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Understanding the mechanism of the M2 proton channel of influenza A is crucially important to both basic research and drug discovery. Recently, the structure was determined independently by high-resolution NMR and X-ray crystallography. However, the two studies lead to completely different drug-binding mechanisms: the X-ray structure shows the drug blocking the pore from inside; whereas the NMR structure shows the drug inhibiting the channel from outside by an allosteric mechanism. Which one of the two is correct? To address this problem, we conducted an in-depth computational analysis. The conclusions drawn from various aspects, such as energetics, the channel-gating dynamic process, the pKa shift and its impact on the channel, and the consistency with the previous functional studies, among others, are all in favour to the allosteric mechanism revealed by the NMR structure. The findings reported here may stimulate and encourage new strategies for developing effective drugs against influenza A, particularly in dealing with the drug-resistant problems.  相似文献   

Takeuchi H  Okada A  Miura T 《FEBS letters》2003,552(1):35-38
The M2 protein form influenza A virus forms a tetrameric ion channel, which enables proton passage across biological membranes when the N-terminal side is acidified. Among the amino acid residues in the transmembrane domain of the M2 protein, His37 and Trp41 are essential for the pH-regulated proton conductance. Current knowledge about the structures and interactions of His37 and Trp41 suggests a model for the M2 ion channel, in which the channel is closed by a network of His37 hydrogen bonds at neutral pH and is opened by a His37-Trp41 cation-pi interaction at acidic pH.  相似文献   

Tian C  Tobler K  Lamb RA  Pinto LH  Cross TA 《Biochemistry》2002,41(37):11294-11300
The M2 protein from influenza A virus has been expressed, purified, and reconstituted into DMPC/DMPG liposomes. SDS-PAGE analysis of reconstituted M2 protein in DMPC/DMPG liposomes demonstrates a stable tetrameric preparation. Circular dichroism spectra of the intact M2 protein in detergent indicate 67% alpha-helix. The uniformly (15)N-labeled M2 protein and both (15)N-Val- and (15)N-Leu-labeled M2 protein have been expressed from defined M9 media. The (1)H-(15)N HSQC (heteronuclear single quantum correlation) solution NMR experiments have been performed on the amino acid specific labeled protein in 300 mM SDS-d(25) micelles, and the data indicate a homogeneous preparation. The reconstituted M2/DMPC/DMPG proteoliposomes were used for preparing uniformly aligned solid-state NMR samples for (15)N-(1)H dipolar/(15)N chemical shift correlation experiments. The spectra support a transmembrane helix in M2 protein having a tilt angle of approximate 25 degrees, quantitatively similar to results obtained on the isolated M2 transmembrane peptide reconstituted in DMPC bilayers (38 degrees ). In addition, the spectra suggest that the tetrameric protein forms a symmetric or at least pseudosymmetric bundle consistent with data obtained by other research groups based on electrophysiological measurements and substituted cysteine scanning mutagenesis experiments that characterize a tetrameric structure.  相似文献   

The structural and dynamical properties of a solvated proton in the influenza A virus M2 channel are studied using a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation technique. The second-generation multi-state empirical valence bond (MS-EVB2) model was used to describe the interaction between the excess proton and the channel environment. Solvation structures of the excess proton and its mobility characteristics along the channel were determined. It was found that the excess proton is capable of crossing the channel gate formed by the ring of four histidine residues even though the gate was only partially open. Although the hydronium ion itself did not cross the channel gate by traditional diffusion, the excess proton was able to transport through the ring of histidine residues by hopping between two water molecules located at the opposite sides of the gate. Our data also indicate that the proton diffusion through the channel may be correlated with the changes in channel conformations. To validate this observation, a separate simulation of the proton in a "frozen" channel has been conducted, which showed that the proton mobility becomes inhibited.  相似文献   

The M2 proton channel from influenza A virus, a prototype for a class of viral ion channels known as viroporins, conducts protons along a chain of water molecules and ionizable sidechains, including His37. Recent studies highlight a delicate interplay between protein folding, proton binding, and proton conduction through the channel. Drugs inhibit proton conduction by binding to an aqueous cavity adjacent to M2's proton-selective filter, thereby blocking access of proton to the filter, and altering the energetic landscape of the channel and the energetics of proton-binding to His37.  相似文献   

