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López  B.  Sabaté  S.  Gracia  C.A. 《Plant and Soil》2001,230(1):125-134
The biomass, production and mortality of fine roots (roots with diameter <2.5 mm) were studied in a typical Mediterranean holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) forest in NE Spain using the minirhizotron methodology. A total of 1212 roots were monitored between June of 1994 and March of 1997. Mean annual fine root biomass in the holm oak forest of Prades was 71±8 g m–2 yr–1. Mean annual production for the period analysed was 260+11 g m–2 yr–1. Mortality was similar to production, with a mean value of 253±3 g m–2 yr–1. Seasonal fine root biomass presented a cyclic behaviour, with higher values in autumn and winter and lower in spring and summer. Production was highest in winter, and mortality in spring. In summer, production and mortality values were the lowest for the year. Production values in autumn and spring were very similar. The vertical distribution of fine root biomass decreased with increasing depth except for the top 10–20 cm, where values were lower than immediately below. Production and mortality values were similar between 10 and 50 cm depth. In the 0–10 cm and the 50–60 cm depth intervals, both production and mortality were lower.  相似文献   

Aims Fine roots are the principal parts for plant nutrients acquisition and play an important role in the underground ecosystem. Increased nitrogen (N) deposition has changed the soil environment and thus has a potential influence on fine roots. The purpose of this study is to reveal the effect of N deposition on biomass, lifespan and morphology of fine root.Methods A field N addition experiment was conducted in a secondary broad-leaved forest in subtropical China from May 2013 to September 2015. Three levels of N treatments: CK (no N added), LN (5 g·m-2·a-1), and HN (15 g·m-2·a-1) were applied monthly. Responses of fine root biomass, lifespan, and morphology of Castanopsis platyacantha to N addition were analyzed by using a minirhizotron image system from April 2014 to September 2015. Surface soil sample (0-10 cm) was collected in November 2014 and soil pH value, and concentrations of NH4+-N and NO3--N were measured.Important findings The biomass and average lifespan of the fine roots of C. platyacantha were 128.30 g·m-3 and 113-186 days, respectively, in 0-45 cm soil layer. Nitrogen addition had no significant effect on either fine root biomass or lifespan in 0-45 cm soil layer. However, LN treatment significantly decreased C. platyacantha root superficial area in 0-15 cm soil layer. HN treatment significantly decreased soil pH value. Our study indicated that short-term N addition influences soil inorganic N concentration and thus decreased pH value in surface soil, and thereafter affect fine root morphology. Short-term N addition, however, did not affect the fine root biomass, lifespan and morphology in subsoil.  相似文献   

长白山几种主要森林群落木本植物细根生物量及其动态   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
2005年在长白山北坡选择5种垂直植被带典型植物群落类型阔叶红松林、白桦林、山杨林、云冷杉林和岳桦林,利用钻取土芯法对细根分布及细根生物量进行了研究.研究结果表明,不同森林群落细根现存生物量存在一定的差异,其中白桦林最高,月平均细根现存生物量为5.1340 t/hm^2、其次为云冷杉林(5.0530 t/hm^2)、岳桦林(4.9255 t/hm^2)、阔叶红松林(4.4919 t/hm^2)和山杨林(3.9372 t/hm^2);不同群落细根现存量月动态变化也有较大差异,月均最高最低相差阔叶红松林约为72﹪、白桦林近73﹪、山杨林26﹪、云冷杉林56﹪、岳桦林144﹪.在生长季节内不同群落细根发生和死亡也是不均匀的,春季所有群落都会产生大量的细根,一些群落在初秋(9月份)出现另一个较高的峰值,同时发现每次细根大量发生后,都随之产生大量细根的死亡,生长季末群落死亡细根生物量往往是最高的.调查群落72.9﹪以上的细根集中于土壤表层0~10cm的范围内,不同群落略有差别,在所研究的5种森林群落中,不同月份0~10cm土层中细根生物量几乎都表现出白桦林>阔叶红松林>云冷杉林>岳桦林>山杨林.  相似文献   

