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The murine preosteoblastic cell line, MC3T3-E1, is widely used to study bone formation and differentiation in vitro. However, this cell line is unstable in culture. The current study was designed to establish a stable osteoblastic cell line. A mammalian expression vector carrying the SV 40 large T antigen was introduced into a primary culture of cells isolated from the calvaria of newborn mice. Among isolated cell lines, the MN16 cell line was selected for further characterization. The MN16 cell line was cultured for 28 days, and compared with the MC3T3-E1 cell line with or without induction. The expression of bone-related genes was examined using the real-time RT-PCR technique. Alizarin red and von Kossa staining were used to detect mineralization of nodules in the cultures. The cell line showed the characteristics of osteoblastic cells in term of gene expression patterns of various molecular markers and calcium deposition in the cell layer after induction. Furthermore, the MN16 cells showed strong adhesion to the basic domain of collagen, a result that is specific for bone-derived cells. The MN16 cell line was found to be stably differentiated into bone formation cells in vitro and should be useful for studying bone biology.  相似文献   

Vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) hyperplasia is known to be an important component in the pathogenesis of arteriosclerosis and restenosis. Although heparin has been well recognized as the representative molecule suppressing SMC growth in vitro, attempts to use heparin as a therapeutic anti-restenosis drug have not favorably influenced the angiographic or clinical outcome after angioplasty in some clinical trials. In this study, we have examined the effect of histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG), a relatively abundant serum glycoprotein (~100 micrograms/ml in human serum), on the growth inhibition of cultured vascular SMC by heparin. Vascular SMC growth was significantly inhibited by heparin, giving nearly 85% inhibition with 100 micrograms/ml heparin. HRG reversed heparin-induced SMC growth inhibition in a dose dependent manner; 75% restoration of cell growth was observed when 100 micrograms/ml of HRG was co-added with 100 micrograms/ml heparin. Interestingly, micromolar concentrations of the zinc ion (0-10 microM), compatible with concentrations released from activated platelets, were found to enhance the restorative action of HRG. Western blot experiment demonstrated no significant amounts of the HRG moiety in fetal bovine serum, eliminating the possible contribution of contaminant HRG from culture media. These findings indicate that HRG, in combination with the zinc ion, plays a role in modulating the SMC growth response in pathophysiological states and explain the lack of success of heparin as a therapeutic anti-restenosis drug in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Neuronal progenitor cells (NPCs) possess high potential for use in regenerative medicine. To overcome their limited mitotic competence, various immortalization strategies have been applied that allow their prolonged maintenance and expansion in vitro. Such immortalized cells can be used for the design and discovery of new cell-based therapies for neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease. We immortalized rat ventral mesencephalic NPCs by using SV40 large T antigen (SV40Tag). All cell clones displayed a two- to three–fold higher proliferation rate compared with the primary cells. In order to induce dopaminergic differentiation of generated cell clones, both glial-derived neurotrophic factor and di-butyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate were applied. Treated cells were then characterized regarding the expression of dopaminergic lineage markers, differentiation of various cell populations, calcium imaging in the presence of kainate, and immunohistochemistry after intrastriatal transplantation. Treated cells displayed morphological maturation, and calcium imaging revealed neuronal properties in the presence of kainate. These cells also expressed low mRNA levels of the dopamine transporter and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), although no TH-immunopositive neurons were found. Intrastriatal transplantation into the neurotoxin-lesioned rats did not induce further differentiation. As an alternative approach, we silenced SV40Tag with short interfering RNA, but this was not sufficient to trigger differentiation into dopaminergic neurons. Nevertheless, neuronal and glial cells were detected as shown by β-tubulin type III and glial fibrillary acidic protein staining, respectively. SV40Tag cells are suitable for carrying out controlled genetic modifications as shown by overexpression of enhanced green fluorescence protein after efficient non-viral transfection.  相似文献   



Gene expression is affected by population density. Cell density is a potent negative regulator of cell cycle time during exponential growth. Here, we asked whether SV40 large T antigen (Tag) levels, driven by two different promoters, changed in a predictable and regular manner during exponential growth in clonal astrocyte cell lines, immortalized and dependent on Tag.


