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The chromosome passenger complex (CPC) consists of Aurora-B kinase and several other subunits. One of these, incenp, binds Aurora-B and regulates its kinase activity. During Xenopus oocyte maturation, incenp accumulates through translation, contributing to aurora-b activation. A previous study has demonstrated that inhibition of incenp translation during oocyte maturation diminishes aurora-b activation but does not interfere with oocyte maturation, characterized by normal maturation-specific cyclin-b phosphorylation, degradation, and resynthesis. Here we have extended these findings, showing that inhibition of incenp translation during oocyte maturation did not interfere with meiosis I or II, as indicated by the normal emission of the first polar body and metaphase II arrest, followed by the successful emission of the second polar body upon parthenogenetic egg activation. Most importantly, however, when transferred to host frogs and subsequently ovulated, the incenp-deficient eggs were fertilized but failed to undergo mitotic cleavage. Thus, translation of incenp during oocyte maturation appears to be part of oocyte cytoplasmic maturation, preparing the egg for the rapid mitosis following fertilization.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, E-type cyclins (E1 and E2) are generally believed to be required for entry into S phase. However, in mice, cyclin E is largely dispensable for normal embryogenesis. Moreover, Drosophila cyclin E plays a critical role in cell fate determination in neural lineages independently of proliferation. Thus, the functions of cyclin E, particularly during early development, remain elusive. Here, we investigated the requirement for E-type cyclins during Xenopus embryogenesis. Although cyclin E1 has been reported as a maternal cyclin, inhibition of its translation in the embryo caused no serious defects. We isolated a Xenopus homologue of human cyclin E2, which was zygotically expressed. Sufficient inhibition of its expression led to death at late gastrula, while partial inhibition allowed survival. These observations indicate distinct roles for Xenopus cyclins E1 and E2, and an absolute requirement of cyclin E2 for Xenopus embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular development is the elaborate process, and despite the extensive studies, the mechanisms underlying endothelial, hematopoietic, and cardiac developments, as well as the interrelation between these processes, are not fully understood. In this study, we demonstrated that Xenopus apelin and Xmsr play pivotal roles in cardiovascular development. Apelin is a recently identified ligand for an orphan G-protein-coupled receptor APJ and is involved in fluid homeostasis in mammals. Xenopus preproapelin (Xpreproapelin) was isolated and its mRNA localized to the region around the presumptive blood vessels, which are overlapping or adjacent to those expressing Xmsr, the Xenopus homologue of APJ. Overexpression of Xpreproapelin disorganized the expression of the endothelial precursor cell marker XlFli and the hematopoietic precursor cell marker SCL at the neurula, whereas embryos injected with morpholino antisense oligonucleotides for Xapelin and Xmsr displayed attenuated expression of Tie2, alpha-globin, XPOX2, and cTnI, markers of endothelium, erythrocytes, myeloid cells, and cardiomyocytes, respectively. XlFli morpholino had similar effects to Xapelin and Xmsr morpholinos on cardiac differentiation, suggesting an unexpected potential relationship between the endothelium and cardiac differentiation. Forced expression of constitutive active G alpha i rescued the phenotypes of Xmsr morpholino-injected embryos, indicating that the i/o type of G protein alpha subunit acts downstream of Xmsr.  相似文献   

Vertebrates have unique head structures that are mainly composed of the central nervous system, the neural crest, and placode cells. These head structures are brought about initially by the neural induction between the organizer and the prospective neuroectoderm at early gastrula stage. Purinergic receptors are activated by nucleotides released from cells and influence intracellular signaling pathways, such as phospholipase C and adenylate cyclase signaling pathways. As P2Y receptor is vertebrate-specific and involved in head formation, we expect that its emergence may be related to the acquisition of vertebrate head during evolution. Here, we focused on the role of p2ry4 in early development in Xenopus laevis and found that p2ry4 was required for the establishment of the head organizer during neural induction and contributed to head formation. We showed that p2ry4 was expressed in the head organizer region and the prospective neuroectoderm at early gastrula stage, and was enriched in the head components. Disruption of p2ry4 function resulted in the small head phenotype and the reduced expression of marker genes specific for neuroectoderm and neural border at an early neurula stage. Furthermore, we examined the effect of p2ry4 disruption on the establishment of the head organizer and found that a reduction in the expression of head organizer genes, such as dkk1 and cerberus, and p2ry4 could also induce the ectopic expression of these marker genes. These results suggested that p2ry4 plays a key role in head organizer formation. Our study demonstrated a novel role of p2ry4 in early head development.  相似文献   

