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Depolarization-Dependent Tyrosine Phosphorylation in Rat Brain Synaptosomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synaptosomes from rat forebrain were analyzed for the presence of phosphotyrosine-containing proteins by immunoblotting with antiphosphotyrosine antibodies. Using this technique, 10-11 phosphotyrosine-containing proteins were detected. Depolarization of synaptosomes by transfer to a high (41 mM) K+ medium resulted in increases in the phosphotyrosine content of several synaptosomal proteins, the most pronounced increase being associated with a membrane protein of M(r) 117,000 (ptp117). Additional proteins exhibiting depolarization-dependent increases in phosphotyrosine content had molecular weights of 39,000, 104,000, 135,000, and 160,000. The depolarization-dependent increase in the phosphotyrosine content of ptp117 was apparent within 30 s of the onset of depolarization, reached a maximum between 3 and 5 min, and then decreased to near control values by 30 min. The increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of ptp117 was dependent on the concentration of K+ in the depolarizing medium and was maximal with [K+] in excess of 50 mM. It was also calcium dependent and did not occur in the absence of extracellular calcium. The addition of veratridine to the incubation medium also resulted in an increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of ptp117. The results suggest that the phosphorylation of synaptic proteins on tyrosine residues may be involved in the regulation or modulation of synaptic activity.  相似文献   

By inhibiting aromatic L-amino-acid decarboxylase (EC in rat brain striatal synaptosomes, we have been able to measure dihydroxyphenylalanine production via high performance liquid chromatography-electrochemical oxidation. This dihydroxyphenylalanine assay was compared to a standard radioisotopic assay of catecholamine synthesis (14CO2 production from L-[1-14C]tyrosine) in terms of (1) units of activity, (2) effects of known inhibitory and stimulatory agents, and (3) effects of the calcium chelator, EGTA. The units of activity in the dihydroxyphenylalanine assay were 40% greater than the units in the radioisotopic assay, indicating a mixing of labeled and endogenous tyrosine pools before conversion of the labeled tyrosine to labeled dihydroxyphenylalanine. The inhibition of synthesis produced by either 3-iodotyrosine or 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine was similar in the two assays, as was the stimulation produced by 8-bromo cyclic AMP. The calcium chelator, EGTA, also activated synthesis to the same extent in the two assays, indicating that the increase observed in the radioisotopic assay is not an artifact of altered precursor specific activity. These data thus indicate the general utility of the synaptosomal dihydroxyphenylalanine synthesis assay, and also demonstrate the specific advantages of this assay for analyzing the effects of agents such as EGTA, which can alter tissue catecholamine precursor levels.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that dopamine (DA) autoreceptors modulate the phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH; EC was investigated in rat striatal slices. Tissue was prelabeled with 32P inorganic phosphate, and TH recovered by immunoprecipitation with anti-TH rabbit serum. The TH monomer was resolved on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels, and the extent of phosphorylation was determined by scanning densitometry of autoradiographs. Depolarization of striatal slices with 55 mM K+ markedly increased the incorporation of 32P into several proteins, including the TH monomer (Mr = 60,000). A similar increase in TH phosphorylation occurred in response to the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin and the cyclic AMP analog dibutyryl cyclic AMP. An increase in TH phosphorylation was not observed in response to the D1-selective agonist SKF 38393. The D2-selective DA autoreceptor agonist pergolide decreased the phosphorylation of TH below basal levels and blocked the increase in phosphorylation elicited by 55 mM K+. The inhibitory effect of pergolide was antagonized by the D2-selective antagonist eticlopride. Changes observed in the phosphorylation of TH were mirrored by changes in tyrosine hydroxylation in situ. These observations support the hypothesis that a reduction in TH phosphorylation is the mechanism by which DA autoreceptors modulate tyrosine hydroxylation in nigrostriatal nerve terminals.  相似文献   

