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Two pot trials and one field trial were established to investigate the effects of organic and inorganic fertilizer applications to energy crops grown in mid‐Wales. Chicken litter and sewage cake applied at a high level in excess of MAFF recommendations produced an increased yield response in Miscanthus and Arundo plants. Miscanthus plants exhibited an increased growth response to all fertilizers applied in its second year. Fertilizer applications in accordance with MAFF recommendations produced no significant differences in yields for Miscanthus or Arundo potted plants. In the field there was an increased yield response of Miscanthus to inorganic nitrogen applications compared with organic manures, but not with control plots. Analysis of the Miscanthus plant material at harvest showed significant differences in the nitrogen, potassium and copper content between treatments. No mineral content differences were shown for Miscanthus rhizome material or Arundo plant material. The Phalaris plants did not exhibit significant differences in growth or yield parameters, but their plant matter showed differences in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulphur and boron content between treatments.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding by the armored scale, Rhizaspidiotus donacis (Leonardi, 1920) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) on the growth of the plant Arundo donax L. (Poaceae) was evaluated under field conditions in its native range. The study was designed to evaluate the impact of R. donacis, a candidate agent for biological control of A. donax which is invasive in arid riparian ecosystems of the Southwestern USA and Mexico. The study was carried out at five A. donax sites in the Province of Alicante, Spain, differing in altitude and climate. At each site, 30 infested lateral shoots were selected and 15 were randomly treated monthly with imidacloprid insecticide. Shoot lengths were measured monthly over a 1-year period in a comparative growth analysis. Shoots infested with R. donacis had an over 2-fold reduced growth rate as compared to treated shoots. Growth of shoots varied by site, and the effect of R. donacis on growth was most pronounced in the late spring, when mature females produced first instar scale crawlers. The impact of R. donacis on A. donax growth under field conditions in the native range, combined with its narrow host specificity, indicate that R. donacis is a promising candidate for biological control of A. donax in North America and other areas invaded by this weed.  相似文献   

This paper provides spatial estimates of potentially available biomass for bioenergy in Australia in 2010, 2030 and 2050 (under clearly stated assumptions) for the following biomass sources: crop stubble, native grasses, pulpwood and residues (created either during forest harvesting or wood processing) from plantations and native forests, bagasse, organic municipal solid waste and new short‐rotation tree crops. For each biomass type, we estimated annual potential availability at the finest scale possible with readily accessible data, and then aggregated to make estimates for each of 60 Statistical Divisions (administrative areas) across Australia. The potentially available lignocellulosic biomass is estimated at approximately 80 Mt per year, with the major contributors of crop stubble (27.7 Mt per year), grasses (19.7 Mt per year) and forest plantations (10.9 Mt per year). Over the next 20–40 years, total potentially available biomass could increase to 100–115 Mt per year, with new plantings of short‐rotation trees being the major source of the increase (14.7 Mt per year by 2030 and 29.3 Mt per year by 2050). We exclude oilseeds, algae and ‘regrowth’, that is woody vegetation naturally regenerating on previously cleared land, which may be important in several regions of Australia (Australian Forestry 77 , 2014, 1; Global Change Biology Bioenergy 7 , 2015, 497). We briefly discuss some of the challenges to providing a reliable and sustainable supply of the large amounts of biomass required to build a bioenergy industry of significant scale. More detailed regional analyses, including of the costs of delivered biomass, logistics and economics of harvest, transport and storage, competing markets for biomass and a full assessment of the sustainability of production are needed to underpin investment in specific conversion facilities (e.g. Opportunities for forest bioenergy: An assessment of the environmental and economic opportunities and constraints associated with bioenergy production from biomass resources in two prospective regions of Australia, 2011a).  相似文献   

