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In social insects, colony-level complexity emerges from simple individual-level behaviors and interactions. In the evolution of insect societies, selection has acted to promote efficiency through division of labor. Nest construction of social wasps is an excellent model system to study division of labor and the performance of a decentralized behavioral regulation. After re-examination of Jeanne's (1996) demand-driven "non-taskmates feedback" hypothesis, an alternative mechanism is suggested whereby the regulation of behavior is based on a natural substance (water) which is itself also a building material. By experimenting with a simple model system, we show that the model's predictions agree with observational data and cover a wide range of evolutionary transitions. According to the internal and external parameters, the colony builds up storage of water that is used both as regulator and building material. Through individual interactions, pulp foragers and water foragers emerge from general laborers and their ratio becomes balanced. The emergent foragers ensure both the stabilization of the quantity of stored water and the steady construction of the nest according to the given conditions. Perturbations of the system alter colony-level dynamics in a similar way as was observed in nature: water and pulp addition increase pulp arrivals and building rate; removal of pulp foragers decreases pulp input and construction rate, but not the water influx; removal of water foragers causes overcompensation of water input after a delay. After comparing the predictions of the model to natural data, assumptions found in the literature on organization of work and regulation of behavior are re-examined. A new, more parsimonious model of organization of work is proposed that may cover wide variety of cases where hormones and learning cannot be accounted for the regulation of behavior.  相似文献   

With a view toward describing behavioral variability among individuals of the primitively eusocial speciesBelonogaster juncea juncea, we recorded the time-activity budget spent on five behavioral categories (foraging, building, feeding, inactivity, and reproduction) by 52 individuals belonging to four postemergence colonies. A principal-components analysis coupled with a hierarchical cluster analysis enabled us to discern four behavioral roles. The reproductive role is reserved to one individual (functional monogyny) and the workers’ role is differentiated into foragers, builders, and guards. The foragers are females that spend the most time (82.6% of their time) foraging, supplying the nest with prey load and liquid matter. The builders are individuals (with 41.5% of their time off the nest) that tend to bring pulp into the nest and then undertake building activities. The guards are those females that spend the most time (79.7% of their time) being inactive on the nest.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the effects of intrinsic colony characteristics and an imposed contingency on the life span and behavior of foragers in the swarm-founding social waspPolybia occidentalis. Data were collected on marked, known-age workers introduced into four observation colonies.To test the hypothesis that colony demographic features affect worker life span, we examined the relationships of colony age and size with worker life span using survivorship analysis. Colony age and size had positive relationships with life span; marked workers from two larger, older colonies had longer life spans (¯X = 24.7 days) than those from two smaller, younger colonies (¯X = 20.1 days).We quantified the effects of experimentally imposed nest damage on forager behavior, to determine which of three predicted behavioral responses by foragers to this contingency (increased probability of foraging for building material, increased rate of foraging, or decrease in age of onset of foraging) would be employed. Increasing the colony level of need for materials used in nest construction (wood pulp and water) by damaging the nests of two colonies did not cause an increase in either the proportion of marked workers that gathered nest materials or in foraging rates of marked individuals, when compared with introduced workers in two simultaneously observed control colonies. Instead, nest damage caused a decrease in the age at which marked workers first foraged for pulp and water. The response to an increase in the need for building materials was an acceleration of behavioral development in some workers.  相似文献   

Polyethism was quantified in post-emergence colonies of the primitively eusocial wasp,Polistes instabilis, and compared to polyethism in a sympatric advanced eusocial wasp,Polybia occidentalis. Like P.occidentalis, P. instabilis foragers collected food (nectar and prey) and nest materials (wood pulp and water).P. instabilis foragers showed some evidence of specialization with respect to which materials they gathered, but most foragers, divided their effort among food and nest materials, a pattern that is rarely seen inP. occidentalis. In colonies of both species, more foragers collected nectar than any other material; in contrast, most water foraging was performed by one or two workers. Upon returning to the nest,P. instabilis foragers gave up part or all of most nectar, prey, and pulp loads to nestmates, while water was rarely partitioned. Prey loads were most likely to be given up entirely.P. instabilis workers show evidence of conflict over the handling of materials at the nest. The frequency with which workers took portions of nectar loads from forgers was positively correlated with their frequency of aggressive dominant behavior, and with their frequency of taking other foraged materials. Compared to polyethism inP. occidentalis P. instabilis showed less individual specialization on foraging tasks and less partitioning of foraged materials with nestmates, suggesting that these characteristics of polyethism have been modified during the evolution of advanced insect societies.  相似文献   

