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Reproductive behavior of virtually all adult male rodents is dependent on concurrent availability of gonadal steroids. The ejaculatory reflex is incompatible with long-term absence of testicular steroids and typically disappears within 3 weeks after castration. Male Siberian hamsters are an exception to this rule; mating culminating in the ejaculatory reflex occurs as many as 6 months after castration (persistent copulation). The emergence of persistent copulation many weeks after gonadectomy is here shown not to require repeated post-castration sexual experience. Preoperative sexual experience, on the other hand, significantly increases the percent of males that copulate after gonadectomy, but is not required for the emergence of this trait in 25% of males. Castration prior to puberty prevents persistent copulation in all individuals in adulthood. Persistent copulators, unlike males that cease mating activity after castration, prefer the odors of estrous over non-estrous females when tested 4 months after castration and 7 weeks after the last mating test. Neural circuits of persistent copulators retain the ability to mediate male sex behavior and preferences for female odors in the complete absence of gonadal steroids; they are influenced by preoperative sexual experience and organizational effects of gonadal hormones at the time of puberty.  相似文献   

Male reproductive behavior is highly dependent upon gonadal steroids. However, between individuals and across species, the role of gonadal steroids in male reproductive behavior is highly variable. In male B6D2F1 hybrid mice, a large proportion (about 30%) of animals demonstrate the persistence of the ejaculatory reflex long after castration. This provides a model to investigate the basis of gonadal steroid-independent male sexual behavior. Here we assessed whether non-gonadal steroids promote mating behavior in castrated mice. Castrated B6D2F1 hybrids that persisted in copulating (persistent copulators) were treated with the androgen receptor blocker, flutamide, and the aromatase enzyme inhibitor, letrozole, for 8 weeks. Other animals were treated with the estrogen receptor blocker, ICI 182,780, via continual intraventricular infusion for 2 weeks. None of these treatments eliminated persistent copulation. A motivational aspect of male sexual behavior, the preference for a receptive female over another male, was also assessed. This preference persisted after long-term castration in persistent copulators, and administration of ICI 182,780 did not influence partner preference. To assess the possibility of elevated sensitivity to sex steroids in brains of persistent copulators, we measured mRNA levels for genes that code for the estrogen receptor-α, androgen receptor, and aromatase enzyme in the medial preoptic area and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. No differences in mRNA of these genes were noted in brains of persistent versus non-persistent copulators. Taken together our results suggest that non-gonadal androgens and estrogens do not maintain copulatory behavior in B6D2F1 mice which display copulatory behavior after castration.  相似文献   

Many nontropical rodent species display seasonal changes in both physiology and behavior that occur primarily in response to changes in photoperiod. Short-day reductions in reproduction are due, in part, to reductions in gonadal steroid hormones. In addition, gonadal steroids, primarily testosterone (T), have been implicated in aggression in many mammalian species. Some species, however, display increased aggression in short days despite basal circulating concentrations of T. The goal of the present studies was to test the effects of photoperiod on aggression in male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) and to determine the role of T in mediating photoperiodic changes in aggression. In Experiment 1, hamsters were housed in long and short days for either 10 or 20 weeks and aggression was determined using a resident-intruder model. Hamsters housed in short days for 10 weeks underwent gonadal regression and displayed increased aggression compared to long-day-housed animals. Prolonged maintenance in short days (i.e., 20 weeks), however, led to gonadal recrudescence and reduced aggression. In Experiment 2, hamsters were housed in long and short days for 10 weeks. Half of the short-day-housed animals were implanted with capsules containing T whereas the remaining animals received empty capsules. In addition, half of the long-day-housed animals were castrated whereas the remaining animals received sham surgeries. Short-day control hamsters displayed increased aggression compared to either castrated or intact long-day-housed animals. Short-day-housed T treated hamsters, however, did not differ in aggression from long-day-housed animals. Collectively, these results confirm previous findings of increased aggression in short-day-housed hamsters and suggest that short-day-induced increases in aggression are inversely related to gonadal steroid hormones.  相似文献   