Ceratapion basicorne is a weevil native to Europe and western Asia that is being evaluated as a prospective classical biological control agent of Centaurea solstitialis (yellow starthistle) in the United States. Choice oviposition experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions to help assess host-plant specificity of the insect. Mean oviposition rates were highest on C. solstitialis (66% of eggs, on a per replicate basis) followed by Centaurea cyanus (bachelor's button 22%), Centaurea melitensis (6%), Centaurea americana (1%), Saussurea americana (3%) and Carthamus tinctorius (safflower 2%). Adult feeding damage followed a similar pattern; however, there was less oviposition relative to the amount of adult feeding on each of the non-target species than on the target host plant, C. solstitialis. Thirteen safflower varieties were tested, and oviposition occurred on eight of them, at low rates. Adult feeding occurred on all safflower varieties tested, although at rates much lower than on yellow starthistle. The results were intermediate between those of previously reported no-choice laboratory and open field experiments. Overall, the combined results support the hypothesis that C. basicorne is not likely to attack any of the non-target plant species tested here except possibly C. cyanus and C. melitensis, which are both invasive alien plants.  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas L. (jatropha) is a species identified for biofuel production because of the high quality of the oil produced by its seeds. However, jatropha is undomesticated and little information is available about its reproductive characteristics. Breeding and genetic improvement programs are much needed for the jatropha development as a bioenergy crop. Information about floral display and mode of reproduction are considered essential for breeding programs. In this study, the total number of female flowers, male to female flower ratio, fruit set, in vitro pollen germination, and the formation of fruits by apomixis, self‐pollination, and natural pollination were evaluated in 17 jatropha accessions planted in South Florida. The total number of female flowers per inflorescence and male to female flower ration ranged from 2.8 to 9.1 and 9.9:1 to 55.4 : 1, respectively. During summer 2011, high fruit setting average was observed (75.5%). In vitro pollen germination varied from 64.6% during spring 2011 to 51.6% during fall 2011. The fruit set observed was from 10.1% to 64.0% through natural pollination and apomixes, respectively. Characteristics such as fruit fresh weight, number of seeds per fruit, seed dry weight, and oil content were influenced by mode of reproduction.  相似文献   

China has conducted many ecological restoration projects to alleviate environmental degradation, with numerous alien species having good adaptability widely used for fast effect. However, unsuitable plant selection may bring negative impacts and even cause biological invasion. Weed risk assessment (WRA) is therefore indispensable, yet it is often contentious especially concerning those species that has been widely utilized before weedy attributes were noted. In this paper, we take Rhus typhina L. as an example to illustrate how scientific researches and social factors can influence the evaluation of alien species and cause challenge to WRA. The evaluation of this species is not only a pure scientific issue but also influenced by many factors such as the introduction history, current utilization status in afforestation, and divergent underlying values varying through persons and sectors. These factors determined the kind of data to be assessed, which lead to different evaluations, therefore, causing challenge to its WRA. We further examined newly officially released WRA system in China from the invasion biology viewpoint, arguing that it had some major flaws in design and validation and need much improvement. Considering the human dimension and biological characters together, we suggest that the “black list” and “green list” approaches with rigorous expert assessment should be adopted simultaneously in alien species management in China.  相似文献   

Sustainable development of a bioenergy industry will require low‐cost, high‐yielding biomass feedstock of desirable quality. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is one of the primary feedstock candidates in North America, but the potential to grow this biomass crop using fertility from biosolids has not been fully explored. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of harvest frequency and biosolids application on switchgrass in Virginia, USA. ‘Cave‐in‐Rock’ switchgrass from well‐established plots was cut once (November) or twice (July and November) per year between 2010 and 2012. Class A biosolids were applied once at rates of 0, 153, 306, and 459 kg N ha?1 in May 2010. Biomass yield, neutral and acid detergent fiber, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and ash were determined. Theoretical ethanol potential (TEP, l ethanol Mg?1 biomass) and yield (TEY, l ethanol ha?1) were calculated based on cellulose and hemicellulose concentrations. Cutting twice per season produced greater biomass yields than one cutting (11.7 vs. 9.8 Mg ha?1) in 2011, but no differences were observed in other years. Cutting once produced feedstock with greater TEP (478 vs. 438 l Mg?1), but no differences in TEY between cutting frequencies. Biosolids applied at 153, 306, and 459 kg N ha?1 increased biomass yields by 25%, 37%, and 46%, and TEY by 25%, 34%, and 42%, respectively. Biosolids had inconsistent effects on feedstock quality and TEP. A single, end‐of‐season harvest likely will be preferred based on apparent advantages in feedstock quality. Biosolids can serve as an effective alternative to N fertilizer in switchgrass‐to‐energy systems.  相似文献   

The use of crop residues for bioenergy production needs to be carefully assessed because of the potential negative impact on the level of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. The impact varies with environmental conditions and crop management practices and needs to be considered when harvesting the residue for bioenergy productions. Here, we defined the sustainable harvest limits as the maximum rates that do not diminish SOC and quantified sustainable harvest limits for wheat residue across Australia's agricultural lands. We divided the study area into 9432 climate‐soil (CS) units and simulated the dynamics of SOC in a continuous wheat cropping system over 122 years (1889 – 2010) using the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM). We simulated management practices including six fertilization rates (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, and 200 kg N ha?1) and five residue harvest rates (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%). We mapped the sustainable limits for each fertilization rate and assessed the effects of fertilization and three key environmental variables – initial SOC, temperature, and precipitation – on sustainable residue harvest rates. We found that, with up to 75 kg N ha?1 fertilization, up to 75% and 50% of crop residue could be sustainably harvested in south‐western and south‐eastern Australia, respectively. Higher fertilization rates achieved little further increase in sustainable residue harvest rates. Sustainable residue harvest rates were principally determined by climate and soil conditions, especially the initial SOC content and temperature. We conclude that environmental conditions and management practices should be considered to guide the harvest of crop residue for bioenergy production and thereby reduce greenhouse gas emissions during the life cycle of bioenergy production.  相似文献   

