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Cell lysis induced by lytic agents is the terminal phase of a series of events leading to membrane disorganization and breadkdown with the release of cellular macromolecules. Permeability changes following exposure to lytic systems may range from selective effects on ion fluxes to gross membrane damage and cell leakage. Lysis can be conceived as an interfacial phenomenon, and the action of surface-active agents on erythrocytes has provided a model in which to investigate relationships between hemolysis and chemical structure, ionic charge, surface tension lowering, and ability to penetrate monolayers of membrane lipid components. Evidence suggests that lysis follows the attainment of surface pressures exceeding a "critical collapse" level and could involve membrane cholesterol or phospholipid. Similarities of chemical composition of membranes from various cell types could account for lytic responses observed on interaction with surface-active agents. Cell membranes usually contain about 20–30 % lipid and 50–75 % protein. One or two major phospholipids are present in all cell membranes, but sterols are not detectable in bacterial membranes other than those of the Mycoplasma group. The rigid cell wall in bacteria has an important bearing on their response to treatment with lytic agents. Removal of the wall renders the protoplast membrane sensitive to rapid lysis with surfactants. Isolated membranes of erythrocytes and bacteria are rapidly dissociated by surface-active agents. Products of dissociation of bacterial membranes have uniform behavior in the ultracentrifuge (sedimentation coefficients 2–3S). Dissociation of membrane proteins from lipids and the isolation and characterization of these proteins will provide a basis for investigating the specificity of interaction of lytic agents with biomembranes.  相似文献   

The effects of ionizing irradiation (0, 600, 1,500, or 3,000 rads) on the permeability of pulmonary endothelial monolayers to albumin were studied. Pulmonary endothelial cells were grown to confluence on gelatin-coated polycarbonate filters, placed in serum-free medium, and exposed to a 60Co source. The monolayers were placed in modified flux chambers 24 hours after irradiation; 125I-albumin was added to the upper well, and both the upper and lower wells were serially sampled over 4 hours. The amount of albumin transferred from the upper well/hour over the period of steady-state clearance (90-240 min after addition of 125I-albumin) was 2.8 +/- 0.2% in control monolayers and was increased in monolayers exposed to 1,500 or 3,000 rads (increase of 63 +/- 10% and 61 +/- 10%, respectively, P less than 0.01). No increase was found in monolayers exposed to 600 rads. The increases in endothelial albumin transfer rates were associated with morphologic evidence of monolayer disruption and endothelial injury which paralleled the changes in albumin permeability. Dose-dependent alterations in endothelial actin filament organization were also found. Incubation of the monolayers exposed to 3,000 rads with medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum for 24 hours resulted in normalization of albumin permeability, improvement in morphologic appearance of the monolayers, and reorganization of the actin filament structure. These studies demonstrate that ionizing radiation is an active principle in the reversible disorganization of cultured pulmonary endothelial cell monolayers without the need of other cell types or serum components.  相似文献   

Circulating stem cells home within the myocardium, probably as the first step of a tissue regeneration process. This step requires adhesion to cardiac microvascular endothelium (CMVE). In this study, we studied mechanisms of adhesion between CMVE and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Adhesion was studied in vitro and in vivo. Isolated 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate-labeled rat MSCs were allowed to adhere to cultured CMVE in static and dynamic conditions. Either CMVE or MSCs were pretreated with cytokines [IL-1beta, IL-3, IL-6, stem cell factor, stromal cell-derived factor-1, or TNF-alpha, 10 ng/ml]. Control or TNF-alpha-treated MSCs were injected intracavitarily in rat hearts in vivo. In baseline in vitro conditions, the number of MSCs that adhered to CMVE was highly dependent on the flow rate of the superfusing medium but remained significant at venous and capillary shear stress amplitudes. Activation of both CMVE and MSCs with TNF-alpha or IL-1beta before adhesion concentration dependently increased adhesion of MSCs at each studied level of shear stress. Consistently, in vivo, activation of MSCs with TNF-alpha before injection significantly enhanced cardiac homing of MSCs. TNF-alpha-induced adhesion could be completely blocked by pretreating either CMVE or MSCs with anti-VCAM-1 monoclonal antibodies but not by anti-ICAM-1 antibodies. Adhesion of circulating MSCs in the heart appears to be an endothelium-dependent process and is sensitive to modulation by activators of both MSCs and endothelium. Inflammation and the expression of VCAM-1 but not ICAM-1 on both cell types have a regulatory effect on MSC homing in the heart.  相似文献   

