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The effects of pH, solvent isotope, and primary isotope replacement on substrate dehydrogenation by Rhodotorula gracilis d-amino acid oxidase were investigated. The rate constant for enzyme-FAD reduction by d-alanine increases approximately fourfold with pH, reflecting apparent pKa values of approximately 6 and approximately 8, and reaches plateaus at high and low pH. Such profiles are observed in all presteady-state and steady-state kinetic experiments, using both d-alanine and d-asparagine as substrates, and are inconsistent with the operation of a base essential to catalysis. A solvent deuterium isotope effect of 3.1 +/- 1.1 is observed on the reaction with d-alanine at pH 6; it decreases to 1.2 +/- 0.2 at pH 10. The primary substrate isotope effect on the reduction rate with [2-D]d-alanine is 9.1 +/- 1.5 at low and 2.3 +/- 0.3 at high pH. At pH 6.0, the solvent isotope effect is 2.9 +/- 0.8 with [2-D]d-alanine, and the primary isotope effect is 8.4 +/- 2.4 in D2O. Thus, primary and solvent kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) are independent of the presence of the other isotope, i.e. the 'double' kinetic isotope effect is the product of the individual KIEs, consistent with a transition state in which rupture of the two bonds of the substrate to hydrogen is concerted. These results support a hydride transfer mechanism for the dehydrogenation reaction in d-amino acid oxidase and argue against the occurrence of any intermediates in the process. A pKa,app of approximately 8 is interpreted to arise from the microscopic ionization of the substrate amino acid alpha-amino group, but also includes contributions from kinetic parameters.  相似文献   

Ralph EC  Fitzpatrick PF 《Biochemistry》2005,44(8):3074-3081
N-Methyltryptophan oxidase (MTOX), a flavoenzyme from Escherichia coli, catalyzes the oxidative demethylation of secondary amino acids such as N-methyltryptophan or N-methylglycine (sarcosine). MTOX is one of several flavin-dependent amine oxidases whose chemical mechanism is still debated. The kinetic properties of MTOX with the slow substrate sarcosine were determined. Initial rate data are well-described by the equation for a ping-pong kinetic mechanism, in that the V/K(O)()2 value is independent of the sarcosine concentration at all accessible concentrations of oxygen. The k(cat)/K(sarc) pH profile is bell-shaped, with pK(a) values of 8.8 and about 10; the latter value matches the pK(a) value of the substrate nitrogen. The k(cat) pH profile exhibits a single pK(a) value of 9.1 for a group that must be unprotonated for catalysis. There is no significant solvent isotope effect on the k(cat)/K(sarc) value. With N-methyl-(2)H(3)-glycine as the substrate, there is a pH-independent kinetic isotope effect on k(cat), k(cat)/K(sarc), and the rate constant for flavin reduction, with an average value of 7.2. Stopped-flow spectroscopy with both the protiated and deuterated substrate failed to detect any intermediates between the enzyme-substrate complex and the fully reduced enzyme. These results are used to evaluate proposed chemical mechanisms.  相似文献   

Patel MP  Blanchard JS 《Biochemistry》2001,40(17):5119-5126
The recent identification of the enzyme in Mycobacterium tuberculosis that catalyzes the NADPH-dependent reduction of the unique low molecular weight disulfide mycothione, mycothione reductase, has led us to examine the mechanism of catalysis in greater detail. The pH dependence of the kinetic parameters V and V/K for NADPH, NADH, and an active analogue of mycothione disulfide, des-myo-inositol mycothione disulfide, has been determined. An analysis of the pH profiles has allowed the tentative assignment of catalytically significant residues crucial to the mechanism of disulfide reduction, namely, the His444-Glu449 ion pair and Cys39. Solvent kinetic isotope effects were observed on V and V/K(DIMSSM), yielding values of 1.7 +/- 0.2 and 1.4 +/- 0.2, respectively, but not on V/K(NADPH). Proton inventory studies (V versus mole fraction of D(2)O) were linear, indicative of a single proton transfer in a solvent isotopically sensitive step. Steady-state primary deuterium kinetic isotope effects on V have been determined using NADPH and NADH, yielding values of 1.27 +/- 0.03 and 1.66 +/- 0.14, respectively. The pre-steady-state primary deuterium kinetic isotope effect on enzyme reduction has values of 1.82 +/- 0.04 and 1.59 +/- 0.06 for NADPH and NADH, respectively. The steady-state primary deuterium kinetic isotope effect using NADH coincide with that obtained under single turnover conditions, suggesting the complete expression of the intrinsic primary kinetic isotope effect. Rapid reaction studies on the reductive half-reaction using NADPH and NADH yielded maximal rates of 129 +/- 2 and 20 +/- 1 s(-1), respectively, while similar studies of the oxidation of the two-electron reduced enzyme by mycothiol disulfide yielded a maximum rate of 190 +/- 10 s(-1). These data suggest a unique flavoprotein disulfide mechanism in which the rate of the oxidative half-reaction is slightly faster than the rate of the reductive half-reaction.  相似文献   

