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Short stature is not the only problem faced by children born small for gestational age (SGA). Being born SGA has also been associated with lowered intelligence, poor academic performance, low social competence and behavioural problems. This paper summarizes the results of a randomized, double-blind, growth hormone (GH) dose-response study (1 or 2 mg/m2/day [ approximately 0.035 or 0.07 mg/kg/day]) on growth, intelligence quotient (IQ) and psychosocial functioning in 79 children born SGA at the start, and after 2 and 8 years of GH therapy, and addresses the associations with head circumference. Mean age at start of therapy was 7.4 years; mean duration of GH treatment was 8.0 years. In 2001, 91% of children born SGA had reached a normal height (> -2.0 standard deviation score [SDS]). Block-design s-score (Performal IQ) and Total IQ score increased (p < 0.001 for both indices) from scores significantly lower than those of Dutch peers at the start of therapy (p < 0.001) to scores that were comparable to those of Dutch peers in 2001. Vocabulary s-score (Verbal IQ) was normal at the start of therapy and remained so over time. Externalizing Problem Behaviour SDS and Total Problem Behaviour SDS improved during GH therapy (p < 0.01-0.05) to scores comparable to those of Dutch peers. Internalizing Problem Behaviour SDS was comparable to that of Dutch peers at the start of therapy and remained so, whereas Self-Perception improved from the start of GH therapy until 2001 (p < 0.001), when it reached normal scores. Head circumference SDS at the start of GH therapy and head growth during GH therapy were positively related to all IQ scores (p < 0.01), whereas neither were related to height SDS at the start of, or to its improvement during, GH therapy. A significant improvement in height and head circumference in children born SGA was seen after only 3 years of GH therapy, in contrast to randomized SGA controls. In conclusion, most children born SGA showed a normalization of height during GH therapy and, in parallel to this, a significant improvement in Performal IQ and Total IQ. In addition, problem behaviour and self-perception improved significantly. Interestingly, Performal, Verbal and Total IQ scores were positively related to head circumference, both at the start of, and during, GH therapy; head circumference increased in GH-treated children born SGA, but not in untreated SGA controls. These results are encouraging but also warrant confirmational studies and further investigations into the effects of GH on the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The galactopoietic effect of daily injections, for five day periods, of growth hormone was examined by measuring milk yield, mammary blood flow and arteriovenous differences of glucose and amino acids on 12 occasions in four goats. In 10 periods there were marked increases (mean 18.1%) in mammary blood flow (8 statistically significant) and less-marked increases (mean 8.0%) in milk yield (6 statistically significant). On 8 of the occasions on which it was measured the maximum blood plasma growth hormone concentration was increased to more than 8 ng/ml. There were no statistically significant changes in mammary arteriovenous concentration differences of glucose or amino acids in response to growth hormone injections. It is suggested that, contrary to the usual situation in which the rate of mammary blood flow appears to be regulated by the metabolic activity of the gland, the galactopoietic response to growth hormone may be a consequence of elevated blood flow, which increases the supply to the gland of rate-limiting metabolic substrates.  相似文献   

Maruff P  Falleti M 《Hormone research》2005,64(Z3):100-108
There is converging evidence from neuropsychological studies that growth hormone (GH) is associated with cognitive function. The aim of the current study was to review the existing neuropsychological literature for studies in which cognitive assessment had been conducted in patients with GH deficiency (GHD), and where change in cognitive function had been assessed following treatment with GH. Studies that have investigated relationships between GH and cognitive function and those that have developed methodological and statistical approaches that could be useful in future GH studies were identified. In this review, GH levels were found to be associated with cognitive function. Untreated individuals with GHD showed reliable impairment in memory and attentional functions when compared with matched controls. Appropriately designed prospective studies also indicated that cognitive function improved with GH treatment. It was concluded that individuals with GHD do show cognitive impairment and that this is ameliorated to some extent by GH treatment. It is now important to establish the clinical importance of these findings, and further work is required to understand better the nature, magnitude and meaning of GH-related cognitive impairments and improvements.  相似文献   

