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Teramoto T  Iwasaki K 《Cell calcium》2006,40(3):319-327
Periodic behavioral motor patterns are normally controlled by neural circuits, such as central pattern generators. We here report a novel mechanism of motor pattern generation by non-neural cells. The defecation motor program in Caenorhabditis elegans consists of three stereotyped motor steps with precise timing and this behavior has been studied as a model system of a ultradian biological clock [J.H. Thomas, Genetic analysis of defecation in C. elegans, Genetics 124 (1990) 855-872; D.W. Liu, J.H. Thomas, Regulation of a periodic motor program in C. elegans, J. Neurosci. 14 (1994) 1953-1962; K. Iwasaki, D.W. Liu, J.H. Thomas, Genes that control a temperature-compensated ultradian clock in Caenorhabditis elegans, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995), 10317-10321]. It was previously implied that the inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor in the intestine was necessary for this periodic behavior [P. Dal Santo, M.A. Logan, A.D. Chisholm, E.M. Jorgensen, The inositol trisphosphate receptor regulates a 50s behavioral rhythm in C. elegans, Cell 98 (1999) 757-767]. Therefore, we developed a new assay system to study a relationship between this behavioral timing and intestinal Ca(2+) dynamics. Using this assay system, we found that the timing between the first and second motor steps is coordinated by intercellular Ca(2+)-wave propagation in the intestine. Lack of the Ca(2+)-wave propagation correlated with no coordination of the motor steps in the CaMKII mutant. Also, when the Ca(2+)-wave propagation was blocked by the IP3 receptor inhibitor heparin at the mid-intestine in wild type, the second/third motor steps were eliminated, which phenocopied ablation of the motor neurons AVL and DVB. These observations suggest that an intestinal Ca(2+)-wave propagation governs the timing of neural activities that controls specific behavioral patterns in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Intercellular calcium waves can be observed in adult tissues, but whether they are instructive, permissive, or even required for behavior is predominantly unknown. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a periodic calcium spike in a pacemaker cell initiates a calcium wave in the intestine. The calcium wave is followed by three muscle contractions that comprise the defecation motor program. Normal wave propagation requires the pannexin gap-junction subunit INX-16 at the interfaces of the intestinal cells. In the absence of this gap-junction subunit, calcium waves are frequently absent. The remaining waves are slow, initiate at abnormal locations, or travel in the opposite direction. Abnormal waves are associated with parallel effects in the first step of the motor program: The contractions of the overlying muscles fail to propagate beyond the pacemaker cell, are slow, initiate in abnormal locations, or are reversed. Moreover, the last two motor steps are predominantly absent. Finally, the absence of this gap-junction subunit also affects the reliability of the pacemaker cell; cycle timing is often irregular. These data demonstrate that pannexin gap junctions propagate calcium waves in the C. elegans intestine. The calcium waves instruct the motor steps and regulate the pacemaker cell's authority and reliability.  相似文献   

Posterior body wall muscle contraction (pBoc) in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans occurs rhythmically every 45-50 s and mediates defecation. pBoc is controlled by inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-dependent Ca2+ oscillations in the intestine. The intestinal epithelium can be studied by patch clamp electrophysiology, Ca2+ imaging, genome-wide reverse genetic analysis, forward genetics, and molecular biology and thus provides a powerful model to develop an integrated systems level understanding of a nonexcitable cell oscillatory Ca2+ signaling pathway. Intestinal cells express an outwardly rectifying Ca2+ (ORCa) current with biophysical properties resembling those of TRPM channels. Two TRPM homologues, GON-2 and GTL-1, are expressed in the intestine. Using deletion and severe loss-of-function alleles of the gtl-1 and gon-2 genes, we demonstrate here that GON-2 and GTL-1 are both required for maintaining rhythmic pBoc and intestinal Ca2+ oscillations. Loss of GTL-l and GON-2 function inhibits I(ORCa) approximately 70% and approximately 90%, respectively. I(ORCa) is undetectable in gon-2;gtl-1 double mutant cells. These results demonstrate that (a) both gon-2 and gtl-1 are required for ORCa channel function, and (b) GON-2 and GTL-1 can function independently as ion channels, but that their functions in mediating I(ORCa) are interdependent. I(ORCa), I(GON-2), and I(GTL-1) have nearly identical biophysical properties. Importantly, all three channels are at least 60-fold more permeable to Ca2+ than Na+. Epistasis analysis suggests that GON-2 and GTL-1 function in the IP3 signaling pathway to regulate intestinal Ca2+ oscillations. We postulate that GON-2 and GTL-1 form heteromeric ORCa channels that mediate selective Ca2+ influx and function to regulate IP3 receptor activity and possibly to refill ER Ca2+ stores.  相似文献   

