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We describe the isolation and characterization of the gene encoding the mouse high affinity Fc receptor Fc gamma RI. Using a mouse cDNA Fc gamma RI probe four unique overlapping genomic clones were isolated and were found to encode the entire 9 kb of the mouse Fc gamma RI gene. Sequence analysis of the gene showed that six exons account for the entire Fc gamma RI cDNA sequences including the 5'- and 3'-untranslated sequences. The first and second exons encode the signal peptide; exons 3, 4, and 5 encode the extracellular Ig binding domains; and exon 6 encodes the transmembrane domain, the cytoplasmic region, and the entire 3'-untranslated sequence. This exon pattern is similar to Fc gamma RIII and Fc epsilon RI but differs from the related Fc gamma RII gene which contains 10 exons and encodes the b1 and b2 Fc gamma RII. Southern blot analysis had shown that the mouse Fc gamma RI gene is a single copy gene with no RFLP in inbred strains of mice, but analysis of an intersubspecies backcross of mice showed that unlike other mouse FcR genes which are on mouse chromosome 1 the locus encoding Fc gamma RI, termed Fcg1, is located on chromosome 3. Interestingly, the Fcg1 locus is located near the end of a region with known linkage homology to human chromosome 1. Analysis of human x rodent somatic cell hybrid cell lines indicates that the human FCG1 locus encoding the human Fc gamma RI maps to chromosome I and therefore possibly linked to other FcR genes on this chromosome. These results suggest that the linkage relationships among these genes in the human genome are not preserved in the mouse.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of Fc gamma R on human monocytes with human IgG has been shown to induce secretion of the inflammatory and immunoregulatory cytokine TNF. In the present study we examined the role of both constitutively expressed monocyte Fc gamma R, the 72-kDa high affinity Fc gamma R (Fc gamma RI), and the 40-kDa low affinity receptor (Fc gamma RII), in the induction of TNF secretion. On the basis of preferential binding of the Fc moiety of murine mAb of different isotype, Fc gamma RI and Fc gamma RII were selectively cross-linked by using either solid-phase murine (m)IgG2a, or solid-phase mIgG1, respectively. On freshly isolated, untreated monocytes only cross-linking of Fc gamma RI with solid-phase mIgG2a induced TNF secretion. The interaction between Fc gamma RII and mIgG1 could be enhanced by treatment of monocytes with proteases or with the desialylating enzyme neuraminidase. After treatment of monocytes with these enzymes, TNF secretion was effectively induced by solid-phase mIgG1, apparently through cross-linking of Fc gamma RII. However, mIgG1-induced TNF secretion differed between protease-treated monocytes from high responder individuals and monocytes from low responder individuals, TNF secretion being considerably less in the latter population. Protease-treated monocytes and mononuclear cells from individuals with an inherited defect in cell membrane expression of Fc gamma RI were induced to secrete TNF by solid-phase human IgG, confirming the capacity of Fc gamma RII to induce TNF secretion. It was not possible to induce TNF secretion by cross-linking Fc gamma RI or Fc gamma RII with anti-Fc gamma R mAb and soluble or solid-phase anti-mIgG, indicating that high affinity Fc-Fc gamma R interactions are necessary to induce release of this cytokine.  相似文献   

PCR-amplification cloning of the cDNA encoding the human high-affinity receptor for IgG (Fc gamma RI) revealed two splice variants which coincide with domain boundaries predicted by amino acid sequence comparison. Both splice variants maintain the open reading frame.  相似文献   

Crosslinking of monomeric IgG2 molecules bound to the Fc gamma receptors on the cell surface of guinea pig macrophages generated the triggering signal for the superoxide-generating system. A binding experiment indicated that macrophages have saturable binding sites for monomeric IgG2. Scatchard analysis of the binding data showed that macrophages have an average of 4 X 10(5) binding sites per cell and the association constant for the binding was 4.2 X 10(6) M-1. Binding of monomeric IgG2 to macrophages could be detected by subsequent reaction with the 125I-labeled F(ab')2 fragment of rabbit antibody specific for guinea pig Fab. Although binding of IgG2 monomer to Fc receptor did not stimulate superoxide release, further addition of the F(ab')2 fragment of anti-guinea pig Fab antibody did induce generation and release of superoxide, and the amount released was dependent on the dose of cell-bound IgG2. When macrophages were bound with a constant dose of IgG2 monomer in the first step, the superoxide release triggered by the addition of the F(ab')2 of anti-guinea pig Fab was dependent on the dose of the F(ab')2 fragment added. These results show that crosslinking of Fc receptors triggers the superoxide generation.  相似文献   