Gadda G  Fitzpatrick PF 《Biochemistry》2000,39(6):1406-1410
Nitroalkane oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of nitroalkanes to aldehydes or ketones with production of nitrite and hydrogen peroxide. pH and kinetic isotope effects with [1, 1-(2)H(2)]nitroethane have been used to study the mechanism of this enzyme. The V/K(ne) pH profile is bell-shaped. A group with a pK(a) value of about 7 must be unprotonated and one with a pK(a) value of 9.5 must be protonated for catalysis. The lower pK(a) value is seen also in the pK(is) profile for the competitive inhibitor valerate, indicating that nitroethane has no significant external commitments to catalysis. The (D)(V/K)(ne) value is pH-independent with a value of 7.5, whereas the (D)V(max) value increases from 1.4 at pH 8.2 to a limiting value of 7.4 below pH 5. The V(max) pH profile decreases at low and high pH, with pK(a) values of 6.6 and 9.5, respectively. Imidazole, which activates the enzyme, affects the V(max) but not the V/K(ne) pH profile. In the presence of imidazole at pH 7 the (D)V(max) value increases to a value close to the intrinsic value, consistent with cleavage of the carbon-hydrogen bond of the substrate being fully rate-limiting for catalysis in the presence of imidazole.  相似文献   

The stereochemistry of the bovine plasma amine oxidase catalyzed oxidation of 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-ethylamine (domapine) has been investigated by comparing 3H/14C ratios of 3,4-dibenzyloxyphenethyl alcohols, derived from 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehydes, to starting dopamines chirally labeled at C-1 and C-2. The oxidation of [2RS-3H]-, [2R-3H]-, and [2S-3H]dopamine leads to products which have retained 53, 59, and 47% of their tritium. Similarly, oxidation of [1RS-3H]-, [1R-3H]-, and [1S-3H]dopamine leads to an 80, 80, and 92% retention of tritium. The configurational purity of tritium at C-2 of dopamine and C-1 of the dopamine precursor 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenethylamine has been confirmed employing dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (specific for the pro-R hydrogen at C-2) and pea seedling amine oxidase (specific for the pro-S hydrogen at C-1). In addition, chromatographically resolved isozymes of bovine plasma amine oxidase have been demonstrated to lead to the same stereochemical result as pooled enzyme fractions. We have been able to rule out carbon interchange and tritium transfer in the ethylamine side chain of dopamine as the source of the apparent nonstereospecificity. Estimated primary tritium isotope effects are 1 for [2-3H]dopamines and 5--6 and 26--34 for [1R-3H]- and [1S-3H]dopamine, respectively. We propose the presence of alternate dopamine binding modes, characterized by absolute but opposing stereochemistries and differential primary tritium isotope effects at C-1.  相似文献   

J M Denu  P F Fitzpatrick 《Biochemistry》1992,31(35):8207-8215
Primary deuterium kinetic isotope and pH effects on the reduction of D-amino acid oxidase by amino acid substrates were determined using steady-state and rapid reaction methods. With D-serine as substrate, reduction of the enzyme-bound FAD requires that a group with a pKa value of 8.7 be unprotonated and that a group with a pKa value of 10.7 be protonated. The DV/Kser value of 4.5 is pH-independent, establishing that these pKa values are intrinsic. The limiting rate of reduction of the enzyme shows a kinetic isotope effect of 4.75, consistent with this as the intrinsic value. At high enzyme concentration (approximately 15 microM) at pH 9,D-serine is slightly sticky (k3/k2 = 0.8), consistent with a decrease in the rate of substrate dissociation. With D-alanine as substrate, the pKa values are perturbed to 8.1 and 11.5. The DV/Kala value increases from 1.3 at pH 9.5 to 5.1 at pH 4, establishing that D-alanine is sticky with a forward commitment of approximately 10. The effect of pH on the DV/Kala value is consistent with a model in which exchange with solvent of the proton from the group with pKa 8.7 is hindered and is catalyzed by H2O and OH- above pH 7 and by H3O+ and H2O below pH 7. With glycine, the pH optimum is shifted to a more basic value, 10.3. The DV/Kgly value increases from 1.26 at pH 6.5 to 3.1 at pH 10.7, consistent with fully reversible CH bond cleavage followed by a pH-dependent step. At pH 10.5, the kinetic isotope effect on the limiting rate of reduction is 3.4.  相似文献   

