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The Hutterite Brethren comprise a religious isolate and live on communal agricultural farms (colonies) in North America. In 1976 there were approximately 15,000 Canadian Brethren living in 179 colonies of the three endogamous subdivisions, the Dariusleut, Lehrerleut, and Schmiedeleut. Dariusleut and Lehrerleut colonies are located in both Alberta and Saskatchewan, and the Schmiedeleut are in Manitoba. Brethren were identified on population-based cancer registries of the three Prairie Provinces and among death registrations in the vital statistics of Alberta and Saskatchewan. The method of ascertainment was by a search for the 15 contemporary surnames and verification by address. 89 male and 91 female Brethren were identified who had cancer during the period, 1956--1975. The numbers of observed cancers were less than expected from provincial incidence rates for males and females in each province. The largest deficits were for female Brethren in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. There is a marked deficiency of cancer of the uterine cervix among female Brethren. In males there is a significant deficit of lung cancer. The Hutterite way of life contributes to a low risk for cancers of smoking-associated sites. However, there is evidence that male Brethren in Alberta may be at relatively increased risk for stomach cancer and leukemias. The site distribution patterns of cancers among the three endogamous leut are similar.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis mutations in the Hutterite Brethren.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The presence or absence of the major cystic fibrosis (CF) mutation, delta F508, in the general patient population was determined by Kerem et al. using allele-specific oligonucleotides for the mutant and normal sequences in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). delta F508 was identified by Riordan et al., and it is a 3-bp deletion of the phenylalanine codon at position 508. The Hutterite Brethren are an inbred North American population who have three different DNA marker haplotypes of CF chromosomes. Genomic DNA from both a CF child and one parent from each of 10 Hutterite families was analyzed for the presence or absence of the deletion mutation. delta F508 is associated with one of the three CF haplotypes in the Hutterite population, and this is the most common haplotype in a subset of the linkage family data of Kerem et al. The other two Hutterite CF haplotypes are generally rate in Caucasian populations. Since these two CF haplotypes do not carry the deletion mutation, they must carry a different CF mutation(s). The results of the PCR analysis for the deletion mutation lend additional support to our previous conclusion that there were at least three original carriers of CF mutations among the founders of the Hutterite population and that all copies of the same CF haplotype were identical by descent. One Hutterite CF patient has both of the haplotypes which do not carry delta F508. Analysis of this individual's DNA should allow identification of two additional CF mutations in this population.  相似文献   

The spring benthos of 22 lakes ranging from 1–88 gl−1 salinity contained 58 species of macroinvertebrates, but only 23 species occurred in waters >3 gl−1. The amphipod Hyalella azteca and the chironomids Procladius freemani, Chironomus nr. muratensis and Cryptochironomus spp. were important at lower salinities (1–12 gl−1) whereas the chironomids Tanypus nubifer, Cricotopus ornatus and Chironomus nr. annularis dominated at moderate salinities (5–30 gl−1) and dolichopodid and ephyrid dipterans were the only species in hypersaline lakes (>50 gl−1). Diversity decreased significantly with increased salinity. Mean dry biomass ranged from 0–9.12 gm−2, showing little correlation with salinity, though hyposaline lakes often had elevated values and hypersaline lakes very low values. Shallow lakes (<5 m) had significantly lower standing crops. There were long term changes in biomass (over 45 years) in some lakes due to cultural eutrophication or secular changes in salinity. Chironomids were by far the dominant contributors to biomass at salinities to 50 gl−1, above which dolichopodid and ephyrid dipterans dominated. The lakes were classified into four groups—subsaline, hyposaline, shallow hypo-mesosaline and hypersaline, reflecting the importance of salinity and also relative depth as major controlling factors.  相似文献   

