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Replication of gene 46-47 amber mutants of bacteriophage T4D   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

Orias, E. (University of California, Santa Barbara), and T. K. Gartner. Suppression of amber and ochre rII mutants of bacteriophage T4 by streptomycin. J. Bacteriol. 91:2210-2215. 1966.-Streptomycin-induced suppression of amber and ochre rII mutants of phage T4 was studied in a streptomycin-sensitive strain of Escherichia coli and four nearly isogenic streptomycin-resistant derivatives of this strain, in the presence and in the absence of an ochre suppressor. Most of the 12 rII mutants tested were suppressed by streptomycin in the streptomycin-sensitive su(-) strain. This streptomycin-induced suppression in the su(-) strain was eliminated by the independent action of at least two of the four nonidentical mutations to streptomycin resistance. In two of the su(+)str-r strains, streptomycin markedly augmented the suppression caused by the ochre suppressor. In those su(-)str-r hosts in which significant streptomycin-induced suppression could be measured, the amber mutants were more suppressible than the ochre mutants.  相似文献   

We previously isolated a plasmid-borne, recombination-deficient mutant derivative of the bacteriophage T4 DNA helicase gene 41. We have now transferred this 41rrh1 mutation into the phage genome in order to characterize its mutational effects further. The mutation impairs a recombination pathway that is distinct from the pathway involving uvsX, which is essential for strand transfer, and it also eliminates most homologous recombination between a plasmid and the T4 genome. Although 41rrh1 does not affect T4 DNA replication from some origins, it does inactivate plasmid replication that is dependent on ori(uvsY) and ori(34), as well as recombination-dependent DNA replication. Combination of 41rrh1 with some uvsX alleles is lethal. Based on these results, we propose that gene 41 contributes to DNA recombination through its role in DNA replication. Received: 3 February 1999 / Accepted: 20 July 1999  相似文献   

E S Piruzian  S N Zlotina 《Genetika》1977,13(3):502-508
Localization of 275 amber mutants of five genes of phage T4B (30, 34, 35, 36 and 38) on genetic maps allowed us to determine the recombination length of these genes. Gene 34 substantially differs from the rest studied genes by numbers of amber mutants isolated in each gene and by recombination frequency. In particular, according to the results of crossing the flank markers, the recombination length of gene 34 is 10 times greater than in gene 38; using the summary value of recombination frequencies between elementary intervals a 20-fold excess of the length of gene 34 compared with the length of gene 38 was receieved. Molecular weight of the product of gene 34 is only 6 times as great as in gene 38. An elevated recombination frequency was also detected in gene 35. The data obtained indicate a local recombination anomaly at the region of genes 34--35 of bacteriophage T4 genome.  相似文献   

Previous workers reported that the T4 bacteriophage UvsX protein could promote neither RecA-LexA-mediated DNA repair nor induction of lysogenized bacteriophage, only recombination. Reexamination of these phenotypes demonstrated that, in contrast to these prior studies, when this gene was cloned into a medium but not a low-copy-number vector, it stimulated both a high frequency of spontaneous induction and mitomycin C-stimulated bacteriophage induction in a strain containing a recA13 mutation, but not a recA1 defect. The gene when cloned into a low- or medium- copy-number vector also promoted a low frequency of recombination of two duplicated genes in Escherichia coli in a strain with a complete recA gene deletion. These results suggest that a narrow concentration range of T4 UvsX protein is required to promote both high-frequency spontaneous and mitomycin C-stimulated bacteriophage induction in a recA13 gene mutant, but it facilitates recombination of duplicated genes at only a very low frequency in E. coli RecA(-) mutants with a complete recA deletion. These results also suggest that the different UvsX phenotypes are affected differentially by the concentration of UvsX protein present.  相似文献   

Suppressor and novel mutants of bacteriophage T4 tRNA(Gly)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have isolated a weak UGA suppressor of phage T4 tRNA(Gly) in which the anticodon is changed from UCC to UCA. Two secondary mutants lacking suppressor activity are atypical in accumulating tRNA(Gly). Both mutations change the T stem of the cloverleaf model. One involved a G to A change at the 5' base position of the middle base-pair; the second involves a C to U change at a constant base position next to the T loop. The precursor RNAs of the mutants were cleaved in vitro with the catalytic RNA subunit of RNase P. Relative to normal precursor RNA, the precursor mutated at the middle base-pair position of the T stem was cleaved more rapidly, whereas the precursor mutated at the base-pair position next to the T loop was cleaved more slowly.  相似文献   

