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Summary Response characteristics of 130 single neurons in the superior olivary nucleus of the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens pipiens) were examined to determine their selectivity to various behaviorally relevant temporal parameters [rise-fall time, duration, and amplitude modulation (AM) rate of acoustic signals. Response functions were constructed with respect to each of these variables. Neurons with different temporal firing patterns such as tonic, phasic or phasic-burst firing patterns, participated in time domain analysis in specific manners. Phasic neurons manifested preferences for signals with short rise-fall times, thus possessing low-pass response functions with respect to this stimulus parameter; conversely, tonic and phasic-burst units were non-selective and possessed all-pass response functions. A distinction between temporal firing patterns was also observed for duration coding. Whereas phasic units showed no change in the mean spike count with a change in stimulus duration (i.e., all-pass duration response functions), tonic and phasic-burst units gave higher mean spike counts with an increase in stimulus duration (i.e., primary-like high-pass response functions). Phasic units manifested greater response selectivity for AM rate than did tonic or phasic-burst units, and many phasic units were tuned to a narrow range of modulation rates (i.e., band-pass). The results suggest that SON neurons play an important role in the processing of complex acoustic patterns; they perform extensive computations on AM rate as well as other temporal parameters of complex sounds. Moreover, the response selectivities for rise-fall time, duration, and AM rate could often be shown to contribute to the differential responses to complex synthetic and natural sounds.Abbreviations SON superior olivary nucleus - DMN dorsal medullary nucleus - TS torus semicircularis - FTC frequency threshold curve - BF best excitatory frequency - PAM pulsatile amplitude modulation - SAM sinusoidal amplitude modulation - SQAM square-wave amplitude modulation - MTF modulation transfer function - PSTH peri-stimulus time histogram  相似文献   

Three appetitive conditioning experiments with rats examined temporal discrimination learning within Pavlovian conditioning trials. In all experiments, the duration of a feature white noise stimulus signaled whether or not a subsequent 10-s target tone would be reinforced. In Experiment 1, the feature durations were 4 and 1 min. For one group of rats (Group 4+/1−), 4 min of noise signaled that the tone would be reinforced and 1 min of noise signaled that the tone would not be reinforced. A second group (Group 1+/4−) was trained with the reverse contingency. The results showed a clear asymmetry in temporal discrimination learning: rats trained with 4+/1− (Long+/Short−) learned the discrimination readily (responding more in the tone on reinforced than on nonreinforced trials), whereas rats trained with 1+/4− (Short+/Long) did not. In Experiment 2, the feature durations were shortened to 60 and 15 s. Due to strong excitatory conditioning of the 15-s feature, the reverse asymmetry was observed, with the Short+/Long− discrimination learned more readily than the Long+/Short− discrimination. However, Experiment 3 demonstrated that the original Long+/Short− advantage could be recovered while using 60− and 15-s feature durations if the excitatory conditioning of the feature was reduced by including nonreinforced feature trials. The results support previous research involving the timing of intertrial intervals and are consistent with the temporal elements hypothesis which holds that the passage of time is encoded as a series of hypothetical stimulus elements.  相似文献   

Aim The objective of this study was to comprehensively document and examine the alpha and gamma patterns of species richness in non-volant, small mammals (rodents, shrews and mouse opossums) along a tropical elevational gradient. These data were used to determine the support for existing hypotheses of species richness encompassing mid-domain null models, as well as climatic, and community overlap hypotheses. Location Field studies were conducted along a Caribbean slope of the Río Peñas Blancas watershed in the north-eastern region of Costa Rica between 750 and 1850 m at 10 sampling sites. Methods Species richness and abundances of small mammals were surveyed for four seasons including three temporal replicates at each of five elevational sites: late wet season (2000), early wet season (2001), and dry season (2002), and one spatial replicate at five different sites within the same elevations during the late wet season (2001). Species richness at elevations below 700 m was compiled from specimen records from 23 US national and international collections. Predictions of a null model based solely on geometric constraints were examined using a Monte Carlo simulation program, Mid-Domain Null. Results In 16,900 trap nights, 1561 individuals from 16 species were captured. Both alpha and gamma species richness peaked at mid-elevation between 1000 and 1300 m, with richness declining both at higher and lower elevations. Most of the empirical curves of species richness occur within 95% prediction curves of the mid-domain model, although deviations from the null model exist. Regression of the empirical richness on the null model predictions explained nearly half of the variation observed (r2 = 0.45, P = 0.002). Main conclusions The geometric constraints of montane topography appear to influence the diversity pattern of small mammals, although climatic conditions including an intermediate rainfall and temperature regime, and distance from the persistent cloud cap also are correlated with the pattern of species richness. The predictions of productivity, and community overlap hypotheses are not supported with the empirical data.  相似文献   

