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H E Swaisgood  I M Chaiken 《Biochemistry》1986,25(14):4148-4155
Bovine neurophysin II (BNP II) was covalently immobilized on both nonporous and porous (200-nm pore diameter) glass beads and incorporated in a high-performance liquid chromatograph to evaluate analytical high-performance affinity chromatography as a microscale method for characterizing biomolecular interactions. By extension of the theoretical treatment of analytical affinity chromatography, both the self-association of neurophysin and its binding of the peptide hormone vasopressin were characterized by using a single chromatographic column containing immobilized neurophysin predominantly in the monomer form. Both [3H] [Arg8]vasopressin (AVP) and 125I-BNP II were rapidly eluted (less than 25 min). The relatively symmetrical elution peaks obtained allowed calculation of both equilibrium dissociation constants and kinetic dissociation rate constants. The dissociation constant measured chromatographically for the AVP-immobilized neurophysin complex, KM/L = 11 microM with porous glass beads and 75 microM with nonporous glass (NPG) beads, was in reasonable agreement with those previously obtained by curve fitting of Scatchard plots (16-20 microM) and from binding to [BNP II]Sepharose (50 microM). The values obtained are larger than that for dissociation of AVP from BNP II dimer, by a factor consistent with the intended nature of immobilized BNP II as monomers. Chromatography of BNP II on the [BNP II]NPG gave a dimer dissociation constant of 166 microM, a value in excellent agreement with that derived from equilibrium sedimentation studies (172 microM). In contrast to the agreement of chromatographic equilibrium binding constants with those measured in solution, the dissociation rate, k-3, determined from the variance of the affinity chromatographic elution profile with nonporous beads, was several orders of magnitude smaller than the solution counterpart.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The dimeric enzyme CTP:glycerol-3-phosphate cytidylyltransferase (GCT) displays strong negative cooperativity between the first and second binding of its substrate, CTP. Using NMR to study the allosteric mechanism of this enzyme, we observe widespread chemical shift changes for the individual CTP binding steps. Mapping these changes onto the molecular structure allowed the formulation of a detailed model of allosteric conformational change. Upon the second step of ligand binding, NMR experiments indicate an extensive loss of conformational exchange broadening of the backbone resonances of GCT. This suggests that a fraction of the free energy of negative cooperativity is entropic in origin.  相似文献   

The structures of des 1-6 bovine neurophysin-II in the unliganded state and as its complex with lysine vasopressin were determined crystallographically at resolutions of 2.4 A and 2.3 A, respectively. The structure of the protein component of the vasopressin complex was, with some local differences, similar to that determined earlier of the full-length protein complexed with oxytocin, but relatively large differences, probably intrinsic to the hormones, were observed between the structures of bound oxytocin and bound vasopressin at Gln 4. The structure of the unliganded protein is the first structure of an unliganded neurophysin. Comparison with the liganded state indicated significant binding-induced conformational changes that were the largest in the loop region comprising residues 50-58 and in the 7-10 region. A subtle binding-induced tightening of the subunit interface of the dimer also was shown, consistent with a role for interface changes in neurophysin allosteric mechanism, but one that is probably not predominant. Interface changes are suggested to be communicated from the binding site through the strands of beta-sheet that connect these two regions, in part with mediation by Gly 23. Comparison of unliganded and liganded states additionally reveals that the binding site for the hormone alpha-amino group is largely preformed and accessible in the unliganded state, suggesting that it represents the initial site of hormone protein recognition. The potential molecular basis for its thermodynamic contribution to binding is discussed.  相似文献   

