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Summary Synaptic junctions are found in all parts of the nucleus, being almost as densely distributed between cell laminae as within these laminae.In addition to the six classical cell laminae, two thin intercalated laminae have been found which lie on each side of lamina 1. These laminae contain small neurons embedded in a zone of small neural processes and many axo-axonal synapses occur there.Three types of axon form synapses in all cell laminae and have been called RLP, RSD and F axons. RLP axons have large terminals which contain loosely packed round synaptic vesicles, RSD axons have small terminals which contain closely packed round vesicles and F axons have terminals intermediate in size containing many flattened vesicles.RLP axons are identified as retinogeniculate fibers. Their terminals are confined to the cell laminae, where they form filamentous contacts upon large dendrites and asymmetrical regular synaptic contacts (with a thin postsynaptic opacity) upon large dendrites and F axons. RSD axons terminate within the cellular laminae and also between them. They form asymmetrical regular synaptic contacts on small dendrites and on F axons. F axons, which also occur throughout the nucleus, form symmetrical regular contacts upon all portions of the geniculate neurons and with other F axons. At axo-axonal junctions the F axon is always postsynaptic.Supported by Grant R 01 NB 06662 from the USPHS and by funds of the Neurological Sciences Group of the Medical Research Council of Canada. Most of the observations were made while R. W. Guillery was a visiting professor in the Department of Physiology at the University of Montreal. We thank the Department of Physiology for their support and Mr. K. Watkins, Mrs. E. Langer and Mrs. B. Yelk for their skillful technical assistance.  相似文献   

Yang L  Feng MZ  Lu XY  Zhou SC 《生理学报》1999,51(3):333-337
在23只三碘季铵酚麻痹的新西兰兔上记录细胞外放电,观察短纯音诱发的内膝体神经元onof反应的特性及电刺激边缘系统杏仁外侧核(Lateralamygdaloidnucleus,LAm)对反应的影响。实验发现,内膝体神经元的onof反应与纯音刺激的强度、频率及作用时程有关;刺激LAm,可以抑制onof反应,或是使onof反应放电构型发生变化。onof反应是神经元对声音信号作用时程及声音的起止进行编码的方式之一,LAm对onof反应的影响表明,边缘系统杏仁体的活动可以调控听觉中枢对声音时间信息的编码。  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural study of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the tree shrew (Tupaia glis) revealed two types of neurons: (1) a large thalamocortical relay cell (TCR), which may bear cilia, and (2) a small Golgi type-II interneuron (IN) with an invaginated nucleus. The narrow rim of pale cytoplasm of the IN contains fewer lysosomes and fewer Nissl bodies than the cytoplasm of the TCR. The IN perikarya, which in some cases establish somatosomatic contacts, frequently contain flattened or pleomorphic synaptic vesicles. The ratio of TCR to IN is 31.Three types of axon terminals were observed in the LGN. Two of them contain round synaptic vesicles but differ in size. The large RL boutons undergo dark degeneration after enucleation; they are the terminals of retino-geniculate fibers. The smaller RS boutons show dark degeneration after ablation of the visual cortex; they are the terminals of the cortico-geniculate fibers. The third type of bouton (F1 does not degenerate after either intervention. The boutons of this type are filled with flattened vesicles and are believed to be intrageniculate terminals. F2-profiles were interpreted as presynaptic dendrites of the IN. The characteristic synaptic glomeruli found in the LGN contain in their center an optic terminal. These optic terminals establish synaptic contacts with dendrites or spine-like dendritic protrusions of TCRs as well as with presynaptic dendrites. Synaptic triads were also seen. The distribution of the individual types of synaptic contacts in layers 3 and 4 was determined. Layer 4 contains only one third of the retino-geniculate synapses and of the synaptic contacts of F1-terminals.  相似文献   