1. Echo delay is the primary cue used by echolocating bats to determine target range. During target-directed flight, the repetition rate of pulse emission increases systematically as range decreases. Thus, we examined the delay tuning of 120 neurons in the auditory cortex of the bat, Myotis lucifugus, as repetition rate was varied. 2. Delay sensitivity was exhibited in 77% of the neurons over different ranges of pulse repetition rates (PRRs). Delay tuning typically narrowed and eventually disappeared at higher PRRs. 3. Two major types of delay-sensitive neurons were found: i) delay-tuned neurons (59%) had a single fixed best delay, while ii) tracking neurons (22%) changed their best delay with PRR. 4. PRRs from 1-100/s were represented by the population of delay-sensitive neurons, with the majority of neurons delay-sensitive at PRRs of at least 10-20/s. Thus, delay-dependent neurons in Myotis are most active during the search phase of echolocation. 5. Delay-sensitive neurons that also responded to single sounds were common. At PRRs where delay sensitivity was found, the responses to single sounds were reduced and the responses to pulse-echo pairs at particular delays were greater than the single-sound responses. In facilitated neurons (53%), the maximal delay-dependent response was always larger than the best single-sound responses, whereas in enhanced neurons (47%), these responses were comparable. The presence of neurons that respond maximally to single sounds at one PRR and to pulse-echo pairs with particular echo delays at other PRRs suggests that these neurons perform echo-ranging in conjunction with other biosonar functions during target pursuit.  相似文献   

This modeling study examines the possible functional roles of two hyperpolarization-activated conductances in lateral superior olive (LSO) principal neurons. Inputs of these LSO neurons are transformed into an output, which provides a firing-rate code for a certain interaural sound intensity difference (IID) range. Recent experimental studies have found pharmacological evidence for the presence of both the Gh conductance as well as the inwardly rectifying outward GKIR conductance in the LSO. We addressed the question of how these conductances influence the dynamic range (IID versus firing rate). We used computer simulations of both a point-neuron model and a two-compartmental model to investigate this issue, and to determine the role of these conductances in setting the dynamic range of these neurons. The width of the dynamic regime, the frequency-current (f-I) function, first-spike latency, subthreshold oscillations and the interplay between the two hyperpolarization activated conductances are discussed in detail. The in vivo non-monotonic IID-firing rate function in a subpopulation of LSO neurons is in good correspondence with our simulation predictions. Two compartmental model simulation results suggest segregation of Gh and GKIR conductances on different compartments, as this spatial configuration could explain certain experimental results.  相似文献   