Distribution of cells (L929, LS, LSM) in the two-phase polymer system was studied in addition to characterization of their karyotypes. In the course of LSM cell passages, the increased ratio of cells with a reduced number of chromosomes was found. The results obtained show that in the process of adaptation of the suspension cell culture to the growth as monolayer (the culture of LSM cells) the changes of the cell surface do not dependent on the chromosome number.  相似文献   

The effects of glucose extremes on vascular physiology and endothelial cell function have been examined across a range of time scales. Not unexpectedly, chronic glucose exposure induces long term tissue effects. Yet short term exposure can also impose lasting consequences. The persistence of vascular pathology after euglycemic restoration further suggests a glucose exposure memory. Slow turnover reservoirs such as basement membrane are candidates for prolongation of acute events. We hypothesized that glucose-induced vascular dysfunction is related to altered vasoactive compound handling within the endothelial cell-basement membrane co-regulatory unit. Endothelial cell basement membrane-associated fibroblast growth factor-2 increased linearly with culture glucose within days of elevated glucose exposure. Surprisingly, basement membrane fibroblast growth factor-2 binding kinetics remained unchanged. The glucose-induced increase in basement membrane fibroblast growth factor-2 was instead related to enhanced endothelial cell fibroblast growth factor-2 release and permeability. Cellular fibroblast growth factor-2 release occurred concomitant with apoptosis but was not blocked by caspase inhibitors. These data suggest that release was associated with sub-lethal early apoptotic cell membrane damage, perhaps related to reactive oxygen species formation. High glucose basement membrane in turn enhanced endothelial cell proliferation in a fibroblast growth factor-2-dependent manner. We now show that glucose-induced alterations in endothelial cell function promote changes in basement membrane composition, and these changes further affect endothelial cell function. These data highlight the interrelationship of cell and basement membrane in pathological conditions such as hyperglycemia. These phenomena may explain long term effects on the endothelium of short term exposure to glucose extremes.  相似文献   

Peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22) is associated with a subset of hereditary peripheral neuropathies. Although predominantly recognized as a transmembrane constituent of peripheral nerve myelin, PMP22 is localized to epithelial and endothelial cell-cell junctions, where its function remains unknown. In this report, we investigated the role of PMP22 in epithelial biology. Expression of human PMP22 (hPMP22) slows cell growth and induces a flattened morphology in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. The transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) and paracellular flux of MDCK monolayers are elevated by hPMP22 expression. After calcium switch, peptides corresponding to the second, but not the first, extracellular loop of PMP22 perturb the recovery of TER and paracellular flux. Finally, subsequent to wounding, epithelial monolayers expressing hPMP22 fail to migrate normally. These results indicate that PMP22 is capable of modulating several aspects of epithelial cell biology, including junctional permeability and wound closure.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis plays a central role in a variety of important biological processes such as reproduction, tissue development, and wound healing, as well as being critical to tumor formation in cancer. The development of chromosomal substitution (consomic) rat strains has permitted the chromosomal localization of genetic factors critical to angiogenesis, but many questions remain as to the mechanisms involved. Here we utilize a novel cell capture assay to assess changes in the functional expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptors on the surface of vascular endothelial cells isolated from rat strains that are normal or impaired in angiogenesis. We show that functional VEGF receptor expression is increased under hypoxic conditions in rat strains that exhibit normal angiogenesis but not in a strain impaired in angiogenesis. This result implicates the dysregulation of VEGF receptor expression levels on the endothelial cell surface as a key factor in impaired angiogenesis.  相似文献   

The isoenzyme hexokinase (HK) spectrum from normal rat large intestinal mucosa consisted of 3 isoenzymes. In tumours of this localization induced by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine there proved to be a lack or marked decrease in the most rapid anodic isoenzyme. Only one HK isoenzyme was found in the metastases. Km (glucose) for tumour HK was 2--3 times lower than for normal intestinal HK; the HK activity was detected in the serum from the 1st month of the carcinogenic administration, and by the 5th month it was found in 80% of the tumour-bearing animals. No serum HK activity was ever found in control rats.  相似文献   