Expression and cell cycle phase fractions were measured and correlated using flow cytometry. T antigen levels did not change or increased during exponential growth as a function of the G1 fraction and increasing cell density when Tag was transcribed from the Moloney Murine Leukemia virus (MoMuLV) long terminal repeat (LTR). When an Rb-binding mutant T antigen transcribed from the LTR was tested, levels decreased. When transcribed from the herpes thymidine kinase promoter, Tag levels decreased. The directions of change and the rates of change in Tag expression were unrelated to the average T antigen levels (i.e., the expression potential).


These data show that Tag expression potential in these lines varies depending on the vector and clonal variation, but that the observed level depends on cell density and cell cycle transit time. The hypothetical terms, expression at zero cell density and expression at minimum G1 phase fraction, were introduced to simplify measures of expression potential.

Simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen-transformed cells typically show a markedly reduced serum requirement for growth and the inability to growth arrest and differentiate. An SV40 large T antigen-transformed 3T3 T cell line, CSV3-1, that can growth arrest and differentiate into adipocytes with high efficiency has, however, recently been described (Scott et al: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86:1652-1656, 1989; Estervig et al: J. Virol. 63:2718-2725, 1989; J. Cell. Physiol. 142:552-558, 1990). The results of the current studies using these cells show that whereas quiescent 3T3 T cells show no mitogenic response to insulin, quiescent CSV3-1 cells show a highly significant insulin-induced mitogenic responsiveness in the absence of other added growth factors. Maximum mitogenesis was observed at an insulin concentration of 1 microgram/ml, which induced 40-70% of the cells to undergo DNA synthesis within 48 hours. The half maximum response was achieved with 1-10 ng/ml of insulin. Insulin's mitogenic effect on CSV3-1 cells was evident under several different culture conditions that induce quiescence and was not mediated by any detectable autocrine growth factors that might make CSV3-1 cells competent to respond to insulin. In CSV3-1 cells insulin appears to act on its own receptor rather than on the IGF-1 receptor, because at comparable dosages IGF-1 is 10- to 100-fold less effective than insulin. Insulin also is shown to be a mitogen for another SV40-transformed cell line, CSV3-35, which can be growth arrested; in contrast insulin has no mitogenic effect on two control cell lines that are stably transfected with pSV2neo, a plasmid containing SV40 early promoter/enhancer but lacking large T antigen gene: These results suggest a significant relationship between SV40 T antigen-associated transformation and the expression of mitogenic responsiveness to insulin.  相似文献   

Cells of an established clonal line (RVF-SMC) derived from rat vena cava are described by light and electron microscope methods and biochemical analysis of the major proteins. The cells are flat, and they moderately elongate and form monolayers. They are characterized by prominent cables of microfilaments bundles decoratable with antibodies to actin and alpha-actinin. These bundles contain numerous densely stained bodies and are often flanked by typical rows of surface caveolae and vesicles. The cells are rich in intermediate-sized filaments of the vimentin type but do not show detectable amounts of desmin and cytokeratin filaments. Isoelectric focusing and protein chemical studies have revealed actin heterogeneity. In addition to the two cytoplasmic actins, beta and gamma, common to proliferating cells, two smooth muscle-type actins (an acidic alpha-like and a gamma-like) are found. The major (alpha-type) vascular smooth muscle actin accounts for 28% of the total cellular actin. No skeletal muscle or cardiac muscle actin has been detected. The synthesis of large amounts of actin and vimentin and the presence of at least three actins, including alpha- like actin, have also been demonstrated by in vitro translation of isolated poly(A)+ mRNAs. This is, to our knowledge, the first case of expression of smooth muscle-type actin in a permanently growing cell. We conclude that permanent cell growth and proliferation is compatible with the maintained expression of several characteristic cell features of the differentiated vascular smooth muscle cell including the formation of smooth muscle-type actin.  相似文献   

