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This study investigated the direct effect of catecholamines, epinephrine (EPI), and norepinephrine (NE) on basal and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-stimulated secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) from dispersed pig pituitary cells in vitro. Pig pituitaries were dispersed into cells with collagenase and DNAase and then cultured in McCoy's 5a medium containing horse serum (10%) and fetal calf serum (2.5%) pretreated with dextran-coated charcoal for 3 days. EPI and NE did not affect basal LH secretion after 4 h of incubation. When pituitary cells were incubated with EPI or NE (1 microgram/ml) for longer than 30 min, GnRH-stimulated LH secretion was reduced. The degree of this reduction was dependent on EPI and NE, and a concentration of EPI and NE higher than 1 ng/ml and 100 ng/ml, respectively, was needed. L-isoproterenol, a nonselective beta-agonist, also inhibited the LH response to GnRH. Propranolol, a beta-antagonist, blocked the inhibitory effect of EPI, whereas phentolamine, an alpha-antagonist, had no effect. These results suggest that catecholamines, acting by a beta 2-adrenergic receptor, may play a role in the control of the porcine pituitary gonadotrope's response to GnRH.  相似文献   

Guinea pig antisera to human growth hormone were tested for their ability to recognize the two biologically active fragments of the hormone produced by human plasmin digestion and a synthetic active fragment. A precipitin line was obtained with native human growth hormone, plasmin-treated human growth hormone, and its NH2-terminal fragment (residues 1–134). In the microcomplement-fixation and radioimmunoassay experiments, the NH2-terminal plasmin fragment (residues 1–134) showed a greater immunoreactivity than the COOH-terminal plasmin fragment (residues 141–191). This, in turn, was more active than the synthetic fragment (residues 95–136).  相似文献   

The anterior pituitary is under a constant cell turnover modulated by gonadal steroids. In the rat, an increase in the rate of apoptosis occurs at proestrus whereas a peak of proliferation takes place at estrus. At proestrus, concomitant with the maximum rate of apoptosis, a peak in circulating levels of prolactin is observed. Prolactin can be cleaved to different N-terminal fragments, vasoinhibins, which are proapoptotic and antiproliferative factors for endothelial cells. It was reported that a 16 kDa vasoinhibin is produced in the rat anterior pituitary by cathepsin D. In the present study we investigated the anterior pituitary production of N-terminal prolactin-derived fragments along the estrous cycle and the involvement of estrogens in this process. In addition, we studied the effects of a recombinant vasoinhibin, 16 kDa prolactin, on anterior pituitary apoptosis and proliferation. We observed by Western Blot that N-terminal prolactin-derived fragments production in the anterior pituitary was higher at proestrus with respect to diestrus and that the content and release of these prolactin forms from anterior pituitary cells in culture were increased by estradiol. A recombinant preparation of 16 kDa prolactin induced apoptosis (determined by TUNEL assay and flow cytometry) of cultured anterior pituitary cells and lactotropes from ovariectomized rats only in the presence of estradiol, as previously reported for other proapoptotic factors in the anterior pituitary. In addition, 16 kDa prolactin decreased forskolin-induced proliferation (evaluated by BrdU incorporation) of rat total anterior pituitary cells and lactotropes in culture and decreased the proportion of cells in S-phase of the cell cycle (determined by flow cytometry). In conclusion, our study indicates that the anterior pituitary production of 16 kDa prolactin is variable along the estrous cycle and increased by estrogens. The antiproliferative and estradiol-dependent proapoptotic actions of this vasoinhibin may be involved in the control of anterior pituitary cell renewal.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the position where paratropomyosin binds to connectin in the A-I junction region of a sarcomere, chicken beta-connectin was digested by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease under denaturing conditions and the digested peptides were electrophoretically separated. Five peptides, 150-kDa, 100-kDa, 70-kDa, and 43-kDa fragments, were simultaneously detected by biotinylated paratropomyosin and an anti-connectin monoclonal antibody. The N-terminal sequence of the 43-kDa fragment was found to be YQFRVYAVNK, similar to the sequence of 7556-7565 amino acids in the I51 fibronectin type 3 domain that was located at the A-I junction region of human cardiac titin/connectin. Therefore, we propose that paratropomyosin binds to the 43-kDa fragment from beta-connectin at the A-I junction region in both living muscle and in muscle immediately postmortem, and the N-terminus of the 43-kDa fragment is localized in the I51 domain.  相似文献   

An aminopeptidase was isolated from a soil fungus, which specifically cleaves the unnatural N-terminal methionine in recombinant human growth hormone. Reaction mixtures with different ratios of aminopeptidase to recombinant methionyl human growth hormone showed that the removal of N-terminal methionine was complete at 1:200 (w/w), and more than 90% complete at ratios up to 1:2000 (w/w) when incubated for 24 h at 37°C. The data indicate that the aminopeptidase we have purified can be used for the efficient conversion of unnatural recombinant proteins to their natural form. Received 18 September 1997/ Accepted in revised form 17 April 1998  相似文献   

