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Rédei GP 《Genetics》1967,56(3):431-443

Birthweight correlations were analysed among 505 intergenerational pairs of first births to women aged 18-25 identified from a large obstetric data bank. After standardisation for fetal sex, maternal height, gestational age, and proteinuric pre-eclampsia residual correlations of between 0.1402 and 0.1725 were found, suggesting only a small genetic effect. It is concluded that genetic factors play only a small part in determining birth weight.  相似文献   

A radial arch in the hypothenar area of the human palm is an uncommon ridge arrangement. It is associated with an ulnar triradius and no axial triradius is present. The configuration generally occurs on right hands but is sometimes found on both hands. The frequency in the few European populations studied and in one Canadian sample varies from 0.2% to over 2% of persons. Hypothenar radial arches have also been reported in patients with abnormal sex chromosomes but are not specific to any karyotype. Two families are described in which nearly related persons have hypothenar radial arches. They provide the first evidence that the pattern is inherited. In one family three out of six sibs have radial arches in the hypothenar area and so have two out of three children of one of them. In the other family a pair of identical twins and their mother have hypothenar radial arches. It is suggested that, from the information available, inheritance is probably due to a recessive gene.  相似文献   

Scent marking in mice allows males to communicate information such as territory ownership, male competitive ability and current reproductive, nutritional, social and health status. It has been suggested that female mice eavesdrop on these olfactory cues, using them as a means of selecting mates with dissimilar major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, known as H2 in mice. The mechanisms underpinning MHC-dependent olfactory communication remain unresolved. Using congenic mouse strains and molecular methods we explore the involvement of the microbial communities, a known source of odourants, in scent marks to test the hypothesis that the microbial communities and hence the olfactory signals are genetically determined. Here we show that the indigenous microbial community of murine scent marks is genetically determined. Both background genotype and H2 haplotype influence the community structure of the scent mark flora, removing the possibility that community composition is solely orchestrated by the MHC. Qualitative and quantitative components of the bacterial community associated with MHC haplotype and background genotype were identified. The analyses confirm that the four groups of congenic mice tested are distinguishable on basis of the microbiology of their scent marks alone, strengthening the role of microorganisms in the development of MHC-dependent odours.  相似文献   

Morra MR  Petty IT 《The Plant cell》2000,12(11):2259-2270
The types of cells and tissues infected by a virus define its tissue tropism. Determinants of tissue tropism in animal-infecting viruses have been extensively investigated, but little is known about plant viruses in this regard. Some geminiviruses in the genus Begomovirus exhibit phloem limitation and are restricted to cells of the vascular system, whereas others can invade mesophyll tissue. To identify viral genetic determinants of tissue tropism, we established a model system using two begomoviruses and their common host plant, Nicotiana benthamiana. Analysis by DNA in situ hybridization confirmed that tomato golden mosaic virus invades mesophyll tissues in systemically infected leaves, whereas bean golden mosaic virus remains phloem limited. Through genetic complementation and analysis of recombinant hybrid viruses, we demonstrated that three genetic elements of tomato golden mosaic virus determine its mesophyll tissue tropism. A noncoding region of the viral genome is essential for the phenotype, but it must be accompanied by one of two different coding regions. To our knowledge, this is the first example documented in a plant virus of noncoding DNA sequences that determine tissue tropism.  相似文献   

O Mayo 《Human heredity》1975,25(2):127-134
The effect on sibship size distribution of the birth of a child with a genetical defect is considered for several different conditions. Family size continues to be over-dispersed in such cases, rather than showing any sign of reduced variation, though theoretical expectations about the correlation between numbers of normal and affected children are not well-supported by the data.  相似文献   

A new common variant (M1) of alpha 1 antitrypsin was detected by isoelectric focusing of serum in a pH gradient of 3.5-5.0 in polyacrylamide gels. The variant can be clearly distinguished from the common M type only when alpha 1 antitrypsin M is present in the same serum. It cannot be recognized on starch gel electrophoresis. The gene frequency in a population sample of United States whites was .09.  相似文献   