Introduction of simian virus 40 T antigen into rodent fibroblasts gives rise to cells that can proliferate indefinitely but are dependent upon it for maintenance of their growth once the normal mitotic life span has elapsed. Inactivation of T antigen in these immortalized cells causes rapid and irreversible cessation of growth. To determine whether this growth arrest is associated with entry into senescence, we have undertaken a genetic and biological analysis of conditionally immortal (tsa) cell lines derived by immortalizing rat embryo fibroblasts with the thermolabile tsA58 T antigen. This analysis has identified the following parallels between the tsa cells after inactivation of T antigen and senescent rat embryo fibroblasts: (i) growth arrest is irreversible; (ii) it occurs in G1 as well as G2; (iii) the G1 block can be partially overcome by stimulation with 20% fetal calf serum, but the G2 block cannot be overcome; (iv) 20% fetal calf serum induces c-fos, but c-myc is unaltered; and (v) fibronectin and p21(Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1) are upregulated upon growth arrest. These results suggest that T-antigen-immortalized fibroblasts are committed to undergo senescence but are prevented from undergoing this process by T antigen. Inactivation of T antigen removes this block and results in senescence of the cells. Thus, these cell lines may represent a powerful system for study of the molecular basis of entry into senescence.  相似文献   

Variable expression of SV40 large T antigen in CV1 cell clones   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using immunofluorescence and immunoadsorption, CV1 cell clones MA2, V4, USA3, TR7 and P3 infected with SV40 were found to express variably SV40 large T antigen. The monoclonal antibody used was Pab 419. The results indicate that P3 cells express T antigen to a considerable level as early as 10 h post-infection, while that of TR7 and USA3 cells is minute as judged from their positive nuclei. MA2 and V4 cells did not show any positive nuclei over this period of infection. At 20 h post-infection MA2, V4 and USA3 cells developed a considerable amount of fluorescence in their nuclei while TR7 and P3 cells produced high values. By immunoadsorption of cell extracts for the same periods of infection, similar results were obtained on the electrophoretograms. We also relate these findings with those from induction of heatshock proteins by SV40 infection.  相似文献   

We have transduced adult human alveolar bone (AB) cells with a gene construct encoding a temperature-sensitive mutation of the SV40 large T antigen (tsT). Such cells divided rapidly, for more than 50 passages thus far, at a permissive low temperature (34.5 degrees C), comparable to the non-transduced parental cells at 37 degrees C. However, the tsT-transduced AB cells failed to grow at a non-permissive high temperature (39 degrees C) at which the T antigen is inactivated. Nevertheless, the cells formed mineralised nodules in vitro at both the low and high temperatures. Flow cytometry analysis showed that the transduced cells cultured at 34.5 degrees C, like the parental cells at 37 degrees C, were smaller and less granular than the transduced cells incubated at 39 degrees C. Moreover, the transduced cells grown at 34.5 degrees C were also found to express bone sialoprotein, osteopontin and type I collagen at levels similar to those of the parental cells at 37 degrees C, although osteonectin and fibronectin were down-regulated. When the transduced cells were incubated at 39 degrees C, the expression of all antigens was up-regulated, particularly osteonectin. Thus, we have obtained long-term cultures of tsT-transduced AB cells whose growth is temperature-dependent and which express certain features characteristic of bone-derived cells.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes have a finite and predictable proliferative life span in culture similar to that observed in fibroblasts. In general, the senescence of human fibroblasts is inevitable and irreversible, but their proliferative life span can be extended by certain DNA tumor virus oncogenes, such as the large T antigen of the SV40 virus. Here, we show that human T lymphocytes (HTL) can be stably transfected with SV40 large T and that expression of T antigen extended the life span of T cell cultures. PHA-stimulated HTL were transfected with pSV3neo, an expression vector containing the SV40 early region and the neomycin resistance gene. Transfectants were selected for neomycin (G418) resistance. Control HTL, either mock transfected or transfected with pSV2neo (containing the neomycin resistance gene only), ceased proliferation after about 17 population doublings. In contrast, HTL transfected with pSV3neo underwent more than 170 doublings. pSV3neo-transfected cells expressed SV40 large T RNA, detectable by in situ hybridization, and SV40 T antigen, detectable by immunofluorescence. Greater than 95% of the transfected cells were CD4 positive. These results clearly show that SV40 large T enables HTL to escape senescence. Transfection with SV40 large T may be a valuable method for obtaining long term human T cell lines for studies of both aging and immunology.  相似文献   