The effects of primase and topoisomerase II deficiency on the double-strand break (DSB) repair and genetic recombination in bacteriophage T4 were studied in vivo using focused recombination. Site-specific DSBs were induced by SegC endonuclease in the rIIB gene of one of the parents. The frequency/distance relationship was determined in crosses of the wild-type phage, topoisomerase II mutant amN116 (gene 39), and primase mutant E219 (gene 61). Ordinary two-factor (i × j) and three-factor (i k × j) crosses between point rII mutations were also performed. These data provide information about the frequency and distance distribution of the single-exchange (splice) and double-exchange (patch) events. In two-factor crosses ets1 × i, the topoisomerase and primase mutants had similar recombinant frequencies in crosses at ets1–i distances longer than 1000 bp, comprising about 80% of the corresponding wild-type values. They, however, differ remarkably in crosses at shorter distances. In the primase mutant, the recombinant frequencies are similar to those in the wild-type crosses at distances less than 100 bp, being a bit diminished at longer distances. In two-factor crosses ets1 × i of the topoisomerase mutant, the recombinant frequencies were reduced ten-fold at the shortest distances. In three-factor crosses a6 ets1 × i, where we measure patch-related recombination, the primase mutant was quite proficient across the entire range of distances. The topoisomerase mutant crosses demonstrated virtually complete absence of rII+ recombinants at distances up to 33 bp, with the frequencies increasing steadily at longer distances. The data were interpreted as follows. The primase mutant is fully recombination-proficient. An obvious difference from the wild-type state is some shortage of EndoVII function leading to prolonged existence of HJs and thus stretched out ds-branch migration. This is also true for the topoisomerase mutant. However, the latter is deficient in the ss-branch migration step of the DSB repair pathway and partially deficient in HJ initiation. In apparent contradiction to their effects on the DSB-induced site-specific recombination, the topoisomerase and primase mutants demonstrated about 3–8-fold increase in the recombinant frequencies in the ordinary crosses, with the recombination running exclusively via patches. This implies that most of the spontaneous recombination events are not initiated by dsDNA ends in these mutants.  相似文献   

When studying the single cycle of the multiplication of gene 26 mutant amN131 of phage T4, like in temperature shift experiments, the yield of this mutant in non-permissive host depends greatly on the temperature. The burts size of phage in Escherichia coli B is found to be 3.3 phage particles at 25 degrees C, 1.6 at 30 degrees C, 0.051 at 37 degrees C and 0.0007 at 41 degrees C. In the case of permissive host (E. coli CR-63) the burst size per cell decreases from 158 to 49 phage particles at the same temperature interval. The results of the single-burst experiments indicate, that when the incubation temperature increases, the number of E. coli B cells, in which the phage particles maturate, also decreases. It results in the dependence of the transmission coefficient value on the temperature. The transmission coefficient in the conditions favourable for the maturation of the phage is found to be 0.80. It is shown by several methods that the temperature sensitivity of the multiplication of the mutant amN131 in bacterial cells is entirely due to amber mutation in genome of the phage. Therefore the amber mutants having high temperature sensitivity when maturating in non-permissive host cells exist among ordinary amber mutants of phage T4.  相似文献   

Extra-long bacteriophage T4 tails have been produced under in vitro conditions from purified tails of normal length. These tails show a range of lengths suggesting that the basic increment of increased length is the 41 Å (Moody, 1971) axial repeating unit rather than the length of a normal tail. Some extra-long tails and tubes attached to baseplates show stain penetration down the central tunnel of the tube to approximately the normal tail length. The stain-penetrated tunnel, as visualised by three-dimensional reconstruction from the electron micrographs, has a diameter between 30 and 40 Å, sufficient to allow the passage of DNA. The exclusion of stain from the tunnel in the baseplate-near segment of the tube is interpreted as being due to the presence of additional material in the tunnel. The relevance of these observations to the assembly and length-regulation of the tail is discussed.  相似文献   

V Iu Shalnene  R G Nivinskas 《Genetika》1987,23(7):1170-1178
Dependence of multiplication of 42 single and double amber mutants in 16 phage head genes on the incubation temperature was studied in the cells of non-permissive host. For amber mutants in 6 head genes the birst size decreases by several orders, with the increase of the incubation temperature. Among amber mutants of the above mentioned genes, mutants in genes 4 and 65 can be distinguished as those with considerably large burst size at low temperature. Phage head genes form the groups, according to temperature sensitivity of multiplication of amber mutants. These groups, together with corresponding groups of phage tail genes, constitute common temperature-sensitive and non-sensitive gene groups on the phage genomic map.  相似文献   

The article deals with determination of the spreading of the earlier discovered phenomenon of the temperature sensitivity of multiplication of T4 phage amber mutants. On the basis of the study of the dependence of multiplication of 50 amber mutants in 22 genes of T4 phage tail in the cells of non-permissive host on the incubation temperature in the range of 15-41 degrees C, the following conclusion is drawn: temperature sensitivity of multiplication of amber mutants appears to be gene-specific and is widely spread among T4 phage genes, i.e. in the case of amber mutants the burst size decreases, even for 14 tail genes, by several orders with the increase in incubation temperature. Temperature sensitivity of multiplication is typical of amber mutants in the genes whose proteins are either of small number in a phage particle (several molecules) or play the role of catalytic factors. Moreover, genes, amber mutants of which possess temperature sensitivity of multiplication, map in defined clusters.  相似文献   

Isolation of bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase mutator mutants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
More than 20 new bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase mutants have been isolated by a procedure designed to select mutants with high spontaneous mutation rates. Some of the mutants produce the highest mutation frequencies that have been observed in T4 thus far. The design of the selection procedure allows for the isolation of mutator mutants that preferentially induce certain types of replication errors, and some of the mutator mutants have mutational specificities different from wild-type. The new mutants are clustered at just two sites in the DNA polymerase gene, and this result confirms an earlier observation.  相似文献   

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