swamping as a widespread phenomenon. Implications for evolutionary processes and management under rapidly changing environments (e.g., climate change) are discussed.  相似文献   

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