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A study has been made of the comparability of the two reflectance spectrophotometers, EEL and Photovolt, which have been most widely used for measuring variation in human skin colour. From samples of Negroes, Indians, and Europeans measured with both instruments various conversion equations have been calculated using a “least squares” method.  相似文献   

The color-mediated thermoregulation hypothesis predicts that dark body color (low reflectance) allows organisms to gain heat more efficiently than does pale coloration (high reflectance). This prediction is intuitive and widely assumed to be true, but has poor empirical support. We used rare, captive-bred, mutant melanistic, albino and wild-type Australian bluetongue lizards, Tiliqua scincoides to measure the effects of skin reflectance on the heating and cooling rates. We measured heating under an artificial radiant heat source and cooling rates in an ice-cooled box using live lizards in a room with still air. The effect of skin reflectance on heat transfer was clear, despite the substantial influence of body size. Melanistic T. scincoides showed low reflectance and gained heat faster than highly reflective albinos. Melanistic lizards also lost heat faster than albinos. Wild-type lizards were intermediate in reflectance, gained heat at rates indistinguishable from melanistic lizards, and lost heat at rates indistinguishable from albino lizards. This study system allowed us to control for variables that were confounded in other studies and may explain the inconsistent support for the color-mediated thermoregulation hypothesis. Our results provide clear evidence that skin reflectance influences the rate of heating and cooling in ectotherms.  相似文献   

Ethnohistoric accounts and serological analyses have documented the genetic effects of transplantation and admixture of several subpopulations of Tlaxcaltecans in Saltillo, Mexico. Interpopulational affinities are assessed using skin reflectance readings taken at the upper inner arm site with a Photovolt Model 670 reflectance spectrophotometer for these groups, focusing on the barrios of La Minita and Chamizal. Genetic distance analyses based on blood groups and skin reflectance data are in close agreement and reflect differential rates of admixture for these groups. Admixture estimates for a dihybrid model (Indian-Spanish) were derived from skin reflectances and show a slight tendency for underestimation of Spanish admixture when compared to blood group estimates. Application of a trihybrid model incorporating West African admixture shows similar estimates based on blood groups, immunoglobulins, and skin color.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) signals have been shown to play key roles in social and sexual signalling in birds. Using a spectrophotometer, we analysed the colour of the cere (skin above the beak) of a diurnal raptor, the Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus), and show that it reflects in the UV part of the spectrum. The cere is a well-known sexual signal in raptors, with carotenoid based pigmentation being indicative of quality. We thus hypothesized that UV reflectance also signals quality. Accordingly, we found that in our sample of wild males, the location of the UV peak was related to the orangeness of cere and correlated with male body mass and condition (mass corrected for size). Also, males with brighter UV were mated to females that laid earlier, as expected if UV reflectance relates to a male's quality and attractiveness. Future studies should investigate the relationships between UV reflectance and carotenoid pigmentation of cere, and test how UV reflectance influences mate choice.  相似文献   

One physiological mechanism used by reptiles to remain within thermal optima is their ability to reversibly alter skin colour, imparting changes in overall reflectance, and influencing the rate of heat gain from incident radiation. The ability to lighten or darken their skin is caused by the movement of pigment within the dermal chromatophore cells. Additionally, lizards, as ectotherms, significantly lower their preferred body temperatures when experiencing stressors such as hypoxia. This decrease in preferred temperature has been proposed to be the result of a downward adjustment of the thermal set-point, the temperature around which the body temperature is typically defended. We tested the hypothesis that lightening of the skin in lizards would be modified by hypoxia in a manner consistent with the known reduction in preferred temperatures. Skin colouration values of the dorsal skin of bearded dragons were analysed at three different levels of oxygen (20.8, 9.9 and 4.9 kPa) and at temperatures spanning the preferred temperature range (30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40 C). Hypoxic lizards lightened their skin at lower ambient temperatures more than normoxic ones, and in an oxygen-dependent fashion. The orchestrated adjustment of skin reflectance suggests that this physiological trait is being regulated at a new and lower set-point. Evidence from this study demonstrates that skin colouration plays a role in body temperature regulation and that the reduction in temperature set-point so prevalent in hypoxia is also manifested in this physiological trait.  相似文献   