The weakly electric fish, Eigenmannia, changes its frequency of electric organ discharges (EODs) to increase the frequency difference between its EODs and those of a jamming neighbor. This jamming avoidance response is greatest for frequency differences (i.e., beat rates) of approximately 4 Hz and barely detectable at beat rates of 20 Hz. A neural correlate of this behavior is found in the torus semicircularis, where most neurons act as low-pass or band-pass filters over this range of beat rates.This study examines two mechanisms that could possibly underlie low-pass temporal filtering: 1) Inhibition by a high-pass interneuron. 2) Voltage and time-dependent conductances associated with ligand-gated channels. These mechanisms were tested by recording intracellularly while employing stimuli consisting of simultaneous low and high beat rates. A neuron's response to the low beat rate was not diminished by the addition of the higher frequency jamming signal (thereby superimposing a high rate of amplitude and phase modulation onto the lower rate), and the inhibitory interneuron hypothesis is, therefore, not supported. Also, the responses to the high beat rate were not facilitated during maintained depolarization in response to the low beat rate.In some cases, particularly band-pass neurons, accommodation processes appeared to contribute to the decline in the amplitude of psps at high beat rates.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of stoned olive cake and rolled linseed in a concentrate-based diet for lambs on the fatty-acid composition of polar and non-polar intramuscular lipids of the longissimus dorsi muscle. To achieve this objective, 32 Appenninica lambs were randomly distributed into four groups of eight lambs each and were fed conventional cereal-based concentrates (diet C); concentrates containing 20% on a dry matter (DM) basis of rolled linseed (diet L); concentrates containing 35% DM of stoned olive cake (diet OC); and concentrates containing both rolled linseed (10% DM) and stoned olive cake (17% DM; diet OCL). The concentrates were administered together with grass hay at a 20:80 forage:concentrate ratio. Growing performances and carcass traits were evaluated. The fatty-acid composition was analysed in the total intramuscular lipids, as well as in the polar and neutral lipids. The average feed intake and the growth performance of lambs were not affected by the dietary treatments, as a consequence of similar nutritional characteristics of the diets. The inclusion of rolled linseed in the L and OCL diets increased the content of C18:3 n-3 in intramuscular total lipids, which was threefold higher in meat from the L lambs and more than twofold higher in meat from the OCL lambs compared with the C and OC treatments. The n-6:n-3 ratio significantly decreased in the meat from lambs in the L and OCL groups, reaching values below 3. The L treatment resulted in the highest level of trans-18:1 fatty acids in the muscle. Regardless of the dietary treatment, the t10-18:1 was the major isomer, representing 55%, 45%, 49% and 45% of total trans-18:1 for C, L, OC and OCL treatments, respectively. Neutral lipids from the OC-fed lambs contained the highest amount of c9-18:1 (more than 36% of total fatty acids); however, the content of c9-18:1 did not differ between the OC and C lambs, suggesting an intensive biohydrogenation of dietary c9-18:1 in the case of OC treatment. The highest content of c9,t11-18:2 was detected in the intramuscular fat from the L-fed lambs, followed by the OCL treatment. A similar trend was observed in the neutral lipid fraction and, to a lower extent, in the polar lipids.  相似文献   

Multi-unit electrophysiological mapping was used to establish the area of the left- and right-hemisphere auditory cortex (AC) of the mouse and to characterize various fields within the AC. The AC of the left hemisphere covered a significantly larger (factor of 1.30) area compared to that of the right side. Based on best-frequency (BF) maps and other neuronal response characteristics to tone and noise bursts, five fields (primary auditory field, anterior auditory field, second auditory field, ultrasonic field, dorsoposterior field) and two small non-specified areas could be delimited on both hemispheres. The relative sizes of these fields and areas were similar on both sides. The primary and anterior auditory fields were tonotopically organized with counter running frequency gradients merging in the center of the AC. These fields covered BF ranges up to about 45 kHz. Higher BFs up to about 70 kHz were represented non-tonotopically in the separate ultrasonic field, part of which may be considered as belonging to the primary field. The dorsoposterior and second auditory fields were non-tonotopically organized and neurons had special response properties. These characteristics of the mouse AC were compared with auditory cortical maps of other mammals. Accepted: 25 July 1997  相似文献   

The effects of an electric field and of various substituents on the symmetry breaking of degenerate near-midgap orbitals and on different properties in bi-N,N-pyrazine-1,6-hexatriene dications ([C4N2H4—(CH)6—C4N2H4]2+) are investigated by means of semiempirical PM3 and INDO CI methods. The electric field is simulated by applying positive/negative point charges at varying distances from the end-points, and the substitutions are done with single chlorine atoms or with CN, OH or CH3 groups, at various positions along the chain or on one of the pyrazine rings. The results are compared with calculations on the unsubstituted, field-free system. It is found that an electric field (e.g., as applied over a membrane) leads to significant symmetry breaking and also polarizes the HOMO and LUMO, such that electron transfer between these orbitals generates large dipole-moment shifts and non-negligible oscillator strengths. With substituents, no major symmetry breaking is observed for the ground state. Instead, strong modifications of the orbital picture are observed, in particular when using the stronger electron-withdrawing substituents. Placing the substituent in a ring position does, furthermore, lead to the possibility of large charge transfer.  相似文献   

