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Symbiotic associations of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Blue Lake) and Rhizobium phaseoli strain 127K17 were treated with the Hill reaction inhibitor bentazon (3-isopropyl-1 H-2,1,3-benzothiadiazin-4-(3H)-one-2,2-dioxide). Plants receiving foliar and root treatments of 1.8 kilograms per hectare bentazon were assayed at 6 hour intervals for N2-fixing capacity by measuring C2H2-dependent C2H4 production and H2 evolution and for CO2 exchange rates. In foliar treated plants greatest measured inhibition of CO2 exchange rates and N2-fixing capacity occurred 6 and 12 hours after treatment, respectively. In root-treated plants maximum inhibition of both processes was delayed by 6 hours, and was less severe than in foliar treated plants. Nitrogen-fixing capacity and CO2 exchange rate recovered to control levels in all plants. Application of higher rates of bentazon resulted in greater inhibition of CO2 exchange rate and N2-fixing capacity. Inhibition of the two processes was positively correlated (r = 0.985). The results indicate that inhibition of N2-fixing capacity was not caused by bentazon directly, but indirectly through limiting the availability of photosynthate to support root nodule activity.  相似文献   

Mn2+ was required for the electron donating reaction from H2O2,but not for that from diphenylcarbazide (DPC), in the PS IIreaction center complex which was prepared from spinach chloroplastsby Triton X-100 extraction. The reaction center complex showeda high activity of 2,6-dichloroindophenol (DCIP) photoreductionin the presence of DPC, but a low activity with H2O2. The H2O2-supportedDCIP photoreduction was suppressed by EDTA and enhanced by asmall amount of Mn2+. Ca2+ and Mg2+ could not replace Mn2+.The activation by Mn2+ and its binding showed two binding sitesof Mn2+ in the reaction center complex, with high (1.5?107 M–1)and low (1 ? 106 M–1) binding constants. (Received November 8, 1986; Accepted April 10, 1987)  相似文献   

Growth Rate, Photosynthesis and Respiration in Relation to Leaf Area Index   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BUNCE  JAMES A. 《Annals of botany》1989,63(4):459-463
This work examined three possible explanations of growth rateresponses to leaf area index (LAI) in which growth rate perunit of ground area (crop growth rate, CGR) increased to a plateaurather than decreasing above an optimum LAI at which all lightwas intercepted. Single leaf photosynthetic measurements, andwhole plant 24 h photosynthesis and respiration measurementswere made for isolated plants and plants in stands using Amaranlhushybridus, Chenopodium album, and two cultivars of Glycine maxgrown at 500 and 1000 µimol m–2 S–1 photosyntheticphoton flux density at 25 °C. CGR, relative growth rate(RGR), and LAI were determined from 24 h carbon dioxide exchangeand leaf area and biomass measurements. Respiration increasedrelative to photosynthesis with crowding in A. hybridus andthere was an optimum LAI for CGR. In contrast, the ratio ofrespiration to photosynthesis was constant across plant arrangementin the other species and they had a plateau response of CGRto LAI. Neither increased leaf photosynthetic capacity at highLAI nor a large change in biomass compared to the change inLAI could account for the plateau responses. It was calculatedthat maintenance respiration per unit of biomass decreased withdecreasing RGR in C. album and G. max, but not A. hybridus,and accounted for the plateau response of CGR to LAI. Sincesimilar decreases in maintenance respiration per biomass atlow RGR have been reported for several other species, a constantratio of respiration to photosynthesis may occur in more speciesthan constant maintenance respiration per unit of biomass. Amaranlhus hybridus L., Chenopodium album L., Glycine max L Merr, soybean, photosynthesis, respiration, growth, leaf area index  相似文献   

Neither an over-all deficiency of chlorophyll, nor an increased enzymatic capacity for maximal rates, nor an unusual lamellar structure was found to change the number of quanta required for the evolution of one molecule of oxygen in healthy aurea mutants of tobacco. The average minimal quantum number remains 10 (efficiency 0.1) as in many algae and typical higher plants. Most of the time the optimal efficiency depends on the availability of some far-red radiation, particularly in the blue region of the spectrum where blue light alone is rather inefficient. These results fit an explanation offered earlier in connection with the hydrogen or acetate photometabolism of algae in far-red light.  相似文献   