Data were obtained from 252 elementary school pupils in four regions of Aruba and in the suburbs of Willemstad, Curaçao. Data included ABO and MN blood groups, ratings of skin color and hand prints. Pupils in the Noord region of Aruba differ significantly from those at other schools in both islands with respect to frequencies of MN blood group genes; mean ridge counts on fingers; and pattern frequencies in hypothenar and thenar/first interdigital palmar areas. Noord pupils have significantly darker skin color than those in other Aruban areas. No significant differences were encountered in ABO frequencies, which are more similar to those of Negroes than to American Indians and Caucasians. MN blood group frequencies and finger prints of pupils in the Noord region are similar to those of American Indians, whereas those in other regions are similar to those of Negroes and western Europeans.  相似文献   

Social class may act in different ways as a barrier to gene flow in urban populations, depending on ethnicity. We test the hypothesis that biological variation is affected by social class subdivision using skin reflectance data collected for 393 Anglo-American and 930 Mexican-American adults in the major urban population of San Antonio, Texas. Two socioeconomic groups were sampled for the Anglo-American population: a middle-income transitional group and a high-income suburban group. In addition, we sampled a third socioeconomic group for Mexican-Americans: a low income barrio. Sex and age effects on skin color are minimal. Social class has no effect on skin color variation for Anglo-Americans, whereas there is a highly significant effect on social class subdivision for Mexican-Americans. Admixture estimates were derived from skin reflectance data and show that the proportion of native American ancestry decreases as social class increases.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide skin color data on several endogamous groups of eastern Nepal and to demonstrate genetic microdifferentiation in skin color. Skin reflectance measures were taken at the upper inner arm and forehead sites, using the British DSL Model 99 Reflectance Spectrophotometer fitted with blue, green, and red filters. Measurements on 484 males representing six endogamous groups (Jirel, Sunwar, Sherpa, Tamang, Brahman, Chetri) were utilized. After adjusting for group-specific age effects, multivariate likelihood ratio permutation tests were used to assess ethnic differences in skin reflectance means and covariance matrices. Ethnic group membership had a highly significant effect on skin color at the upper inner arm site and at the forehead site. Differential tanning responses among groups were also detected and may represent the influence of genotype-environment interaction on reflectance traits. Mahalanobis distance analysis revealed patterns of microdifferentiation that are inconsistent with oral historical accounts. Little support was found for the ethnohistorical belief that Jirels are a hybrid group descended from Sunwars and Sherpas, even though this scenario is supported by linguistic, anthropometric, and dermatoglyphic data. We suggest that while reflectometric studies of skin pigmentation may be useful in assessing the macrodifferentiation of human populations, the use of skin color in differentiation studies at the local population level needs to be carefully evaluated.  相似文献   

