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RFLP-based genetic maps of chromosomes 6A and 6B of Triticum turgidum have been constructed using data obtained by the study of Triticum turgidum var durum cv Langdon-T. t. var dicoccoides recombinant substitution lines (RSLs) supplemented with data obtained from F3 families derived from Langdon dicoccoides 6A and 6B disomic substitution lines. The average RFLP frequencies detected for the two chromosomes in a test of 45 DNA clones with six restriction enzymes were 56% and 53%, respectively, and a subset of 32 clones gave frequencies of 75% and 72%, respectively. Seventeen loci were mapped in 6A and 18 in 6B. With the possible exception of 5 loci in the centromeric region of 6A, all of the mapped 6A and 6B loci are located in the same arm as are homologous loci in hexaploid wheat, and the linear order of the loci is the same in the two chromosomes, except possibly close to the centromere. Major differences in genetic distances exist between homologous loci located in the proximal regions of the 6AL and 6BL linkage groups, however, the distances being much larger in the former than in the latter. The 6B maps that were constructed using data from both the RSL and the F2 populations and using data from the RSL population alone closely resemble one another, indicating that the 6B RSL population, composed of 85 lines, can be reliably used for genetic mapping. Additional studies must be conducted before the utility of the 6A RSL population, composed of 66 lines, can be adequately assessed.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to produce doubled haploid plants from durum wheat through the induction of androgenesis. A microspore culture technique was developed and used to produce fertile doubled haploid plants of agronomic interest. Five cultivars, one selected line, plus a collection of 20 F1 crosses between different genotypes of high breeding value were used. Studies on several factors such as pre-treatments and media components were carried out in order to develop a protocol to regenerate green haploid plantlets. Anthers were pre-treated in 0.7 M mannitol. Microspores, from anther maceration, were plated on a C17 induction culture medium with ovary co-culture. The optimum regeneration medium J25–8 was used. From 35 microspore isolations, 407 green plantlets were obtained. With this technique mature embryos were obtained. Green plants were regenerated from all genotypes used and approximately 67% of them were spontaneously doubled haploids. Some haploids and a very few polyploids plants were obtained. From the 407 plants, 275 were completely fertile and gave enough seeds to be assayed in the field. This protocol could be used complementary to or instead of the intergeneric crossing with maize as an economically feasible method to obtain doubled haploids from most durum wheat genotypes.  相似文献   

Two crosses between Triticum turgidum wheat lines differing in their response to chlormequat (CCC) were tested. In the F2 population of one cross, which was segregating for the Rht1 dwarfing allele, each plant was cloned by separation of two tillers, one of which was treated with CCC. The tall (rht1/rht1) and the intermediate (Rht1/rht1) genotypes showed a greater response to CCC than the semi-dwarf (Rht1/Rht1) genotype, as expressed by culm length and date of ear emergence. The F3 families of another cross and their two semi-dwarf parents were grown in a three-replicated field test in paris of rows, one of which was treated with CCC. In one of the parents and in 1/4 of the F3 families CCC induced a wide-angled tiller growth, suggesting a monogenic control of this growth habit in response to CCC.Based on an M.Sc. thesis presented by the senior author to the Faculty of Agriculture of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  相似文献   

 RAPD markers and agronomic traits were used to determine the genetic relationships among 32 breeding lines of melon belonging to seven varietal types. Most of the breeding lines were Galia and Piel de Sapo genotypes, which are currently being used in breeding programmes to develop new hybrid combinations. A total of 115 polymorphic reliable bands from 43 primers and 24 agronomic traits were scored for genetic distance calculations and cluster analysis. A high concordance between RAPDs and agronomic traits was observed when genetic relationships among lines were assessed. In addition, RAPD data were highly correlated with the pedigree information already known for the lines and revealed the existence of two clusters for each varietal type that comprised the lines sharing similar agronomic features. These groupings were consistent with the development of breeding programmes trying to generate two separate sets of parental lines for hybrid production. Nevertheless, the performance of certain hybrids indicated that RAPDs were more suitable markers than agronomic traits in predicting genetic distance among the breeding lines analysed. The employment of RAPDs as molecular markers both in germplasm management and improvement, as well as in the selection of parental lines for the development of new hybrid combinations, is discussed. Received: 25 July 1997 / Accepted: 6 October 1997  相似文献   