Cleavage of parathyroid hormone (PTH) by isolated Kupffer cells from rat liver was examined. Iodinated PTH labeled at position 43 was converted into two radioactive fragments which were shown by Edman degradation to have residues 35 and 38 as their NH2 termini. Cleavage at these positions is characteristic of cathepsin D. Amino-terminal fragments were detected by bioassay of fractions obtained by high performance liquid chromatography. These fragments eluted in positions characteristic of the 1-34 and 1-37 peptides also previously shown to be produced by purified cathepsin D. The putative 1-37 fragment was rapidly converted to 1-34 upon digestion with cathepsin D, whereas the putative 1-34 fragment was not further digested by this enzyme, behavior previously shown to be characteristic of 1-37 and 1-34 bovine PTH. Fragmentation of PTH as measured by generation of fragments soluble in trichloroacetic acid was inhibited by methylamine, monensin, and ammonium chloride. In addition, monensin significantly inhibited production of both carboxyl- and amino-terminal fragments. Finally, active PTH fragments were also produced by elicited peritoneal macrophages. It is concluded that Kupffer cells, and other macrophages, can produce active fragments of PTH which appear in the medium. These fragments may be generated by cathepsin D within the cells.  相似文献   

P H Li 《Life sciences》1987,41(22):2493-2501
The effect of cortisol or adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on basal and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-induced secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) was studied in vitro using dispersed pig pituitary cells. Pig pituitary cells were dispersed with collagenase and DNAase and then grown in McCoy's 5a medium containing 10% dextran charcoal-pretreated horse serum and 2.5% fetal calf serum for 3 days. Cells were preincubated with cortisol or ACTH before GnRH was added. When pituitary cells were incubated with 400 micrograms cortisol/ml medium for 6 h or longer, increase basal secretion of LH was observed. However, GnRH-induced LH release was reduced by cortisol. The degree of this reduction was dependent on cortisol, and a concentration of cortisol higher than 100 micrograms/ml was needed. Cortisol also inhibited the 17 beta-estradiol-induced increase in GnRH response. ACTH-(1-24), ACTH-(1-39), or porcine ACTH had no influence on GnRH-induced LH secretion. Our results show that cortisol can act directly on pig pituitary to inhibit both normal and estradiol-sensitized LH responsiveness to GnRH.  相似文献   

Stimulation of the hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2) by a phospholipase C to produce inositol trisphosphate (InsP3) and 1,2-diacylglycerol appears to be the initial step in signal transduction for a number of cell-surface interacting stimuli, including thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). In suspensions of membranes isolated from rat pituitary (GH3) cells that were prelabeled to isotopic steady state with [3H]inositol and incubated with ATP, [3H] PtdIns(4,5)P2, and [3H]phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate, the polyphosphoinositides, and [3H]InsP3 and [3H]inositol bisphosphate, the inositol polyphosphates, accumulated. TRH and GTP stimulated the accumulation of [3H]inositol polyphosphates in time- and concentration-dependent manners; half-maximal effects occurred with 10-30 nM TRH and with 3 microM GTP. A nonhydrolyzable analog of GTP also stimulated [3H] inositol polyphosphate accumulation. Moreover, when TRH and GTP were added together their effects were more than additive. Fixing the free Ca2+ concentration in the incubation buffer at 20 nM, a value below that present in the cytoplasm in vivo did not inhibit stimulation by TRH and GTP of [3H]inositol polyphosphate accumulation. ATP was necessary for basal and stimulated accumulation of [3H]inositol polyphosphates, and a nonhydrolyzable analog of ATP could not substitute for ATP. These data demonstrate that TRH and GTP act synergistically to stimulate the accumulation of InsP3 in suspensions of pituitary membranes and that ATP, most likely acting as substrate for polyphosphoinositide synthesis, was necessary for this effect. These findings suggest that a guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein is involved in coupling the TRH receptor to a phospholipase C that hydrolyzes PtdIns(4,5)P2.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the N-terminal hexadecapeptide of human angiogenin, a protein of unknown tertiary structure, has been precisely delineated by the combined use of CD, NOE and secondary shift data. A helix that starts just after Ser 3 and ends at Asp 14 was stabilized in 30% trifluoroethanol. This helix is strikingly similar in origin and length to the one formed by its homologous, the S-peptide of Ribonuclease (conformationally reexamined here), despite their quite different sequences (only four conserved residues). These results support the idea that individual start and stop signals indeed govern the location and size of natural isolated helices.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharides isolated from pig submaxillary mucin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Antileukoprotease (ALP) was isolated from bronchial secretion. The amino acid composition as well as the N-terminal sequence were determined. No homology with other low molecular weight proteinase inhibitors was found.  相似文献   

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