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Controlling postharvest pest species is a costly process with insecticide resistance and species‐specific control requiring multiple tactics. Mating disruption (MD) can be used to both decrease a female's access to males and delay timing of mating and decreases overall mating success in a population and population growth rate. Development of new commercially available MD products requires an understanding of life history parameters associated with mating delay. These can provide information for targeting proportions of reproducing individuals using MD. After delaying mating for females of two closely related beetle species, Trogoderma variabile and T. inclusum, we surveyed survivorship, number of eggs laid, and number of progeny emerged. With increases in mating age, total number of eggs laid and total number of progeny emerged significantly declined over time. T. inclusum typically had greater numbers of eggs laid and progeny emerged compared to T. variabile as female age at mating increased, suggesting that T. inclusum may be more resistant to long‐term delays in mating. Life span showed an increase as mating age increased but life span significantly decreased almost immediately following mating. Simulations depicting multiple distributions of mating within a population suggest that in a closed population, high levels of mating delay significantly reduced reproductive growth rates. Although reproductive growth rates were decreased with increased mating age, they are still large enough to maintain populations. This study highlights the differences in life history between two closely related species, suggesting that T. inclusum outperforms T. variabile over the course of a life span, but T. variabile has better reproductive capabilities early in life. MD may also be a viable component of a pest management system for these two species as it significantly decreased overall reproductive output and population growth.  相似文献   

The distribution and dispersal distances of insects outside of food processing and storage facilities potentially have an important influence on the population dynamics and spatial distribution of insects inside facilities. In this study, Trogoderma variabile Ballion and Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) sex pheromone-baited trap captures outside and inside a food processing facility were measured, the relationship between trap captures outside and inside the facility was evaluated, and the dispersal ability of the males of these species was assessed using self-mark-recapture stations. T. variabile and P. interpunctella males were captured in high numbers outside the food facility. The two species differed in their spatial distribution around the facility, with T. variabile being more closely associated with the proximity of the building, but most likely originating from sources outside the building. For marked T. variabile, the average recapture distance was 75 m (range 21-508 m) and for marked P. interpunctella the average recapture distance was 135.6 m (range 21-276 m). In an immigration/emigration experiment, three T. variabile marked outside were recaptured inside, but no T. variabile marked inside were recaptured outside and no marked P. interpunctella were recaptured in either location. The potential for outside populations to influence inside populations has implications for the effectiveness of different management and monitoring tools.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the relationship between radiation dose-rate and bacterial DNA damage as well as general cellular toxicity, two recombinant Escherichia coli strains, DPD2794 and GC2 were used. Following gamma-ray irradiation, these bioluminescent bacteria showed quantitative stress responses in terms of DNA damage and general toxicity depending on the dose rates of energy deposition, i.e. dose-rate of radiation. In addition, an inverse relationship was found, at lower dose rates between 0.5 and 1 Gy/h and a parabolic relationship at dose rates between 0.5 and 2.6 Gy/h.  相似文献   

The Warehouse beetle, Trogoderma variabile (Coleoptera: Dermestidae), is an internationally significant invasive pest of packed goods and stored grain. When it was first documented in Australia at Griffith, New South Wales, in 1977, an eradication campaign was initiated. After several years and considerable effort, the eradication campaign was abandoned. To monitor the presence and spread of T. variabile, surveys were carried out by government agencies in 1992 and 2002. When survey data was compared, it was concluded that the distribution of morphologically identified T. variabile had doubled in most Australian states. Here, we used samples from the 2002 survey to conduct a phylogenetic study using partial sequences of mitochondrial genes Cytochrome oxidase I and Cytochrome B, and the nuclear gene 18S, to examine the distribution and dispersal of T. variabile and detect the presence of misidentified species. Based on our molecular results, we show that only 47% of the samples analysed were T. variabile, and the remaining were a mixture of six putative species. In addition, T. variabile was found in only 78% of the trapping sites. We discuss the importance of correct diagnosis in relation to the eradication campaign.  相似文献   

The levels of ADP-ribosyl transferase (ADPRT) activity following a standardized dose of 100 Gy gamma-radiation have been determined in leukocytes from 12 different mammalian species. Here, we report that the 100 Gy-induced levels of ADPRT correlated in a highly significant manner to the line spans of the mammals.  相似文献   

During studies on the microflora of human feces we have isolated a strictly anaerobic, non-spore-forming, Gram-negative staining organism which exhibits a somewhat variable coccus-shaped morphology. Comparative 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing studies show the unidentified organism is phylogenetically a member of the Clostridium leptum supra-generic rRNA cluster and displays a close affinity to some rDNA clones derived from human and pig feces. The nearest named relatives of the unidentified isolate corresponded to Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (formerly Fusobacterium prausnitzii) displaying a 16S rRNA sequence divergence of approximately 9%, with Anaerofilum agile and A. pentosovorans the next closest relatives of the unidentified bacterium (sequence divergence approximately 10%). Based on phenotypic and phylogenetic considerations, it is proposed that the unusual coccoid-shaped organism be classified as a new genus and species, Subdoligranulum variabile. The type strain of S. variabile is BI 114(T) (=CCUG 47106(T)=DSM 15176(T)).  相似文献   

