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An improved multisensor cell sorting instrument for quantitative analysis and sorting of cells has been developed. Cells stained with fluorescent dyes enter a flow chamber where cell volume, fluorescence, and light scatter sensors simultaneously measure multiple cellular properties. Cells then emerge in a liquid jet that is broken into uniform liquid droplets. Sensor signals are electronically processed in one of several ways for optimum cell discrimination and are displayed as pulse-amplitude distributions using a multichannel pulse-height analyzer. Processed signals activate cell sorting according to preselected parametric criteria by electrically charging droplets containing cells and electrostatically deflecting them into collection vessels. Illustrative examples of multiparameter cell analysis and sorting experiments using a model mouse tumor cell system, human and animal leukocytes, and cultured mammalian cells are presented.  相似文献   



From previous studies it is becoming evident that the processing of unpleasant stimuli occurs early (0 to 300 ms); however, it is not clear how cognitive processing related to pleasant/unpleasant emotions occurs at later time windows (≥300 ms). On the other hand, as evident from the previous reports, BIS and BAS personality traits are strongly associated with unpleasant and pleasant responses, respectively. Therefore, in the present study, we aim to identify the time window involved in human pleasant/unpleasant emotional processing by investigating ERP components correlated with BIS/BAS personality traits.


Twenty-nine men took part in the study and recording ERP during presented sounds. BIS/BAS score was calculated using the Japanese edition of the BIS/BAS questionnaire.


Significant correlation was not observed between BIS and BAS scores. A significant and positive correlation was observed between N100 amplitude and BIS score. A positive correlation was found between BAS fun seeking subscale score and LPP amplitude. Our findings did not contradict previous study results.


Our results suggest that the processing of unpleasant emotions takes place early on, since N100 response was larger in high BIS subjects who are known to be sensitive to unpleasant emotions. LPP was larger in high BAS subjects who are known to be sensitive to pleasant emotions. The LPP was considered to be augmented because the ACC activity level during pleasant emotions reflected on LPP.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cell sorting has a history dating back approximately 40 years. The main limitation has been that, although flow cytometry is a science, cell sorting has been an art during most of this time. Recent advances in assisting technologies have helped to decrease the amount of expertise necessary to perform sorting. METHODS: Droplet-based sorting is based on a controlled disturbance of a jet stream dependent on surface tension. Sorting yield and purity are highly dependent on stable jet break-off position. System pressures and orifice diameters dictate the number of droplets per second, which is the sort rate limiting step because modern electronics can more than handle the higher cell signal processing rates. RESULTS: Cell sorting still requires considerable expertise. Complex multicolor sorting also requires new and more sophisticated sort decisions, especially when cell subpopulations are rare and need to be extracted from background. High-speed sorting continues to pose major problems in terms of biosafety due to the aerosols generated. CONCLUSIONS: Cell sorting has become more stable and predictable and requires less expertise to operate. However, the problems of aerosol containment continue to make droplet-based cell sorting problematical. Fluid physics and cell viability restraints pose practical limits for high-speed sorting that have almost been reached. Over the next 5 years there may be advances in fluidic switching sorting in lab-on-a-chip microfluidic systems that could not only solve the aerosol and viability problems but also make ultra high-speed sorting possible and practical through massively parallel and exponential staging microfluidic architectures.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis and sorting of neuropeptides.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
As part of the secretory process neuropeptides are sorted from other cellular compartments and concentrated in vesicles. The vesicles are transported to release sites and stored, awaiting the proper signal for exocytosis. Regulation of the packaging process has many implications for neuropeptide function.  相似文献   

Individual cell sorting.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Current cell sorting machines do not preserve the individual identity of processed cells; after analysis, the cells are assigned to a subpopulation where they are pooled with other similar cells. This paper reports progress on a system that sorts cells individually to precise locations on a microscope slide and preserves them for further observation with a light microscope while recording flow measurement data for each cell. Various electronic and mechanical modifications to an existing sorting machine are described that increase drop placement accuracy and permit individual cell sorting.  相似文献   