Impaired Fc gamma receptor-mediated phagocytosis has been reported in monocytes from HLA-DR2- and -DR3-positive disease-free individuals compared to normals without these B cell alloantigens. We have noted, however, a decrease in the ingestion of concanavalin A (Con A)-treated rabbit erythrocytes (E-Con A) in the same immunogenetically defined groups (DR2 vs Other: 2.94 +/- 0.84 erythrocytes/monocyte vs 4.16 +/- 1.37, p less than 0.003; DR3 vs Other: 3.35 +/- 1.51 vs 4.16 +/- 1.37, p less than 0.04). These data raised the possibility that carbohydrate-lectin interactions might trigger ingestion mediated by the Fc gamma receptor. To test this hypothesis, we performed receptor modulation and monosaccharide blocking experiments. Modulation of the Fc gamma receptor off the apical cell surface of monocytes by adherence to solid-phase IgG aggregates specifically reduced internalization of E-Con A and IgG-sensitized erythrocytes (EA) to 9.1% and 10.6% of control, respectively (p less than 0.001). Internalization of wheat germ agglutinin-treated erythrocytes, tannic acid-treated erythrocytes, and zymosan was not inhibited. In reciprocal modulation experiments using solid-phase Con A, no effects on phagocytosis of any particle was observed. alpha-Methyl mannoside, 0.1 M in PBS, did not inhibit the internalization of EA but blocked ingestion of E-Con A by 97% (p less than 0.001). Other monosaccharides had little or no effect on the ingestion of any of the phagocytic probes. These data demonstrate that a mechanism integrally involving the Fc gamma receptor mediates the ingestion of E-Con A by human monocytes. This Fc receptor has an oligosaccharide(s) with an exposed mannose which may be functionally significant. Whereas the mannose moiety does not play a crucial role in the interaction of the Fc gamma receptor with the Fc portion of IgG, engagement of the receptor via mannose can initiate internalization. Our findings raise the possibility that nonimmune functions may utilize classical immune system receptors through carbohydrate interactions. Furthermore, the ability of the Fc gamma receptor to trigger internalization is defective in HLA-DR2 and -DR3 normals, whether the receptor is ligated at its classical ligand-binding site or by way of its carbohydrate moieties.  相似文献   

Fc gamma receptor-dependent mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) clearance of opsonized erythrocytes is prolonged in healthy adults with the class II alloantigens HLA-DR2, DR3, or DQw1, despite normal receptor-specific Fc ligand binding by monocytes in these groups. To investigate the basis for the MPS dysfunction, we determined the phagocytic capacity of blood monocytes from 66 disease-free adults and analyzed the data according to the HLA type of the subjects. The data demonstrate decreased phagocytosis of IgG-sensitized erythrocytes (EA) by monocytes from HLA-DR2, DR3, or DQw1-positive subjects compared with normals without these B cell alloantigens (2.87 +/- 0.83 erythrocytes/monocyte vs 3.87 +/- 1.05, p less than 0.004; 3.01 +/- 0.94 vs 3.87 +/- 1.05, p less than 0.02; 3.18 +/- 0.89 vs 3.87 +/- 1.05, p less than 0.02, respectively). Because HLA-DR2 and DQw1 are in linkage disequilibrium, we compared EA phagocytosis in subjects with DQw1 alone to normals without HLA-DR2, DR3, or DQw1. Among subjects positive only for DQw1, no significant decrease in phagocytosis could be seen (3.46 +/- 0.95 vs 3.87 +/- 1.05, p = NS). To determine whether these differences represented an Fc receptor-specific dysfunction or a more generalized decrease in phagocytic activity, we compared the quantitative phagocytosis of EA with that of neuraminidase-treated erythrocytes (EN), which is Fc receptor independent and beta-glucan receptor mediated. No segregation of phagocytic capacity for EN by HLA class II phenotypes could be demonstrated (DR2, 2.68 +/- 1.30 erythrocytes/monocyte; DR3, 2.95 +/- 1.30; DQw1, 2.84 +/- 1.15; others, 3.06 +/- 1.14). Our data indicate that the decrease in phagocytosis by blood monocytes from normal individuals with HLA-DR2 or DR3, the class II alloantigens associated with systemic lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune diseases, is specific for the Fc receptor-mediated process. This alteration of Fc receptor function among immunogenetically defined individuals may contribute to their predisposition to autoimmune disease. These differences may also apply to other Fc receptor-initiated cellular functions.  相似文献   