It is believed that any dose of ionizing radiation may damage cells and that the mutated cells could develop into cancer cells. Additionally, results of research performed over the past century on the effects of low doses of ionizing radiation on biological organisms show beneficial health effects, called hormesis. Much less is known about the cellular response to low doses of ionizing radiation, such as those typical for medical diagnostic procedures, normal occupational exposures or cosmic-ray exposures at flight altitudes. Extrapolating from the effects observed at higher doses to predict changes in cells after low-dose exposure is problematic. We examined the biological effects of low doses (0.01–0.3 Gy) of γ-radiation on the membrane characteristics of erythrocytes of albino rats and carried out osmotic fragility tests and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Our results indicate that the lowest three doses in the investigated radiation range, i.e., 0.01, 0.025 and 0.05 Gy, resulted in positive effects on the erythrocyte membranes, while a dose of 0.1 Gy appeared to represent the limiting threshold dose of those positive effects. Doses higher than 0.1 Gy were associated with the denaturation of erythrocyte proteins.  相似文献   

The differential mitogenic response of T and B lymphocytes to sodium metaperiodate has been investigated. It was found that periodate treatment leads to lymphocyte stimulation in spleen cells from Balb/c mice but not in spleen cells from the congenitally athymic nu/nu mice. In addition, treatment of Balb/c spleen cells with anti-θ serum plus complement lowers the mitogenic response to periodate and to concanavalin A without affecting the response to lipopolysaccharide. These results suggest a requirement for the presence of T lymphocytes in the initiation of a response to periodate. Spleen cells from nude mice also react with periodate, and their ability to respond to B cell mitogens is impaired after treatment with the chemical reagent.  相似文献   

The T cell mitogens Pa-2, concanavalin A (con A) and its dimeric derivative succinyl-con A, were each cross-linked with the bifunctional reagent dimethyl suberimidate. Although the dose-response curves of these insoluble aggregated products were markedly changed from those of the soluble mitogens, each aggregate continued to stimulate DNA synthesis by murine thymus and T cells. Both aggregated Pa-2 and aggregated succinyl con A stimulated DNA synthesis by B cells from athymic (Nu/Nu) mice. Aggregated con A did not stimulate these cells and, like soluble con A, depressed the background incorporation of 3H-thymidine. Unlike soluble Pa-2, aggregated Pa-2 also greatly increased Ig production by both the B cell cultures and B + T cell cultures from normal (BALB/c) mice.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field experiments were carried out during 1946 to determine the effects of D.D.T. and of benzene hexachloride (B.H.C.)* on honey-bees and on several wild be species.
Laboratory experiments show that B.H.C. is a powerful contact and stomach poison and results of field experiments with commercial preparations confirm its danger to the foraging bee population. A few minutes' contact with treated surfaces is sufficient to cause death and blossom may remain poisonous for at least 3 days after treatment.
In the laboratory D.D.T. has a contact action at fairly high concentrations and as a stomach poison is rather more toxic than lead arsenate. In the field, commercial preparations on open blossom are apparently harmless to foraging bees.  相似文献   

Khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium Everts (Coleoptera: Dermestidae), is a pest of stored grain in Africa, Asia, and Europe. It is a quarantine insect for much of the rest of the world. Control of T. granarium can be achieved with methyl bromide, but this fumigant is an ozone‐depleting substance and is being phased out worldwide. Thus, there is an urgent need to find new methods of control, including the use of low temperatures. Here, we assess the effects of diapause and cold acclimation on the cold tolerance of T. granarium. The percentage of larvae in diapause increased with larval density, reaching 57.3% when reared at a density of 73 larvae g?1 diet. The cold tolerance of T. granarium was assessed by the supercooling points (SCPs) of various life stages. The SCP of non‐acclimated insects ranged from ?26.2 ± 0.2 °C (mean ± SEM) for eggs to ?14.4 ± 0.4 °C for larvae. The lowest SCP for larvae, ?24.3 ± 0.3 °C, was obtained for diapausing‐acclimated larvae. Based on mean LT50 values, the most cold‐tolerant stage at ?10 °C was the diapausing‐acclimated larvae (87 days) followed by non‐diapausing‐acclimated larvae (51 days), diapausing non‐acclimated larvae (19 days), adults (4 days), non‐diapausing non‐acclimated larvae (2 days), pupae (0.4 days), and eggs (0.2 days). The estimated times to obtain 99.9968% mortality (Probit 9) for diapausing‐acclimated larvae are 999, 442, 347, 84, and 15 days at 0, ?5, ?10, ?15, and ?20 °C, respectively. Probit 9 is an estimated value used by quarantine experts to estimate conditions that are required to kill all insects. In light of the long exposure time needed to control T. granarium even at ?20 °C, cooling to below ?27 °C (i.e., below the SCP of eggs) will quickly kill all life stages and may be the best way to control this insect with low temperatures.  相似文献   