In a newborn female, an abnormal karyotype, 46,XX/47,XX,+mar/47,XX,+9, was found associated with several malformations. The marker chromosome was present in 70% of peripheral blood lymphocytes, and its size appeared to be less than half of the smallest chromosomes. Several differential staining methods provided no indication as to its origin.Chromosomes isolated from EBV-immortalized lymphocytes of the patient were fractionated on a FACS-440. The marker was resolved as a sharp peak in the region close to the chromosomal debris: its DNA content seemed to be close to 40% of chromosomes 21 and 22.About 580000 minichromosomes were sorted. In order to optimize cloning conditions, a pilot cloning experiment was performed on a pool of sorted chromosomes 9, 10, 11 and 12.Abbreviations BrdU Bromo-deoxyuridine - CIP Calf Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase - DAPI 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - EBV Epstein Barr Virus - EtBr Ethidium bromide - FACS Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter - GTG Giemsa-Trypsin-Giemsa - KBP Kilobase Pair - MTX Methotrexate - PHA Phytohemagglutinin - PrI Propidium Iodide - RBG Reverse-BrdU-Giemsa  相似文献   

We have investigated the accuracy with which droplets containing cells can be sorted individually onto known and thus relocatable positions. The presence and random arrival of cells and particles in the sorter jet disturbs the orderly production and deflection of droplets, causing a dispersion of sorted droplet trajectories. The magnitude of this dispersion is a function of the phase relationship between the arrival of a cell at the end of the jet and the droplet formation. Using a modified Becton Dickinson Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter, we selected for sorting only those droplets that formed with a cell near the center of the droplet. We used this technique to sort Lewis lung tumor cells. The dispersion of droplet positions was reduced from over 3% to about 1% of an average deflection of typically 15 mm for a nozzle with a 50-micron diameter orifice. Sorting onto a surface such as magnetic tape or a microscope slide introduces another uncertainty in position because the cell may be located anywhere within the wetted radius of the droplet on the slide. Sorting onto less-wettable surfaces reduces the wetted radius and thus the variation in cell position.  相似文献   

The study of genome rearrangements is an important tool in comparative genomics. This paper revisits the problem of sorting a multichromosomal genome by translocations, i.e., exchanges of chromosome ends. We give an elementary proof of the formula for computing the translocation distance in linear time, and we give a new algorithm for sorting by translocations, correcting an error in a previous algorithm by Hannenhalli.  相似文献   

Protein sorting in mitochondria.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Most polypeptides that are imported into the mitochondrial matrix use a common translocation machinery. By contrast, proteins of the other mitochondrial compartments are imported by a variety of different mechanisms. Some of these proteins completely bypass the common translocation machinery, others use only the outer membrane components of this machinery, and still others use components of this machinery from both the outer and inner membranes. Import to the intermembrane space compartment provides examples of all three possibilities.  相似文献   

A selection of World Wide Web sites relevant to papers published in this issue of Current Opinion in Cell Biology.  相似文献   

Advanced biology and recent technology have provided sophisticated and objective method for analyzing biological characteristics on cells. Following that, many new instruments have developed. Diagnostic immunocytochemistry has become an accepted diagnostic tool in cell biology. In recent years, remarkable advances in technology provide a method for quantitative and objective analyses of cell characteristics. The newly developed computer assisted laser cytometer (ACAS 570) can be applied in clinical basis as well as in research laboratory. Fluorescent intensities of ancharage-dependent cells can be automatically analyzed and make it possible to separate a subpopulation of cells. This computer controlled system principally consists of argon ion laser, phase contrast microscope. Quantitative fluorescence measurements and computer graphic images can be obtained. The present paper demonstrates multiple applications of laser cytometer for evaluation of cell biology.  相似文献   

Cell size is a defining characteristic central to cell function and ultimately to tissue architecture. The ability to sort cell subpopulations of different sizes would facilitate investigation at genomic and proteomic levels of mechanisms by which cells attain and maintain their size. Currently available cell sorters, however, cannot directly measure cell volume electronically, and it would therefore be desirable to know which of the optical measurements that can be made in such instruments provide the best estimate of volume. We investigated several different light scattering and fluorescence measurements in several different cell lines, sorting cell fractions from the high and low end of distributions, and measuring volume electronically to determine which sorting strategy yielded the best separated volume distributions. Since we found that different optical measurements were optimal for different cell lines, we suggest that following this procedure will enable other investigators to optimize their own cell sorters for volume-based separation of the cell types with which they work.  相似文献   

Biogeography of microbial populations remains to be poorly understood, and a novel technique of single cell sorting promises a new level of resolution for microbial diversity studies. Using single cell sorting, we compared saturated NaCl brine environments (32–35 %) of the South Bay Salt Works in Chula Vista in California (USA) and Santa Pola saltern near Alicante (Spain). Although some overlap in community composition was detected, both samples were significantly different and included previously undiscovered 16S rRNA sequences. The community from Chula Vista saltern had a large bacterial fraction, which consisted of diverse Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria. In contrast, Archaea dominated Santa Pola’s community and its bacterial fraction consisted of the previously known Salinibacter lineages. The recently reported group of halophilic Archaea, Nanohaloarchaea, was detected at both sites. We demonstrate that cell sorting is a useful technique for analysis of halophilic microbial communities, and is capable of identifying yet unknown or divergent lineages. Furthermore, we argue that observed differences in community composition reflect restricted dispersal between sites, a likely mechanism for diversification of halophilic microorganisms.  相似文献   