Photoperiodic influences on sexual behavior in male Syrian hamsters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of photoperiodic conditions on sexual behavior was investigated in male Syrian hamsters that were either gonadally intact, or castrated and treated with low doses of testosterone throughout the experiment. Hamsters were exposed to long (LD 16:8) or short (LD 8:16) days for 7 weeks; for the next 8 weeks, either they were exposed to an intermediate daylength (LD 12:12), or daylength conditions remained unchanged. Sexual behavior was affected by photoperiod conditions in both gonadally intact animals and testosterone-treated castrates, but to different degrees. Intact males exposed to short days for 15 weeks exhibited gonadal regression, and their copulatory performance was impaired. The percentage of animals that intromitted or ejaculated was significantly reduced. Additional measures of sexual performance among the copulating males were also affected. In contrast, among the castrates with testosterone clamped at low but stable levels, the proportion of males that mounted, intromitted, or ejaculated was not affected by photoperiod. However, among the males that continued to copulate, sexual performance changes were present in the short-day castrates that resembled those displayed by the intact males. We infer that these behavioral effects in both hormonal conditions reflect primarily a difficulty in the attainment of intromission. Gonadal regression alone cannot easily account for the behavioral deficits of the intact males, because circulating testosterone levels at the end of the experiment were not significantly different between the gonadally intact hamsters and the castrated, testosterone-treated hamsters exposed continuously to short days. Males transferred from either long or short days to the intermediate-daylength condition responded behaviorally to this photoperiod as if it were a short day, that is, their ejaculatory frequency declined. We conclude that male hamsters exposed to photoinhibitory daylengths exhibit deficits in their sexual behavior, not only because endogenous levels of testosterone decrease, but also because the substrates on which this hormone acts become less responsive. We hypothesize that under physiological conditions, the episodic secretion of testosterone imposes constraints on the maintenance or restoration of copulation, and that the potent behavioral effects achieved by constant-release implants of testosterone may mask the presence of photoperiodically induced alterations in the hamster's sensitivity to this gonadal hormone.  相似文献   

Among the suite of adaptations displayed by seasonally-breeding rodents, individuals of most species display reproductive regression and concomitant decreases in gonadal steroids during the winter. In addition, some species display increased aggression in short "winter-like" days compared with long "summer-like" day lengths. For example, male Syrian and Siberian hamsters held in short days express heightened levels of aggression that are independent of gonadal steroids. Virtually nothing is known, however, regarding seasonal aggression in female Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Studies were undertaken to determine female levels of aggression in long and short days as well as the role of gonadal steroids in mediating this behavior. In Experiment 1, females were housed in long or short days for 10 weeks and resident-intruder aggression was assessed. Prior to testing, estrous cycle stages were determined by vaginal cytology and females were tested during both Diestrus I and Proestrus. In Experiment 2, hormone levels were experimentally manipulated; long-day females were ovariectomized (OVx) or given sham surgeries whereas short-day females were implanted with capsules containing 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) or Progesterone (P). In Experiment 3, both long- and short-day females were ovariectomized and implanted with either an exogenous E(2) or blank capsule, or given a sham surgery. Short-day hamsters displayed increased aggression relative to long-day females. Aggression was not affected by estrous stage. There was no difference in aggression between long-day OVx and sham animals. Furthermore, neither exogenous E(2) nor P had any significant effect on aggression. These results support previous findings of increased non-breeding aggression and suggest that short-day aggression is not likely mediated by circulating levels of gonadal steroids. These results also suggest that the endocrine regulation of seasonal aggression may be similar between the sexes.  相似文献   