M Farnum  M Palcic  J P Klinman 《Biochemistry》1986,25(8):1898-1904
The pH dependence of steady-state parameters for [1,1-1H2]- and [1,1-2H2]benzylamine oxidation and of tritium exchange from [2-3H]dopamine has been measured in the bovine plasma amine oxidase reaction. Deuterium isotope effects on kcat/Km for benzylamine are observed to be constant, near the intrinsic value of 13.5, over the experimental pH range, indicating that C-H bond cleavage is fully rate limiting for this parameter. As a consequence, pKa values derived from kcat/Km profiles, 8.0 +/- 0.1 (pK1) and 9.0 +/- 0.16 (pKs), can be ascribed to microscopic pKa values for the ionization of an essential active site residue (EB1) and substrate, respectively. Profiles for kcat and Dkcat show that EB1 undergoes a perturbation from 8.0 to 5.6 +/- 0.3 (pK1') in the presence of substrate; additionally, a second ionization, pK2 = 7.25 +/- 0.25, is observed to mediate but not be essential for enzyme reoxidation. The pH dependence of the ratio of tritium exchange to product formation for dopamine also indicates base catalysis with a pKexch = 5.5 +/- 0.01, which is within experimental error of pK1'. We conclude that the data presented herein support a single residue catalyzing both substrate oxidation and exchange, consistent with recent stereochemical results that implicate a syn relationship between these processes [Farnum, M., & Klinman, J.P. (1985) Fed. Proc., Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol. 44, 1055]. This conclusion contrasts with earlier kinetic data in support of a large rate differential for the exchange of hydrogen from C-1 vs. C-2 of phenethylamine derivatives [Palcic, M.M., & Klinman, J.P. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 5957-5966].(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Heterotetrameric sarcosine oxidase is a flavoprotein that catalyses the oxidative demethylation of sarcosine. It is thought that the dehydrogenated substrate is the anionic form of sarcosine. To verify this assumption, the rate of flavin-adenine dinucleotide (FAD) reduction (k(red)) was analysed using protiated and deuterated sarcosine (N-methyl-d(3)-Gly) at various pH values using stopped-flow method. By increasing the pH from 6.2 to 9.8, k(red) increased for both substrates and reached a plateau, but the pK(a) value (reflecting the ionization of the enzyme-substrate complex) was 6.8 and 7.1 for protiated and deuterated sarcosine, respectively, and the kinetic isotope effect of k(red) decreased from approximately 19 to 8, indicating deprotonation of the bound sarcosine. The k(red)/K(d) (K(d), sarcosine dissociation constant) increased with increasing pH and reached a plateau. The pK (reflecting the ionization of free enzyme or free sarcosine) was 7.0 for both substrates, suggesting deprotonation of the βLys358 residue, which has a pK(a) of 6.7, as the pK(a) of the free sarcosine amine proton was determined to be approximately 10.1. These results indicate that the amine proton of sarcosine is transferred to the unprotonated Lys residue in the enzyme-substrate complex.  相似文献   

The FAD-dependent choline oxidase catalyzes the four-electron oxidation of choline to glycine-betaine, with betaine-aldehyde as intermediate. The enzyme is capable of accepting either choline or betaine-aldehyde as a substrate, allowing the investigation of the reaction mechanism for both the conversion of choline to betaine-aldehyde and of betaine-aldehyde to glycine-betaine. In the present study, pH and deuterium kinetic isotope effects with [1,2-2H(4)]-choline were used to study the mechanism of oxidation of choline to betaine-aldehyde. The V/K and V(max) pH-profiles increased to limiting values with increasing pH, suggesting the presence of a catalytic base essential for catalysis at the enzyme active site. From the V/K pH-profile with [1,2-2H(4)]-choline, a pK(a) of 8.0 was determined for the catalytic base. This pK(a) was shifted to 7.5 in the V/K pH-profile with choline, indicating a significant commitment to catalysis with this substrate. In agreement with this conclusion, the D(V/K) values decreased from a limiting value of 12.4 below pH 6.5 to a limiting value of 4.1 above pH 9.5. The large D(V/K) values at low pH are consistent with carbon-hydrogen bond cleavage of choline being nearly irreversible and fully rate-limiting at low pH. Based on comparison of amino acid sequences and previous structural and mechanistic studies on other members of the GMC oxidoreductase superfamily, the identity of the catalytic base of choline oxidase is proposed.  相似文献   

