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The first attempts to introduce computerized power spectrum analysis of the electroencephalogram (EEG) as an intraoperative anaesthesia monitoring device started approximately 30 years ago. Since that time, the effects of various anaesthetic agents, sedative and analgesic drugs on the EEG pattern have been addressed in numerous studies in human patients and different animal species. These studies revealed dose-dependent changes in the EEG power spectrum for many intravenous and volatile anaesthetics. Moreover, EEG responses evoked by surgical stimuli during relative light levels of surgical anaesthesia have been classified as 'arousal' and 'paradoxical arousal' reaction, previously referred to as 'desynchronization' and 'synchronization', respectively. Contrasting reports on the correlation between quantitative EEG (QEEG) variables derived from power spectrum analysis (i.e. spectral edge frequency, median frequency) and simultaneously recorded clinical signs such as movement and haemodynamic responses, however, limited the routine use of intraoperative EEG monitoring. In addition, the appearance of EEG burst suppression pattern and isoelectricity at clinically relevant concentrations/doses of newer general anaesthetics (i.e. isoflurane, sevoflurane, propofol) may have weakened the dose-related EEG changes previously reported. Despite these findings, the EEG power spectrum analysis may still provide valuable information during intraoperative monitoring in the individual subject. The information obtained from EEG power spectrum analysis may be further supplemented by newer EEG indices such as bispectral index and approximate entropy or other neurophysiological monitors including auditory evoked potentials or somatosensory evoked potentials.  相似文献   

Two experiments, each with 24 normal right-handed adults, examined variability of the response of EEG alpha rhythms during repeated visual stimulations that were contingent on the occurrence of those rhythms. Within-trial variability of alpha durations and no-alpha (alpha blocking) durations were recorded from bipolar derivations along two bilateral posterior-anterior lines. Variability was significantly lower for: (1) the contingent EEG connected to the stimulus compared to the contralateral EEG, which was recorded simultaneously but was not connected to the stimulus; (2) occipitoparietal EEGs compared to parietocentral EEGs; (3) alpha durations compared to no-alpha durations. Differences in variability among the four EEG locations on the left or the right side were significant for contingent EEGs but not for contralateral nonconnected EEGs. The results were interpreted to be a demonstration that feedback EEG method can be applied to research on the functional topography of an EEG response to sensory stimuli in terms of the reduction of variability of the response that can be achieved with feedback.  相似文献   

Six normal adults looked at 12 color transparencies that were presented 30 times each in response to the occurrence of alpha in the occipital EEG and that were not presented when no-alpha occurred. The time delay between the occurrence of recorded EEG alpha and the feedback stimulus was systematically varied, as was the threshold value of alpha amplitude required for feedback stimulus to occur. As time delay increased, the replicative reliability of the temporal association between alpha and the visual stimulus decreased. The measures of the EEG response were: the mean durations of alpha and of no-alpha durations ; an estimate of random scatter or variability in a single trial (S e ); and the ratio of these , which is the reciprocal of the coefficient of variation. The latter ratio defines control of the EEG response. Control was greatest for the minimum feedback delay (.25 sec) and a feedback threshold of 25% of the maximum peak alpha amplitude recorded under a prior eyes-closed. resting condition. Control of the EEG decreased as time delays increased and at lower and higher feedback thresholds. It was proposed that the measurement of control for various combinations of values of relevant experimental parameters could be used to select that combination which gave the best control. This optimum combination of values of parameters could be chosen for astandardized method.This research was supported in its entirety by the Veterans Administration Medical Research Program.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to test the stability of the heart rate (HR) power spectrum over time in conscious dogs. HR was recorded for 1 h for each of six animals on 2 days. A Fast Fourier transform was used to derive the HR power spectrum for the 12 contiguous 5-min epochs comprising the 1-h recordings. Changes in frequency and amplitude of the various spectral peaks were quantitatively examined. We confirm the presence of two major concentrations of power centered around 0.02 (low frequency peak) and 0.32 Hz (high frequency peak). However, we observed variations in these spectral peaks, especially their amplitudes, both within each hour and from day 1 to day 2. The amplitudes of these two spectral peaks tended to vary reciprocally. HR power spectra based on 5 min of recorded data were also derived from an additional eight animals in both the lying and standing positions; the power spectra from these short recordings were sufficiently sensitive to detect redistributions in power due to changes in posture in all eight dogs. We conclude that: 1) data should be recorded for relatively long periods (e.g., 1 h) to characterize the HR power spectrum; 2) some variability in frequency and amplitude will persist across spectra even when based on longer data bases; 3) care should be taken to ensure that the subject's behavioral state is stable within the recording period; 4) shorter (e.g., 5 min) data bases are not suitable except for detecting relatively robust changes in the HR power spectrum.  相似文献   

