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Seedlings of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cvs Salka and Zita), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) and rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. napus cv. Line) were grown in complete nutrient solutions with 8 or 10 different P concentrations in the range of 0–2 mM. Phosphate export from roots to shoots was determined from the amount of 32P (or 33P) absorbed and exported to shoots in 1 h from a nutrient solution containing 0.1 mM radiolabelled phosphate. P export was also determined in the presence of a metabolic uncoupler (DNP, 2.4-dinitrophenol) and a protein synthesis inhibitor (CH, cycloheximide). Phosphorus export from roots to shoots reached a maximum at a certain optimum level of phosphorus in shoots and roots, and decreased at both higher and lower P levels. Maxinmm P export was 1.7 ± 0.2 and 4.5 ± 0.5 (mean ±se of the three species) times higher than the P export at the lowest and highest [P]root, respectively. Hill plots as well as plots of the untransformed decreasing P export vs root or shoot P concentrations above the optimum were linear and had high correlation coefficients. The Hill coefficient (nH) based on [P]root, was —7.7 for barley cv. Salka and varied between -3.8 and -4.5 for the other species. Based on [P]shootot nH was—16.1 for barley cv. Salka, -3.7 for barley cv. Zita and -6.4 for the two dicotyledonous species. Relative to the amount of P simultaneously absorbed by the root system, the import of P per unit shoot weight decreased linearly over the whole range of shoot P concentrations in the dicotyledonous species. In contrast, the relative import of P per unit shoot weight of the two barley cultivars increased at low levels of [P]shoot and decreased at higher levels. DNP and CH almost eliminated P export from roots to shoots of seedlings with low or high P status. In seedlings with medium P status only 60 to 75% of the P export was affected.  相似文献   

Schjørring, J. K. and Jensén, P. 1984. Phosphorus nutrition of barley, buckwheat and rape seedlings. I. Influence of seed-borne P and external P levels on growth, P content and 32P/31P-fractionation in shoots and roots. Seedlings of barly (Hordeum vulgare L. cvs Salka and Zita), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) and rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. napus ev. Line) were grown at 8 or 10 different external P levels in the range 0-2000 μM. Apart from P, the nutrient solutions were complete. In some experiments with barley and rape, 32P-labelled phosphate was used. Root fresh weights of buckwheat and rape decreased when the external P supply exceeded the level required for maximal root development. In all three species, the roots constituted a decreasing proportion of the total plant fresh weight as the external P level increased. The shoot/root fresh weight ratio increased linearly with the P concentration of the roots. The ratio between the P concentration in shoots and roots increased with the P status of the seedlings grown at low to intermediate external P levels, but decreased at higher P levels. The proportion of total seedling-P held in roots consequently reached a minimum value and thereafter increased as the P status of the seedlings increased. This indicates that some control mechanism counteracted the accumulation of harmful P levels in the shoots. 32P-Phosphate uptake by seedlings of barley and rape grown in solutions with 2 μM P overestimated the actual net phosphorus uptake by a factor of 6 to 7, indicating a marked fractionation of 32P and 31P. For seedlings grown in solutions with 25 μM P (barley) or 50 μM (rape) no fractionation occurred. The relative excess of 32P in high P seedlings accumulated in the roots. It is suggested that the fracionation was caused by efflux of low specific activity phosphorus and by diffusion of free phosphate ions across the plasmalemma of the root cells in response to a difference in the concentration gradient between the two P isotopes.  相似文献   