We report the results of a study of the prevalence of nonsyndromic dental agenesis among a sample of 208 individuals (105 females, 103 males) between the ages of 15 and 29 years from a North American religious and genetic isolate, the Dariusleut Hutterites of Western Canada. Direct examination of dental casts, oral examination reports, dental treatment records, and a limited number of dental radiographs reveals congenital absence and/or obvious morphometric reduction of at least one tooth (excluding third molars) in 98 subjects (55 females, 43 males), yielding a prevalence estimate of approximately 47%. This estimate is nearly four times those reported for nonisolate Caucasoid populations of European descent and substantially higher than the elevated prevalences observed in several other isolated populations. Although the prevalence of dental agenesis in the Dariusleut is indeed high, neither the incidence of bilateral agenesis (exhibited at least once in 58% of affected dentitions), number of affected teeth per person (mean, 2.4), morphologic tooth classes affected, or combinations of tooth classes affected ostensibly distinguish them from other populations with similar geographic origins. We conclude that the dental agenesis observed in this North American genetic isolate does not represent a private polymorphism or rare developmental variant. Consequently, the results of further study in these Dariusleut Brethren will be directly relevant to critically testing as yet unresolved hypotheses for the mode of gene action and the relative contributions of hereditary and environmental factors to the reduction of tooth numbers in human dentitions.  相似文献   

In the 100-year period 1880-1980 the Hutterite population increased from about 442 to 23,000 individuals in North America. There are three endogamous subdivisions in this Caucasian genetic isolate. A total of 11 cystic fibrosis (CF) families from Canada and the United States were investigated, including at least two families from each of the three subdivisions, the Dariusleut, Lehrerleut, and Schmiedeleut. A study of RFLPs for the loci D7S8, D7S23, MET, and D7S18 (also called D7S16) in the region of the CF gene in 10 families shows considerable genetic variability. There were three different extended CF gene-region haplotypes on CF chromosomes (CF haplotypes), and there were 13 different extended CF gene-region haplotypes on normal chromosomes (normal haplotypes). The three CF haplotypes have different D7S23 and MET haplotypes. Parents who have the same CF haplotype are, on the average, more closely related than parents who have different haplotypes, but only within the same subdivision. A marriage node graph of 11 families illustrates the complexity of Hutterite genealogies. The frequency distribution of CF haplotypes in the Hutterite sample differs notably from those of larger agglomerates of family data from collaborative studies, with respect to D7S8, MET haplotypes, and D7S23 haplotypes. We propose that there were at least three CF carriers among the founders of the Hutterite population and that copies of a particular CF haplotype in current individuals are identical by descent. The alternative that one or more genetically distinguishable CF haplotypes resulted from recombination since the founding of the population is considered to be less likely.  相似文献   

New choristoderan fossils from the Late Cretaceous and Palaeocene of Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada, are described: incomplete maxillae and dentaries from the Upper Cretaceous Oldman Formation, Alberta, extend the range of the primitive Cteniogenys from the Jurassic in the North American Western Interior; an incomplete dentary from the Palaeocene Ravenscrag Formation, Saskatchewan, comprises the first occurrence of the crocodile-like Simoedosaurus in Canada and the earliest record of the genus; well-preserved skulls and mandibles from the Oldman and Horseshoe Canyon formations, Alberta, document a new species of Champsosaurus and clarify the status of previously known species of the genus. New information about Asian choristoderes supports a Tchoiria- ( Ikechosaurus + Simoedosaurus ) relationship, contrary to previous work. Choristoderes share no convincing synapomorphies with either Lepidosauromorpha or Archosauromorpha, but occupy a more basal position within Diapsida, possibly as a sister-taxon with Neodiapsida (Younginiformes + Sauria).  相似文献   

Pulmonary adiaspiromycosis was diagnosed in seven of 25 striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in east-central Alberta. The infection varied from mild, where only microscopic lesions were seen, to severe, where gross lesions of grayish-white nodules were observed in the lung parenchyma. Mild lesions were restricted to the lung, while severe lesions extended to the tracheobronchial and mediastinal lymph nodes. Histologically, the lesions were characterized by a centrally located fungal spherule, surrounded by granulomatous inflammation. The morphology of the fungal spherules was consistent with that of Emmonsia crescens. By electron microscopy, the fungal cells had an outer thick fibrillar wall and an inner cytoplasm filled with large lipid vacuoles with relatively few mitochondria, ribosomes or glycogen inclusions. The absence of endosporulation and budding suggested that each fungal cell in the lung represented a separate inhaled spore. Infection was by inhalation, nevertheless adiaspores may disseminate to the regional lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Plant phenology can be used for biomonitoring climate change. The flowering of certain temperate zone plant species occurs in response to accumulated heat. Networks of observers presently provide data on the timing of the growth of native and crop plants to Agro-meteorological Departments in Europe and the United States. In Alberta, a phenological survey which began in 1987 records flowering times for 15 native plants, with about 200 volunteers contributing observations annually. Six years of data have been summarized and correlated with temperature measurements. The Alberta phenological data can provide a key to sound decision-making in two ways: by providing proxy data on key variables to which vegetation responds, and by providing a model for transforming simple weather data into biologically meaningful zones.  相似文献   

