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Substrate interactions during aerobic biodegradation of benzene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study dealt with the interactions with benzene degradation of the following aromatic compounds in a mixed substrate: toluene, o-xylene, naphthalene, 1,4-dimethylnaphthalene, phenanthrene, and pyrrole. The experiment was performed as a factorial experiment with simple batch cultures. The effect of two different types of inocula was tested. One type of inoculum was grown on a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons; the other was grown on a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons and nitrogen-, sulfur-, and oxygen-containing aromatic compounds (NSO compounds), similar to some of the compounds identified in creosote waste. The culture grown on the aromatic hydrocarbons and NSO compounds was much less efficient in degrading benzene than the culture grown on only aromatic hydrocarbons. The experiments indicated that toluene- and o-xylene-degrading bacteria are also able to degrade benzene, whereas naphthalene-, 1,,4-dimethylnaphthalene-, and phenanthrene-degrading bacteria have no or very little benzene-degrading ability. Surprisingly, the stimulating effect of toluene and o-xylene was true only if the two compounds were present alone. In combination an antagonistic effect was observed, i.e., the combined effect was smaller than the sum from each of the compounds. The reason for this behavior has not been identified. Pyrrole strongly inhibited benzene degradation even at concentrations of about 100 to 200 micrograms/liter. Future studies will investigate the generality of these findings.  相似文献   

Monod's equation adequately described aerobic biodegradation rates of benzene and toluene by the microbial population of a sandy aquifer when these compounds were initially present at concentrations lower than 100 mg/l each. Concentrations higher than 100 mg/l were inhibitory, and no benzene or toluene degradation was observed when these compounds were initially present at 250 mg/l each. The Monod coefficients were calculated as k = 8.3 g-benzene/g-cells/day and Ks = 12.2 mg/l for benzene, and k = 9.9 g-toluene/g-cells/day and Ks = 17.4 mg/l for toluene. Specific first-order coefficients would be 0.68 l/mg.day for benzene and 0.57 l.mg.day for toluene.  相似文献   

The soil fungus Cladophialophora sp. strain T1 (= ATCC MYA-2335) was capable of growth on a model water-soluble fraction of gasoline that contained all six BTEX components (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and the xylene isomers). Benzene was not metabolized, but the alkylated benzenes (toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes) were degraded by a combination of assimilation and cometabolism. Toluene and ethylbenzene were used as sources of carbon and energy, whereas the xylenes were cometabolized to different extents. o-Xylene and m-xylene were converted to phthalates as end metabolites; p-xylene was not degraded in complex BTEX mixtures but, in combination with toluene, appeared to be mineralized. The metabolic profiles and the inhibitory nature of the substrate interactions indicated that toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene were degraded at the side chain by the same monooxygenase enzyme. Our findings suggest that soil fungi could contribute significantly to bioremediation of BTEX pollution.  相似文献   

Zhou YY  Chen DZ  Zhu RY  Chen JM 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(12):6644-6649
The efficient tetrahydrofuran (THF)-degrading bacterium, Pseudomonas oleovorans DT4 was used to investigate the substrate interactions during the aerobic biotransformation of THF and BTEX mixtures. Benzene and toluene could be utilized as growth substrates by DT4, whereas cometabolism of m-xylene, p-xylene and ethylbenzene occurred with THF. In binary mixtures, THF degradation was delayed by xylene, ethylbenzene, toluene and benzene in descending order of inhibitory effects. Conversely, benzene (or toluene) degradation was greatly enhanced by THF leading to a higher degradation rate of 39.68 mg/(h g dry weight) and a shorter complete degradation time about 21 h, possibly because THF acted as an “energy generator”. Additionally, the induction experiments suggested that BTEX and THF degradation was initiated by independent and inducible enzymes. The transient intermediate hydroquinone was detected in benzene biodegradation with THF while catechol in the process without THF, suggesting that P. oleovorans DT4 possessed two distinguished benzene pathways.  相似文献   

