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T R Chay  C L Stevens 《Biopolymers》1973,12(11):2563-2588
Solutions are presented for N + 1 sequential and reversible first-order reactions for which the magnitude of the reverse rate constant, kb, for all steps except the last is identical. Also the magnitude of the forward rate constant, kf, for all steps except the first and last is identical. The initial and final steps are nucleation reactions; therefore, the initial and final kf are modified by the factors σ′ and γ respectively. The final kb is modified by the factor γ σ. The ratio kb/kf is defined as s, which has the same meaning as s in the Zimm-Bragg theory. The mathematical model is intended to apply to polymeric molecules of N segments and allows the calculation of the mole fraction of molecules in state i at any time t, Ci(t). A molecule in state i has i unreacted segments and Ni reacted ones. Because the reactions are sequential, all reacted segments are contiguous. Our numerical results show that when σ′ is much less than unity and the forward reaction is favored, the relaxation curve is sigmoidal. If, however, the forward and reverse reactions are equally favored (i.e., s ? 1) the relaxation curve is a straight line. When s and σ′ are near unity, the curve is exponential for a considerably large fraction of the reaction. Further, in the exponential for a considerably large fraction of the reaction. Further, in the exponential phase of the reaction, the relaxation time is proportional to N2 for highly cooperative systems (i.e., Nσ ? 1). As found by Pipkin and Gibbs, if N is sufficiently large and s is less than unity (e.g., N ? 50 and s ?0.9) the relaxation curve is largely linear with a slope inversely proportional to N. Applications are given for the unwinding of double-helical poly(A·U) and the order–order transition in poly-L -proline.  相似文献   

The first UV-absorption band hypochromicity of poly(dA)-poly(dT), poly(dG)-poly(dC), poly(dA), poly(dT), poly(dG), poly(dC), is calculated with the help of the perturbation theory. The wave functions of the bases are computed by Pariser--Parr--Pople's method taking into account all the singly excited configurations. The results obtained show a good correlation between the theoretical and experimental values of hypochromicity. A considerable influence of the vaccum electron transitions on the hypochromicity of polynucleotides is revealed. The origin of the hypochromic effect in the double-stranded polynucleotides is investigated. It is shown that intrastrand interactions between the bases make the main contribution to hypochromicity (60-76%), while the contribution of the Watson-Crick pairs is small (2-12%). The essential part of hypochromicity (22-28%) is due to the interstrand interactions between the bases which are not coupled by hydrogen bonds. The discussion of the experimental data shows that the present theoretical investigation could serve as a basis for correct treatment of experimental results.  相似文献   

V I Danilov  S N Volkov 《Biopolymers》1975,14(6):1205-1212
The first uv absorption band hypochromism of poly(dA) · poly(dT), poly(dG) · poly(dC), poly(dA), poly(dT), poly(dG), and poly(dC) is calculated with the help of perturbation theory on the basis of monomer characteristics computed by the Pariser-Parr-Pople method taking into account all singly excited configurations. The theoretical results obtained are in good agreement with experimental values of hypochromism. The origin of the hypochromic effect in the double-stranded polynucleotides is investigated. It is shown that intrastrand interactions between the bases make the main contribution to hypochromism (60–76%), while the contribution of the Watson–Crick-pair formation is small (2–12%). The essential part of hypochromism (22–28%) is due to the interstrand interactions between the bases that are not coupled by hydrogen bonds. The discussion of the experimental data shows that the present theoretical investigation could serve as a basis for the correct treatment of experimental data.  相似文献   

The interpretation of the resonance Raman spectra of hemoproteins is given based on the normal coordinate analysis of model compounds (Cu octamethylporphin and Cu octaethylporphin). The correlation between the form of normal vibrations and the sensitivity of vibrational frequencies to the valence and spin state of the Fe atom is discussed.  相似文献   