The influence of cortical feedback on thalamic visual responses has been a source of much discussion in recent years. In this study we examine the possible role of cortical feedback in shaping the spatiotemporal receptive field (STRF) responses of thalamocortical (TC) cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus. A population-based computational model of the thalamocortical network is used to generate a representation of the STRF response of LGN TC cells within the corticothalamic feedback circuit. The cortical feedback is shown to have little influence on the spatial response properties of the STRF organization. However, the model suggests that cortical feedback may play a key role in modifying the experimentally observed biphasic temporal response property of the STRF, that is, the reversal over time of the polarity of ON and OFF responses of the centre and surround of the receptive field, in particular accounting for the experimentally observed mismatch between retinal cells and TC cells in respect of the magnitude of the second (rebound) phase of the temporal response. The model results also show that this mismatch may result from an anti-phase corticothalamic feedback mechanism.  相似文献   

We assessed the influence of a variety of aspects of locomotion and ecology including gait and locomotor types, maximal running speed, home range, and body size on postcranial shape variation in small to medium-sized mammals, employing geometric morphometric analysis and phylogenetic comparative methods. The four views analyzed, i.e., dorsal view of the penultimate lumbar vertebra, lateral view of the pelvis, posterior view of the proximal femur and proximal view of the tibia, showed clear phylogenetic signal and interesting patterns of association with movement. Variation in home range size was related to some tibia shape changes, while speed was associated with lumbar vertebra, pelvis and tibia shape changes. Femur shape was not related to any locomotor variables. In both locomotor type and high-speed gait analyses, locomotor groups were distinguished in both pelvis and tibia shape analyses. These results suggest that adaptations to both typical and high-speed gaits could explain a considerable portion of the shape of those elements. In addition, lumbar vertebra and tibia showed non-significant relationships with body mass, which suggests that they might be used in morpho-functional analyses and locomotor inferences on fossil taxa, with little or no bias for body size. Lastly, we observed morpho-functional convergences among several mammalian taxa and detected some taxa that achieve similar locomotor features following different morphological paths.  相似文献   

张文庆  古德祥  张古忍 《生态学报》2000,20(6):1107-1112
农田生态系统是一个不稳定的生态系统,包括作物生境和非作物生境两个组成部分。非作物生境对作物生境中的害虫及其天敌可产生正的或负的影响。在短期农作物生境中,周期性的种植和收割使得其中的节肢动物群落亦周期性地呈现出群落重新形成、群落发展和群落瓦解3个阶段。这一群落的发展和自然群落的富替是两种不同的发展方式。因此,将短期农作生境内节肢动物群落的重新形成过程定义为群落的重建,而非作物生境内的节肢物群落称之为  相似文献   

Helminths of the intestine, liver and bile-duct of 8 species of small mammal from 3 localities in Peninsular Malaysia are reported. The most abundant hosts, Rattus surifer, R. sabanus and Tupaia glis harbour 13, 12 and 10 species of helminth respectively. There is no marked depletion in the number of helminth species per host species in the island locality. Infections with spiruroids, Digenea and cestodes reflect the insectivorous habits of the hosts. Characteristic parasite faunas can be defined. Patterns of parasitism are discussed with respect to the possible nature of the host-parasite relationships.  相似文献   

Sexual behaviours often evolve rapidly and are critical for sexual isolation. We suggest that coordinated sexual signals and preferences generate stabilizing selection, favouring the accumulation of many small‐effect mutations in sexual communication traits. Rapid radiation of a sexual behaviour used in signalling, song pulse rate, has been observed in the Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala. Using marker‐assisted introgression, we isolated five known quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing species‐level differences in pulse rate from one species, L. paranigra, into a closely related species, L. kohalensis. All five QTL were found to have a significant effect on song and appear to be largely additive in backcross introgression lines. Furthermore, all effect sizes were small in magnitude. Our data provide support for the hypothesis that stabilizing selection on sexual signals in Laupala creates genetic conditions favourable to incremental divergence during speciation, through the evolution of alleles of minor rather than major phenotypic effects.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the phenology of the male and female sexual functions in flowers of Oil-seed Rape ( Brassica napus ) that were exposed to pollinators in an experimental garden. The female 'residual sex function' (RSF) of flowers was measured by hand-pollinating with genetically marked pollen in order to determine the proportion of ovules that remained available for fertilization by incoming pollen. Male RSF was measured by estimating the proportion of pollen grains that remained in dehiscing anthers.
2. Following flower opening, an average flower's male and female sexual functions each required for completion c. 13 h of exposure to pollinators. One hour after opening, c. 50% of a flower's ovules were unavailable to incoming pollen whereas only c. 10% of pollen was removed. Therefore, a flower's sexual function was predominantly female for the first hour and predominantly male thereafter.
3. We found a fairly close correspondence between the proportion of the stigma covered with pollen and the depletion of female RSF.
4. On average, floral senescence occurred after c. 14·5 h of exposure to pollinators. Our observations are fairly consistent with a simple, economic model of optimal senescence time because the flowers remained open for approximately the same length of time as was necessary for the completion of their sexual functions.
5. A flower's senescence was hastened when pollen was removed from the anthers, but not when pollen was deposited on the stigma.
6. When flowers were either left undisturbed or hand-pollinated, senescence occurred after c. 24 h. Pollen removal caused senescence after c. 13 h, which also approximated the longevity of flowers in the experimental garden. Apparently, pollen removal governed floral longevity under field conditions.  相似文献   

