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Spatial distributions of tree species in a subtropical forest of China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The spatial dispersion of individuals in a species is an important pattern that is controlled by many mechanisms. In this study we analyzed spatial distributions of tree species in a large-scale (20 ha) stem-mapping plot in a species-rich subtropical forest of China. O-ring statistic was used to measure spatial patterns of species with abundance >10. Ω0–10, the mean conspecific density within 10 m of a tree, was used as a measure of the intensity of aggregation of a species. Our results showed: (1) aggregated distribution was the dominant pattern in the plot. The percentage of aggregated species decreased with increased spatial scale. (2) The percentages of significantly aggregated species decreased from abundant to intermediate and to rare species. Rare species was more strongly aggregated than common species. Aggregation was weaker in larger diameter classes. (3) Seed traits determined the spatial patterns of trees. Seed dispersal mode can influence spatial patterns of species, with species dispersed by both modes being less clumped than species dispersed by animal or wind, respectively. Considering these results, we concluded that seed dispersal limitation, self-thinning and habitat heterogeneity primarily contributed to spatial patterns and species coexistence in the forest.  相似文献   

Gösta Kjellsson 《Oecologia》1991,88(3):435-443
Summary The spatial pattern of recruitment and seedling survival was studied in an ant-dispersed sedge (Carex pilulifera L.) in a forest clearing in Denmark. Seedlings were generally more aggregated than juvenile and adult plants. Recruitment distances were skewed towards larger values. While 72% plants of presumably ant-dispersed origin survived for 5 years, only 13% auto-dispersed plants were still alive, predominantly as persistent seedlings. The survivorship showed a negative exponential decrease (Deevey type II) with an expected half-life of 17 months for auto-, and 10 years for ant-dispersed plants. Growth-rate and fecundity were significantly larger for ant-dispersed plants than for auto-dispersed plants. Computer simulation was used to test three different dispersal models and two mortality types on the recruitment pattern observed in the field. The simulations confirmed the importance of ant dispersal for recruitment, but gave no conclusive evidence for evaluating recruitment from ant-nests. High mortality levels, comparable to observed predation levels, were needed to simulate field conditions. Density-dependent mortality proved more powerful than distance-dependent mortality in the simulations. Results are discussed in the context of current hypotheses of seed dispersal. While the directed dispersal hypothesis could not be rejected, results were generally more favourable to the escape hypothesis.  相似文献   

鸟类传播种子对几种树篱中侵入植物多样性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李新华  尹晓明  夏冰  李维林  李亚 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1657-1666
2001年4月至2003年11月,在南京中山植物园内调查了冬青卫矛(Euonymus japonicus)、日本珊瑚树(Viburnum awabuki)和溲疏(Deutzia scabra)3种树篱,以及位于不同生境的2个黄杨(Buxus microphyllavar.sinica)树篱中侵入生长的杂草及杂树种类,并选择3 km外南京农业大学实验楼周围的冬青卫茅树篱作为参照。在6个树篱类型中调查到侵入生长的种子植物共计1230株,分隶于42科57属70种植物。其中适应于鸟类传播的植物有55种1047株植物;适应于风力传播的植物有10种161株植物;传播媒介不明的植物有5种22株植物。各树篱类型中,适应于鸟类传播种子的侵入植物种类数目显著多于风力传播的植物种类(t=5.086,df=10,p<0.0001)和种子传播媒介不明的植物种类(t=8.446,df=10,p<0.0001),但各树篱中适应于风力传播的侵入植物与种子传播媒介不明的植物在种类数目上无显著差异(t=1.977,df=10,p=0.076)。南京中山植物园的5个树篱类型中,适应于鸟类传播的侵入植物物种多样性的Shannon-Wiener指数都较高,为2.151至2.917,平均2.671±0.306,并且种类数目也较多,为15~36种,平均25.6±8.1种。而南京农业大学内冬青卫茅树篱的物种多样性指数最低,为1.679,并且种类数目也最少,为12种。Bray-Curtis相似性指数的聚类分析结果显示,不同树篱类型中适应于鸟类传播种子的侵入植物组成的相似性主要受到树篱周围的种子源及其距离、食果鸟类、人为干扰活动等生境因子的影响,而非简单取决于树篱种类本身。鸟类传播种子增加了单一树种构成的树篱中的种子植物多样性,同时也对树篱的景观产生了一定的不利影响,不过人工对树篱的日常修剪等管护措施严格限制了这些侵入植物实生苗及小树的正常生长。研究结果反映出种子源、鸟类传播种子和灌丛在促进植物群落的发展和演替过程中具有重要的生态意义。  相似文献   

