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Human infection with Toxoplasma gondii is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Protozoan parasites such as T. gondii are incapable of de novo purine biosynthesis and must acquire purines from their host, so the purine salvage pathway offers a number of potential targets for antiparasitic chemotherapy. In T. gondii tachyzoites, adenosine is the predominantly salvaged purine nucleoside, and thus adenosine kinase is a key enzyme in the purine salvage pathway of this parasite. The structure of T. gondii adenosine kinase was solved using molecular replacement and refined by simulated annealing at 1.8 A resolution to an R-factor of 0.214. The overall structure and the active site geometry are similar to human adenosine kinase, although there are significant differences. The T. gondii adenosine kinase has several unique features compared to the human sequence, including a five-residue deletion in one of the four linking segments between the two domains, which is probably responsible for a major change in the orientation of the two domains with respect to each other. These structural differences suggest the possibility of developing specific inhibitors of the parasitic enzyme.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Creatine Kinase (MtCK) is responsible for the transfer of high energy phosphate from mitochondria to the cytosolic carrier, creatine, and exists in mammals as two isoenzymes encoded by separate genes. In rats and humans, sarcomere-specific MtCK (sMtCK) is expressed only in skeletal and heart muscle, and has 87% nucleotide identity across the 1257 bp coding region. The ubiquitous isoenzyme of MtCK (uMtCK) is expressed in many tissues with highest levels in brain, gut, and kidney, and has 92% nucleotide identity between the 1254 bp coding regions of rat and human. Both genes are highly regulated developmentally in a tissue-specific manner. There is virtually no expression of sMtCK mRNA prior to birth. Unlike cytosolic muscle CK (MCK) and brain CK (BCK), there is no developmental isoenzyme switch between the MtCKs. Cell culture models representing the tissue-specific expression of either sMtCK or uMtCK are available, but there are no adequate developmental models to examine their regulation. Several animal models are available to examine the coordinate regulation of the CK gene family and include 1) Cardiac Stress by coarctation (sMtCK, BCK, and MCK), 2) Uterus and placenta during pregnancy (uMtCK and BCK), and 3) Diabetes and mitochondrial myopathy (sMtCK, BCK, and MCK). We report the details of these findings, and discuss the coordinate regulation of the genes necessary for high-energy transduction.  相似文献   

A histidine residue with a pKa of 7 has been inferred to act as a general acid-base catalyst for the reaction of creatine kinase (CK), catalyzing the reversible phosphorylation of creatine by ATP. The chicken sarcomeric muscle mitochondrial isoenzyme Mib-CK contains several histidine residues that are conserved throughout the family of creatine kinases. By X-ray crystal structure analysis, three of them (His 61, His 92, and His 186) were recently shown to be located close to the active site of the enzyme. These residues were exchanged against alanine or aspartate by in vitro mutagenesis, and the six mutant proteins were expressed in E. coli and purified. Structural integrity of the mutant proteins was checked by small-angle X-ray scattering. Kinetic analysis showed the mutant His 61 Asp to be completely inactive in the direction of ATP consumption while exhibiting a residual activity of 1.7% of the wild-type (wt) activity in the reverse direction. The respective His to Ala mutant of residue 61 showed approximately 1% wt activity in the forward and 10% wt activity in the reverse reaction. All other mutants showed near wt activities. Changes in the kinetic parameters K(m) or Vmax, as well as a significant loss of synergism in substrate binding, could be observed with all active mutants. These effects were most pronounced for the binding of creatine and phosphocreatine, whereas ATP or ADP binding were less severely affected. Based on our results, we assume that His 92 and His 186 are involved in the binding of creatine and ATP in the active site, whereas His 61 is of importance for the catalytic reaction but does not serve as an acid-base catalyst in the transphosphorylation of creatine and ATP. In addition, our data support the idea that the flexible loop bearing His 61 is able to move towards the active site and to participate in catalysis.  相似文献   