General principles derived from studies of morphological ontogeny are useful in ethology. Behavioral ontogeny may be interpreted from an holistic view in which a series of behaviors is treated as an ontogeny toward a larger, complex, behavioral product. If the component behaviors are defined broadly, many taxa may be compared to find general principles that are not evident when behaviors are dissected to their smallest recognizable units. Flow charts can illustrate such general ontogenetic sequences in a manner that shows what sorts of modifications have evolved from the general pattern. Certain changes may illustrate forms of ontogenetic evolution that are well known for morphological development, such as addition or embellishment of terminal ontogenetic steps, or compression of ontogeny by acceleration or deletion of early steps. The major modifications in nest construction behavior of 28 genera of paper wasps are presented to test the predictions of the biogenetic rule with respect to character polarity. Cladistic analyses of separate morphological and behavioral data sets show that polarity is accurately inferred with respect to the five major patterns of nest construction in paper wasps.  相似文献   

We tested the influence of illuminance and level of forager experience on nest orientation behavior of the social wasps Vespula vulgaris, Vespa crabro, and Dolichovespula saxonica in an artificial laboratory tunnel system. The number of wasps which oriented themselves chemically via a terrestrial trail or used visual orientation were determined at different illuminance levels for foragers which were naïve or experienced with the tunnel system. In V. vulgaris and D. saxonica, mainly the young and naïve foragers used the chemical trail for orientation in brightness. Experienced foragers used visual cues for nest orientation. In V. crabro, naïve and experienced foragers followed the chemical trail in a similar intensity. In darkness, when visual orientation was limited, the relative importance of the chemical trail increased dramatically in all species and all experience classes.  相似文献   

Summary The building decision process of the paper wasp,Polistes fuscatus, was studied by 1) analyzing the search pattern of the wasps prior to the addition of pulp to different areas of the nest, 2) comparing the pulp addition needs of the cell chosen for lengthening to those of other cells in the nest, and 3) presenting the wasps with eight types of dichotomous building choices, which provided information about the relative influence of different building cues. Wasps conduct a hierarchical search prior to pulp addition, which means that they search the comb face and petiole disproportionately more often and more thoroughly than the comb back and sides. Once a particular nest area triggers closer scrutiny, comparisons are made with adjoining areas. The most needy location is then chosen based on nest cues. When lengthening a cell, the development of the brood and relative cell length have a strong influence on which cell is chosen at all times, while distance of the brood from the cell mouth becomes important during the later stages of brood development. The results indicate that there is no simple hierarchical weighting of cues. The decision process involves comparisons among multiple cues, which for the most part have an additive influence when variation in relative cue strength is considered.  相似文献   

The workers of the stingless bee, Melipona quadrifasciata, assume different tasks during their adult life. Newly emerged individuals remain inside the nest, without contact with the external environment. Maturing workers go to more peripheral regions and only the oldest, the foragers, leave the nest. As this diversity of activities implies different metabolic patterns, oxygen consumption has been measured in workers of three different ages: 24–48 h (nurses), 10–15 days (builders), and older than 25 days (foragers). Oxygen consumption of individually isolated workers was determined by intermittent respirometry, under constant darkness and temperature of 25 ± 1°C. Sets of 24-h measurements were obtained from individuals belonging to each of the three worker groups. Rhythmicity has been assessed in the daily (24 h) and ultradian (5–14 h) domains. This experimental design allowed detection of endogenous rhythms without the influence of the social group and without inflicting stress on the individuals, as would be caused by their longer isolation from the colony. Significant 24-h rhythms in oxygen consumption were present in nurses, builders and foragers; therefore, workers are rhythmic from the age of 24–48 h. However, the amplitude of the circadian rhythm changed according to age: nurses showed the lowest values, while foragers consistently presented the largest ones, about ten times larger than the amplitude of nurses’ respiratory rhythm. Ultradian frequencies were detected for all worker groups, the power and frequencies of which varied little with age. This means that the ultradian strength was relatively larger in nurses and apparently maintains some relationship with the queen’s oviposition episodes.  相似文献   

