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Our laboratory recently isolated and began to characterize a 66 kd rat brain cytoskeletal protein, dubbed alpha-internexin for its interactions in vitro with several other cytoskeletal proteins. Although alpha-internexin bore several of the characteristics of intermediate filament (IF) proteins, including the recognition by an antibody reactive with all IF proteins, it did not polymerize into 10 nm filaments under the conditions tested. Here we show that the predicted amino acid sequence of a cDNA encoding alpha-internexin shows the latter to be an IF protein, probably most closely related to the neurofilament proteins. Northern blotting shows that alpha-internexin expression is brain specific, and that rat brain alpha-internexin mRNA levels are maximal prior to birth and decline into adulthood, while the converse is seen for NF-L, the low molecular weight neurofilament subunit, suggesting that these two proteins play different roles in the developing brain.  相似文献   

Three cDNA clones of 1.6 (3u), 1.2 (5g) and 0.6 (5b) kbp, specific for peripherin, a neuronal intermediate filament protein (IFP), have been isolated from a murine neuroblastoma cell lambda gt11 library by immunoscreening using peripherin antiserum. Antibodies eluted from the fusion proteins produced by clones 3u and 5g recognize the peripherin spots on immunoblots. Where they overlap the three cDNAs have identical sequences. cDNA 5g exhibits the closest homology to type III IFP cDNAs. cDNA 3u is identical to the corresponding region of cDNA 5g, except for the insertion of a 96 bp fragment at a position corresponding to the junction of exons 4 and 5 in type III IFP cDNAs. cDNA 5b is also identical to the corresponding region of cDNA 5g, except for the deletion of a 62 bp fragment at the junction of exons 8 and 9 in type III IFP cDNAs. S1 mapping experiments performed with probes covering the 3' end of the two unexpected regions show that three distinct mRNAs correspond to the three cDNAs. Moreover, three peripherin products, two minor 61 and 56 kd products in addition to the major 58 kd peripherin, are observed when poly(A)+ RNA is in vitro translated, the 61 kd peripherin being translated from the 3u-selected RNA. The three RNAs originate from alternative splicing of a unique peripherin gene, thus generating polymorphism of peripherin.  相似文献   

M A Thompson  E B Ziff 《Neuron》1989,2(1):1043-1053
We have cloned the rat gene encoding peripherin, a neuronal-specific intermediate filament protein that is NGF-regulated. Determination of the complete sequence, including 821 nucleotides of the 5'-flanking region, allows us to make conclusions about the evolutionary origin of the peripherin gene, its homology with other intermediate filament proteins, and possible mechanisms of regulation of peripherin expression in neurons. The positions of the eight peripherin gene introns correspond to the intron patterns of desmin, vimentin, and GFAP, with one example of intron sliding. Together with protein sequence homologies, this conclusively demonstrates that peripherin is a type III intermediate filament protein. The peripherin promoter contains sequences homologous to regions of other NGF-regulated promoters, which may function in peripherin induction by NGF.  相似文献   

We report the complete sequence of the gene encoding mouse glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), the intermediate filament (IF) protein specific to astrocytes. The 9.8 kb gene includes nine exons separated by introns ranging in size from 0.2 to 2.5 kb. A comparison of the organization of the GFAP gene with that of genes encoding other IF proteins reveals that the structure of IF genes is highly conserved in spite of considerable divergence at the amino acid level. Thus, most of the evolutionary events leading to the placement of introns in IF genes must have occurred prior to the duplication and subsequent divergence of IF genes from a presumptive common ancestral sequence. The conserved gene organization is unrelated to structural features of IF proteins. A curious feature of the GFAP gene is the large number of repeated sequences found in the introns. Six tracts of reiterated di- or trinucleotides are present, plus tandem repeats of two different novel sequences. One repeat is unique to the GFAP gene; the other occurs elsewhere in the mouse genome, although at relatively low frequency.  相似文献   

Regulation of intermediate filament gene expression.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Members of the intermediate filament protein family exhibit complex patterns of development-specific and tissue-specific expression. Studies exploring the mechanisms of gene regulation are underway and key regulatory factors are currently being described and isolated for certain genes encoding intermediate filament proteins. Selected systems from this diverse group of about 50 genes will be discussed.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and sequence of cDNA and genomic clones for one of the two large subunits of human neurofilament, NF-M. Analysis of the sequence has allowed us to investigate the structure of the carboxy-terminal tail of this protein, and to compare it to that of the small neurofilament as well as to other intermediate filaments. The carboxy-terminal region of the protein contains a 13 amino acid proline- and serine-rich sequence repeated six times in succession. Within each repeat unit are two smaller repeats of the sequence Lys-Ser-Pro-Val. The four amino acid repeat may represent a kinase recognition site in a region of the protein that is known to be highly phosphorylated. We also note the presence of an additional heptad repeat at the extreme carboxy terminus of the protein. This region of 60 amino acids may be involved in coiled-coil interactions similar to those that facilitate the filament formation in the rod region. The human gene contains only two introns. Their positions correspond to two of the three introns found in the small neurofilament of the mouse. Thus, two of the three neurofilament genes of mammals have similar structures which are quite different from those of the other intermediate filaments. This finding suggests a common origin of the neurofilament subunits, whose evolutionary relationship to other intermediate filament genes is uncertain.  相似文献   