We present an optogenetic illumination system capable of real-time light delivery with high spatial resolution to specified targets in freely moving Caenorhabditis elegans. A tracking microscope records the motion of an unrestrained worm expressing channelrhodopsin-2 or halorhodopsin in specific cell types. Image processing software analyzes the worm's position in each video frame, rapidly estimates the locations of targeted cells and instructs a digital micromirror device to illuminate targeted cells with laser light of the appropriate wavelengths to stimulate or inhibit activity. Because each cell in an unrestrained worm is a rapidly moving target, our system operates at high speed (~50 frames per second) to provide high spatial resolution (~30 μm). To test the accuracy, flexibility and utility of our system, we performed optogenetic analyses of the worm motor circuit, egg-laying circuit and mechanosensory circuits that have not been possible with previous methods.  相似文献   

The pharyngeal muscles of Caenorhabditis elegans are composed of the corpus, isthmus and terminal bulb from anterior to posterior. These components are excited in a coordinated fashion to facilitate proper feeding through pumping and peristalsis. We analysed the spatiotemporal pattern of intracellular calcium dynamics in the pharyngeal muscles during feeding. We used a new ratiometric fluorescent calcium indicator and a new optical system that allows simultaneous illumination and detection at any two wavelengths. Pumping was observed with fast, repetitive and synchronous spikes in calcium concentrations in the corpus and terminal bulb, indicative of electrical coupling throughout the muscles. The posterior isthmus, however, responded to only one out of several pumping spikes to produce broad calcium transients, leading to peristalsis, the slow and gradual motion needed for efficient swallows. The excitation-calcium coupling may be uniquely modulated in this region at the level of calcium channels on the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3))-dependent Ca(2+) signaling regulates gonad function, fertility, and rhythmic posterior body wall muscle contraction (pBoc) required for defecation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE) is activated during endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca(2+) store depletion and is believed to be an essential and ubiquitous component of Ca(2+) signaling pathways. SOCE is thought to function to refill Ca(2+) stores and modulate Ca(2+) signals. Recently, stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) was identified as a putative ER Ca(2+) sensor that regulates SOCE. We cloned a full-length C. elegans stim-1 cDNA that encodes a 530-amino acid protein with approximately 21% sequence identity to human STIM1. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged STIM-1 is expressed in the intestine, gonad sheath cells, and spermatheca. Knockdown of stim-1 expression by RNA interference (RNAi) causes sterility due to loss of sheath cell and spermatheca contractile activity required for ovulation. Transgenic worms expressing a STIM-1 EF-hand mutant that constitutively activates SOCE in Drosophila and mammalian cells are sterile and exhibit severe pBoc arrhythmia. stim-1 RNAi dramatically reduces STIM-1GFP expression, suppresses the EF-hand mutation-induced pBoc arrhythmia, and inhibits intestinal store-operated Ca(2+) (SOC) channels. However, stim-1 RNAi surprisingly has no effect on pBoc rhythm, which is controlled by intestinal oscillatory Ca(2+) signaling, in wild type and IP(3) signaling mutant worms, and has no effect on intestinal Ca(2+) oscillations and waves. Depletion of intestinal Ca(2+) stores by RNAi knockdown of the ER Ca(2+) pump triggers the ER unfolded protein response (UPR). In contrast, stim-1 RNAi fails to induce the UPR. Our studies provide the first detailed characterization of STIM-1 function in an intact animal and suggest that SOCE is not essential for certain oscillatory Ca(2+) signaling processes and for maintenance of store Ca(2+) levels in C. elegans. These findings raise interesting and important questions regarding the function of SOCE and SOC channels under normal and pathophysiological conditions.  相似文献   