以川西亚高山50年生粗枝云杉(Picea asperata)人工林为研究对象, 探讨了间伐对粗枝云杉人工林1-5级细根生物量及碳储量的影响。结果表明: 粗枝云杉人工林细根生物量和碳储量随根序等级的增加而显著增加(p < 0.05), 5级根序中1级根生物量及碳储量最小, 5级根生物量及碳储量最大。与对照(间伐0%)相比, 间伐对粗枝云杉人工林林分细根生物量及碳储量有显著影响(p < 0.05); 而对单株细根生物量影响不一, 间伐10%和20%与对照没有显著性差异(p > 0.05)。间伐显著影响生物量在各根序中的分配, 随着间伐强度的增加, 1、2级细根中生物量分配比例增加, 1级细根的生物量增加幅度最大; 3-5级细根的生物量分配比例减小, 5级细根减少幅度最大。其中, 间伐50%显著减少了细根在下层(20-40 cm)土壤中的生物量比例(p < 0.05), 但与间伐20%和30%无显著差异(p > 0.05)。  相似文献   

施肥对日本落叶松人工林细根生物量的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以辽宁东部山区16年生日本落叶松人工林为研究对象,探讨施肥对落叶松细根总生物量、不同层次生物量及不同根序生物量的影响.结果表明,与对照相比,施氮肥显著降低细根总生物量(P<0.01),而施磷肥及施氮+磷肥处理的细根总生物量差异不显著(P>0.05).落叶松人工林表层土壤(0~10 cm)细根生物量明显高于亚表层(10~20 cm)(P<0.01),各处理样地表层生物量占总生物量的64%~73%.施肥对不同层次、不同级别根序细根生物量的影响不同.与对照相比,施氮肥显著地降低了表层土壤1、3、4、5级根生物量(P<0.05),施磷肥(5级根除外)、施氮+磷肥(2级根除外)表层土壤各级根序细根生物量降低均不显著(P>0.05).在亚表层土壤,施氮肥和磷肥对各级根序生物量均没有显著影响(P>0.05);施氮+磷肥显著增加了1级根生物量(P<0.05),而其余各级根序细根生物量差异不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   

  1. Managed low-severity surface fires are frequently implemented in efforts to restore disturbance processes to forests of North America; although the effects of managed fire on forest structure are well-studied, few studies investigate whether these disturbances cascade to impact pollinator communities.
  2. We analysed bee-habitat relationships in fire-treated (1- and 3-years post-treatment) and non-treated ponderosa pine stands in Colorado to test wild bee population responses.
  3. Observed bee richness and α-diversity were highest in stands 1-year post-fire and had more Anthophora, Bombus, Osmia and Lasioglossum spp. in comparison to 3-year post-fire and non-treated stands. Bee functional groups were responsive to treatments, with more below-ground nesting taxa present in stands 3 years post-fire.
  4. Floral richness was the highest mid-growing season (June, July) and within 1-year post-fire stands.
  5. A model analysing the effects of foraging and nesting habitat variation on bee assemblages indicated positive association between floral richness and bee α-diversity, but negative relationships with stand basal area. Nesting habitat was not associated with variation in bee assemblages.
  6. We conclude that managed fire has positive short-term effects on bee biodiversity that are likely mediated by floral richness. However, these effects were not detectable by 3 years post-treatment in the southern Rocky Mountain region.

在华北落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii)林选取采伐干扰样地和未采伐干扰样地进行对比研究, 分析采伐干扰造成林下土壤水分和氮营养空间异质性的改变对细根生物量空间变异的影响。采用空间格局分析的小支撑、多样点的设计原则, 对每个样点的土壤分3层取样(0-10 cm、10-20 cm、20-30 cm)。进行细根(≤1 mm和1-2 mm)生物量与土壤含水量、全氮、硝态氮、铵态氮和土壤pH的偏相关分析, 以及细根生物量变异函数值和土壤各因子变异函数值的线性回归分析。研究结果表明, 在不同样地, 细根生物量与土壤各因子均表现为正相关关系, 不同土层相关性强弱表现各异, 其中土壤含水量与细根生物量的相关性显著。受采伐干扰后, 细根生物量与土壤含水量、全氮、土壤硝态氮空间变异的关联性更趋于明显。多元线性回归分析结果表明, 采伐干扰样地细根生物量的空间变异更多地受到土壤多因子的综合影响, 而未采伐干扰样地的细根生物量受土壤水分、全氮和硝态氮单独效应的影响更大。  相似文献   