Binding and internalization of heparin by vascular smooth muscle cells   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Previous work from our laboratory has demonstrated that heparin specifically inhibits the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells in vivo and in vitro. In this paper, we examine the binding and mode of internalization of heparin by smooth muscle cells. For these studies, radiolabeled and fluoresceinated (FITC) heparin probes were synthesized that retained their antiproliferative capacity. Binding of 3H-heparin to these cells occurs via specific, high-affinity binding sites (Kd = 10(-9) M, 100,000 binding sites per cell). Approximately 80% of the heparin bound to the cell surface was shed into the culture medium within 2 hr. The heparin that was left on the cell surface was internalized with biphasic kinetics. Approximately 50% of the bound material was internalized within 2 hr. After this initial rapid uptake, the rate slowed substantially, with the remaining heparin requiring 1-2 days to be internalized. Binding and uptake of FITC heparin was monitored using video image intensification fluorescence microscopy. When smooth muscle cells were exposed to FITC heparin at 4 degrees C, a diffuse surface staining pattern was observed. After warming the cells to 37 degrees C, intensely fluorescent vesicles were seen superimposed over the diffuse surface staining within 2 min. After 15 min at 37 degrees C, numerous large punctate vesicles were seen inside the cell. After 2 hr these vesicles had concentrated in the perinuclear region. This pattern of uptake, when considered along with the presence of specific, high-affinity binding sites and the initial rapid uptake of 3H-heparin, suggests that heparin enters smooth muscle cells by both receptor-mediated and other endocytic pathways.  相似文献   

We report the immortalization, using the SV40 large T antigen, of all the cell types contributing to a developing seminiferous tubule in the mouse testis. Sixteen peritubular, 22 Leydig, 8 Sertoli, and 1 germ cell line have been established and cultured successfully for 90 generations in a period of 2.5 years. Immortalized peritubular cells were identified by their spindle-like appearance, their high expression of alkaline phosphatase, and their expression of the intermediary filament desmin. They also produce high amounts of collagen. Immortalized Leydig cells are easily identifiable by the accumulation of lipid droplets in their cytoplasm and the production of the enzyme 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Some Leydig cell lines also express LH receptors. The immortalized Sertoli cells are able to adopt their typical in vivo columnar appearance when cultured at high density. They exhibit a typical indented nucleus and cytoplasmic phagosomes. Some Sertoli cell lines also express FSH receptors. A germ cell line (GC-1spg) was established that corresponds to a stage between spermatogonia type B and primary spermatocyte, based on its characteristics in phase contrast and electron microscopy. This cell line expresses the testicular cytochrome ct and lactate dehydrogenase-C4 isozyme. These four immortalized cell types, when plated together, are able to reaggregate and form structures resembling two-dimensional spermatogenic tubules in vitro. When only the immortalized somatic cells are cocultured, the peritubular and Sertoli cells form cord-like structures in the presence of Leydig cells. Fresh pachytene spermatocytes cocultured with the immortalized somatic cells integrate within the cords and are able to survive for at least 7 days. The ability to perform coculture experiments with immortalized testicular cell lines represents an important advancement in our ability to study the nature of cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions during spermatogenesis and testis morphogenesis.  相似文献   