Helisoma neurons B5, regenerating axonal arbors following crush-axotomyin vivo, displayed a transient (<24 h) reduction in excitability followed by a sustained period of hyperexcitability (>13 d). Neurons isolated into outgrowth-permissive cell culture conditions expressed a similar pattern of hypo- and hyperexcitability; however, excitability of neurons B5 in culture was elevated for only 5 d and then declined to a lower, stable level. The expression of these alterations in excitability was neurite outgrowth-independent and required the presence of ganglia-derived conditioning factors in the culture medium. Excitability of neurons in medium lacking conditioning factors fell by day 3 to minimal levels. Conditioned medium was effective in rescuing excitability of neurons deprived of conditioning factors during their first 3 days of cell culture, but not following longer periods of deprivation. Exposure to the protein synthesis inhibitor, anisomycin, blocked the ability of conditioning factors to rescue B5 neuronal excitability. Together, results from cell culture suggest that mechanisms underlying neuronal excitability following nerve injury are independent of process outgrowth state, but require exposure to conditioning factors derived from injured neural tissue within several days of axonal insult. Although changes in B5 neurite outgrowth and neuronal excitability were expressed simultaneously following axonal injury, their independence suggests the existence of an underlying regenerative state that regulates both cellular modifications.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells selected for resistance to concanavalin A (ConA) cytotoxicity exhibit modifications in some fundamental cellular properties. Three independently isolated ConA-resistant hamster cell lines exhibit a complex phenotype which includes: obvious temperature-sensitive growth properties; altered cellular morphology on solid surfaces; enhanced sensitivity to membrane-active agents such as phenethyl alcohol and sodium butyrate; altered lectin agglutination properties; modified adhesiveness to substratum properties; and defective lectin-receptor mobility characteristics. Selection of a reverant cell line which showed a near wild-type sensitivity to the cytotoxic effects of ConA also showed growth and membrane-associated properties that were very similar to parental wild-type cells. Somatic cell hybrids formed through the fusion of wild-type and lectin-resistant cells exhibited the ConA-sensitive phenotype, and possessed growth and membrane-associated properties that were very similar to pseudodiploid wild-type cells and control cultures of pseudotetraploid hybrid cells. The results presented in this communication support the view that ConA is an excellent selective agent for obtaining mammalian cells with altered growth and surface membrane properties and provides convincing evidence that the altered cellular properties exhibited by the lectin-resistant cell lines are directly related to ConA resistance.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial cells cultured in the presence of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) devide actively when seeded at low or clonal cell densities and upon reachin confluence adopt a morphologic appearance and differentiated properties similar to those of the vascular endothelium in vovi. In this review, we present some of our recent observations regarding the characteristics (both structural and functional) of these endothelial cells and the role of FGF in controlling their proliferation and normal differentation. At confluence the endothelial cells from a monolayer of closely apposed and nondividing cell that have a nonthrombogenic apical surface and can no longer internalize bound ligands such as low-density lipoprotein (LDL). The adoption of these properties is correlated and possibly causally related to changes in the cell surface such as the appearance of a 60,000 molecular weight protein (CSP-60); the disappearance of fibronectin from the apical cell surface and its concomitant accumulation in the basal lamina; and a restriction of the lateral mobility of various cell surface receptor sites. In contrast, endothelial cells that are maintained in the absence of FGF undergo within three passages alterations that are incompatible with their in vivo morphologic apperarance and physiologic beharior. They grow at confluence on top of each other and hence can no longer adopt both the structural (CSP-60, cell surface polarity) and functional (barrier function, nonthrombogenicity) attributes of differentiated endothelial cell. Since these characteristics can be reacquired in response to readdition of FGF, in addition to being a mitogen FGF may also be involved in controlling the differentitation and phenotypic expression of the vascular endothelium.  相似文献   

Selective permeability of endocardial endothelium has been suggested as a mechanism underlying the modulation of the performance of subjacent myocardium. In this study, we characterized the organization and permeability of junctional complexes in ventricular endocardial endothelium in rat heart. The length of intercellular clefts viewed en face per unit endothelial cell surface area was lower, and intercellular clefts were deeper in endocardial endothelium than in myocardial vascular endothelium, whereas tight junctions had a similar structure in both endothelia. On this basis, endocardia endothelium. might be less permeable than capillary endothelium. However, confocal scanning laser microscopy showed that intravenously injected dextran 10000 coupled to Lucifer Yellow penetrated first the endocardial endothelium and later the myocardial capillary endothelium. Penetration of dextran 10000 in myocardium occurred earlier through subepicardial capillary endothelium than through subendocardial capillary endothelium. Penetration of tracer might thus be influenced by hydrostatic pressure. Dextran of MW 40000 did not diffuse through either endocardial endothelium or capilary endothelium. The ultrastructure of endocardial endothelium may constitute an adaptation to limit diffusion driven by high hydrostatic pressure in the heart. Differences in paracellular diffusion of dextran 10000 between endocardial endothelium and myocardial vessels, may result from differing permeability properties of the endocardium and underlying myocardium.  相似文献   

Lymphatic endothelium: morphological, molecular and functional properties   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The lymphatic microvasculature is uniquely adapted for the continuous removal of interstitial fluid and proteins, and is an important point of entry for leukocytes and tumor cells. The traditional view that lymphatic capillaries are passive participants in these tasks is currently being challenged. This overview highlights recent advances in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation and function of lymphatic vessels.  相似文献   

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