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Regularities in species richness are widely observed but controversy continues over its mechanistic explanation. Because richness patterns are usually a compound measure derived from taxonomically diverse species with different ecological requirements, these analyses may confound diverse causes of species numbers. Here we investigate species richness in the aquatic beetle fauna of Europe, separating major taxonomic groups and two major ecological types, species occurring in standing and running water bodies. We collated species distributions for 800+ species of water beetles in 15 regions across western Europe. Species number in any of these regions was related to three variables: total area size, geographic connectedness of the area, and latitude. Pooled species numbers were accurately predicted, but correlations were different for species associated with either running or standing water. The former were mostly correlated with latitude, while the latter were only correlated with the measure of connectedness or with area size. These differences were generally also observed in each of the four phylogenetically independent lineages of aquatic Coleoptera when analysed separately. We propose that effects of habitat, in this case possibly mediated by different long term persistence of running and standing water bodies, impose constraints at the population or local level which, if effective over larger temporal and spatial scales, determine global patterns of species richness.  相似文献   

Bakker C  Blair JM  Knapp AK 《Oecologia》2003,137(3):385-391
Grazing by large ungulates often increases plant species richness in grasslands of moderate to high productivity. In a mesic North American grassland with and without the presence of bison (Bos bison), a native ungulate grazer, three non-exclusive hypotheses for increased plant species richness in grazed grasslands were evaluated: (1) bison grazing enhances levels of resource (light and N) availability, enabling species that depend on higher resource availability to co-occur; (2) spatial heterogeneity in resource availability is enhanced by bison, enabling coexistence of a greater number of plant species; (3) increased species turnover (i.e. increased species colonization and establishment) in grazed grassland is associated with enhanced plant species richness. We measured availability and spatial heterogeneity in light, water and N, and calculated species turnover from long-term data in grazed and ungrazed sites in a North American tallgrass prairie. Both regression and path analyses were performed to evaluate the potential of the three hypothesized mechanisms to explain observed patterns of plant species richness under field conditions. Experimental grazing by bison increased plant species richness by 25% over an 8-year period. Neither heterogeneity nor absolute levels of soil water or available N were related to patterns of species richness in grazed and ungrazed sites. However, high spatial heterogeneity in light and higher rates of species turnover were both strongly related to increases in plant species richness in grazed areas. This suggests that creation of a mosaic of patches with high and low biomass (the primary determinant of light availability in mesic grasslands) and promotion of a dynamic species pool are the most important mechanisms by which grazers affect species richness in high productivity grasslands.  相似文献   

