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Parker TH Wilkin TA Barr IR Sheldon BC Rowe L Griffith SC 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2011,24(7):1584-1597
Avian plumage colours are some of the most conspicuous sexual ornaments, and yet standardized selection gradients for plumage colour have rarely been quantified. We examined patterns of fecundity selection on plumage colour in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus L.). When not accounting for environmental heterogeneity, we detected relatively few cases of selection. We found significant disruptive selection on adult male crown colour and yearling female chest colour and marginally nonsignificant positive linear selection on adult female crown colour. We discovered no new significant selection gradients with canonical rotation of the matrix of nonlinear selection. Next, using a long-term data set, we identified territory-level environmental variables that predicted fecundity to determine whether these variables influenced patterns of plumage selection. The first of these variables, the density of oaks within 50 m of the nest, influenced selection gradients only for yearling males. The second variable, an inverse function of nesting density, interacted with a subset of plumage selection gradients for yearling males and adult females, although the strength and direction of selection did not vary predictably with population density across these analyses. Overall, fecundity selection on plumage colour in blue tits appeared rare and inconsistent among sexes and age classes. 相似文献
Adam G. Jones 《Molecular ecology resources》2015,15(6):1396-1402
Bateman's principles continue to play a major role in the characterization of genetic mating systems in natural populations. The modern manifestations of Bateman's ideas include the opportunity for sexual selection (i.e. Is – the variance in relative mating success), the opportunity for selection (i.e. I – the variance in relative reproductive success) and the Bateman gradient (i.e. βss – the slope of the least‐squares regression of reproductive success on mating success). These variables serve as the foundation for one convenient approach for the quantification of mating systems. However, their estimation presents at least two challenges, which I address here with a new Windows‐based computer software package called batemanater . The first challenge is that confidence intervals for these variables are not easy to calculate. batemanater solves this problem using a bootstrapping approach. The second, more serious, problem is that direct estimates of mating system variables from open populations will typically be biased if some potential progeny or adults are missing from the analysed sample. batemanater addresses this problem using a maximum‐likelihood approach to estimate mating system variables from incompletely sampled breeding populations. The current version of batemanater addresses the problem for systems in which progeny can be collected in groups of half‐ or full‐siblings, as would occur when eggs are laid in discrete masses or offspring occur in pregnant females. batemanater has a user‐friendly graphical interface and thus represents a new, convenient tool for the characterization and comparison of genetic mating systems. 相似文献
Doutrelant C Grégoire A Grnac N Gomez D Lambrechts MM Perret P 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2008,21(1):226-233
It is poorly understood whether female morphological and behavioural traits can be used as 'signals'. In particular, experimental tests of the hypothesis that female ornaments reflect quality are scarce. Here, we experimentally examine whether female plumage coloration might signal maternal quality in the blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus by forcing half of the females breeding in our population to produce a replacement clutch. Using statistical models that controlled for the effects of male coloration, and the effects of age and condition of both parents, we found that carotenoid-based female coloration was positively linked to key proxies of bird lifetime reproductive success: clutch size, fledgling success and recruitment. Importantly, the relationships between maternal yellow carotenoid coloration and both clutch size and recruitment were stronger in the experimental group than in the control group, indicating that breeding females with higher values of yellow coloration were better able to handle the cost of producing a second clutch. Finally, UV-blue female coloration was positively linked to female survival and marginally linked to laying date. Taken together, these results show for the first time in a natural population that female coloration can indicate individual and maternal quality under natural and adverse reproductive conditions. They highlight the potential for the evolution of female ornamental traits through sexual selection. 相似文献
Kenyon B. Mobley Adam G. Jones 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2013,67(3):646-660
The genetic mating system is a key component of the sexual selection process, yet methods for the quantification of mating systems remain controversial. One approach involves metrics derived from Bateman's principles, which are based on variances in mating and reproductive success and the relationship between them. However, these measures are extremely difficult to measure for both sexes in open populations, because missing data can result in biased estimates. Here, we develop a novel approach for the estimation of mating system metrics based on Bateman's principles and apply it to a microsatellite‐based parentage analysis of a natural population of the dusky pipefish, Syngnathus floridae. Our results show that both male and female dusky pipefish have significantly positive Bateman gradients. However, females exhibit larger values of the opportunity for sexual selection and the opportunity for selection compared to males. These differences translate into a maximum intensity of sexual selection () for females three times larger than that for males. Overall, this study identifies a critical source of bias that affects studies of mating systems in open populations, presents a novel method for overcoming this bias, and applies this method for the first time in a sex‐role‐reversed pipefish. 相似文献