Testosterone (T) controls male Syrian hamster sexual behavior, however, neither of T''s primary metabolites, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol (E2), even in highly supraphysiological doses, fully restores sexual behavior in castrated hamsters. DHT and T apparently interact with androgen receptors differentially to control male sexual behavior (MSB), but whether these two hormones act synergistically or antagonistically to control MSB has received scant experimental attention and is addressed in the present study.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Sexually experienced male Syrian hamsters were gonadectomized and monitored 5 weeks later to confirm elimination of the ejaculatory reflex (week 0), at which time they received subcutaneous DHT-filled or empty capsules that remained in situ for the duration of the experiment. Daily injections of a physiological dose of 25 µg T or vehicle commenced two weeks after capsule implantation. MSB was tested 2, 4 and 5 weeks after T treatment began. DHT capsules were no more effective than control treatment for long-term restoration of ejaculation. Combined DHT + T treatment, however, restored the ejaculatory reflex more effectively than T alone, as evidenced by more rapid recovery of ejaculatory behavior, shorter ejaculation latencies, and a greater number of ejaculations in 30 minute tests.


DHT and T administered together restored sexual behavior to pre-castration levels more rapidly than did T alone, whereas DHT and vehicle were largely ineffective. The additive actions of DHT and T on MSB are discussed in relation to different effects of these androgens on androgen receptors in the male hamster brain mating circuit.  相似文献   

Yohimbine and apomorphine selectively act on noradrenergic and dopaminergic neural substrates to augment male sexual behavior (MSB) in several rodent species. The present study assessed whether these drugs can overcome the suppressive effects of short winter-like day lengths on MSB. Yohimbine treatments that markedly increase copulatory behavior of male hamsters in long days were completely ineffective in facilitating MSB when injected after gonadal regression induced by 16 wks of short day lengths and after complete gonadal recrudescence after 32 wks of short days; apomorphine was similarly ineffective. The brain circuit that mediates MSB either may be less responsive to yohimbine and apomorphine in short than long days, or these drugs may not produce equivalent neurotransmitter changes in the two day lengths. After 32 wks of short-day treatment, all males had undergone testicular recrudescence and successfully ejaculated on initial tests with sexually receptive females after a hiatus of at least 4 mo during which they were denied mating opportunities. This suggests that overwintering males in the field are in a state of reproductive readiness at the outset of spring conditions favorable for survival of offspring.  相似文献   

During the first 7 weeks of postnatal life, short day lengths inhibit the onset of puberty in many photoperiodic rodents, but not in Syrian hamsters. In this species, timing of puberty and fecundity are independent of the early postnatal photoperiod. Gestational day length affects postnatal reproductive development in several rodents; its role in Syrian hamsters has not been assessed. We tested the hypothesis that cumulative effects of pre- and postnatal short day lengths would restrain gonadal development in male Syrian hamsters. Males with prenatal short day exposure were generated by dams transferred to short day lengths 6 weeks, 3 weeks, and 0 weeks prior to mating. Additional groups were gestated in long day lengths and transferred to short days at birth, at 4 weeks of age, or not transferred (control hamsters). In pups of dams exposed to short day treatment throughout gestation, decreased testis growth was apparent by 3 weeks and persisted through 9 weeks of age, at which time maximum testis size was attained. A subset of males (14%), whose dams had been in short days for 3 to 6 weeks prior to mating displayed pronounced delays in testicular development, similar to those of other photoperiodic rodents. This treatment also increased the percentage of male offspring that underwent little or no gonadal regression postnatally (39%). By 19 weeks of age, males housed in short days completed spontaneous gonadal development. After prolonged long day treatment to break refractoriness, hamsters that initially were classified as nonregressors underwent testicular regression in response to a 2nd sequence of short day lengths. The combined action of prenatal and early postnatal short day lengths diminishes testicular growth of prepubertal Syrian hamsters no later than the 3rd week of postnatal life, albeit to a lesser extent than in other photoperiodic rodents.  相似文献   

