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Human and pig airway submucosal glands secrete mucus in response to substance P (SubP), but in pig tracheal glands the response to SubP is >10-fold greater than in humans and shares features with cholinergically produced secretion. CFTR-deficient pigs provide a model for human cystic fibrosis (CF), and in newborn CF pigs the response of tracheal glands to SubP is significantly reduced (Joo et al. J Clin Invest 120: 3161-3166, 2010). To further define features of SubP-mediated gland secretion, we optically measured secretion rates from individual adult porcine glands in isolated tracheal tissues in response to mucosal capsaicin and serosal SubP. Mucosal capsaicin (EC(50) = 19 μM) stimulated low rates of secretion that were partially inhibited by tetrodotoxin and by inhibitors for muscarinic, VIP, and SubP receptors, suggesting reflex stimulation of secretion by multiple transmitters. Secretion in response to mucosal capsaicin was inhibited by CFTR(inh)-172, but not by niflumic acid. Serosal SubP (EC(50) = 230 nM) stimulated 10-fold more secretion than mucosal capsaicin, with a V(max) similar to that of carbachol. Secretion rates peaked within 5 min and then declined to a lower sustained rate. SubP-stimulated secretion was inhibited 75% by bumetanide, 53% by removal of HCO(3)(-), and 85% by bumetanide + removal of HCO(3)(-); it was not inhibited by atropine but was inhibited by niflumic acid, clotrimazole, BAPTA-AM, nominally Ca(2+)-free bath solution, and the adenylate cyclase inhibitor MDL-12330A. Ratiometric measurements of fura 2 fluorescence in dissociated gland cells showed that SubP and carbachol increased intracellular Ca(2+) concentration by similar amounts. SubP produced rapid volume loss by serous and mucous cells, expansion of gland lumina, mucus flow, and exocytosis but little or no contraction of myoepithelial cells. These and prior results suggest that SubP stimulates pig gland secretion via CFTR- and Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) channels.  相似文献   

Aquaporin-5 dependent fluid secretion in airway submucosal glands   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Fluid and macromolecule secretion by submucosal glands in mammalian airways is believed to play an important role in airway defense and surface liquid homeostasis and in the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis. Immunocytochemistry revealed strong expression of aquaporin water channel AQP5 at the luminal membrane of serous epithelial cells in submucosal glands throughout the mouse nasopharynx and upper airways and AQP4 at the contralateral basolateral membrane in some glands. Novel methods were applied to measure secretion rates and composition of gland fluid in wild type mice and knockout mice lacking AQP4 or AQP5. In mice breathing through a tracheotomy, total gland fluid output was measured from the dilution of a volume marker present in the fluid-filled nasopharynx and upper trachea. Pilocarpine-stimulated fluid secretion was 4.3 +/- 0.4 microl/min in wild type mice, 4.9 +/- 0.9 microl/min in AQP4 null mice, and 1.9 +/- 0.3 microl/min in AQP5 null mice (p < 0.001). Similar results were obtained when secreted fluid was collected in the oil-filled nasopharyngeal cavity. Real-time video imaging of fluid droplets secreted from individual submucosal glands near the larynx in living mice showed a 57 +/- 4% reduced fluid secretion rate in AQP5 null mice. Analysis of secreted fluid showed a 2.3 +/- 0.2-fold increase in total protein in AQP5 null mice and a smaller increase in [Cl(-)], suggesting intact protein and salt secretion across a relatively water impermeable epithelial barrier. Submucosal gland morphology and density did not differ significantly in wild type versus AQP5 null mice. These results indicate that AQP5 facilitates fluid secretion in submucosal glands and that the luminal membrane of gland epithelial cells is the rate-limiting barrier to water movement. Modulation of gland AQP5 expression or function might provide a novel approach to treat hyperviscous gland secretions in cystic fibrosis and excessive fluid secretions in infectious or allergic bronchitis/rhinitis.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of airway epithelium on mucus secretion by use of an isolated tracheal submucosal gland preparation reported previously (J. Appl. Physiol. 60: 1237-1247, 1986). Mucus glycoconjugate release from submucosal glands of feline trachea was examined using [3H]glucosamine as a mucus precursor. Isolated glands showed significantly higher secretory responses to cholinergic, alpha-, and beta-adrenergic agonists and dibutyryladenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (average 400% of control) than the conventional tracheal mucosal explants, which contained epithelium and submucosal tissues in addition to submucosal glands (average 160% of control). The addition of isolated epithelium depressed the secretory response of isolated glands to the same level as that of tracheal explants. However, the supernatant from isolated epithelium failed to inhibit secretory responses to methacholine in isolated glands, suggesting that the epithelium-derived inhibitory factor to secretion may be short-lived. Leukotriene D4 antagonist (FPL 55712), cyclooxygenase and/or lipoxygenase inhibitors (indomethacin or BW 755C) caused no significant change in the inhibitory action of epithelium, suggesting that the inhibition is not due to arachidonic acid metabolites. The newly found secretory inhibitory action of epithelium is of particular interest in the pathogenesis of hypersecretion associated with epithelial damage.  相似文献   

