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The human leukemic cell line, HL-60, differentiates in response to tumor-promoting phorbol esters. Recently, we have reported that one of the first events evoked by phorbol esters in HL-60 cells is the stimulation of Na+-dependent H+ efflux. In efforts to determine whether stimulation of Na+/H+ exchange by phorbol esters is coupled to induction of cellular differentiation, we found that 1) amiloride, a frequently used inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange, rapidly inhibits phorbol ester-stimulated protein phosphorylation in vivo and protein kinase C-mediated phosphorylation in vitro, both with potency similar to that with which amiloride inhibits Na+/H+ exchange; 2) an amiloride analog, dimethylamiloride, is a far more potent inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange than is amiloride, while being no more potent than amiloride in inhibiting phorbol ester/protein kinase C-mediated phosphorylation; and 3) at concentrations sufficient to completely inhibit Na+/H+ exchange, amiloride blocked phorbol ester-induced adhesion of HL-60 cells (adhesion being a property indicative of the differentiated state), but dimethylamiloride (as well as ethylisopropylamiloride, another very potent amiloride analog) did not. Thus, dimethylamiloride represents a potential tool for distinguishing protein kinase C-coupled from Na+/H+ exchange-coupled events in phorbol ester-stimulated cells.  相似文献   

The role of protein kinase C in activation of the plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger was studied in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. The basic lipid, sphingosine, was used to block enzymatic activity of protein kinase C. Na+/H+ exchange was activated by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), diacylglycerols, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), thrombin, or by osmotically-induced cell shrinkage. Intracellular pH and Na+/H+ exchange activity were measured using the intracellular pH indicator, 2',7'-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6) carboxyfluorescein. Acting alone, both crude sphingosine and pure, synthetic C18 D-(+)-erythro-sphingosine raised pHi in a dose-dependent manner (from 6.95 +/- 0.02 to 7.19 +/- 0.09 over 10 min for 10 microM sphingosine). This alkalinization was not due to Na+/H+ exchange as it was not altered by t-butylamiloride (50 microM) nor by replacement of the assay medium with a Na(+)-free solution. Sphingosine-induced alkalinization did not require protein kinase C activity, since it was fully intact in protein kinase C-depleted cells. It was also not due to a detergent action of sphingosine on the cell membrane, since both ionic and non-ionic detergents caused cell acidification. Rather, alkalinization induced by sphingosine appeared to be due to cellular uptake of NH3 groups since N-acetylsphingosine showed no alkalinization. After the initial cell alkalinization, cellular uptake of [3H]sphingosine continued slowly for up to 24 h. The ability of PMA or dioctanoylglycerol to activate Na+/H+ exchange fell to 20% of control after 24 h of sphingosine exposure. At all times, C11 and N-acetylsphingosine failed to block PMA-induced activation of the exchanger. Activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger by sucrose, which does not depend on protein kinase C activity, was unaffected by sphingosine. Activation of Na+/H+ exchange by thrombin and PDGF was partially inhibited by 30 and 20%, respectively. These data indicate that both thrombin and PDGF activate Na+/H+ exchange by pathway(s) that are primarily independent of protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Addition of phorbol 12, 13 dibutyrate (PBt2) or a combination of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and insulin to quiescent cultures of Swiss 3T3 cells increased intracellular pH in a Na+-dependent fashion. In contrast to PBt2, EGF plus insulin failed to stimulate protein kinase C and elicited the ionic response in cells lacking this enzyme. We suggest that the stimulation of the Na+/H+ antiport in Swiss 3T3 cells is mediated by at least two separate pathways, only one of which is dependent upon the activation of protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Summary Studies were performed on purified brush-border membranes from the kidney of the rabbit to examine the relation between protein kinase C and the Na+/H+ exchanger in these membranes. The brush-border membranes were transiently opened by exposure to hypotonic media and the membrane proteins phosphorylated by exposure to ATP and phorbol esters or partially purified protein kinase C. The membranes were resealed and the intravesicular space acidified by incubation in a sodium-free isotonic solution (pH 5.5). The rate of uptake of 1mm 22Na+ (pH 7.5), with and without amiloride (1mm), was assayed and the proton gradient-stimulated, amiloride-inhibitable component of22Na+ taken as a measure of the activity of the Na+/H+ exchanger. 12-0-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) increased the amiloride-sensitive component of22Na+ uptake TPA did not affect the amiloride-insensitive component of22Na+ uptake or the equilibrium concentration of sodium. TPA also did not affect the rate of dissipation of the proton gradient in the absence of sodium or the rate of sodium-dependent or-independent uptake ofd-glucose. Other active phorbol esters stimulated the rate of Na+/H+ exchange, but phorbol esters of the 4 configuration did not. Incubation of the opened membranes in partially purified protein kinase C increased the rate of proton gradient-stimulated, amiloride-inhibitable sodium uptake. The stimulatory effect of TPA and protein kinase C was not additive. In the absence of ATP, neither TPA nor protein kinase C affected Na+/H+ exchange transport. To determine the membrane-bound protein substrates, parallel experiments were conducted with -[32P] ATP in the phosphorylating solutions. The reaction was stopped by SDS and the phosphoproteins resolved by PAGE and autoradiography. TPA stimulation of protein kinase C resulted in phosphorylation of approximately 13 membrane-bound proteins ranging in apparent molecule from 15,000 to 140,000 daltons. These studies indicate that activation of endogenous renal brush-border protein kinase C by phorbol esters or exposure of these membranes to exogenous protein kinase C increases the rate of proton gradient-stimulated, amiloride-inhibitable sodium transport. Protein kinase C activation also results in phosphorylation of a finite number of membrane-bound proteins.  相似文献   