Seed storage-protein variation at theGlu-A1,Glu-B1 andGli-B1/Glu-B3 loci in the tetraploid wild progenitor of wheat,T. dicoccoides, was studied electrophoretically in 315 individuals representing nine populations from Jordan and three from Turkey. A total of 44 different HMW-glutenin patterns were identified, resulting from the combination of 15 alleles in the A genome and 19 in the B genome. Twenty-seven new allelic variants, 12 at theGlu-A1 locus and 15 at theGlu-B1 locus, were identified by comparing the mobilities of their subunits to those previously found in bread and durum wheats. The novel variants include six alleles at theGlu-A1 locus showing both x and y subunits. The genes coding for the 1Bx and 1By subunits showed no or very little (3%) inactivity, the 1Ax gene showed a moderate degree (6.3%) of inactivity whereas the gene coding for lAy showed the highest degree of inactivity (84.8%). A high level of polymorphism was also present for the omega- and gamma-gliadins and LMW-glutenin subunits encoded by genes at the linkedGli-B1 andGlu-B3 loci (19 alleles). Some Jordanian accessions were found to contain omega-gliadin 35, gamma-gliadin 45, and LMW-2 also present in cultivated durum wheats and related to good gluten viscoelasticity. The newly-discovered alleles enhance the genetic variability available for improving the technological quality of wheats. Additionally some of them may facilitate basic research on the relationship between industrial properties and the number and functionality of HMW- and LMW-glutenin subunits.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers linked to genes controlling Hessian fly resistance from Triticum tauschii (Coss.) Schmal. were identified for two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germ plasm lines KS89WGRC3 (C3) and KS89WGRC6 (C6). Forty-six clones with loci on chromosomes of homoeologous group 3 and 28 clones on those of group 6 were surveyed for polymorphisms. Eleven and 12 clones detected T. tauschii loci in the two lines, respectively. Analysis of F2 progenies indicated that the Hessian fly resistance gene H23 identified in C3 is linked to XksuH4 (6.9 cM) and XksuG48 (A) (15.6 cM), located on 6D. The resistance gene H24 in C6 is linked to XcnlBCD451 (5.9 cM), XcnlCD0482 (5.9 cM) and XksuG48 (B) (12.9 cM), located on 3DL.Paper No. 810 of the Cornell Plant Breeding Series  相似文献   

The value of intra- and interracial populations in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) needs to be determined in order to create useful genetic variation for maximizing gains from selection, broadening the genetic base of commercial cultivars, and making efficient use of available resources. Five large-seeded parents of race Nueva Granada (N), two small-seeded race Mesoamerica (M), and one medium-seeded race Durango (D) were hybridized to produce one intraracial (N x N) and three interracial (two N x M and one N x D) populations. Seventy-nine F2-derived F6 lines randomly taken from each population along with their parents were evaluated for agronomic traits and markers at Palmira and Popayán, Colombia, in 1990 and 1991. Variation for agronomic traits and for morphological, protein, and isozyme markers was larger in interracial populations than in the intraracial population. Mean seed yield of all lines as well as yield of the highest yielding line from two interracial populations were significantly higher than that of the intraracial population. The highest ( 0.80±0.15) heritability was recorded for 100-seed weight. Values for seed yield varied from 0.19±0.17 to 0.50±0.16. Gains from selection (at 20% selection pressure) for seed yield ranged from 3.9% to 11.4%. Seed yield was positively associated with biomass yield, pods/m2, and days to maturity, but harvest index showed negative correlations with these traits and a positive value with 100-seed weight. Polymorphism was recorded for phaseolin, lectins, protein Group-1 and protein Group-2 fractions, and six isozyme loci. Lines with indeterminate growth habit had significantly (P < 0.01) higher seed yield than lines with determinate growth habit in a Redkloud x MAM 4 population. Also, 23 other associations of markers with agronomic traits other than seed yield were recorded. Of these associations, lines with T phaseolin, the Diap1 2 allele, and lilac flower color tended to possess greater seed weight.  相似文献   