Sebastian Wacker Trond Amundsen Elisabet Forsgren Kenyon B. Mobley 《Molecular ecology》2014,23(14):3587-3599
The strength of sexual selection may vary between species, among populations and within populations over time. While there is growing evidence that sexual selection may vary between years, less is known about variation in sexual selection within a season. Here, we investigate within‐season variation in sexual selection in male two‐spotted gobies (Gobiusculus flavescens). This marine fish experiences a seasonal change in the operational sex ratio from male‐ to female‐biased, resulting in a dramatic decrease in male mating competition over the breeding season. We therefore expected stronger sexual selection on males early in the season. We sampled nests and nest‐holding males early and late in the breeding season and used microsatellite markers to determine male mating and reproductive success. We first analysed sexual selection associated with the acquisition of nests by comparing nest‐holding males to population samples. Among nest‐holders, we calculated the potential strength of sexual selection and selection on phenotypic traits. We found remarkable within‐season variation in sexual selection. Selection on male body size related to nest acquisition changed from positive to negative over the season. The opportunity for sexual selection among nest‐holders was significantly greater early in the season rather than late in the season, partly due to more unmated males. Overall, our study documents a within‐season change in sexual selection that corresponds with a predictable change in the operational sex ratio. We suggest that many species may experience within‐season changes in sexual selection and that such dynamics are important for understanding how sexual selection operates in the wild. 相似文献
Felipe S. Barreto John C. Avise 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2010,277(1696):2951-2956
Taxa in which males alone invest in postzygotic care of offspring are often considered good models for investigating the proffered relationships between sexual selection and mating systems. In the pycnogonid sea spider Pycnogonum stearnsi, males carry large egg masses on their bodies for several weeks, so this species is a plausible candidate for sex-role reversal (greater intensity of sexual selection on females than on males). Here, we couple a microsatellite-based assessment of the mating system in a natural population with formal quantitative measures of genetic fitness to investigate the direction of sexual selection in P. stearnsi. Both sexes proved to be highly polygamous and showed similar standardized variances in reproductive and mating successes. Moreover, the fertility (number of progeny) of males and females appeared to be equally and highly dependent on mate access, as shown by similar Bateman gradients for the two sexes. The absence of sex-role reversal in this population of P. stearnsi is probably attributable to the fact that males are not limited by brooding space but have evolved an ability to carry large numbers of progeny. Body length was not a good predictor of male mating or reproductive success, so the aim of future studies should be to determine what traits are the targets of sexual selection in this species. 相似文献
The operational sex ratio (OSR) has long been assumed to be a key ecological factor determining the opportunity and direction of sexual selection. However, recent theoretical work has challenged this view, arguing that a biased OSR does not necessarily result in greater monopolisation of mates and therefore stronger sexual selection in the mate‐limited sex. Hence, the role of the OSR for shaping animal mating systems remains a conundrum in sexual selection research. Here we took a meta‐analytic approach to test whether OSR explains interspecific variation in sexual selection metrics across a broad range of animal taxa. Our results demonstrate that the OSR predicts the opportunity for sexual selection in males and the direction of sexual selection in terms of sex differences in both the opportunity for sexual selection and the Bateman gradient (i.e. the selection differential of mating success), as predicted by classic theory. 相似文献
Mating outside the pair-bond occurs frequently in socially monogamous birds, but the benefits that females gain from this behaviour remain debated. One hypothesis is that females engage in extra-pair copulations (EPCs) to ensure that their clutch is fertilised in case their own mate is infertile, but evidence for this idea is scarce. We report on a case of an infertile male blue tit that bred in three successive years with three different females. In the first year, all eggs were sired by an extra-pair male whereas in the second year all eggs were unfertilised and contained no sperm. In the third year, the female produced two clutches that were fertilised by an extra-pair male, but – unlike ‘normal’ clutches – sperm numbers on the perivitelline membrane decreased rapidly over the laying sequence. Our findings show that blue tit females mated to an infertile male can escape reproductive failure by engaging in EPCs and support previous suggestions that EPCs in blue tits cease after the onset of egg laying. 相似文献
Krakauer AH Webster MS Duval EH Jones AG Shuster SM 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2011,24(9):2064-2071