A specific DNA unwinding activity associated with SV40 large T antigen   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The incubation of highly purified large T antigen with relaxed, circular SV40 DNA in the presence of topoisomerase I (nicking closing enzyme) resulted in the introduction of negative superhelical turns in the DNA. ATP was not required for this reaction. A similar introduction of superhelical turns could also be obtained when a recombinant plasmid DNA (Y182), which contains sequences from both SV40 DNA and pBR322, was used. However, no effect was observed when relaxed pBR322 DNA, which does not contain SV40 DNA sequences, was incubated with T antigen in the presence of topoisomerase. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that large T antigen can recognize and unwind specific sequences on SV40 DNA.  相似文献   

Summary The plasmid pMK16 containing-SV40 replicated origin defective gene was efficiently introduced into early-passage human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) using positively charged liposomes. The resulting cell line acquired an almost infinite lifespan, was morphologically unchanged, expressed SV40-antigen, and coexpressed von Willebrand factor (vWF), tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), angiotensin conversion enzyme (ACE), and endothelin converting enzyme (ECE). In addition, these are the first immortalized human endothelial cells, to our knowledge, that biosynthesized and secreted interleukins (IL-1β and IL-6) in both a constitutive and regulated fashion and endothelin-1 (ET-1), the most potent vasoactive peptide, which has been suggested to be implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension. Interestingly enough, both of the immortalized cells and the early-passage HUVEC from which the immortalized cells were obtained biosynthesized and secreted the same levels of ET-1 suggesting full maintenance of its biosynthetic pathway including the presence of active ECE, which cleaves big endothelin-1 (big-ET-1) to ET-1 and regulation factors. Moreover, the immortalized cells retained the ability to express the functional specific amino acid Na+-independent system Y+ transporter, which mediates L-arginine transport into endothelial cells from which endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF, nitric oxide) is formed via the action of nitric oxide-synthase. Obtaining these immortalized human endothelial cells without alteration of the differentiated characteristics constitutes a useful model: (a) to study ET-1 secretion, gene regulation, and human ECE, which may be an important therapeutic target in disease conditions in which ET-1 is to be implicated; (b) to study L-arginine transport, which is a key step in the formation of EDRF; (c) to study IL-1β and IL-6 secretions, and gene regulations; (d) to substitute large quantities of HUVEC; and, finally, (e) to reproduce, starting with different primary endothelial cells both from human and animal origin.  相似文献   

Mutations at multiple sites within the simian virus 40 (SV40) early region yield large T antigens which interfere trans dominantly with the replicative activities of wild-type T antigen. A series of experiments were conducted to study possible mechanisms of interference with SV40 DNA replication caused by these mutant T antigens. First, the levels of wild-type T antigen expression in cells cotransfected with wild-type and mutant SV40 DNAs were examined; approximately equal levels of wild-type T antigen were seen, regardless of whether the cotransfected mutant was trans dominant or not. Second, double mutants that contained the mutation of inA2827, a strong trans-dominant mutation with a 12-bp linker inserted at the position encoding amino acid 520, and various mutations in other parts of the large-T-antigen coding region were constructed. The trans-dominant interference of inA2827 was not affected by second mutations within the p105Rb binding site or the amino or carboxy terminus of large T antigen. Mutation of the nuclear localization signal partially reduced the trans dominance of inA2827. The large T antigen of mutant inA2815 contains an insertion of 4 amino acids at position 168 of large T; this T antigen fails to bind SV40 DNA but is not trans dominant for DNA replication. The double mutant containing the mutations of both inA2815 and in A2827 was not trans dominant. The large T antigen of dlA2433 lacks amino acids 587 to 589, was unstable, and failed to bind p53. Combining the dlA2433 mutation with the inA2827 mutation also reversed the trans dominance completely, but the effect of the dlA2433 mutation on trans dominance can be explained by the instability of this double mutant protein. In addition, we examined several mutants with conservative point mutations in the DNA binding domain and found that most of them were not trans dominant. The implications of the results of these experiments on possible mechanisms of trans dominance are discussed.  相似文献   

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