Full-grown prophase-arrested oocytes of Xenopus laevis were treated with 50 nM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), an activator of protein kinase C, or with 50 nM 4 alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate (4 alpha PDD) that does not activate protein kinase C. The effect on membrane currents and capacitance, inulin uptake and ouabain binding, and on membrane morphology were analyzed. (i) During application of PMA, current generated by the Na+/K+ pump decreases; in addition, Cl- and K+ channels become inhibited. This general decrease in membrane conductance reaches steady state after about 60 min. 4 alpha PDD was ineffective. (ii) Ouabain binding experiments demonstrate that PMA (K1/2 = 7 nM), but not 4 alpha PPD, induces a reduction of the number of pump molecules in the surface membrane. Permeabilization of oocytes by digitonin plus 0.02% SDS renders all binding sites present prior to PMA treatment again accessible for ouabain. The KD value for ouabain binding is not influenced. 4 alpha PDD was ineffective. (iii) Exposure of oocytes to PMA reduces membrane capacitance and stimulates uptake of inulin suggesting an increase in endocytosis. Electron micrographs show that PMA reduces the number and length of microvilli, leading finally to a smooth membrane surface with a reduced surface area. From these results we conclude that stimulation of protein kinase C leads to downregulation of the sodium pump. A major portion of this inhibition is brought about by reduction in area of surface membrane with a concomitant internalization of pump molecules. In addition to this mode of downregulation, a direct effect of stimulation of protein kinase C on the pump molecule cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Mitogen-induced activation of Na+/H+ exchange was studied in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. Phorbol myristic acetate (PMA) caused amiloride inhibitable cell alkalinization. PDGF and vanadate, but not bombesin or thrombin, caused additional alkalinization when given 10 min after a maximal dose of PMA. Down-regulation of kinase C by 24 hr PMA exposure prevented the alkalinization response to bombesin and thrombin, but not to PDGF or vanadate. Cyclosporin A specifically blocked the additional alkalinization after PDGF or vanadate in cells acutely exposed to PMA and in kinase C down-regulated cells. Thus, there are at least two independent pathways which activate Na+/H+ exchange. PMA, bombesin, and thrombin act via kinase C. PDGF and vanadate cause additional stimulation of the Na+/H+ exchanger by a kinase C-independent pathway, inhibitable by cyclosporin A.  相似文献   

Renal tubular citrate transport is accomplished by electrogenic Na(+) coupled dicarboxylate transporter NaDC-1, a carrier subjected to regulation by acidosis. Trafficking of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3 is controlled by NHE regulating factors NHERF-1 and NHERF-2 and the serum and glucocorticoid inducible kinase SGK1. To test for a possible involvement in NaDC-1 regulation, mRNA encoding NaDC-1 was injected into Xenopus oocytes with or without cRNA encoding NHERF-1, NHERF-2, SGK1, SGK2, SGK3, and/or the constitutively active form of the related protein kinase B ((T308,S473D)PKB). Succinate induced inward currents (I(succ)) were taken as a measure of transport rate. Coexpression of neither NHERF-1 nor NHERF-2 in NaDC-1 expressing oocytes significantly altered I(succ). On the other hand, coexpression of SGK1, SGK3, and (T308,S473D)PKB stimulated I(succ), an effect further stimulated by additional coexpression of NHERF-2 but not of NHERF-1. The action of the kinases and NHERF-2 may link urinary citrate excretion to proximal tubular H(+) secretion.  相似文献   