Evolutionary biologists have developed several indices, such as selection gradients (β) and the opportunity for sexual selection (Is), to quantify the actual and/or potential strength of sexual selection acting in natural or experimental populations. In a recent paper, Klug et al. (J. Evol. Biol. 23 , 2010, 447) contend that selection gradients are the only legitimate metric for quantifying sexual selection. They argue that Is and similar mating‐system‐based metrics provide unpredictable results, which may be uncorrelated with selection acting on a trait, and should therefore be abandoned. We find this view short‐sighted and argue that the choice of metric should be governed by the research question at hand. We describe insights that measures such as the opportunity for selection can provide and also argue that Klug et al. have overstated the problems with this approach while glossing over similar issues with the interpretation of selection gradients. While no metric perfectly characterizes sexual selection in all circumstances, thoughtful application of existing measures has been and continues to be informative in evolutionary studies. 相似文献
Webster MS Tarvin KA Tuttle EM Pruett-Jones S 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2007,61(9):2205-2211
Many socially monogamous species paradoxically show signs of strong sexual selection, suggesting cryptic sources of sexual competition among males. Darwin argued that sexual selection could operate in monogamous systems if breeding sex ratios are biased or if some males attract highly fecund females. Alternatively, sexual selection might result from promiscuous copulations outside the pair bond, although several recent studies have cast doubt on this possibility, in particular by showing that variance in apparent male reproductive success (number of social young) differs little from variance in actual male reproductive success (number of young sired). Our results from a long-term study of the socially monogamous splendid fairy-wren (Malurus splendens) demonstrate that such comparisons are misleading and do not adequately assess the effects of extra-pair paternity (EPP). By partitioning the opportunity for selection and calculating Bateman gradients, we show that EPP has a strong effect on male annual and lifetime fitness, whereas other proposed mechanisms of sexual selection do not. Thus, EPP drives sexual selection in this, and possibly other, socially monogamous species. 相似文献
Sexual selection is often considered as a critical evolutionary force promoting sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in animals. However, empirical evidence for a positive relationship between sexual selection on males and male-biased SSD received mixed support depending on the studied taxonomic group and on the method used to quantify sexual selection. Here, we present a meta-analytic approach accounting for phylogenetic non-independence to test how standardized metrics of the opportunity and strength of pre-copulatory sexual selection relate to SSD across a broad range of animal taxa comprising up to 95 effect sizes from 59 species. We found that SSD based on length measurements was correlated with the sex difference in the opportunity for sexual selection but showed a weak and statistically non-significant relationship with the sex difference in the Bateman gradient. These findings suggest that pre-copulatory sexual selection plays a limited role for the evolution of SSD in a broad phylogenetic context. 相似文献
It is a challenge to measure sexual selection because both stochastic events (chance) and deterministic factors (selection) generate variation in individuals' reproductive success. Most researchers realize that random events ('noise') make it difficult to detect a relationship between a trait and mating success (i.e. the presence of sexual selection). There is, however, less appreciation of the dangers that arise if stochastic events vary systematically. Systematic variation makes variance-based approaches to measuring the role of selection problematic. This is why measuring the opportunity for sexual selection (I(s) and I(mates)) is so vulnerable to misinterpretation. Although I(s) does not measure actual sexual selection (because it includes stochastic variation in mating/fertilization success) it is often implicitly assumed that it will be correlated with the actual strength of sexual selection. The hidden assumption is that random noise is randomly distributed across populations, species or the sexes. Here we present a simple numerical example showing why this practice is worrisome. Specifically, we show that chance variation in mating success is higher when there are fewer potential mates per individual of the focal sex [i.e. when the operational sex ratio (OSR), is more biased]. This will lead to the OSR covarying with I(s) even when the strength of sexual selection is unaffected by the OSR. This can generate false confidence in identifying factors that determine variation in the strength of sexual selection. We emphasize that in nature, even when sexual selection is strong, chance variation in mating success is still inevitable because the number of mates per individual is a discrete number. We hope that our worked example will clarify a recent debate about how best to measure sexual selection. 相似文献
Manipulation of male attractiveness induces rapid changes in avian maternal yolk androgen deposition
Kingma Sjouke A.; Komdeur Jan; Vedder Oscar; von Engelhardt Nikolaus; Korsten Peter; Groothuis Ton G.G. 《Behavioral ecology》2009,20(1):172-179