The cineradiographic study of the locomotion of the rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) and the functional interpretation of its locomotory system, reveals that the main action of proximal segments is combined with flexed position and low movements of limb joints. This observation can be applied to the locomotion of other small mammals. In the forelimb, scapular rotation and translation account for more than 60% of step length. Effective shoulder joint movements are mostly restricted to less than 20°, and elbow movements range mainly between 20°-50°. The detachment of the shoulder girdle of therian mammals from the axial skeleton, and development of a supraspinous fossa, are correlated with movements at a high scapular fulcrum. Movements at such a high fulcrum are in interdependency with a crouched posture. Only flexed limbs can act as shock absorbers and prevent vertical changes in the center of gravity. Basic differences in forelimb movements exist between larger primates (humeral retraction) and smaller mammals (scapula retraction). In the hyrax, propulsion is due mainly to hip joint movements in symmetrical gaits, but sagittal lumbar spine movements play the dominant role at in-phase gaits. Joint and muscular anatomy, especially of the shoulder region, are discussed in view of the kinematic data.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate the spatial and temporal variation of microalgae in the South China Sea and to demonstrate the environmental factors controlling the diversity of microalgae by GIS (geographic information system)-based analysis of 18S rDNA sequences. Six 18S rDNA libraries were constructed from environmental samples collected at different sites in the study area, and more than 600 18S rDNA sequences were determined. The rDNA sequence data were then analyzed by DIVA-GIS software to display the spatial and temporal variation of phytoplankton’s composition. It was shown that the autotrophic eukaryotic plankton dominated over the heterotrophic cells in most of our clone libraries, and the dominating phytoplankton was Dinophyceae except for Bacillariophyta at the Xiamen harbor. The percentages of these two groups were controlled by water temperature and salinity. Our results also revealed that the species composition of Chlorophyta showed a close relationship with latitude, changing from Prasinophyceae at the high latitude to Trebouxiophyceae at the low latitude. Several newly classified picoplankton lineages were first uncovered in the South China Sea, including the pico-sized green alga Ostreococcus sp. and Picochlorum eukaryotum, and picobiliphytes, which was just discovered in 2007 with unknown affinities to other eukaryotes. Their spatial and temporal variation were also analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, the study of percussive, pounding and grinding tools has provided new insights into human evolution, more particularly regarding the development of technology enabling the processing and exploitation of plant resources. Some of these studies focus on early evidence for flour production, an activity frequently perceived as an important step in the evolution of plant exploitation. The present paper investigates plant food preparation in mobile hunter-gatherer societies from the Southern Levant. The analysis consists of a use-wear study of 18 tools recovered from Ohalo II, a 23 000-year-old site in Israel showing an exceptional level of preservation. Our sample includes a slab previously interpreted as a lower implement used for producing flour, based on the presence of cereal starch residues. The use-wear data we have obtained provide crucial information about the function of this and other percussive tools at Ohalo II, as well as on investment in tool manufacture, discard strategies and evidence for plant processing in the Late Pleistocene. The use-wear analysis indicates that the production of flour was a sporadic activity at Ohalo II, predating by thousands of years the onset of routine processing of plant foods.  相似文献   

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