The effect phosphinothricin (PPT), an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase (GS), on proline accumulation in detached rice leaves was investigated. During 12 h incubation, PPT inhibited GS activity and induced accumulation of NH4 +, and accumulation of proline in the light but not in darkness. Proline accumulation caused by PPT in the light was related to protein hydrolysis, and increase in the contents of precursors of proline, ornithine and arginine. Abscisic acid accumulation was not required for proline accumulation in PPT-treated rice leaves. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

采用酶解法获得的壳寡糖,处理烟草幼苗的结果显示,0.01mg·L^-1壳寡糖对烟草幼苗生长有促进作用,幼苗株高、叶面积增加;功能叶片中叶绿素含量、净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和胞间CO2浓度(Ci)升高;气孔限制值(Ls)下降。而高浓度(100mg·L^-1)壳寡糖处理的则抑制生长。促进烟草幼苗生长最适的壳寡糖浓度为0.01mg·L^-1,施用两次的效果优于一次的。  相似文献   

Sorghum plants were grown in the laboratory with the root systemof each plant split between two pots. Three split pot treatmentswere established: (– –) treatment, where both halvesof the root were free from Striga; (– +) treatment, wherethe soil in one half of the pot had been inoculated with Strigaseed; (+ +) treatment, where the soil in both halves of thepot had been inoculated with Striga. Seed, stem and leaf weight were reduced by 82, 60 and 26 percent respectively in (+ +) plants compared to (– –)plants. Partially infected plants (– +) behaved similarlyto (+ +) plants. Rates of light saturating carbon dioxide fixation in (+ +) and(– +) plants were only 60 per cent of those measured in(– –) plants. This reduction was independent ofchanges in stomatal conductance. The effects of Striga on the growth and photosynthesis of sorghumappear to be independent of the degree of parasitism to whichthe host is subjected. The difference in production betweeninfected and uninfected plants was greater than could be accountedfor in term of competition with the parasite for resources,and Striga appears to have a pathological effect on the host. Sorghum, Striga, parasitic angiosperm, growth, photosynthesis  相似文献   

Measurements of microclimate and photosynthesis of lucerne var.Europe were made in the field during the spring of 1976. Themaximum rate of canopy gross photosynthesis (14.3 g CO2 m–2h–1, I = ) was 2.5 times greater than that of S 24 perennialryegrass at the same LAI. This difference was due to differencesin individual leaf photosynthesis. The photosynthetic rate ofthe youngest fully expanded leaf of lucerne remained constantthroughout the experimental period at 3.6 g CO2 m–2 h–1(300 W m–2). Measurements of soil water potential profiles indicated thatlucerne extracted water from the soil to a depth of at least800 mm, with a region of maximum uptake between 400 and 600mm. This capability, with a moderate mean leaf resistance of460 s m–1, conferred a high assimilation efficiency onlucerne, with a mean water use efficiency of 34 g H2O lost pergram of carbohydrate assimilated, compared with 200 g H2O pergram of carbohydrate for S 24. Medicago sativa L, lucerne, photosynthesis, assimilation efficiency  相似文献   

SMITH  C. J. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(5):1003-1015
Effects of a change in night temperature with or without reductionin the duration of photosyntheticallyuseful light were studiedon assimilation and growth of Picea sitchensis seedlings. An increase in night temperature resulted in a rapid, but temporary,increase in photosynthesis while lowering the night temperaturedecreased photosynthetic rate. For the lowest night temperaturetreatments, reduction in light quantity resulted in increasedphotosynthetic efficiency while for the highest night temperaturetreatment, reduction in light quantity apparently checked thefinal decline in photosynthetic rate noted above. These changestended to minimize treatment effects on absolute growth andnet assimilation rates. The results are discussed in relationto the hypothesis or photosynthetic control by substrate level. Short-term redistribution of 14C labelled assimilate was examinedin control plants and those in the most and least adverse environments.In the most unfavourable environment, total l4C transport andincorporation into turnover materials increased while labellingof reserves and new growth decreased. Paradoxically, labellingpatterns for plants in the most favourable environment weresimilar although total 14C transport was much reduced. It issuggested that this indicates a substrate excess resulting fromoverloading of transport and utilization systems. Growth pattern was markedly affected in the case of developingbranch initials and established branches only. The possibilitythat the observed changes represent adaptive responses is discussed.  相似文献   