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and cytosolic brain-type creatine kinase (BCK) cooperate under energy stress to compensate for loss of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by either stimulating ATP-generating and inhibiting ATP-consuming pathways, or by direct ATP regeneration from phosphocreatine, respectively. Here we report on AMPK-dependent phosphorylation of BCK from different species identified by in vitro screening for AMPK substrates in mouse brain. Mass spectrometry, protein sequencing, and site-directed mutagenesis identified Ser6 as a relevant residue with one site phosphorylated per BCK dimer. Yeast two-hybrid analysis revealed interaction of active AMPK specifically with non-phosphorylated BCK. Pharmacological activation of AMPK mimicking energy stress led to BCK phosphorylation in astrocytes and fibroblasts, as evidenced with a highly specific phospho-Ser6 antibody. BCK phosphorylation at Ser6 did not affect its enzymatic activity, but led to the appearance of the phosphorylated enzyme at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), close to the ER calcium pump, a location known for muscle-type cytosolic creatine kinase (CK) to support Ca2+-pumping.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial creatine kinase (CK) purified from canine myocardium showed a single protein band on SDS-PAGE and was free of MMCK. Its amino acid composition was different than MMCK or BBCK and did not react to antiserum to MMCK or BBCK. Using purified mitochondrial, MM and BBCK, the velocity of reaction (V) was estimated for creatine phosphate (CP), creatine (C), adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) over a wide range of concentrations including those at Vmax. The values for Km (mM/L) derived from Lineweaver-Burke plots are shown: The affinity of mitochondrial CK for C is much greater than MMCK which is compatible with the energy shuttle hypothesis, namely ATP is converted by mitochondrial CK to CP, and then diffuses to the myofibril for conversion to ATP for utilization.  相似文献   

Arginine kinase (AK) is a member of the guanidino kinase family that plays an important role in buffering ATP concentration in cells with high and fluctuating energy demands. The AK specifically catalyzes the reversible phosphoryl transfer between ATP and arginine. We have determined the crystal structure of AK from the horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) in its open (substrate-free) form. The final model has been refined at 2.35 A with a final R of 22.3% (R(free) = 23.7%). The structure of the open form is compared to the previously determined structure of the transition state analog complex in the closed form. Classically, the protein would be considered two domain, but dynamic domain (DynDom) analysis shows that most of the differences between the two structures can be considered as the motion between four rigid groups of nonsequential residues. ATP binds near a cluster of positively charged residues of a fixed dynamic domain. The other three dynamic domains close the active site with separate hinge rotations relative to the fixed domain. Several residues of key importance for the induced motion are conserved within the phosphagen kinase family, including creatine kinase. Substantial conformational changes are induced in different parts of the enzyme as intimate interactions are formed with both substrates. Thus, although induced fit occurs in a number of phosphoryl transfer enzymes, the conformational changes in phosphagen kinases appear to be more complicated than in prior examples.  相似文献   

After discussing approaches to the modelling of mitochondrial regulation in muscle, we describe a model that takes account, in a simplified way, of some aspects of the metabolic and physical structure of the energy production/usage system. In this model, high-energy phosphates (ATP and phosphocreatine) and low energy metabolites (ADP and creatine) diffuse between the mitochondrion and the myofibrillar ATPase, and can be exchanged at any point by creatine kinase. Creatine kinase is not assumed to be at equilibrium, so explicit account can be taken of substantial changes in its activity of the sort that can now be achieved by transgenic technology in vivo. The ATPase rate is the input function. Oxidative ATP synthesis is controlled by juxtamitochondrial ADP concentration. To allow for possible functional coupling between the components of creatine kinase associated with the mitochondrial adenine nucleotide translocase and the myofibrillar ATPase, we define parameters and that set the fraction of the total flux carried by ATP rather than phosphocreatine out of the mitochondrial unit and into the ATPase unit, respectively. This simplification is justified by a detailed analysis of the interplay between the mitochondrial outer membrane porin proteins, mitochondrial creatine kinase and the adenine nucleotide translocase. As both processes of possible coupling are incorporated into the model as quantitative parameters, their effect on the energetics of the whole cell model can be explicitly assessed. The main findings are as follows: (1) At high creatine kinase activity, the hyperbolic relationship of oxidative ATP synthesis rate to spatially averaged ADP concentration at steady state implies also a near-linear relationship to creatine concentration, and a sigmoid relation to free energy of ATP hydrolysis. At high creatine kinase activity, the degree of functional coupling at either the mitochondrial or ATPase end has little effect on these relationships. However, lowering the creatine kinase activity raises the mean steady state ADP and creatine concentrations, and this is exaggerated when or is near unity (i.e. little coupling). (2) At high creatine kinase activity, the fraction of flow at steady state carried in the middle of the model by ATP is small, unaffected by the degree of functional coupling, but increases with ADP concentration and rate of ATP turnover. Lowering the creatine kinase activity raises this fraction, and this is exaggerated when or is near unity. (3) Both creatine and ADP concentrations show small gradients decreasing towards the mitochondrion (in the direction of their net flux), while ATP and phosphocreatine concentration show small gradients decreasing towards the myosin ATPase. Unless = 0 (i.e. complete coupling), there is a gradient of net creatine kinase flux that results from the need to transform some of the adenine nucleotide flux at the ends of the model into creatine flux in the middle; the overall net flux is small, but only zero if = . A reduction in cytosolic creatine kinase activity decreases ADP concentration at the mitochondrial end and increases it at the ATPase end. (4) During work-jump transitions, spatial average responses exhibit exponential kinetics similar to those of models of mitochondrial control that assume equilibrium conditions for creatine kinase. (5) In response to a step increase in ATPase activity, concentration changes start at the ATPase end and propagate towards the mitochondrion, damped in time and space. This simplified model embodies many important features of muscle in vivo, and accommodates a range of current theories as special cases. We end by discussing its relationship to other approaches to mitochondrial regulation in muscle, and some possible extensions of the model.  相似文献   