Compound-specific isotope analysis has the potential to distinguish physical from biological attenuation processes in the subsurface. In this study, carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation effects during biodegradation of benzene under anaerobic conditions with different terminal-electron-accepting processes are reported for the first time. Different enrichment factors (epsilon ) for carbon (range of -1.9 to -3.6 per thousand ) and hydrogen (range of -29 to -79 per thousand ) fractionation were observed during biodegradation of benzene under nitrate-reducing, sulfate-reducing, and methanogenic conditions. These differences are not related to differences in initial biomass or in rates of biodegradation. Carbon isotopic enrichment factors for anaerobic benzene biodegradation in this study are comparable to those previously published for aerobic benzene biodegradation. In contrast, hydrogen enrichment factors determined for anaerobic benzene biodegradation are significantly larger than those previously published for benzene biodegradation under aerobic conditions. A fundamental difference in the previously proposed initial step of aerobic versus proposed anaerobic biodegradation pathways may account for these differences in hydrogen isotopic fractionation. Potentially, C-H bond breakage in the initial step of the anaerobic benzene biodegradation pathway may account for the large fractionation observed compared to that in aerobic benzene biodegradation. Despite some differences in reported enrichment factors between cultures with different terminal-electron-accepting processes, carbon and hydrogen isotope analysis has the potential to provide direct evidence of anaerobic biodegradation of benzene in the field.  相似文献   

Six strains of aerobic Gram negative bacteria degrading toluene, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate, 2,2-dichloropropionate or 3-chlorobenzoate were freeze-dried and liquid-dried in the presence or absence of a protective agent. Survival and maintenance of the biodegradation capability was checked before and after drying, and after storage of the ampoules for one year at 4° or 25°C. In many cases, stability of the degradation potential was low although viability was high. Survival and stability of all strains was always highest after preservation by liquid drying in the presence of myo-inositol and activated charcoal as protective agents. Losses of biodegradation abilities were highest after freeze-drying using no protective agents. Cells grown on complex medium were less sensitive to drying than cells grown under selective pressure (on mineral medium with a special compound as the sole carbon source). A choice of the most appropriate preservation method and the use of an effective protectant is recommended to avoid genetic alterations, and to maintain biodegradation capacities during long-term preservation.  相似文献   

Benzene, toluene, and p-xylene (BTX) were degraded by indigenous mixed cultures in sandy aquifer material and by two pure cultures isolated from the same site. Although BTX compounds have a similar chemical structure, the fate of individual BTX compounds differed when the compounds were fed to each pure culture and mixed culture aquifer slurries. The identification of substrate interactions aided the understanding of this behavior. Beneficial substrate interactions included enhanced degradation of benzene and p-xylene by the presence of toluene in Pseudomonas sp. strain CFS-215 incubations, as well as benzene-dependent degradation of toluene and p-xylene by Arthrobacter sp. strain HCB. Detrimental substrate interactions included retardation in benzene and toluene degradation by the presence of p-xylene in both aquifer slurries and Pseudomonas incubations. The catabolic diversity of microbes in the environment precludes generalizations about the capacity of individual BTX compounds to enhance or inhibit the degradation of other BTX compounds.  相似文献   

Benzene, toluene, and p-xylene (BTX) were degraded by indigenous mixed cultures in sandy aquifer material and by two pure cultures isolated from the same site. Although BTX compounds have a similar chemical structure, the fate of individual BTX compounds differed when the compounds were fed to each pure culture and mixed culture aquifer slurries. The identification of substrate interactions aided the understanding of this behavior. Beneficial substrate interactions included enhanced degradation of benzene and p-xylene by the presence of toluene in Pseudomonas sp. strain CFS-215 incubations, as well as benzene-dependent degradation of toluene and p-xylene by Arthrobacter sp. strain HCB. Detrimental substrate interactions included retardation in benzene and toluene degradation by the presence of p-xylene in both aquifer slurries and Pseudomonas incubations. The catabolic diversity of microbes in the environment precludes generalizations about the capacity of individual BTX compounds to enhance or inhibit the degradation of other BTX compounds.  相似文献   