Human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) express two classes of Fc gamma R: Fc gamma RII the 42-kDa receptor with a traditional membrane spanning domain and cytoplasmic tail and Fc gamma RIIIPMN the 50- to 80-kDa receptor with a glycosyl-phatidylinositol membrane anchor expressed on PMN. To explore the capacity of Fc gamma RIIIPMN to generate intracellular signals, we have analyzed the ability of Fab and F(ab')2 anti-Fc gamma R mAb to induce actin filament assembly, a prerequisite for motile behaviors. Multivalent ligation of Fc gamma RIIIPMN, independent of Fc gamma RII, results in an increase in F-actin content that is [Ca2+]i dependent. Multivalent ligation of Fc gamma RII also initiates actin polymerization but uses a [Ca2+]i-independent initial pathway. In addition to providing a mechanism for Fc gamma RIIIPMN triggered effector functions, the increase in F-actin and [Ca2+]i generated by Fc gamma RIIIPMN ligation also serves as a "priming" signal to modify PMN responses to other stimuli. Experiments using erythrocytes specifically coated with anti-Fc gamma RII Fab demonstrate that cross-linking of Fc gamma RIIIPMN with anti-Fc gamma RIII F(ab')2 enhances phagocytosis mediated by Fc gamma RII. Thus, Fc gamma RIIIPMN, a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol anchored protein, may contribute directly to an intracellular program of actin assembly that may trigger and prime neutrophil effector functions.  相似文献   

The T cell receptor (TCR) is a molecular complex formed by at least seven transmembrane proteins: the antigen/major histocompatibility complex recognition unit (Ti alpha-beta heterodimer) and the invariant CD3 chains (gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, and eta). In addition to targeting partially assembled Ti alpha-beta CD3 gamma delta epsilon TCR complexes to the cell surface, CD3 zeta appears to be essential for interleukin-2 production after TCR stimulation with antigen/major histocompatibility complex. The gamma chain of the high affinity Fc receptor for IgE (Fc epsilon RI gamma) has significant structural homology to CD3 zeta and the related CD3 eta subunit. To identify the functional significance of sequence homologies between CD3 zeta and Fc epsilon RI gamma in T cells, we have transfected a Fc epsilon RI gamma cDNA into a T cell hybridoma lacking CD3 zeta and CD3 eta proteins. Herein we show that a Fc epsilon RI gamma-gamma homodimer associates with TCR components to up-regulate TCR surface expression. A TCR composed of Ti alpha-beta CD3 gamma delta epsilon Fc epsilon RI gamma-gamma is sufficient to restore the coupling of TCR antigen recognition to the interleukin-2 induction pathway, demonstrating the functional significance of structural homology between the above receptor subunits. These results, in conjunction with the recent finding that CD3 zeta, CD3 eta, and Fc epsilon RI gamma are coexpressed in certain T cells as subunits of an unusual TCR isoform, suggest that Fc epsilon RI gamma is likely to play a role in T cell lineage function.  相似文献   

Immune interferon (IFN-gamma) induces in human neutrophils accumulation of the mRNA for the high affinity receptor for monomeric IgG (Fc gamma R-I, CD64) with a mechanism that is independent from de novo protein synthesis and from activation of the Na+/H+ antiporter. Monocyte-derived macrophages can also be induced to express high levels of Fc gamma R-I mRNA by IFN-gamma, without requirement of protein synthesis. Unlike what is observed in neutrophils, induction by IFN-gamma of macrophage Fc gamma R-I mRNA was significantly depressed by the Na+/H+ antiporter inhibitor amiloride. These results indicate that phagocytes' Fc gamma R-I mRNA induction by IFN-gamma is regulated by different mechanisms depending on the target cells.  相似文献   