Why some lineages have diversified into larger numbers of species than others is a fundamental but still relatively poorly understood aspect of the evolutionary process. Coevolution has been recognized as a potentially important engine of speciation, but has rarely been tested in a comparative framework. We use a comparative approach based on a complete phylogeny of all living cuckoos to test whether parasite–host coevolution is associated with patterns of cuckoo species richness. There are no clear differences between parental and parasitic cuckoos in the number of species per genus. However, a cladogenesis test shows that brood parasitism is associated with both significantly higher speciation and extinction rates. Furthermore, subspecies diversification rate estimates were over twice as high in parasitic cuckoos as in parental cuckoos. Among parasitic cuckoos, there is marked variation in the severity of the detrimental effects on host fitness; chicks of some cuckoo species are raised alongside the young of the host and others are more virulent, with the cuckoo chick ejecting or killing the eggs/young of the host. We show that cuckoos with a more virulent parasitic strategy have more recognized subspecies. In addition, cuckoo species with more recognized subspecies have more hosts. These results hold after controlling for confounding geographical effects such as range size and isolation in archipelagos. Although the power of our analyses is limited by the fact that brood parasitism evolved independently only three times in cuckoos, our results suggest that coevolutionary arms races with hosts have contributed to higher speciation and extinction rates in parasitic cuckoos.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that structure plant diversity and generate long-range correlated spatial patterns have important implications for the conservation of fragmented landscapes. The ability to disperse and persist influences a plant species’ capacity for spatial organization, which can play a critical role in structuring plant diversity in metacommunities. This study examined the spatial patterns of species diversity within a network of patches in Cabo de Gata Natural Park, southeastern Spain. The objectives were to understand how the spatial heterogeneity of species composition (beta diversity) varies in a structured landscape, and how the long-range spatial autocorrelation of plant species is affected by the spatial configuration of patches.The mechanisms underlying the spatial distribution of plants acted at two scales. Between patches, spatial variation in species distributions was greater than that expected based on spatial randomization, which indicated that movement among patches was restricted. Within patches, diffusion processes reduced spatial variability in species distributions, and the effect was more prominent in large patches. Small patch size negatively influenced the long-range spatial autocorrelation of characteristic species, whereas inter-patch distance had a stronger effect on species frequency than it had on the disruption of spatial organized patterns.The long-range spatial autocorrelation was evaluated based on the dispersal abilities of the species. Among the 106 species evaluated, 39% of the woody species, 17% of the forbs, and 12% of the grasses exhibited disrupted long-range spatial autocorrelation where patches were small. The species that are more vulnerable to the effects of fragmentation tended to be those that have restricted dispersal, such as those that have short-range dispersal (atelechoric), e.g., Phlomis purpurea, Cistus albidus, Teucrium pseudochamaepytis, Brachypodium retusum, and the ballistic species, Genista spartioides. Helianthemum almeriense is another vulnerable species that has actively restricted dispersal (antitelechory), which is common in arid regions. Wind dispersers such as Launaea lanifera were less vulnerable to the effects of fragmentation. Long-distance dispersers whose persistence depends on facilitative interactions with other individuals, e.g., allogamous species such as Thymus hyemalis, Ballota hirsuta, and Anthyllis cytisoides, exhibit disrupted long-range spatial autocorrelation when patch size is reduced.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of adult plants are a consequence of several ecological processes related to seed dispersal and recruitment. Dispersal limitation, mediated by dispersal syndrome, is considered a key factor in the formation of adult plant spatial patterns. Although this initial pattern determined by dispersal has been thoroughly studied, the subsequently modification by the effect of additional ecological factors, such as habitat heterogeneity is less understood. We explored the relative importance of dispersal syndrome and spatial heterogeneity on the realization of spatial patterns of adult trees in an Ecuadorian tropical dry forest. The spatial distribution of 28 species was modeled with four different spatial point processes each: homogeneous Poisson (HPP), inhomogeneous Poisson (IPP), homogeneous Poisson cluster (HPCP), and inhomogeneous Poisson cluster process (IPCP). These models allowed us to discern between effects of random processes, habitat heterogeneity, limited dispersal, and joint effects of habitat heterogeneity and limited dispersal. We employed Akaike's information criterion (AIC) to select the model which best fit the spatial pattern of each species. The best model of each species was used to analyze differences in cluster size and degree of aggregation, between dispersal syndromes. Seventy‐five percent of the species showed inhomogeneous patterns. IPCP yielded the best fit for the spatial distribution of 50% of species in the studied forest and was the prevalent model for the three dispersal syndromes. Thus, the effect of spatial heterogeneity was prevalent in the distribution of most species in this dry tropical forest. Only 21% of species had spatial patterns compatible with random mechanisms associated to limited dispersal around parent sources. Clearly, ignoring habitat heterogeneity could bias the analysis of relationships between dispersal syndrome and species patterns.  相似文献   