The Monod or Andrews kinetic parameters describing the growth of Pseudomonas sp. CPE2 strain on 2,5-dich!orobenzoic acid and 2-chlorobenzoic acid, and Al-caligenes sp. CPE3 strain on 3,4-dichlorobenzoic acid, 4-chlorobenzoic acid, and 3-chlorobenzoic acid were determined from batch and continuous growth experiments conducted in the presence or absence of yeast extract (50 mg/L). Strain CPE2 displayed inhibitory growth kinetics in the absence of yeast extract and a noninhibitory kinetics in the presence of yeast extract. Similar results were obtained for CPE3. The presence of yeast extract also resulted in a significant increase in the affinity of the strains for the chlorobenzoic acids they degraded. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A microbial consortium and Pseudomonas strain (PPO1) were used in studying biodegradation of benzene, toluene, and p-xylene under aeorbic conditions. Studies involved removal of each compound individually as well as in mixture with the others. Both cultures exhibited a qualitatively similar behavior toward each compound. Both the pure culture and the consortium grew on benzene following Monod kinetics, on toluene following inhibitory (Andrews) kinetics, whereas neither could grow on P-xylene. Benzene and toluene mixtures were removed under cross-inhibitory (competitive inhibition) kinetics. In the presence of benzene and/or toluene, p-xylene was cometabolically utilized by both cultures, but was not completely mineralized. Metabolic intermediates of p-xylene accumulated in the medium and were identified. Benzene and toluene were completely mineralized. Cometabolic removal of p-xylene reduced the yields on both benzene and toluene. Except for cometabolism, kinetic constants were determined from data analysis and are compared with values published recently by other researchers. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This study evaluated three models of microbial temperature kinetics using CO2 respiration data from aerobic solid-state biodegradation experiments. The models included those of Andrews and Kambhu/Haug, Ratkowsky et al., and the Cardinal Temperature Model with Inflection (CTMI) of Rosso et al. A parameter estimation routine implemented the Complex-Box search method for each model on 48 data sets collected during the composting of synthetic food waste or sewage-sludge (biosolids) mixed with maple wood chips at different oxygen concentrations and extents of decomposition. Each of the three nonlinear temperature kinetic functions proved capable of modeling a wide range of experimental data sets. However, the models differed widely in the consistency of their parameters. Parameters in the CTMI model were more stable over the course of the degradation process, and that variability which did arise was directly related to changes in the microbial process. Additional benefits of the CTMI model include the ease of parameter determinations, which can be approximated directly from laboratory experiments or full-scale system analysis, and the direct value of its parameters in engineering design and process control under a wide range of biodegradation conditions.  相似文献   

Effects of oxygen on aerobic solid-state biodegradation kinetics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oxygen is a critical control variable for composting and other solid-state biodegradation processes. In this study we examined the effect of varying oxygen concentrations (1%, 4%, and 21% O2 (v/v)) on biodegradation kinetics under different substrate (sewage sludge and synthetic food waste), temperature (35, 45, 55, and 65 degrees C), and moisture (36-60% H2O) conditions. Three forms of a saturation or Monod-type model and one form of an exponential model were evaluated against data from extensive experiments under carefully controlled environmental conditions. The exponential model performed well at temperatures from 35 to 55 degrees C but had problems at higher temperatures. The Monod-type models yielded the best fit based on R2 values. Multiple linear regression was used to express the oxygen half-saturation coefficient as a function of temperature and moisture. For a modified one-parameter saturation model the half-saturation coefficient varied from -0.67% to 1.74% v/v O2 under the range of conditions typical of composting systems. While the positive correlation of biodegradation rate with oxygen concentration reported by previous researchers held true for temperatures below 55 degrees C, an inverse relationship was found at 65 degrees C. Although this study did not directly examine anaerobic conditions, the results under microaerophilic conditions suggest oxygen may not offer kinetic advantages for extreme thermophilic biodegradation processes.  相似文献   

