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薯蓣科植物地理学的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
薯蓣科基本上是一个热带科,广布于世界热带地区,共有9属,约650种。热带亚洲(尤其云贵高原-横断山一带)很可能是该科的原始分布与分化中心,热带美洲及热带非洲则可能是2次生分布与分化中心。其起源时间可追溯到白垩纪或更早。现代分布格局的形成主要是由于联合古陆的发裂、第四纪冰川的破坏及其自身的一些生物学特性所决定的。  相似文献   

东北杜鹃花科4属植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对东北杜鹃花科甸杜属(Chamaedaphne Moench.)、杜香属(Ledum Linn.)、松毛翠属(Phyllodoce Salisb.)、越橘属(Vaccinium Linn.)4属6种, 1变种的花粉形态进行了观察和比较研究。以上4属花粉粒均为四合花粉。四合花粉呈正四面体排列。花粉粒近球形。每粒花粉均具3沟,在四合花粉粒上,相邻花粉粒上的沟相接,有些种可见沟内的萌发孔。光镜下可见花粉外壁为内外两层,厚度约相等。不同属种的花粉粒在大小上有区别,花粉粒平均直径为34.0~43.7μm。在扫描电镜下观察可见不同的种花粉表面具有不同的纹饰。为分类学提供了孢粉学方面的证据。  相似文献   

我国旋花科植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘炳仑  张金谈 《植物研究》1983,3(2):130-152
本文用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对16属46种2变种的旋花科植物花粉形态进行了观察。本科的花粉为多类型。3沟为基本的萌发孔类型。根据萌发孔的形状、位置和数目,本科花粉可分为3沟、4-11沟、散沟和散孔4个类型。根据孢粉学资料、本文对菟丝子属(Cuscuta)在旋花科中的分类位置及其本科萌发孔的演化趋向等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

广西棕榈科植物分类研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
韦发南   《广西植物》1997,17(3):193-205
笔者近年来在编研广西单子叶植物志棕榈科过程中,对我所历年来收集到的馆藏标本及文献资料进行全面研究,订正,发现广西的棕榈科植物种类相当丰富,野生和主要栽培的一起,计有22属,约50种,占全国总种数的近1/2,与广东所产的种数近相等。在园艺上享有很高声誉的国外种,例如王棕、假槟榔、散尾葵、金山葵等,广西南部及东南部普遍栽培;热带著名水果海枣及椰子和油料植物油棕等,广西亦有引种。经济价值高的野生种类为数也不少,颇受园艺界青睐的棕竹类,全国有5种,广西全产,而且广布于全区各地,产量大宗;濒危植物棕,在广西西南部及西部的石山区成片生长,长势旺盛,姿态优雅,构成独特景观,十分引人注目。本文报道研究结果的一部分,共记载8个属,25个种,并有广西产各属的分属检索表。  相似文献   

Abstract: The phylogenetic relationship between the Alectoriaceae and theParmeliaceae (lichenized ascomycetes) were studied using sequences of the small subunit of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA). The Alectoriaceae was represented by specimens of Alectoria ochroleuca and A. sarmentosa, and theParmeliaceae by Bryoria capillaris, Cetraria islandica, Cornicularia normoerica, Evernia prunastri, Hypogymnia physodes, Parmelia saxatilis, Platismatia glauca, Pleurosticta acetabulum, Usnea florida, Vulpicida juniperina, V. pinastri and Xanthoparmelia conspersa. The results suggest that the Alectoriaceae is derived from within the Parmeliaceae, and it is suggested that the families should be treated as synonyms. Morphological and anatomical characters are discussed, and it is concluded that earlier investigations might have over- emphasized minor variations in ascus structure.  相似文献   