A nested pattern occurs whenever the species observed in depauperate habitat patches are a subset of those found in more species‐rich patches. Ecologists have documented many instances of nestedness caused by population‐level processes such as colonization and extinction at biogeographic scales. However, few researchers have examined whether nestedness may exist at fine scales due to the ways in which individual organisms discriminate among potential habitat patches. In 1999, we experimentally fragmented an old‐field habitat into patches of varying size to test whether nestedness could exist on a fine spatial scale. Five treatments of differing patch size were replicated five times in a Latin square design by selectively mowing 15×15 m2 plots within an old‐field (patch areas: 225, 180, 135, 90, and 45 m2). Specifically, we tested whether butterflies foraging within a network of patches differing in area conformed to a nested subset structure. We also classified species according to (1) their flight height while foraging (high or low), and (2) their adult habitat breadth (ubiquitous, general, or restricted) to determine whether nestedness could be explained by difference in species’ tendency to discriminate among patches differing in area.
We found significant evidence that a community of foraging Lepidoptera conformed to a nested subset structure based on the difference between the observed nestedness within the butterfly community and the nestedness obtained from randomly generated species presence/absence matrices. Poisson regression analyses demonstrated that high‐flying, habitat‐restricted species avoided the smallest patches (90 and 45 m2) in favor of larger remnants, whereas low‐flying, habitat generalists used all patch sizes. Thus, our study is one of the first to demonstrate that nestedness among species subsets can be observed at fine spatial scales (within a single 1.5 hectare field) and may be maintained by species behavioral differences: discriminating species (i.e. high‐flying, habitat restricted) avoided the smallest patches, and less discriminating species (i.e. low‐flying, ubiquitous) were distributed throughout the field without regard to patch size. Our results also suggest that nestedness should be viewed as yet another scalar pattern in ecology, generated by variation in patch use by individuals at fine‐scales as well as the more traditionally invoked processes of extinction and colonization of species at broad‐scales.  相似文献   

Concerns about the impact of species diversity loss has heightened the importance of determining what limits local diversity and the relative roles of the available species pool and local interactions. Recent theory suggests that local diversity may exhibit linear or asymptotic responses to regional variation in species pools depending resource supply rates. We tested this idea by augmenting species pools in three sites along a natural productivity gradient (a surrogate for resource supply) in a mid-successional old-field. Augmentation of the species pool, enhanced local diversity more at medium than low productivity sites in this field and seed addition had no effect at high productivity, suggesting that diversity was saturated in high resource areas of this field. These results suggest that resource supply rates may mediate species pool-richness relationships. Species additions into cleared plots demonstrated that the observed differences in species recruitment along this gradient were largely driven by abiotic filtering at low and competitive filtering at high productivity. Furthermore, we observed that augmentation of the species pool shifted the productivity–diversity relationship from a negative linear to unimodal suggesting that species pools may influence reported productivity–diversity patterns.  相似文献   

We explored the relationship between soil processes, estimated through soil respiration (R soil ), and the spatial variation in forest structure, assessed through the distribution of tree size, in order to understand the determinism of spatial variations in R soil in a tropical forest. The influence of tree size was examined using an index (I c ) calculated for each tree as a function of (1) the trunk cross section area and (2) the distance from the measurement point. We investigated the relationships between I c and litterfall, root mass and R soil , respectively. Strong significant relationships were found between I c and both litterfall and root mass. R soil showed a large range of variations over the 1-ha experimental plot, from 1.5 to 12.6 gC m?2 d?1. The best relationship between I c and R soil only explained 17% of the spatial variation in R soil . These results support the assumption that local spatial patterns in litter production and root mass depend on tree distribution in tropical forests. Our study also emphasizes the modest contribution of tree size distribution–which is mainly influenced by the presence of the biggest trees (among the large range size of the inventoried trees greater than 10 cm diameter at 1.30 m above ground level or at 0.5 m above the buttresses)–in explaining spatial variations in R soil .  相似文献   

The diversity of reproductive strategies in nature is shaped by a plethora of factors including energy availability. For example, both low temperatures and limited food availability could increase larval exposure to predation by slowing development, selecting against pelagic and/or feeding larvae. The frequency of hermaphroditism could increase under low food availability as population density (and hence mate availability) decreases. We examine the relationship between reproductive/life-history traits and energy availability for 189 marine gastropod families. Only larval type was related to energy availability with the odds of having planktotrophic larvae versus direct development decreasing by 1% with every one-unit increase in the square root of carbon flux. Simultaneous hermaphroditism also potentially increases with carbon flux, but this effect disappears when accounting for evolutionary relationships among taxa. Our findings are in contrast to some theory and empirical work demonstrating that hermaphroditism should increase and planktotrophic development should decrease with decreasing productivity. Instead, they suggest that some reproductive strategies are too energetically expensive at low food availabilities, or arise only when energy is available, and others serve to capitalize on opportunities for aggregation or increased energy availability.  相似文献   