In C. elegans, rhythmic defecation is timed by oscillatory Ca(2+) signaling in the intestine [1-5]. Here, by using fluorescent biosensors in live, unrestrained worms, we show that intestinal pH also oscillates during defecation and that transepithelial proton movement is essential for defecation signaling. The intestinal cytoplasm is acidified by proton influx from the lumen during defecation. Acidification is predicted to trigger Na(+)/H(+) exchange activity and subsequent proton efflux. The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHX-7 (PBO-4) extrudes protons across the basolateral membrane and is necessary for both acute acidification of the pseudocoelom and for strong contractions of the posterior body wall muscles during defecation. This suggests that secreted protons transmit a signal between the intestine and muscle. NHX-2 is a second Na(+)/H(+) exchanger whose distribution is limited to the apical membranes facing the intestinal lumen. RNA interference of nhx-2 reduces the basal pH of the intestinal cells, reduces the rate of proton movement between the lumen and the cytoplasm during defecation, and extends the defecation period. Thus, the cell may integrate both pH and calcium signals to regulate defecation timing. Overall, these results establish the defecation cycle as a model system for studying transepithelial proton flux in tissues that maintain systemic acid-base balance.  相似文献   

Intercellular regenerative calcium waves in systems such as the liver and the blowfly salivary gland have been hypothesized to spread through calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) and gap-junctional calcium diffusion. A simple mathematical model of this mechanism is developed. It includes CICR and calcium removal from the cytoplasm, cytoplasmic and gap-junctional calcium diffusion, and calcium buffering. For a piecewise linear approximation of the calcium kinetics, expressions in terms of the cellular parameters are derived for 1) the condition for the propagation of intercellular waves, and 2) the characteristic time of the delay of a wave encountered at the gap junctions. Intercellular propagation relies on the local excitation of CICR in the perijunctional space by gap-junctional calcium influx. This mechanism is compatible with low effective calcium diffusivity, and necessitates that CICR can be excited in every cell along the path of a wave. The gap-junctional calcium permeability required for intercellular waves in the model falls in the range of reported gap-junctional permeability values. The concentration of diffusive cytoplasmic calcium buffers and the maximal rate of CICR, in the case of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor calcium release channels set by the IP(3) concentration, are shown to be further determinants of wave behavior.  相似文献   

Slo channels are large conductance K+ channels that display marked differences in their gating by intracellular ions. Among them, the Slo1 and C. elegans SLO-2 channels are gated by calcium (Ca2+), while mammalian Slo2 channels are activated by both sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl). Here, we report that SLO-2 channels, SLO-2a and a novel N-terminal variant isoform, SLO-2b, are activated by Ca2+ and voltage, but in contrast to previous reports they do not exhibit Cl sensitivity. Most importantly, SLO-2 provides a unique case in the Slo family for sensing Ca2+ with the high-affinity Ca2+ regulatory site in the RCK1 but not the RCK2 domain, formed through interactions with residues E319 and E487 (that correspond to D362 and E535 of Slo1, respectively). The SLO-2 RCK2 domain lacks the Ca2+ bowl structure and shows minimal Ca2+ dependence. In addition, in contrast to SLO-1, SLO-2 loss-of-function mutants confer resistance to hypoxia in C. elegans. Thus, the C. elegans SLO-2 channels possess unique biophysical and functional properties.  相似文献   

Digital imaging microscopy of fluo-3 fluorescence was used to study the velocity and shape of intracellular Ca2+ waves in isolated rat cardiomyocytes as a function of temperature. Decreasing the temperature from 37 to 17 degrees C reduced the longitudinal wave velocity by a factor of 1.8 and remarkably slowed the decay of [Ca2+]i in the trailing flank of a wave. Using image analysis, rise times, and half-maximum decay times of local Ca2+ transients, which characterize the processes of local Ca2+ release and removal, were determined as a function of temperature. Apparent activation energies for wave front propagation, local Ca2+ release, and local Ca2+ removal were derived from Arrhenius plots and amounted to -23, -28, and -46 kJ/mol, respectively. The high activation energy of Ca2+ removal, which arises from the activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ ATPase, relative to those of longitudinal wave propagation and local Ca2+ release excludes the hypothetical mechanism of regenerative "spontaneous Ca2+ release," in which Ca2+ that has been taken up from the approaching wavefront triggers Ca2+ release at a luminal site of the SR. It is consistent, however, with the hypothesis that Ca2+ wave propagation is based on Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release where Ca2+ triggers release on the cytosolic face of the SR.  相似文献   