王微  伍小刚  胡凯  陶建平 《生态学报》2016,36(11):3391-3401
在全球变化背景下,植物凋落物输入的改变对森林生态系统地下生态过程具有重要的影响。中亚热带森林中,细根进入凋落物层生长是一种常见现象,然而凋落物量的改变对细根生长影响的研究较少。通过对中国中亚热带针叶林、针阔混交林及常绿阔叶林这3种典型森林进行地上凋落物添加和去除实验,研究不同凋落物处理水平下细根生物量、垂直分布及形态特征的变化。结果表明:与对照(CK)相比,地上凋落物去除(LR)分别导致针叶林和针阔混交林细根总生物量显著降低40.3%和37.5%,而凋落物添加(LA)使常绿阔叶林中的细根总生物量明显提高了19.4%。不同层次的细根生物量对凋落物处理的响应不同,从针叶林到常绿阔叶林,凋落物量的改变对细根的垂直分布的影响加剧。LA处理明显提高常绿阔叶林凋落物层的细根生物量百分比(相比对照提高了10.6%)以及降低7.5—15 cm土层的细根生物量百分比(相比对照降低了10.4%)。凋落物层中生长的细根生物量和凋落物层厚度呈高度线性相关(R~2=0.742,P0.01),并且和凋落物层生物量也呈显著线性相关(R~2=0.521,P0.01)。3种森林类型细根的根长密度(RLD)和比根长(SRL)变化趋势与细根所处的层次紧密相关,而不同凋落物处理对它们的影响均不明显,说明细根对养分的获取策略表现为在养分丰富的凋落物层和表土层投资更多的生物量和更活跃的代谢,而不是改变细根形态的表型可塑性。  相似文献   

The effects of irrigation on fine root biomass, root production and litterfall were measured at the community level, in a semideciduous lowland forest in Panama. Biomass of roots less than 2 mm in dia. in the first 10 cm of the soil (measured with soil cores), was higher in irrigated (1.80 Mg ha-1) than in non-irrigated plots (1.24 Mg ha-1). During the dry season, productivity of roots (measured with ingrowth cylinders filled with root-free soil), was higher in irrigated (1.6 g m-2 day-1) than in control plots (0.3 g m-2 day-1). In control plots, root productivity was highly seasonal. Maximum root growth into the root-free soil, occurred during the transitions from dry to wet, and from wet to dry season, possibly as a response to water and/or nutrient pulses. Litterfall was not significantly different between irrigated (3.8 g m-2 day-1) and control plots (3.7 g m-2 day-1). The results of this study show that root-productivity is limited by the water supply during the dry season, and that water by itself, is not a limiting factor for community-level litter production. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

间伐对黄龙山油松中龄林细根空间分布和形态特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究油松细根生长与抚育间伐的关系,以黄龙山林区4种不同间伐强度(对照,轻度,中度,强度)下的油松人工中龄林为研究对象,采用根钻法,分3层(0—20,20—40,40—60cm)获取细根样品,研究了间伐强度对油松细根生物量和形态特征的影响。结果表明:油松细根生物量主要分布在0—20 cm土层,不同间伐强度下细根生物量差异显著(P0.05),随间伐强度的增大,细根生物量先升高后降低,强度间伐下0—20 cm土层细根生物量显著降低(P0.05),20—40 cm土层和40—60 cm土层细根生物量所占比例随间伐强度的增大而增大。细根根长密度和根表面积密度在不同间伐强度和不同土层间均差异显著(P0.05),且变化规律与生物量基本一致。细根比根长和比表面积随间伐强度的增加而增大,且强度间伐与其他强度呈显著性差异(P0.05)。轻度和中度间伐对小径级细根(0—1.0 mm)有显著影响,对较大径级细根(1.0—2.0 mm)的影响则不显著(P0.05),强度间伐对0—2.0mm的细根均有显著影响(P0.05)。中度间伐(保留郁闭度0.7)条件下,油松林地细根总生物量达到最大1022.43 g/m2,此条件下细根的根长密度和根表面积密度也达到最大,能充分利用林地的立地资源,最有利于保留木的生长。  相似文献   