Electroencephalographic examination of boys aged 4–9 years with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) showed spectral power values and coherence in high-frequency bands (20–60 Hz) in various brain areas were higher than normal. Differences in spectral power were greater in the anterior areas of the left hemisphere; differences in coherence, in the right anterior and posterior areas. Interhemispheric differences typical of healthy subjects were absent in the children with ASDs. The spectral power of the θ rhythm was lower in autism, especially in the left hemisphere. The spectral power of the α rhythm in the autistic children was lower than normal, especially in the posterior areas of the left hemisphere. The μ rhythm was higher than normal in spectral power and was localized in the right, rather than left, anterior areas. The children were examined again after corrective procedures. The α-rhythm spectral power increased (became closer to the norm) in the left posterior areas, while the γ-rhythm spectral power decreased (became closer to the norm) in the right anterior areas in some of the autistic children. The electrophysiological changes were associated with improved psychological testing results, especially in nonverbal measures.  相似文献   

Gender-related differences in EEG patterns during creative visual thinking were investigated in 10 men and 10 women. The spectral power density was analyzed in the range of 4-30 Hz. Gender differences in the hemispheric asymmetry of theta1-rhythm desynchronization were found: females demonstrated greater desynchronization in the right hemisphere than in the left hemisphere, whereas no asymmetry was revealed in males. Only in women numerous negative correlations between creativity indices and task-induced theta1 desynchronization were found.  相似文献   

The EEG was recorded in 19 standard derivations according to the international 10–20 system in 30 subjects during a test for figurative creativity. To involve subjects in the creative process, they were presented with the following creative tasks: (Cr1) thinking up and drawing an original picture; (Cr2) drawing a face, a house, and a clown in an original manner; (C1) drawing a picture from memory; and (C2) drawing geometric figures without any system. All the tasks had to be performed using a given set of geometric figures (a circle, semicircle, triangle, and rectangle). Statistical analysis of the EEG spectral power for the frequency bands α1, α2, β1, β2, and γ showed that the creative task performance was characterized by an increase in the EEG power in the β2 and γ bands and single differently directed power changes in the α1, α2, and β1 bands. The findings were compared to previous results of EEG studies on creative activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to use a wavelet-based signal processing technique to examine the influence of electrode placement over the innervation zone (IZ) on the shape of the electromyographic (EMG) frequency spectrum. Ten healthy males (mean ± SD age = 23.6 ± 3.0 years) performed isometric muscle actions of the dominant leg extensors at 10%, 40%, 70%, and 100% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Surface EMG signals were detected simultaneously from the vastus lateralis with two bipolar electrode arrangements. One of the electrode arrangements had its center point located directly over the IZ, while the other arrangement had its center point distal to the IZ (i.e., 20 mm away). All EMG signals were processed with a wavelet-based procedure. The results showed that for all isometric torque levels, the EMG signals from the distal electrode arrangement demonstrated greater total intensity values than those for the IZ arrangement for frequencies ranging from approximately 2 to 110 Hz. There were no consistent differences, however, between the IZ and distal electrode arrangements for total EMG intensity values above 110 Hz. Thus, these findings indicated that electrode placement over the IZ affected primarily the low-, rather than the high-frequency portion of the EMG frequency spectrum.  相似文献   