In most mammalian species, reduced androgen availability is associated with marked reductions in male sexuality; conversely, androgen replacement in castrated males restores sex behavior within a few weeks. Testosterone (T) pulse duration, amplitude, frequency, and inter-pulse interval may be as important as total amount of hormone in determining target tissue responsiveness. We remain ignorant of the number and duration of daily T pulses necessary and sufficient to sustain male mating behavior. An in-dwelling infusion system was employed to vary T-pulse frequencies and durations. Daily 4 h infusions of aqueous T (100 microg/0.064 ml) and twice daily 4 h pulses of T (each 50 microg/0.064 ml) were sufficient to maintain ejaculatory behavior of sexually experienced castrated hamsters for 11 weeks post-castration; castrated hamsters infused with vehicle ceased to display the ejaculatory pattern 3 weeks after gonadectomy. Circulating T concentrations of hormone-infused hamsters declined markedly 7 h after the termination of each infusion. These results establish that male sex behavior can be sustained with infusions of relatively low T concentrations for 4 h/day and suggests that the basal concentrations of T sustained by the gonad during inter-pulse intervals may not be necessary for maintenance of sex behavior. 4 h T infusions were sufficient to maintain penile and seminal vesicles weights, but not ventral prostate weights or flank gland dimensions; the threshold for maintaining male sex behavior is lower than that for some androgen-dependent peripheral structures. Development of effective androgen replacement regimens that sustain sex behavior in castrated animals may be useful in the design of androgen replacement therapy for hypogonadal men.  相似文献   

Torpor was monitored daily in adult male and female European hamsters (Cricetus cricetus) induced to hibernate by exposure to a cold environment (6 degrees C). The effect of photoperiodic manipulations or administration of exogenous gonadal steroids was examined in gonadectomized or intact hamsters. 1. Gonadal regression occurred in all short day, but only in some long day, cold-exposed hamsters. Entry into hibernation was not observed until reproductive regression had occurred. Thus, gonadal atrophy appears to be a necessary precondition for hibernation. 2. Castrated hamsters in the short day cold condition showed a significantly greater incidence of torpor than those in the long day cold condition. Hence, photoperiod affected torpor independently of its effect on the gonadal cycle. 3. Testosterone, when administered via silastic capsules at near physiological levels, completely inhibited torpor in gonadectomized male and female hamsters hibernating in the short day cold condition. 4. In ovariectomized females, torpor was unaffected by progesterone treatment, but partially inhibited by estradiol. A greater inhibition of torpor was observed when estradiol-primed females were administered both estradiol and progesterone simultaneously. Thus, the effect of both hormones may be functionally comparable to that of the single testicular hormone. 5. Estradiol inhibited torpor to a greater extent in intact and ovariectomized female hamsters hibernating in long days than those in short days, suggesting an effect of photoperiod on responsiveness to estradiol. These results indicate an inverse relationship between the gonadal and hibernation cycles, and a probable role for gonadal steroids to influence the timing of the hibernation season. However, non-gonadal factors must also be involved in controlling hibernation, since photoperiod affected the incidence of torpor in gonadectomized animals and because hamsters were able to terminate hibernation in the absence of gonadal hormones.  相似文献   