Fine root tumover is a major pathway for carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and is most likely sensitive to many global change factors.Despite the importance of fine root turnover in plant C allocation and nutrient cycling dynamics and the tremendous research efforts in the past,our understanding of it remains limited.This is because the dynamics processes associated with soil resources availability are still poorly understood.Soil moisture,temperature,and available nitrogen are the most important soil characteristics that impact fine root growth and mortality at both the individual root branch and at the ecosystem level.In temperate forest ecosystems,seasonal changes of soil resource availability will alter the pattern of carbon allocation to belowground.Therefore,fine root biomass,root length density(RLD)and specific root length(SRL)vary during the growing season.Studying seasonal changes of fine root biomass,RLD,and SRL associated with soil resource availability will help us understand the mechanistic controls of carbon to fine root longevity and turnover.The objective of this study was to understand whether seasonal variations of fine root biomass,RLD and SRL were associated with soil resource availability,such as moisture,temperature,and nitrogen,and to understand how these soil components impact fine root dynamics in Larix gmelinii plantation.We used a soil coring method to obtain fine root samples(≤2 mm in diameter)every month from Mav to October in 2002 from a 17-year-old L.gmelinii plantation in Maoershan Experiment Station,Northeast Forestry University,China.Seventy-two soil cores(inside diameter 60 mm;depth intervals:0-10 cm,10-20 cm,20-30 cm)were sampled randomly from three replicates 25 m×30 m plots to estimate fine root biomass(live and dead),and calculate RLD and SRL.Soil moisture,temperature,and nitrogen(ammonia and nitrates)at three depth intervals were also analyzed in these plots.Results showed that the average standing fine root biomass(live (32.2 g.m-2.a-1)in the middle(10-20 cm)and deep layer (20-30cm),respectively.Live and dead fine root biomass was the highest from May to July and in September,but lower in August and October.The live fine root biomass decreased and dead biomass increased during the growing soil layer.RLD and SRL in May were the highestthe other months,and RLD was the lowest in Septemberdynamics of fine root biomass,RLD,and SRL showed a close relationship with changes in soil moisture,temperature,and nitrogen availability.To a lesser extent,the temperature could be determined by regression analysis.Fine roots in the upper soil layer have a function of absorbing moisture and nutrients,while the main function of deeper soil may be moisture uptake rather than nutrient acquisition.Therefore,carbon allocation to roots in the upper soil layer and deeper soil layer was different.Multiple regression analysis showed that variation in soil resource availability could explain 71-73% of the seasonal variation of RLD and SRL and 58% of the variation in fine root biomass.These results suggested a greater metabolic activity of fine roots living in soil with higher resource availability,which resulted in an increased allocation of carbohydrate to these roots,but a lower allocation of carbohydrate to those in soil with lower resource availability.  相似文献   