Miscanthus sinensis (Anderss.) is a perennial grass species that has been grown widely as an ornamental since the late 1800s and is now being considered for bioenergy production in the United States. With its ability to be grown from seed and tolerate cold climates, this species offers practical advantages over current cultivars of the higher‐yielding hybrid species, M.×giganteus. Yet a large‐scale release of M. sinensis for bioenergy production in colder northern regions could result in new invasions into natural areas. We show, with reference to historical records and data collected in six wild US populations of M. sinensis in 2009, that ornamental varieties of this species have a long history of localized escape in the Eastern United States, primarily within the Appalachian region. To prevent further escape and gene flow, we recommend the development of sterile or functionally sterile varieties of M. sinensis or the restriction of its usage as a donor of genetic material to new sterile cultivars of M. ×giganteus. Other appropriate precautions for new biomass varieties include experimental demonstration of low invasiveness in the target region ahead of commercial production, along with postintroduction stewardship programs.  相似文献   

The latent potential for problematic weed growth in a hydro-lake is proportional to water level fluctuation, water clarity, lake shape, littoral gradient and exposure to wave action. These five factors were used to assess a score for measuring the latent potential for weed impact and each factor was allocated a score of 1–5, with a theoretical maximum of 25. Any hydro-lake scoring above 15 could be expected to present potential inconvenience to power generation, given the presence of suitable submerged weed species. Assessment of potential impact arising from weed invasion must firstly determine what species are already established, and whether it is possible for a weed species of greater potential impact to be introduced. The risk of this occurring is dependent upon a number of factors, including public accessibility, proximity to sources of those species and the desirability of the waterbody to potential weed vectors. Once these factors are quantified, appropriate surveillance strategies in high-risk hydro-lakes may then be developed.  相似文献   

The shoot tip-galling wasp Tetramesa romana Walker (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) has been released for biological control of giant reed or arundo (Arundo donax L.) (Poaceae), an invasive grass in the USA and Mexico. The role of urea fertilization to improve plant-based mass-rearing was examined. In a greenhouse study, rhizomes were fertilized with urea pellets at rates equivalent to 1000 kg (low), 2000 kg (moderate), and 4000 (high) kg N per ha–1. Total nitrogen content of ungalled stems was significantly 0.60–0.65% higher under low and moderate fertilization compared to unfertilized pots, and shoot water content was elevated 3–4% at all urea levels. Moderate fertilization significantly (by 1.4-fold) increased the relative growth rate of all shoots in pots, but did not affect final dry biomass. Fertilization did not affect number and duration of probing events by females. The percentage of shoots colonized by wasps that were galled, progeny production per shoot and per female, and emergent wasp size were not affected. However, average generation time (adult to adult) of emergent wasps was 4–5 days shorter on shoots in pots under moderate and high urea fertilization. After a four-week wasp emergence period, only 3–9% of progeny remained in fertilized shoots, while 21% of progeny remained inside unfertilized shoots. In field plots, fertilization did not affect gall density per m shoot length or per female released. Urea fertilization increased the efficiency of greenhouse rearing of the arundo wasp and availability of adults for release, even without direct effects on gall production.  相似文献   

Sweetcane (Erianthus arundinaceus [Retzius] Jeswiet) is an ecologically dominant warm‐season perennial grass native to southern China. It traditionally plays an important role in sugarcane breeding due to its excellent biological traits and genetic relatedness to sugarcane. Recent studies have shown that sweetcane has a great potential in bioenergy and environmental remediation. The objective of this paper is to review the current research on sweetcane biology, phenology, biogeography, agronomy, and conversion technology, in order to explore its development as a bioenergy crop with environmental remediation potential. Sweetcane is resistant to a variety of stressors and can adapt to different growth environments. It can be used for ecological restoration, soil and water conservation, contaminated land repairing, nonpoint source pollutants barriers in buffer strips along surface waters, and as an ornamental and remediation plant on roadsides and in wetlands. Sweetcane exhibits higher biomass yield, calorific value and cellulose content than other bioenergy crops under the same growth conditions, thereby indicating its superior potential in second‐generation biofuel production. However, research on sweetcane as a bioenergy plant is still in its infancy. More works need be conducted on breeding, cultivation, genetic transformation, and energy conversion technologies.  相似文献   