EEG segments of 1 sec duration, beginning 1 sec before the imperative stimulus were analysed by Fast Fourier Transformation in a CNV paradigm with interstimulus intervals (ISI) of different durations (1, 3, 5 sec) and with constant (K1, K3, K5) and randomized (R1, R3, R5) ISI presentation. In the alpha band, there were found differences in the power spectra between the constant and the longer randomized (R3, R5) ISI conditions, the latter having a slower center frequency, a smaller radius of gyration and a higher kurtosis. This describes a sharper alpha line of slower frequency in the R3 and the R5 ISI condition, due to pronounced synchronisation of alpha activity. It is discussed as an expression of increased relaxation and reduced concentration. In the theta band, differences appeared between the short ISI conditions (K1, R1) and the longer ones.  相似文献   

To study the role of venous return from distal parts of the extremities in influencing heat loss from the more proximal parts, changes in mean skin temperature (Tsk) of the non-exercising extremities were measured by color thermography during leg and arm exercise in eight healthy subjects. Thirty minutes of either leg or arm exercise at an ambient temperature (Ta) of 20 degrees C or 30 degrees C produced a greatly increased blood flow in the hand or foot and a great increase in venous return through the superficial skin veins of the extremities. During the first 10 min of recovery from the exercise, blood flow to and venous return from the hand or foot on the tested side was occluded with a wrist or ankle cuff at a pressure of 33.3 kPa (250 mm Hg), while blood flow to the control hand or foot remained undisturbed. During the 10-min wrist occlusion, Tsk increased significantly from 28.3 degrees +/- 0.41 degrees C to 30.1 degrees +/- 0.29 degrees C in the control forearm, but remained at nearly the same level (28.0 degrees +/- 0.34 degrees C to 28.2 degrees +/- 0.25 degrees C) in the occluded forearm. In the legs, although Tsk on both sides was virtually identical (32.0 degrees +/- 0.31 degrees C, control vs 32.0 degrees +/- 0.36 degrees C, tested) before occlusion, Tsk on the control side (32.6 degrees +/- 0.27 degrees C) was significantly higher than that on the tested side (32.2 degrees +/- 0.21 degrees C) after ankle occlusion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Eccentric and concentric force and median frequency of the EMG power spectrum were measured during and immediately after maximal eccentric (EE) and concentric (CE) exercise and during the recovery period of 1 week. Eight male subjects performed EE and CE consisting of 100 maximal eccentric and concentric actions with elbow flexors during two separate exercise sessions. When comparing maximal eccentric and concentric actions before the exercises, the average force was higher (P<0.001) in eccentric than in concentric but the average rectified EMG (aEMG) values were the same with the two types of action. The average eccentric force decreased 53.3% after EE and 30.6% after CE, while the average concentric force decreased 49.9% after CE and 38.4% after EE. The recovery was slower after EE. The median frequency (MF) of biceps brachii (BB) in eccentric action decreased during both EE (P<0.01) and CE (P<0.05). It recovered within 2 days of the exercises but was lower again (P<0.01) 7 days after EE. In concentric action MF of BB decreased during CE (P<0.01), while no changes were observed in EE. Blood lactate concentration increased (P<0.001) in both exercises and serum creatine kinase (CK) activity increased in EE only, being significantly higher (P<0.001) 7 days after than before the eccentric exercise. In the absolute scale, the eccentric force in EE decreased more than the concentric force in CE (P<0.01). Fatigue response was action type specific as seen in the greater reduction in the force of the exercise type. MF decreased immediately after both exercises, which may be at least partly related to elevated blood lactate concentration. Eccentric actions led to possible muscle damage as indicated by elevated serum CK and muscle soreness, and therefore to longer recovery as compared to concentric actions. Decreased MF after EE may be indicative of selective damage of the fast twitch fibers in this type of exercise.  相似文献   

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