B Richey  H Decker  S J Gill 《Biochemistry》1985,24(1):109-117
The binding of oxygen and carbon monoxide to hemocyanin from the mangrove crab Scylla serrata and the lobster Homarus americanus has been studied by thin-layer optical absorption and front face fluorescence techniques. Three types of experiments were performed on subunit and oligomeric preparations of each hemocyanin: oxygen binding, carbon monoxide binding, and oxygen-carbon monoxide competition studies. The results obtained from the subunit preparations of dissociated oligomers from both hemocyanins show that the binding site can be ligated by either one oxygen or one carbon monoxide. The binding results obtained with the oligomeric samples of hemocyanin from both species cannot be described by the two-state MWC model [Monod, J., Wyman, J., & Changeux, J. P. (1965) J. Mol. Biol. 12, 88-118] since the data from the three types of binding experiments cannot be fit with a single set of binding constants. The MWC model has been extended by including a third allosteric form, and an analysis based on the three-state model is able to fit the data from the three types of experiments with the same set of binding constants. The comparison of the oxygen to carbon monoxide affinity ratios (kO2/kCO) indicates that the structure around the binding site of subunits in the T form oligomer is similar to that of the free subunits. The oligomeric forms of both these hemocyanins bind carbon monoxide with a weak but definite positive cooperativity. An analysis of the affinity ratios for the T, S, and R forms suggests that the high affinity of the R form results from a specific interaction between oxygen and binding site.  相似文献   

W.S. Chow  J. Barber 《BBA》1980,593(1):149-157
Salt-induced changes in thylakoid stacking and chlorophyll fluorescence do not occur with granal membranes obtained by treatment of stacked thylakoids with digitonin. In contrast to normal untreated thylakoids, digitonin prepared granal membranes remain stacked under all ionic conditions and exhibit a constant high level of chlorophyll fluorescence. However, unstacking of these granal membranes is possible if they are pretreated with either acetic anhydride or linolenic acid.Trypsin treatment of the thylakoids inhibits the salt induced chlorophyll fluorescence and stacking changes but stacking of these treated membranes does occur when the pH is lowered, with the optimum being at about pH 4.5. This type of stacking is due to charge neutralization and does not require the presence of the 2000 dalton fragment of the polypeptide associated with the chlorophyll achlorophyll b light harvesting complex and known to be lost during treatment with trypsin (Mullet, J.E. and Arntzen, C.J. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 589, 100–117).Using the method of 9-aminoacridine fluorescence quenching it is argued that the surface charge density, on a chlorophyll basis, of unstacked thylakoid membranes is intermediate between digitonin derived granal and stromal membranes, with granal having the lowest value.The results are discussed in terms of the importance of surface negative charges in controlling salt induced chlorophyll fluorescence and thylakoid stacking changes. In particular, emphasis is placed on a model involving lateral diffusion of different types of chlorophyll protein complex within the thylakoid lipid matrix.  相似文献   

The ability of IgG antibodies with different hapten specificities to fix C1 and activate C as a function of hapten density on a red cell surface was investigated. Rabbit anti-methotrexate and anti-folinic acid IgG antibodies in a mixture were highly efficient in fixing C1 and activating C when cells carried simultaneously high levels of both haptens. We wished to find out whether in a C-activating IgG complex both IgG molecules had to be in a form that could activate C1. By reducing hapten density of one of the haptens on a double labeled cell, complexes were generated where only one in a pair of IgG molecules was in the activating form; such a pair had the same activating efficiency as a pair in which both IgG molecules were in the activating form. It was concluded that cooperative activation of C in C1-binding IgG complexes required only one IgG in the complex to be in the activating form.  相似文献   

The effects on bovine neurophysin-I of binding the perdeuterated peptides Phe-PheNH2 and Leu-PheNH2 were compared by proton NMR. A unique difference between the two peptides in their effects on Tyr-49 ring protons indicated proximity of the Tyr-49 ring to the side-chain of position 1 of bound peptide. Non-deuterated oligopeptides containing Phe in position 3 and no methyl groups induced different changes in neurophysin methyl resonances than dipeptides, suggesting shielding of one or more protein methyl groups by Phe-3. The results demonstrate that the identity of neurophysin residues at the hormone-binding site can be probed by analysis of changes induced in the protein spectrum by systematically related NMR-transparent peptides.  相似文献   