Yao XH  Xiong Y 《生理学报》2005,57(3):333-339
本实验采用脑片膜片钳全细胞记录和生物胞素(biocytin)组化染色相结合的技术,研究出生后(postnatalday,P)3~30日龄大鼠(P3~30)内侧膝状体腹侧部(ventralpartitionofmedialgeniculatebody,MGBv)神经元的电生理和形态学特性的发育变化。结果显示:(1)在P3~30的发育过程中,MGBv神经元的静息膜电位自?40mV降至?67mV(P<0.01);输入阻抗由1832M?降至806M?(P<0.01);时间常数由2.55ms降至0.96ms(P<0.01)。同时,动作电位的幅度、阈值和时程也表现出显著差异(P<0.01);(2)K+通道阻断剂4-AP使P6的MGBv神经元诱发动作电位数目减少,幅度降低,时程变宽,并使P16的动作电位幅度逐渐降低至去极化脉冲终末达到平台电位,而Ca2+通道阻断剂CdCl2仅引起P16的MGBv神经元动作电位的幅度降低,时程延长;(3)在用biocytin标记的MGBv神经元观察到,幼稚MGBv蓬丛样神经元(tuftedneuron)胞体呈圆形或椭圆形,而随着出生后日龄的增长,胞体逐渐变成梭形。轴突出现较早,树突的发育相对较晚,但其发育变化更为显著和复杂。以上结果提示,大鼠出生后MGBv神经元电生理和形态学特性仍有显著的发育变化,且两者明显相关。  相似文献   

Brain-stem, middle latency and late auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs, MLAEPs and LAEPs, respectively) were recorded in a patient 2 months after removal of a tumor affecting the quadrigeminal plate. Simultaneously, MRI showed a left unilateral lesion involving the inferior colliculus, brachium colliculi and the medial geniculate body (MGB). On dichotic listening, there was complete extinction of the right ear input, without subjective auditory disturbance. BAEPs were abnormal after stimulation of the right ear alone. Wave V was delayed and reduced in amplitude, and the I–V interval was augmented. Above all, MLAEPs of both ears were very abnormal. The Pa and Na components over the left hemisphere were abolished (Pa) or very reduced in amplitude or abolished (Na) whereas both Pa and Na components over the right hemisphere were normal. LAEPs were asymmetrical, with reduced P1N1P2 complex over the left hemisphere and absence of polarity reversal over the mastoid. It has been demonstrated that a lesion affecting only the inferior colliculus and MGB unilaterally and not extending beyond the MGB can abolish Na and Pa ipsilaterally. Any discussion of Na and Pa sources should take into account the output of the MGB to the auditory radiations, the MGB, the brachium colliculi and the inferior colliculus.  相似文献   

Summary Two distinct types of neuron in the cat trochlear nucleus (one large, one small) are described, the - and -motoneurons, respectively. Four types of terminals are observed which establish axo-dendritic synapses. Two of them (Types I and II) perform axo-somatic synapses as well. Terminals en passant (Types I and II) are predominant. The Type I terminal is long and slender with a characteristic distribution of the axoplasmic organelles and the unique feature of a relative narrowing of the synaptic cleft as compared to the width of the neighboring extracellular space. Its vesicle population is pleomorphic and a conspicuous glial barrier surrounds the synaptic zones. The Type II terminal differs slightly from Type I, revealing a wider synaptic cleft and lacking a characteristic distribution of the axoplasmic organelles. The type III terminal is rarely observed performing axo-somatic synapses, but is a common finding in the neuropil. Post-junctional dense bodies are often present in its axodendritic synapses. The Type IV nerve terminal performs axo-dendritic synapses and is characterized by a rich content of large granulated vesicles. Axo-axonal synapses are observed only very rarely.The synaptic organization of the feline trochlear nucleus is compared with the synaptic morphology of the oculomotor nuclei of inframammalian species (Waxman and Pappas, 1971). In addition to certain similarities (e.g., richness of synapses en passant), significant differences are encountered: the present study provides no morphological evidence for electrotonic transmission in the trochlear nucleus of cat.Preliminary report made at the Annual German Jahresversammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1973.The authors wish to thank Professor R. Hassler for his valuable discussion. — Dr. W. B. Choi is on leave from the Department of Anatomy, Catholic Medical School, Seoul, Korea.  相似文献   

