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The proteinase A structural gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was cloned by using an immunological screening procedure that allows detection of yeast cells which are aberrantly secreting vacuolar proteins (J. H. Rothman, C. P. Hunter, L. A. Valls, and T. H. Stevens, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 83:3248-3252, 1986). A second cloned gene was obtained on a multicopy plasmid by complementation of a pep4-3 mutation. The nucleotide sequences of these two genes were determined independently and were found to be identical. The predicted amino acid sequence of the cloned gene suggests that proteinase A is synthesized as a 405-amino-acid precursor which is proteolytically converted to the 329-amino-acid mature enzyme. Proteinase A shows substantial homology to mammalian aspartyl proteases, such as pepsin, renin, and cathepsin D. The similarities may reflect not only analogous functions but also similar processing and intracellular targeting mechanisms for the two proteins. The cloned proteinase A structural gene, even when it is carried on a single-copy plasmid, complements the deficiency in several vacuolar hydrolase activities that is observed in a pep4 mutant. A strain carrying a deletion in the genomic copy of the gene fails to complement a pep4 mutant of the opposite mating type. Genetic linkage data demonstrate that integrated copies of the cloned proteinase A structural gene map to the PEP4 locus. Thus, the PEP4 gene encodes a vacuolar aspartyl protease, proteinase A, that is required for the in vivo processing of a number of vacuolar zymogens.  相似文献   

Yeast alpha-mannosidase, a marker enzyme of vacuolar membranes, was solubilized and purified from commercial bakers' yeast. The alpha-mannosidase was solubilized efficiently with 10 mM Na2CO3. A high pH (greater than 8.5) and a sufficient amount of a detergent such as 0.2% (w/v) Triton X-100 were required to keep the enzyme in a soluble state. This suggested that the enzyme is either a peripheral membrane protein or an ecto-type integral membrane protein. After 4,300-fold purification by conventional chromatography, the alpha-mannosidase gave a single band on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, but could be fractionated into active isoforms, which consisted of 107-, 73-, and 31-kDa polypeptides, with a Mono Q anion exchange fast protein liquid chromatography system. Apparent molecular weight of the native enzyme was determined as 560,000. It suggested that the composition of isoforms will be described as (107 kDa)n (73 kDa)6-n (31 kDa)6-n, where n is 0-6. The 107- and 73-kDa polypeptides were purified further under denaturing conditions. One-dimensional peptide map analysis and immunological analysis of these polypeptides indicated that they are closely related proteins. Immunoblotting of crude cell lysates revealed that the 107-kDa polypeptide appeared first, and then the 73-kDa polypeptide appeared along growth phase. It suggested that proteolytic conversion of the 107-kDa polypeptide occurs to form the 73- and 31-kDa polypeptides and leads to formation of isoforms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

In a first experiment we have shown that S. cerevisiae beta-glutamyltranspeptidase is associated with a particulate fraction obtained by differential centrifugation. We have subsequently shown that this enzyme activity followed accurately the distribution of vacuolar markers. Liberation of vacuoles was carried out by mechanical disruption of spheroplast under isotonic conditions and the vacuoles were purified by centrifugation of Ficoll gradients. Yeast beta-glutamyltranspeptidase could be implicated in the exchanges of amino acids between the cytoplasm and the vacuolar sap.  相似文献   