菊芋生长发育动态及光合性能指标变化研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以‘青芋1号’菊芋为材料,通过田间试验对菊芋全生育周期的器官生长发育、干物质积累分配动态以及光合性能指标变化进行了连续观察研究。结果表明,地上部器官生长量与干物质积累量均在第18周达到峰值,之后开始迅速转向块茎生长,块茎膨大速率在第18周和第2I周有2个高峰,块茎干物质积累则经过了块茎形成、块茎形成与膨大并行、块茎迅速膨大3个阶段,峰值出现在第21周;第18周干物质开始从地上部器官向块茎转移,此时总干物质量达到峰值,之前干物质主要暂时贮存在茎内。收获时,块茎干物质量达到15.76t·hm^-2,收获指数在0.65以上;叶面积指数、光合势、净同化率与叶绿素含量在植株快速生长期和地上部干物质开始向块茎转移前一段时期均有高峰出现。  相似文献   

The relationships between grain yields and whole-plant accumulation of micronutrients such as zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and copper (Cu) in maize (Zea mays L.) were investigated by studying their reciprocal internal efficiencies (RIEs, g of micronutrient requirement in plant dry matter per Mg of grain). Field experiments were conducted from 2008 to 2011 in North China to evaluate RIEs and shoot micronutrient accumulation dynamics during different growth stages under different yield and nitrogen (N) levels. Fe, Mn and Cu RIEs (average 64.4, 18.1and 5.3 g, respectively) were less affected by the yield and N levels. ZnRIE increased by 15% with an increased N supply but decreased from 36.3 to 18.0 g with increasing yield. The effect of cultivars on ZnRIE was similar to that of yield ranges. The substantial decrease in ZnRIE may be attributed to an increased Zn harvest index (from 41% to 60%) and decreased Zn concentrations in straw (a 56% decrease) and grain (decreased from 16.9 to 12.2 mg kg−1) rather than greater shoot Zn accumulation. Shoot Fe, Mn and Cu accumulation at maturity tended to increase but the proportions of pre-silking shoot Fe, Cu and Zn accumulation consistently decreased (from 95% to 59%, 90% to 71% and 91% to 66%, respectively). The decrease indicated the high reproductive-stage demands for Fe, Zn and Cu with the increasing yields. Optimized N supply achieved the highest yield and tended to increase grain concentrations of micronutrients compared to no or lower N supply. Excessive N supply did not result in any increases in yield or micronutrient nutrition for shoot or grain. These results indicate that optimized N management may be an economical method of improving micronutrient concentrations in maize grain with higher grain yield.  相似文献   

Respiration and dry matter producation were measured in shoots of senecia aquaticus Hill, which is flood tolerant and in shoots of S. jacobaea L., which is flood- sensitive. Both species were grown in culture solutions of high and of low oxygen concentration Growth of food of S. jacobaca was unaffected by a low oxygen supply bur growth of S. jacobaca was severly hampered by a low oxygen concentration in the root medium. Kinetic data about the rate of apparent photosynthesis at low oxygen conetration and different carbon dioxide concentrations indicated that at light saturation respiration was strongly repressed during photosynthesis. Shoot growth respiration, i.e. the amount of carbon dioxide produced for synthesis of shoot dry, matter appeared to be absent on S. jacobaea and to be very low (13.mg CO2/g dry shoots) in S. aquaticus. In comparison with values prepiration rate was 2.8. 2.0. 1.5 and 1.3mg CO2/h.g dry shoots in aerobically and anaerobically growth S. jacobaea and in aerobically and anaerobically growth S. aquabaea respectively. These values were also low in comprision with values previously found for roots of the same species. Shoot dark respiration on S. aquaticus was inbihitedd by a com bination on CN and salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM), but not by application on one of these inhibitors alone. It was therefore concluded that an alternative oxidative pathway was present but not active in shoots of S. aquaticus. In the absence of inhibited of the cylochorome pathway. The low value of growth respiration and maintenance respiration rate in the shoots as compared with those in the roots of the investigated Sencio species are discussed in relation to the activity of the alternative oxidative pathway and to the possibilbity of a direct supply of ATP by photosynthesis intead of respiratory meta bolism.  相似文献   