Hardy LW  Kirsch JF 《Biochemistry》1984,23(6):1282-1287
The solvent kinetic isotope effects (SKIE's) on k(cat) (D(V)) and on k(cat/Km[D(V/K)] were determined for the Bacillus cereus beta-lactamase I catalyzed hydrolysis of five substrates that have values of k(cat)/K(m) varying over the range (0.014-46.3) X 10(6)M(-1) s(-1) and of k(cat) between 0.5 and 2019 s(-1). The variation of D(V/K) was only from 1.06 to 1.25 among these compounds and that in D(V) was from 1.50 to 2.16. These results require that Dk(1), the SKIE on the enzyme-substrate association rate constant, and D(k-1/k2), that on the partition ratio of the ES complex, both be near 1. The larger SKIE observed on D(V) requires that an exchangeable proton be in flight for either or both the acylation and the deacylation reaction. The pH dependence of the values k(cat)/K(m) for three substrates shows identical pK(a)s of 5.5. and 8.4. This identity combined with the fact that only one of these three substrates is kinetically "sticky" proves that the substrates can combine productively with only one protonic form of the enzyme. There is considerable substrate variation in the pK(a) values of k(cat) observed vs. pH profiles; the inflection points for all substrates studied are at pH values more extreme than are observed in the pH profiles for k(cat)/K(m).  相似文献   

A strong induction of semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) has previously been reported during murine preadipocyte lineage differentiation but it remains unknown whether this emergence also occurs during adipogenesis in man. Our aim was to compare SSAO and monoamine oxidase (MAO) expression during in vitro differentiation of human preadipocytes and in adipose and stroma-vascular fractions of human fat depots. A human preadipocyte cell strain from a patient with Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome was first used to follow amine oxidase expression during in vitro differentiation. Then, human preadipocytes isolated from subcutaneous adipose tissues were cultured under conditions promoting ex vivo adipose differentiation and tested for MAO and SSAO expression. Lastly, human adipose tissue was separated into mature adipocyte and stroma-vascular fractions for analyses of MAO and SSAO at mRNA, protein and activity levels. Both SSAO and MAO were increased from undifferentiated preadipocytes to lipid-laden cells in all the models: 3T3-F442A and 3T3-L1 murine lineages, human SGBS cell strain or human preadipocytes in primary culture. In human subcutaneous adipose tissue, the adipocyte-enriched fraction exhibited seven-fold higher amine oxidase activity and contained three- to seven-fold higher levels of mRNAs encoded by MAO-A, MAO-B, AOC3 and AOC2 genes than the stroma-vascular fraction. MAO-A and AOC3 genes accounted for the majority of their respective MAO and SSAO activities in human adipose tissue. Most of the SSAO and MAO found in adipose tissue originated from mature adipocytes. Although the mechanism and role of adipogenesis-related increase in amine oxidase expression remain to be established, the resulting elevated levels of amine oxidase activities found in human adipocytes may be of potential interest for therapeutic intervention in obesity.  相似文献   

Addition of hydrogen peroxide to ascorbate oxidase results in formation of a complex which has been analyzed kinetically. Since reduction of molecular oxygen to water by this enzyme occurs in more than one step, the peroxide complex may be a mimic for a catalytic intermediate. The properties of the complex are similar to those reported for a peroxide complex with laccase. Changes in the activity of ascorbate oxidase as a function of pH indicate the presence of a group in the enzyme with an apparent pK of 7.8 which must be protonated in order for the enzyme to function. The ascorbate Km is known to be insensitive to pH in this region and the present work indicates the same to be true for the oxygen Km. It would appear that the rate determining step in the catalytic mechanism involves protonation of an intermediate.  相似文献   

