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Riassunto Sono stati effettuati tre anni (1984–86) di osservazioni epidemiologiche ed aerobiologiche per ricercare la relazione esistente tra concentrazione pollinica giornaliera delle Oleacee nell' atmosfera della città di Palermo e numero di casi di pollinosi dovute a tale polline. I dati aerobiologici sono stati ottenuti con un campionatore volumetrico VPPS 2000. Questi, elaborati con il metodo della media mobile su 7 giorni e correlati con i dati epidemiologici, hanno evidenziato che, nel nostro territorio, le famiglie di pollini che rivestono importanza clinica sono tre: Urticacee, prevalentemente Parietaria, Graminacee ed Oleacee, prevalentemente Olea europaéa. Le Oleacee occupano il terzo posto nel determinismo delle pollinosi (21,76% di tutte le pollinosi), mentre dal punto di vista aerobiologico sono al secondo posto. La mancanza di proporzionalità diretta è da mettere in relazione, verosimilmente, con il breve periodo sintomatologico e con un basso potere allergizzante di tale aeroallergene. E' stato registrato, negli ultimi dieci anni, anche in Sicilia, un aumento della frequenza di sensibilizzazione verso il polline delle Oleacee.   相似文献   


Air-borne pollen census in Messina in the years 1985–1986 - Pollen of 20 herbs and weeds, and that of 14 trees or shrubs, were identified in the air of Messina (Southern Italy), in the years 1985–1986. The relative frequencies were correlated with climatic factors affecting the pollen diffusion in the studied area.  相似文献   


The ?. takes in consideration the chemical composition of Stachys recta var. serpentini ashes, taken from the serpentine substratum of Monte Ferrato near Florence to compare it to Stachys recta typica, taken from Monte Rinaldi near Florence; besides the structure and composition of their substrata. He points out the greater quantity of Mg and Ni in Stachys recta var. serpentini and its substratum than in Stachys recta typica and its substratum. Lastly he notices that clorures and sulphates are in a superior quantity in the serpentine soil than in normal soil, while in some other cases the contrary has been related (see Novak). So that the A. believes that the Mg and Ni quantity, caracteristic differentieting the two plants and their substrata, has a determined importance for the porpuse of the serpentine morphosis.  相似文献   


The geomagnetic field effect hypothesis and the variability among replications in germination and growth tests in Triticum. – During previous eperiments on germination and growth of Triticum, we have often found many cases of heteroscedasticity and of statistically significant differences among contemporary replications (i.e. germinators). In such experiments all the caryopses were oriented in the same way inside the germinators, whilst the germinators were randomly set inside the thermostats: therefore the seeds of different germinators might result differently oriented. Some researchers report that seeds differently oriented according to the lines of force of the geomagnetic field, may respond with different germination, growth rates and growth directions of shoots and roots (magnetotropism). The present investigation was designed to ascertain if these effects might be responsible of the variability among the contemporary replications. The different caryopses orientation within laboratory geomagnetic field, does not give evidence of any effect on germination, growth rate and direction. The caryopses show no germination sensibility neither related to different age, light and temperature conditions, neither to different cultivars, neither to varying orientation from the geomagnetic North every 15° and to varying time of ? preorientation ? in dry conditions. Differences between the variability of randomly and North oriented subsamples are not observed. No statistically significant differences are observed among shoots and roots lenghts of seedlings from differently oriented caryopses neither in different environmental conditions, nor as function of the orientation (24 angles of 15°), nor after different preorientations, nor after repeating the test on 608 subsamples (12.000 seedlings). Therefore the variability among contemporary replications is not imputable to the geomagnetic field. The variability and the distributions structure analysis suggest that both the heteroscedasticity and the significant differences among the replications may be due to an interaction among the caryopses inside the germinators through the substrate. This is probably related to the cultivar characteristics. We emphasize that an accurate evaluation of the variability is particularly necessary in germination and growth tests.  相似文献   


Observations on deep seaweeds (15–50 m) at Punta San Pancrazio, Island of Ischia (Bay of Naples). — Algological research in little known and still well preserved zones of the Bay of Naples have been done to improve our knowledge of underwater flora of the Bay itself and of the southern part of the Tyrrhenian sea. SCUBA diving technique allowed us to detect, namely in the deepest investigated areas, a number of species previously unknown for the Bay of Naples. This research deals only with species found during the summertime, living at depths greater than 15 m.  相似文献   