Despite its large size and the numerous processes in which it is implicated, neither the identity nor the functions of the proteins targeted to the yeast vacuole have been defined comprehensively. In order to establish a methodological platform and protein inventory to address this shortfall, we refined techniques for the purification of 'proteomics-grade' intact vacuoles. As confirmed by retention of the preloaded fluorescent conjugate glutathione-bimane throughout the fractionation procedure, the resistance of soluble proteins that copurify with this fraction to digestion by exogenous extravacuolar proteinase K, and the results of flow cytometric, western and marker enzyme activity analyses, vacuoles prepared in this way retain most of their protein content and are of high purity and integrity. Using this material, 360 polypeptides species associated with the soluble fraction of the vacuolar isolates were resolved reproducibly by 2D gel electrophoresis. Of these, 260 were identified by peptide mass fingerprinting and peptide sequencing by MALDI-MS and liquid chromatography coupled to ion trap or quadrupole TOF tandem MS, respectively. The polypeptides identified in this way, many of which correspond to alternate size and charge states of the same parent translation product, can be assigned to 117 unique ORFs. Most of the proteins identified are canonical vacuolar proteases, glycosidases, phosphohydrolases, lipid-binding proteins or established vacuolar proteins of unknown function, or other proteases, glycosidases, lipid-binding proteins, regulatory proteins or proteins involved in intermediary metabolism, protein synthesis, folding or targeting, or the alleviation of oxidative stress. On the basis of the high purity of the vacuolar preparations, the electrophoretic properties of the proteins identified and the results of quantitative proteinase K protection measurements, many of the noncanonical vacuolar proteins identified are concluded to have entered this compartment for breakdown, processing and/or salvage purposes.  相似文献   

Protons, the smallest and most ubiquitous of ions, are central to physiological processes. Transmembrane proton gradients drive ATP synthesis, metabolite transport, receptor recycling and vesicle trafficking, while compartmental pH controls enzyme function. Despite this fundamental importance, the mechanisms underlying pH homeostasis are not entirely accounted for in any organelle or organism. We undertook a genome-wide survey of vacuole pH (pH(v)) in 4,606 single-gene deletion mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under control, acid and alkali stress conditions to reveal the vacuolar pH-stat. Median pH(v) (5.27±0.13) was resistant to acid stress (5.28±0.14) but shifted significantly in response to alkali stress (5.83±0.13). Of 107 mutants that displayed aberrant pH(v) under more than one external pH condition, functional categories of transporters, membrane biogenesis and trafficking machinery were significantly enriched. Phospholipid flippases, encoded by the family of P4-type ATPases, emerged as pH regulators, as did the yeast ortholog of Niemann Pick Type C protein, implicated in sterol trafficking. An independent genetic screen revealed that correction of pH(v) dysregulation in a neo1(ts) mutant restored viability whereas cholesterol accumulation in human NPC1(-/-) fibroblasts diminished upon treatment with a proton ionophore. Furthermore, while it is established that lumenal pH affects trafficking, this study revealed a reciprocal link with many mutants defective in anterograde pathways being hyperacidic and retrograde pathway mutants with alkaline vacuoles. In these and other examples, pH perturbations emerge as a hitherto unrecognized phenotype that may contribute to the cellular basis of disease and offer potential therapeutic intervention through pH modulation.  相似文献   

The effects of nystatin, a polyene antibiotic, was studied in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by isolating and characterizing nystatin-sensitive mutants. We isolated a number of nystatin-sensitive mutants by ethylmethane sulfonate mutagenesis. One of these mutants, the nss1 mutant, was characterized in detail. The mutant was sensitive to stresses such as high temperature or high concentrations of monovalent and divalent cations. The nss1 mutants showed severe vacuolar protein sorting and vacuolar morphology defects. The nss1 mutant was demonstrated to have a mutational lesion in the known VPS16 gene, which is essential for vacuolar protein sorting in S. cerevisiae. All of the vacuolar deficient mutants (vps11, vps16, vps18, and vps33) were sensitive to nystatin. Nystatin was found to cause extensive enlargement of the vacuole in wild-type S. cerevisiae cells. These results are discussed with special reference to the vacuolar function of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The yeast vacuole plays an important role in nitrogen metabolism, storage and intracellular macromolecular degradation. Evidence suggests that it is also involved in osmohomeostasis of the cell. We have taken a mutational approach for the analysis of vacuolar function and biogenesis by the isolation of 97 mutants unable to grow if high concentrations of salt are present in the medium. Phenotypic analysis was able to demonstrate that apart from osmosensitivity the mutations also conferred other properties such as altered vacuolar morphology and secretion of the vacuolar enzymes carboxypeptidase Y, proteinase A, proteinase B and alpha-mannosidase. The mutants fall into at least 17 complementation groups, termed ssv for salt-sensitive vacuolar mutants, of which two are identical to complementation groups isolated by others. We conclude that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae correct vacuolar biogenesis and protein targeting is required for osmotolerance as well as other important cellular processes.  相似文献   