The assembly of pure tubulin dimer has been studied in two buffer systems (containing low and high glycerol/Mg), using a regeneration system protocol to assess the amount of GDP-tubulin in the assembling polymer. For both assembly systems studied, the GDP content is effectively stoichiometric with tubulin throughout assembly. This indicates a high degree of coupling between assembly and GTP-hydrolysis, giving a hydrolysis rate at least 10-fold faster than previously deduced. The steady state GTP hydrolysis rate is quantitatively consistent with this finding. We conclude that the extent of any GTP-tubulin cap is below the detectable limit, both during elongation and at steady state.  相似文献   

Stopped flow fluorometry, measuring changes in the intrinsic fluorescence of progesterone-binding globulin (PBG), was used to determine the association and dissociation rates of the interaction of PBG with seven delta4-3-ketosteroids. The rates of formation and dissociation of the PBG-progesterone complex were measured as a function of concentration and temperature. At 20 degrees, kon = 8.7 X 10(7) M-1 S-1 and koff = 0.060 S-1. The association rate constants for progesterone, deoxycorticosterone, testosterone, testosterone acetate, and medrogestone were found to be the same within experimental error. The different affinities of PBG for these steroids result from the dissociation rate constants of the steroids which ranged from 0.43 S-1 for testosterone to 0.024 S-1 for medrogestone. Two corticosteroids, corticosterone and cortisol, were both bound somewhat more slowly (approximately 5 X 10(7) M-1 S-1). Reflecting their very low affinity for PBG both steroids dissociate very rapidly: corticosterone at 1.4 S-1 and cortisol at 90 S-1. The ratio of association to dissociation rate constants gave affinity constants in agreement with independently determined constants.  相似文献   

Silica glasses doped with 500-700 microg of bovine serum albumin were prepared by the sol-gel method; two pH conditions (pH 5 and 7) were assayed for protein encapsulation. Both biomaterials showed a highly porous structure, with pore sizes in the range 5-28 nm. Columns packed with the ground biogels were on-line coupled to a C18 HPLC column for evaluation of the entrapped protein binding properties using propranolol. Binding capacities (at saturation) were approximately 3.7 and 7.1 microg of propranolol (drug-protein molar ratios 1.4 and 2.7) for the biogels prepared at pH 5 and 7, respectively. The significant difference indicates increased albumin denaturation upon encapsulation at pH 5. A frontal analysis study was then performed in cartridges packed with biogel prepared at pH 7 to evaluate the protein interaction with naproxen at low concentrations (相似文献   

The winged-bean tuber lectin binds to N-dansyl(5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulphonic acid)galactosamine, leading to a 12.5-fold increase in dansyl fluorescence with a concomitant 25 nm blue-shift in the emission maximum. The enhancement of fluorescence intensity was completely reversed by the addition of methyl alpha-galactopyranoside. The lectin has two binding sites per molecule for this fluorescent sugar and an association constant of 2.59.10(5) M-1 at 25 degrees C. The binding of N-dansylgalactosamine to the lectin shows that it can accommodate a large hydrophobic substituent on the C-2 carbon of D-galactose. Studies with other sugars indicate that a hydrophobic substituent with alpha-conformation at the anomeric position increases the affinity of binding. The C-4 and C-6 hydroxyl groups are also critical for sugar binding to this lectin.  相似文献   

Liu MS  Todd BD  Yao S  Feng ZP  Norton RS  Sadus RJ 《Proteins》2008,73(1):218-227
Receiver domains are key molecular switches in bacterial signaling. Structural studies have shown that the receiver domain of the nitrogen regulatory protein C (NtrC) exists in a conformational equilibrium encompassing both inactive and active states, with phosphorylation of Asp54 allosterically shifting the equilibrium towards the active state. To analyze dynamical fluctuations and correlations in NtrC as it undergoes activation, we have applied a coarse-grained dynamics algorithm using elastic network models. Normal mode analysis reveals possible dynamical pathways for the transition of NtrC from the inactive state to the active state. The diagonalized correlation between the inactive and the active (phosphorylated) state shows that most correlated motions occur around the active site of Asp54 and in the region Thr82 to Tyr101. This indicates a coupled correlation of dynamics in the "Thr82-Tyr101" motion. With phosphorylation inducing significant flexibility changes around the active site and alpha3 and alpha4 helices, we find that this activation makes the active-site region and the loops of alpha3/beta4 and alpha4/beta5 more stable. This means that phosphorylation entropically favors the receiver domain in its active state, and the induced conformational changes occur in an allosteric manner. Analyses of the local flexibility and long-range correlated motion also suggest a dynamics criterion for determining the allosteric cooperativity of NtrC, and may be applicable to other proteins.  相似文献   