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Svenno), oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Brighton) and glasshouse cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Bestseller F1) were cultured for a week after germination on complete nutrient solutions of three different dilutions (1, 25 and 50% of the full strength medium). K+(86Rb) and 45Ca were present during the whole culture period. Relative humidity (RH) was 50% except during the last day, when half the material was transferred to 90% RH. Efflux of labelled ions was then followed during eight hours on unlabelled solutions of the same composition as before, and at both 50% and 90% RH in the atmosphere. – Uptake of K+(86Rb) during growth tended to be saturated in the 25% medium. Contrariwise, the level of Ca2+ in the roots increased continuously with strength of the medium. At low concentrations cucumber roots were higher in Ca2+ than roots of oat or wheat, whereas all three species showed similar levels of Ca2+ in 50% medium. – At the lowest ionic strength, smooth efflux curves were obtained that could be resolved according to the three-compartment theory. At higher ionic strength, irregularities were observed, and more for Ca2+ than for K+; but for practical purposes compartment analysis with the same time constants could be applied as for the lowest concentration. – Discrimination between K+ and Rb+ differed between the roots, but not much between the shoots of different species. The roots of oat and wheat took up Rb+ preferentially over K+ in the 25% and 50% media; whereas K+ was preferred over Rb+ or little discrimination made in 1% medium and for cucumber. The shoots generally showed less discrimination than the roots. The main variability in discrimination between K+ and Rb+ thus appears to be localized in the tonoplasts of the roots cells. – Low RH around the shoots increased efflux of K+(86Rb) from the cytoplasm and vacuoles of the root cells as compared to the efflux at high RH. DNP (2,4-dinitrophenol) in the medium had the same effect as high RH around the shoots. The signal system that must exist between shoots and roots is discussed as a response to “drought” conditions. In relation to investigations of others, it is assumed that the effect of DNP may indicate that part of the chain between roots and shoots consists of metabolically influenced sites, whose output is influenced by the rate of water transport.  相似文献   

Using time-course, natural-light incubations, we assessed the rate of carbon uptake at a range of light intensities, the effect of supplemental additions of nitrogen (as NH4+ or urea) on light and dark carbon uptake, and the rates of uptake of NH4+ and urea by phytoplankton from Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts from February through August 1982. During the winter, photoinhibition was severe, becoming manifested shortly after the start of an incubation, whereas during the summer, there was little to no evidence of photoinhibition during the first several hours after the start of an incubation. At light levels which were neither photoinhibiting nor light limiting, rates of carbon uptake normalized per liter were high and approximately equal during winter and summer (22–23 μg C·l?1 · h?1), and low during spring (<10 μgC·l?1· h?1). In contrast, on a chlorophyll a basis, rates of carbon fixation were as high during spring (15–20μg C·μg Chl a?1·h?1), when concentrations of chlorophyll a were at the yearly minimum (<0.5 μg · l?1) as during the summer, when chlorophyll a concentrations were substantially higher (0.8–1.3 μg · l?1). Highest rates of NH4+ and urea uptake were observed during summer, and at no time of the year was there evidence for severe nitrogen deficiency, although moderate nitrogen nutritional stress was apparent during the summer months.  相似文献   

The classic compartment analysis of ion efflux from roots is often applied with the assumption that there is a system of 3 compartments in series. However, complex ion transport across the root tissues, as well as influences from the shoot, may complicate the picture. The present experiments were performed to study the immediate effects that excision of the shoot before the experiment exerts on the efflux of Rb+(86Rb+) and of K+(86Rb+) from 9-day-old roots of plants of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Salve). The efflux from high K+ and low K+ roots of intact and detopped plants were compared. After excision of the shoot of high K+ plants, a marked increase in efflux was observed after 2.5 h with a maximum at about 7 h. The increase in efflux was seen as a peak in plots of efflux versus time. Excision of the shoot from low K+ roots did not give rise to a consistent increase in efflux. Regular K+ ion efflux curves were observed from roots of intact plants of high or low K+ status. Furthermore, after a pulse treatment of 9-day-old roots of intact plants of high or low K+ status with a solution containing Rb+(86Rb+), the Rb+(86Rb+) transport to the shoots was not reduced during the following 3 h in unlabelled solution. It is suggested that both the peak appearing in the efflux plots and the maintained tracer transport to the shoots after transfer of the roots to an unlabelled solution indicate the existence of a K+/Rb+ transport system in the symplasm of the roots that has only a slow exchange with the bulk cytoplasm and vacuoles.  相似文献   

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