The biochemical and biophysical characterization of the mitochondrial creatine kinase (Mi-CK) from chicken cardiac muscle is reviewed with emphasis on the structure of the octameric oligomer by electron microscopy and on its membrane binding properties. Information about shape, molecular symmetry and dimensions of the Mi-CK octamer, as obtained by different sample preparation techniques in combination with image processing methods, are compared. The organization of the four dimeric subunits into the Mi-CK complex as apparent in the end-on projections is discussed and the consistently observed high binding affinity of the four-fold symmetric end-on faces towards many support films and towards each other is outlined. A study on the oligomeric state of the enzyme in solution and in intact mitochondria, using chemical crosslinking reagents, is presented together with the results of a search for a possible linkage of Mi-CK with the adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT). The nature of Mi-CK binding to model membranes, demonstrating that rather the octameric than the dimeric subspecies is involved in lipid interaction and membrane contact formation, is resumed and put into relation to our structural observations. The findings are discussed in light of a possiblein vivo function of the Mi-CK octamer bridging the gap between outer and inner mitochondrial membranes at the contact sites.  相似文献   

Bong SM  Moon JH  Nam KH  Lee KS  Chi YM  Hwang KY 《FEBS letters》2008,582(28):3959-3965
Creatine kinase is a member of the phosphagen kinase family, which catalyzes the reversible phosphoryl transfer reaction that occurs between ATP and creatine to produce ADP and phosphocreatine. Here, three structural aspects of human-brain-type-creatine-kinase (hBB-CK) were identified by X-ray crystallography: the ligand-free-form at 2.2 Å; the ADP-Mg2+, nitrate, and creatine complex (transition-state-analogue complex; TSAC); and the ADP-Mg2+-complex at 2.0 Å. The structures of ligand-bound hBB-CK revealed two different monomeric states in a single homodimer. One monomer is a closed form, either bound to TSAC or the ADP-Mg2+-complex, and the second monomer is an unliganded open form. These structural studies provide a detailed mechanism indicating that the binding of ADP-Mg2+ alone may trigger conformational changes in hBB-CK that were not observed with muscle-type-CK.  相似文献   

Creatine kinase (CK) isoenzymes are essential for storing, buffering and intracellular transport of “energy-rich” phosphate compounds in tissues with fluctuating high energy demand such as muscle, brain and other tissues and cells where CK is expressed. In brain and many non-muscle cells, ubiquitous cytosolic “brain-type” BB-CK and ubiquitous mitochondrial CK (uMtCK) act as components of a phosphocreatine shuttle to maintain cellular energy pools and distribute energy flux. To date, still relatively little is known about direct coupling of functional dimeric BB-CK with other partner proteins or enzymes that are important for cell function. Using a global yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) screen with monomeric B-CK as bait and a representative brain cDNA library to search for interaction partners of B-CK with proteins of the brain, we repeatedly identified the cis-Golgi Matrix protein (GM130) as recurrent interacting partner of B-CK. Since HeLa cells also express both BB-CK and GM130, we subsequently used this cellular model system to verify and characterize the BB-CK-GM130 complex by GST-pulldown experiments, as well as by in vivo co-localization studies with confocal microscopy. Using dividing HeLa cells, we report here for the first time that GM130 and BB-CK co-localize specifically in a transient fashion during early prophase of mitosis, when GM130 plays an important role in Golgi fragmentation that starts also at early prophase. These data may shed new light on BB-CK function for energy provision for Golgi-fragmentation that is initiated by cell signalling cascades in the early phases of mitosis.  相似文献   