Yohimbine and apomorphine selectively act on noradrenergic and dopaminergic neural substrates to augment male sexual behavior (MSB) in several rodent species. The present study assessed whether these drugs can overcome the suppressive effects of short winter-like day lengths on MSB. Yohimbine treatments that markedly increase copulatory behavior of male hamsters in long days were completely ineffective in facilitating MSB when injected after gonadal regression induced by 16 wks of short day lengths and after complete gonadal recrudescence after 32 wks of short days; apomorphine was similarly ineffective. The brain circuit that mediates MSB either may be less responsive to yohimbine and apomorphine in short than long days, or these drugs may not produce equivalent neurotransmitter changes in the two day lengths. After 32 wks of short-day treatment, all males had undergone testicular recrudescence and successfully ejaculated on initial tests with sexually receptive females after a hiatus of at least 4 mo during which they were denied mating opportunities. This suggests that overwintering males in the field are in a state of reproductive readiness at the outset of spring conditions favorable for survival of offspring. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Many nontropical rodent species rely on photoperiod as a primary cue to coordinate seasonally appropriate changes in physiology and behavior. Among these changes, some species of rodents demonstrate increased aggression in short, "winter-like" compared with long "summer-like" day lengths. The precise neuroendocrine mechanisms mediating changes in aggression, however, remain largely unknown. The goal of the present study was to examine the effects of photoperiod and exogenous melatonin on resident-intruder aggression in male Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). In Experiment 1, male Syrian hamsters were housed in long (LD 14:10) or short (LD 10:14) days for 10 weeks. In Experiment 2, hamsters were housed in long days and half of the animals were given daily subcutaneous melatonin injections (15 microg/day in 0.1 ml saline) 2 h before lights out for 10 consecutive days to simulate a short-day pattern of melatonin secretion, while the remaining animals received injections of the vehicle alone. Animals in both experiments were then tested using a resident-intruder model of aggression and the number of attacks, duration of attacks, and latency to initial attack were recorded. In Experiment 1, short-day hamsters underwent gonadal regression and displayed increased aggression compared with long-day animals. In Experiment 2, melatonin treatment also increased aggression compared with control hamsters without affecting circulating testosterone. Collectively, the results of the present study demonstrate that exposure to short days or short day-like patterns of melatonin increase aggression in male Syrian hamsters. In addition, these results suggest that photoperiodic changes in aggression provide an important, ecologically relevant model with which to study the neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying aggression in rodents.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors asked whether pinealectomy or temporary exposure to a stimulatory photoperiod affects the timing of spontaneous testicular recrudescence in adult Siberian hamsters chronically exposed to short days (9:15 light:dark). In Experiment 1, hamsters were pinealectomized after 6, 9, or 12 weeks in short days. Pinealectomy after 9 or 12 weeks did not affect the timing of spontaneous gonadal growth (27.7 +/- 1.9 and 25.4 +/- 1.3 weeks, respectively) compared to sham-operated controls (28.6 +/- 0.9 weeks). Enlarged testes occurred earlier in animals that were pinealectomized after 6 weeks in short days (21.8 +/- 2.1 weeks). In Experiment 2, adult hamsters were exposed to short days for 9 weeks, transferred to long days (16:8 light:dark) for 4 weeks, and then returned to short days for 23 additional weeks. Although long-day interruption caused gonadal growth in 15 out of 19 hamsters, the temporary long-day exposure did not affect the timing of spontaneous gonadal growth following return to short days (28.2 +/- 0.9 weeks) in 10 of the 15, relative to the timing observed in control hamsters continuously maintained in short days (28.2 +/- 1.1 weeks). Four out of 19 hamsters did not show gonadal growth following long-day exposure. Spontaneous gonadal growth in these hamsters (28.0 +/- 1.4 weeks) also occurred at the same time as controls. The remaining 5 hamsters exhibited enlarged testes following long-day exposure (12.0 +/- 0.0 weeks) but were refractory to the second short-day exposure. All hamsters exhibited entrainment of wheel-running activity following the change in photoperiod. A final group of 13 animals were pinealectomized before long-day transfer. They exhibited gonadal growth (at 17.2 +/- 0.8 weeks) but failed to regress a second time when returned to short days. The timing of gonadal growth in these animals was delayed relative to the sham-operated hamsters temporarily transferred to long days (Experiment 2) but accelerated relative to the hamsters pinealectomized at 9 weeks, which remained continuously in short days (Experiment 1). The results of both experiments suggest that a pineal-independent process mediates the timing of spontaneous gonadal growth in Siberian hamsters chronically exposed to a short-day photoperiod.  相似文献   