The esophageal submucosal glands (SMG) secrete HCO(3)(-) and mucus into the esophageal lumen, where they contribute to acid clearance and epithelial protection. This study characterized the ion transport mechanisms linked to HCO(3)(-) secretion in SMG. We localized ion transporters using immunofluorescence, and we examined their expression by RT-PCR and in situ hybridization. We measured HCO(3)(-) secretion by using pH stat and the isolated perfused esophagus. Using double labeling with Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase as a marker, we localized Na(+)-coupled bicarbonate transporter (NBCe1) and Cl(-)-HCO(3)(-) exchanger (SLC4A2/AE2) to the basolateral membrane of duct cells. Expression of cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator channel (CFTR) was confirmed by immunofluorescence, RT-PCR, and in situ hybridization. We identified anion exchanger SLC26A6 at the ducts' luminal membrane and Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) (NKCC1) at the basolateral membrane of mucous and duct cells. pH stat experiments showed that elevations in cAMP induced by forskolin or IBMX increased HCO(3)(-) secretion. Genistein, an activator of CFTR, which does not increase intracellular cAMP, also stimulated HCO(3)(-) secretion, whereas glibenclamide, a Cl(-) channel blocker, and bumetanide, a Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) blocker, decreased it. CFTR(inh)-172, a specific CFTR channel blocker, inhibited basal HCO(3)(-) secretion as well as stimulation of HCO(3)(-) secretion by IBMX. This is the first report on the presence of CFTR channels in the esophagus. The role of CFTR in manifestations of esophageal disease in cystic fibrosis patients remains to be determined.  相似文献   

To investigate how central and peripheral nerves affect lysozyme secretion from tracheal submucosal glands in ferrets we injected substance P (20 nmol/kg in 200 microliters) intracisternally or intravenously into anesthetized artificially ventilated ferrets. We collected 3-ml samples from a perfused (3 ml/5 min) segment of trachea in situ during 15 min before and 45 min after injection of substance P. Content of lysozyme, a specific marker of tracheal submucosal gland serous cell secretion in ferrets, was measured spectrophotometrically in each sample. Intracisternal substance P increased peak lysozyme output threefold compared with baseline. This increase was abolished completely by cutting both superior laryngeal nerves (SLN) and was partially inhibited by atropine, phentolamine, or propranolol. Intravenous substance P increased peak lysozyme output 10-fold compared with baseline. This increase was partly abolished by cutting both SLN. We concluded that intracisternal substance P stimulated the central nervous system (CNS) and activated cholinergic, adrenergic, and nonadrenergic noncholinergic secretomotor nerves to tracheal glands and that intravenous substance P increased lysozyme secretion both by acting directly on tracheal glands and indirectly on the CNS to activate secretomotor nerves.  相似文献   

Summary Cystic fibrosis (CF) involves abnormalities in mucus production and secretion of the airway. Studies of the regulation of airway mucin production and secretion has been difficult due to the lack of in vitro models of the airway epithelial cells which express functional differentiation. Because the majority of the mucin in the airway is apparently produced by the submucosal glands, we have focused our attention on the development of cell culture models of human airway submucosal glands. This report describes the propagation of CF airway submucosal gland epithelial cells which continue to express mucin production. The CF bronchus was obtained from a 31-yr-old patient who received a double lung transplant. The glands were dissected out and primary cultures prepared by the explant/outgrowth procedure. The cells were immortalized by infection with Adl2-SV40 hybrid virus. The cultures are maintained in serum-free keratinocyte basal medium supplemented with insulin (5μg/ml), hydrocortisone (0.5μg/ml), epidermal growth factor (10 ng/ml), bovine pituitary extract (25μg/ml), and antibiotics. Cultures were passaged using 0.125% trypsin in Ca+2 and Mg+2-free Hanks’, balanced salt solution. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis demonstrated that the cells were homozygous for the ΔF508 mutation. Morphologic observations showed that the cells were epithelial and were interconnected by sparsely distributed desmosomes. Their cytoplasm contained secretory-type structures including abundant Golgi, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and secretory vesicles. Immunofluorescent studies determined that all cells were positive for cytokeratins, mucin glycoconjugates, and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. The cultures secreted substantial amounts of mucin glycoproteins and expressed the MUC-2 mucin gene. Patch clamp experiments revealed that the cells expressed defective Cl channels which were not activated by Forskolin.  相似文献   