根系是植物吸收土壤水分和养分的重要器官, 驱动着多个生态系统过程, 该研究揭示了实验增温对根系生物量的影响及机制, 可为气候变暖背景下土壤碳动态和生态系统过程的变化提供理论依据。该研究从已发表的151篇国内外研究论文中收集到611组数据, 通过整合分析(meta-analysis)方法研究了实验增温对根系生物量(根系总生物量、粗根生物量、细根生物量、根冠比)的影响, 并探讨了增温幅度、增温年限、增温方式的影响, 以及根系生物量对增温的响应与本底环境条件(生态系统类型、年平均气温、年降水量、干旱指数)的关系。结果表明: (1)模拟增温使细根生物量显著增加8.87%, 而对根系总生物量、粗根生物量、根冠比没有显著影响; (2)中等强度增温(1-2 ℃)使得细根生物量和根冠比分别提高14.57%和23.63%; 中短期增温实验(<5年)对细根生物量具有促进影响, 而长期增温实验(≥5年)使细根生物量有降低的趋势; 开顶箱增温和红外辐射增温分别使细根生物量显著提高了17.50%和12.16%, 而电缆加热增温使细根生物量和粗根生物量显著降低了23.44%和43.23%; (3)不同生态系统类型对于增温响应不一致, 模拟增温使苔原生态系统细根生物量显著提高了21.03%, 细根生物量对增温的响应与本底年平均气温、年降水量、干旱指数均呈显著负相关关系。  相似文献   

杨丽韫  罗天祥  吴松涛 《生态学报》2007,27(9):3609-3617
以我国东北长白山自然保护区内同一海拔梯度的原始阔叶红松林及其次生林——白桦山杨成熟林和白桦山杨幼林为对象,采用土钻取样法对不同演替阶段细根生物量的变化、细根垂直分布规律及其影响因子进行系统地研究。研究结果表明,在原始阔叶红松林的正向演替过程中,林地细根的总生物量逐渐增加,其中主要乔木细根的生物量逐渐增加,而灌木和草本细根的生物量则逐渐降低。在演替过程中,细根的垂直分布逐渐加深。在长白山地区,3块林地中细根生物量的组成分布受林分植被组成的影响;细根的垂直分布与土壤容重、水分含量以及不同土层中C、N含量存在一定的相关性,但与土壤温度则不存在相关关系。  相似文献   

We investigated general effects of ecological restoration treatments on soil function in frequent‐fire forests of the western United States using a systematic review methodology. We searched numerous publication databases for original research papers and used well‐defined criteria developed a priori to select papers for review. We used meta‐analysis and qualitative summaries to compare reported responses of macronutrients, nitrogen cycling, and soil respiration among tree thinning (thin), prescribed fire (burn), and thinning plus prescribed fire treatments (composite). Results of meta‐analysis showed that mean differences in macronutrients were consistently higher in composite treatments (standardized using controls) when compared to thin‐only and burn‐only treatments. Mean responses related to nitrogen cycling showed similar patterns, with significant increases detected in composite treatments for all nitrogen cycling variables (mineralization, ammonification, and nitrification) and insignificant responses for the majority of the burn‐only and thin‐only treatments. Mean difference in response for soil respiration following composite treatments showed increases as compared to the controls, and no significant differences were detected in response to burn‐ and thin‐only treatments. While soil function, nutrient cycling, and soil respiration differed among treatments, the most significant effects were observed for nitrogen and carbon responses, net mineralization and nitrification, ammonium availability, and soil respiration rate, which experienced the greatest increase following treatments that were both thinned and burned.  相似文献   

关帝山华北落叶松人工林细根生物量空间分布及季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用根钻法研究了山西关帝山华北落叶松(Larix principis—rupprechtii Mayr)人工林细根生物量的空间分布和季节变化特征。结果表明,华北落叶松不同径级细根生物量随土层深度的增加而逐渐减少,土壤表层(0—10cm)中各径级细根的生物量最高,Ⅰ级细根(根直径0~1mm)的生物量在不同土层深度间差异显著(P〈0.05);距树干不同水平距离处各径级的细根生物量差异均未达到显著水平(P〉0.05)。在0~10cm土层中,各径级细根生物量的季节变化差异显著(P〈0.05),均表现为单峰型,峰值出现在9月份;在10~20cm和20-30cm土层中,Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级(根直径1~2mm)细根生物量季节变化差异显著,Ⅲ级细根(根直径2~5mm)和Ⅰ级死根(根直径0~2mm)生物量季节变化差异不显著。  相似文献   