E W Small  W L Peticolas 《Biopolymers》1971,10(8):1377-1418
Raman spectra are presented on ordered and presumably helical structures of DNA and RNA as well as the poly A·poly U helical complex, polydAT, and the helical aggregates of 5′-GMP and 3′-GMP. The changes in the frequency and the intensity of the Raman bands as these structures undergo order-disorder transitions have been measured. In general the changes we have found can be placed into three categories: (1) A reduction in the intensities of certain ring vibrations of the polynucleotide bases is observed when stacking or ordering occurs (Raman hypochromism). Since the ring vibrational frequencies are different for each type of base, we have been able to obtain some estimate of average amount of order of each type of base in partially ordered helical systems. (2) A very large increase in the intensity of a sharp, strongly polarized band at about 815 cm?1 is observed when polyriboA and polyriboU are formed into a helical complex. Although this band is not present in the separated chains at high temperature, a broad diffuse band at about 800 cm?1 is present. The 815 cm?1 band undoubtedly arises from the vibrations of the phosphate-sugar portions of the molecule and provides a sensitive handle to the back-bone conformation of the polymer. This band also appears upon ordering of RNA, formation of the helical aggregate of 5′-riboGMP, and to some extent in the selfstacking of the polyribonucleotides polyA, polyU in the presence of Mg++, PolyC, and polyG. No such intense, polarized band is found, however, in ordered DNA, polydAT, or the 3′-riboGMP aggregate, although there is a conformationally independent band at about 795 cm?1 in DNA and polydAT. (3) Numerous frequency changes occur during Conformational changes. In particular the 1600–1700 cm?1 region in D2O shows significant conformationally dependent changes in the C?O stretching region analogous to the changes in this region which have been observed in these substances in the infrared. Thus, Raman scattering appears to provide a technique for simultaneously observing the effects of base stacking, backbone conformation and carbonyl hydrogen bonding in nucleic acids in moderately dilute (10–25 mg/ml) aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

The formulae of mean-square deviations of fractions of denatured base pairs in dependence of temperature have been used for selection of optimal set of wave-lengths suited for the study of thermal denaturation dispersion of DNA and DNA complexes. A method is described, which enables the study of the first stage of thermal denaturation of complexes of DNA with basic polypeptides in terms of A · T and G · C base pairs.  相似文献   

Raman spectra were measured for poly(L -histidine) in H2O, poly(L -histidine-d2 and -d3) in D2O, L -histidine in H2O, L -histidine-d3 (and d4) in D2O, and 4-methylimidazole in H2O with various pH (or pD) values. The Raman scattering peaks observed for these samples were ascribed to the neutral and positively charged imidazole groups on the basis of the spectral changes due to the pH variation and to the deuterium substitution of the imino protons. The vibrational modes of these peaks were deduced from the normal coordinate analysis made on the positively charged and neutral 4-ethylimidazoles. The Raman scattering peaks from the imidazole groups in the neutral form clearly indicate that these imidazole groups exist in the equilibrium between the two tautomeric forms, the 1-N protonated from (tautomer I) and the 3-N protonated one (tautomer II). For example, the breathing vibration of the 1-N protonated form is observed at 1282 cm?1 for L -histidine and at 1304 cm?1 for 4-methylimidazole, while the breathing vibration of the 3-N protonated form is observed at 1260 cm?1 for L -histidine and 4-methylimidazole. From the temperature dependence of the relative intensities of the tautomer I peak to that of the tautomer II, it was concluded that the tautomer I is energetically more stable than the tautomer II, and the ΔH value is 1.0 ± 0.3 kcal/mol for L -histidine and 0.4 ± 0.1 kcal/mol for 4-methylimidazole. Poly(L -histidine) with the neutral imidazole side chains shows the amide I peak at 1672 cm?1, indicating that the sample assumes the antiparallel pleated-sheet structure. Poly(L -Ala75L -His25) and poly(L -Ala50L -His50) were found to take the α-helical and β-form conformations, respectively.  相似文献   

A Teramoto  T Norisuye 《Biopolymers》1972,11(8):1693-1700
For helix-coil transitions of polypeptide in binary mixtures consisting of helix-forming solvent and coil solvent, the transition enthalpy ΔH(T,x) has been found to depend significantly on temperature (T) and solvent composition (x). For such systems, calorimetric measurements may yield some averages of ΔH(T,x) which are no longer amenable to direct comparison with ΔH itself. Theoretical equations relating calorimetric data to ΔH(T,x) are derived and tested favorably with experimental data. It is demonstrated that the transition enthaply from heat capacity measurements is approximately equal to ΔHcfm, while those from heat of dilution and heat of solution measurements are equal to ΔHc. Here ΔHc denotes the value of ΔH at the transition point and fm represents the maximum helical content attained in a thermally induced transition. The discrepancies among calorimetric data are also discussed.  相似文献   