Secretion rates of >700 individual glands in isolated tracheal mucosa from 56 adult pigs were monitored optically. "Basal" secretion of 0.7 +/- 0.1 nl x min(-1) gland(-1) was observed 1-9 h post-harvest but was near zero on day 2. Secretion to carbachol (10 microm) peaked at 2-3 min and then declined to a sustained phase. Peak secretion was 12.4 +/- 1.1 nl x min(-1) gland(-1); sustained secretion was approximately one-third of peak secretion. Thapsigargin (1 microm) increased secretion from 0.1 +/- 0.05 to 0.7 +/- 0.2 nl x min(-1) gland(-1); thapsigargin did not cause contraction of the trachealis muscles. Isoproterenol and phenylephrine (10 microm each) were ineffective, but vasoactive intestinal peptide (1 microm) and forskolin (10 microm) each produced sustained secretion of 1.0 +/- 0.5 and 1.7 +/- 0.2 nl x min(-1) gland(-1), respectively. The density of actively secreting glands was 1.3/mm(2). Secretion to either carbachol or forskolin was inhibited (approximately 50%) by either bumetanide or HCO(3)(-) removal and inhibited approximately 90% by the combined treatments. Mucus secreted in response to carbachol or forskolin was acidic by approximately 0.2 pH units relative to the bath and remained acidic by approximately 0.1 pH units after bumetanide. The strong secretory response to vasoactive intestinal peptide, the acidity of [cAMP](i)-stimulated mucus, and its inhibition by bumetanide were unexpected.  相似文献   

The mammalian esophagus has the capacity to secrete a HCO(3)(-) and mucin-rich fluid in the esophageal lumen. These secretions originate from the submucosal glands (SMG) and can contribute to esophageal protection against refluxed gastric acid. The cellular mechanisms by which glandular cells achieve these secretions are largely unknown. To study this phenomenon, we used the pH-stat technique to measure luminal alkali secretion in an isolated, perfused pig esophagus preparation. Immunohistochemistry was used to localize receptors and transporters involved in HCO(3)(-) transport. The SMG-bearing esophagus was found to have significant basal alkali secretion, predominantly HCO(3)(-), which averaged 0.21 +/- 0.04 microeq.h(-1).cm(-2). This basal secretion was doubled when stimulated by carbachol but abolished by HCO(3)(-) or Cl(-) removal. Basal- and carbachol-stimulated secretions were also blocked by serosal application of atropine, pirenzipine, DIDS, methazolamide, and ethoxzolamide. The membrane-impermeable carbonic anhydrase inhibitor benzolamide, applied to the serosal bath, partially inhibited basal HCO(3)(-) secretion and blocked the stimulation by carbachol. Immunohistochemistry using antibodies to M(1) cholinergic receptor or carbonic anhydrase-II enzyme showed intense labeling of duct cells and serous demilunes but no labeling of mucous cells. Labeling with an antibody to Na(+)-(HCO(3)(-))(n) (rat kidney NBC) was positive in ducts and serous cells, whereas labeling for Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger (AE2) was positive in duct cells but less pronounced in serous cells. These data indicate that duct cells and serous demilunes of SMG play a role in HCO(3)(-) secretion, a process that involves M(1) cholinergic receptor stimulation. HCO(3)(-) transport in these cells is dependent on cytosolic and serosal membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase. HCO(3)(-) secretion is also dependent on serosal Cl(-) and is mediated by DIDS-sensitive transporters, possibly NBC and AE2.  相似文献   