Abstract: The sequence of molecular events linking depolarisation-dependent calcium influx to the release of neurotransmitters from nerve terminals is unknown; however, calcium-stimulated protein phosphorylation may play a role. In this study the incorporation of phosphate into proteins was investigated using an intact postmitochondrial pellet isolated from rat cerebral cortex. The rate and relative incorporation of label into individual phosphoproteins depended on the prelabelling time and buffer concentrations of calcium and phosphate. After prelabelling for 45 min, depolarisation caused a >20% increase in the labelling of 10 phosphoproteins, and this initial increase was maximal with 41 mM K+ for 5 s, or 30 μ M veratridine for 15 s, in the presence of 1 mM calcium. Both agents also led to an initial dephosphorylation of four phosphoproteins. Depolarisation for 5 min led to a significant decrease in the labelling of all phosphoproteins. All of the depolarisation-stimulated changes in protein phosphorylation were calcium-dependent. The depolarisation conditions found to optimally alter the phosphorylation of synaptosomal proteins find many parallels in studies on calcium uptake and neurotransmitter release. However, the uniform responses of such a large number of phosphoproteins to the multitude of depolarisation conditions studied suggest that the changes could equally well relate to recovery events such as biosynthesis of neurotransmitters and regulation of intraterminal metabolic activity.  相似文献   

The effect of calcium on protein phosphorylation was investigated using intact synaptosomes isolated from rat cerebral cortex and prelabelled with 32Pi. For nondepolarised synaptosomes a group of calcium-sensitive phosphoproteins were maximally labelled in the presence of 0.1 mM calcium. The phosphorylation of these proteins was slightly decreased in the presence of strontium and absent in the presence of barium, consistent with the decreased ability of these cations to activate calcium-stimulated protein kinases. Addition of calcium alone to synaptosomes prelabelled in its absence increased phosphorylation of a number of proteins. On depolarisation in the presence of calcium certain of the calcium-sensitive phosphoproteins were further increased in labelling above nondepolarised levels. These increases were maximal and most sustained after prelabelling at 0.1 mM calcium. On prolonged depolarisation at this calcium concentration a slow decrease in labelling was observed for most phosphoproteins, whereas a greater rate and extent of decrease occurred at higher calcium concentrations. At 2.5 mM calcium a rapid and then a subsequent slow dephosphorylation was observed, indicating two distinct phases of dephosphorylation. Of all the phosphoproteins normally stimulated by depolarisation, only phosphoprotein 59 did not exhibit the rapid phase of dephosphorylation at high calcium concentrations. Replacing calcium with strontium markedly decreased the extent of change observed on depolarisation whereas barium decreased phosphorylation changes even further. Taken together these data suggest that an influx of calcium into synaptosomes initially activates protein phosphorylation, but as the levels of intrasynaptosomal calcium rise protein dephosphorylation predominates. Other phosphoproteins were dephosphorylated immediately on depolarisation in the presence of calcium. The fine control of protein phosphorylation levels exerted by calcium supports the idea that the synaptosomal phosphoproteins could play a role in modulating events such as neurotransmitter release in the nerve terminal.  相似文献   

Abstract: The sequence of molecular events linking depolarisation-dependent calcium influx to calcium-stimulated protein phosphorylation is unknown. In this study the effect of the neuroleptic drug fluphenazine on depolarisation-dependent protein phosphorylation was investigated using an intact postmitochondrial pellet isolated from rat cerebral cortex. Fluphenazine, in a dose-dependent manner, completely inhibited the increases in protein phosphorylation observed previously. The concentration of fluphenazine required for 50% inhibition varied for different phosphoproteins but for synapsin I was 123 μ M. Other neuroleptics produced effects similar to fluphenazine with their order of potency being thioridazine > haloperidol > trifluoperazine > fluphenazine > chlorpromazine. Fluphenazine also increased the phosphorylation of proteins in nondepolarised controls at concentrations of 20 and 60 μ M. The inhibition of depolarisation-dependent phosphorylation was apparently not due to a loss of synaptosomal integrity or viability, a decrease in calcium uptake, a change in substrate availability, or to a change in protein phosphatase activity. The data are most consistent with an inhibition of protein kinase activity by blockade of calmodulin or phospholipid activation.