We have developed a method for the accelerated production of fertile transgenic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) that yields rooted plants ready for transfer to soil in 8–9 weeks (56–66 days) after the initiation of cultures. This was made possible by improvements in the procedures used for culture, bombardment, and selection. Cultured immature embryos were given a 4–6 h pre-and 16 h post-bombardment osmotic treatment. The most consistent and satisfactory results were obtained with 30 g of gold particles/bombardment. No clear correlation was found between the frequencies of transient expression and stable transformation. The highest rates of regeneration and transformation were obtained when callus formation after bombardment was limited to two weeks in the dark, with or without selection, followed by selection during regeneration under light. Selection with bialaphos, and not phosphinothricin, yielded more vigorously growing transformed plantlets. The elongation of dark green plantlets in the presence of 4–5 mg/l bialaphos was found to be reliable for identifying transformed plants. Eighty independent transgenic wheat lines were produced in this study. Under optimum conditions, 32 transformed wheat plants were obtained from 2100 immature embryos in 56–66 days, making it possible to obtain R3 homozygous plants in less than a year.  相似文献   

In vitro DNA:DNA hybridizations and hydroxyapatite thermal-elution chromatography were employed to identify the diploid Triticum species ancestral to the B genome of T. turgidum. Unique and repeated sequences from the various Triticum species were separated by hybridization and thermal elution on hydroxyapatite. Unique- and repeated-sequence fractions of labeled T. turgidum var. durum DNA were hybridized to the corresponding fractions of unlabeled DNAs of T. searsii, T. speltoides, T. longissimum, T. sharonensis, and T. bicorne. Thermal stability profiles were constructed to evaluate base-sequence complementarity between T. turgidum var. durum and the diploid Triticum species. The heteroduplex thermal stabilities indicated that, of the five species examined, T. searsii was the most closely related to the B genome of T. turgidum var. durum. The thermal stability profiles further indicated that the repeated DNA fractions from the Triticum species are more similar than the unique-sequence fractions. This indicates that all of the Triticum species are very closely related and, in all probability, have diverged from a single progenitor species.Published with the approval of the Director of the West Virginia Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station as Scientific Paper No. 1931.  相似文献   

Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng., commonly known as curry leaf plant, is found in the different hilly regions of India. In the present study, fifty-nine accessions representing eight wild populations of M. koenigii were analyzed using thirteen ISSR primers. A total of 152 bands were amplified, out of which, 136 were polymorphic corresponding to 89.47% polymorphism across the accessions. The pairwise population genetic distances were calculated for all the populations that varied from 0.05 to 0.13 between the populations of M. koenigii. AMOVA and Nei’s genetic diversity analysis revealed higher genetic variations within populations than among the populations. The clustering of populations in the dendrogram was not in congruence with geographical affiliations. The results indicate that the ISSR method is sufficiently informative and powerful to estimate the genetic diversity in M. koenigii populations. As M. koenigii is an important wild plant genetic resource, therefore, information on genetic variability might be a potential source as breeding material for development of commercially valuable traits in M. koenigii plants.  相似文献   

Concentrations of cadmium in the grain of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var durum) are often above the internationally acceptable limit of 0.2 mg kg−1. Cultivars that vary in concentrations of cadmium in the grain have been identified but the physiology behind differential accumulation has not been determined. Three pairs of near-isogenic lines (isolines) of durum wheat that vary in aboveground cadmium accumulation (8982-TL ‘high’ and ‘low’, W9260-BC ‘high’ and ‘low’, and W9261-BG ‘high’ and ‘low’) were used to test the hypothesis that the greater amounts of cadmium in shoots of the ‘high’ isolines are correlated with greater volumes of water transpired. In general, cadmium content was positively correlated with transpiration only in the ‘low’ isolines. Although shoots of the ‘high’ isolines of W9260-BC and W9261-BG contained higher concentrations of cadmium than did their corresponding ‘low’ isolines, they did not transpire larger volumes of water. In addition, isolines of 8982-TL transpired less water than did the other pairs of isolines yet both ‘high’ and ‘low’ isolines of 8982-TL contained higher amounts of cadmium than did the other pairs. The difference between ‘high’ and ‘low’ isolines appears to be related to the relative contribution of transpiration to cadmium translocation to the shoot. Increased transpiration was associated with increased cadmium content in the ‘low’ isolines but in the ‘high’ isolines increased cadmium in the shoot occurred independently of the volume of water transpired.  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken in order to select the surface-sterilization technique most efficient for eliminating epiphytes, to document the spectrum of endophytes of healthy leaves from three wheat cultivars in Buenos Aires Province (Argentina) and to determine their infection frequencies at three growth stages. Surface-sterilization with undiluted commercial solution of sodium hypochlorite was reaffirmed as adequate for removing epiphytes on wheat leaves. From the 450 wheat leaf segments incubated, three bacterial isolates and 130 fungal isolates were obtained. From all the isolates, 19 fungal species were identified. Bacterial isolates were characterized as Bacillus sp. There were significant differences between microorganisms, stages of growth, and stages × microorganisms interaction. Differences between cultivars, stages × cultivars, microorganisms × cultivars and for the triple interaction were not significant. Frequency of microorganisms isolated increased with crop age, but it was statistically similar for the three wheat cultivars tested (Klein Centauro, Klein Dragón and Buck Ombú). Rhodotorula rubra, Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium herbarum and Epicoccum nigrum were isolated in the highest frequency. The other microorganisms were present at intermediate or low values. The species isolated may be assigned to three groups: (a) well-known and economically important pathogens of wheat, (b) commonly abundant phylloplane fungi considered to be primary saprobic and minor pathogens and (c) species occasionally present in wheat.  相似文献   

Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers were employed to analyze the genetic diversity of Ricinus communis L. in northeastern China plants. We selected ten primers that produced clear, reproducible and multiple bands for these experiments and 179 bands were obtained across 39 genotypes. Polymorphic band ratios ranged from 100% to a minimum of 78.9% with an average of 96.4% while band numbers were comprised between 13 (UBC823) and 23 (UBC856). The results obtained from UPGMA clustering dendrogram and PCoA lead to 39 distinct castor bean accessions belonging to four major groups. We found that all groups shared a common node with 66% similarity while Jaccard's similarity coefficient ranged from 0.58 to 0.92. Compatible inference was also observed from the high values of heterozygosity (Ht = 0.3378 ± 0.0218), Nei's genetic diversity (H = 0.1765 ± 0.2090), and Shannon's information index (I = 0.4942 ± 0.1872). In addition, our data reveal a Nei's genetic differentiation index (GST) of 0.3452 and estimated the gene flow (Nm) at 0.9482. These findings clearly suggest a genetic diversity in castor bean germplasms from various geographic origins and contribute to our understanding of breeding and conservation of castor beans.  相似文献   

Isogenic diploid and tetraploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was studied with molecular markers to help understand why diploid performance and breeding behavior does not always predict that of tetraploids. In a previous study of partially heterozygous alfalfa genotypes, we detected a low correlation between yields of isogenic diploid (2x) and tetraploid (4x) single-cross progenies, and genetic distances were more highly correlated with yields of tetraploids than diploids. These differences may be related to the level of RFLP heterozygosity expected among progenies derived from heterozygous parents at the two ploidy levels. The objectives of this study were to determine the relationships among genetic distance, forage yield and heterozygosity in isogenic 2 x and 4 x alfalfa populations. Four diploid genotypes were chromosome doubled to produce corresponding isogenic autotetraploids, and these genotypes were mated in 4 × 4 diallels to produce 6 single-cross families at each ploidy level for field evaluation. Allele compositions of parents were determined at 33 RFLP loci by monitoring segregation of homologous restriction fragments among individuals within progenies, and these were used to estimate RFLP heterozygosity levels for all single-cross progenies at both ploidy levels. RFLP heterozygosity rankings were identical between progenies of isogenic diploid and tetraploid parents; but significant associations (P < 0.05) between estimated heterozygosity levels and forage yield were detected only at the tetraploid level. Since tetraploid families were nearly 25% more heterozygous than the corresponding diploid families, inconsistencies in the association between molecular marker diversity and forage yields of isogenic 2 x and 4 x single crosses may be due to recessive alleles that are expressed in diploids but masked in tetraploids. The gene action involved in heterosis may be the same at both ploidy levels; however, tetraploids benefit from greater complementary gene interactions than are possible for equivalent diploids. Present address: AgResearch Grasslands, New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture Research Institute, Palmerston North, New Zealand  相似文献   

Nullisomic analysis of waxy (Wx) protein of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. “Chinese Spring” using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that threeWx loci,Wx-A1, Wx-B1, andWx-D1, located on chromosome arms 7AS, 4AL, and 7DS, produce three distinct Wx subunit groups, subunit group-A (SGA), SGB, and SGD, respectively. SGA has a higher molecular weight and a more basic isoelectric point (pI) than the other two. SGB and SGD have the same molecular weight but a slightly different pI range. Owing to the detection of these three subunit groups, we were able to identify the expression of three waxy genes in wheat endosperm and to find two types of mutants among Japanese wheat cultivars, one lacking SGA and the others SGB. These results suggest the possibility of breeding a waxy wheat.  相似文献   

