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基于文献与标本的研究, 本文重新梳理和考证了中国植物采集先行者钟观光先生的采集历史。钟观光是我国第一个进行大规模植物标本采集的学者, 已知其最早的标本采自1912年(采集于北京), 最晚的是1933年(采集于浙江)。目前能够确定的钟观光采集的馆藏标本计10,228份, 其中大部分保存于北京大学生物系植物标本室(PEY, 4,584份)、中国科学院植物研究所植物标本馆(PE, 2,966份)和北京师范大学生命科学学院植物标本室(BNU, 2,032份), 共计9,582份, 约占钟观光馆藏标本总数的93.7%。英国皇家植物园邱园植物标本馆、爱丁堡植物园标本馆、美国哈佛大学植物标本馆等亦存有少量钟观光采集的标本(16份)。  相似文献   

英国皇家植物园、邱园是英国最权威的植物学研究机构。18世纪20年代起,邱园就已经是皇室私家花园,以后范围在不断扩大,占地121公顷。1841年,皇家将植物园交给了国家,从而开始了作为植物学研究机构的历史。邱园的第一任主任是威廉·虎克(Willan Hooker)爵士,他建立了植物标本馆,图书馆和经济植物部。1876年佐杜尔(Jodrell)爵士又捐资建立了佐杜尔实验室,植物园也从单纯的园艺观赏发展到收集、保护、引种驯化植物。标本馆,佐杜尔实验室和活植物收集构成了现在邱园植物研究的主体。  相似文献   

本文较全面的研究了禾本科(Gramineae)假铁秆草属(Pseudanthistiria(Hack.)Hook.f.)的简史、系统位置、种类、分布生境等, 在研究过程中, 借到现藏英国邱园植物标本室, 采自香港的假铁秆草(P.heteroclita(Roxb.)Hook.f.)植物标本, 给以全面的描述, 以弥补过去抄自文献的不足, 同时发现分布我国四川峨嵋山的峨嵋假铁秆草(P.emeinica S.L.Chen et T.D.Zhuang)是-新种, 除中文描述外, 给以拉丁文记载。  相似文献   

查阅保存于英国爱丁堡植物园标本馆(E)、华南植物园标本馆(IBSC)、邱园植物标本馆(K)、法国巴黎自然历史博物馆植物标本馆(P)和奥地利维也纳大学植物标本馆(WU)的荨麻科(Urticaceae)标本,发现在楼梯草属(Elatostema J.R.Forster & G.Forster)中有23种8变种的名称在原始描述中没有引证明确的标本,或引证有2份或2份以上的标本,但没指定模式.根据<国际植物命名法规>9.4、9.9和9.10,以及辅则9A.1、9A.2、9A.3和9A.4的精神,对这些名称做出后选模式指定.  相似文献   

本文基于标本及文献数据对神农架国家公园高等植物标本采集史进行简要概述。该地区有着近140年的标本采集历史, 最早对神农架地区进行植物标本采集的是爱尔兰植物学家Augustine Henry。中国科学院武汉植物园标本馆(HIB)收藏了采自该地区的21,402份标本, 居首位; 其次为中国科学院植物研究所标本馆(PE) 16,483份、华中农业大学博物馆(CCAU) 1,851份。标本采集年份主要集中在1956-1959、1976-1981、1985-1987三个时间段, 其中以1976年采集数量为最多。标本采集月份主要集中在4-11月, 8月采集量最大。不同植物的标本数量两极分化严重, 标本量多的如桦叶荚蒾(Viburnum betulifolium), 高达295份, 然而有612种植物的标本量仅1份, 约2/3的植物标本量少于10份。因而, 在今后的采集工作中我们应该将重心置于标本数量不足的物种和类群, 而标本数量过剩的类群则应减少或停止采集; 植物标本的采集过程应尽可能全覆盖, 突出对高海拔、峡谷、石壁、无人区等特殊生境的调查。采集时间上应该注重春、冬二季。此外, 我们对该地区的维管植物模式标本进行了考证, 编制了《神农架国家公园维管植物模式标本名录》。该地区共有维管植物模式标本39种2变种3变型, 隶属24科34属。对神农架国家公园维管植物模式标本的整理为履行联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心的要求及进一步开展神农架遗产的管理与保护提供了依据。  相似文献   