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase, purified from rat striatum, was investigated using purified Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent protein kinase II. This kinase catalyzed the Ca2+-dependent incorporation of up to 0.8 mol 32PO4/mol tyrosine hydroxylase subunit (62 kilodaltons). Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography mapping of tryptic 32P-peptides established that the Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase II phosphorylated a different serine residue than was phosphorylated by the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Limited proteolysis sequentially reduced the subunit Mr from 62 to 59 kilodaltons and finally to 57 kilodaltons, resulting in loss of the site phosphorylated by the Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase II, but not the site phosphorylated by the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Phosphorylation by the Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase II had little direct effect on the kinetic properties of tyrosine hydroxylase, but did convert it to a form that could be activated twofold by addition of an activator protein. This heat-labile activator protein increased the Vmax without affecting the Km for the pterin cofactor. This effect was specific in that the activator protein was without effect on nonphosphorylated tyrosine hydroxylase or on tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylated by the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the "Vmax-type" activation of tyrosine hydroxylase observed upon depolarization of neural and adrenal tissues may be mediated by the Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase II.  相似文献   

These studies were undertaken to test the hypothesis that alterations in phosphatidylinositol metabolism can modulate neurotransmitter release in the central nervous system. The effects of 1,2-diacylglycerols (DAGs) on dopamine release in the rat central nervous system were determined by measuring dopamine release from rat striatal synaptosomes in response to two DAGs (sn-1,2-dioctanoylglycerol and 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol) that can activate protein kinase C and one DAG (deoxydioctanoylglycerol) that does not activate this kinase. Dioctanoylglycerol and 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol, at a concentration of 50 micrograms/ml, stimulated the release of labeled dopamine from striatal synaptosomes by 35-50 and 17%, respectively. Dioctanoylglycerol-induced release was also demonstrated for endogenous dopamine. In contrast, deoxydioctanoylglycerol (50 micrograms/ml) did not stimulate dopamine release. Dioctanoylglycerol-induced dopamine release was independent of external calcium concentration, indicating a utilization of internal calcium stores. Dioctanoylglycerol (50 micrograms/ml) also produced a 38% increase in labeled serotonin release from striatal synaptosomes. The addition of dioctanoylglycerol to the striatal supernatant fraction increased protein kinase C activity. These results are consistent with the concept that an increase in phosphatidylinositol metabolism can stimulate neurotransmitter release in the central nervous system via an increase in DAG concentration. The data suggest an involvement of protein kinase C in the DAG-induced release, but other sites for DAG action are also possible.  相似文献   

Abstract Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, EC from beef brain striata was purified 23-fold from an extract of an acetone powder. If this enzyme preparation is treated with a cyclic AMP-dependent protein phosphorylation system, there is a change in the pH dependence of the enzyme activity. The pH optimum at saturating tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) concentration is shifted from below pH 6 to about pH 6.7. At pH 7, activation is expressed mainly as an increase in Vmax, whereas at pH 6, activation is expressed mainly as a decrease in Km for the pterin cofactor. Further, even with the control enzyme the Km for pterin cofactor declines precipitously as the pH is increased from 6 toward neutrality. Similar data were obtained with G-25 Sephadex-treated rat striatal TH. Experiments in which rat striatal synaptosomes were used demonstrated that the in situ activation of TH by phosphorylating conditions is expressed primarily as an increase in the maximum rate of dopamine synthesis. These results indicate that changes in TH activity caused by cyclic AMP-dependent protein phosphorylation will depend to a large extent on the pH of the TH environment.  相似文献   