P Lasko 《FASEB journal》1999,13(3):421-433
Many RNAs involved in determination of the oocyte, specification of embryonic axes, and establishment of germ cells in Drosophila are localized asymmetrically within the developing egg or syncytial embryo. Here I review the current state of knowledge about the cis-acting sequences involved in RNA targeting, RNA binding proteins; gene activities implicated in localizing specific RNAs, and the role of the tubulin and actin cytoskeletons in RNA sorting within the oocyte. Targeted RNAs are often under complex translational control, and the translational control of two RNAs that localize to the posterior of the oocyte, oskar and nanos, is also discussed. Prospects for filling gaps in our knowledge about the mechanisms of localizing RNAs and the importance of RNA sorting in regulating gene expression are also explored.  相似文献   

Transition metals such as iron and copper potentiate the postischemic reperfusion (I/R) injury induced by oxygen-derived radical and nonradical toxic species (ROS). Various natural and synthetic antioxidants have been previously tested to ameliorate such injury, yet the limitations of the common antioxidants are well known. An alternative strategy for combating oxidative damage is presented wherein cell-permeable, nitroxide stable radicals, which act as SOD-mimics and oxidize reduced metals thus prompting the Fenton-like chemistry, are investigated for utility in ameliorating I/R injury. Our study concentrates on the early effect of nitroxide on the myocardial I/R injury. Isolated rat hearts in the Langendorff configuration were equilibrated with Krebs-Henseleit buffer and then subjected to 18 min of normothermic global ischemia followed by 20 min reperfusion. Iron administered as Fe(III)-citrate (10 microM) did not affect the cardiac function under normoxia but did potentiate I/R injury and decreased the recovery during reperfusion. The iron-induced damage was manifested by further deterioration of the cardiac hemodynamic function and the energy status as reflected by decreased tissue level of phosphorylated nucleotides. Nitroxide at 200 microM protected against the iron-potentiated I/R injury by improving the recovery of the hemodynamic function and the cardiac energy status. Exogenously added iron requires bioreduction to form deleterious Fe(II) bound to critical cellular sites. The nitroxide, which enters the cell and oxidizes the reduced metal instantaneously, provided protection even when administered 2 or 3.5, but not 5 min, after the onset of reperfusion. Thus, its narrow therapeutic time window provides insight into the schedule of the I/R injurious process.  相似文献   

Using flow cytometric DNA measurement and sorting combined with morphometric light microscopy, different groups of cells were studied in a human melanoma pleural effusion, a human melanoma lymph node metastasis and a mouse tumor, as well as in normal reference tissues. Beside cells of the predominant tumor cell population, three types of rare tumor cells were studied after enrichment by sorting: a) giant cells from the greater than 8c region, comprising about 5% of the tumor cells, b) binucleated and multinucleated cells with unequal nuclear sizes within the same cell, found at frequencies of about 1.5%, and c) less than 2c cells which were derived from the so-called "debris"-region of the DNA histogram, found at frequencies of about 1 to 6%. All these rare cells were found only in the malignant tumors and not in the benign reference tissues. Morphometry showed that the increase in the cellular DNA content in the different fractions of tumor cells was combined with an increase in the cellular and nuclear sizes. However, the n/c-ratio was constant in the whole range of tumor cell fractions, including the fractions from the the less than 2c and the greater than 8c regions. The n/c-ratio of the less than 2c cells and giant cells differed from that of corresponding normal cells underlining their origin from the predominant tumor cell population. The possible linkage between the occurrence of the three rare cell types and genetic instability of tumors related to faulty nucleus and cell division is discussed.  相似文献   

K L Mowry  C A Cote 《FASEB journal》1999,13(3):435-445
Cytoplasmic localization of mRNA molecules has emerged as a powerful mechanism for generating spatially restricted gene expression. This process is an important contributor to cell polarity in both somatic cells and oocytes, and can provide the basis for patterning during embryonic development. In vertebrates, this phenomenon is perhaps best documented in the frog, Xenopus laevis, where polarity along the animal-vegetal axis coincides with the localization of numerous mRNA molecules. Research over the last several years has made exciting progress toward understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying cytoplasmic mRNA localization.  相似文献   

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