To trigger innate behavior, sensory neural networks are pre-tuned to extract biologically relevant stimuli. Many male-female or insect-plant interactions depend on this phenomenon. Especially communication among individuals within social groups depends on innate behaviors. One example is the efficient recruitment of nest mates by successful bumblebee foragers. Returning foragers release a recruitment pheromone in the nest while they perform a ‘dance’ behavior to activate unemployed nest mates. A major component of this pheromone is the sesquiterpenoid farnesol. How farnesol is processed and perceived by the olfactory system, has not yet been identified. It is much likely that processing farnesol involves an innate mechanism for the extraction of relevant information to trigger a fast and reliable behavioral response. To test this hypothesis, we used population response analyses of 100 antennal lobe (AL) neurons recorded in alive bumblebee workers under repeated stimulation with four behaviorally different, but chemically related odorants (geraniol, citronellol, citronellal and farnesol). The analysis identified a unique neural representation of the recruitment pheromone component compared to the other odorants that are predominantly emitted by flowers. The farnesol induced population activity in the AL allowed a reliable separation of farnesol from all other chemically related odor stimuli we tested. We conclude that the farnesol induced population activity may reflect a predetermined representation within the AL-neural network allowing efficient and fast extraction of a behaviorally relevant stimulus. Furthermore, the results show that population response analyses of multiple single AL-units may provide a powerful tool to identify distinct representations of behaviorally relevant odors.  相似文献   

The classic formulation of optimal foraging theory predicts that a central-place forager will gather more food if it is required to travel farther from the nest to find that food. We examined the foraging behavior of German yellowjackets (Vespula germanica) to determine whether carbohydrate foragers follow this pattern. We trained foragers to collect 2 M fructose solution at 5 or 50 m from the nest and measured the time spent feeding, load size, and the rate of delivery. We show that as a forager’s crop fills during a foraging bout, the amount of solution ingested per second decreased. However, load size did not change as wasps collected food up to 50 m from the nest. Instead, temperature and body size were better predictors of the volume of fructose a forager carried. Finally, the rate of fructose delivered to the nest was higher at warmer temperatures. Due to the fact that wasps gather more food but feed for shorter periods of time at warmer temperatures, we found an overall negative relationship between feeding time and load size. We conclude that the strong effects temperature had on the behavior of V. germanica foragers imply that feeding time may not always be an accurate predictor of the size of the load an individual carries back to the nest. Results from this study suggest that in yellowjacket colonies, foragers can collect and bring disproportionately more food back to the nest during the warmest days of the summer, a time of year when this pest species reaches peak population size during its annual colony cycle.  相似文献   

Prior work has shown that yellowjacket waSPS remember food odors and use them as cues when foraging. There is also evidence they have mechanisms to recruit nest mates to highly rewarding food sources, as naïve individuals are more likely to go to food sources with scents similar to those visited by nest mates. We asked whether recruitment requires behavioral stimulation by returning foragers, as in honey bees, or if sampling the food source inside the nest is sufficient. We tested this by eliminating the behavior of returning foragers by inserting a scented sugar solution directly into a Vespula germanica nest. Exiting foragers were given a choice of the test scent and a control scent. WaSPS were more likely to choose the test scent. We conclude that behavioral interactions with returning foragers are not necessary to stimulate nest mates to associate an odor with a food source and search for a resource bearing that odor, and that experience with the scented reward inside the nest is sufficient to achieve this result.  相似文献   