We studied the molecular events underlying K(+)-induced phosphorylation of the neuron-specific protein kinase C substrate B-50. Rat cortical synaptosomes were prelabelled with 32P-labelled orthophosphate. B-50 phosphorylation was measured by an immunoprecipitation assay. In this system, various phorbol esters, as well as a synthetic diacylglycerol derivative, enhance B-50 phosphorylation. K+ depolarization induces a transient enhancement of B-50 phosphorylation, which is totally dependent on extracellular Ca2+. Also, the application of the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 induces B-50 phosphorylation, but the magnitude and kinetics of A23187-induced B-50 phosphorylation differ from those induced by depolarization. The protein kinase inhibitors 1-(5-isoquinolinylsulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H-7), N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide (W-7), and staurosporine antagonize K(+)- as well as PDB-induced B-50 phosphorylation, whereas trifluoperazine and calmidazolium are ineffective under both conditions. We suggest that elevation of the intracellular Ca2+ level after depolarization is a trigger for activation of protein kinase C, which subsequently phosphorylates its substrate B-50. This sequence of events could be of importance for the mechanism of depolarization-induced transmitter release.  相似文献   

Synapsin I, a prominent phosphoprotein in nerve terminals, is proposed to modulate exocytosis by interaction with the cytoplasmic surface of small synaptic vesicles and cytoskeletal elements in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. Tetanus toxin (TeTx), a potent inhibitor of neurotransmitter release, attenuated the depolarization-stimulated increase in synapsin I phosphorylation in rat cortical particles and in synaptosomes. TeTx also markedly decreased the translocation of synapsin I from the small synaptic vesicles and the cytoskeleton into the cytosol, on depolarization of synaptosomes. The effect of TeTx on synapsin I phosphorylation was both time and TeTx concentration dependent and required active toxin. One- and two-dimensional peptide maps of synapsin I with V8 proteinase and trypsin, respectively, showed no differences in the relative phosphorylation of peptides for the control and TeTx-treated synaptosomes, suggesting that both the calmodulin- and the cyclic AMP-dependent kinases that label this protein are equally affected. Phosphorylation of synapsin IIb and the B-50 protein (GAP43), a known substrate of protein kinase C, was also inhibited by TeTx. TeTx affected only a limited number of phosphoproteins and the calcium-dependent decrease in dephosphin phosphorylation remained unaffected. In vitro phosphorylation of proteins in lysed synaptosomes was not influenced by prior TeTx treatment of the intact synaptosomes or by the addition of TeTx to lysates, suggesting that the effect of TeTx on protein phosphorylation was indirect. Our data demonstrate that TeTx inhibits neurotransmitter release, the phosphorylation of a select group of phosphoproteins in nerve terminals, and the translocation of synapsin I. These findings contribute to our understanding of the basic mechanism of TeTx action.  相似文献   

Qualitative aspects of protein synthesis in organelles and intact cultured cells of brain origin were compared to clarify the distinction between synaptosomal and mitochondrial protein synthesis. Brain mitochondria and synaptosomes were isolated either on a traditional Ficoll-sucrose gradient or by a new Percoll gradient procedure, and were incubated in an amino acid incorporation system containing [35S]methionine, then electrophoresed on gradient slab gels. Autoradiography of the gels revealed that in the presence of cycloheximide both mitochondria and synaptosomes synthesized at least 17 proteins in the 6,000-50,000 MW range, and that incubation with chloramphenicol reduced or eliminated these bands. With minor variation these patterns in the low-molecular-weight region also resembled patterns obtained from cycloheximide-inhibited rat liver mitochondria and intact brain cells (cultured glia, glioma, and neuroblastoma). In the higher molecular weight region of the gels (greater than 50,000) banding patterns were more complex and tended to differ between organelles and intact cells. These polypeptides probably reflect nonmitochondrial protein synthesis, and their variable response to inhibitors may account for confusion in the literature with regard to the effects of inhibitors of protein synthesis in brain mitochondria and synaptosomes.