Sexual receptivity, lordosis, can be induced by sequential estradiol and progesterone or extended exposure to high levels of estradiol in the female rat. In both cases estradiol initially inhibits lordosis through activation of β-endorphin (β-END) neurons of the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARH) that activate μ-opioid receptors (MOP) in the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN). Subsequent progesterone or extended estradiol exposure deactivates MPN MOP to facilitate lordosis. Opioid receptor-like receptor-1 (ORL-1) is expressed in ARH and ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH). Infusions of its endogenous ligand, orphanin FQ (OFQ/N, aka nociceptin), into VMH–ARH region facilitate lordosis. Whether OFQ/N acts in ARH and/or VMH and whether OFQ/N is necessary for steroid facilitation of lordosis are unclear. In Exp I, OFQ/N infusions in VMH and ARH that facilitated lordosis also deactivated MPN MOP indicating that OFQ/N facilitation of lordosis requires deactivation of ascending ARH-MPN projections by directly inhibiting ARH β-END neurons and/or through inhibition of excitatory VMH–ARH pathways to proopiomelanocortin neurons. It is unclear whether OFQ/N activates the VMH output motor pathways directly or via the deactivation of MPN MOP. In Exp II we tested whether ORL-1 activation is necessary for estradiol-only or estradiol + progesterone lordosis facilitation. Blocking ORL-1 with UFP-101 inhibited estradiol-only lordosis and MPN MOP deactivation but had no effect on estradiol + progesterone facilitation of lordosis and MOP deactivation. In conclusion, steroid facilitation of lordosis inhibits ARH β-END neurons to deactivate MPN MOP, but estradiol-only and estradiol + progesterone treatments appear to use different neurotransmitter systems to inhibit ARH-MPN signaling.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of serotonin-containing nerve fibers in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the rat, cat, and monkey (Macaca fuscata) was studied by use of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method and an antiserum against serotonin. In all three species, the pattern of fibers was denser in the ventral portion of the LGN (LGNv) than in the dorsal nuclear portion (LGNd). In the LGNd of rat, serotonin-immunoreactive fibers were evenly distributed in the form of a dense network, but in cat and monkey there were marked regional differences. Serotonin-immunoreactive elements were most numerous in the C complex and medial interlaminal nucleus of cat, and in the S layer and interlaminar zones of Macaca fuscata.Supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of Japan (No. 57214028)  相似文献   

目的:探讨水杨酸钠给药对小鼠下丘核神经元GABAα、NR1表达及听反应的影响。方法:实验将36只成年健康昆明小鼠分三组(n=12):A组:对照组;B组:水杨酸钠给药组(450mg.kg-1.d-1);C组:水杨酸钠(450mg.kg-1.d-1)+利多卡因(10mg.kg-1.d-1)组。各组均经腹腔注射给药,A组给以同等剂量的生理盐水,所有动物自由饮食。给药15 d后进行检测。采用RT-PCR技术检测小鼠下丘核区GABAα、NR1mRNA的表达;采用细胞外电生理记录技术研究下丘核区神经元在水杨酸钠给药后强度-发放率函数、强度-潜伏期函数和频率调谐曲线的变化。结果:①水杨酸钠组的下丘核区GABAαmRNA表达较对照组明显降低(P<0.05);水杨酸钠+利多卡因组与对照组比较无显著性差异(P>0.05);水杨酸钠组NR1mRNA表达较对照组明显升高(P<0.01),水杨酸钠+利多卡因组与对照组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05);②水杨酸钠给药后发放率和潜伏期函数呈非单调性改变,而神经元的调谐曲线从狭窄型向宽阔型转变;③水杨酸钠+利多卡因组发放率和潜伏期函数呈非单调性改变,而神经元的调谐曲线从狭窄型向宽阔型转变例数显著减少(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论:①水杨酸钠引起实验小鼠下丘核GABAαmRNA表达下调,同时又使小鼠下丘核NR1mRNA表达增高;②水杨酸钠给药后发放率和潜伏期函数呈非单调性改变,而神经元的调谐曲线从狭窄型向宽阔型转变③利多卡因有逆转水杨酸钠给药后发放率和潜伏期函数呈非单调性改变和神经元的调谐曲线从狭窄型向宽阔型转变的作用。  相似文献   