氮磷是陆地生态系统植物生长的主要限制性元素,细根对植物生长具有重要影响.为了解氮磷配施对刨花楠人工幼林细根性状的影响,以3年生刨花楠人工幼林为对象,于2016年和2017年每年4-9月的每月中旬进行氮磷配施(添加比例分别为8∶1、10∶1、12∶1、15∶1),测定比根长、比表面积、平均直径、根组织密度、总碳、总氮含量...  相似文献   

为了解林窗位置对香椿细根分解及土壤真菌群落多样性的影响,以川中丘陵区30a生柏木人工林为研究对象,采用Illumina Miseq高通量测序技术研究200 m2人工林窗中心位置(GC)、边缘位置(GB)、郁闭林(CC)对香椿细根2a自然分解后土壤真菌群落结构及多样性的影响。结果表明,林窗内不同位置之间微环境差异显著(P<0.05),土壤理化性质对林窗位置变化的响应较细根养分元素更积极,GB位置细根分解速率显著高于GC和CC。土壤真菌门水平在3个林窗位置间无显著差异,其中子囊菌门、担子菌门是优势类群;腐生营养型真菌在3个林窗位置上具有显著差异,散囊菌目、粪壳菌目、肉座菌目、刺盾炱目、伞菌目是3个位置上相对丰度值>1%的优势类群,刺盾炱目、伞菌目相对丰度在GB和CC之间有显著差异(P<0.05);青霉属和曲霉属是真菌在属水平上的优势类群,其相对丰度在3个位置间有极显著差异(P<0.01)。林窗位置未对真菌群落α多样性产生显著影响,但群落β多样性对位置变化的响应显著。GB位置群落β多样性显著高于GC和CC (P<0.05),共有种数量最多,GC位置特有种数量最多。冗余分析发现较多环境因子对真菌群落的影响显著(P<0.01),Mantel test (和partial Mantel test)分析结果表明土壤pH值、土壤含水量、土壤温度、土壤速效磷、土壤全氮是真菌群落多样性的重要影响因子。综上所述,林窗内位置对土壤真菌类群构成和群落β多样性具有差异性影响,在柏木人工林内实施林窗式干扰有助于调节细根分解等地下生态进程。  相似文献   

The question of how tropical trees cope with infertile soils has been challenging to address, in part, because fine root dynamics must be studied in situ. We used annual fertilization with nitrogen (N as urea, 12.5 g N m?2 year?1), phosphorus (P as superphosphate, 5 g P m?2 year?1) and potassium (K as KCl, 5 g K m?2 year?1) within 38 ha of old‐growth lowland tropical moist forest in Panama and examined fine root dynamics with minirhizotron images. We expected that added P, above all, would (i) decrease fine root biomass but, (ii) have no impact on fine root turnover. Soil in the study area was moderately acidic (pH = 5.28), had moderate concentrations of exchangeable base cations (13.4 cmol kg?1), low concentrations of Bray‐extractable phosphate (PO4 = 2.2 mg kg?1), and modest concentrations of KCl‐extractable nitrate (NO3 = 5.0 mg kg?1) and KCl‐extractable ammonium (NH4 = 15.5 mg kg?1). Added N increased concentrations of KCl‐extractable NO3 and acidified the soil by one pH unit. Added P increased concentrations of Bray‐extractable PO4 and P in the labile fraction. Concentrations of exchangeable K were elevated in K addition plots but reduced by N additions. Fine root dynamics responded to added K rather than added P. After 2 years, added K decreased fine root biomass from 330 to 275 g m?2. The turnover coefficient of fine roots <1 mm diameter ranged from 2.6 to 4.4 per year, and the largest values occurred in plots with added K. This study supported the view that biomass and dynamics of fine roots respond to soil nutrient availability in species‐rich, lowland tropical moist forest. However, K rather than P elicited root responses. Fine roots smaller than 1 mm have a short lifetime (<140 days), and control of fine root production by nutrient availability in tropical forests deserves more study.  相似文献   

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