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dopamine synthesis regulation as a function of pH has been examined in rat brain striatal synaptosomes. Synthesis stimulation produced by lowering the incubation pH from 7.2 to 6.2 is accompanied by a significant increase in apparent A'm for tyrosine and in apparent Vmax. While these kinetic alterations are similar to those produced by the depolarizing agent veratridine, it does not appear that synthesis is stimulated at pH 6.2 via synaptosomal depolarization since (1) synthesis stimulation still occurs at pH 6.2 in a calcium-free medium in contrast to the calcium-dependency of veratridine- induced stimulation and (2) tyrosine uptake is not inhibited by incubation at pH 6.2, but is markedly inhibited by veratridine. In order to study how the regulatory properties of synaptosomal preparations vary according to pH, the ability of synaptosomal dopamine synthesis to respond to various agents was tested between pH 7.2 and 6.2. The stimulatory effects of veratridine, amphetamine, phenylethylamine and dibutyryl cyclic AMP at pH 7.2 were significantly diminished at pH 6.2. In addition, incubation at pH 6.2 antagonized the veratridine-induced inhibition of tyrosine uptake, suggesting an interference with the depolarization process. The inhibitory effects of dopamine and tyramine at pH 7.2 were also antagonized at pH 6.2. In contrast to the effects of pH 6.2 buffer, incubation at pH 6.6 does not markedly alter responses to the various drugs. The results suggest that, although basal dopamine synthesis rates can be increased by lowering the pH, synaptosomal regulatory properties are significantly altered as the pH is lowered below 6.6.  相似文献   

The endogenous phosphorylation of synapsin 1 in cyclic AMP-containing media was greatly decreased by digestion of synaptic vesicles and synaptosomal membranes with phospholipase A2, suggesting that the system is functionally dependent on the membrane structure. Treatment of the synaptic vesicle fraction with phospholipase A2 also caused a small but significant inhibition of the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of the same protein. The Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of other major acceptors, and the basal phosphorylation of a 52-kD acceptor enriched in the vesicle fraction, remained unchanged after cleavage of the membrane phospholipids with phospholipase A2. The significance of the selective effect of phospholipase A2 treatment on endogenous membrane phosphorylation is discussed.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine biosynthesis, catalyzes the conversion of tyrosine to DOPA, Cyclic AMP-dependent protein phosphorylation conditions alter tyrosine hydroxylase activity in rat striatal homogenates. In agreement with other laboratories, we find that short-term pre-incubation (3 min) of extracts under phosphorylating conditions (Mg . ATP, cAMP) increases enzyme activity two- to tenfold over control as measured during a subsequent 15-min assay. We now report that preincubation under phosphorylating conditions for longer periods (30 min) results in a loss of activity to levels equal to or below that of the control enzyme. Addition of purified bovine brain protein kinase catalytic subunit and Mg . ATP enhances activation and increases the rate of inactivation. To demonstrate that inactivation is not associated with proteolytic degradation or irreversible denaturation, the inactivated form of the enzyme can be reactivated. The protein kinase inhibitor protein decreases the activation process and prevents inactivation of the enzyme to below control values. The sedimentation coefficient is not changed by phosphorylation conditions (S = 8.8 +/- 0.1). Although the apparent Km of the enzyme for the 6-methyltetrahydropterine (6-MPH4) cofactor is reduced (0.86 mM, control; 0.32 mM, activated), it is also reduced in the inactivated form (0.38 mM). The Ki for dopamine is increased from 4.5 microM for the control to 28 microM for the activated enzyme, whereas the inactivated form of the enzyme exhibits a Ki of 10 microM. Removal of catecholamines by gel filtration fails to alter activity and the apparent cofactor Km. Moreover, both the activated and the inactivated states persist following gel filtration. It therefore appears that the activation-inactivation process is not mediated solely by the modulation of enzyme feedback inhibition or changes in the Km for 6-MPH4. We also describe a coupled decarboxylase assay in which labeled dopamine is resolved from the precursors tyrosine and DOPA by