The enzyme ketol acid reductoisomerase catalyzes the second common reaction in the biosynthesis of the branched chain amino acids. The reaction is complex as an alkyl migration and a ketone reduction apparently occur as separate steps during the conversion of acetolactate to 2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylbutyrate. This paper reports on the pH dependence of the kinetic parameters of the enzyme. The pH variation of log(V/K) for acetolactate was fit to an equation describing a bell-shaped curve, indicating an acid and a base catalyst for the reaction. In the reverse direction, V/K for 2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylbutyrate is constant over the pH range 8 to 10 and decreases below pH 8 with the ionization of two catalytic groups. The pH dependence of the V/K values for reduction of the kinetically competent intermediate and analogs of this intermediate are also described by a bell-shaped curve. The pH dependence of the V/K for alkyl migration of this intermediate indicates a single base catalyst for this reaction. We observe no deuterium kinetic isotope effect on V or V/K for the reaction of acetolactate at any pH. We observe a pH-dependent kinetic isotope effect on V/K for the reduction of the intermediate, the magnitude of which is metal ion dependent. Larger KIE's are observed in the presence of Mn2+ as opposed to Mg2+. In the reverse reaction there is a pH-dependent kinetic isotope effect on V/K. Based on the pH dependence of the kinetic parameters and the kinetic isotope effects, we propose a base-catalyzed proton shuttle mechanism for the alkyl migration reaction followed by an acid-assisted ketone reduction by NADPH.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase (CytcO) is a membrane-bound enzyme, which catalyzes the reduction of di-oxygen to water and uses a major part of the free energy released in this reaction to pump protons across the membrane. In the Rhodobacter sphaeroides aa? CytcO all protons that are pumped across the membrane, as well as one half of the protons that are used for O? reduction, are transferred through one specific intraprotein proton pathway, which holds a highly conserved Glu286 residue. Key questions that need to be addressed in order to understand the function of CytcO at a molecular level are related to the timing of proton transfers from Glu286 to a "pump site" and the catalytic site, respectively. Here, we have investigated the temperature dependencies of the H/D kinetic-isotope effects of intramolecular proton-transfer reactions in the wild-type CytcO as well as in two structural CytcO variants, one in which proton uptake from solution is delayed and one in which proton pumping is uncoupled from O? reduction. These processes were studied for two specific reaction steps linked to transmembrane proton pumping, one that involves only proton transfer (peroxy-ferryl, P→F, transition) and one in which the same sequence of proton transfers is also linked to electron transfer to the catalytic site (ferryl-oxidized, F→O, transition). An analysis of these reactions in the framework of theory indicates that that the simpler, P→F reaction is rate-limited by proton transfer from Glu286 to the catalytic site. When the same proton-transfer events are also linked to electron transfer to the catalytic site (F→O), the proton-transfer reactions might well be gated by a protein structural change, which presumably ensures that the proton-pumping stoichiometry is maintained also in the presence of a transmembrane electrochemical gradient. Furthermore, the present study indicates that a careful analysis of the temperature dependence of the isotope effect should help us in gaining mechanistic insights about CytcO.  相似文献   

Electrostatic contributions to the conformational stability of apoflavodoxin were studied by measurement of the proton and salt-linked stability of this highly acidic protein with urea and temperature denaturation. Structure-based calculations of electrostatic Gibbs free energy were performed in parallel over a range of pH values and salt concentrations with an empirical continuum method. The stability of apoflavodoxin was higher near the isoelectric point (pH 4) than at neutral pH. This behavior was captured quantitatively by the structure-based calculations. In addition, the calculations showed that increasing salt concentration in the range of 0 to 500 mM stabilized the protein, which was confirmed experimentally. The effects of salts on stability were strongly dependent on cationic species: K(+), Na(+), Ca(2+), and Mg(2+) exerted similar effects, much different from the effect measured in the presence of the bulky choline cation. Thus cations bind weakly to the negatively charged surface of apoflavodoxin. The similar magnitude of the effects exerted by different cations indicates that their hydration shells are not disrupted significantly by interactions with the protein. Site-directed mutagenesis of selected residues and the analysis of truncation variants indicate that cation binding is not site-specific and that the cation-binding regions are located in the central region of the protein sequence. Three-state analysis of the thermal denaturation indicates that the equilibrium intermediate populated during thermal unfolding is competent to bind cations. The unusual increase in the stability of apoflavodoxin at neutral pH affected by salts is likely to be a common property among highly acidic proteins.  相似文献   

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