In many rodent species, including Syrian hamsters, the expression of appropriate social behavior depends critically on the perception and identification of conspecific odors. The behavioral response to these odors is mediated by a network of steroid-sensitive ventral forebrain nuclei including the medial amygdala (Me), posterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), and medial preoptic area (MPOA). Although it is well-known that Me, BNST, and MPOA are densely interconnected and each uniquely modulates odor-guided social behaviors, the degree to which conspecific odor information and steroid hormone cues are directly relayed between these nuclei is unknown. To answer this question, we injected the retrograde tracer, cholera toxin B (CTB), into the BNST or MPOA of male subjects and identified whether retrogradely-labeled cells in Me and BNST 1) expressed immediate early genes (IEGs) following exposure to male and/or female odors or 2) expressed androgen receptor (AR). Although few retrogradely-labeled cells co-localized with IEGs, a higher percentage of BNST- and MPOA-projecting cells in the posterior Me (MeP) expressed IEGs in response to female odors than to male odors. The percentage of retrogradely-labeled cells that expressed IEGs did not, however, differ between and female and male odor-exposed groups in the anterior Me (MeA), posterointermediate BNST (BNSTpi), or posteromedial BNST (BNSTpm). Many retrogradely-labeled cells co-localized with AR, and a higher percentage of retrogradely-labeled MeP and BNSTpm cells expressed AR than retrogradely-labeled MeA and BNSTpi cells, respectively. Together, these data demonstrate that Me, BNST, and MPOA interact as a functional circuit to process sex-specific odor cues and hormone information in male Syrian hamsters.  相似文献   