In stimulated human platelets dense-granule secretion in response to the 'weak agonists' ADP, adrenaline, platelet activating factor and low concentrations of thrombin as well as Ca2+ mobilisation in response to thrombin are enhanced by a Na+/H+ exchanger. In the present study the role of this antiport in collagen stimulated human platelets was examined. While stimulation of platelets loaded with the fluorescent intracellular pH-sensitive dye, bis-carboxyethyl-5-(6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) with thrombin resulted in the activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger, activation of this antiport did not occur in collagen-stimulated platelets. The lack of antiport activity in response to collagen using BCECF-loaded platelets correlated with the lack of any functional role of the antiport in collagen stimulated platelets. In the presence of a Na+/H+ exchange inhibitor, ethylisopropylamiloride, neither collagen-induced platelet aggregation or dense-granule secretion was affected. Furthermore, while the removal of extracellular Na+ (Na+ext), a condition that also prevents activation of the antiport, inhibited dense-granule secretion in response to a low concentration of thrombin, collagen-induced secretion was potentiated. This potentiatory effect could not be attributed to changes in either the membrane potential or in collagen-induced phospholipase C or protein kinase C activity. The present results indicate that in contrast to the 'weak agonists' (1) collagen-induced platelet activation does not require activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger and (2) Na+ext per se is an inhibitor of collagen-induced secretion.  相似文献   

Activation of neutrophils leading to superoxide production is accompanied by cytoplasmic alkalinization, which results from stimulation of the Na+/H+ exchanger. Since the exchanger undergoes permanent alterations during neutrophilic maturation of HL-60 cells (Costa-Casnellie et al.: Journal of Biological Chemistry 263:11851-11855, 1988), we investigated whether its response to external stimuli such as phorbol esters or osmotic shock also was modified during cell maturation. Mature HL-60 cells produce superoxide in response to active phorbol esters, whereas immature HL-60 cells do not. Stimulation of the exchanger by active phorbol esters (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate or phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate) was observed in mature neutrophilic HL-60 cells but not in their immature counterparts. Inactive 4-alpha phorbol had no effect in either cell population. Compound H7 inhibited phorbol ester activation by 65%. In mature neutrophilic cells activation of the exchanger by phorbol esters caused two novel changes of its properties: 1) its apparent Km for Na+ transport increased 2-fold; 2) its Vmax increased 2.6-fold. Phorbol esters also caused a shift in pH dependence of activation similar to that induced in other cells. Osmotic shock, a different method known to activate the exchanger of other cells, induced activation in mature neutrophilic cells but not in immature cells. Thus, the response of the exchanger to external stimuli is affected by alterations occurring in association with cell maturation.  相似文献   

Summary Studies were performed to determine the effect of protein phosphorylation mediated by calcium-calmodulin-dependent multifunctional protein kinase II and calcium-phospholipid-dependent protein kinase on Na+/H+ exchange activity. Proteins from the apical membrane of the proximal tubule of the rabbit kidney were solubilized in octyl glucoside and incubated in phosphorylating solutions containing the protein kinase.22Na+ uptake was determined subsequently after reconstitution of the proteins into proteoliposomes. Calcium-calmodulin-dependent multifunction protein kinase II inhibited the amiloride-sensitive component of proton gradient-stimulated Na+ uptake in a dose-dependent manner. The inhibitory effect of this kinase had an absolute requirement for calmodulin, Ca2+, and ATP. Calcium-phospholipid-dependent protein kinase stimulated the amiloride-sensitive component of proton gradient-stimulated Na+ uptake in a dose-dependent manner. The stimulating effect of this kinase had an absolute requirement for ATP, Ca2+, and an active phorbol ester. These experiments indicate that Na+/H+ exchange activity of proteoliposomes reconstituted with proteins from renal brush-border membranes are inhibited by protein phosphorylation mediated by calcium-calmodulin-dependent multifunctional protein kinase II and stimulated by that mediated by calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