Chemically synthesized genes for bovine and human fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) were expressed in heterologous microorganisms. Although the intracellular expression or secretion of acidic and basic FGFs in Escherichia coli or Saccharomyces cerevisiae yielded recombinant growth factors with high biological activity, the resulting proteins had structural microheterogeneity due to modified amino termini. Expression of amino-terminal extended forms of human acidic and basic FGFs in S. cerevisiae gave rise to soluble, but cell-associated polypeptides, with potent biological activity. These yeast-derived proteins were processed in vivo by removal of initiation codon-derived methionine residues and by amino-terminal acetylation. Both of these processes have been observed in mammalian tissues. The yeast systems described here, therefore, provide a good model system for the expression of FGFs as intracellular proteins, but more importantly they give high levels of authentically processed human FGFs with many potential medical applications. Since the recombinant proteins have all the biological activities of their native counterparts, their possible applications in wound healing, tissue grafting, nerve regeneration, and treatment of ischemia are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the biogenesis of the yeast vacuole, we have sought novel marker proteins localized to the vacuolar membrane. Glycoproteins were prepared from vacuolar membrane vesicles by concanavalin A-Sepharose column chromatography and used to raise monoclonal antibodies. The antibodies obtained recognize several vacuolar proteins that have N-linked oligosaccharide chains. A set of the antibodies reacts with a vacuolar glycoprotein with a major molecular species of 72 kDa (vgp72), which appears to associate peripherally with the vacuolar membrane. The biosynthesis of vgp72 has been examined in detail by pulse-chase experiments and by analyses using various secretory mutants (sec18, sec7, and sec1) and a vacuolar protease mutant (pep4). vgp72 first appears in the endoplasmic reticulum as a 74-kDa species and is quickly modified in the Golgi apparatus to two distinct species: a 79-kDa form, and a heterogeneously glycosylated form (90-150 kDa). Subsequently, both species are proteolytically processed in the vacuole giving rise to a 72-kDa species as well as heavily glycosylated form. Thus, the biogenesis of vgp72 utilizes the early part of the secretory pathway as is the case of vacuolar soluble enzymes. A unique feature is that two species that are different in the extent of glycosylation appear to follow the same destination to the vacuolar membrane.  相似文献   

Mutants of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that have a small vacuolar lysine pool were isolated and characterized. Mutant KL97 (lys1 slp1-1) and strain KL197-1A (slp1-1), a prototrophic derivative of KL97, did not grow well in synthetic medium supplemented with 10 mM lysine. Genetic studies indicated that the slp1-1 mutation (for small lysine pool) is recessive and is due to a single chromosomal mutation. Mutant KL97 shows the following pleiotropic defects in vacuolar functions. (i) It has small vacuolar pools for lysine, arginine, and histidine. (ii) Its growth is sensitive to lysine, histidine, Ca2+, heavy metal ions, and antibiotics. (iii) It has many small vesicles but no large central vacuole. (iv) It has a normal amount of the vacuolar membrane marker alpha-mannosidase but shows reduced activities of the vacuole sap markers proteinase A, proteinase B, and carboxypeptidase Y.  相似文献   