Photoperiodism research has relied on static day lengths and abrupt transitions between long and short days to characterize the signals that drive seasonal rhythms. To identify ecologically relevant critical day lengths and to test the extent to which naturally changing day lengths synchronize important developmental events, we monitored nine cohorts of male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) born every 2 wk from 4 wk before to 12 wk after the summer solstice in a simulated natural photoperiod (SNP). SNP hamsters born from 4 wk before to 2 wk after the solstice underwent rapid somatic and gonadal growth; among those born 4-6 wk after the solstice, some delayed puberty by many weeks, whereas others manifested early puberty. Hamsters born eight or more weeks after the solstice failed to undergo early testicular development. The transition to delayed development occurred at long day lengths, which induce early puberty when presented as static photoperiods. The first animals to delay puberty may do so predominantly on the basis of postnatal decreases in day length, whereas in later cohorts, a comparison of postnatal day length to gestational day length may contribute to arrested development. Despite differences in timing of birth and timing of puberty, autumn gonadal regression and spring gonadal and somatic growth occurred at similar calendar dates in all cohorts. Incrementally changing photoperiods exert a strong organizing effect on seasonal rhythms by providing hamsters with a richer source of environmental timing cues than are available in simple static day lengths.  相似文献   

Male rats castrated on the second day after birth (Day 2) were, for the next 10 days, given daily injections of one of five steroids or steroid combinations: 200 μg of testosterone propionate (TP); 200 μg of dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP); 5 μg of estradiol benzoate (EB); 5 μg of estradiol benzoate plus 200 μg of dihydrotestosterone propionate; oil vehicle (VH). Control male rats castrated on Day 90 received a sham castration and oil vehicle in the neonatal period. All animals were given TP in adulthood and tested for male sexual behavior. There was no difference in mounting activity among the subjects. Day 2 DHTP subjects displayed intromissions but were incapable of ejaculating. The more frequent display of intromissions by Day 2 DHTP animals in comparison to Day 2 VH animals could be solely due to their larger and more highly developed penes. On the other hand, the ejaculatory failure of the Day 2 DHTP subjects was attributed to some deficiency in central neural processes controlling ejaculatory mechanisms rather than inadequate penile development. Equivocal results were obtained with the Day 2 EB and Day 2 EB-DHTP animals in that only a few animals in both groups showed an ejaculatory pattern.  相似文献   

Exposure to short days for 8 weeks suppressed mean serum concentrations of FSH, LH and prolactin compared to hamsters kept in long days. Hamsters in short days exhibited a small afternoon rise in serum FSH, but serum LH and prolactin did not exhibit 24-h variations. In hamsters under long days, a late afternoon-early evening increase was evident for circulating prolactin but none was detected for the gonadotrophins. A fall in testes weights rapidly occurred by 14-28 days after transfer to short days. This was accompanied or preceded by a decrease in serum gonadotrophins and prolactin. Reductions in serum FSH and LH occurred in short days in blood samples taken at 09:00 h or 15:00 h. However, the nadir in serum prolactin was first achieved (at 09:00 h), at least 7 days before that at 15:00 h (i.e. Day 14 versus Day 21 of short photoperiod, respectively). The ability to secrete gonadotrophins was further tested in hamsters that had undergone gonadal regression. Castration of hamsters exposed to short days or injected with melatonin in the afternoon, a treatment known to mimic short day effects, induced a 3- to 5-fold increase in serum gonadotrophins. However, this rise in FSH and LH was significantly attenuated compared to the 10-fold response in controls in long days. The results indicate that gonadal involution induced by short days may be mediated by the decline in mean gonadotrophin secretion which, in turn, is regulated by responsiveness to steroids, as well as a mechanism independent of the negative feedback action of gonadal steroids.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken because comparative information regarding the role of gonadal androgen in sexual behavior of adult male mammals is notably deficient in data from ungulate species. After a series of preoperative tests, eight Red Sokoto male goats were castrated and tested for sexual behavior with receptive females at 1 to 2 wk intervals for 52 postoperative wk. Only one animal was judged to have lost the ejaculatory response; this was after 18 wk of postoperative testing. Compared with observations on other species, an unusually high percentage of these goats showed a long-term retention of sexual activity after castration. Even with this long-term retention, however, there was a significant decrement in frequency of ejaculatory responses within one week after castration. The flehmen response, which some believe to be related to detection of excreted urinary pheromones, also declined in frequency after castration.  相似文献   