Summary Covalent coupling of protein by crosslinking reagents have been used to study the interaction of mitochondrial creatine kinase (CKm) and hexokinase (HK) with the mitochondrial membranes.The effects of crosslinkers were studied either by following the inhibition of solubilization of enzymatic activities or by modification of the electrophoretic patterns of proteins solubilized from mitochondria after treatment with different crosslinkers.Dimethylsuberimidate (DMS) efficiently reduced the amount of HK activity solubilized by various agents but it did not modify solubilization of CKm from mitochondria. The effect of DMS on HK solubilization did not result from non specific crosslinking since it did not impede the solubilization of adenylate kinase.Bissuccinimidyl another class of crosslinker has been tested. Ethyleneglycol bis (succinimidyl succinate)(EGS) efficiently reduced HK solubilization, but in addition it induced osmotic stabilization of mitochondria and thus impeded release of soluble or solubilized proteins from the intermembrane space. Furthermore this agent drastically inhibited CKm activity and thus, in a second set of experiments the effect of crosslinkers have been studied by the disappearance of protein bands in the electrophoretic pattern of soluble fractions obtained from mitochondria, the outer membranes of which have been ruptured to allow free release of soluble proteins. Results of these experiments showed that succinimidyl reagents and Cu++-Phenanthroline substantially reduced the amount of CKm released from mitochondria and confirmed that bisimidates were ineffective in inhibiting CKm solubilization.In addition crosslinking reagents have been used to study subunits interactions in purified CKm. Our results showed, in contrast with control experiments with a non oligomeric protein (ovalbumin) which did not give rise to polymers, that in the same conditions electrophoresis of crosslinked CKm resolved a set of species with molecular weights roughly equal to integral multiples of the protomer. These results proved that the polymeric form of CKm was an octamer.Abbreviations AK Adenylate Kinase (EC - CKm Mitochondrial Isoenzyme of Creatine Kinase (EC - DMS Dimethyl Suberimidate - DTT Dithiothreitol - EGS Ethylene Glycol bis (succinimidyl succinate) - EGTA Ethylene Glycol bis (aminoethyl ether) - N,N,N,N Tetraacetic acid - G6P Glucose 6 Phosphate, Hepes - N-2 Hydroxyethyl Piperazine N-2 Ethane Sulfonic Acid - HK Hexokinase (EC - MABI methyl 4-Azido Benzoimidate - NaPi Sodium Phosphate - SANPAH N-Succinimidyl 6(4 azido 2 nitrophenylamino) Hexanoate - SDS Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (sodium lauryl sulfate) - Tris Tris (hydroxymethyl) Aminomethane  相似文献   