<正>1876年,英国皇家植物园邱园(The Royal Botanic Gardens,Kew,简称邱园)将三叶橡胶(Hevea brasiliensis)幼苗送至英国在南亚、东南亚的殖民地试种,这些幼苗是邱园用从南美洲引种获得的种子繁殖出来的。橡胶在东南亚试种获得成功后,发展成为庞大的橡胶产业,对全世界的工业、农业、交通运输、经济、社会乃至政治产生了极大的影响,也使得橡胶成为一种"改变世界历史进程"的植物  相似文献   

二、邱园三十年在目前世界各国众多的植物园和研究机关中,英国皇家植物园——邱园可谓首屈一指。它不仅栽培有数万种活植物,还收藏有600万号植物标本,建有藏品丰富的博物馆和藏书(以植物分类学文献为主)几十万卷的图书馆,拥有设备和人员精良的研究室、实验室,被誉为世界植物学的研究中心和植物宝库。但是,当我们赞美邱园今天的时候,切莫忘记那些为该园的建设而献出毕生精力的开拓  相似文献   

黄腹噪鹛 (Garrulaxgalbanus)为罕见的珍稀鸟种 ,1874年由英国人Godwin Austen依据其 1873年采自印度阿萨姆邦Munipur河谷的标本而定名 (Godwin Austen ,1874)。 192 3年 ,法国鸟类学会主席M .A .M啨n啨gaux将法国植物学家F .Courtois神甫 1919年 9月采自中国婺源县 (婺源县当时隶属安徽省管辖 )的标本命名为噪鹛属一新种Garrulaxcourtoisi(M啨n啨gaux ,192 3)。尽管上述两鸟种的发现地相距在 2 0 0 0km以上 ,且其间并没有任何分布记录出现 ,B…  相似文献   

赵春青  李多川 《菌物研究》2008,6(3):133-135
从采自海南的标本中分离到2个中国大陆新记录种——嗜热子囊菌(Thermoascus aurantiacus)和黄褐毁丝霉(Myceliophthora hinnulea),并进行了形态学描述。研究标本保存于山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

<正>德日进(Pierre Teilhard de Chardin),1881年5月1日诞生于法国中部奥弗涅(Auvergne)地区的萨塞那(Sarcenat)城堡,1955年4月10日病逝于美国纽约,是法国耶稣会神甫、著名的地质古生物学家和神学哲学家。他最初(1923)来到中国所接触和较熟悉的均是我国地学界具有深厚的国学根底的前辈,如丁文江和翁文灏等人,"德日进"这个译名可能是他们中的某一  相似文献   

对堇菜科三角车属(Rinorea Aubl.)及鳞隔堇属(Scyphellandra Thw.)的部分种类进行了修订, 认为鳞隔堇(Scyphellandra pierrei H.de Boiss.)实为(Scyphellandra virgata Thw.), 而短柄三角车(Rinorea sessilis (Lour.)O.Ktze.)实为(Rinorea longiraumosa (Kurz.)Craib)。文中引用邱园(Kew)的标本已在其后注明, 未注明者均藏于华南植物所标本馆(IBSC)  相似文献   

本文报道了美口菌属Calostoma的2个新种:新加坡美口菌Calostoma singaporense Fan et Liu sp.nov.和柱纹孢美口菌Calostoma brookei Fan et Liu sp.nov.,前者由R.E.Holttum于1925年采自新加坡;后者由W.M.A.Brooke于1914年和F.T.Brooke于1925年采自马来西亚。模式标本保存在英国皇家植物园(丘园)标本馆。  相似文献   

Rosa maximowicziana Regel is illustrated from specimens growing in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The position of the species in the genus is discussed, and its distribution and habitats are given.  相似文献   

When Princess Augusta and Lord Bute, followed by Sir Joseph Banks and King George III, started gathering plants at Kew, conservation on the site can be said to have begun. Although the primary motive then was to assist the expansion of the British Empire and trade, rare plants were gathered and some became rare or extinct in the wild as their habitats were destroyed. The primary motive in the nineteenth century was not conservation, but the history of conservation at the Royal Gardens at Kew dates back to its very origins. Subsequent regimes at Kew maintained and added to the collections thereby adding to their conservation value. Many early collections are of species now listed within the IUCN categories of endangerment. Environmental awareness and concern had begun by the time that Professor Jack Heslop-Harrison became director and he was the first director actively to initiate specific conservation programmes such as seed banking and work on red data books. From then on conservation became an integral part of the work programme of Kew and the focus on conservation has increased with each subsequent director. This eventually led to the transformation of the embryonic seed banking activities into the Millennium Seed Bank, the largest and most important bank in the world for the conservation of the seeds of wild species. It currently holds just over ten percent of all seed plant species. Conservation at Kew over the past three decades has very much been a balance between ex situ work and in situ activities to help conservation in the overseas areas where Kew scientists have experience. Throughout the history of the gardens there has been a vital interest in economic botany that has developed from moving plants around the empire to much work on the sustainable use of plants and ecosystems thereby better equipping the institution to subsequently work on in situ conservation. Significant conservation activity at Kew has been possible because it is being supported by a solid research programme that includes such areas as systematics and molecular genetics and laboratories, a large herbarium and a large library. Kew has played an important role in stimulating conservation work elsewhere and such units as the Threatened Plants Unit of IUCN and Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) have their roots in Kew. Among other important conservation initiatives have been the creation of a unit to work with the implementation of the CITES treaty on the trade of endangered plants and a legal unit to work on issues of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). There is no doubt that the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew is at the forefront of plant conservation.  相似文献   