C. elegans contains a microtubule binding protein that resembles both dynein and kinesin. This protein has a MgATPase activity and copurifies on both sucrose gradients and DEAE Sephadex columns with a polypeptide of Mr approximately 400 kd. The ATPase activity is 50% inhibited by 10 microM vanadate, 1 mM N-ethyl maleimide, or 5 mM AMP-PNP; it is enhanced 50% by 0.2% Triton. The 400 kd polypeptide is cleaved at a single site by ultraviolet light in the presence of ATP and vanadate. In these ways, the protein resembles dynein. The protein also promotes ATP-dependent translocation of microtubules or axonemes, "plus" ends trailing. This property is kinesin-like; however, the motility is blocked by 5 microM vanadate, 1 mM N-ethyl maleimide, 0.5 mM ATP-gamma-S, or by ATP-vanadate-UV cleavage of the 400 kd polypeptide, characteristics that differ from kinesin. We propose that this protein is a novel microtubule translocator.  相似文献   



Of the animals typically used to study fertilization-induced calcium dynamics, none is as accessible to genetics and molecular biology as the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. Motivated by the experimental possibilities inherent in using such a well-established model organism, we have characterized fertilization-induced calcium dynamics in C. elegans.


Owing to the transparency of the nematode, we have been able to study the calcium signal in C. elegans fertilization in vivo by monitoring the fluorescence of calcium indicator dyes that we introduce into the cytosol of oocytes. In C. elegans, fertilization induces a single calcium transient that is initiated soon after oocyte entry into the spermatheca, the compartment that contains sperm. Therefore, it is likely that the calcium transient is initiated by contact with sperm. This calcium elevation spreads throughout the oocyte, and decays monotonically after which the cytosolic calcium concentration returns to that preceding fertilization. Only this single calcium transient is observed.


Development of a technique to study fertilization induced calcium transients opens several experimental possibilities, e.g., identification of the signaling events intervening sperm binding and calcium elevation, identifying the possible roles of the calcium elevation such as the completion of meiosis, the formation of the eggshell, and the establishing of the embryo's axis of symmetry.  相似文献   

The putative role of voltage-dependent Na+ channels for glucose induction of rhythmic Ca2+ signalling was studied in mouse pancreatic beta-cells with the use of the Ca2+ indicator fura-2. A rise in glucose from 3 to 11 mM resulted in slow oscillations of the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). These oscillations, as well as superimposed transients seen during forskolin-induced elevation of cAMP, remained unaffected in the presence of the Na+ channel blocker tetrodotoxin. During exposure to 1-10 microM veratridine, which facilitates the opening of voltage-dependent Na+ channels, the slow oscillations were replaced by repetitive and pronounced [Ca2+]i transients arising from the basal level. The effects of veratridine were reversed by tetrodotoxin. The veratridine-induced [Ca2+]i transients were critically dependent on the influx of Ca2+ and persisted after thapsigargin inhibition of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase. Both tolbutamide and ketoisocaproate mimicked the action of glucose in promoting [Ca2+]i transients in the presence of veratridine. It is suggested that activation of voltage-dependent Na+ channels is a useful approach for amplifying Ca2+ signals for insulin release.  相似文献   

On a radial temperature gradient, C. elegans worms migrate, after conditioning with food, toward their cultivation temperature and move along this isotherm. This experience-dependent behavior is called isothermal tracking (IT). Here we show that the neuron-specific calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1) is essential for optimal IT. ncs-1 knockout animals show major defects in IT behavior, although their chemotactic, locomotor, and thermal avoidance behaviors are normal. The knockout phenotype can be rescued by reintroducing wild-type NCS-1 into the AIY interneuron, a key component of the thermotaxis network. A loss-of-function form of NCS-1 incapable of binding calcium does not restore IT, whereas NCS-1 overexpression enhances IT performance levels, accelerates learning (faster acquisition), and produces a memory with slower extinction. Thus, proper calcium signaling via NCS-1 defines a novel pathway essential for associative learning and memory.  相似文献   