Glucose transporters (GLUTs) are transmembrane proteins that play an essential role in sugar uptake and energy supply. Thirteen GLUT genes have been described and GLUT1 is the most abundantly expressed member of the family in animal tissues. Deficiencies in human GLUT1 are associated with many diseases, such as metabolic abnormalities, congenital brain defects and oncogenesis. It was suggested recently that Xenopus GLUT1 (xGLUT1) is upregulated by Activin/Nodal signaling, although the developmental role of xGLUT1 remains unclear. Here, we investigated the expression pattern and function of xGLUT1 during Xenopus development. Whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis showed expression of xGLUT1 in the mesodermal region of Xenopus embryos, especially in the dorsal blastopore lip at the gastrula stage. From the neurula stage, it was expressed in the neural plate, eye field, cement gland and somites. Loss-of-function analyses using morpholino antisense oligonucleotides against xGLUT1 (xGLUT1MO) caused microcephaly and axis elongation error. This elongation defect of activin-treated animal caps occurred without downregulation of early mesodermal markers. Moreover, dorsal-marginal explant analysis revealed that cell movement was suppressed in dorsal marginal zones injected with xGLUT1MO. These findings implicate xGLUT1 as an important player during gastrulation cell movement in Xenopus.  相似文献   

We have previously identified two Xenopus homologues of mammalian IQGAP, XIQGAP1 and XIQGAP2, which show high homology with human IQGAP1 and IQGAP2, respectively. In order to clarify function of the IQGAPs during development, we performed knock-down experiments on the XIQGAPs in Xenopus laevis embryos by microinjecting morpholino antisense oligonucleotides into blastomeres at the two-cell stage. Suppression of XIQGAP2 expression caused ectodermal lesions in the neurula stage embryos. While suppression of XIQGAP1 expression alone did not show any obvious defect in subsequent developmental processes, simultaneous knock-down of both XIQGAPs caused the ectodermal lesions during the gastrula stage. Histological studies suggested that a loss of cell adhesion in the ectodermal and mesodermal layers of the embryos caused the defect. The suppression of XIQGAP2 expression resulted in loss of actin filaments, beta-catenin, and XIQGAP1 from cell borders in the ectoderm, although it did not affect the expression levels of these proteins. Furthermore, it inhibited Ca(2+)-induced reaggregation of embryonic cells which had been dissociated in a Ca(2+)/Mg(2+)-free medium. These results strongly suggest that XIQGAP2 is crucial for cell adhesion during early development in Xenopus.  相似文献   

We analyzed the endogenous requirement for Cerberus in Xenopus head development. 'Knockdown' of Cerberus function by antisense morpholino oligonucleotides did not impair head formation in the embryo. In contrast, targeted increase of BMP, Nodal and Wnt signaling in the anterior dorsal-endoderm (ADE) resulted in synergistic loss of anterior head structures, without affecting more posterior axial ones. Remarkably, those head phenotypes were aggravated by simultaneous depletion of Cerberus. These experiments demonstrated for the first time that endogenous Cerberus protein can inhibit BMP, Nodal and Wnt factors in vivo. Conjugates of dorsal ectoderm (DE) and ADE explants in which Cerberus function was 'knocked down' revealed the requirement of Cerberus in the ADE for the proper induction of anterior neural markers and repression of more posterior ones. This data supports the view that Cerberus function is required in the leading edge of the ADE for correct induction and patterning of the neuroectoderm.  相似文献   

Gastrulation is the most dynamic cell movement and initiates the body plan in amphibian development. In contrast to numerous molecular studies on mesodermal induction, the driving force of gastrulation is as yet poorly understood. A novel transmembrane protein, Xoom, was previously reported, which is required for Xenopus gastrulation. In the present study, the role of Xoom during Xenopus gastrulation was further examined in detail. Overexpression and misexpression of Xoom induced overproduction of Xoom protein, but not a changed phenotype. However, Xoom antisense ribonucleic acid (RNA) injection reduced the Xoom protein and caused gastrulation defects without any influence on the involution and translation levels of mesodermal marker genes. Normal migrating activity of dorsal mesodermal cells was recognized in the antisense RNA-injected explant. Morphological examination using artificial exogastrulation showed that convergent extension of mesodermal cells occurred normally, but the ectodermal cell layer significantly shrank in the antisense RNA-injected embryo. Comparison of cell shape among various experimental conditions showed that inhibition of cell spreading occurs specifically in the outer ectodermal layer of the antisense RNA-injected embryo. Cytochemical examination indicated disorganization of F-actin in the ectodermal cells of the antisense RNA-injected embryo. These results suggest that Xoom plays an important role in the epibolic movement of ectodermal cells through some regulation of actin filament organization.  相似文献   

The Xenopus tadpole is able to regenerate its tail, including skin, muscle, notochord, spinal cord and neurons and blood vessels. This process requires rapid tissue growth and morphogenesis. Here we show that a focus of apoptotic cells appears in the regeneration bud within 12 h of amputation. Surprisingly, when caspase-3 activity is specifically inhibited, regeneration is abolished. This is true of tails both before and after the refractory period. Programmed cell death is only required during the first 24 h after amputation, as later inhibition has no effect on regeneration. Inhibition of caspase-dependent apoptosis results in a failure to induce proliferation in the growth zone, a mispatterning of axons in the regenerate, and the appearance of ectopic otoliths in the neural tube, in the context of otherwise normal continued development of the larva. Larvae amputated during the refractory stage exhibit a much broader domain of caspase-3-positive cells, suggesting a window for the amount of apoptosis that is compatible with normal regeneration. These data reveal novel roles for apoptosis in development and indicate that a degree of apoptosis is an early and obligate component of normal tail regeneration, suggesting the possibility of the existence of endogenous inhibitory cells that must be destroyed by programmed cell death for regeneration to occur.  相似文献   