An association between low nephron number and subsequent development of hypertension in later life has been demonstrated. The underlying pathomechanisms are unknown, but glomerular and postglomerular changes have been discussed. We investigated whether such changes are already present in prehypertensive "glial cell line-derived neurotrophic growth factor" heterozygous mice (GDNF+/-) with lower nephron number. Twenty-six-week-old mice [22 GDNF+/-, 29 C57B6 wild-type control (wt)] were used for in vivo experiments with intra-arterial and tail cuff blood pressure measurements. After perfusion fixation, kidneys were investigated with morphological, morphometric, stereological, and immunohistochemical techniques and TaqMan PCR analysis. As expected at this age, blood pressure was comparable between GDNF+/- and wt. Nephron number per kidney was significantly lower in GDNF+/- than in wt (-32.8%, P < 0.005), and mean glomerular volume was significantly higher (+49.5%, P < 0.001). Renal damage scores, glomerular and tubular proliferation, analysis of intrarenal arteries and peritubular capillaries, expression of relevant tubular transporter proteins, as well as gene expression of profibrotic, proinflammatory, or prohypertensive markers were not significantly different between GDNF+/- and wt. Compensatory glomerular hypertrophy in GDNF+/- was accompanied by higher numbers of endothelial and mesangial cells as well as PCNA-positive glomerular cells, whereas podocyte density was significantly reduced. Further electron microscopic analysis showed marked thickening of glomerular basement membrane. In conclusion, lower nephron number is associated with marked early glomerular structural changes, in particular lower capillary supply, reduced podocyte density, and thickened glomerular basement membrane, that may predispose to glomerular sclerosis.  相似文献   

In a recent communication, we showed that human very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) apolipoprotein E (Apo E) from different individuals appears upon two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analysis in either one of two complex patterns. These have been designated class alpha and class beta. Mixing of VLDL from different subjects revealed that not all alpha or beta apo E patterns were the same. In this manner, we identified three subclasses of class alpha (alpha II, alpha III, and alpha IV) and three subclasses of class beta (beta II, beta III, and beta IV). We report here the results of family studies that reveal that the subclasses (alpha II, alph III, and alpha IV and beta II, beta III, and beta IV) of apo E are determined at a single genetic locus with three common alleles, epsilon II, epsilon III, and epsilon IV. The class beta phenotypes (beta II, beta III, and beta IV) represent homozygosity for two identical apo E alleles (epsilon). In contrast, class alpha phenotypes (alpha II, alpha III, and alpha IV) represent heterozygosity for two different apo E alleles. The apo E subclasses and their corresponding genotypes are as follows: beta II = epsilon II/epsilon II; beta III = epsilon III; beta IV = epsilon IV/epsilon IV; alpha II = epsilon II/epsilon III; alpha III = epsilon III/epsilon IV; and alpha IV = epsilon II/epsilon IV. To estimate the frequencies of the apo E alleles in the general population, apo E subclasses were then investigated in 61 unrelated volunteers and the results were: beta II = 1 (2%), beta III = 30 (49%), alpha II = 9 (15%, alpha III = 13 (31%), and alpha IV = 2 (3%). Utilizing the frequencies of these phenotypes, the gene frequencies were calculated to be epsilon II = 11%, epsilon III = 72%, and epsilon IV = 17%. In addition, apo E subclasses were studied in a clinic for individuals with plasma lipid disorders and the apo E subclass beta IV was found to be associated with type III hyperlipoproteinemia. There was no association of any apo E subclass with type II, type IV, or type VI hyperlipoproteinemia or plasma HDL cholesterol levels. This study explains the genetic basis for the common variation in a human plasma protein, apo E. Since the apo E subclass beta IV is associated with type III hyperlipoproteinemia, a disease characterized by xanthomatosis and premature atherosclerosis, understanding the genetic basis of the apo E subclasses should provide insight into the genetics of type III hyperlipoproteinemia.  相似文献   

The monomer, dimer and tetramer of bovine serum albumin were separated by gel filtration on a Sephacryl S-300 column. Their purity was established by gel filtration, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These preparations were identical in bilirubin binding, cross-reactivity against anti-bovine serum albumin antiserum and UV spectral features. However, the three preparations differed in their N----F transition. The mid points of the N----F transitions for monomer, dimer and tetramer were found to be 3.75, 3.60 and 3.40 respectively. We presume that intermolecular interactions and/or alterations in the pK values of carboxyl groups are responsible for increased stability in the case of dimer and tetramer.  相似文献   

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