Intestinal LI-cadherin acts as a Ca2+-dependent adhesion switch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cadherins are Ca(2+)-dependent transmembrane glycoproteins that mediate cell-cell adhesion and are important for the structural integrity of epithelia. LI-cadherin and the classical E-cadherin are the predominant two cadherins in the intestinal epithelium. LI-cadherin consists of seven extracellular cadherin repeats and a short cytoplasmic part that does not interact with catenins. In contrast, E-cadherin is composed of five cadherin repeats and a large cytoplasmic domain that is linked via catenins to the actin cytoskeleton. Whereas E-cadherin is concentrated in adherens junctions, LI-cadherin is evenly distributed along the lateral contact area of intestinal epithelial cells. To investigate if the particular structural properties of LI-cadherin result in a divergent homotypic adhesion mechanism, we analyzed the binding parameters of LI-cadherin on the single molecule and the cellular level using atomic force microscopy, affinity chromatography and laser tweezer experiments. Homotypic trans-interaction of LI-cadherin exhibits low affinity binding with a short lifetime of only 1.4 s. Interestingly, LI-cadherin binding responds to small changes in extracellular Ca(2+) below the physiological plasma concentration with a high degree of cooperativity. Thus, LI-cadherin might serve as a Ca(2+)-regulated switch for the adhesive system on basolateral membranes of the intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) is the primary Ca(2+)-sensor that regulates a wide variety of cellular processes in eukaryotes. Although many Ca(2+)/CaM-binding proteins have been identified, very few such proteins could be found from the genome-wide protein-protein interaction maps of Caenorhabditis elegans constructed by yeast two-hybrid screening. Using a genotype-phenotype conjugation method called mRNA-display, we performed a selection for Ca(2+)/CaM-binding proteins from a proteome library of C. elegans. The method allowed the identification of 9 known and 47 previously uncharacterized Ca(2+)-dependent CaM-binding proteins from the adult worm proteome. The Ca(2+)/CaM-binding properties of these proteins were characterized and their binding motifs were identified. The availability of such information could facilitate our understanding of the signaling pathways mediated by Ca(2+)/CaM in C. elegans. Due to its simplicity and efficiency, the method could be readily applied to examine the Ca(2+)-dependent binding partners of numerous other Ca(2+)-binding proteins, which may play important roles in many signaling pathways in C. elegans.  相似文献   

An increase in cytosolic Ca2+ often begins as a Ca2+ wave, and this wave is thought to result from sequential activation of Ca(2+)-sensitive Ca2+ stores across the cell. We tested that hypothesis in pancreatic acinar cells, and since Ca2+ waves may regulate acinar Cl- secretion, we examined whether such waves also are important for amylase secretion. Ca2+ wave speed and direction was determined in individual cells within rat pancreatic acini using confocal line scanning microscopy. Both acetylcholine (ACh) and cholecystokinin-8 induced rapid Ca2+ waves which usually travelled in an apical-to-basal direction. Both caffeine and ryanodine, at concentrations that inhibit Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release (CICR), markedly slowed the speed of these waves. Amylase secretion was increased over 3-fold in response to ACh stimulation, and this increase was preserved in the presence of ryanodine. These results indicate that 1) stimulation of either muscarinic or cholecystokinin-8 receptors induces apical-to-basal Ca2+ waves in pancreatic acinar cells, 2) the speed of such waves is dependent upon mobilization of caffeine- and ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ stores, and 3) ACh-induced amylase secretion is not inhibited by ryanodine. These observations provide direct evidence that Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release is important for propagation of cytosolic Ca2+ waves in pancreatic acinar cells.  相似文献   

