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Retinoids have pleiotropic effects on embryonic development and are essential for spermatogenesis in the adult, where they act via nuclear retinoid receptors: retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and retinoid X receptors (RXRs). We used immunohistochemistry to examine the cellular localization of RARs and RXRs in the rat testis from Day 13.5 postconception (13.5 dpc) until Day 8 postpartum (8 dpp), and these findings were compared with those for immature and adult testes. RARalpha and RARbeta were detected in the interstitial tissue from 14.5 dpc, with intense staining in the gonocytes from 20. 5 dpc to 8 dpp. The nuclei of all cell types stained faintly for RARgamma from 8 dpp. Immunoreactivity for RXRalpha was intense in the gonocytes from 13.5 dpc and in the Leydig cells from 16.5 dpc, and persisted throughout the period studied. RXRbeta was always detected in the Leydig cells and during a short neonatal period in the gonocytes. RXRgamma gave a faint reaction in the nuclei of all cell types from 20.5 dpc. Unexpectedly, immunostaining for all the receptors tested, except RARgamma and RXRgamma, was detected in the cytoplasmic compartment of the cells of fetal and neonatal testes, while it was found in the nuclei in immature and adult testes. In cultures of dispersed testicular cells from 3 dpp pups, retinoic acid had a dose-dependent deleterious effect on the survival of the gonocytes and, to a lesser extent, of the somatic cells. These results suggest that retinoids act on the testicular development, especially on germ cells, via RARs and/or RXRs.  相似文献   

Stathmin is a 19 kDa cytosolic phosphoprotein, proposed to act as a relay integrating diverse intracellular signaling pathways involved in regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation, and function. To gain further information about its significance during early development, we analyzed stathmin expression and subcellular localization in mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos. RT‐PCR analysis revealed a low expression of stathmin mRNA in unfertilized oocytes and a higher expression at the blastocyst stage. A fine cytoplasmic punctuate fluorescent immunoreactive stathmin pattern was detected in the oocyte, while it evolved toward an increasingly speckled pattern in the two‐cell and later four‐ to eight‐cell embryo, with even larger speckles at the morula stage. In blastocysts, stathmin immunoreactivity was fine and intense in inner cell mass cells, whereas it was low and variable in trophectodermal cells. Electron microscopic analysis allowed visualization with more detail of two types of stathmin immunolocalization: small clusters in the cytoplasm of oocytes and blastocyst cells, together with loosely arranged clusters around the outer membrane of cytoplasmic vesicles, corresponding to the immunofluorescent speckles in embryos until the morula stage. In conclusion, it appears from our results that maternal stathmin is accumulated in the oocyte and is relocalized within the oocyte and early preimplantation embryonic cell cytoplasm to interact with specific cytoplasmic membrane formations. Probably newly synthesized, embryonic stathmin is expressed in the blastocyst, where it is localized more uniformly in the cytoplasm mostly of inner cell mass (ICM) cells. These expression and localization patterns are probably related to the particular roles of stathmin at the successive steps of oocyte maturation and early embryonic development. They further support the proposed physiologic importance of stathmin in essential biologic regulation. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 53:306–317, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Aromatization of androgens into estrogens in rat testis is catalyzed by the microsomal enzyme cytochrome P450 aromatase. In this work, aromatase cellular site was investigated in prepuberal, peripuberal and postpuberal testis, from 10-, 21- and 60-day-old rats respectively. Paraffin-embedded testis sections were processed for P450arom immunostaining using a rabbit polyclonal antiserum generated against purified human placental cytochrome P450 aromatase. Next, biotinylated anti-rabbit IgG was applied, followed by ABC/HRP/complex amplification with diaminobenzidine as chromogen. Prepuberal testis sections showed a strong immunoreactivity of aromatase in Sertoli cell cytoplasm while interstitial cells were immunonegative. In peripuberal testis sections, cytoplasmic immunoreaction was weak in Sertoli cells, but it was strong in spermatocytes and sporadic in Leydig cells. Postpuberal testis sections displayed a moderate aromatase immunoexpression in spermatocytes while a strong immunostaining was observed in round and elongated spermatids, as well as in Leydig cells. These results indicate a different age-dependence of aromatase localization in rat testicular cells during gonadal development. In particular, inside the seminiferous tubules, the aromatization site moves from Sertoli cells to late germ cells, suggesting a proliferative role of aromatase in prepuberal testis and its subsequent involvement in meiotic and post-meiotic germ cell maturation.  相似文献   

The peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) is currently used as a marker of inflammation and gliosis following brain injury. Previous reports suggest that elevated PBR levels in injured brain tissue are specific to activated microglia and infiltrating macrophages. We have produced hippocampal lesions using the neurotoxicant trimethyltin (TMT) to examine the cellular and subcellular nature of the PBR response. Degenerating, argyrophilic pyramidal neurons were observed in the hippocampus at 2 and 14 days after TMT exposure. Reactive microglia were also evident at both times with a maximal response observed at 14 days, subsiding by 6 weeks. Astrocytosis was observed at 14 days and 6 weeks, but not 2 days, after TMT administration, suggesting that the onset of the astroglia response is delayed, but more persistent, compared with microgliosis. Morphological evidence from [3H]PK11195 microautoradiography and PBR immunohistochemistry indicates that both astrocytes and microglia are capable of expressing high levels of PBR after injury. This was confirmed by double labeling of either Griffonia simplicifolia isolectin B4, a microglial-specific marker, or glial fibrillary acidic protein, an astrocyte-specific protein with PBR fluorescence immunohistochemistry. These results demonstrate that PBR expression is increased after brain injury in both activated microglia and astrocytes. Our findings also provide the first evidence for in situ nuclear localization of PBR in glial cells.  相似文献   

The pubertal initiation of spermatogenesis is reliant on androgens, and during this time, 5alpha-reduced androgens such as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are the predominant androgens in the testis. Two 5alpha-reductase (5alphaR) isoenzymes (5alphaR1 and 5alphaR2) have been identified, which catalyze the conversion of testosterone to the more potent androgen DHT. The present study aimed to investigate the developmental pattern of 5alphaR isoenzymes and their relationship to the production of 5alpha-reduced androgens in the postnatal rat testis. Both 5alphaR1 and 5alphaR2 isoenzyme mRNAs were measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction, isoenzyme activity levels by specific assays, and testicular androgens by radioimmunoassay after high-performance liquid chromatographic separation. Both 5alphaR1 and 5alphaR2 mRNAs and activity levels were low in the 10-day-old (prepubertal) testis, peaked between Days 20 and 40 during puberty, and then declined to low levels at 60-160 days of age. The developmental pattern of both 5alphaR isoenzyme activity levels was mirrored by the testicular production of 5alpha-reduced metabolites. Although 5alphaR1 was greater than 5alphaR2 at all ages, it is likely, given the substrate preferences of the two, that both isoenzymes contribute to the pubertal peak of 5alpha-reduced androgen biosynthesis. The peak in 5alphaR isoenzymes and 5alpha-reduced metabolite production coincided with the first wave of spermatogenesis in the rat, suggesting a role for 5alpha-reduced metabolites in the initiation of spermatogenesis. This was explored by acute administration of a 5alphaR inhibitor (L685,273) to immature rats. The L685,273 markedly suppressed testicular 5alphaR activity during puberty by 75%-86%. However, a marked increase was observed in testicular testosterone levels (in the absence of changes in LH), and no decrease was observed in the absolute levels of 5alpha-reduced metabolites. Therefore, whether the formation of DHT in the presence of low testosterone levels in the pubertal testis is required for the initiation of spermatogenesis cannot be tested using 5alphaR inhibitors. We conclude that both 5alphaR1 and 5alphaR2 isoenzymes are involved in the peak of 5alpha-reduced androgen biosynthesis in the testis during the pubertal initiation of spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to explore the tissue- and cell-specific regulation of cellular retinoic acid-binding protein (CRABP) expression in the rat. Two studies were carried out. The first explored the regulation of CRABP mRNA levels in selected rat tissues by dietary retinoid status, and the relationship between CRABP mRNA and protein levels in different tissues. The second examined the cellular localization of CRABP expression in the testis. In order to conduct these experiments, a cDNA encoding CRABP was isolated and characterized. The DNA sequence of the coding region had 96% identity with that of the mouse CRABP cDNA and encodes a protein identical to mouse and bovine CRABP. CRABP mRNA and protein levels were quantified in five tissues from normal, retinoid-deficient, and retinol-repleted rats. Tissue CRABP and CRABP mRNA levels were highly correlated (P less than 0.01) indicating that inter-tissue variability of CRABP levels mainly results from regulation of CRABP mRNA levels. Neither CRABP protein nor mRNA levels were affected by retinol deficiency, in marked contrast with results previously demonstrated with cellular retinol-binding protein (CRBP) (J. Lipid Res. 1990. 31: 821-829). 35S-labeled CRABP cRNA probes were used to localize CRABP mRNA within the testis of adult rats by in situ hybridization. CRABP mRNA was localized selectively in the periphery of the seminiferous tubules, primarily in type A spermatogonia. The localization of CRABP mRNA differs from that of CRABP protein, which is known to be enriched in maturing and more mature germinal cells. This difference suggests that CRABP in germ cells may be highly stable, remaining in the maturing germ cells without degradation long after CRABP mRNA levels have declined to very low levels. The specific localization of CRABP mRNA and protein presumably reflects the biological roles of retinoic acid in the development and/or later function of germinal cells.  相似文献   