Anastatica hierochuntica L. (Brassicaceae) is a desert monocarpic annual species characterized by a topochory/ombrohydrochory type of seed dispersal. The hygrochastic nature of the dry skeletons (dead individuals) permits controlling seed dispersal by rain events. The amount of dispersed seeds is proportional to the intensity of rainfall. When light showers occur, seeds are released and remain in the site. Seeds dispersed in the vicinity of the mother or source plant (primary type of seed dispersal) resulted in clumped pattern and complicated interrelationships among size-classes of the population. Following heavy rainfall, most seeds are released and transported into small patches and shallow depressions which collect runoff water. The dead A. hierochuntica skeletons demonstrate site-dependent size-class structure, spatial pattern and spatial interrelationships in different microhabitats. Four microhabitat types have been sampled: runnels, patches and simple and compound depressions in two sites (gravel and sand). Ripley's K-function was used to analyze the spatial pattern in populations of A. hierochuntica skeletons in the study microhabitats. Clumped patterns were observed in nearly all of the study microhabitats. Populations of A. hierochuntica in the sand site were more productive than in the gravel site and usually had more individuals in the larger size-classes. In the compound-depression microhabitat, the degree of clumping decreased from the core zone to the intermediate zone then shifted into overdispersed pattern in the outer zone. At the within size-class level, the clumped pattern dominated in small size classes but shifted into random and overdispersed patterns in the larger size classes. Aggregation between small and large size-classes was not well-defined but large individuals were found closer to the smaller individuals than to those of their own class. In relation to the phytomass and the size-class structure, the outer zone of the simple depression and the outer and intermediate zones of the compound depression microhabitats were the most productive sites.  相似文献   

大兴安岭次生林空间分布格局及其尺度效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究大兴安岭落叶松林、白桦林和落叶松+白桦混交林3种次生林中,不同树种(落叶松、白桦和其他)和不同大小级(Ⅰ~Ⅴ级)树木的空间分布格局及其尺度效应。结果表明:3个林型中,仅落叶松林的更新数量达到良好状态,其余2种林型均为更新不良;各林型中,更新层幼苗、幼树的数量组成均与乔木层存在显著差异,且各林型中树木的直径(落叶松林和落叶松+白桦混交林除外)和树高分布也不够合理,3个林型均属于不稳定群落。各林型内林木空间分布整体以聚集分布为主,但方差/均值比率、负二项指数、Green指数、平均拥挤度和Morisita指数5个判别指数随尺度的变化显著不同,并以线性递增(40%)、幂函数递增(22%)和负二次多项式(20%)趋势为主。Ⅰ~Ⅲ级的更新层林木在不同尺度上以聚集分布为主,而乔木层(Ⅳ~Ⅴ级)在多种分布格局间波动,其对尺度的响应同样以线性递增(44%)、幂函数递增(15%)和负二次多项式(12%)为主。同一林型和取样尺度下,林木空间聚集程度整体随着林木大小级的增加呈线性下降趋势。各林型中,非优势树种的种群格局规模往往大于优势树种,而更新层林木空间格局规模大于乔木层。  相似文献   