The intermediate metabolites of benzene transformation by a microaerophilic bacterial consortium, adapted to degrade gasoline and benzene at low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (<1 mg l-1), were identified. The examined range of initial DO concentration, 0.05 to 1 mg l-1, was considerably lower than the previously reported values believed to be necessary to initiate benzene biodegradation. An extensive transformation of benzene, higher than the theoretical predictions for its aerobic oxidation, was observed. Phenol was identified as the most stable and the major intermediate metabolite which was subsequently transformed into catechol and benzoate. The use of 13C-labeled compounds identified benzene as the source of phenol, and phenol as the source of catechol and benzoate, suggesting the involvement of a monooxygenase enzymatic system in biodegradation of benzene at low DO concentrations. A metabolic sequence was proposed to describe the simultaneous detection of catechol and benzoate during the microaerophilic transformation of benzene. The results of this work demonstrate that it is possible to transform benzene, a highly carcinogenic hydrocarbon and a major contaminant of groundwater, to more easily biodegradable compounds in the presence of very small amounts of oxygen.  相似文献   

Aerobic biological treatment was conducted for the treatment of high strength olive oil mill wastewater (OMW). Two different approaches were used for kinetic modeling of OMW biodegradation. TOC removal and CO2–C evolution were monitored in an open and a closed bioreactor systems, respectively. Gompertz, Refractory organics plus first-order (RFO) and Chen–Hashimoto equations were applied to estimate the kinetic parameters by using the data from bioreactors. Furthermore, change in oxidation stage of carbon was monitored and temperature dependency of OMW biodegradation was investigated based on activation energy. At room temperature, 64% of TOC was removed in the open bioreactor while cumulative CO2–C evolution was 6.32 g L−1 in closed the bioreactor. Higher biodegradation efficiency and kinetic parameters were obtained at 25 °C rather than 10 °C. Gompertz and RFO equations provided better fitting with CO2–C and TOC data, respectively. Experimental and kinetic estimations indicated that OMW constituted of approximately 30% refractory organics. The comparison of two different modeling approaches showed that kinetic modeling based on CO2–C provided better correlation with the experimental data. Temperature coefficient indicated that biological degradation of OMW is slightly dependent on temperature.  相似文献   

Involvement of linear plasmids in aerobic biodegradation of vinyl chloride   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pseudomonas putida strain AJ and Ochrobactrum strain TD were isolated from hazardous waste sites based on their ability to use vinyl chloride (VC) as the sole source of carbon and energy under aerobic conditions. Strains AJ and TD also use ethene and ethylene oxide as growth substrates. Strain AJ contained a linear megaplasmid (approximately 260 kb) when grown on VC or ethene, but it contained no circular plasmids. While strain AJ was growing on ethylene oxide, it was observed to contain a 100-kb linear plasmid, and its ability to use VC as a substrate was retained. The linear plasmids in strain AJ were cured, and the ability of strain AJ to consume VC, ethene, and ethylene oxide was lost following growth on a rich substrate (Luria-Bertani broth) through at least three transfers. Strain TD contained three linear plasmids, ranging in size from approximately 90 kb to 320 kb, when growing on VC or ethene. As with strain AJ, the linear plasmids in strain TD were cured following growth on Luria-Bertani broth and its ability to consume VC and ethene was lost. Further analysis of these linear plasmids may help reveal the pathway for VC biodegradation in strains AJ and TD and explain why this process occurs at many but not all sites where groundwater is contaminated with chloroethenes. Metabolism of VC and ethene by strains AJ and TD is initiated by an alkene monooxygenase. Their yields during growth on VC (0.15 to 0.20 mg of total suspended solids per mg of VC) are similar to the yields reported for other isolates (i.e., Mycobacterium sp., Nocardioides sp., and Pseudomonas sp.).  相似文献   