The interaction between microhabitat and inter-annual variation in precipitation has an important role on the dynamics of the seed bank and can play a crucial role in survival and maintenance of plant populations in semi-arid environments. We hypothesized that the type of microhabitat and the inter-annual variability in precipitation can explain the richness and density of the seed bank in a semi-arid region in Brazil. The study was conducted in an area of tropical dry forest with shrub-tree physiognomy, locally called caatinga. We collected 35 soil samples in three distinct microhabitats, at the end of rainy and dry seasons, respectively, over three years, totalling 630 samples. The seed bank (richness and seed density) were determined by seedling emergence method. Over the three years, 79 species emerged from the seed bank, 64, 45 and 42 in riparian, non-riparian and rocky microhabitats, respectively. We recorded differences in species richness and average density between microhabitats and between years, with significant statistical interaction between them. Inter-annual precipitation explained 48% and 5% of the variation in richness and seed density, respectively. Spatial variation explained 7% of the species richness and 31% of the density. Our results show that the interaction between spatial variation and precipitation has an important role on the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the richness and density of seed banks in dry environments.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that aposematic signals should be conspicuous, but in nature, they vary from highly conspicuous to near cryptic. Current theory, including the honest signal or trade‐off hypotheses of the toxicity–conspicuousness relationship, cannot explain why adequately toxic species vary substantially in their conspicuousness. Through a study of similarly toxic Danainae (Nymphalidae) butterflies and their mimics that vary remarkably in their conspicuousness, we show that the benefits of conspicuousness vary along a gradient of predation pressure. Highly conspicuous butterflies experienced lower avian attack rates when background predation pressure was low, but attack rates increased rapidly as background predation pressure increased. Conversely, the least conspicuous butterflies experienced higher attack rates at low predation pressures, but at high predation pressures, they appeared to benefit from crypsis. Attack rates of intermediately conspicuous butterflies remained moderate and constant along the predation pressure gradient. Mimics had a similar pattern but higher attack rates than their models and mimics tended to imitate the signal of less attacked model species along the predation pressure gradient. Predation pressure modulated signal fitness provides a possible mechanism for the maintenance of variation in conspicuousness of aposematic signals, as well as the initial survival of conspicuous signals in cryptic populations in the process of aposematic signal evolution, and an alternative explanation for the evolutionary gain and loss of mimicry.  相似文献   

A large amount of data for inconspicuous taxa is stored in natural history collections; however, this information is often neglected for biodiversity patterns studies. Here, we evaluate the performance of direct interpolation of museum collections data, equivalent to the traditional approach used in bryophyte conservation planning, and stacked species distribution models (S‐SDMs) to produce reliable reconstructions of species richness patterns, given that differences between these methods have been insufficiently evaluated for inconspicuous taxa. Our objective was to contrast if species distribution models produce better inferences of diversity richness than simply selecting areas with the higher species numbers. As model species, we selected Iberian species of the genus Grimmia (Bryophyta), and we used four well‐collected areas to compare and validate the following models: 1) four Maxent richness models, each generated without the data from one of the four areas, and a reference model created using all of the data and 2) four richness models obtained through direct spatial interpolation, each generated without the data from one area, and a reference model created with all of the data. The correlations between the partial and reference Maxent models were higher in all cases (0.45 to 0.99), whereas the correlations between the spatial interpolation models were negative and weak (−0.3 to −0.06). Our results demonstrate for the first time that S‐SDMs offer a useful tool for identifying detailed richness patterns for inconspicuous taxa such as bryophytes and improving incomplete distributions by assessing the potential richness of under‐surveyed areas, filling major gaps in the available data. In addition, the proposed strategy would enhance the value of the vast number of specimens housed in biological collections.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting biological invasions can focus either on traits that favour species invasiveness or on features of the receiving communities, habitats or landscapes that promote their invasibility. Here, we address invasibility at the regional scale, testing whether some habitats and landscapes are more invasible than others by fitting models that relate alien plant species richness to various environmental predictors. We use a multi‐model information‐theoretic approach to assess invasibility by modelling spatial and ecological patterns of alien invasion in landscape mosaics, and by testing competing hypotheses of environmental factors that may control invasibility. Because invasibility may be mediated by particular characteristics of invasiveness, we classified alien species according to their C‐S‐R plant strategies. We illustrate this approach with a set of 86 alien species in northern Portugal. We first focus on predictors influencing species richness and expressing invasibility, and then evaluate whether distinct plant strategies respond to the same or different groups of environmental predictors. We confirmed climate as a primary determinant of alien invasions, and as a primary environmental gradient determining landscape invasibility. The effects of secondary gradients were detected only when the area was sub‐sampled according to predictions based on the primary gradient. Then, multiple predictor types influenced patterns of alien species richness, with some types (landscape composition, topography and fire regime) prevailing over others. Alien species richness responded most strongly to extreme land management regimes, suggesting that intermediate disturbance induces biotic resistance by favouring native species richness. Land‐use intensification facilitated alien invasion, whereas conservation areas hosted few invaders, highlighting the importance of ecosystem stability in preventing invasions. Plants with different strategies exhibited different responses to environmental gradients, particularly when the variations of the primary gradient were narrowed by sub‐sampling. Such differential responses of plant strategies suggest using distinct control and eradication approaches for different areas and alien plant groups.  相似文献   