The kinds, rates of acquisition, inter-individual transfers, and intra-colonial movements of nutrients were ascertained for the advanced eusocial paper wasp Polybia occidentalis (Olivier). Foraging worker wasps (“foragers”) bring arthropod prey and nutritive liquids (“nectar”) to the nest, and these are usually transferred to nest workers (“receivers”) on the outer nest envelope. Arthropod prey items, which are brought intact to the nest, are malaxated by one or more receivers before being fed to larvae; malaxating adults retain a portion of the hemolymph for their own nourishment. Nectar is usually transferred (via adult-adult torphallaxis) from foragers to receivers on the nest envelope; some nectar is given to larvae, and all adults that imbibe it retain at least some for their own nourishment. Larval saliva of P. occidentalis contains glucose, protein, and free amino acids and so is highly nutritive; the nutrient content of the saliva closely resembles that of the saliva of other social wasp taxa. Adult wasps imbibe larval saliva, but very little is apparently transferred by those adults (via trophallaxis) to nestmates. Brood cannibalism was infrequent during this study. Adult worker and male wasps possess chymotrypsin-like and trypsin-like enzyme in their midguts and so are likely capable of protein digestion. The midgut proteases show an age-correlated variation in concentration. Pulp foragers are significantly smaller and lighter in weight than are receivers.  相似文献   

Although nests are central to colonial life in social insects, nests are sometimes damaged by predators or natural disasters. After nest destruction, individuals usually construct new nests. In this case, a sophisticated mechanism like the scent trail pheromone used in large insect colonies that recruit individuals to new nest sites would be important for the maintenance of eusociality. In independent-founding Polistes wasps, it is well known that queens enforce workers physiologically on the natal nests even if evidence of trail pheromone use has not been exhibited. We investigated the effect of the queen on an alternative strategy for the maintenance of eusociality by first females after nest destruction in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes chinensis. We predicted that the first females in queen-absent colonies have various behavioral options after nest destruction. Even if the females construct new nests cooperatively with other individuals, the new nest construction should be conducted more smoothly in queen-present colonies because the queens regulate the behavior of wasps. We made wasps construct new nests by removing the entire brood from existing nests. The presence of the queen did not cause variation in the alternative strategy of the first females, as the first females (workers) usually constructed new nests cooperatively irrespective of the queen-presence. Thus, the workers in the queenpresent colonies affiliated to the new nest construction more smoothly and constructed new nests more efficiently than workers in the queen-absent colonies. Our results suggest that the presence of the queen is important for maintaining eusociality in primitively eusocial wasps after nest destruction. Received 8 February 2005; revised 5 October 2005; accepted 17 October 2005.  相似文献   

It is becoming apparent that birds learn from their own experiences of nest building. What is not clear is whether birds can learn from watching conspecifics build. As social learning allows an animal to gain information without engaging in costly trial-and-error learning, first-time builders should exploit the successful habits of experienced builders. We presented first-time nest-building male zebra finches with either a familiar or an unfamiliar conspecific male building with material of a colour the observer did not like. When given the opportunity to build, males that had watched a familiar male build switched their material preference to that used by the familiar male. Males that observed unfamiliar birds did not. Thus, first-time nest builders use social information and copy the nest material choices when demonstrators are familiar but not when they are strangers. The relationships between individuals therefore influence how nest-building expertise is socially transmitted in zebra finches.  相似文献   

Social wasps do not possess a sophisticated, signal-based mechanism for recruiting foragers to food resources. Instead, in some species na?ve potential foragers use cues, specifically the scent of a resource obtained from successful foragers, to help locate the resource in the field. Prior studies have focused on the effectiveness of this mechanism on increasing the number of foragers at an artificial resource in the field; the increase is typically modest. Here, we focus on the activity at the nest in Polybia occidentalis, a tropical social wasp, and quantify the magnitude of the effect an influx of a known amount of scented carbohydrate solution added directly to the nest has on activating foragers to leave the nest in search of the resource. Under our experimental conditions, adding a scented 2.0 M sucrose solution to the nest doubled the average rate of departure. No increase occurred when the same amount of water was added as a control. This mass activation of foragers may give colonies of this species a competitive edge by enhancing their ability to rapidly exploit new resources.  相似文献   