H Takemura  H Ohshika 《Life sciences》1999,64(17):1493-1500
Capacitative Ca2+ entry exists in rat glioma C6 cells; however, how the information of depletion of Ca2+ in intracellular stores transmits to the plasma membrane is unknown. In the present study, we examined whether Ca2+ influx factor (CIF) causes capacitative Ca2+ entry in C6 cells. CIF was extracted from non-treated (Non-CIF), bombesin-treated (BBS-CIF) and thapsigargin-treated (TG-CIF) C6 cells by a reverse-phase silica cartridge. The addition of BBS-CIF and TG-CIF gradually increased cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) but Non-CIF did not increase [Ca2+]i. Neither BBS-CIF nor TG-CIF elevated [Ca2+]i in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. Gd3+ inhibited the increase in [Ca2+]i induced by BBS-CIF and TG-CIF. Genistein abolished an elevation of [Ca2+]i induced by BBS-CIF and TG-CIF. BBS-CIF and TG-CIF did not increase inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate accumulation. The results suggest that capacitative Ca2+ entry is caused by CIF in rat glioma C6 cells.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2023,122(2):386-396
The type 2a sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2a) plays a central role in the intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis of cardiac myocytes, pumping Ca2+ from the cytoplasm into the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) lumen to maintain relaxation (diastole) and prepare for contraction (systole). Diminished SERCA2a function has been reported in several pathological conditions, including heart failure. Therefore, development of new drugs that improve SERCA2a Ca2+ transport is of great clinical significance. In this study, we characterized the effect of a recently identified N-aryl-N-alkyl-thiophene-2-carboxamide (or compound 1) on SERCA2a Ca2+-ATPase and Ca2+ transport activities in cardiac SR vesicles, and on Ca2+ regulation in a HEK293 cell expression system and in mouse ventricular myocytes. We found that compound 1 enhances SERCA2a Ca2+-ATPase and Ca2+ transport in SR vesicles. Fluorescence lifetime measurements of fluorescence resonance energy transfer between SERCA2a and phospholamban indicated that compound 1 interacts with the SERCA-phospholamban complex. Measurement of endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ dynamics in HEK293 cells expressing human SERCA2a showed that compound 1 increases endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ load by enhancing SERCA2a-mediated Ca2+ transport. Analysis of cytosolic Ca2+ dynamics in mouse ventricular myocytes revealed that compound 1 increases the action potential-induced Ca2+ transients and SR Ca2+ load, with negligible effects on L-type Ca2+ channels and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. However, during adrenergic receptor activation, compound 1 did not further increase Ca2+ transients and SR Ca2+ load, but it decreased the propensity toward Ca2+ waves. Suggestive of concurrent desirable effects of compound 1 on RyR2, [3H]-ryanodine binding to cardiac SR vesicles shows a small decrease in nM Ca2+ and a small increase in μM Ca2+. Accordingly, compound 1 slightly decreased Ca2+ sparks in permeabilized myocytes. Thus, this novel compound shows promising characteristics to improve intracellular Ca2+ dynamics in cardiomyocytes that exhibit reduced SERCA2a Ca2+ uptake, as found in failing hearts.  相似文献   

Prevailing models postulate that high Ca2+ selectivity of Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channels arises from tight Ca2+ binding to a high affinity site within the pore, thereby blocking monovalent ion flux. Here, we examined the contribution of high affinity Ca2+ binding for Ca2+ selectivity in recombinant Orai3 channels, which function as highly Ca2+-selective channels when gated by the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ sensor STIM1 or as poorly Ca2+-selective channels when activated by the small molecule 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB). Extracellular Ca2+ blocked Na+ currents in both gating modes with a similar inhibition constant (Ki; ∼25 µM). Thus, equilibrium binding as set by the Ki of Ca2+ blockade cannot explain the differing Ca2+ selectivity of the two gating modes. Unlike STIM1-gated channels, Ca2+ blockade in 2-APB–gated channels depended on the extracellular Na+ concentration and exhibited an anomalously steep voltage dependence, consistent with enhanced Na+ pore occupancy. Moreover, the second-order rate constants of Ca2+ blockade were eightfold faster in 2-APB–gated channels than in STIM1-gated channels. A four-barrier, three–binding site Eyring model indicated that lowering the entry and exit energy barriers for Ca2+ and Na+ to simulate the faster rate constants of 2-APB–gated channels qualitatively reproduces their low Ca2+ selectivity, suggesting that ion entry and exit rates strongly affect Ca2+ selectivity. Noise analysis indicated that the unitary Na+ conductance of 2-APB–gated channels is fourfold larger than that of STIM1-gated channels, but both modes of gating show a high open probability (Po; ∼0.7). The increase in current noise during channel activation was consistent with stepwise recruitment of closed channels to a high Po state in both cases, suggesting that the underlying gating mechanisms are operationally similar in the two gating modes. These results suggest that both high affinity Ca2+ binding and kinetic factors contribute to high Ca2+ selectivity in CRAC channels.  相似文献   

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