Aim Evaluate the hypothesis that nine disjunct vascular plant species along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains and in the Peace River District of west‐central Alberta represent remnants of more southerly vegetation that occupied these areas during the Holocene Hypsithermal (9000–6000 yr bp ). Alternatively, these plants represent populations that became established because of independent chance dispersal events. Location This study focuses on the area east of the Rocky Mountain Continental Divide in the Province of Alberta and the State of Montana in western Canada and USA, respectively. Methods Disjunct species were identified and their distributions mapped based on a review of occurrence maps and records, botanical floras and checklists, herbaria specimens, ecological and botanical studies, and field surveys of selected species. A disjunct species was defined as a plant population separated from its next nearest occurrence by a distance of > 300 km. Evaluation of the hypothesis was based on a review of published and unpublished pollen stratigraphy and palaeoecological studies. The potential geographical distribution of Hypsithermal vegetation was based on modern regional‐based ecosystem mapping and associated monthly temperature summaries as well as future climatic warming models. Results The hypothesis was compatible with Holocene pollen stratigraphy, Hypsithermal permafrost and fen occurrence, and palaeosol phytolith analyses; and future global climatic warming models. Modelled regional Hypsithermal vegetation based on a 1 °C increase in July temperatures relative to current conditions, indicated that much of the boreal forest zone in Alberta could have been grassland, which would explain the occurrence of Prairie species in the Peace River District. This amount of latitudinal vegetation shift (6.5°) was similar to an earlier Hypsithermal permafrost zone location study. An equivalent shift in vegetation along the eastern Cordillera would have placed south‐western Montana‐like vegetation and species such as Boykinia heucheriformis (Rydb.) Rosend. and Saxifraga odontoloma Piper within the northern half of the Rocky Mountains and foothills in Alberta, which represents the location of modern‐day disjunct populations of these species. Main conclusions Warmer and drier climatic conditions during the Holocene Hypsithermal resulted in the northward displacement of vegetation zones relative to their current distribution patterns. Most of Alberta was probably dominated by grasslands during this period, except the Rocky Mountains and northern highlands. Modern‐day species disjunctions within the Rocky Mountains and Peace River District as well as more northerly areas such as the Yukon Territory occurred when the vegetation receded southward in response to climatic cooling after the Hypsithermal. Wind dispersal was considered an unlikely possibility to explain the occurrence of the disjunct species, as most of the plants lack morphological adaptations for long distance transport and the prevailing winds were from west to east rather than south to north. However, consumption and transport of seeds by northward migrating birds could not be excluded as a possibility.  相似文献   

The environmental distribution of Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. is dependent upon human, agricultural, and wildlife sources. The significance of each source with regard to the presence of parasites in the environment is unknown. This 2-year study examined parasite prevalence in human sewage influent, wildlife, and agricultural sources associated with the North Saskatchewan River Basin in Alberta, Canada. Fecal samples were collected from cow-calf, dairy, and hog operations in the watershed area. Sewage-treatment facilities were sampled bimonthly during the 2-year study, and wildlife scat was collected at locations along tributaries of the North Saskatchewan River. All samples were analyzed for the presence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium, using sucrose-gradient separation followed by immunofluorescent microscopy. Giardia and Cryptosporidium were detected in all three sources. The lowest prevalence of both Giardia (3.28%) and Cryptosporidium (0.94%) was found in wildlife, with 6 of 19 species testing positive. Sewage influent had the highest prevalence of Giardia (48.80%) and Cryptosporidium parvum-like oocysts (5.42%); however, the concentration of both parasites was minimal compared with the concentration detected in cattle feces. Cow-calf sources contained the highest concentration of Giardia (mean 5800/g feces, P < 0.01), and dairy sources contained the highest concentration of C. parvum-like oocysts (mean 295/g feces, P < 0.01). Although prevalence and concentration are higher in cattle feces than in sewage, the Giardia and Cryptosporidium in animal manure do not have direct access to water draining into the North Saskatchewan River. PCR-based characterization of rDNA from isolates of Cryptosporidium collected from Alberta human, pig, calf, mature steer, dog, cat, and beaver hosts revealed distinct genetic differences that may reflect host specificity.  相似文献   