Cell division in many metazoa is accompanied by the disassembly of the nuclear envelope and the assembly of the mitotic spindle. These dramatic structural rearrangements are reversed after mitosis, when the mitotic spindle is dismantled and the nuclear envelope reassembles. The targeting protein for XKlp2 (TPX2) plays important roles in mitotic spindle assembly. We report that TPX2 depletion from nuclear assembly extracts prepared from Xenopus laevis eggs results in the formation of nuclei that are only about one fifth the size of control nuclei. TPX2-depleted nuclei assemble nuclear envelopes, nuclear pore complexes, and a lamina, and they perform nuclear-specific functions, including DNA replication. We show that TPX2 interacts with lamina-associated polypeptide 2 (LAP2), a protein known to be required for nuclear assembly in interphase extracts and in vitro. LAP2 localization is disrupted in TPX2-depleted nuclei, suggesting that the interaction between TPX2 and LAP2 is required for postmitotic nuclear reformation.  相似文献   

The canonical, beta-catenin-dependent Wnt pathway is a crucial player in the early events of Xenopus development. Dorsal axis formation and mesoderm patterning are accepted effects of this pathway, but the regulation of expression of genes involved in mesoderm specification is not. This conclusion is based largely on the inability of the Wnt pathway to induce mesoderm in animal cap explants. Using injections of inhibitors of canonical Wnt signaling, we demonstrate that expression of the general mesodermal marker Brachyury (Xbra) requires a zygotic, ligand-dependent Wnt activity throughout the marginal zone. Analysis of the Xbra promoter reveals that putative TCF-binding sites mediate Wnt activation, the first sites in this well-studied promoter to which an activation role can be ascribed. However, established mesoderm inducers like eFGF and activin can bypass the Wnt requirement for Xbra expression. Another mesoderm promoting factor, VegT, activates Xbra in a Wnt-dependent manner. We also show that the activin/nodal signaling is necessary for ectopic Xbra induction by the Wnt pathway, but not by VegT. Our data significantly change the understanding of Brachyury regulation in Xenopus, implying the existence of an unknown zygotic Wnt ligand in Spemann's organizer. Since Brachyury is considered to have a major role in mesoderm formation, it is possible that Wnts might play a role in mesoderm specification, in addition to patterning.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and their antagonists are involved in the axial patterning of vertebrate embryos. We report that both BMP-3b and BMP-3 dorsalize Xenopus embryos, but act as dissimilar antagonists within the BMP family. BMP-3b injected into Xenopus embryos triggered secondary head formation in an autonomous manner, whereas BMP-3 induced aberrant tail formation. At the molecular level, BMP-3b antagonized nodal-like proteins and ventralizing BMPs, whereas BMP-3 antagonized only the latter. These differences are due to divergence of their pro-domains. Less BMP-3b than BMP-3 precursor is proteolytically processed in embryos. BMP-3b protein associated with a monomeric form of Xnrl, a nodal-like protein, whereas BMP-3 did not. These molecular features are consistent with their expression profiles during Xenopus development. XBMP-3b is expressed in the prechordal plate, while xBMP-3 is expressed in the notochord. Using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides, we found that the depletion of both xBMP-3b and cerberus, a head inducer, caused headless Xenopus embryos, whereas the depletion of both xBMP-3 and cerberus affected the size of the somite. These results revealed that xBMP-3b and cerberus are essential for head formation regulated by the Spemann organizer, and that xBMP-3b and perhaps xBMP-3 are involved in the axial patterning of Xenopus embryos.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis Aurora-A is phosphorylated in vivo onto three amino acids: Ser53, Thr295 and Ser349. The activation of the kinase depends on its autophosphorylation on Thr295 within the T-loop. The phosphorylation of Ser53 by still unknown kinase(s) prevents its degradation. The present work focused on the regulation of Aurora-A function via Ser349 phosphorylation. Mutagenesis of Ser349 to alanine (S349A) had few impact in vitro on the capability of the kinase to autophosphorylate as well as on its activity. These data in addition to in gel kinase assays and site-specific proteolytic digestion experiments prove that Ser349 is clearly neither a primary autophosphorylation site, nor an autophosphorylation site depending on the priming phosphorylation of Thr295. Using specific antibodies, we also show that the phosphorylation of Aurora-A Ser349 is a physiological event during Xenopus oocyte maturation triggered by progesterone. A peak of phosphorylation paralleled the decrease of Aurora activity observed between meiosis I and II. In response to progesterone, X. laevis stage VI oocytes microinjected with the Aurora-A S349A mutant proceeded normally to germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), but degenerated rapidly soon after. Since phosphorylation of Ser349 is responsible for a decrease in kinase activity, our results suggest that a down-regulation of Aurora-A activity involving Ser349 phosphorylation is required in the process of maturation.  相似文献   

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