Skin color is a polygenically determined quantitative trait. Although it has been used extensively in studies of between-population variation, there have been relatively few studies of the inheritance of skin color. In this article we use measurements on 359 members of the Jirel population of eastern Nepal to assess the heritabilities and additive genetic correlations of three skin reflectance measures. Skin color was measured at the upper inner arm site at three wavelengths. A maximum likelihood approach was used to estimate sex and age effects on skin reflectance, heritabilities, and phenotypic variances at each wavelength and both additive genetic and environmental correlations between wavelengths. This technique incorporated information from 36 pedigrees with 2-25 members and 173 independent individuals. Likelihood ratio tests were used to assess the significance of specific variance/covariance components. The results indicate that skin reflectances are moderately heritable at all three wavelengths. The pairwise phenotypic correlations ranged from 0.76 to 0.88. The observed additive genetic correlations were not significantly different from 1.00, suggesting that the same loci influence variation at each wavelength. This evidence for relatively complete pleiotropy implies that measurements at multiple wavelengths yield little additional genetic information, although they may be useful for reducing measurement error. Based on estimates of the genetic and phenotypic covariance matrices, we determined that skin reflectance measurements are expected to provide only as much information for assessing local between-population genetic variation as a single two-allele polymorphic marker. Therefore microevolutionary studies based on skin color variation should be viewed with caution.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoke is a strong risk factor for obesity and cardiovascular disease. The effect of genetic variants involved in nicotine metabolism on obesity or body composition has not been well studied. Though many genetic variants have previously been associated with adiposity or body fat distribution, a single variant usually confers a minimal individual risk. The goal of this study is to evaluate the joint association of multiple variants involved in cigarette smoke or nicotine dependence with obesity-related phenotypes in American Indians. To achieve this goal, we genotyped 61 tagSNPs in seven genes encoding nicotine acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in 3,665 American Indians participating in the Strong Heart Family Study. Single SNP association with obesity-related traits was tested using family-based association, adjusting for traditional risk factors including smoking. Joint association of all SNPs in the seven nAChRs genes were examined by gene-family analysis based on weighted truncated product method (TPM). Multiple testing was controlled by false discovery rate (FDR). Results demonstrate that multiple SNPs showed weak individual association with one or more measures of obesity, but none survived correction for multiple testing. However, gene-family analysis revealed significant associations with waist circumference (p = 0.0001) and waist-to-hip ratio (p = 0.0001), but not body mass index (p = 0.20) and percent body fat (p = 0.29), indicating that genetic variants are jointly associated with abdominal, but not general, obesity among American Indians. The observed combined genetic effect is independent of cigarette smoking per se. In conclusion, multiple variants in the nAChR gene family are jointly associated with abdominal obesity in American Indians, independent of general obesity and cigarette smoking per se.  相似文献   

The current method for determining the sun protection factor (SPF) requires erythema formation. Noninvasive alternatives have recently been suggested by several groups. Our group previously developed a functional sensor based on diffuse reflectance measurements with one UVB LED, which was previously evaluated on pig ear skin. Here we present the results of a systematic in vivo study using 12 sunscreens on 10 volunteers (skin types [ST] I-III). The relationship of the UVB-LED reflectance of unprotected skin and melanin index was determined for each ST. The spatial variation of the reflectance signal of different positions was analyzed and seems to be mainly influenced by sample inhomogeneity except for high-protection factors (PFs) where signal levels are close to detection noise. Despite the low-signal levels, a correlation of the measured LED-based UVB PF with SPF reference values from test institutes with R2 = 0.57 is obtained, suggesting a strong relationship of SPF and LED-based UVB-PF. Measured PFs tend to be lower for increasing skin pigmentation. The sensor design seems to be suitable for investigations where a fast measurement of relative changes of PFs, such as due to inhomogeneous application, bathing and sweating, is of interest.  相似文献   