Freeze fracture and lanthanum tracer experiments have shown that gap junctions exist throughout folliculogenesis between granulosa cells and growing mouse oocytes (Anderson and Albertini, J. Cell Biol.71, 680–686, 1976). The following lines of experimentation in the present study suggest that metabolic cooperativity exists between granulosa cells and their enclosed oocytes, i.e., gap junctions are functional, and that in most cases examined, greater than 85% of the metabolites present in follicle-enclosed oocytes were originally taken up by the granulosa cells and transferred to the oocyte via gap junctions: (1) When incubated with various radiolabeled compounds, follicle-enclosed oocytes contained more intracellular radioactivity than did oocytes with no attached granulosa cells (denuded oocytes); (2) for two radiolabeled ribonucleosides examined, the distribution of phosphorylated metabolites in follicle-enclosed oocytes resembled that of granulosa cells and differed significantly from that in denuded oocytes; (3) pulse-chase experiments with radiolabeled ribonucleosides revealed that during the chase period more radioactivity became associated with the follicle-enclosed oocyte; (4) treatments known to disrupt gap junctions in other cell types were effective in reversibly uncoupling metabolic cooperativity between granulosa cells and oocytes; and (5) a series of control experiments using (a) medium conditioned by granulosa cells and (b) cocultures of denuded oocytes and granulosa cells in which physical contact between the two cell types was not permitted demonstrated that contact between follicle cells and oocytes was necessary for observing metabolic cooperativity. Metabolic cooperativity was also found between follicle cells and oocytes in the two culture systems which support growth of mouse oocytes in vitro. The fact that oocytes do not grow well, if at all, in the absence of follicle cells and the large contribution of nutrients apparently furnished to the oocyte by the granulosa cells is consistent with the concept that gap junction mediated metabolic cooperativity between follicle cells and their enclosed oocytes is vital for mammalian oocyte growth.  相似文献   

Interaction of cationic dyes, pinacyanol chloride, acridine orange and phenosafranin, with Klebsiella K7 capsular polysaccharide has been investigated by spectrophotometric and spectrofluorometric measurements. The acidic polysaccharide induce a metachromatic blue shift of the absorption band of pinacyanol chloride from 600 nm to 495 nm, indicating strong metachromasy. Stoichiometry of polyanion and dye cation (1:1.5) in the polymer-dye compound formed by the interaction between pinacyanol chloride dye and K7 polymer indicate that both glucuronic acid and pyruvic acid act as the potential anionic sites for interaction. Both spectrophotometric titration of pinacyanol chloride and spectrofluorometric titration of acridine orange and phenosafranin dyes by the polymer gave quite comparable equivalent weights for the polymer. Dye-polymer interaction studies indicated induction of metachromasy in the cationic dye by the anionic biopolymer, establishing its chromotropic character.  相似文献   

Cooperativity in the protein-ligand binding process is discussed in terms of the zeros of the binding polynomial and the corresponding possible factorizations of the binding polynomial into polynomials having non-negative coefficients. Particular attention is paid to the case in which the real parts of all zeros are negative (Hurwitz polynomial) and the case in which the binding polynomial admits no positive factorization (positive irreducible polynomial). Such factorizations are then interpreted as site linkage patterns and related to cooperativity. The possible combinations of zeros of the binding polynomials for the MWC and KNF tetrahedral, square and linear models are determined and the corresponding factorization and linkage patterns analyzed. An application and interpretation are then made for data obtained from Trout I hemoglobin.  相似文献   

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