Yin SH  Gong SS  Yan KS  Li S  Chen P  Chen GL 《生理学报》2005,57(4):529-536
实验以48只成年健康昆明小鼠为实验对象,研究GeneJamer转染试剂介导的neuroglobin(NGB)基因体内转染对水杨酸钠给药后小鼠下丘核区听反应的影响。实验分4组,每组12只。A1组:对照组1(阴性对照,将GeneJamer转染试剂6μl和pEGFP-C12μg混合后注入下丘核脑区);A2组:对照组2[阳性对照,将GeneJamer转染试剂(6μl)和pEGFP-NGB(质粒载体pEGFP-C1与NGB基因全编码序列构建的重组子2μg)混合后注入下丘核脑区];B组:水杨酸钠给药组(450mg/kg·d-1)+pEGFP-C1;C组:水杨酸钠(450mg/kg.d-1)+pEGFP-NGB组。以直接注射法将GeneJamer转染试剂和重组质粒pEGFP-NGB混合后注入小鼠下丘核区。采用RT-PCR和Westernblot技术检测小鼠下丘核区NGBmRNA和蛋白的表达;采用细胞外记录技术,研究小鼠下丘核区神经元在水杨酸钠给药后转染重组质粒pEGFP-NGB对强度-发放率函数(刺激声强与实验鼠下丘核区神经元在接受声刺激所产生的电发放的关系曲线)、强度-潜伏期函数(刺激声强与实验鼠下丘核区神经元在接受声刺激至产生电发放潜伏期之间的关系曲线)和频率调谐曲线(实验鼠下丘核区神经元在各个频率纯音刺激下起反应的阈值绘制的曲线)的影响。实验观察到:(1)经GeneJamer转染试剂介导NGB基因可有效地转染小鼠下丘核区脑组织并得到表达。(2)水杨酸钠给药后神经元的强度-发放率函数曲线升高。对照组A1、A2各项指标进行比较均无统计学意义。对照组A1、A2和水杨酸钠+pEGFP-NGB组神经元的强度-发放率函数以非单调型(随刺激强度增加时,发放率表现为先降后升呈“V”形或“U”形)为主,分别占74.6%、72.2%和59.3%,水杨酸钠给药组以不规则型强度-发放率函数为主,占47%,与对照组A1、A2和水杨酸钠+pEGFP-NGB组比较,有显著性差异(P<0.01、P<0.01、P<0.05)。(3)水杨酸钠给药后神经元的强度-潜伏期函数曲线降低。对照组A1、A2各项指标进行比较均无统计学意义。水杨酸钠给药组以非单调型强度-潜伏期率函数为主,与对照组A1、A2和水杨酸钠+pEGFP-NGB组比较,有显著性差异(P<0.01、P<0.05)。(4)A1和A2对照组听反应神经元的调谐曲线,Q-10dB值均大于5.00,其调谐曲线为狭窄型。记录水杨酸钠给药组72个听神经元的调谐曲线,有53个神经元的Q-10dB值小于5.00,Q-10dB值最小为2.12,其调谐曲线为宽阔型;其余19个神经元的Q-10dB值大于5.00,属于狭窄型调谐曲线。水杨酸钠+pEGFP-NGB组67个听神经元的调谐曲线,有12个神经元的Q-10dB值小于5.00,Q-10dB值最小为2.87,其调谐曲线为宽阔型,其它的神经元的值大于5.00。它们的调谐曲线均属狭窄型。以上结果提示外源性NGB基因在水杨酸钠给药后小鼠下丘核区局部高表达,提示GeneJamer转染试剂介导NGB体内转基因治疗水杨酸钠引起的下丘核区的损伤的方法是可行的。实验小鼠转染NGB基因后可逆转因水杨酸钠给药引起的强度-发放率函数曲线升高以及强度-潜伏期函数曲线降低,并可逆转水杨酸钠引起的部分听神经元对声刺激强度的编码类型。  相似文献   

目的:阐明电刺激腓深神经(DPN)对下丘脑室旁核(PVN)兴奋后的心血管反应的调节作用及杏仁中央核(CeA)在此作用中的地位。方法:电刺激SD大鼠中枢核团PVN,或用核团(CeA)内微量注射法注射L-谷氨酸钠(L-Glu)或红藻氨酸(KA)。同时记录大鼠股动脉血压、平均动脉压(MAP)、心电图及心率(HR)曲线。结果:电刺激一侧PVN后,MAP升高,HR变化不一,以下降为主。电刺激腓深神经对PVN兴奋诱发的升压反应有抑制作用。在同侧CeA微量注射0.02mol/L的KA100nl,10min后刺激PVN,血压升高(13.8±3.2)mmHg,较注射KA前削弱了(6.6±1.6)mmHg(P<0.05),DPN对刺激PVN的升压反应的抑制百分比也从51.5%降为32.0%。结论:杏仁中央核部分介导了PVN兴奋后引起的升压反应。DPN传入冲动对PVN中枢性升压反应有抑制作用,其机制可能与杏仁中央核有关。  相似文献   

The magnocellular division of the medial preoptic area (MPN mag) integrates pheromonal and hormonal signals to play a critical role in the expression of male typical sex behavior. The MPN mag contains two morphologically distinct neuronal populations; the percentage of each type within the nucleus is sex specific. Males have more neurons with a single nucleolus whereas females have more with multiple nucleoli. To determine which neuronal subtype mediates pheromonal induction of copulation, tissue from male and female hamsters exposed to female pheromones was immunolabeled for the immediate early protein (EGR-1). Subsequently the tissue was counterstained and the number of ERG-1 neurons with one or two nuclei was determined. The results indicate that pheromones stimulate neurons with single nucleoli in males but fail to stimulate either neuronal subtype in females suggesting that synaptic input to the MPN mag is sexually differentiated.  相似文献   