Aims The diversity–productivity relationship is one of the most critical questions in ecology and can be altered by environmental factors. Hydrological fluctuation affects growth of wetland plants, and such effects vary with plant species. Therefore, we hypothesized that hydrological fluctuation changes effects of species richness on productivity of wetland plant communities.Methods We constructed wetland plant communities consisting of three or six wetland plant species and subjected them to hydrological fluctuation (i.e. gradually changing water level) of two frequencies and two ranges, with unchanged water level as the control. We measured height, root and shoot dry mass of each plant at harvest.Important findings Hydrological fluctuation significantly decreased biomass of wetland plant communities, which was due to impacts of fluctuation range, but not those of fluctuation frequency. Community biomass was significantly higher when species richness was higher, and such an effect did not depend on hydrological fluctuation. Therefore, hydrological fluctuation can decrease the productivity of wetland plant communities but may not alter the diversity–productivity relationship.  相似文献   

Although it has long been held that plant diversity must influence animal diversity, the nature of this relationship remains poorly understood at large spatial scales. We compare the species richness patterns of vascular plants and mammals in north‐eastern Spain using a 100‐km2 grain size to examine patterns of covariation. We found that the total mammal richness pattern, as well as those of herbivores and carnivores considered separately, only weakly corresponded to the pattern of plants. Rather, mammal richness was best described by climatic variables incorporating water inputs, and after adding these variables to multiple regression models, plant and mammal richness were virtually independent. We conclude that the observed association, although weak, is explained by shared responses of both groups to climate, and thus, plant richness has no influence on the richness pattern of Catalan mammals.  相似文献   