In this report we present evidence that not all human peripheral blood monocytes mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), and that this function may be determined on an individual cell by both the type and level of expression of FcR, and by the state of cellular activation and/or differentiation. Although the diverse range of effector and regulatory functions performed by human monocytes suggests the possibility of distinct subsets, it is not clear whether observed functional heterogeneity reflects the presence of true monocyte subpopulations, or whether this diversity represents a continuum of maturational states present in the peripheral circulation. In an attempt to address this question, we investigated the ability of human monocytes to carry out ADCC at the single cell level, with emphasis on the role of the three FcR for IgG (Fc gamma RI, Fc gamma RII, and Fc gamma RIII) in mediating cytotoxicity. Using a modified plaque assay, 58.3% +/- 4.9 of freshly isolated monocytes mediated ADCC, as evidenced by the formation of lytic plaques in monolayers of ox erythrocyte (oxE) target cells. Significant increases in the number of plaque-forming cells were observed after positive selection by flow microfluorimetry for those monocytes expressing high levels of Fc gamma RI and Rc gamma RII, but not Fc gamma RIII. Bispecific antibodies composed of Fab fragments of anti-oxE antibody covalently coupled to Fab fragments of anti-Fc gamma R antibodies were used to independently evaluate the ability of Fc gamma RI, Fc gamma RII, and Fc gamma RIII to mediate single cell cytotoxicity. Significant increases in the number of plaque-forming cells were observed in the presence of anti-Fc gamma RI x anti-oxE and anti-Fc gamma RII x anti-oxE bispecific antibodies, confirming the efficiency of Fc gamma RI and Fc gamma RII as cytotoxic trigger molecules on human monocytes. Incubation of monocytes with purified rIFN-gamma and granulocyte macrophage-CSF, but not IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-6, or TNF-alpha, also resulted in significant increases in the number of monocytes mediating cytotoxicity, suggesting that cytotoxic ability at the single cell level may be influenced by factors which effect monocyte activation and differentiation, respectively. Overall, these studies demonstrate that freshly isolated human monocytes are heterogeneous in their ability to mediate ADCC, and suggest that this functional diversity arises not from discrete subpopulations of cells, but from a continuum of maturational/activational states present within the peripheral circulation.  相似文献   

The CH2-CH3 interface of the IgG Fc domain contains the binding sites for a number of Fc receptors including Staphylococcal protein A and the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn). It has recently been proposed that the CH2-CH3 interface also contains the principal binding site for an isoform of the low affinity IgG Fc receptor II (Fc gamma RIIb). The Fc gamma RI and Fc gamma RII binding sites have previously been mapped to the lower hinge and the adjacent surface of the CH2 domain although contributions of the CH2-CH3 interface to binding have been suggested. This study addresses the question whether the CH2-CH3 interface plays a role in the interaction of IgG with Fc gamma RI and Fc gamma RIIa. We demonstrate that recombinant soluble murine Fc gamma RI and human Fc gamma RIIa did not compete with protein A and FcRn for binding to IgG, and that the CH2-CH3 interface therefore appears not to be involved in Fc gamma RI and Fc gamma RIIa binding. The importance of the lower hinge was confirmed by introducing mutations in the proposed binding site (LL234,235AA) which abrogated binding of recombinant soluble Fc gamma RIIa to human IgG1. We conclude that the lower hinge and the adjacent region of the CH2 domain of IgG Fc is critical for the interaction between Fc gamma RIIa and human IgG, whereas contributions of the CH2-CH3 interface appear to be insignificant.  相似文献   