Summary Applying a double-immunofluorescence technique, the porcine ovary is demonstrated to receive two populations of NPY-immunoreactive nerve fibres originating from the inferior mesenteric ganglion: one with colocalized tyrosine hydroxylase and supplying predominantly the ovarian vasculature, and a second, solely NPY-immunoreactive and almost exclusively associated with growing follicles. A third group of tyrosine hydroxylase-and dopamine--hydroxylase-positive, but NPY-negative nerve fibres is associated with ovarian blood vessels and, to a minor extent, with ovarian follicles. As revealed by retrograde tracing, the vast majority of postganglionic neurons projecting to the ovary is located in a discrete area of the ganglion, suggesting a somatotopic organization of the porcine inferior mesenteric ganglion. Moreover, the finding indicate that three subpopulations of postganglionic sympathetic neurons with different chemical codes supply different target components of the porcine ovary. The physiological relevance of the described neurons in the nervous control of ovarian functions remains to be elucidated.A portion of these results has been presented in abstract form (Majewski et al. 1991)  相似文献   

I. Tsekos 《Protoplasma》1996,193(1-4):10-32
Summary The relationship between the supramolecular organization of red algal cell membranes and the biosynthesis and secretion of the cell wall skeletal and matrix polysaccharides is reviewed. Freeze-fracture studies have revealed that organized macromolecular structures — linear terminal complexes and tetrads — are present on the plasma membrane and on membranes of the endomembrane system. The linear terminal complexes seem to be involved in the biosynthesis, assembly, and orientation of the cellulose microfibrils and the tetrads in the synthesis of the matrix polysaccharides. It is shown how the research on the supramolecular organization of cell membranes has increased the knowledge on the biosynthesis and secretion of the extracellular crystalline and non-crystalline polysaccharides in red algae. In this review, the progress to date is discussed.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Eberhard Schnepf on the occasion of his retirement  相似文献   

S. Hasezawa  T. Sano  T. Nagata 《Protoplasma》1998,202(1-2):105-114
Summary During cell cycle transition from M to G1 phase, micro-tubules (MTs), organized on the perinuclear region, reached the cell cortex. Microfilaments (MFs) were not involved in this process, however, MFs accumulated to form a ring-like structure in the division plane and from there they elongated toward the distal end in the cell cortex. Subsequently, when MTs elongated along the long axis of the cells, towards the distal end, the MTs ran into and then associated with the predeveloped MFs in the cell cortex, suggesting the involvement of MFs in organizing the parallel oriented MTs in the cell cortex. When cortical MTs were formed in the direction transverse to the long axis of cells, the two structures were again closely associated. Therefore, with regards to the determination of the direction of organizing MTs, predeveloped MFs may have guided the orientation of MTs at the initial stage. Disorganization of MFs in this period, by cytochalasins, prevented the organization of cortical MTs, and resulted in the appearance of abnormal MT configurations. We thus demonstrate the involvement of MFs in determining the orientation and organization of cortical MTs, and discuss the possible role of MFs during this process.Abbreviations CB cytochalasin B - CD cytochalasin D - CLSM confocal laser scanning microscopy - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - EF-1 elongation factor 1 - MF microfilament - MT microtubule  相似文献   

The change of the body composition, of the energy content, and of the energy and protein balances was studied in male and female broiler chicks from hatching to maturity (about 140 days).

The animals received corn, soybean meal and fish meal based diets which ensured maximal growth.

Correlation were established between the ingested feed and the body evolution both from the point of view of quantity and quality, determining the content of protein, fat, ash, water and energy.

By experiments of digestibility and by comparative slaughterings the energy and protein requirements both for maintenance and for protein and fat synthesis were determined.  相似文献   

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