Avian eggs contain maternal androgens that may adjust offspringdevelopment to environmental conditions. We review evidenceand functional explanations for the relationship between androgenconcentrations in avian eggs and male attractiveness. Experimentalstudies in captive birds show generally positive relationships,but results from correlational and experimental field studiesare less consistent, perhaps because they lack a within-femaledesign to control for confounding between-female variation.We analyzed the effect of male attractiveness on yolk levelsof maternal androgens in a wild bird, using a correlationaland experimental approach with a within-female design. We manipulatedthe sexually selected UV coloration of the crown feathers ofmale blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) after their female hadlaid the second egg and measured the subsequent effect on androgenconcentrations (testosterone and androstenedione) in the fifth,seventh, and ninth eggs relative to that in the second egg.Levels of testosterone, but not androstenedione, in eggs 5 and7 were higher for control (attractive) than for UV-reduced (unattractive)males. This effect disappeared in the ninth egg, coincidingwith the recovery of UV coloration after manipulation. Thissuggests that females are capable of rapid adjustments of testosteronedeposition in response to changes in their mate's ornamentalplumage. However, androgen concentrations in the second eggand pretreatment male crown coloration were not correlated.Possibly, the combination of relatively small variation in UVcoloration before treatment and the influence of unknown confoundingvariables in the correlative approach resulted in insufficientstatistical power to detect such a correlation. 相似文献
Karoline Fritzsche Göran Arnqvist 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2013,67(7):1926-1936
Classic sex role theory predicts that sexual selection should be stronger in males in taxa showing conventional sex roles and stronger in females in role reversed mating systems. To test this very central prediction and to assess the utility of different measures of sexual selection, we estimated sexual selection in both sexes in four seed beetle species with divergent sex roles using a novel experimental design. We found that sexual selection was sizeable in females and the strength of sexual selection was similar in females and males in role‐reversed species. Sexual selection was overall significantly stronger in males than in females and residual selection formed a substantial component of net selection in both sexes. Furthermore, sexual selection in females was stronger in role‐reversed species compared to species with conventional sex roles. Variance‐based measures of sexual selection (the Bateman gradient and selection opportunities) were better predictors of sexual dimorphism in reproductive behavior and morphology across species compared to trait‐based measures (selection differentials). Our results highlight the importance of using assays that incorporate components of fitness manifested after mating. We suggest that the Bateman gradient is generally the most informative measure of the strength of sexual selection in comparisons across sexes and/or species. 相似文献
Galician exposed shore populations of the direct developing periwinkle Littorina saxatilis are strikingly polymorphic, with an ornamented and banded upper shore form and a smooth and unbanded lower shore form. Intermediates
between the two pure forms occur in a narrow mid shore zone together with the parental forms. We have previously shown that
the two pure forms share the same gene pool but that mating between them is non-random. This is due to a non-random microdistribution
in the zone of overlap, and also to assortative mating. In this study we present data which show that intermediate (hybrid)
females mate less often than pure females in micropatches dominated by either of the pure forms, but not in micropatches in
which the two pure forms are equally common. Thus, sexual fitness in intermediate females depends on the frequency of both
pure morphs. Furthermore, sexual selection against intermediate females also varies with the densities of snails within each
micro patch. The biological mechanisms which may explain this particular reduction of female hybrid fitness are discussed.
Assortative mating between the pure morphs is sometimes almost complete, while both morphs do not mate the intermediates assortatively.
In the light of this, sexual selection against intermediate females may contribute considerably to restrict gene flow between
the pure forms. 相似文献
Cases where less ornamented males are favored through sexualselection are rare among birds. Here we show, based on datafrom 3 consecutive breeding seasons, that male blue tits withless ultraviolet (UV)-ornamented crown feathers sire more offspring.This pattern was mainly driven by the higher success of older,less UV-ornamented males at siring extrapair offspring. Thereason behind this relationship is unclear although we hypothesizethat being less UV-ornamented may enable adult males to intrudeinto nearby territories by mimicking juveniles. To test causality,we experimentally manipulated male crown coloration creating2 groups, one with higher (UV(+) treatment) and one with lowerUV reflectance (UV() treatment). Contrary to our expectations,UV() males were less likely to sire extrapair offspringthan UV(+) males. The treatment had no effect on the likelihoodof losing paternity in a male's own nest. Because the experimentalevidence does not support the observational data, a direct effectof male crown color on extrapair success cannot be confirmed.However, potential pitfalls of this and other such color manipulationexperiments, like fading of treatment with time and mismatchesbetween behavior and coloration, call for new improved manipulationtechniques and detailed behavioral observations to conclusivelytest for the effect of blue tit crown coloration on male extrapairsuccess. 相似文献
《Ethology, Ecology and Evolution》2012,24(1):75-86