The initial spatial pattern of seed deposition influences plant population and community structure, particularly when that pattern persists through recruitment. In a vertebrate‐dispersed rain forest tree, Virola calophylla, we found that spatially aggregated seed deposition strongly influenced the spatial structure of later stages. Seed dispersion was clumped, and seed densities were highest underneath V. calophylla females and the sleeping sites of spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus), the key dispersal agent. Although these site types had the lowest per capita seed‐to‐seedling survival, they had the highest seedling/sapling densities. Conversely, seed and seedling/sapling densities were lowest, and seed survival was highest, at sites of diurnal seed dispersal by spider monkeys. Negative density‐dependent and positive distance‐dependent seed survival thinned seed clumps. Nonetheless, the clumped dispersion at sleeping and parental sites persisted to the seedling/sapling stage because differences in seed deposition were large enough to offset differences in seed survival among these site types.  相似文献   

Li X H  Yin X M  Xia B  Li W L  Li Y 《农业工程》2006,26(6):1657-1666
The plants that invaded as weeds including woody weeds were surveyed in three hedge types, Euonymus japonicus(HEa), Viburnum awabuki (HV), and Deutzia scabra (HD), respectively, and two hedge types, Buxus microphylla var. sinica (HBa, HBb) cultivated in different habitats in Nanjing Botanical Garden Mem. Sun Yat-Sen (NBG), Nanjing of East China, from April 2001 to November 2002. Another hedge type, Euonymus japonicus (HEb) was also investigated as a contrast, cultivated in Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU), about 3 km away from NBG, between April and November 2003. In total, 1230 plant indi-viduals were found to have invaded these six hedge types, and were identified as belonging to 70 species in 57 genera and 42 fami-lies. Among these plants, 1047 individuals of 55 species were adapted for bird seed dispersal, and 161 individuals of 10 species were adapted for wind seed dispersal, but the seed dispersal mode of the other 22 individuals of five species was uncertain. Among the six hedge types, we found a significantly higher occurrence of bird-dispersed plant species than that of wind-dispersed species ( t = 5.086, df = 10, P < 0.0001) or that of species with the unknown dispersal mode ( t = 8.446, df = 10, P < 0.0001). However, the difference of occurrence between wind-dispersed species and species with the unknown dispersal mode was not significant ( t = 1.977, df = 10, P = 0.076). The number of bird-dispersed plant species recorded in the five hedge types of NBG varied from 15 to 36, M ± SD = 25.6 ± 8.1, and the Shannon-Wiener indices were between 2.151 and 2.917, M ± SD = 2.671 ± 0.306. In contrast with NBG, only 12 species of bird-dispersed plants occurred in the hedge of NAU, with a lower Shannon-Wiener index of 1.679. As a result of cluster analysis, based on Bray-Curtis similarity indices of the invaded plant species adapted for bird seed dispersal, the similarity of species composition of bird-dispersed plants between hedges was influenced to a large extent by the surrounding habitat characteristics, e.g., locality, seed source diversity, distances from seed sources, seed dispersing birds, and frequency of human disturbance, rather than simply being dependent on the hedge tree species themselves. This research suggests that hedges could attract birds to utilize their interior shelter as habitats, and therefore, would have enhanced the deposition of bird-dispersed seeds, as well as have favored seed-ling survival under hedges. Consequently, avian seed dispersal has enriched the species composition of each of the six hedge types consisting of just a single tree species. Although survival and colonization of the migrated plants will inevitably cause some influ-ences on the aesthetic view of hedges, these invaded weeds or woody weeds could be managed and suppressed through regular arti-ficial pruning and by eradication. The results indicate the ecological significance of seed sources, bird seed dispersal, and shrub patches in promoting the successional development of woody vegetation.  相似文献   