Repeated social subjugation in early puberty lowers testosterone levels. We used hamsters to investigate the effects of social subjugation on male sexual behavior and metabolic activity within neural systems controlling social and motivational behaviors. Subjugated animals were exposed daily to aggressive adult males in early puberty for postnatal days 28 to 42, while control animals were placed in empty clean cages. On postnatal day 45, they were tested for male sexual behavior in the presence of receptive female. Alternatively, they were tested for mate choice after placement at the base of a Y-maze containing a sexually receptive female in one tip of the maze and an ovariectomized one on the other. Social subjugation did not affect the capacity to mate with receptive females. Although control animals were fast to approach females and preferred ovariectomized individuals, subjugated animals stayed away from them and showed no preference. Cytochrome oxidase activity was reduced within the preoptic area and ventral tegmental area in subjugated hamsters. In addition, the correlation of metabolic activity of these areas with the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and anterior parietal cortex changed significantly from positive in controls to negative in subjugated animals. These data show that at mid-puberty, while male hamsters are capable of mating, their appetitive sexual behavior is not fully mature and this aspect of male sexual behavior is responsive to social subjugation. Furthermore, metabolic activity and coordination of activity in brain areas related to sexual behavior and motivation were altered by social subjugation.  相似文献   

Many nontropical species undergo physiological and behavioral adaptations in response to seasonal changes in photoperiod, or day length. In most rodent species, short winter photoperiods reduce testosterone concentrations, which provoke gonadal regression and reduce testosterone-dependent behaviors such as mating and aggression. Seasonally-breeding Siberian hamsters, however, are paradoxically more aggressive in short-days, despite much reduced reproductive activity and testosterone concentrations. Nitric oxide (NO) signaling has been proposed as part of an alternate mechanism underlying this phenomenon. A reduction in neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), the enzyme responsible for synthesizing NO in the brain, is associated with increased aggression in male short-day hamsters. In the present study, we hypothesized that pharmacological inhibition of nNOS would increase aggressive behavior in long days, but not in short days because nNOS is already reduced. Adult male Siberian hamsters were housed in either long (LD 16:8h) or short (LD 8:16h) photoperiods for 8weeks, then treated with either the selective nNOS inhibitor, 3-bromo-7-nitroindazole (3BrN) or oil vehicle, and subsequently tested for aggression in a resident-intruder test. Treatment with 3BrN increased attack frequency and duration in long days, but had no effect in short days. Short days also reduced testosterone concentrations, without any effect of treatment. These data provide further evidence linking reduced nNOS to elevated short-day aggression and support a role for NO signaling in this phenomenon.  相似文献   

In mammals, removal of one testis results in compensatory testicular hypertrophy (CTH) of the remaining gonad. Although CTH is ubiquitous among juveniles of many species, laboratory rats, laboratory mice, and humans unilaterally castrated in adulthood fail to display CTH. We documented CTH in pre- and postpubertally hemi-castrated Syrian and Siberian hamsters and tested whether day length affects CTH in juvenile and adult Siberian hamsters. Robust CTH was evident in long-day hemi-castrates of both species and was preceded by increased serum FSH concentrations in juvenile Siberian hamsters. In sharp contrast, CTH was undetectable in short-day hemi-castrated Siberian hamsters for several months and only made its appearance with the development of neuroendocrine refractoriness to short day lengths; serum FSH concentrations of juveniles also did not increase above sham-castrate values until the onset of refractoriness. Long-day hemi-castrated Siberian hamsters with hypertrophied testes underwent complete gonadal regression after transfer to short days, albeit at a reduced rate for the first 3 weeks of treatment. Blood testosterone concentrations of adult hamsters did not differ between long-day hemicastrates and sham-castrates 9-12 weeks after surgery. We conclude that CTH is suppressed by short day lengths in Siberian hamsters at all ages and stages of reproductive development; in short day lengths, but not long day lengths, the remaining testis produces sufficient negative feedback inhibition to restrain FSH hypersecretion and prevent CTH.  相似文献   

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