Following the recommendations of an investigating committee headed by John Lindley, responsibility for the maintenance of the neglected royal estates at Kew was assumed by the State in 1840. Sir William Jackson Hooker, who had long coveted the post, was appointed the first Director. Under his able supervision, the Royal Botanic Gardens rapidly expanded and were imaginatively landscaped, new greenhouses, including the famous Palm House, were erected, and three museums of economic botany were opened. Hooker's own extensive collections formed the nucleus of the Herbarium and Library which made Kew an important centre of taxonomic research. Joseph Dalton Hooker who succeeded his father as Director, although continuing to improve and develop the Gardens, concentrated his efforts on essentially scientific activities particularly in the fields of systematics and phytogeography. To a great extent the international reputation enjoyed by the Gardens today is due to the vision, determination and energy of the two Hookers.  相似文献   

植物园在植物科学研究、生物多样性保护和植物资源可持续利用中具有重要作用,也是公众教育和知识传播的重要平台,具有文化传承和历史延续性的功能。以中国科学院华南植物园、英国皇家植物园邱园和美国密苏里植物园为例,从物种保护、科学研究和科学传播3 个方面对植物园进行了全面的比较和分析,为华南植物园未来发展提出了一些建议,可为华南植物园乃至我国植物园的发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The Leguminosae (or Fabaceae) currently comprises 751 genera. In most of the world's herbaria the genera are arranged by old, non-phylogenetic, classification systems which, while offering insights into morphological similarity, make no explicit statement as to evolutionary relationships. While classifications based on morphology are useful tools for plant identification, they do not offer the predictive value that phylogenetically based linear sequences provide. The legume collection of c.750,000 specimens in the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew was moved to a new building between 2010 and 2011, which presented the opportunity to reorganise the collection by a linear sequence based on a number of relatively comprehensive published legume phylogenies. The numbered linear sequence adopted at Kew has been updated and emended to include generic changes that have been published up to March 2013. The linear sequence, together with an alphabetical list of genera, is presented here to serve as a management tool for future taxon sampling and herbarium curation. The process used to develop the linear sequence and to rearrange the legume collection at Kew is discussed together with plans for future dissemination of changes to the sequence as new phylogenies are published and incorporated.  相似文献   

For a long time in situ conservation has been the main approach used to protect Chilean plant diversity. However, due to the high level of endemism of its flora (50%) and an increasing human impact on wild areas, ex situ conservation has become an urgent requirement to avoid the extinction of plant populations and species. Since 2001, the Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Chile, has been working in partnership with the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, (Kew) through the Millennium Seed Bank Project (MSB) with the objective of conserving 20% of the Chilean flora as seeds in long-term storage. This seed conservation effort has focussed mainly on the endangered and endemic plants of the Chilean drylands. Towards the end of the first phase of the MSB some 1482 seed collections representing 850 species and subspecies have been collected and safely preserved in the INIA Seed Base Bank and duplicated at Kew. Almost 70% of the total species collected are endemic to Chile and several of them are endangered. Additionally, seed germination research has been conducted for nearly 400 species and seed collections have been used to propagate several threatened species. Germination protocols have been published and disseminated online. Over 4,500 herbarium vouchers have been collected, largely duplicated at Kew and at the national herbarium in Chile. As a result of the inputs of INIA and the MSB, collaboration has been extended to other national stakeholders, mainly for plant taxonomy and seed collecting. In this context two training courses have been run for 70 staff/students. This training has contributed to the raising of general awareness of the need for the long-term protection of Chilean plant diversity and to demonstrate the key role that ex situ seed conservation can play in meeting this need.  相似文献   

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