Large areas of tropical forest now exist as remnants scattered across agricultural landscapes, and so understanding the impacts of forest fragmentation is important for biodiversity conservation. We examined species richness and nestedness among tropical forest remnants in birds (meta-analysis of published studies) and insects (field data for fruit-feeding Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) and ants). Species-area relationships were evident in all four taxa, and avian and insect assemblages in remnants typically were nested subsets of those in larger areas. Avian carnivores and nectarivores and predatory ants were more nested than other guilds, implying that the sequential loss of species was more predictable in these groups, and that fragmentation alters the trophic organization of communities. For butterflies, the ordering of fragments to achieve maximum nestedness was by fragment area, suggesting that differences among fragments were driven mainly by extinction. In contrast for moths, maximum nestedness was achieved by ordering species by wing length; species with longer wings (implying better dispersal) were more likely to occur at all sites, including low diversity sites, suggesting that differences among fragments were driven more strongly by colonization. Although all four taxa exhibited high levels of nestedness, patterns of species turnover were also idiosyncratic, and thus even species-poor sites contributed to landscape-scale biodiversity, particularly for insects.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have been demonstrated that night-time water flux may increase or remain unchanged at low mineral nutrient availability. At the same time, it is a well-known fact that night-time water flux is relatively high in fast-growing species, which typically grow in fertile soil. To test the impact of soil nutrient deficiency on night-time water flux and fine-root acclimation in saplings of hybrid aspen (Populus tremula L. × Populus tremuloides Michx.), a growth chamber experiment was carried out. We set up a hypothesis that night-time sap flux density (F) and night-time water use percentage from daytime water use (NWU) are more intense in fertile conditions, in order to enhance or sustain the high intrinsic growth potential of hybrid aspen. The main limiting element in the low nutrient availability treatment (low-n) was nitrogen. The nitrogen concentrations of leaves and fine-roots exhibited the strongest (R2 = 0.95; P < 0.001) positive relationship with NWU and foliar biomass. Both the night-time F and NWU were several times higher in the case of fertilized soil (high-n treatment) compared to low-n treatment (P < 0.01). The differences in nocturnal (and in diurnal) F disappeared at the end of the period of sap flow measurements, when the foliage area of trees was almost full-grown. Endogenous increase in water flux during predawn hours was observable only in the high-n treatment. Significantly greater NWU (P < 0.01) and specific fine-root length (P < 0.05), but smaller fine-root biomass (P < 0.05) in saplings of the high-n treatment potentially allow plants to use mass flow in soil more efficiently for transportation nutrients towards roots and to decrease construction costs for fine-root biomass production. Our results suggest that decreased night-time water flux as a result of strong nutrient (especially nitrogen) deficit could be characteristic to fast-growing tree species, which are adapted to grow in fertile soil.  相似文献   

The ability of environmental variation to affect species coexistence is much studied, yet environmental variation is not always important. I present an approximate calculation for the long-run growth rate of a species in the presence of spatially and temporally correlated environmental variation. I then perform a factorial numerical experiment, varying the mean seed dispersal distances, competition radii, and overwinter seed survival probabilities for two competing species for an array of variational regimes, noting the effects on their long-run growth rates. I find, first, that purely spatial variation has a greater capacity for influence than variation with a temporal component. Second, spatiotemporal variation can promote coexistence as strongly as purely temporal variation or more so, given the right species traits. Third, if the environmental variation has a spatial component, traits which enable species to become spatially segregated promote coexistence most strongly. That is, it is the possibility of spatial segregation which gives spatial variation its large potential to promote coexistence.
Robin E. SnyderEmail:

The relationship between microevolution and macroevolution is a central topic in evolutionary biology. An aspect of this relationship that remains very poorly studied in modern evolutionary biology is the relationship between within‐species geographic variation and among‐species patterns of trait variation. Here, we tested the relationship between climate and morphology among and within species in the salamander genus Plethodon. We focus on a discrete colour polymorphism (presence and absence of a red dorsal stripe) that appears to be related to climatic distributions in a common, wide‐ranging species (Plethodon cinereus). We find that this trait has been variable among (and possibly within) species for >40 million years. Furthermore, we find a strong relationship among species between climatic variation and within‐species morph frequencies. These between‐species patterns are similar (but not identical) to those in the broadly distributed Plethodon cinereus. Surprisingly, there are no significant climate–morphology relationships within most other polymorphic species, despite the strong between‐species patterns. Overall, our study provides an initial exploration of how within‐species geographic variation and large‐scale macroevolutionary patterns of trait variation may be related.  相似文献   

Broad-scale geographical variation in species richness is strongly correlated with climate, yet the mechanisms underlying this correlation are still unclear. We test two broad classes of hypotheses to explain this pattern. Bottom-up hypotheses propose that the environment determines individual species’ ranges. Ranges then sum up to yield species richness patterns. Top-down hypotheses propose that the environment limits the number of species that occur in a region, but not which ones. We test these two classes of hypotheses using a natural experiment: seasonal changes in environmental variables and seasonal range shifts of 625 migratory birds in the Americas. We show that richness seasonally tracks the environment. By contrast, individual species’ geographical distributions do not. Rather, species occupy different sets of environmental conditions in two seasons. Our results are inconsistent with extant bottom-up hypotheses. Instead, a top-down mechanism appears to constrain the number of species that can occur in a given region.  相似文献   

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