The Raman spectra of Bence-Jones proteins (BJP) were measured for their native and denatured states. All of the native BJPs investigated gave amide I at 1670–1675 cm?1 and amide III at 1242–1246 cm?1. Although the amide I was shifted to 1667 cm?1 upon the LiBr, acid, and thermal denaturation, as expected, the amide III frequency was unaltered, indicating that the antiparallel β- and disordered structures of BJP provide amide III at almost the same frequencies. The intensity of the 880-cm?1 line of native BJP was relatively intense compared with that of amino acid mixed solution in which the mole ratios of Trp, Phe, and Tyr were adjusted to reproduce the corresponding ratios of BJP. However, the intensity was evidently reduced upon LiBr, acid, and thermal denaturation, approaching that of the amino acid mixture. Thus, the intensity of the 880-cm?1 line is proposed as a practical probe for the environment of Trp residues. The pH dependence of the intensity of the 880-cm?1 line suggests that one of two buried Trp residues is exposed between pH 4 and 3.2 and the other between pH 3.2 and 1.4. The variable fragment (VL) of BJP (Tod) exhibited a S? S stretching Raman line at 525 cm?1. Provided that the crystallographic data of the VL of BJP is applicable to VL of BJP (Tod), the 525 cm?1 of the S? S stretching frequency should be assigned to a TGG conformation of linkage, but not to the AGT or AGG conformation. This supports Sugeta's model rather than Scheraga's model.  相似文献   

Laser Raman spectra of the trinucleoside diphoshate ApApA and dinucleoside phosphates ApU, UpA, GpC, CpG, and GpU are reported and discussed. Assignments of conformationally sensitive frequencies are-facilitated by comparison with spectra reported here of poly(rA), poly(rC), and poly(rU) in deuterium oxide solutions. The significant spectral differences between ApU and UpA, and between GpC and CpG, reveal that the sequence isomers have nonidentical conformations in aqueous solution. In UpA at low temperature the bases are stacked and the backbone conformation is similar to that found in ordered polynucleotide structures and RNA. In ApU no base stacking can be detected and the backbone conformation differs from that found in UpA, both in the orientation of phosphodiester linkages and in the internal conformation of ribose. At the conditions employed neither ApU nor UpA exhibits base pairing in aqueous solutions. In both GpC and CpG the bases are stacked and the phosphodiester conformations are similar to those encountered for UpA and RNA. However, major differences between spectra of GpC and CpG indicate that the geometries of stacking and ribosyl conformations are different. In GpC the Raman data favor the formation of hydrogen bonded dimers containing GC pairs. Protonation of C in GpC is sufficient to eliminate the ordered conformation detected by Raman spectroscopy. Despite the ordered backbone conformation evident in GpU, this dinucleoside apparently contains neither stacked nor hydrogen bonded bases at the conditions employed here. The Raman data also confirm the stacking interactions in ApApA, poly(rA), and poly(rC) but suggest that the backbone conformation in poly(rC) differs qualitatively from that found in most ordered polynucleotide structures and is thermally more stable. The present results demonstrate the sensitivity of the Raman technique to sequence-related structural differences in oligonucleotides and provide additional spectra–structure correlations for future conformational studies of RNA by laser Raman spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The intensity of Raman scattering from the various Raman active vibrations of poly-(riboadenylic acid), poly(ribocytidylic acid), poly(ribouridylic acid), and poly(riboinosinic acid) in moderately dilute solutions were examined as the temperature was changed to alter their conformation. It was found that certain highly intense, highly polarized Raman bands from the totally symmetric, i.e., in-plane, ring vibrations of the nucleic acid bases become less intense as the chains become more ordered in solution. Since these vibrations occur at frequencies which are markedly different for each type of base, Raman spectroscopy appears to provide a new method for the characterizing of the average conformation of each of the bases in solution. A theory for the resonant Raman effect is given in which it is shown that, a decrease in resonant Raman intensity is to be expected if one obtains a decrease in the intensity of the corresponding ultraviolet absorption band with which the incident light is resonant. If it is assumed that certain Raman bands derive their intensity predominantly from the first few ultraviolet absorption intensities, then a qualitative explanation of our observed conformational dependence of the ordinary Raman intensities can be obtained.  相似文献   

Basic thermal polyamino acids or proteinoids have been reported to be catalytic for both self-instructing polymerization of amino acids and internucleotide synthesis. We show theoretically that a complex suspension of thermal proteinoids, free amino acids, nucleotides and ATP as an energy source can exhibit an evolutionary character. The suspension can produce a prototype of Eigen's hypercycle, or protohypercycle, for which translation proceeds from amino acid to nucleotide. The protohypercycle is suggested to be an evolutionary precursor of the hypercycle, in which translation is from nucleotide to amino acid. The possibility that the Fox-Nakashima microsphere containing both lysine-rich and acidic proteinoids may work as a model of a protohypercycle is considered.  相似文献   