Evolutionary benefits of task fidelity and improving information acquisition via multiple transfers of materials between individuals in a task partitioned system have been shown before, but in this paper we provide a mechanistic explanation of these phenomena. Using a simple mathematical model describing the individual interactions of the wasps, we explain the functioning of the common stomach, an information center, which governs construction behavior and task change. Our central hypothesis is a symmetry between foragers who deposit water and foragers who withdraw water into and out of the common stomach. We combine this with a trade-off between acceptance and resistance to water transfer. We ultimately derive a mathematical function that relates the number of interactions that foragers complete with common stomach wasps during a foraging cycle. We use field data and additional model assumptions to calculate values of our model parameters, and we use these to explain why the fullness of the common stomach stabilizes just below 50 percent, why the average number of successful interactions between foragers and the wasps forming the common stomach is between 5 and 7, and why there is a variation in this number of interactions over time. Our explanation is that our proposed water exchange mechanism places natural bounds on the number of successful interactions possible, water exchange is set to optimize mediation of water through the common stomach, and the chance that foragers abort their task prematurely is very low.  相似文献   

Kim  B.  Kim  K. W.  Choe  J. C. 《Insectes Sociaux》2012,59(2):263-268
We examined the foraging behavior of the Korean yellowjacket, Vespula koreensis, to determine whether this species displays temporal polyethism. Using video-recordings of the entrances of artificial nest boxes installed in the field, we investigated the association between the tasks performed by workers and age. We identified three foraging tasks (pulp, nectar and prey foraging). Pulp foraging was performed by younger foragers, while nectar and prey foraging were performed by older foragers. We measured the foraging time (time spent outside of the nest during a single foraging bout) and the weight of the materials that foragers brought into the nest for each task to estimate the cost of the task. Pulp foraging was less costly than nectar or prey foraging by both measures. Taken together, the results suggest that yellowjacket foragers tend to perform low-cost task in their early foraging days and high-cost task later. Our results add to a growing literature showing temporal polyethism in social insects.  相似文献   

Animal groups can show consistent behaviors or personalities just like solitary animals. We studied the collective behavior of Temnothorax nylanderi ant colonies, including consistency in behavior and correlations between different behavioral traits. We focused on four collective behaviors (aggression against intruders, nest relocation, removal of infected corpses and nest reconstruction) and also tested for links to the immune defense level of a colony and a fitness component (per-capita productivity). Behaviors leading to an increased exposure of ants to micro-parasites were expected to be positively associated with immune defense measures and indeed colonies that often relocated to other nest sites showed increased immune defense levels. Besides, colonies that responded with low aggression to intruders or failed to remove infected corpses, showed a higher likelihood to move to a new nest site. This resembles the trade-off between aggression and relocation often observed in solitary animals. Finally, one of the behaviors, nest reconstruction, was positively linked to per-capita productivity, whereas other colony-level behaviors, such as aggression against intruders, showed no association, albeit all behaviors were expected to be important for fitness under field conditions. In summary, our study shows that ant societies exhibit complex personalities that can be associated to the physiology and fitness of the colony. Some of these behaviors are linked in suites of correlated behaviors, similar to personalities of solitary animals.  相似文献   

Summary The long-cheeked wasp Dolichovespula saxonica typically constructs exposed nests which can be reached by flying. Usually foragers do not walk on substrates in the close vicinity of the nests as cavity breeding wasps do (Steinmetz et al., 2002). Unexpectedly, when forced to walk outside the nest instead of flying in an artificial tunnel system, D. saxonica foragers lay a terrestrial trail and use it for orientation in the nest area in our experiments. 41% of the foragers followed the trail in a direction they were not accustomed to. We suggest that the foragers have employed the same orientation cues normally used for orientation in the close vicinity of the nest when approaching a free-hanging nest by flying, for example nest odour. Nest odour substances may have been transferred to the substrate as a trail as a consequence of foragers walking through the tunnels.Received 23 August 2002; revised 27 January 2003; accepted 30 April 2003.  相似文献   

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