Previous studies of human skin color have shown a strong relationship between skin color and distance from the equator, which has been interpreted as a link between skin color, latitude, and the intensity of ultraviolet radiation. The underlying assumptions are that UV radiation is greatest at the equator and that it diminishes with increasing latitude to the same extent in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The standard analysis of human skin color is based on these assumptions, such that skin color is assumed to be darkest at the equator, and the decrease of skin color with latitude is assumed to be the same in both hemispheres. A nonlinear piecewise regression model was developed to test these assumptions and applied to mean skin reflectance data from 102 male samples and 65 female samples from across the Old World. For both males and females, skin reflectance (%) is lowest at the equator (darkest skin). Among males, skin reflectance increases roughly 8.2% for every 10 degrees of latitude in the Northern Hemisphere but only 3.3% for every 10 degrees of latitude in the Southern Hemisphere. Among females, the corresponding numbers are 8.1% in the Northern Hemisphere and 4.7% in the Southern Hemisphere. These results indicate that human skin color is darker in the Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere at equivalent latitude. Recent research shows that UV radiation is higher in the Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere at similar latitude. This difference, relating to astronomical and climatic conditions, may have existed in the past at different times and perhaps influenced the evolution of human skin color. Am J Phys Anthropol 104:449–457, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Offspring solicit food from their parents through begging signals. Nestling skin and flange coloration are begging signals that appear to convey information about nestling need or condition, and several experiments have shown that modifications of nestling coloration affect parental allocation decisions. However, it is important to examine the short‐term changes in these signalling components in response to food constraints since such dynamic changes are required for signals to indicate condition or need. Using a food deprivation experiment, we tested whether flange and skin reflectance in European starling Sturnus vulgaris nestlings change after a three‐hour interval. We investigated whether flange and skin reflectance changed according to the predictions arising from the ‘signal of quality’ or ‘signal of need’ hypotheses on the function of begging signals. We found that flange carotenoid and UV reflectance changed according to the signal of quality hypothesis with nestlings in good condition increasing their signal expression in response to the food deprivation, whereas those in poor condition decreased their signal expression. With the use of vision modelling, we show that changes in flange reflectance are detectable by starling parents. In contrast, we found a correlation going in the opposite direction for changes in skin UV reflectance. Nestlings with low lipid reserves increased their reflectance compared to nestlings with high reserves. However, vision modelling showed that short‐term changes in skin UV reflectance are not large enough to be detectable by the parents. Our study shows that flange carotenoid and UV reflectance are dynamic components of begging with short‐term variations that can be used by parents as signals of nestling quality.  相似文献   

Data on stature, sitting height, biacromial width, and some other body measurements on 267 children and 363 adults of the Xingu Indians of Brazil have been analyzed. Adult height shows no significant decrease with age over an age range of 20–50 years, thus indicating the absence of secular changes. The average Xingu child seems to be around the twenty-fifth to fiftieth centile for height of British children (if our age estimates are correct) until about ten years in girls and 14 years in boys, but ends at below the third British centile as an adult. In sitting height, however, the Indians show substantially lower values, with children being at about the fifteenth centile until ten years in girls and 14 years in boys, while the adults are considerably below the British third centile. Other comparisons show that the Xingu are taller than Surinam Indians although of similar shoulder width. The lack of anthropometric data concerning South American Indian adults, and more especially children has been stressed. Investigations of these populations facing rapid acculturation and possible assimilation will form a baseline for the future work in public health as contacts with non-Indians increase.  相似文献   

人类的肤色是在遗传和环境因素的共同作用下形成的。最近在人类复杂性状基因定位中,统计学和遗传学研究方法的发展,使得肤色相关基因有可能利用这些方法来甄别。而且,有了Photovolt ColorWalk色度计等便携的新式光谱反射系数测量工具,研究者可以方便准确地测量大量人群的皮肤反射系数作为遗传学研究用的人类表型性状。我们衣物Photovolt ColorWark测试了372人的一个汉族群体和274人的一个藏族群体的上臂内侧不受阳光照射的皮肤反射系数,以建立反射系数测量的基准数据。我们调查了年龄、性别、居住地纬度、种族等不同因素对皮肤反射系数的影响,也调查了皮肤反射系数的正态分布。在这些研究结果的基础上我们设计了皮肤反射系数遗传学研究的策略。  相似文献   

Skin reflectance measurements were taken with six filters at a site on the medial aspect of the upper arm (underarm) prior to and following topical application of a cold compress. Skinfolds were measured at the underarm and triceps sites. The experiment was designed to test for effects of skin surface temperature and subcutaneous fat variations on skin color as determined by reflectometry. Topical cold-induced erythema of the skin produced marked declines in % reflectance at the shorter visible wavelengths over the range of violet, blue, and green, and only slight declines in % reflectance at the longer visible wavelengths (red range). This is consistent with the observation from past work that there is little hemoglobin absorptance at the red end of the visible spectrum. A positive relationship between the change in % reflectance following topical cold application and underarm skinfold was recorded. Hence, the thickness of fat deposits may contribute to variation in skin reflectance. Since only large temperature differences influenced skin reflectance measurements, the need is not great for fieldworkers to control for surface temperature at the underarm site during skin reflectance survey.  相似文献   