Males of the coreid bug, Margus obscurator (F.), were individually numbered in the field in southeastern Georgia (USA) and censused daily for the 6 weeks in spring from the initiation of mating activity until the complete decline of the adult population. Data was analyzed for the subset of males sighted at least 5 times since the relationship between number of observations and variance in mating success leveled off at five observations. Variance in male mating success exceeded that generated by null models, suggesting a phenotypic determinant of mating success. Body length was significantly positively correlated with male mating success. Longer males were more likely to retain a grasp on females which resist, by fleeing, most courting males. The intensity of sexual selection (standardized selection differential) on male size was greater in the second half of the season (0.43 versus 0.21) when both host plant abundance and the proportion of females in the population had declined. Consequently, male density and the number of intermale aggressive interactions increased. During fights, larger males were more likely to retain access to females or the flower heads on which mating occurred. The opportunity for sexual selection (= squared coefficient of variation for mating success) was also greater in the second half of the season (0.90 versus 0.20). The opportunity for sexual selection increased 2.5 times faster than the intensity of sexual selection on size between halves of the season, reflecting the greater male-bias in the operational sex ratio (proportion of males = 0.57 versus 0.49), a more patchy distribution of females and, perhaps, reflecting the operation of additional components of phenotypic selection. 相似文献
In many species, the natural distribution of material resources important for reproduction can profoundly impact reproductive success among individuals and, hence, the opportunity and intensity of sexual selection. Here, we report on a field‐based experiment investigating the effects of nest aggregation on sexual selection in a fish, the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus. We found that the distribution of potential nests (sparse versus aggregated nest treatments) affected patterns of nest colonization and reproductive success. Specifically, in the treatment with aggregated nesting resources, a greater proportion of nests remained unoccupied by sand goby males. Although the size of nesting males did not differ between treatments, eggs accumulated more rapidly when nests were sparsely distributed. We found that the opportunity for selection decreased over time with the accumulation of eggs in the nests in both the aggregated and sparse treatments. Moreover, the effect of male size on reproductive success was influenced by an interaction between nest distribution and time, with the selection gradient being highest right after nest colonization when nests were aggregated, while the opposite pattern was observed in the sparse nest treatment. Such findings highlight the vital role that environmental and social factors can play in determining the importance of male phenotypic traits (in this case, male size). More broadly, our results also underscore how the natural distribution of resources, both in space and time, can impact the strength of sexual selection acting on wild animal populations. 相似文献
Few studies of avian mating systems have identified the siresof extrapair young, and hence it has been difficult to determinethe scale at which reproductive interactions occur. For instance,females may be free to copulate with any male in the population(a "global" scale of interactions), or females may be restrictedto copulating only with males on neighboring territories (a"local" scale). The scale of such interactions has importantconsequences for an understanding of the evolutionary causesand consequences of extrapair fertilizations. We used five
hypervariable microsatellite loci and multilocus DNA fingerprintingto examine parentage of more than 400 nestling black-throatedblue warblers (Dendroica caerulescens). Extrapair fertilizationswere common, and the microsatellite markers allowed us to identifythe sires for 89% of the young analyzed. Most identified extrapairsires were males on neighboring or nearby territories, andmost nestlings for whom we could not identify a sire came fromterritories at the edge of the study plot. Thus, reproductive
interactions appear to be more local than global in this population.Extrapair fertilizations contributed significantly to totalvariation in male reproductive success. However, the standardizedvariance in male reproductive success (0.68-0.74) was not substantiallygreater than that for females (0.53-0.60), and the contributionof extrapair fertilizations (9-14%) was much lower than thecontribution of within-pair fertilizations (75-77%). This suggeststhat the local scale of reproductive interactions may limitvariation in male reproductive success and hence the opportunityfor selection. 相似文献
Saskia Hesse Jaime M. Anaya‐Rojas Joachim G. Frommen Timo Thünken 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2015,28(11):2088-2096
Kin selection theory predicts that cooperation is facilitated between genetic relatives, as by cooperating with kin an individual might increase its inclusive fitness. Although numerous theoretical papers support Hamilton's inclusive fitness theory, experimental evidence is still underrepresented, in particular in noncooperative breeders. Cooperative predator inspection is one of the most intriguing antipredator strategies, as it implies high costs on inspectors. During an inspection event, one or more individuals leave the safety of a group and approach a potential predator to gather information about the current predation risk. We investigated the effect of genetic relatedness on cooperative predator inspection in juveniles of the cichlid fish Pelvicachromis taeniatus, a species in which juveniles live in shoals under natural conditions. We show that relatedness significantly influenced predator inspection behaviour with kin dyads being significantly more cooperative. Thus, our results indicate a higher disposition for cooperative antipredator behaviour among kin as predicted by kin selection theory. 相似文献