Five years post-release of the arundo gall wasp, Tetramesa romana, into the riparian habitats of the lower Rio Grande River, changes in the health of the invasive weed, Arundo donax, or giant reed, have been documented. These changes in plant attributes are fairly consistent along the study area of 558 river miles between Del Rio and Brownsville, TX, and support the hypothesis that the arundo wasp has had a significant impact as a biological control agent. Plant attributes were measured prior to release in 10 quadrats at each of 10 field sites in 2007, and measured again at the same undisturbed sites, 5 years after the release of T. romana, in 2014. Above ground biomass of A. donax decreased on average by 22% across the 10 sites. This decline in biomass was negatively correlated to increased total numbers of T. romana exit holes in main and lateral shoots per site in 2014 compared to 2007. Changes in biomass, live shoot density and shoot lengths, especially the positive effect of galling on main and lateral shoot mortality, appear to be leading to a consistent decline of A. donax. Economically, this reduction in A. donax biomass is estimated to be saving 4.4 million dollars per year in agricultural water. Additional impacts are expected as populations of the wasp increase and as other biological control agents such as the arundo scale, Rhizaspidiotus donacis, become more widespread.  相似文献   

Miscanthus×giganteus, Arundo donax and Phalaris arundinacea were planted at three sites in Wales, UK, to study the timing of mineral and moisture decline during autumn and winter. The mineral and moisture content at several harvest dates throughout the period were compared with power station threshold levels. All crops showed a highly significant decrease in moisture content in all years with the exception of Arundo which did not lose moisture in the final year. The Miscanthus and Arundo crops remained above the moisture content threshold in all years and would require further drying before combustion. The Phalaris fell below the moisture threshold in January. The Miscanthus leaves fell below the nitrogen threshold before leaf abscission at one site but not at another, although the cane remained mostly within the guideline range. Both its leaves and cane remained above the potassium threshold level. Its leaf sulphur fell within acceptable levels during November and its cane remained below the lowest threshold from November onwards. The Arundo leaves remained above the nitrogen, potassium and sulphur thresholds throughout the period and it did not lose its leaves. The cane nitrogen increased above the threshold during autumn whereas its potassium remained higher than its threshold, with the exception of one sampling date at one site. Its sulphur remained within the guidelines. The Phalaris crop fell to within nitrogen guidelines at one site but increased at the other. Its potassium decreased to below the threshold at both sites in January, and its sulphur content was consistently within the guidelines.  相似文献   

To assess the validity of previously developed risk assessment schemes in the conditions of Central Europe, we tested (1) Australian weed risk assessment scheme (WRA; Pheloung et al . 1999); (2) WRA with additional analysis by Daehler et al . (2004); and (3) decision tree scheme of Reichard and Hamilton (1997) developed in North America, on a data set of 180 alien woody species commonly planted in the Czech Republic. This list included 17 invasive species, 9 naturalized but non-invasive, 31 casual aliens, and 123 species not reported to escape from cultivation. The WRA model with additional analysis provided best results, rejecting 100% of invasive species, accepting 83.8% of non-invasive, and recommending further 13.0% for additional analysis. Overall accuracy of the WRA model with additional analysis was 85.5%, higher than that of the basic WRA scheme (67.9%) and the Reichard–Hamilton model (61.6%). Only the Reichard–Hamilton scheme accepted some invaders. The probability that an accepted species will become an invader was zero for both WRA models and 3.2% for the Reichard–Hamilton model. The probability that a rejected species would have been an invader was 77.3% for both WRA models and 24.0% for the Reichard–Hamilton model. It is concluded that the WRA model, especially with additional analysis, appears to be a promising template for building a widely applicable system for screening out invasive plant introductions.  相似文献   

Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi (Anacardiaceae) is an introduced ornamental tree from South America that has become one of the most invasive weeds in Hawaii and Florida, USA. Exploratory surveys in the plant’s native range from 1950 to 2014 identified several potential biological control agents. One of these is the leaflet rolling moth Episimus unguiculus Clarke (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), previously known as Episimus utilis Zimmerman. This biological control agent was released in Hawaii in the 1950s where high densities were occasionally observed, leading to partial control of S. terebinthifolia by the 1960s. Larvae are leaf tiers capable of completely defoliating small plants. In order to investigate the release of E. unguiculus in the continental USA, a series of laboratory no- choice, and multiple-choice tests were conducted in Florida, and a preliminary open field test with a native plant in Hawaii. Under the confined laboratory conditions imposed during the no-choice tests, E. unguiculus accepted the economically important Pistacia spp. and several other non-target plants for oviposition and development. However, in the multiple-choice tests E. unguiculus exhibited a clear preference for S. terebinthifolia relative to non-target plants accepted in the no-choice tests. Overall, the results of field observations during surveys in South America and Hawaii and host range studies completed in Hawaii and Florida showed that E. unguiculus is a narrow specialist on S. terebinthifolia, its natural host plant.  相似文献   

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