Protein kinase D inhibits plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger activity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The regulation of plasma membraneNa+/H+exchanger (NHE) activity by protein kinase D (PKD), a novel proteinkinase C- and phorbol ester-regulated kinase, was investigated. Todetermine the effect of PKD on NHE activity in vivo, intracellular pH(pHi) measurements were made inCOS-7 cells by microepifluorescence using the pH indicator cSNARF-1.Cells were transfected with empty vector (control), wild-type PKD, orits kinase-deficient mutant PKD-K618M, together with green fluorescentprotein (GFP). NHE activity, as reflected by the rate of acid efflux(JH), wasdetermined in single GFP-positive cells following intracellularacidification. Overexpression of wild-type PKD had no significanteffect on JH(3.48 ± 0.25 vs. 3.78 ± 0.24 mM/min in control atpHi 7.0). In contrast,overexpression of PKD-K618M increasedJH (5.31 ± 0.57 mM/min at pHi 7.0;P < 0.05 vs. control). Transfectionwith these constructs produced similar effects also in A-10 cells,indicating that native PKD may have an inhibitory effect on NHE in bothcell types, which is relieved by a dominant-negative action ofPKD-K618M. Exposure of COS-7 cells to phorbol ester significantlyincreased JH in control cells but failed to do so in cells overexpressing either wild-type PKD (due to inhibition by the overexpressed PKD) or PKD-K618M(because basal JHwas already near maximal). A fusion protein containing the cytosolicregulatory domain (amino acids 637-815) of NHE1 (the ubiquitousNHE isoform) was phosphorylated in vitro by wild-type PKD, but with lowstoichiometry. These data suggest that PKD inhibits NHE activity,probably through an indirect mechanism, and represents a novel pathwayin the regulation of the exchanger.


The Na+/H+ antiport of rat thymic lymphocytes is activated when protein kinase C is stimulated by phorbol esters. A similar activation of the antiport is obtained when the cells are treated with hypertonic solutions. We tested the possibility that protein kinase C also mediates the osmotic activation of Na+/H+ exchange. Protein kinase C was depleted by preincubation of thymocytes for 24 hr in the presence of high concentrations of phorbol ester. Disappearance of the enzyme was assessed by direct measurement of phosphotransferase activity, and by the loss of biological responses to phorbol esters. The Na+/H+ antiport in protein kinase C-depleted cells was not stimulated by addition of phorbol ester, but responded normally to hypertonic treatment. The results indicate that the osmotic activation of countertransport does not require stimulation of protein kinase C.  相似文献   

The mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), including extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), and p38 MAPK, play a major role in the regulation of pivotal cellular processes such as cell death/survival balance, cell cycle progression, and cell migration. MAPK activity is regulated by a three-tiered phosphorelay system, which is in turn regulated by a complex network of signaling events and scaffolding proteins. The ubiquitous plasma membrane Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE1 is activated by, and implicated in, the physiological/pathophysiological responses to many of the same stimuli that modulate MAPK activity. While under some conditions, NHE1 is regulated by MAPKs, a number of studies have, conversely, implicated NHE1 in the regulation of MAPK activity. Here, we discuss the current evidence indicating the involvement of NHE1 in MAPK regulation, the mechanisms by which this may occur, and the possible physiological and pathophysiological relevance of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

We have studied the activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger which leads to the intracellular alkalinization in cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells stimulated by extracellular ATP. The alkalinization induced by ATP was largely dependent on extracellular Ca2+ and the rate of alkalinization was decreased by about 60% in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. ATP caused a rapid and transient increase and a subsequent sustained increase of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in the Ca2+ buffer, while only the rapid and transient increase of [Ca2+]i was observed in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. The Ca2+-depleted cells prepared by incubation in Ca2+-free buffer containing 0.1 mM EGTA showed only a slight increase of [Ca2+]i with no alkalinization on stimulation by ATP. The alkalinization was inhibited by 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine dihydrochloride (H-7), an inhibitor of protein kinase C, but not by another isoquinoline analogue (HA 1004), which has a less inhibitory effect on the kinase. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate also induced the alkalinization by the activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger. Neither dibutyryl cyclic AMP nor dibutyryl cyclic GMP affected the alkalinization induced by ATP. Treatment of the cells by pertussis and cholera toxins had no effect on the alkalinization. The results suggest that the increase in [Ca2+]i is essential for the ATP-induced activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger in cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells and a protein kinase C-dependent pathway is involved in the activation.  相似文献   