Biologically relevant activation of human mast cells through Fc receptors is believed to occur primarily through the high-affinity IgE receptor Fc epsilon RI. However, the demonstration in animal models that allergic reactions do not necessarily require Ag-specific IgE, nor the presence of a functional IgE receptor, and the clinical occurrence of some allergic reactions in situations where Ag-specific IgE appears to be lacking, led us to examine the hypothesis that human mast cells might express the high-affinity IgG receptor Fc gamma RI and in turn be activated through aggregation of this receptor. We thus first determined by RT-PCR that resting human mast cells exhibit minimal message for Fc gamma RI. We next found that IFN-gamma up-regulated the expression of Fc gamma RI. This was confirmed by flow cytometry, where Fc gamma RI expression on human mast cells was increased from approximately 2 to 44% by IFN-gamma exposure. Fc epsilon RI, Fc gamma RII, and Fc gamma RIII expression was not affected. Scatchard plots were consisted with these data where the average binding sites for monomeric IgG1 (Ka = 4-5 x 108 M-1) increased from approximately 2,400 to 12,100-17,300 per cell. Aggregation of Fc gamma RI on human mast cells, and only after IFN-gamma exposure, led to significant degranulation as evidenced by histamine release (24.5 +/- 4.4%): and up-regulation of mRNA expression for specific cytokines including TNF-alpha, GM-CSF, IL-3 and IL-13. These findings thus suggest another mechanism by which human mast cells may be recruited into the inflammatory processes associated with some immunologic and infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Characterization of the Fc gamma receptor on human platelets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
IgG-containing immune complexes may play a role in the immune destruction of human platelets by interacting with an Fc gamma receptor on the platelet surface. We studied the platelet Fc gamma receptor and characterized its interaction with IgG ligand and anti-Fc gamma receptor monoclonal antibodies. Oligomers of IgG, but not monomeric IgG, bound to platelets and the number of binding sites was significantly increased at low ionic strength. Ligand-binding studies indicated that normal human platelets express a single Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma RII) with 8559 +/- 852 sites per cell, Kd = 12.5 +/- 1.7 X 10(-8) M using trimeric IgG. Results of studies with bivalent and Fab monoclonal anti-Fc gamma RII were consistent with each Fc gamma receptor expressing two epitopes recognized by the antibody. The number of Fc gamma binding sites and affinity of binding were unchanged by the presence of 2.0 mM Mg2+ or 10 micrograms/ml cytochalasin B. Platelet stimulation with thrombin or ADP in the presence of fibrinogen also did not alter the number of Fc gamma binding sites or the affinity of binding. However, platelets preincubated with 5 microM dexamethasone expressed a decreased number of Fc gamma binding sites as well as decreased IgG-dependent platelet aggregation. Platelets from patients with Glanzmann's thrombasthenia and from patients with the Bernard Soulier syndrome expressed a normal number and affinity of Fc gamma binding sites. The data suggest that platelet Fc gamma RII binding of trimeric IgG occurs independent of actin filament interaction, Mg2+, ADP, or thrombin and does not require GPIIb/IIIa or GPIIb/IIIa-fibrinogen interaction. Furthermore, this receptor appears to be normally expressed on GPIb-deficient platelets and susceptible to modulation by glucocorticoids. Finally, the Fc gamma-binding protein was isolated from whole platelets as a 220-kDa protein which upon reduction dissociates into 50,000 Mr subunits.  相似文献   

The binding of IgE to the high affinity Fc epsilon receptor (Fc epsilon RI) on mast cells and basophils is mediated by the alpha-subunit of the tetrameric receptor complex. Based on sequence homologies, the 50-kDa alpha-subunit is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily of proteins and has two predicted disulfide-bonded loops. Monoclonal antibodies specific for the human alpha-subunit have been identified and separated into two major classes: inhibitory and noninhibitory antibodies. Inhibitory antibodies (i.e. 15A5) block 125I-IgE binding to a recombinant chimeric alpha-subunit (ch-alpha-protein) expressed on Chinese hamster ovary cells and immunoprecipitate 125I-labeled purified ch-alpha-protein. Noninhibitory antibodies (i.e. 22E7) immunoprecipitate both 125I-labeled ch-alpha-protein and the soluble complex of 125I-IgE cross-linked to ch-alpha-protein but do not block 125I-IgE binding to the ch-alpha-protein expressed on Chinese hamster ovary cells. Both classes of antibodies bind to natural Fc epsilon RI present on human basophils and induce histamine release from these cells. Inhibitory antibody 15A5 specifically binds to a peptide corresponding to amino acids 125-140 of the putative second domain of the alpha-subunit sequence. All the inhibitory antibodies compete with 125I-15A5 for binding to the ch-alpha-protein, indicating that these antibodies recognize inhibitory epitopes that are either identical or sterically overlapping. Noninhibitory antibodies (i.e. 22E7) do not block 125I-15A5 binding to the ch-alpha-protein. These data suggest that antibodies binding to the predicted second domain of the alpha-subunit can inhibit IgE binding to the alpha-subunit, while antibodies binding at a distance from this site do not inhibit IgE binding. These inhibitory antibodies may block IgE binding to the ch-alpha-protein by direct overlap, steric inhibition, or induced conformational changes of the receptor contact points for IgE.  相似文献   

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