Caveolins modulate signaling pathways involved in cardiac development. Caveolin-1 exists in two isoforms: the beta-isoform derivates from an alternative translational start site that creates a protein truncated by 31 amino acids, mainly expressed in endothelial cells, whereas caveolin-3 is present in muscle cells. Our aim was to define caveolin distribution and expression during cardiac postnatal development using immunofluorescence and Western blotting. Caveolin-3 sarcolemmal labeling appeared as dotted lines from days 1 to 5 and as continuous lines after 14 days of age. Caveolin-3 expression, low at birth, increased (4-fold) to reach a maximum (P < 0.05) by day 5 and then decreased to stabilize in adults. Total caveolin-1 and its alpha-isoform were codistributed at birth in endothelial and smooth muscle cells; afterward, only the caveolin-1alpha labeling became limited to endothelium. Quantitative analysis indicated a similar temporal pattern of both total caveolin-1 and caveolin-1alpha expression, suggesting that caveolin-1alpha and -1beta are coregulated; the caveolin-1alpha levels increased fourfold by day 5 to reach a maximum by day 14 (P < 0.05). Tyrosine-14-caveolin-1 phosphorylation, low at birth, increased suddenly around day 14 (8-fold vs. day 1) and returning afterward to basal level. Because the T3/T4 level is maximal by day 14, caveolin-1 expression/phosphorylation profiles were analyzed in hypothyroid heart. The levels of caveolin-1alpha and consequently tyrosine-14-caveolin-1 phosphorylation, but not that of caveolin-3, decreased (50%) in hypothyroid 14-day-old rats. Our data demonstrate that, during postnatal cardiac growth, 1) caveolins are distinctly regulated, and 2) thyroid hormones are involved in caveolin-1alpha expression.  相似文献   

We investigated the number and distribution of galactose-specific binding sites in developing livers from suckling rats of various ages using Lac-BSA-Au5 (lactosylated bovine serum albumin adsorbed onto colloidal gold particles 5 nm in diameter) as electron-dense ligand, and performing transmission electron microscopy of the specimen. It has been reported that the number of galactose-specific binding sites increases rapidly during organ development post partum (p.p.) and this was ascribed to hepatocyte receptor increase only. We now have investigated in in situ and in vitro experiments whether the binding sites of identical sugar specificity but located on sinusoidal cells show the same increase in expression or are independently regulated. We therefore quantified the number of particles bound by isolated hepatocytes and liver macrophages and found a gradual increase of both binding activities with age, the binding levels of adult liver cells being reached at day 15 p.p. This was confirmed with experiments using in situ prefixed organs thus proving the validity of this finding also for the intact organ. In both sets of experiments--in vitro as well as in vivo--ligand was found binding statistically distributed as single particles on hepatocytes of all ages, whereas on liver macrophages the binding pattern changed during development. On liver macrophages from rats 15 days of age ligand binding occurs in the preclustered pattern described for macrophages from adult rat livers whereas liver macrophages of newborn rats express a different binding pattern: they bind the ligands mostly as single particles with only few and small microaggregates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Stem cell and niche development in the postnatal rat testis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Adult tissue stem cells self-renew and differentiate in a way that exactly meets the biological demand of the dependent tissue. We evaluated spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) activity in the developing rat testis and the quality and accessibility of the stem cell niche in wild type, and two busulfan-treated models of rat pup recipient testes using an SSC transplantation technique as a functional assay. While our results revealed a 69-fold increase in stem cell activity during rat testis development from neonate to adult, only moderate changes in SSC concentration were observed, and stem cells from neonate, pup, and adult donor testes produce spermatogenic colonies of similar size. Analysis of the stem cell niche in recipient rat testes demonstrated that pup testes support high levels of donor stem cell engraftment when endogenous germ cells are removed or compromised by busulfan treatment. Fertility was established when rat pup donor testis cells were transplanted into fetal- or pup-busulfan-treated recipient rat pup testes, and the donor genotype was transmitted to subsequent generations. These results provide insight into stem cell/niche interactions in the rat testis and demonstrate that techniques originally developed in mice can be extended to other species for regenerative medicine and germline modification.  相似文献   