Using isolated submucosal glands from feline trachea, we examined the effect of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) on mucus glycoprotein secretion and glandular contraction by measuring released radiolabeled glycoconjugates and induced tension, respectively. VIP (10(-10) to 10(-6) M) produced a dose-dependent increase in [3H]glycoconjugate release of up to 300% of controls, which was inhibited by VIP antiserum and not inhibited by atropine, propranolol, or phentolamine. VIP at a low concentration (10(-9) M), which did not produce any significant increases over controls, produced a 2.4- to 5-fold augmentation of the glycoconjugate release induced by 10(-9) to 10(-7) M methacholine (MCh). Atropine or VIP antiserum abolished the augmentation. VIP did not produce any alteration in isoproterenol- or phenylephrine-evoked glycoconjugate secretion. VIP (up to 10(-5) M) did not produce any alteration in the tension, even when the gland had contracted with MCh, or any augmentation of contraction induced by MCh (10(-9) to 10(-7) M). These results indicate that VIP induces mucus glycoprotein release from secretory cells and also that it potentiates the secretion induced by cholinergic stimulation.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) airway disease arises from defective innate defenses, especially defective mucus clearance of microorganisms. Airway submucosal glands secrete most airway mucus, and CF airway glands do not secrete in response to VIP or forskolin. CFTR, the protein that is defective in CF, is expressed in glands, but immunocytochemistry finds the highest expression of CFTR in either the ciliated ducts or in the acini, depending on the antibodies used. CFTR is absolutely required for forskolin-mediated gland secretion; we used this finding to localize the origin of forskolin-stimulated, CFTR-dependent gland fluid secretion. We tested the hypothesis that secretion to forskolin might originate from the gland duct rather than or in addition to the acini. We ligated gland ducts at various points, stimulated the glands with forskolin, and monitored the regions of the glands that swelled. The results supported an acinar rather than ductal origin of secretion. We tracked particles in the mucus using Nomarski time-lapse imaging; particles originated in the acini and traveled toward the duct orifice. Estimated bulk flow accelerated in the acini and mucus tubules, consistent with fluid secretion in those regions, but was constant in the unbranched duct, consistent with a lack of fluid secretion or absorption by the ductal epithelium. We conclude that CFTR-dependent gland fluid secretion originates in the serous acini. The failure to observe either secretion or absorption from the CFTR and epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC)-rich ciliated ducts is unexplained, but may indicate that this epithelium alters the composition rather than the volume of gland mucus.  相似文献   

Topical intranasal application of the antifungal Amphotericin B (AmphoB) has been shown as an effective medical treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis. Because this antibiotic forms channels in lipid membranes, we considered the possibility that it affects the properties and/or cell surface expression of ion channels/pumps, and consequently transepithelial ion transport. Human nasal epithelial cells were exposed apically to AmphoB (50 microM) for 4 h, 5 days (4 h daily), and 4 weeks (4 h daily, 5 days weekly) and allowed to recover for 18-48 h. AmphoB significantly reduced transepithelial potential difference, short-circuit current, and the amiloride-sensitive current. This was not due to generalized cellular toxicity as judged from normal transepithelial resistance and mitochondrial activity, but was related to inhibitory effects of AmphoB on ion transport proteins. Thus, cells exposed to AmphoB for 4 h showed decreased apical epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) activity with no change in basolateral Na(+)K(+)-ATPase activity and K(+) conductance, and reduced amount of alphaENaC, alpha1-Na(+)K(+)-ATPase, and NKCC1 proteins at the cell membrane, but no change in mRNA levels. After a 5-day treatment, there was a significant decrease in Na(+)K(+)-ATPase activity. After a 4-week treatment, a decrease in basolateral K(+) conductance and in alphaENaC and alpha1-Na(+)K(+)-ATPase mRNA levels was also observed. These findings may reflect a feedback mechanism aimed to limit cellular Na(+) overload and K(+) depletion subsequently to formation of AmphoB pores in the cell membrane. Thus, the decreased Na(+) absorption induced by AmphoB resulted from reduced cell surface expression of the ENaC, Na(+)K(+)-ATPase pump and NKCC1 and not from direct inhibition of their activities.  相似文献   

Tonic activity of submucosal neurons influences basal ion transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H V Carey  H J Cooke 《Life sciences》1989,44(16):1083-1088
The influence of tonically active submucosal neurons on basal ion transport was studied using sheets of guinea pig ileum set up in flux chambers. Tetrodotoxin evoked an immediate and sustained decrease in short-circuit current that was sustained for 60 minutes compared with control tissues in which basal currents gradually decreased over time. Time-dependent changes in basal short-circuit currents in tissues treated with atropine were not significantly different from control tissues. The decrease in short-circuit current after tetrodotoxin resulted from a greater increase in net chloride absorption than sodium absorption. Changes in net sodium and chloride transport were due to an increase in the mucosal-to-serosal fluxes of these ions. The results suggest that tonic activity of submucosal neurons limits the absorptive capacity of the guinea pig ileum.  相似文献   