low-voltage paper electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Abstract: By use of high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection to measure dopamine production, tyrosine hydroxylase (EC activity has been measured in rat brain synaptosomes from striatum and forebrain. Normal specific activities three- to fivefold higher than previously reported in the literature for radiochemical methods of assay were found. It is suggested that synaptosomes contain a significant amount of endogenous substrate for tyrosine hydroxylase, which causes dilution of the added labelled tyrosine and hence underestimation of the activity of this enzyme when radiochemical methods are used.  相似文献   

Depolarization of synaptosomes is known to cause a calcium-dependent increase in the phosphorylation of a number of proteins. It was the aim of this study to determine which protein kinases are activated on depolarization by analyzing the incorporation of 32Pi into synaptosomal phosphoproteins and phosphopeptides. The following well-characterized phosphoproteins were chosen for study: phosphoprotein "87K," synapsin Ia and Ib, phosphoproteins IIIa and IIIb, the catalytic subunits of calmodulin kinase II, and the B-50 protein. Each was initially identified as a phosphoprotein in lysed synaptosomes after incubation with [gamma-32P]ATP. Mobility on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels and phosphorylation by specific protein kinases were the primary criteria used for identification. A technique was developed that allowed simultaneous analysis of the phosphopeptides derived from all of these proteins. Phosphopeptides were characterized in lysed synaptosomes after activating cyclic AMP-, calmodulin-, and phospholipid-stimulated protein kinases in the presence of [gamma-32P]ATP. Phosphoproteins labelled in intact synaptosomes after incubation with 32Pi were then compared with those seen after ATP-labelling of lysed synaptosomes. As expected from previous work, phosphoprotein "87K," and synapsin Ia and Ib were labelled, but for the first time, phosphoproteins IIIa, IIIb, and the B-50 protein were identified as being labelled in intact synaptosomes; the calmodulin kinase II subunits were hardly phosphorylated. From a comparison of the phosphopeptide profiles it was found that cyclic AMP-, calmodulin-, and phospholipid-stimulated protein kinases are all active in intact synaptosomes and their activity is dependent on extrasynaptosomal calcium. The activation of cyclic AMP-stimulated protein kinases in intact synaptosomes was confirmed by the addition of dibutyryl cyclic AMP and theophylline which specifically increased the labelling of phosphopeptides in synapsin Ia and Ib and in phosphoproteins IIIa and IIIb. On depolarization of intact synaptosomes, a number of phosphopeptides showed increased labelling and the pattern suggested that cyclic AMP-, calmodulin-, and phospholipid-stimulated protein kinases were all activated. No new peptides were phosphorylated, suggesting that depolarization simply increased the activity of already active protein kinases and that there was no depolarization-specific increase in protein phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Histamine can cause the release of catecholamines from bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells by a mechanism distinct from that of the depolarizing agents nicotine or high K+ buffer. It was the aim of this study to determine the protein phosphorylation responses to histamine in these cells and to compare them with those induced by depolarization. A number of proteins showed increases in phosphorylation in response to histamine especially when analyzed on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or by phosphopeptide mapping; one protein of 20,000 daltons was markedly dephosphorylated. Emphasis was given to the effects of histamine on tyrosine hydroxylase (TOH) phosphorylation, because this protein showed the most prominent changes on one-dimensional gels. Histamine acted via H1 receptors to increase TOH phosphorylation; the response was blocked by the H1 antagonist mepyramine and could be mimicked by the H1 agonist thiazolylethylamine, but not by the H2 agonist dimaprit. The H3 agonist (R) alpha-methylhistamine increased TOH phosphorylation at high concentrations, but the response was blocked entirely by mepyramine. Histamine rapidly increased the phosphorylation of TOH, with a maximum reached within 5 s and maintained for at least 30 min. This was in marked contrast to nicotine-stimulated protein phosphorylation of TOH, which was rapidly desensitized. The initial phosphorylation response