Assessment of the extent of genetic variability within chickpea is fundamental for chickpea breeding and conservation of genetic resources and is particularly useful as a general guide in the choice of parents for breeding hybrids. To establish genetic diversity among 60 accessions of chickpea comprising landraces, internationally developed improved lines, and cultivars, genetic distances were evaluated using 14 simple sequence repeat markers. These markers showed a high level of polymorphism; a total of 59 different alleles were detected, with a mean of 4.2 alleles per locus. The polymorphic information content (PIC) value ranged from 0.31 to 0.89. All the markers, with the exception of TAA170, TA110, GA34, and Ts35, were considered to be informative (PIC > 0.5), indicating their potential usefulness for cultivar identification. Based on the UNJ clustering method, all accessions were clustered in five groups, which indicated the probable origin and region similarity of Iranian landraces over the other cultivars. It also represents a wide diversity among available germplasm. The result has firmly established that introduction of genetic materials from exotic sources has broadened the genetic base of the national chickpea breeding program. As further implications of the findings, this study can be useful for selective breeding for specific traits and in enhancing the genetic base of breeding programs.  相似文献   

Summary Six monosomic addition lines were produced in which different Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy chromosomes were added to the chromosome complement of Triticum durum Desf. cv. Creso. Each added alien chromosome was found to have a specific effect on plant morphology and fertility. Transmission rate varied widely (from 7.5 to 27.7%) among the six univalent chromosomes. Different monotelosomic addition plants derived by a relatively high frequency of chromosome misdivision were isolated. The addition lines should be useful for studying Dasypyrum chromosome homoeology and the introduction of alien variation into durum and common wheats.Research supported by a grant from the Italian Research Council for Finalized Project IPRA. Sub-project Plant Breeding, Paper No. 1095  相似文献   

This work assessed in situ, copper (Cu) uptake and phytotoxicity for durum wheat (Triticum turgidum durum L.) cropped in a range of Cu-contaminated, former vineyard soils (pH 4.2–7.8 and total Cu concentration 32–1,030 mg Cu kg−1) and identified the underlying soil chemical properties and related root-induced chemical changes in the rhizosphere. Copper concentrations in plants were significantly and positively correlated to soil Cu concentration (total and EDTA). In addition, Cu concentration in roots which was positively correlated to soil pH tended to be larger in calcareous soils than in non-calcareous soils. Symptoms of Cu phytotoxicity (interveinal chlorosis) were observed in some calcareous soils. Iron (Fe)–Cu antagonism was found in calcareous soils. Rhizosphere alkalisation in the most acidic soils was related to decreased CaCl2-extractable Cu. Conversely, water-extractable Cu increased in the rhizosphere of both non-calcareous and calcareous soils. This work suggests that plant Cu uptake and risks of Cu phytotoxicity in situ might be greater in calcareous soils due to interaction with Fe nutrition. Larger water extractability of Cu in the rhizosphere might relate to greater Cu uptake in plants exhibiting Cu phytotoxic symptoms.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity in the seed storage-proteins encoded at theGlu-A1,Glu-B1 andGli-B1/Glu-B3 loci was studied electrophoretically in 315 individuals belonging to nine populations ofT. dicoccoides from Jordan and three from Turkey. The inter- and intra-population distribution of seed storage-protein alleles at the considered loci and its link with geographical factors were investigated. Population differentiation in seed storage-proteins was in some cases very high with very weak correlations with geographic distance. Greater gene differentiation was found within and between populations which were geographically very close in Jordan than between those from Jordan and Turkey. However the distribution of alleles appeared to be non random. Samples collected from populations at locations over 900 m above sea level were less polymorphic than those collected at lower altitudes (500–700 m), whereas the relative genetic differentiation between populations was greater between those collected at higher altitudes. Seed storage-protein differentiation was significantly correlated with the altitude of the collecting sites. Although it is difficult to point out the selective pressure of altitude per se, altitude can reflect an integration of several environmental parameters. The possible adaptive value of seed storage-proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

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