The phosphocreatine content of smooth muscle is of similar magnitude to ATP. Thus the function of the creatine kinase system in this tissue cannot simply be regarded as an energy buffer. Thus an understanding of its role in smooth muscle behavior can point to CK function in other systems. From our perspective CK function in smooth muscle is one example of a more general phenomenon, that of the co-localization of ATP synthesis and utilization. In an interesting and analogous fashion distinct glycolytic cascades are also localized in regions of the cell with specialized energy requirements. Similar to CK, glycolytic enzymes are known to be localized on thin filaments, sarcoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane. In this chapter we will describe the relations between glycolysis and smooth muscle function and compare and contrast to that of the CK system. Our goal is to more fully understand the significance of the compartmentation of distinct pathways for ATP synthesis with specific functions in smooth muscle. This organization of metabolism and function seen most clearly in smooth muscle is likely representative of many other cell types.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the compartmentalized energy transfer in cardiac cells is described and used for interpretation of novel experimental data obtained by using phosphorus NMR for determination of the energy fluxes in the isolated hearts of transgenic mice with knocked out creatine kinase isoenzymes. These experiments were designed to study the meaning and importance of compartmentation of creatine kinase isoenzymes in the cells in vivo. The model was constructed to describe quantitatively the processes of energy production, transfer, utilization, and feedback between these processes. It describes the production of ATP in mitochondrial matrix space by ATP synthase, use of this ATP for phosphocreatine production in the mitochondrial creatine kinase reaction coupled to the adenine nucleotide translocation, diffusional exchange of metabolites in the cytoplasmic space, and use of phosphocreatine for resynthesis of ATP in the myoplasmic creatine kinase reaction. It accounts also for the recently discovered phenomenon of restricted diffusion of adenine nucleotides through mitochondrial outer membrane porin pores (VDAC). Practically all parameters of the model were determined experimentally. The analysis of energy fluxes between different cellular compartments shows that in all cellular compartments of working heart cells the creatine kinase reaction is far from equilibrium in the systolic phase of the contraction cycle and approaches equilibrium only in cytoplasm and only in the end-diastolic phase of the contraction cycle.Experimental determination of the relationship between energy fluxes by a 31P-NMR saturation transfer method and workload in isolated and perfused heart of transgenic mice deficient in MM isoenzyme of the creatine kinase, MM -/- showed that in the hearts from wild mice, containing all creatine kinase isoenzymes, the energy fluxes determined increased 3-4 times with elevation of the workload. By contrast, in the hearts in which only the mitochondrial creatine kinase was active, the energy fluxes became practically independent of the workload in spite of the preservation of 26% of normal creatine kinase activity. These results cannot be explained on the basis of the conventional near-equilibrium theory of creatine kinase in the cells, which excludes any difference between creatine kinase isoenzymes. However, these apparently paradoxical experimental results are quantitatively described by a mathematical model of the compartmentalized energy transfer based on the steady state kinetics of coupled creatine kinase reactions, compartmentation of creatine kinase isoenzymes in the cells, and the kinetics of ATP production and utilization reactions. The use of this model shows that: (1) in the wild type heart cells a major part of energy is transported out of mitochondria via phosphocreatine, which is used for complete regeneration of ATP locally in the myofibrils - this is the quantitative estimate for PCr pathway; (2) however, in the absence of MM-creatine kinase in the myofibrils in transgenic mice the contraction results in a very rapid rise of ADP in cytoplasmic space, that reverses the mitochondrial creatine kinase reaction in the direction of ATP production. In this way, because of increasing concentrations of cytoplasmic ADP, mitochondrial creatine kinase is switched off functionally due to the absence of its counterpart in PCr pathway, MM-creatine kinase. This may explain why the creatine kinase flux becomes practically independent from the workload in the hearts of transgenic mouse without MM-CK. Thus, the analysis of the results of studies of hearts of creatine kinase-deficient transgenic mice, based on the use of a mathematical model of compartmentalized energy transfer, show that in the PCr pathway of intracellular energy transport two isoenzymes of creatine kinase always function in a coordinated manner out of equilibrium, in the steady state, and disturbances in functioning of one of them inevitably result in the disturbances of the other component of the PCr pathway. In the latter case, energy is transferred from mitochondria to myofibrils by alternative metabolic pathways, probably involving adenylate kinase or other systems.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the current evidence on the role of thyroid hormones in regulating the creatine kinase energy transfer system at multiple structures in cardiac cells. 1) Thyroid hormones modulate the overall synthesis of phosphocreatine (PCr) by increasing the rate of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. 2) Thyroid hormones regulate the total activity of creatine kinase and its isoenzyme distribution. In comparison with normal thyroid state (euthyroidism), hypothyroidism is characterized by decreased total creatine kinase activity owing to diminished fraction of creatine kinase. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism, while causing no change in total creatine kinase activity, leads to increased fractions of neonatal isoforms of creatine kinase, and, in case of prolonged hyperthyroidism, to decreased fraction of mitochondrial creatine kinase. The latter change is associated with partial uncoupling between mitochondrial creatine kinase and adenine nucleotide translocase reflected by decreased PCr/O ratio. 3) Hyperthyroidism leads to increased passive sarcolemmal permeability due to which the leakage of creatine along its concentration gradient occurs. As a result of (i) increased sarcolemmal permeability for creatine, (ii) uncoupling of mitochondrial PCr synthesis, and (iii) increased energy utilization rate the steady state intracellular PCr content decreases under hyperthyroidism which, in turn, increases the myocardial susceptibility to hypoxic damage. Thyroid state also modulates the protective effects of exogenous PCr on energetically depleted myocardium.  相似文献   