Concentrations of manganese, considerably in excess of the quantity required for normal vegetative growth, are needed by Bacillus for (i) synthesis of such secondary metabolites and structures as antibiotics, D-glutamyl peptide, endospores, bacteriophage, and protective antigen; and (ii) longevity of vegetative cell cultures. No other biologically active element can substitute for manganese, and no secondary biosynthetic process of Bacillus has been found in which the requirement for manganese is absent. In the present study, manganese could induce sporulation of B. megaterium even when added to synthetic broth cultures as late as 100 hr after inoculation. When sub-bactericidal concentrations of various biologically active trace elements were supplied within 2 hr of manganese addition, suppression of spore formation occurred in cultures exposed to elements of group VI (chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, selenium, tellurium) and one of group VIII (nickel); of the six interfering elements, selenium and nickel were most potent.  相似文献   

The recessive of gene, producing tendrils in place of leaves,and the recessive st gene, reducing stipule size, produce phenotypesof pea that are termed leafless (afafstst) and semi-leafless(afafStSt). Photosynthesis and growth of these two types werecompared with the conventional phenotype (AfAfStSt) during thefirst 9 days of post-emergent growth. The conventional seedlingshowed faster net photosynthesis per unit dry weight than theleafless phenotype, whilst the semi-leafless seedlings wereintermediate. Differences in dark respiration were small butleafless seedlings had significantly higher rates soon afteremergence. Where the three phenotypes used were isogenic, except for ofand st, the rates of shoot growth were in the same ranking orderas net CO2 uptake. With three other genotypes, representingthe three phenotypes, more similar shoot growth was found betweenthe conventional and semi-leafless phenotype, possibly becauseof compensating differences in embryonic axis size. The ratesof growth of roots and the rates of dry weight loss from thecotyledons showed no consistent differences between phenotypes. The results are discussed in relation to the potential for thesemi-leafless phenotype as an alternative to the conventionalphenotype for the dried pea crop. Pea seedling, Pisum sativum, leafless pea, photosynthesis, seedling growth  相似文献   

KHAN  A. A.; SAGAR  G. R. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(4):763-779
Two series of experiments were conducted with tomato plantsgrown in a glasshouse. In the first series the second leaf ofa young plant was exposed to 14CO2 for periods up to a maximumof 4 h and the distribution of the 14C-products was determinedeither at intervals of 10 and 30 min, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12,and 24 h, or 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 15 days after the 14CO2was initially supplied. Seventeen per cent of the containedradioactive carbon was exported during the first day and a further23 per cent during the following week. At the death of the leaf44 per cent of the carbon originally fixed was present in thedead structure. There is evidence that the roots re-export alarge proportion of the carbon products originally imported. In the second series the tenth leaf of a plant was suppliedwith 14CO2, and 24 h later the relative amounts of radioactivitywere determined for every leaf, internode, and fruit truss andfor the roots and shoot apex. The plants were selected so thatleaf 10 was always immediately below truss 1. The experimentwas performed seven times, each time at a different stage bothin the life-cycle of the leaf and the development of the plant.There were differences in the total amounts of radioactivityfound at the end of each experiment but these differences werenot random. The pattern of distribution of the 14C exportedby leaf 10 changed as the plant developed. The percentage ofthe 14C initially fixed which was exported by leaf 10 rose toa peak early in its life and then fell sharply but the distributionof 14C exported followed a different pattern. For a long periodthere was a heavy accumulation of 14C in the internode immediatelybelow leaf 10 but later in development this was less evidentand the proportions reaching the roots increased. The internodeabove leaf 10 never showed the same degree of accumulation.Truss I dominated the distribution patterns during the phaseof its active growth. These results are discussed and a hypothesisto account for the changing patterns of distribution is presented.  相似文献   

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