Many factors interact to determine genetic structure within populations including adult density, the mating system, colonization history, natural selection, and the mechanism and spatial patterns of gene dispersal. We examined spatial genetic structure within colonizing populations of Quercus rubra seedlings and Pinus strobus juveniles and adults in an aspen-white pine forest in northern Michigan, USA. A 20-year spatially explicit demographic study of the forest enables us to interpret the results in light of recent colonization of the site for both species. We assayed 217 Q. rubra seedlings and 171 P. strobus individuals at 11 polymorphic loci using nine allozyme systems. Plant genotypes and locations were used in an analysis of spatial genetic structure. Q. rubra and P. strobus showed similar observed levels of heterozygosity, but Q. rubra seedlings have less heterozygosity than expected. Q. rubra seedlings show spatial genetic clumping of individuals on a scale to 25 m and levels of genetic relatedness expected from the clumped dispersion of half-siblings. In contrast, P. strobus has low levels of genetic relatedness at the smallest distance class and positive spatial genetic structure at scales < 10 m within the plot. The low density of adult Q. rubra outside the study plot and limited, spatially clumped rodent dispersal of acorns is likely responsible for the observed pattern of spatial genetic structure and the observed heterozygote deficit (i.e. a Wahlund effect). We attribute weaker patterns observed in P. strobus to the longer dispersal distance of seeds and the historical overlap of seed shadows from adults outside of the plot coupled with the overlap of seed shadows from younger, more recently established reproductive adults. The study demonstrates the utility of long-term demographic data in interpreting mechanisms responsible for generating contemporary patterns of genetic structure within populations.  相似文献   

天山云杉天然林不同林层的空间格局和空间关联性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
天山云杉(Picea Schrenkiana)林是天山林区的重要针叶林。研究调查了分别代表天山云杉增长型种群和成熟型种群的两块标准地,应用Ripley's K系数法研究了天山云杉更新层、低林层、中林层和高林层的空间格局和不同林层的空间关联性,并应用Moran's I系数法研究了不同林层的林木高度的空间自相关性。结果表明:所有林层的天山云杉活立木都是显著聚集的,只是发生聚集格局的强度和聚集尺度不同。更新层天山云杉具有最大的聚集强度,从更新层到低林层,聚集强度急速降低。两块标准地中天山桦(Betula tianschanica Rupr.)、天山柳(Salix tianschanica Rgl.)和天山云杉活立木的空间关联性的表现不同。研究结果表明:增长型种群中天山桦、天山柳在所有尺度上都抑制天山云杉的生长;而成熟型种群中天山桦、天山柳在1-10 m尺度内对天山云杉种群的生长没有影响,10-40 m表现出正相关,40 m以上没有表现出明显的关联性;同时天山桦、天山柳基本上在所有尺度都抑制天山云杉的更新。在更新层和低林层间表现出正相关;而更新层和枯死木之间的空间关联性为正相关。  相似文献   

In songbirds, the spatial pattern of song sharing among individuals is influenced by the song learning and dispersal strategies within each species. In birds where females and males sing and create joint acoustic displays (duets), the processes defining the patterns of song sharing become more complex as there might be different selection pressures shaping the behaviour of each sex. To provide further insight into the vocal development and the dispersal strategy of duetting tropical species, we investigated the patterns of individual and pair repertoire sharing, as well as the stability of these repertoires, in a colour-marked population of riverside wrens, Cantorchilus semibadius, located in the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Using data collected over a five-year period, we found considerable variation in the sharing levels of phrase and duet type repertoires among neighbouring individuals coupled with a general decline of repertoire sharing as distance increased between birds’ territories. These results are consistent with a pattern predicted in age-restricted learners that establish preferentially near their tutors. Furthermore, we found no evidence of individuals changing their phrase type repertoires over time, including after remating events. Duet type repertoires were also stable when pairs remained together. However, we observed a surprisingly high turnover rate. When individuals remated, even though the majority of the previous duet type repertoire remained, several new duet types were included. Taken together, our findings suggest that riverside wrens might create their individual repertoires by copying their same-sex parent and neighbouring individuals before dispersal. Additionally, we speculate that even though birds were able to create new duet types after changing partners, a substantial portion of their duet type repertoire might also be copied from their parents and neighbouring pairs during the initial critical period of song learning.  相似文献   