To determine the exposure of free-ranging pronghorns (Antilocapra americana Ord) to selected pathogens, serum samples were obtained from 33 live-trapped animals from southwestern Saskatchewan in 1970, and from 26 and 51 animals from southeastern Alberta, in 1971 and 1972, respectively. Antibodies were found to the agents of parainfluenza 3, bovine virus diarrhea, eastern and western encephalomyelitis, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and the chlamydial group. No serologic reactors were found to the agents of bluetongue, epizootic hemorrhagic disease, brucellosis, or leptospirosis (4 serotypes).  相似文献   

Sera and genital swabs collected from 121 adult woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in five subpopulations in northern Alberta, Canada, between December 1997 and October 1999, were examined for evidence of infection with herpesviruses or pestiviruses. No virus was isolated from sera or swabs, and no antibodies against bovine viral diarrhea virus were detected. However, 63 (52%) of the 121 animals had neutralizing antibody titers against bovine herpesvirus 1. There was sufficient serum from 37 of the 121 caribou to allow parallel testing for antibodies against a new alphaherpesvirus isolated from an elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni), and 20 animals had antibodies against this virus. Paired sera collected 11 mo apart from 14 caribou showed seroconversion in seven animals, indicating that an active herpesvirus infection was present. Virus neutralization data suggest that these caribou are infected with a distinct alphaherpesvirus.  相似文献   



The Northern Great Plains of Canada are home to numerous permanent and ephemeral athalassohaline lakes. These lakes display a wide range of ion compositions, salinities, stratification patterns, and ecosystems. Many of these lakes are ecologically and economically significant to the Great Plains Region. A survey of the physical characteristics and chemistry of 19 lakes was carried out to assess their suitability for testing new tools for determining past salinity from the sediment record.


Data on total dissolved solids (TDS), specific conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and pH were measured in June, 2007. A comparison of these data with past measurements indicates that salinity is declining at Little Manitou and Big Quill Lakes in the province of Saskatchewan. However salinity is rising at other lakes in the region, including Redberry and Manito Lakes.


The wide range of salinities found across a small geographic area makes the Canadian saline lakes region ideal for testing salinity proxies. A nonlinear increase in salinity at Redberry Lake is likely influenced by its morphometry. This acceleration has ecological implications for the migratory bird species found within the Redberry Important Bird Area.  相似文献   