The camouflaging abilities of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) are remarkable and well known. It is commonly believed that cuttlefish-although color blind-actively match various colors of their immediate surroundings, yet no quantitative data support this notion. We assembled several natural substrates chosen to evoke the three basic types of camouflaged body patterns that cuttlefish express (uniform/stipple, mottle, and disruptive) and measured the spectral reflectance of the camouflaged pattern and the respective background using a fiber optic spectrometer. We demonstrate that the reflectance spectra of cuttlefish skin patterns correlate closely with the spectra of these natural substrates. Since pigmented chromatophores play a key role in cephalopod color change, we also measured the spectral reflectance of individual cuttlefish chromatophores under the microscope, and confirm the results from a previous publication reporting three distinct colors of chromatophores (yellow, orange, and dark brown) on the animals' dorsal side. Taken together, our results show that the color variations in substrate and animal skin can be very similar and that this may facilitate color match on natural substrates in the absence of color vision.  相似文献   

Two hundred and sixty-three Indians aged six and above were studied in Oklahoma for blood types, hemoglobin types, and physical traits; 53% were Seminoles and the remainder were admixed with Creek or other populations. The results indicate that they resemble the Florida Seminoles in most of their serologic traits. In physical traits they are comparable to the group studied by Krogman two decades ago. Compared with the Florida Seminoles, the Oklahoma sample are slightly taller and heavier, significantly lighter in skin color, and have a lower incidence of sickle cell gene. By both serology and morphology the Oklahoma group are most similar to Florida Seminoles, slightly less similar to other Indian groups, and still less to White and Negro populations. The Oklahoma sample of women showed a non-significantly greater fertility than those of Florida. Some indication of positive assortative mating for skin color was found in both groups.  相似文献   

Near-IR spectroscopic methods have been developed to determine the degree of hydration of human skin in vivo. Noncontact reflectance spectroscopic imaging was used to investigate the distribution of skin moisture as a function of location. A human study in a clinical setting has generated quantitative data showing the effects of a drying agent and a moisturizer on delineated regions of the forearms of eight volunteers. Two digital imaging systems equipped with liquid-crystal tunable filters were used to collect stacks of monochromatic images at 10-nm intervals over the 650-1050 and 960-1700 nm wavelength bands. Synthetic images generated from measurements of water absorption band areas at three different near-IR wavelengths (970, 1200, and 1450 nm) showed obvious differences in the apparent distribution of water in the skin. Changes resulting from the skin treatments were much more evident in the long-wavelength images than in the short-wavelength ones. The variable sensitivity of the method at different wavelengths has been interpreted as being the result of different penetration depths of the IR light used in the reflectance studies.  相似文献   

Over the years the body of work relating chitosan and its possible skin-related applications has grown, showing that chitosan is active both as a free compound and as a functional finishing of textiles. As a free molecule chitosan proved itself to be an attractive option as it is biocompatible and has a demonstrated biological activity (e.g. growth inhibition or adhesion inhibition) upon multiple skin pathogens, even upon multidrug resistant species. Furthermore, chitosan has wound healing accelerating properties, which make it a prime candidate for possible control of skin related infections. Almost inconspicuously, textiles have been one the main lines of defense of the skin against foreign threats, acting as a physical barrier to microbial colonization and infection. With the advent of textile functionalization specially designed textiles with enhanced protective characteristics, such as antimicrobial capacity, have come to the forefront. Chitosan functionalized textiles have been shown to be effective inhibitors of microbial growth with even invasive multidrug resistant species, as MRSA, being inhibited. Therefore, chitosan and chitosan functionalized textiles present themselves as both an interesting alternative to traditional antibiotics and as a possible means to enhance current treatment strategies.  相似文献   

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