Subjective decisions of thematic and spatial resolutions in characterizing environmental heterogeneity may affect the characterizations of spatial pattern and the simulation of occurrence and rate of ecological processes, and in turn, model-based tree species distribution. Thus, this study quantified the importance of thematic and spatial resolutions, and their interaction in predictions of tree species distribution (quantified by species abundance). We investigated how model-predicted species abundances changed and whether tree species with different ecological traits (e.g., seed dispersal distance, competitive capacity) had different responses to varying thematic and spatial resolutions. We used the LANDIS forest landscape model to predict tree species distribution at the landscape scale and designed a series of scenarios with different thematic (different numbers of land types) and spatial resolutions combinations, and then statistically examined the differences of species abundance among these scenarios. Results showed that both thematic and spatial resolutions affected model-based predictions of species distribution, but thematic resolution had a greater effect. Species ecological traits affected the predictions. For species with moderate dispersal distance and relatively abundant seed sources, predicted abundance increased as thematic resolution increased. However, for species with long seeding distance or high shade tolerance, thematic resolution had an inverse effect on predicted abundance. When seed sources and dispersal distance were not limiting, the predicted species abundance increased with spatial resolution and vice versa. Results from this study may provide insights into the choice of thematic and spatial resolutions for model-based predictions of tree species distribution.  相似文献   

Accurate data on dispersal ability are vital to the understanding of how species are affected by fragmented landscapes. However, three factors may limit the ability of field studies to detect a representative sample of dispersal events: (1) the number of individuals monitored, (2) the area over which the study is conducted and (3) the time over which the study is conducted. Using sub-sampling of mark-release-recapture data from a study on the endangered damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale (Charpentier), we show that maximum dispersal distance is strongly related to the number of recaptured individuals in the mark-release-recapture study and the length of time over which the study is conducted. Median dispersal distance is only related significantly to the length of the study. Spatial extent is not associated with either dispersal measure in our analysis. Previously consideration has been given to the spatial scale of dispersal experiments but we demonstrated conclusively that temporal scale and the number of marked individuals also have the potential to affect the measurement of dispersal. Based on quadratic relationships between the maximum dispersal distance, recapture number and length of study, we conclude that a previous study was of sufficient scale to characterise the dispersal kernel of C. mercuriale. Our method of analysis could be used to ensure that the results of mark-release-recapture studies are independent of levels of spatial and temporal investment. Improved confidence in dispersal estimates will enable better management decisions to be made for endangered species.  相似文献   

The infections of two species of mistletoes in Baja California, Mexico were investigated for spatial patterns of abundance, and for an effect of the dispersal patterns of mistletoe seeds on these spatial patterns. Mistletoe distributions were mapped and the dispersal of mistletoe seeds was observed. Most mistletoes seeds were dispersed locally to the parent tree or to nearby trees. While mistletoe distributions were highly clumped at the level of the individual tree, no spatial pattern was found above the scale of the individual tree. Infected trees were no more clumped than the overall host population, and infected trees had no more mistletoes on nearby surrounding trees than did uninfected trees. Trees showed no spatial autocorrelation in the number of mistletoes they supported. Simulations using a spatially explicit simulation model with local dispersal and stochasticity in seed dispersal, host mortality, and mistletoe mortality were used to interpret the field results. Simulation results suggest that dispersal patterns affect the overall level of variance in the number of mistletoes per tree but do not lead to spatial patterns in abundance above the scale of the tree. Thus, both simulation and field systems give the surprising result that local dispersal does not lead to spatial autocorrelation in the numbers of mistletoes per tree.Abbreviations AI = Arroyo Inspiracion - VSR = Valle San Rafael  相似文献   

The regeneration of rainforest onto land cleared for grazing early this century was studied on several sites in northern Tasmania. Drimys lanceolata, a bird-dispersed species, was the main invader. The climax forest species. Nothofagus cunninghamii and Atherosperma moschatum were invading slowly from the forest edge with occasional trees established in the field. Woody plants in the old-field were clumped around logs. This was related to the role of logs in attracting seed and to possible roles as competition-free sites and sites safe from browsing and climatic stresses. Changes in dominance by particular life forms appeared to be related to dispersal events, environmental modification by the developing vegetation and life history characteristics. The extremely slow invasion by climax species is due to the absence of bare mineral soil as well as to dispersal characteristics, browsing and possibly exposure to climatic stresses.  相似文献   