探讨转化生长因子-β超家族肽类的细胞内信号转导分子Smad4蛋白在发育不同阶段大鼠睾丸的表达与分布。分别选用出生后3、7、14、28天以及成年大鼠,应用免疫组织化学ABC法结合葡萄糖氧化酶-DAB-硫酸镍铵增强技术及蛋白质免疫印迹技术,检测Smad4蛋白在大鼠睾丸的表达、定位和发育变化,并通过图像分析技术对免疫组织化学结果进行统计学分析。结果显示,发育各个阶段的间质细胞中都有较强的表达,免疫阳性产物位于细胞质内,而各级生精细胞则无阳性反应,且随着大鼠睾丸发育阶段的变化而蛋白表达量逐渐增多,为TGF-β超家族成员在精子发生和发育过程中的分子机理提供了直接证据。  相似文献   

N-myc downregulated gene 1 (NDRG1) is a 43-kD protein whose mRNA is induced by DNA damage, hypoxia, or prolonged elevation of intracellular calcium. Although NDRG1 is also upregulated during cell differentiation, there are few studies on NDRG1 expression during postnatal development. Here we investigated the expression and cellular distribution of NDRG1 protein in rat kidney and brain during postnatal development. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the cellular localization of NDRG1 protein in the kidney changed from the proximal convoluted tubules to the collecting ducts between postnatal days 10 and 20. In the brain, a change in cellular expression was also found from the hippocampal pyramidal neurons to the astrocytes in the gray matter during the same postnatal period. These alterations in the cellular distribution of NDRG1 were associated with shifts in the molecular assembly on Western blots. Under non-reduced conditions, the main NDRG1 band was found only around 215 kD in both kidney and brain during the early postnatal stage. After postnatal day 10, the immunoreactive bands shifted to 43 kD in the kidney and 129 kD in the brain. These changes in the cellular distribution and state of assembly may correlate with the functional maturation of both organs.  相似文献   

The gross composition of the testicular excurrent duct system of the rat was examined and compared along the length of the duct and with samples of testis, bladder and liver. Changes in composition with age were examined by analysing tissue from animals at postnatal ages of 19, 36, 48, 60, 90 and 120 days. In adult animals, testicular tissue was characterized by having the lowest dry weight, accompanied by low levels of total protein, lipid, RNA and glycogen; DNA, phospholipids and sialic acid were at levels similar to other tissues. A high proportion of the total protein was soluble. The ductuli efferentes plus initial segment of the epididymis were characterized by high levels of total lipid. The caput epididymidis contained a low level of total protein but a high level of acid-soluble phosphorus. The cauda epididymidis had a low dry weight and low levels of total protein, soluble protein, and lipid, but high levels of acid-soluble phosphorus, DNA and sialic acid. The ductus deferens contained small amounts of RNA and DNA but had a high dry weight, high total protein, soluble protein and glycogen. Several trends were apparent with increasing age. Dry weight increased in the ductuli efferentes plus initial segment, whilst total protein decreased in the caput and cauda epididymidis. Total lipid increased in the ductuli efferentes plus initial segment and acid-soluble phosphorus and sialic acid increased in all other segments of the excurrent duct system. In all segments the content of RNA and DNA decreased as the animals matured. The concentration of calcium and magnesium in the excurrent duct system was not significantly different from those levels found in the liver. High levels of spermine and spermidine were confirmed in the prostate, and were also detected in the testis, caput epididymidis and cauda epididymidis, but at a much lower concentration.  相似文献   

1. Uteri of 6--10-day-old rats do not show a late growth response to oestrogen (increase in rate of DNA synthesis and cell division) exhibited by fully competent (20 days or older) uteri. We posed the question whether the lack of the late growth response is due to an inability to replenish the cytoplasmic pool of oestrogen receptors or to curtailed retention of oestrogen binding in the nucleus. Uterine nuclear and cytoplasmic receptors were measured by a [3H]oestradiol-17 beta exchange assay, at 1, 3, 6, 14 and 24 h after oestrogen injection. 2. The replenishment of cytoplasmic oestrogen receptors showed a similar pattern in the uteri of 6 and 10-day-old (partially responsive) and in 20-day-old (fully responsive) rats. 3. Oestrogen was retained longer in uterine nuclei obtained from 5 and 10-day-old rats than in uterine nuclei of 20 and 25-day-old rats. 4. Oestrogen receptors resistant to 0.4 M KCl extraction (residual receptors) were found in uterine nuclei of 6 and 25-day-old rats after oestrogen injection at all the times tested. The concentration of these residual receptors during the late period (6--24 h after injection) was not significantly different in uterine nuclei of 6-day-old and 25-day-old rats. 5. We conclude that neither lack of oestrogen receptor replenishment nor curtailed retention of oestrogen binding in the nucleus is the factor which limits the complete responsiveness to oestrogen in uteri of rats during postnatal development.  相似文献   

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