Researches into the fossil pollens in some localities of Calabria (Sila Piccola and Serre), with observations about the present vegetation. — This study concerns two groups of localities both in the province of Catanzaro (Calabria): the former in Sila Piccola and the latter in Serre. The authors refer the principal local characteristics of the two regions: geological nature, short pedological notes and climate. Some tables are shown (tab. 1, 2 and 3) with thermic and pluviometric data of some localities nearest to the studied areas. BAGNOULS and GAUSSEN'S xerothermic diagram (fig. 2) is made for these localities. Great evidence is given to the fresh and oceanic character of the climate of the tablelands of the Serre, in relation to the more continental one of the Sila Piccola with its rigorous winters and dry, hot summers. This seems to justify the difference of distribution of the arboreous vegetation existing between the two regions. In fact, in the Sila Piccola, the vegetation belt between 1000 and 1500 mts., is occupied by woods almost entirely of Pinus laricio, while in the Serre, the same vegetation belt is occupied by Abies alba and Fagus silvatica. These two latter species can be found in Sila Piccola above 1500 mts. The authors shortly describe the pollen analysis of several peat bogs, and the criteria used for the floristic surveys and stational tests. In the Sila Piccola five areas are examined (fig. 3), three in the Serre (fig. 7). From the borings made in the Sila it is possible to obtain the pollen diagram for three localities (Spinarva, Tirivolo, Macchia dell'Orso, figg. 4, 5 and 6). On the contrary, in no areas of the Serre any fossil pollen has been found. In fig. 8 the forest cycles of the Sila Piccola are synchronized with those of other localities in the North and Central Apennines. The examination of the pollen diagrams allows some considerations: the pine-woods of the Sila (presumably Pinus laricio) have rather ancient origin in the post-glacial period. In the past they had a larger diffusion also in areas where now grow woods of Fagus silvatica with Abies alba (Spinarva and Macchia dell'Orso) and in some periods with a climate different from the present one. The pollen diagram of Spinarva shows that the antagonism we found in the Sila, as in the whole of the Apennines, between Abies alba and Fagus silvatica, is characterized by three distinct phases. The discovery of the pollen of Picea (figs. 4 and 6), is very interesting because it proves the presence of the red spruce in the calabrian mountains during the post-glacial period. The authors describe the localities where the borings were made together with the tests of the structure of the arboreous vegetation surrounding such localities, and the floristic surveys. As to the woods of Pinus laricio, we notice the lack of a characteristic florula. In fact, this is very heterogeneous. Nevertheless the prevailing species have a helio-xerophilous character, according well with the character of Pinus laricio itself. The beech-woods of the Sila Piccola generally have a high density and as regard the cultivation are of contemporary type. In their interior we notice few mesophilous species with rare species with more helio-xerophilous character. The presence of many young plants of Abies alba is very important. These vegetate with difficulty in the interior of the dense beech-wood. Where the arboreous canopy diminuishes, and in the glades, the silver fir develops and grows vigorously (fig. 13). Thus we observe, in the Sila Piccola, a dynamic competition, still existing, between Abies and Fagus, just as in the past. The authors suggest to favour the expansion of silver fir in the beech-wood, on the occasion of cultural interventions in the forest, in order to reach a suitable balanced mixture between these two species. It is interesting to note the presence of Ranunculus brutius and Phyteuma trichocalycinum (figs. 9 and 10) in the beech-woods of the Sila Piccola. The analysis of the vegetation and that of the climatic elements and the relevés made in the fir-wood of Serra San Bruno, show that the higher parts of the Serre are particulary suitable for a mesophilous vegetation, dominated by Fagus silvatica and Abies alba. As regards Pinus laricio, we may say that, in the region of the Serre, it does not find very favourable conditions for developing. The authors, finally, suggest some cultural directions to be followed in the reafforestations in the region of the Serre.  相似文献   


Bryophytes are excellent indicator organisms for monitoring environmental changes to which they could be more sensitive than vascular plants but our knowledge on their adaptation to alpine conditions is still very poor. Research programmes were set up to establish the ecological parameters for bryophyte distribution along the altitudinal gradient as well as for a better understanding of the population biology of alpine bryophytes.  相似文献   

Long-term (1951–1985) data on the breeding waterbird populations and habitat modifications at Cape Flats sewage treatment works (Strandfontein) and Rondevlei Bird Sanctuary (Rondevlei) were assessed to establish the main factors affecting the breeding species richness and nest abundance. Fifty-two 'water-associated' breeding species were recorded in the Zeekoe River catchment waterbodies, 46 (88.5%) at Strandfontein, 38 (73.1%) at Rondevlei Bird Sanctuary (Rondevlei), 33 (63.5%) at Zeekoevlei and ten (19.2%) at Princess Vlei. Thirteen (25.5%) of the species were unique to Strandfontein and five (9.8%) to Rondevlei. Sorenson's similarity indices indicated high similarity (Cs = 0.81) in species richness and low similarity in nest abundance pattern (CN = 0.10) for the paired sites Strandfontein-Rondevlei. The lowest breeding species richness (11 species) was in winter (June) and the peak (42 species) was in spring (October). Twenty-four species joined the breeding population of Strandfontein during 1959–1976 (during which time pond water surface area increased 2372%). The mean breeding species richness increased significantly (χ 2 2 = 14.42, P <0.001) at Strandfontein during three distinctive periods: 1951–1958 (pre-construction), 1959–1976 (construction) and 1977–1985 (stabilization). At Rondevlei there were no significant differences in breeding species richness during the same periods. However, there were significant differences in the nest abundance pattern between these grouped years, both at Strandfontein (χ 2 2 = 1472.2, P <0.001) and at Rondevlei (χ 2 2 = 60.28, P <0.001). It is suggested that the same pool of species use the heterogeneous habitats at all the sites in the catchment according to their availability. The remarkable increase in species richness and nest abundance at Strandfontein after the late 1970s is attributed to higher habitat structural complexity, broad habitat types, stabilization and maturation of pond water and the subsequent increase in food diversity and availability. The decrease in Rondevlei nesting populations after the 1960s is probably related to fluctuations in water levels, cover of mudbanks with vegetation and high density of alien fish. A multipurpose management concept for conservation is proposed for the Zeekoe River catchment area. Strandfontein provides the greatest diversity of aquatic habitats not available elsewhere in the catchment (habitats for rare breeders such as Avocet, Black-winged Stilt, Red-billed Teal and some plovers) Rondevlei has a complementary habitat spectrum (suitable for Great Crested Grebe, Podiceps cristatus, Little Bittern, Ixobrychus minutus, and reedbed species). Zeekoevlei provides a large area of reedbed habitat for colonial breeding species (African Spoonbill and herons) and Princess Vlei is suggested for attracting Laridae.  相似文献   

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