Weber MM 《Hormone research》2002,58(Z3):43-48
Human growth hormone (GH) is widely abused as a performance-enhancing anabolic drug by athletes and bodybuilders. However, the effects of GH on skeletal muscle mass, strength and fibre composition remain unclear. We therefore summarize in the following the current knowledge on the physiological role of GH in the regulation of skeletal muscle growth and function and evaluate its potential therapeutic potency as a muscle anabolic hormone. In states of GH deficiency, reduced muscle mass and strength are characteristic findings which can be reversed successfully by the supplementation of GH. In contrast, the currently available data suggest that GH administration alone or in combination with strength exercise has little, if any, effect on muscle volume, strength and fibre composition in non-GH-deficient healthy young individuals. This assumption is supported by the lack of evidence for a significant performance-enhancing effect of GH in athletes. However, further studies will be necessary to define patient populations which might benefit from GH treatment like frail elderly individuals in whom a GH-induced change into a more youthful muscle fibre composition has been reported.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effect of acute human growth hormone (GH) administration on erythrocyte insulin binding in GH deficient children (N = 6) was studied. Following GH (0.25 U/kg) administration, the blood levels of GH peaked within 4 to 8 h and returned to basal levels 24 h later. However, the changes in somatomedin activity, free fatty acid (FFA), urea, blood glucose and 125I-insulin binding to erythrocyte were observed around 24 h following the injection, and there was a converse relationship between maximum percent 125I-insulin binding (IBmax) and FFA (P less than 0.02). By Scatchard analysis it was found that the decrease in IBmax is mainly due to the change in the number of insulin receptors. These results suggest that GH may possibly affect the insulin binding to erythrocyte indirectly through metabolic changes as a result of hormonal changes in GH deficient children.  相似文献   

J.F. Bruni  J. Meites 《Life sciences》1978,23(13):1351-1357
Acetylcholine and the cholinergic agonists, pilocarpine and physostigmine, increased GH release invivo. The increase in GH release by pilocarpine was reversed by concurrent administration of the cholinergic receptor blocker, atropine, whereas atropine alone did not alter serum GH concentrations. Cholinergic stimulation of GH release appears to be partially mediated through a catecholaminergic system since the response was partially inhibited by pimozide, a dopamine receptor blocker, or phentolamine, an α-adrenergic receptor blocker. The cholinergic system may function physiologically to help regulate GH release.  相似文献   

The effects of daily administration of 10 mg of highly purified ovine growth hormone (GH) for a period of 4 weeks on wool growth have been measured in 12 Merino ewes fed either a calculated maintenance energy intake or 1.6 times this amount (six on each ration). Concentrations of hormones, glucose, urea, alpha-amino N and amino acids in the blood were monitored and faeces and urine collected for measurement of nitrogen balance. Wool growth rate decreased by 20% during the 4 weeks of GH treatment in sheep fed the high energy diet, largely because of reduced wool fibre diameter. This was followed by restoration of normal growth and then an increase of up to 20% above control levels, a response which persisted for 12 weeks following cessation of GH administration, and which was due to increases in both fibre length and diameter. GH administration caused marked increases in plasma concentrations of GH, insulin and somatomedin C, glucose and free fatty acids, all of which returned to basal levels following cessation of GH administration. No consistent changes in plasma concentration of T3, T4, cortisol, prolactin or alpha amino N were detected. Plasma urea and methionine levels decreased during GH treatment and returned to, or were raised above, basal levels after the GH treatment period. GH injection also resulted in a net retention of N during treatment, followed by a transient period of net N loss. The GH-induced changes in wool growth may be caused by a change in the partitioning of amino acids between the muscle mass and the skin. No other contributing factor(s) were identified.  相似文献   

In male mice which normally do not synthesize measurable amounts of the pregnancy-associated murine protein-1 (PAMP-1), synthesis occurred when there was continuous infusion of hGH but not by repeated subcutaneous injections. The decrease in PAMP-1 values after hypophysectomy in female mice was rapidly restored by continuous infusion of hGH, 80 micrograms daily. PAMP-1 has generally been regarded as an 'oestrogen-inducible' protein regulated by the oestrogen/androgen balance. Our results suggest that the apparent effects of sex steroids are mediated via the pituitary and possibly growth hormone secretion.  相似文献   

The effects of administration of methyldopa on serum prolactin and growth hormone (GH) concentrations in hypertensive patients were studied. Single doses of methyldopa (750 or 1000 mg) significantly increased serum prolactin levels, peak concentrations occurring four to six hours after drug administrations. Long-term methyldopa treatment was associated with threefold to fourfold increases in basal prolactin levels compared with those in normal subjects. In patients treated with methyldopa for two to three weeks the GH response to insulin hypoglycaemia was significantly greater than in normal subjects and untreated hypertensive patients. In contrast, patients treated for prolonged periods (mean 13-4 months) had a GH reponse indistinguishable from normal.  相似文献   