gamma-radiation induced effects on the physical and chemical properties of natural lignocellulose (jute) polymer were investigated. Samples were irradiated to required total doses at a particular dose rate. The changes in the parameters such as the tensile strength, elongation at break, and work done at rupture for the lignocellulose samples on irradiation with the gamma-rays from a cobalt-60 source were measured. The mechanical properties were found to have nonlinear relations with the radiation doses. The chemical stability of irradiated fibers was found to degrade progressively with the increase of radiation dose. Additionally, other chemical changes of the samples due to exposure to high-energy radiation were also investigated using fluorescence and infrared spectroscopic analysis. Differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric studies showed a significant reduction in thermal stability. The wide-angle X-ray diffraction study showed that structural changes of cellulose appeared due to the radiation-induced chemical reaction of lignocellulose.  相似文献   

The enzyme cholesterol ester hydrolase (EC was detected in the larvae of the khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium (Everts). The pH and temperature optima for the enzyme were 6.6 degrees and 37 degrees C respectively. The mol.wt. of the enzyme was 76000-80000. The enzyme was equally effective in hydrolysing cholesteryl acetate, stearate and oleate. Cholesterol derivatives, namely the chloride and the methyl ether, inhibited the enzyme activity almost completely. It was also inhibited completely by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate. This inhibition was reversed by the addition of dithiothreitol, reduced glutathione or cysteine. The enzyme activity was associated predominantly with the 104000 g fraction.  相似文献   

Synthetic sites inserted into a plasmid were used to analyze the sequence requirements for in vivo DNA cleavage dependent on bacteriophage T4 endonuclease II. A 16-bp variable sequence surrounding the cleavage site was sufficient for cleavage, although context both within and around this sequence influenced cleavage efficiency. The most efficiently cleaved sites matched the sequence CGRCCGCNTTGGCNGC, in which the strongly conserved bases to the left were essential for cleavage. The less-conserved bases in the center and in the right half determined cleavage efficiency in a manner not directly correlated with the apparent base preference at each position; a sequence carrying, in each of the 16 positions, the base most preferred in natural sites in pBR322 was cleaved infrequently. This, along with the effects of substitutions at one or two of the less-conserved positions, suggests that several combinations of bases can fulfill the requirements for recognition of the right part of this sequence. The replacements that improve cleavage frequency are predicted to influence helical twist and roll, suggesting that recognition of sequence-dependent DNA structure and recognition of specific bases are both important. Upon introduction of a synthetic site, cleavage at natural sites within 800 to 1,500 bp from the synthetic site was significantly reduced. This suggests that the enzyme may engage more DNA than its cleavage site and cleaves the best site within this region. Cleavage frequency at sites which do not conform closely to the consensus is, therefore, highly context dependent. Models and possible biological implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a Ficoll velocity sedimentation gradient, we provide evidence to show that stimulatory and inhibitory activities induced in mixed lymphocyte culture belong to two distinct subpopulations of T cells. Slow- to medium-sedimenting, nonproliferating cells enhance the humoral response of normal cells to SRBC whereas fast-sedimenting cells inhibit that response. Cytotoxic lymphocytes are found in the same fractions as suppressor cells but appear to be differentiable from the latter in terms of maturation kinetics and specificity.  相似文献   

Polyclonal activation of murine splenic B lymphocytes to secrete immunoglobulin was shown to be subject to regulation by splenic T cells. By admixture of separated B and T cell populations it was demonstrated that normal fresh splenic T cells were able to augment polyclonal B cell responsiveness to LPS up to several-fold. Optimal collaboration between these two cell types ensued when they were co-cultured in equal numbers. T cell-mediated enhancement of polyclonal B cell responses was dependent upon the ability of T cells to divide and was manifested upon T cell interaction with B cells soon after culture initiation. Originally expounded as a one-signal phenomenon, polyclonal activation of lymphocytes by LPS is, under the circumstances described, attributable instead to two distinct, nonspecific signals acting in concert. The observation that T cells from LPS-nonresponder (C3H/HeJ) mice were deficient in the capacity to enhance polyclonal B cell responsiveness of B cells derived from responder (C3H/HeN) mice implied a direct action of LPS on the involved T cells as well as an active role for the T cell signal in this immunoregulatory event. The novel observation of a functional T cell defect in LPS responsiveness in the C3H/HeJ mouse is discussed in terms of its other cellular defects.  相似文献   

Production of clavine alkaloids rugulovasines by P. variabile did not depend on the habitat of the producers. During submerged cultivation on a simple synthetic medium in early growth stages, microcyclic conidiation was observed in the tested fungi; its presence or absence, as well as the activity of the cultures as to biosynthesis of rugulovasines, depended on the composition of the culture medium. On a complex medium supplemented with peptone, conidiation occurred but was considerably suppressed. Conidia were completely absent in the medium supplemented with yeast extract. In both cases, no appreciable amounts of rugulovasines were detected.  相似文献   

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