Because of a range of different industrial activities, sites contaminated with chloroethenes are a world-wide problem. Chloroethenes can be biodegraded by reductive dechlorination under anaerobic conditions as well as by oxidation under aerobic conditions. The tendency of chloroethenes to undergo reductive dechlorination decreases with a decreasing number of chlorine substituents, whereas with less chlorine substituents chloroethenes more easily undergo oxidative degradation. There is currently a growing interest in aerobic metabolic degradation of chloroethenes, which demonstrates advantages compared to cometabolic degradation pathways. Sequential anaerobic/aerobic biodegradation can overcome the disadvantages of reductive dechlorination and leads to complete mineralization of the chlorinated pollutants. This approach shows promise for site remediation in natural settings and in engineered systems.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of poorly water-soluble liquid hydrocarbons is often limited by low availability of the substrate to microbes. Adhesion of microorganisms to an oil–water interface can enhance this availability, whereas detaching cells from the interface can reduce the rate of biodegradation. The capability of microbes to adhere to the interface is not limited to hydrocarbon degraders, nor is it the only mechanism to enable rapid uptake of hydrocarbons, but it represents a common strategy. This review of the literature indicates that microbial adhesion can benefit growth on and biodegradation of very poorly water-soluble hydrocarbons such as n-alkanes and large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons dissolved in a non-aqueous phase. Adhesion is particularly important when the hydrocarbons are not emulsified, giving limited interfacial area between the two liquid phases. When mixed communities are involved in biodegradation, the ability of cells to adhere to the interface can enable selective growth and enhance bioremediation with time. The critical challenge in understanding the relationship between growth rate and biodegradation rate for adherent bacteria is to accurately measure and observe the population that resides at the interface of the hydrocarbon phase.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of creosote compounds on the aerobic degradation of benzene was studied in microcosm experiments. A total removal of benzene was observed after twelve days of incubation in microcosms where no inhibition was observed. Thiophene and benzothiophene, two heterocyclic aromatic compounds containing sulfur (S-compounds), had a significant inhibitory effect on the degradation of benzene, but also an inhibitory effect of benzofuran (an O-compound) and 1-methylpyrrole (a N-compound) could be observed, although the effect was weaker. The NSO-compounds also had an inhibitory effect on the degradation of p-xylene, o-xylene, and naphthalene, while they only had a weak influence on the degradation of 1-methylnaphthalene, o-cresol and 2,4-dimethylphenol. The phenolic compounds seemed to have a weak stimulating effect on the degradation of benzene whereas the monoaromatic hydrocarbons and the naphthalenes had no significant influence on the benzene degradation. The inhibitory effect of the NSO-compounds on the aerobic degradation of benzene could be identified as three different phenomena. The lag phase increased, the degradation rate decreased, and a residual concentration of benzene was observed in microcosms when NSO-compounds were present. The results show that NSO-compounds can have a potential inhibitory effect on the degradation of many creosote compounds, and that inhibitory effects in mixtures can be important for the degradation of different compounds.Abbreviations ben benzene - bf benzofuran - bt benzothiophene - dmp 2,4-dimethylphenol - GC gas chromatograph - ind indole - mnap 1-methylnaphthalene - MAHs monoaromatic hydrocarbons - mp 1-methylpyrrole - nap naphthalene - NSO-compounds heterocyclic aromatic compounds containing nitrogen, sulphur or oxygen - o-cre o-cresol - o-xyl o-xylene - PAHs polyaromatic hydrocarbons - phe phenol - p-xyl p-xylene - pyr pyrrole - thi thiophene - qui quinoline  相似文献   

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