Monitoring annual change and long-term trends in population structure and abundance of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is an important but challenging component of their management. Many monitoring programs consist of count-based indices of relative abundance along with a variety of population structure information. Analyzed separately these data can be difficult to interpret because of observation error in the data collection process, missing data, and the lack of an explicit biological model to connect the data streams while accounting for their relative imprecision. We used a Bayesian age-structured integrated population model to integrate data from a fall spotlight survey that produced a count-based index of relative abundance and a volunteer staff and citizen classification survey that generated a fall recruitment index. Both surveys took place from 2003–2018 in the parkland ecoregion of southeast Saskatchewan, Canada. Our approach modeled demographic processes for age-specific (0.5-, 1.5-, ≥2.5-year-old classes) populations and was fit to count and recruitment data via models that allowed for error in the respective observation processes. The Bayesian framework accommodated missing data and allowed aggregation of transects to act as samples from the larger management unit population. The approach provides managers with continuous time series of estimated relative abundance, recruitment rates, and apparent survival rates with full propagation of uncertainty and sharing of information among transects. We used this model to demonstrate winter severity effects on recruitment rates via an interaction between winter snow depth and minimum temperatures. In years with colder than average temperatures and above average snow depth, recruitment was depressed, whereas the negative effect of snow depth reversed in years with above average temperatures. This and other covariate information can be incorporated into the model to test relationships and provide predictions of future population change prior to setting of hunting seasons. Likewise, post hoc analysis of model output allows other hypothesis tests, such as determining the statistical support for whether population status has crossed a management trigger threshold. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The lake sturgeon ( Acipenser fulvescens ) is resident in the North and South Saskatchewan rivers of Alberta. Because of their confined distribution, low abundance, and vulnerability to anthropogenic impacts, lake sturgeon in Alberta have been the focus of specific management actions for nearly 60 years.
Lake sturgeon harvest was prohibited in Alberta from 1940 to 1968, after which a limited harvest was again permitted, but only as a hook-and-line sport fishery. After being reopened the fishery was primarily managed as a "trophy" fishery. Sport fishery harvest statistics have been compiled annually since 1968, through mail-out questionnaires sent to all holders of sturgeon angling licenses.
Few research studies have been undertaken on the life history or habitat requirements of lake sturgeon in the province, and biologists have relied primarily on anglers to provide information for management decisions. Preliminary population information for the South Saskatchewan River, from mark-recapture data, suggests a population size of about 3700 fish. Recent studies in the North Saskatchewan River indicate a population of about 1300 fish. Studies indicate that a portion of the population in both rivers is trans-boundary, moving between the waters of the adjoining provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, and creating concerns because of differences in angling regulations. During recent decades, major consumptive uses of water have also contributed to depletion of lake sturgeon habitat in the province.
After reviewing past management strategies and actions, Alberta Environmental Protection implemented a number of regulatory changes in 1987 to further protect lake sturgeon populations in the province while continuing to provide angling opportunities and maintaining a controlled harvest.  相似文献   

Boreal peatland ecosystems occupy about 3.5 million km2 of the earth's land surface and store between 250 and 455 Pg of carbon (C) as peat. While northern hemisphere boreal peatlands have functioned as net sinks for atmospheric C since the most recent deglaciation, natural and anthropogenic disturbances, and most importantly wildfire, may compromise peatland C sinks. To examine the effects of fire on local and regional C sink strength, we focused on a 12 000 km2 region near Wabasca, AB, Canada, where ombrotrophic Sphagnum‐dominated bogs cover 2280 km2 that burn with a fire return interval of 123±26 years. We characterized annual C accumulation along a chronosequence of 10 bog sites, spanning 1–102 years‐since‐fire (in 2002). Immediately after fire, bogs represent a net C source of 8.9±8.4 mol m−2 yr−1. At about 13 years after fire, bogs switch from net C sources to net C sinks, mainly because of recovery of the moss and shrub layers. Subsequently, black spruce biomass accumulation contributes to the net C sink, with fine root biomass accumulation peaking at 34 years after fire and aboveground biomass and coarse root accumulation peaking at 74 years after fire. The overall C sink strength peaks at 18.4 mol C m−2 yr−1 at 75 years after fire. As the tree biomass accumulation rate declines, the net C sink decreases to about 10 mol C m−2 yr−1 at 100 years‐since‐fire. We estimate that across the Wabasca study region, bogs currently represent a C sink of 14.7±5.1 Gmol yr−1. A decrease in the fire return interval to 61 years with no change in air temperature would convert the region's bogs to a net C source. An increase in nonwinter air temperature of 2 °C would decrease the regional C sink to 6.8±2.3 Gmol yr−1. Under scenarios of predicted climate change, the current C sink status of Alberta bogs is likely to diminish to the point where these peatlands become net sources of atmospheric CO2‐C.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(42):296-304

The “Ghost Dance” religion taught by the Paiute Jack Wilson (Wovoka) was carried to Saskatchewan at the beginning of this century. Its most successful proselytizer was an Assiniboine who inspired the most northern Dakota Sioux community in the province to become a congregation. Surviving members of this congregation profess a creed that closely follows Wilson 1s later teachings, recorded by Mooney, but that differs significantly from the more militant versions Mooney heard from some United States Dakota. The Saskatchewan creed appears to have been a viable accommodation to early reservation-period conditions.  相似文献   

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