We examined gender differences in growth hormone (GH) secretion during rest and exercise. Eighteen subjects (9 women and 9 men) were tested on two occasions each [resting condition (R) and exercise condition (Ex)]. Blood was sampled at 10-min intervals from 0600 to 1200 and was assayed for GH by chemiluminescence. At R, women had a 3.69-fold greater mean calculated mass of GH secreted per burst compared with men (5.4 +/- 1.0 vs. 1.7 +/- 0.4 microg/l, respectively) and higher basal (interpulse) GH secretion rates, which resulted in greater GH production rates and serum GH area under the curve (AUC; 1,107 +/- 194 vs. 595 +/- 146 microg x l(-1) x min, women vs. men; P = 0.04). Compared with R, Ex resulted in greater mean mass of GH secreted per burst, greater mean GH secretory burst amplitude, and greater GH AUC (1,196 +/- 211 vs. 506 +/- 90 microg x l(-1) x min, Ex vs. R, respectively; P < 0.001). During Ex, women attained maximal serum GH concentrations significantly earlier than men (24 vs. 32 min after initiation of Ex, respectively; P = 0.004). Despite this temporal disparity, both genders had similar maximal serum GH concentrations. The change in AUC (adjusted for unequal baselines) was similar for men and women (593 +/- 201 vs. 811 +/- 268 microg x l(-1) x min), but there were significant gender-by-condition interactive effects on GH secretory burst mass, pulsatile GH production rate, and maximal serum GH concentration. We conclude that, although women exhibit greater absolute GH secretion rates than men both at rest and during exercise, exercise evokes a similar incremental GH response in men and women. Thus the magnitude of the incremental secretory GH response is not gender dependent.  相似文献   

Adult male Fisher-344 rats were implanted with DES-filled or empty Silastic capsules. After 14 weeks, capsules were removed and a second group of rats received DES capsules. Seven weeks later, all the rats were sacrificed. DES treatment decreased body, testes and seminal vesicle weights, and removal of the capsules partially restored the weight of these organs. The concentration of testicular LH receptors was increased by DES treatment. Circulating PRL levels were increased and gonadotropin levels were reduced in all animals having received DES at anytime. Plasma testosterone (T) levels were similar in all groups, but testicular T levels were reversibly decreased by DES. Similarly, whereas basal incubation media T levels were unchanged by DES treatment, the steroidogenic response in vitro to hCG was abolished by the presence of DES, and removal of the capsules restored this response. It appears that in this animal model DES and PRL exert opposing effects on testicular LH receptor.  相似文献   

van Dam PS 《Hormone research》2005,64(Z3):109-114
The clinical condition of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) as a consequence of pituitary or hypothalamic disease has been associated with reduced cognitive performance. In several studies, neuropsychological assessment has been performed in adults with GHD both before and after growth hormone (GH) replacement therapy. Interpretation of the available data is complicated by the variation in patient selection as well as the neuropsychological tests used in such studies. Most of the available studies indicate that GHD can lead to small, but clinically relevant changes in memory, processing speed and attention. Some of these changes may be reversed by GH replacement, although the number of reliable intervention studies is limited. In addition to the possible clinical relevance of neuropsychological improvement following GH replacement in patients with GHD, the observed findings may be of interest for studies in neurocognitive performance in other conditions associated with changes in the activity of the somatotrophic axis, and in the understanding of underlying pathophysiological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Kraemer, R. R., L. G. Johnson, R. Haltom, G. R. Kraemer, H. Gaines, M. Drapcho, T. Gimple, and V. Daniel Castracane. Effects of hormone replacement on growth hormone and prolactin exercise responses in postmenopausal women. J. Appl.Physiol. 84(2): 703-708, 1998.Exercise elevatesgrowth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) blood concentrations inpremenopausal women. Postmenopausal women taking hormone replacementtherapy (HRT) maintain higher estrogen levels that could affect GH andPRL. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of HRT on GHand PRL responses to treadmill exercise. Seventeen healthy women whowere postmenopausal (naturally or surgically) [8 on HRT; 9 not onHRT (NHRT)], completed 30 min of treadmill exercise at 79.16 ± 1.2% maximal O2 consumption (HRT group) and 80.19 ± 0.91% maximalO2 consumption (NHRT group). Bloodsamples were collected from an intravenous catheter during an exercisesession and during a control session without exercise. GH and PRLconcentrations were significantly higher in the exercise trial than inthe nonexercise trial, whereas resting concentrations were similar forboth trials. GH and PRL peaked at 10.8 ± 1.60 and 12.67 ± 2.58 ng/ml, respectively, for HRT subjects and at 4.90 ± 1.18 and 9.04 ± 2.17 ng/ml, respectively, for NHRT subjects. GH concentrations inthe exercise trial were significantly higher for HRT than for NHRTsubjects. This is the first study to demonstrate that HRT enhancestreadmill-exercise-induced GH release and that similar PRL responses totreadmill exercise occur in postmenopausal women regardless of HRTstatus.


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