An exciting advance in the understanding of metapopulation dynamics has been the investigation of how populations respond to ephemeral patches that go ‘extinct’ during the lifetime of an individual. Previous research has shown that this scenario leads to genetic homogenization across large spatial scales. However, little is known about fine-scale genetic structuring or how this changes over time in ephemeral patches. We predicted that species that specialize on ephemeral habitats will delay dispersal to exploit natal habitat patches while resources are plentiful and thus display fine-scale structure. To investigate this idea, we evaluated the effect of frequent colonization of ephemeral habitats on the fine-scale genetic structure of a fire specialist, the black-backed woodpecker (Picoides arcticus) and found a pattern of fine-scale genetic structure. We then tested for differences in spatial structure between sexes and detected a pattern consistent with male-biased dispersal. We also detected a temporal increase in relatedness among individuals within newly burned forest patches. Our results indicate that specialist species that outlive their ephemeral patches can accrue significant fine-scale spatial structure that does not necessarily affect spatial structure at larger scales. This highlights the importance of both spatial and temporal scale considerations in both sampling and data interpretation of molecular genetic results.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper deals with the spatial distribution pattern of the bird-dispersed plant Daphne gnidium in a 10-yr abandoned field under Mediterranean conditions. Colonization of Mediterranean old-fields by bird-dispersed plants is expected to fit a theoretical model in which (1) seed dispersal follows a negative exponential curve with the distance from the seed source and (2) seedlings are better established under perches (nucleation sensu Yarranton & Morrison 1974). However, post-dispersal processes such as seed predation, seed germination and seedling establishment are also spatial-dependent and can lead to spatial autocorrelation in the seedling distribution within an old-field. Results show that both processes in the model (curve of seed dispersal and nucleation) significantly explained the spatial distribution of the seedlings, but some spatial variance remained unexplained. The semivariogram with the statistical residuals of the model detected spatial dependence at small (< 20 m) and large (> 250 m) distance intervals, indicating that some mechanisms with spatial components, apart from the curve of seed dispersal and nucleation under perches, also determined the distribution of seedlings colonizing fields. At scales below 20-m intervals, semivariance increased indicating that similarity between plots is lost when distance increases between them. This pattern may be explained because the favourable micro-environmental conditions for establishment produced under perches could be extended towards neighbour plots where perches were absent. A flat semi-variogram between 20-m and 250-m intervals shows spatial independence along this range. From 250 m on, the semivariance increased again, indicating spatial dependence at coarse-scale. It is possible that the colonization model failed at this scale because different spatial processes to those included in the model (perch presence and distance to the shrubland) could be controlling seed colonization at coarse-scale.  相似文献   

Velho N  Isvaran K  Datta A 《Oecologia》2012,169(4):995-1004
Tropical tree species vary widely in their pattern of spatial dispersion. We focus on how seed predation may modify seed deposition patterns and affect the abundance and dispersion of adult trees in a tropical forest in India. Using plots across a range of seed densities, we examined whether seed predation levels by terrestrial rodents varied across six large-seeded, bird-dispersed tree species. Since inter-specific variation in density-dependent seed mortality may have downstream effects on recruitment and adult tree stages, we determined recruitment patterns close to and away from parent trees, along with adult tree abundance and dispersion patterns. Four species (Canarium resiniferum, Dysoxylum binectariferum, Horsfieldia kingii, and Prunus ceylanica) showed high predation levels (78.5-98.7%) and increased mortality with increasing seed density, while two species, Chisocheton cumingianus and Polyalthia simiarum, showed significantly lower seed predation levels and weak density-dependent mortality. The latter two species also had the highest recruitment near parent trees, with most abundant and aggregated adults. The four species that had high seed mortality had low recruitment under parent trees, were rare, and had more spaced adult tree dispersion. Biotic dispersal may be vital for species that suffer density-dependent mortality factors under parent trees. In tropical forests where large vertebrate seed dispersers but not seed predators are hunted, differences in seed vulnerability to rodent seed predation and density-dependent mortality can affect forest structure and composition.  相似文献   