To assess the role of Ca2+in regulation of theNa+/H+exchanger (NHE1), we used CCL-39 fibroblasts overexpressing theNa+/Ca2+exchanger (NCX1). Expression of NCX1 markedly inhibited the transient cytoplasmic Ca2+ rise andlong-lasting cytoplasmic alkalinization (60-80% inhibition) induced by -thrombin. In contrast, coexpression of NCX1 did not inhibit this alkalinization in cells expressing the NHE1 mutant withthe calmodulin (CaM)-binding domain deleted (amino acids 637-656),suggesting that the effect of NCX1 transfection involves Ca2+-CaM binding. Expression ofNCX1 only slightly inhibited platelet-derived growth factor BB-inducedalkalinization and did not affect hyperosmolarity- or phorbol12-myristate 13-acetate-induced alkalinization. Downregulation ofprotein kinase C (PKC) inhibited thrombin-induced alkalinization partially in control cells and abolished it completely inNCX1-transfected cells, suggesting that the thrombin effect is mediatedexclusively via Ca2+ and PKC. Onthe other hand, deletion mutant study revealed that PKC-dependentregulation occurs through a small cytoplasmic segment (amino aids566-595). These data suggest that a mechanism involving directCa2+-CaM binding lasts for arelatively long period after agonist stimulation, despite apparentshort-lived Ca2+ mobilization, andfurther support our previous conclusion that Ca2+- and PKC-dependent mechanismsare mediated through distinct segments of the NHE1 cytoplasmic domain.


The Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) isoform 1 is a ubiquitously expressed integral membrane protein which regulates intracellular pH in mammalian cells. Nine isoforms of the Na+/H+ exchanger have been identified. The isoform first discovered has two domains: an N-terminal membrane domain containing approximately 500 amino acids and a C-terminal regulatory domain containing approximately 315 amino acids. The exchanger, which resides in the plasma membrane, exchanges an intracellular proton for an extracellular sodium, thereby regulating intracellular pH. It is involved in cell growth and differentiation, cell migration, and regulation of sodium fluxes. The Na+/H+ exchanger plays an important role in myocardial damage during ischemia and reperfusion and has recently been implicated as a mediator of cardiac hypertrophy. Inhibitors of the Na+/H+ exchanger, which may prove useful in the clinical treatment of these conditions, are currently being developed and clinical trials are underway.  相似文献   

The effect of the potent anticancer drug cisplatin, cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (CDDP), on H+ -ATPase and Na+/H+ exchanger in rat renal brush-border membrane was examined. To measure H+ transport by vacuolar H+ -ATPase in renal brush-border membrane vesicles, we employed a detergent-dilution procedure, which can reorientate the catalytic domain of H+ -ATPase from an inward-facing configuration to outward-facing one. ATP-driven H+ pump activity decreased markedly in brush-border membrane prepared from rats two days after CDDP administration (5 mg/kg, i.p.). In addition, N-ethylmaleimide and bafilomycin A1 (inhibitors of vacuolar H+ -ATPase)-sensitive ATPase activity also decreased in these rats. The decrease in ATP-driven H+ pump activity was observed even at day 7 after the administration of CDDP. Suppression of ATP-driven H+ pump activity was also observed when brush-border membrane vesicles prepared from normal rats were pretreated with CDDP in vitro. In contrast with H+ -ATPase, the activity of Na+/H+ exchanger, which was determined by measuring acridine orange fluorescence quenching, was not affected by the administration of CDDP. These results provide new insights into CDDP-induced renal tubular dysfunctions, especially such as proximal tubular acidosis and proteinuria.  相似文献   

The calmodulin antagonist N(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalene-sulfonamide (W-7) has been examined as an inhibitor of superoxide anion production and granule exocytosis in phorbol ester (PMA)-activated neutrophils. Inhibition of the respiratory burst was observed at a concentration of W-7 identical to that required for inhibition of native protein kinase C (PKC), whereas the concentration required to inhibit the secretory response was found to correspond to that required for inhibition of the proteolytically converted fully active PKC. The IC50 of W-7 was in both cases 5 and 12 fold higher than that required for inhibition of calmodulin dependent kinases. The results confirm the essential role for the membrane-bound PKC in the production of O2- radicals and provide a clear evidence of the direct participation of the proteolytically activated cytosolic PKC to the secretory response of PMA activated neutrophils.  相似文献   

In quiescent Ha-ras-transfected NIH 3T3 cells, addition of serum growth factors, bombesin or 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) leads to a dimethylamiloride-sensitive intracellular alkalinization which can be inhibited by staurosporine, a potent inhibitor of protein kinase C. Expression of the transforming Ha-ras gene causes a growth factor-independent increase in cytoplasmic pH. This Ha-ras-induced alkalinization is sensitive to dimethylamiloride but is not affected by staurosporine concentrations which prevent the pH response after addition of growth factors or TPA. Protein kinase C depletion by long term exposure to TPA eliminates the pH response to bombesin and phorbol ester but does not effect the Ha-ras-induced intracellular alkalinization. It is concluded that expression of Ha-ras causes an activation of the Na+/H+ antiporter by an as yet unknown protein kinase C-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

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