The M(2) integral membrane protein of influenza A virus forms a proton-selective ion channel. We investigated the mechanism for proton transport of the M(2) protein in Xenopus oocytes using a two-electrode voltage clamp and in CV-1 cells using the whole cell patch clamp technique. Membrane currents were recorded while manipulating the external solution to alter either the total or free proton concentration or the solvent itself. Membrane conductance decreased by approximately 50% when D(2)O replaced H(2)O as the solvent. From this, we conclude that hydrogen ions do not pass through M(2) as hydronium ions, but instead must interact with titratable groups that line the pore of the channel. M(2) currents measured in solutions of low buffer concentration (<15 mM in oocytes and <0.15 mM in CV-1 cells) were smaller than those studied in solutions of high buffer concentration. Furthermore, the reversal voltage measured in low buffer was shifted to a more negative voltage than in high buffer. Also, at a given pH, M(2) current amplitude in 15 mM buffer decreased when pH-pK(a) was increased by changing the buffer pK(a). Collectively, these results demonstrate that M(2) currents can be limited by external buffer capacity. The data presented in this study were also used to estimate the maximum single channel current of the M(2) ion channel, which was calculated to be on the order of 1-10 fA.  相似文献   

The influenza virus M2 proton-selective ion channel is known to be essential for acidifying the interior of virions during virus uncoating in the lumen of endosomes. The M2 protein is a homotetramer that contains four 19-residue transmembrane (TM) domains. These TM domains are multifunctional, because they contain the channel pore and also anchor the protein in membranes. The M2 protein is gated by pH, and thus we have measured pH-gated currents, the accessibility of the pore to Cu2+, and the effect of a protein-modifying reagent for a series of TM domain mutant M2 proteins. The results indicate that gating of the M2 ion channel is governed by a single side chain at residue 41 of the TM domain and that this property is mediated by an indole moiety. Unlike many ion channels where the gate is formed by a whole segment of a protein, our data suggest a model of striking simplicity for the M2 ion channel protein, with the side chain of Trp(41) blocking the pore of the M2 channel when pH(out) is high and with this side chain leaving the pore when pH(out) is low. Thus, the Trp(41) side chain acts as the gate that opens and closes the pore.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2023,122(1):90-98
The M2 proton channel of influenza A is embedded into the viral envelope and allows acidification of the virion when the external pH is lowered. In contrast, no outward proton conductance is observed when the internal pH is lowered, although outward current is observed at positive voltage. Residues Trp41 and Asp44 are known to play a role in preventing pH-driven outward conductance, but the mechanism for this is unclear. We investigate this issue using classical molecular dynamics simulations with periodic proton hops. When all key His37 residues are neutral, inward proton movement is much more facile than outward movement if the His are allowed to shuttle the proton. The preference for inward movement increases further as the charge on the His37 increases. Analysis of the trajectories reveals three factors accounting for this asymmetry. First, in the outward direction, Asp44 traps the hydronium by strong electrostatic interactions. Secondly, Asp44 and Trp41 orient the hydronium with the protons pointing inward, hampering outward Grotthus hopping. As a result, the effective barrier is lower in the inward direction. Trp41 adds to the barrier by weakly H-bonding to potential H+ acceptors. Finally, for charged His, the H3O+ in the inner vestibule tends to get trapped at lipid-lined fenestrations of the cone-shaped channel. Simulations qualitatively reproduce the experimentally observed higher outward conductance of mutants. The ability of positive voltage, unlike proton gradient, to induce an outward current appears to arise from its ability to bias H3O+ and the waters around it toward more H-outward orientations.  相似文献   

Amantadine is known to block the M2 proton channel of the Influenza A virus. Here, we present a structure of the M2 trans-membrane domain blocked with amantadine, built using orientational constraints obtained from solid-state NMR polarization-inversion-spin-exchange-at-the-magic-angle experiments. The data indicates a kink in the monomer between two helical fragments having 20 degrees and 31 degrees tilt angles with respect to the membrane normal. This monomer structure is then used to construct a plausible model of the tetrameric amantadine-blocked M2 trans-membrane channel. The influence of amantadine binding through comparative cross polarization magic-angle spinning spectra was also observed. In addition, spectra are shown of the amantadine-resistant mutant, S31N, in the presence and absence of amantadine.  相似文献   

The M(2) ion channel protein of influenza A virus is essential for mediating protein-protein dissociation during the virus uncoating process that occurs when the virus is in the acidic environment of the lumen of the secondary endosome. The difficulty of determining the ion selectivity of this minimalistic ion channel is due in part to the fact that the channel activity is so great that it causes local acidification in the expressing cells and a consequent alteration of reversal voltage, V(rev). We have confirmed the high proton selectivity of the channel (1.5-2.0 x 10(6)) in both oocytes and mammalian cells by using four methods as follows: 1) comparison of V(rev) with proton equilibrium potential; 2) measurement of pH(in) and V(rev) while Na(+)(out) was replaced; 3) measurements with limiting external buffer concentration to limit proton currents specifically; and 4) comparison of measurements of M(2)-expressing cells with cells exposed to a protonophore. Increased currents at low pH(out) are due to true activation and not merely increased [H(+)](out) because increased pH(out) stops the outward current of acidified cells. Although the proton conductance is the biologically relevant conductance in an influenza virus-infected cell, experiments employing methods 1-3 show that the channel is also capable of conducting NH(4)(+), probably by a different mechanism from H(+).  相似文献   