Effects of double-layer polarization on ion transport.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
It has been proposed that changes in ionic strength will alter the shape of current-voltage relations for ion transport across a lipid membrane. To investigate this effect, we measured currents across glyceryl monooleate membranes at applied potentials between 10 and 300 mV using either gramicidin and 1 mM NaCl or valinomycin and 1 mM KCl. A bridge circuit with an integrator as null detector was used to separate the capacitative and ionic components of the current. The changes in the current-voltage relations when ionic strength is varied between 1 and 100 mM are compared with predictions of Gouy-Chapman theory for the effects of these variations on polarization of the electrical diffuse double-layer. Double-layer polarization accounts adequately for the changes observed using membranes made permeable by either gramicidin or valinomycin.  相似文献   

1. The effects of three inhibitors of gastric acid secretion, atropine, burimamide and thiocyanate, have been studied in isolated glands from the rabbit gastric mucosa. The glands were either resting or stimulated by carbachol, histamine or dibutyryl cyclic AMP. The effects were determined from changes in oxygen consumption and accumulation of the weak base aminopyrine. The latter gives an indirect measurement of the acid production in the glands. 2. Atropine (10 (-6) M) almost totally inhibited the transient response induced by carbachol (10 (-4) M) in both measured parameters. The histamine-induced increase in respiration was inhibited when the atropine concentration was raised to 10 (-4) M. To a lesser extent also, histamine-induced aminopyrine accumulation was reduced. The dibutyryl cyclic AMP stimulated oxygen consumption was not affected by atropine. 3. Burimamide competitively inhibited the histamine responses but was without effect on those of carbachol and dibutyryl cyclic AMP. 4. Thiocyanate (10 (-2) M) inhibited the increase in oxygen consumption induced by all three secretagogues but not down the prestimulatory level, in spite of total abolishment of the aminopyrine accumulation. 5. In unstimulated glands, burimamide (10 (-3) M) or atropine (10 (-4) M) did not alter the normal aminopyrine ratio (aminopyrine in intraglandular water/ aminopyrine in extraglandular water) of approximately 50. This may indicate the existence of preformed acid in resting parietal cells. Thiocyanate, on the other hand, lowered the aminopyrine ratio in unstimulated glands from 46 to 2. Possible mechanisms for the thiocyanate effect are discussed in terms of an inability to separate acid and base in the secreting membrane.  相似文献   

Cysticfibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the CF transmembraneconductance regulator (CFTR) protein, an epithelial chloride channelexpressed in the airways, pancreas, testis, and other tissues. Acentral question is how defective CFTR function in CF leads to chroniclung infection and deterioration of lung function. Several mechanismshave been proposed to explain lung disease in CF, including abnormalairway surface liquid (ASL) properties, defective airway submucosalgland function, altered inflammatory response, defective organellaracidification, loss of CFTR regulation of plasma membrane iontransporters, and others. This review focuses on the physiology of theASL and submucosal glands with regard to their proposed role in CF lungdisease. Experimental evidence for defective ASL properties and glandfunction in CF is reviewed, and deficiencies in understanding ASL/glandphysiology are identified as areas for further investigation. New modelsystems and measurement technologies are being developed to makeprogress in establishing lung disease mechanisms in CF, which shouldfacilitate mechanism-based design of therapies for CF.


HJ Lee  YM Yang  K Kim  DM Shin  JH Yoon  HJ Cho  JY Choi 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43188
Protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2), a G protein-coupled receptor expressed in airway epithelia and smooth muscle, plays an important role in airway inflammation. In this study, we demonstrated that activation of PAR2 induces mucus secretion from the human airway gland and examined the underlying mechanism using the porcine and murine airway glands. The mucosa with underlying submucosal glands were dissected from the cartilage of tissues, pinned with the mucosal side up at the gas/bath solution interface of a physiological chamber, and covered with oil so that secretions from individual glands could be visualized as spherical bubbles in the oil. Secretion rates were determined by optical monitoring of the bubble diameter. The Ca(2+)-sensitive dye Fura2-AM was used to determine intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) by means of spectrofluorometry. Stimulation of human tracheal mucosa with PAR2-activating peptide (PAR2-AP) elevated intracellular Ca(2+) and induced glandular secretion equal to approximately 30% of the carbachol response in the human airway. Porcine gland tissue was more sensitive to PAR2-AP, and this response was dependent on Ca(2+) and anion secretion. When the mouse trachea were exposed to PAR2-AP, large amounts of secretion were observed in both wild type and ΔF508 cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator mutant mice but there is no secretion from PAR-2 knock out mice. In conclusion, PAR2-AP is an agonist for mucus secretion from the airway gland that is Ca(2+)-dependent and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator-independent.  相似文献   

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