Abstract. The spatial distribution of Eurya japonica, an evergreen understorey species, was studied on a 4-ha permanent plot in an old-growth, temperate, evergreen broad-leaved forest in southwestern Japan. The pattern of spatial dispersion varied with size class, the environmental heterogeneity produced by tree-fall gaps and microtopography and the scale of observation. Seedlings (0.05 to < 0.5 m high) had the most clumped distributions, followed by saplings (0.5 to 1.3 m high) and adults (> 1.3 m). Individuals were more clumped at the smallest grid size, 1.56m × 1.56 m, and became less clumped as grid size increased for all size classes. On grids of less than 6.25 m × 6.25 m, no spatial correlations were found between seedlings and larger size classes; positive spatial correlations were found between saplings and adults at this scale. Abundant seedlings appeared in tree-fall gaps formed by uprooted trees, but seedlings were frequent on ridge tops and upper slopes. Saplings and adults also occurred on upper slopes, but their spatial distribution had little relation to current tree-fall gaps. The spatial distribution of E. japonica individuals was largely attributed to the distribution of tree-fall gaps and the differential responses to microtopographic variation by individuals at different size classes.  相似文献   

The evolutionary viability of an endangered species depends upon gene flow among subpopulations and the degree of habitat patch connectivity. Contrasting population connectivity over ecological and evolutionary timescales may provide novel insight into what maintains genetic diversity within threatened species. We employed this integrative approach to evaluating dispersal in the critically endangered Coahuilan box turtle (Terrapene coahuila) that inhabits isolated wetlands in the desert‐spring ecosystem of Cuatro Ciénegas, Mexico. Recent wetland habitat loss has altered the spatial distribution and connectivity of habitat patches; and we therefore predicted that T. coahuila would exhibit limited movement relative to estimates of historic gene flow. To evaluate contemporary dispersal patterns, we employed mark–recapture techniques at both local (wetland complex) and regional (intercomplex) spatial scales. Gene flow estimates were obtained by surveying genetic variation at nine microsatellite loci in seven subpopulations located across the species’ geographical range. The mark–recapture results at the local spatial scale reveal frequent movement among wetlands that was unaffected by interwetland distance. At the regional spatial scale, dispersal events were relatively less frequent between wetland complexes. The complementary analysis of population genetic substructure indicates strong historic gene flow (global FST = 0.01). However, a relationship of genetic isolation by distance across the geographical range suggests that dispersal limitation exists at the regional scale. Our approach of contrasting direct and indirect estimates of dispersal at multiple spatial scales in T. coahuila conveys a sustainable evolutionary trajectory of the species pending preservation of threatened wetland habitats and a range‐wide network of corridors.  相似文献   

We linked primary dispersal by spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) and howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) to post‐dispersal seed fate by studying the effects of dung type and defecation pattern on secondary seed dispersal by dung beetles. First, we described the defecation patterns for both primate species. Howler monkeys generally defecated in groups (88% of observed defecations), with each individual producing on average 31 g of dung, resulting in a large area of the forest floor (31 m2) covered by large amounts of dung (clumped spatial pattern). Spider monkeys generally (96% of observed defecations) defecated individually, each individual producing an average of 11 g of dung, resulting in a small area of the forest floor (2 m2) covered by small amounts of dung (scattered spatial pattern). Secondly, we captured dung beetles using as bait the dung of both primate species, to detect differences in the assemblages of these secondary seed dispersers attracted to the dung of both primates. More individual dung beetles, but not more species, were attracted to howler monkey dung than to spider monkey dung. Finally, we assessed experimentally (using plastic beads as seed mimics) how dung type (Ateles vs. Alouatta) and defecation pattern (scattered vs. clumped) affect secondary seed dispersal by dung beetles. We found that post‐dispersal seed fate was affected by dung type, with more seeds being buried when present in howler monkey dung, than in spider monkey dung, but was not affected by defecation pattern. It is important to consider post‐dispersal processes, such as secondary seed dispersal by dung beetles, when comparing species of primary dispersers.  相似文献   

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