A statistical mechanical theory of the helix-coil transition in sequential polypeptides is developed assuming that the statistical weights of the Zimm-Bragg parameters of a given residue depend on the type of adjacent residues. In the case of a sequential polypeptide consisting of two kinds of residues, the theory describes the helix- coil transition of the polypeptide in terms of the Zimm-Bragg parameters associated with the corresponding residues. The theory is then used to determine this parameter, as a function of temperature, from experimental data for transition temperature as a function of solvent composition, for a series of sequential polypeptides consisting of Glu(OBzl) and Lys(Chz) residues in mixtures of dichloroacetic acid and 1,2-dichlorethane. This parameter is then combined with the Zimm-Bragg parameters for the parent homopolypeptides, and the theory used to predict helix coil transition curves which are in good agreement with the experimental ones for the sequential polypeptides studied.  相似文献   

T Ria?m  E Raukas 《Biofizika》1987,32(6):1006-1010
Interaction specificity of the anthracycline antibiotics violamycin BI and violamycin BII in respect to A.T and G.C pairs was investigated. For comparison denaturation of complexes with A.T and G.C specific ligands distamycin A and actinomycin D are presented. Making use of the least squares hyperchromic spectra measured in the course of thermal denaturation were partitioned into the components corresponding to the melting of A.T and G.C base pairs and dissociation of ligand. The mutual dependence of AT and GC denaturation allows one to draw conclusions about specificity of interaction. In case of both violamycins only slight preference of interaction with AT-rich regions was detected. The dissociation of violamycin BII in the latest stage of thermal denaturation was found to be cooperative.  相似文献   

New techniques in laser Raman spectroscopy are used to obtain spectra of aqueous solutions of lysozylme for frequency shifts as small as 5 cm?1. In addition, Raman measurements are made on two crystalline forms of hen egg white lysozyme. The spectra obtained from the solution and from the crystal are found to be similar for frequencies above 100 cm?1. However, a low-frequency band at 25 cm?1 observed in crystalline lysozyme is not found in the solution, indicating that this band cannot be attributed to an internal molecular vibration.  相似文献   

Bands associated with delocalized vibrational modes were identified in the isotropic Raman spectra of a series of polyglycine oligomers in aqueous solution as zwitterions and as cations. The dependence of these bands on conformational disorder and chain length was determined. The observed dependence is closely mimicked in spectra calculated for a series of corresponding model polypeptides. The simulated spectra were calculated in a skeletal approximation for ensembles of conformationally disordered chains. As the chain length of the conformationally disordered polypeptides increases, the observed isotropic spectra rapidly approach the spectrum of the infinitely long disordered chain. Convergence is nearly complete at the tripeptide for both the zwitterion and the cation. The stimulated spectra behave in essentially the same way. Convergence to the spectrum of the infinitely long chain is much more rapid for the conformationally disordered polyglycines than for the ordered polyglycines because of the mode localization that results from disorder. In the low-frequency region the bands in the calculated spectra have frequencies that are systematically dependent on chain length. These bands are related to the longitudinal acoustic modes of the ordered chain.  相似文献   

The doublet at 850 and 830 cm-1 in the Raman spectra of proteins containing tyrosyl residues has been examined as to its origin and the relation of its components to the environment of the phenyl ring, the state of the phenolic hydroxyl group, and the conformation of the amino acid backbone. Raman spectral studies on numerous model molecules related to tyrosine, including certain deuterium derivatives, show that the doublet is due to Fermi resonance between the ring-breathing vibration and the overtone of an out-of-plane ring-bending vibration of the para-substituted benzenes. Further examination of the effects of pH and solvents on the Fermi doublet and of the crystallographic data demonstrates that the intensity ratio of the two components depends on changes in the relative frequencies of the two vibrations. These in turn are found to be sensitive to the nature of the hydrogen bonding of the phenolic hydroxyl group of its ionization, but much less so to the environment of the phenyl ring and the conformation of the amino acid backbone. By use of the relative intensities of the doublet in model systems where the phenolic hydroxyl group is strongly hydrogen-bonded, weakly hydrogen-bonded, free or ionized, the reported Raman intensities of the doublets observed in the Raman spectra of several proteins have been interpreted. The results are compared with those obtained by other techniques.  相似文献   

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