to histamine was independent of extracellular Ca2+ for at least 3 min, but the sustained response required extracellular Ca2+. This was in contrast to the situation with both nicotine and high K+ buffer, which under the conditions used here caused a response which was dependent on extracellular Ca2+ at all times investigated. In the presence of histamine, the phosphopeptide profiles for TOH were essentially the same with or without Ca2+, suggesting that the same protein kinases were involved, but at longer times there was evidence of new phosphorylation sites. The mechanism or mechanisms whereby histamine modulates TOH phosphorylation are discussed with emphasis on the differences from depolarizing agents.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing concentrations of Zn2+ (1 microM-5 mM) on protein phosphorylation was investigated in cytosol (S3) and crude synaptic plasma membrane (P2-M) fractions from rat cerebral cortex and purified calmodulin-stimulated protein kinase II (CMK II). Zn2+ was found to be a potent inhibitor of both protein kinase and protein phosphatase activities, with highly specific effects on CMK II. Only one phosphoprotein band (40 kDa in P2-M phosphorylated under basal conditions) was unaffected by addition of Zn2+. The vast majority of phosphoprotein bands in both basal and calcium/calmodulin-stimulated conditions showed a dose-dependent inhibition of phosphorylation, which varied with individual phosphoproteins. Two basal phosphoprotein bands (58 and 66 kDa in S3) showed a significant stimulation of phosphorylation at 100 microM Zn2+ with decreased stimulation at higher concentrations, which was absent by 5 mM Zn2+. A few Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated phosphoproteins in P2-M and S3 showed biphasic behavior; inhibition at less than 100 microM Zn2+ and stimulation by millimolar concentrations of Zn2+ in the presence or absence of added Ca2+/calmodulin. The two major phosphoproteins in this group were identified as the alpha and beta subunits of CMK II. Using purified enzyme, Zn2+ was shown to have two direct effects on CMK II: an inhibition of Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated autophosphorylation and substrate phosphorylation activity at low concentrations and the creation of a new Zn(2+)-stimulated, Ca2+/calmodulin-independent activity at concentrations of greater than 100 microM that produces a redistribution of activity biased toward autophosphorylation and an alpha subunit with an altered mobility on sodium dodecyl sulfate-containing gels.  相似文献   

Blood–Brain Barrier Protein and Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Capillaries in vertebrate brain have unique permeability properties that make up the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Although it is known that capillaries are innervated by nerve endings of intracerebral origin and that brain capillary function is likely acutely regulated by neuronal inputs, the possible mechanisms of neuronal regulation of capillary function are at present unknown. One possible mode of regulation is via the phosphorylation of brain capillary proteins. The present studies characterize, for the first time, the major phosphoproteins in the bovine brain capillary using both intact bovine brain capillaries and plasma membrane fractions from bovine brain capillaries. The patterns of endogenous phosphorylation of capillary proteins are compared to similar patterns obtained with synaptosomal (P2) fractions from bovine brain. The major findings of this study are: (a) The activity of protein phosphorylation in brain capillaries is localized almost exclusively to the capillary plasma membrane, and is nearly comparable to the activity of protein phosphorylation in synaptosomal membranes. (b) A major phosphoprotein doublet in the capillary fraction comigrates on a sodium dodecyl sulfate gel with a major phosphoprotein doublet of approximate molecular weight of 80K in the synaptosomal fraction, and the latter is presumed to be synapsin I; in dephosphorylation assays the synaptosomal 80K phosphoprotein doublet is not subject to measurable dephosphorylation, whereas the capillary 80K doublet is subject to rapid dephosphorylation, and is essentially completely dephosphorylated within 5 s at 0 degrees C. (c) A prominent triplet of phosphoproteins with molecular weight of 50-55K is present in the capillary fraction, and is not present in the synaptosomal fraction; thus, this 50-55K triplet of phosphoproteins appears specific for brain capillaries.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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