Using a selection for spontaneous mutants that mislocalize a vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y (CPY)-invertase fusion protein to the cell surface, we identified vacuolar protein targeting (vpt) mutants in 25 new vpt complementation groups. Additional alleles in each of the eight previously identified vpt complementation groups (vpt1 through vpt8) were also obtained. Representative alleles from each of the 33 vpt complementation groups (vpt1 through vpt33) were shown to exhibit defects in the sorting and processing of several native vacuolar proteins, including the soluble hydrolases CPY, proteinase A, and proteinase B. Of the 33 complementation groups, 19 were found to contain mutant alleles that led to extreme defects. In these mutants, CPY accumulated in its Golgi complex-modified precursor form which was secreted by the mutant cells. Normal protein secretion appeared to be unaffected in the vpt mutants. The lack of significant leakage of cytosolic markers from the vpt mutant cells indicated that the vacuolar protein-sorting defects associated with these mutants do not result from cell lysis. In addition, the observation that the precursor rather than the mature forms of CPY, proteinase A, proteinase B were secreted from the vpt mutants was consistent with the fact that mislocalization occurred at a stage after Golgi complex-specific modification, but before final vacuolar sorting of these enzymes. Vacuolar membrane protein sorting appeared to be unaffected in the majority of the vpt mutants. However, a subset of the vpt mutants (vpt11, vpt16, vpt18, and vpt33) was found to exhibit defects in the sorting of a vacuolar membrane marker enzyme, alpha-mannosidase. Up to 50% of the alpha-mannosidase enzyme activity was found to be mislocalized to the cell surface in these vpt mutants. Seven of the vpt complementation groups (vpt3, vpt11, vpt15, vpt16, vpt18, vpt29, and vpt33) contained alleles that led to a conditional lethal phenotype; the mutants were temperature sensitive for vegetative cell growth. This temperature-sensitive phenotype has been shown to be recessive and to cosegregate with the vacuolar protein-sorting defect in each case. Tetrad analysis showed that vpt3 mapped to the right arm of chromosome XV and that vpt15 mapped to the right arm of chromosome II. Intercrosses with other mutants that exhibited defects in vacuolar protein sorting or function (vpl, sec, pep, and end mutants) revealed several overlaps among these different sets of genes. Together, these data indicate that more than 50 gene products are involved, directly or indirectly, in the process of vacuolar protein sorting.  相似文献   

Intact vacuoles are released from spheroplasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by means of a gentle mechanical disintegration method. They are purified by centrifugation in isotonic density gradients (flotation and subsequent sedimentation), and analyzed for their soluble amino acid content. The results indicate that about 60% of the total amino acid pool of spheroplasts is contained in the vacuoles. This may be an underestimate, as it presupposes no loss of amino acids from the vacuoles during the purification procedure. The amino acid concentration in the vecuoles is calculated to be approximately 5 times that in the cytoplasm if the total volumes of the two compartments are used for the calculation. The vacuolar amino acid pool is rich in basic amino acids, and in citrulline and glutamine, but contains a remarkably small amount of glutamate. Radioactive labeling experiments with spheroplasts indicate that the vacuolar amino acids are separated from the metabolically active pools located in the cytoplasm. This is particularly evident for the basic amino acids and glutamine; in contrast, the neutral amino acids and glutamate appear to exchange more rapidly between the cytoplasmic and the vacuolar compartments of the cells.  相似文献   

The biosynthetic sorting of hydrolases to the yeast vacuole involves transport along two distinct routes referred to as the carboxypeptidase Y and alkaline phosphatase pathways. To identify genes involved in sorting to the vacuole, we conducted a genome-wide screen of 4653 homozygous diploid gene deletion strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for missorting of carboxypeptidase Y. We identified 146 mutant strains that secreted strong-to-moderate levels of carboxypeptidase Y. Of these, only 53 of the corresponding genes had been previously implicated in vacuolar protein sorting, whereas the remaining 93 had either been identified in screens for other cellular processes or were only known as hypothetical open reading frames. Among these 93 were genes encoding: 1) the Ras-like GTP-binding proteins Arl1p and Arl3p, 2) actin-related proteins such as Arp5p and Arp6p, 3) the monensin and brefeldin A hypersensitivity proteins Mon1p and Mon2p, and 4) 15 novel proteins designated Vps61p-Vps75p. Most of the novel gene products were involved only in the carboxypeptidase Y pathway, whereas a few, including Mon1p, Mon2p, Vps61p, and Vps67p, appeared to be involved in both the carboxypeptidase Y and alkaline phosphatase pathways. Mutants lacking some of the novel gene products, including Arp5p, Arp6p, Vps64p, and Vps67p, were severely defective in secretion of mature alpha-factor. Others, such as Vps61p, Vps64p, and Vps67p, displayed defects in the actin cytoskeleton at 30 degrees C. The identification and phenotypic characterization of these novel mutants provide new insights into the mechanisms of vacuolar protein sorting, most notably the probable involvement of the actin cytoskeleton in this process.  相似文献   