Abnormal accumulation of neuronal intermediate filament (IF) is a pathological indicator of some neurodegenerative disorders. However, the underlying neuropathological mechanisms of neuronal IF accumulation remain unclear. A stable clone established from PC12 cells overexpressing a GFP-Peripherin fusion protein (pEGFP-Peripherin) was constructed for determining the pathway involved in neurodegeneration by biochemical, cell biology, and electronic microscopy approaches. In addition, pharmacological approaches to preventing neuronal death were also examined.  相似文献   

Eucaryotic mRNAs are generally localized in the cell body, where most protein synthesis occurs. We have found that mRNAs encoding the glial intermediate filament protein are spatially distributed in the glial cell cytoplasm close to the location of the glial filaments. Whereas the glial filament protein mRNA was located predominantly in the distal process, actin mRNA was found almost exclusively in the apical portion of the glial cell. This pattern of mRNA localization might provide a mechanism for synthesis of proteins in specific subcellular compartments by mRNA translation locally.  相似文献   

The human enteric nervous system (ENS) derives from migrating neural crest cells (NCC) and is structured into different plexuses embedded in the gastrointestinal tract wall. During development of the NCC, a rearrangement of various cytoskeletal intermediate filaments such as nestin, peripherin, or alpha-internexin takes place. Although all are related to developing neurons, nestin is also used to identify neural stem cells. Until now, information about the prenatal development of the human ENS has been very restricted, especially concerning potential stem cells. In this study the expression of nestin, peripherin, and alpha-internexin, but also of neuronal markers such as protein gene product (PGP) 9.5 and tyrosine hydroxylase, were investigated in human fetal and postnatal gut. The tissue samples were rapidly removed and subsequently processed for immunohistochemistry or immunoblotting. Nestin could be detected in all samples investigated with the exception of the 9th and the 12th week of gestation (WOG). Although the neuronal marker PGP9.5 was coexpressed with nestin at the 14th WOG, this could no longer be observed at later time points. Alpha-internexin and peripherin expression also did not appear before the 14th WOG, where they were coexpressed with PGP9.5. This study reveals that the intermediate filament markers investigated are not suitable to detect early neural crest stem cells.  相似文献   

Peripherin, a recently described member of the intermediate filament multigene family, is present in peripheral and certain central nervous system neurons as well as in cultured neuron-like cell lines, including PC12 pheochromocytoma cells. In PC12 cells, peripherin appears to be the major intermediate filament protein and its relative levels and synthesis are specifically increased during nerve growth factor (NGF)-promoted neuronal differentiation. The present study examines the phosphorylation of peripherin and the regulation thereof by nerve growth factor and other agents in cultured PC12 cells. Immunoblotting experiments using a peripherin-specific antiserum show five distinct isoforms of this protein in whole cell and cytoskeletal extracts resolved by two-dimensional isoelectric focusing sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Three of these isoforms incorporate detectable quantities of [32P]phosphate during metabolic radiolabeling. The small proportion (approximately 6%) of total cellular peripherin that is extractable with 1% Triton X-100, does not appear to incorporate phosphate. NGF increases peripherin phosphorylation by 2-3-fold within 1-2 h of treatment. Epidermal growth factor and insulin have no effect. The relative levels of phosphorylated peripherin are markedly elevated (17-fold) by long term NGF exposure, and peripherin becomes a major cytoskeletal phosphoprotein. Activators of protein kinases A and C and treatment with depolarizing levels of K+ also enhance peripherin phosphorylation by 2-3-fold, in cultures both with and without prior long term NGF treatment. Evidence is presented that NGF regulates peripherin phosphorylation by a mechanism independent of protein kinases A and C and of depolarization. The large increase in phosphorylated peripherin brought about by NGF treatment suggests that this neuronal filament protein may play a role in the elaboration and maintenance of neurites. The presence of multiple independent pathways that acutely enhance peripherin phosphorylation indicates that this role is subject to modulation by extrinsic signals.  相似文献   

We have characterized sequences of genomic DNA 5' to the coding region of the rat malic enzyme gene. This sequence possesses neither TATA nor CCAAT sequences in their usual positions but is rich in GC residues. Sequences similar to those found in the regulatory regions of other genes are discussed. Deletion analyses have revealed that sequences +1 to -41 are sufficient to initiate expression, although inclusion of information up to -177 is necessary for maximal promoter activity.  相似文献   

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