The cell-free translation products of mRNA from canine myocardium were immunoprecipitated using antiserum specific for either the MM or mitochondrial creatine kinase subunit. The two subunits were shown to be encoded by the nuclear genome and translated from separate mRNAs. The mitochondrial subunit was translated as a polypeptide with a molecular weight approximately 6,000 greater than the mature form of the enzyme. In contrast, the M-subunit was translated as a polypeptide having a molecular weight identical to that of the mature cytosolic M-subunit. It is assumed that the mitochondrial subunit precursor must be proteolytically processed during translocation from the cytoplasm into mitochondria.  相似文献   

The processes of aggregation and refolding of recombinant human creatine kinase (rHCK) were studied. Most of the rHCK expressed in E. coli was present in the insoluble traction and it could be solubilized in 6 M urea solution. Unfolding of rHCK in 6 M urea showed biphasic kinetic courses (kappa1 = 6.5 x 10(-3) s(-1); kappa2 = 0.54 x 10(-3) s(-1)) as observed by maximum fluorescence wavelength change. During refolding of the rHCK dissolved in urea, significant aggregation was noticed following first-order kinetics. Aggregation rate constants were influenced by the concentration of NaCl, which increased the difference in transition-free energy (deltadeltaG), showing that stabilization of folding intermediates by NaCl could efficiently reduce the formation of insoluble aggregates. Formations of aggregate were also reduced by adjusting temperature, pH, and concentration of rHCK. Refolding of rHCK under the optimized condition which prevented the aggregation also showed multi-kinetic phases (kappa1 = 3.0 x 10(-3) s(-1); kappa2 = 0.64 x 10(-3) s(-1)). Under optimized conditions applied in this study, rHCK could correctly refold retrieving the high specific enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is uniquely suited to measure the kinetics of the phosphoryl-exchange reaction catalyzed by creatine kinase in intact mammalian tissue, especially striated muscle. Recently developed transgenic mouse models of the creatine kinase iso-enzyme system open novel opportunities to assess the functional importance of the individual iso-enzymes and their relative contribution to the total in situ flux through the CK reaction. This chapter reviews the most recent findings from NMR flux measurements on such genetic models of CK function. Findings in intact mouse skeletal and cardiac muscle in vivo are compared to data from purified mitochondrial and cytosolic creatine kinase in vitro. The relevance of findings in transgenic animals for the function of CK in wild-type tissue is described and the perspectives of transgenic techniques in future quantitative studies on the creatine kinase iso-enzyme system are indicated.  相似文献   

D-2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria (DHGA) is a neurometabolic disorder biochemically characterized by tissue accumulation and excretion of high amounts of D-2-hydroxyglutaric acid (DGA). Although the affected patients have predominantly severe neurological findings, the underlying mechanisms of brain injury are virtually unknown. In previous studies we have demonstrated that DGA, at concentrations as low as 0.25 mM, significantly decreased creatine kinase activity and other parameters of energy metabolism in cerebral cortex of young rats. In the present study, we investigated the effect of DGA (0.25-5 mM) on total creatine kinase (tCK) activity, as well as on CK activity in cytosolic (Cy-CK) and mitochondrial (Mi-CK) preparations from cerebellum of 30-day-old Wistar rats in order to test whether the inhibitory effect of DGA on CK was tissue specific. We verified that tCK (22% inhibition) and Mi-CK (40% inhibition) activities were moderately inhibited by DGA at concentrations of 2.5 mM and higher, in contrast to Cy-CK, which was not affected by the acid. Kinetic studies revealed that the inhibitory effect of DGA was non-competitive in relation to phosphocreatine. We also observed that this inhibition was fully prevented by preincubation of the homogenates with reduced glutathione, suggesting that the inhibition of CK activity by DGA is possibly mediated by modification of essential thiol groups of the enzyme. Our present results therefore demonstrate a relatively weak inhibitory effect of DGA on cerebellum Mi-CK activity, as compared to that provoked in cerebral cortex, and may possibly be related to the neuropathology of DHGA, characterized by cerebral cortex abnormalities.  相似文献   

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