对中国四齿藓科的分类及分布进行了全面研究。据陈邦杰等前人报道,本科在中国分布仅1属1种。现经作者们搜集到的236份中国四齿藓科标本(原均被鉴定为四齿藓TetraphispelucidaHedw.),重新解剖观察后鉴定,发现除原有之广布种四齿藓外,尚有此次新发现的中国新分布种:疣柄四齿藓TetraphisgeniculataGirg,另有傅星及高谦等在川西发现新分布原丝藓Tetrodontiumbrownianum(Dicks)Schwaegr.,以及H.Vil和曹同在吉林发现的无助原丝藓Tetrodontiumrepandum(FunckexSturm)Schwaegr.,故本科在中国分布增至2属4种,本文对此4种在中国及世界分布均进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Red algal parasites are common and have a unique type of development in which parasite nuclei are transferred to host cells and “control” host cell development. Previous phylogenetic studies have concentrated on parasites closely related to their hosts, termed adelphoparasites. A second set of parasites, usually classified in a different family or tribe from their host, termed alloparasites, have not been studied phylogenetically. This study concentrates on the wholly parasitic family, the Choreocolacaceae (Gigartinales). Using small subunit rDNA sequence data, we found that all the parasites studied are within the same family as their host. Our data support the placement of Holmsella, species of which parasitize Gracilaria and Gracilariopsis, in the order Gracilariales and suggest that Holmsella is an old parasitic genus. Most other species of the Choreocolacaceae parasitize species of the Rhodomelaceae. The one exception is the hyperparasitism between Harveyella mirabilis (Reinsch) F. Schmitz et Reinke (Rhodomelaceae) and the parasite Gonimophyllum skottsbergii Setchell (Delesseriaceae). The parasites Bostrychiocolax australis Zuccarello et West and Dawsoniocolax bostrychiae (Joly et Yamaguishi‐Tomita) Joly et Yamaguishi‐Tomita are placed within the tribe Bostrychiae as are their hosts. Harveyella mirabilis has a single origin and has switched hosts several times during its passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Evidence does not support the continued recognition of the family Choreocolacaceae. Our results also indicate that the distinction between adelphoparasites and alloparasites is unwarranted, with a continuum between newly evolved parasites closely related to their hosts and parasites less closely related to their hosts.  相似文献   

本文就科昆虫的起源,各亚科、族及属的分布特点进行了分析和总结;并根据各属的世界分布情况,将其分为8种类型。文中还就中国科昆虫的地理分布及特点作了初步的探讨,结果表明:在我国已知的2亚科4族20个属中,东洋区分布的有10个属,其中有3个属仅分布于我国;古北区分布的有1个属;东洋-古北区分布的有3个属;东洋-新北区分布的有1个属;东洋-古北-新北区分布的有4个属;东洋-古北-新北-非洲区分布的有1个属。此外,科昆虫在中国的一个主要分布特点就是多数种类集中分布于华中区、华南区和西南区;而华中区则很可能是科种类的分化中心,并以此为中心向其他区扩散。  相似文献   

不同种源和家系白千层芳香油组分及含量初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文利用从澳大利亚引进的白千层芳香油树种天然种子进行繁育,并对生长期为18个月的白千层枝叶进行含油量测定,分析不同种源、家系白千层芳香油组分及含量,选择和推广具有经济开发价值的白千层优良品种。  相似文献   

Differentiation of a multigene family between populations is investigated under the forces of intrachromosomal unbiased gene conversion, neutral mutation, recombination, and random drift. The infinite-site model without recombination within the gene is employed, and the average numbers of the different sites between pairs of genes at the same locus and at different loci from two populations that divided some time ago are calculated as functions of time. Since differentiation is a relative concept in which differences between populations are expressed in comparison with those within a population and since there is most likely a reduction in population size after the division of populations, the time-dependent behavior of the corresponding quantities within a population is also investigated using approximate and numerical methods. It is found that intrachromosomal unbiased gene conversion promotes differentiation at the same locus but promotes or retards that between different loci, depending on the parameters in a recently divided population.  相似文献   

中国蕨科的数量分类研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郭晓思  徐养鹏  吴兆洪   《广西植物》1992,12(3):235-242
本文用聚类分析的方法,对中国蕨科23个种代表9个属做了数量分类研究,通过23OTUs×37个性状的原始数值矩阵标准化后,用欧氏距离系数计算相似性,采用WPGMA法进行聚类分析,以探索各属之间的系统位置和亲缘关系。其结果与我国植物学家经典分类处理基本上一致,并对粉背蕨属(Aleuritopteris)也做了修正,认为粉背蕨系(Ser.Farinosae)和银粉背蕨系(Sef.Argenteae)也可做为两个新属处理比较合理。另外对距离系数和结合线在类群划分申的作用进行了讨论和评价。  相似文献   

蹄盖蕨科的亚科划分   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
蹄盖蕨科的建立对蕨类植物的分类起了很大的推动作用,然而,即使按秦仁昌的狭义概念,它仍然是一个极其复杂的大科。自秦仁昌把该科划分为21个属以后,属级水平上的分类问题比较清楚了,但亚科、亚属和组的划分至今仍不成功。本文主要根据该科三个染色体基数X=42、41和40,结合孢子囊群着生的位置及其它形态特征,将其划分为3个亚科:冷蕨亚科、蹄盖蕨亚科和双盖蕨亚科。  相似文献   

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