We have investigated the vacuolar delivery of alpha-mannosidase, a marker enzyme of the vacuolar membrane in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and found that the enzyme has several unique characteristics in its biosynthesis and vacuolar delivery. alpha-Mannosidase has no typical signal sequence (Yoshihisa, T., and Anraku, Y. (1989) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 163, 908-915) but is located on the inner surface of the vacuolar membrane. The enzyme is synthesized as a 107-kDa polypeptide and converted to a 73-kDa polypeptide. Although the conversion depends on a vacuolar processing protease, proteinase A, it is much slower (t1/2 = 10 h) than the proteinase A-dependent processing of other vacuolar proteins. None of Asn-X-Thr/Ser sites on the 107-kDa alpha-mannosidase or on two alpha-mannosidase-invertase fusion proteins that are localized inside the vacuole receives N-linked oligosaccharide, whereas those sites on a carboxypeptidase Y-alpha-mannosidase fusion protein are N-glycosylated. The newly synthesized alpha-mannosidase is normally delivered to the vacuole and converted to the 73-kDa polypeptide even when the secretory pathway is blocked by a subset of sec mutations. These characteristics are different from those of other vacuolar proteins targeted to the vacuole via the secretory pathway. We conclude that alpha-mannosidase is delivered to the vacuole in a novel pathway separate from the secretory pathway.  相似文献   

The yeast vacuole plays an important role in zinc homeostasis by storing zinc for later use under deficient conditions, sequestering excess zinc for its detoxification, and buffering rapid changes in intracellular zinc levels. The mechanisms involved in vacuolar zinc sequestration are only poorly characterized. Here we describe the properties of zinc transport systems in yeast vacuolar membrane vesicles. The major zinc transport activities in these vesicles were ATP-dependent, requiring a H+ gradient generated by the V-ATPase for function. One system we identified was dependent on the ZRC1 gene, which encodes a member of the cation diffusion facilitator family of metal transporters. These data are consistent with the proposed role of Zrc1 as a vacuolar zinc transporter. Zrc1-independent activity was also observed that was not dependent on the closely related vacuolar Cot1 protein. Both Zrc1-dependent and independent activities showed a high specificity for Zn(2+) over other physiologically relevant substrates such as Ca2+, Fe2+, and Mn2+. Moreover, these systems had high affinities for zinc with apparent K(m) values in the 100-200 nm range. These results provide biochemical insight into the important role of Zrc1 and related proteins in eukaryotic zinc homeostasis.  相似文献   

成熟天花粉蛋白基因在酵母中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用DNA重组技术,将酵母α因子的启动子和信号序列与成熟天花粉蛋白基因融合,从而构建了天花粉蛋白的酵母表达载体。将该载体转入酵母细胞,转化子在选择培养基中培养24小时后,获得了高效表达。表达的天花粉蛋白位于细胞内。  相似文献   

The CCZ1 (YBR131w) gene encodes a protein required for fusion of various transport intermediates with the vacuole. Ccz1p, in a complex with Mon1p, is a close partner of Ypt7p in the processes of fusion of endosomes to vacuoles and homotypic vacuole fusion. In this work, we exploited the Ca(2+)-sensitivity of the ccz1Delta mutant to identify genes specifically interacting with CCZ1, basing on functional multicopy suppression of calcium toxicity. The presented results indicate that Ccz1p functions in the cell either in association with Mon1p and Ypt7p in fusion at the vacuolar membrane, or--separately--with Arl1p at early steps of vacuolar transport. We also show that suppression of calcium toxicity by the calcium pumps Pmr1p and Pmc1p is restricted only to the subset of mutants defective in vacuole morphology. The mechanisms of Ca(2+)-pump-mediated suppression also differ from each other, since the action of Pmr1p, but not Pmc1p, appears to require Arl1p function.  相似文献   

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