The viral ion channel protein M2 supports the transit of influenza virus and its glycoproteins through acidic compartments of the cell. M2 conducts endosomal protons into the virion to initiate uncoating and, by equilibrating the pH at trans-Golgi membranes, preserves the native conformation of acid-sensitive viral hemagglutinin. The exceptionally low conductance of the M2 channel thwarted resolution of single channels by electrophysiological techniques. Assays of liposome-reconstituted M2 yielded the average unitary channel current of the M2 tetramer--1.2 aA (1.2 x 10(-18) A) at neutral pH and 2.7 to 4.1 aA at pH 5.7--which activates the channel. Extrapolation to physiological temperature predicts 4.8 and 40 aA, respectively, and a unitary conductance of 0.03 versus 0.4 fS. This minute activity, below previous estimates, appears sufficient for virus reproduction, but low enough to avert abortive cytotoxicity. The unitary permeability of M2 was within the range reported for other proton channels. To address the ion selectivity of M2, we exploited the coupling of ionic influx and efflux in sealed liposomes. Metal ion fluxes were monitored by proton counterflow, employing a pH probe 1,000 times more sensitive than available Na+ or K+ probes. Even low-pH-activated M2 did not conduct Na+ and K+. The proton selectivity of M2 was estimated to be at least 3 x 10(6) (over sodium or potassium ions), in agreement with electrophysiological studies. The stringent proton selectivity of M2 suggests that the cytopathology of influenza virus does not involve direct perturbation of cellular sodium or potassium gradients.  相似文献   

Dear Editor,It is known that most of lives on the earth compose of homochiral molecules of L-amino acids and D-ribose nucleic acids.However,little is known why and how the life's chirality in such a way.Studies on an artificial mirror-image life could strengthen our understanding of the question about the origin of life on the Earth and even elsewhere in the universe.Especially studies on mirror-image life would also have a plenty of vast application prospects in materials,energy and pharmaceutical sciences(Bohannon,2010).  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on protonated four-helix bundles based on the 25-residue Duff-Ashley transmembrane sequence of the M2 channel of the influenza A virus. Well-equilibrated tetrameric channels, with one, two and four of the H37 residues protonated, were investigated. The protonated peptide bundles were immersed in the octane portion of a phase-separated water/octane system, which provided a membrane-mimetic environment. The simulations suggest that there could be two conducting states of the M2 channel corresponding to tetramers containing one or two protonated histidines. The more open structure of the doubly protonated state suggests it would have the higher conductance.  相似文献   

Wu Y  Voth GA 《Biophysical journal》2005,89(4):2402-2411
In this study, four possible conformations of the His-37 and Trp-41 residues for the closed state of the influenza M2 ion channel were identified by a conformation scan based on a solid-state NMR restraint. In the four conformations, the His-37 residue can be of either the t-160 or t60 rotamer, whereas Trp-41 can be of either the t-105 or t90 rotamer. These conformations were further analyzed by density functional theory calculations and molecular dynamics simulations, and the data indicate that the His-37 residue most likely adopts the t60 rotamer and should be monoprotonated at the delta-nitrogen site, whereas Trp-41 adopts the t90 rotamer. This result is consistent with published experimental data and points to a simple gating mechanism: in the closed state, the His-37 and Trp-41 residues adopt the (t60, t90) conformation, which nearly occludes the pore, preventing nonproton ions from passing through due to the steric and desolvation effects. Moreover, the His-37 tetrad interrupts the otherwise continuous hydrogen-bonding network of the pore water by forcing the water molecules above and below it to adopt opposite orientations, thus adding to the blockage of proton shuttling. The channel can be easily opened by rotating the His-37 chi2 angle from 60 to 0 degrees . This open structure allows pore water to penetrate the constrictive region and to form a continuous water wire for protons to shuttle through, while being still narrow enough to exclude other ions.  相似文献   

The M2 proton channels of influenza A and B viruses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

M2 protein of influenza A viruses is a tetrameric transmembrane proton channel, which has essential functions both early and late in the virus infectious cycle. Previous studies of proton transport by M2 have been limited to measurements outside the context of the virus particle. We have developed an in vitro fluorescence-based assay to monitor internal acidification of individual virions triggered to undergo membrane fusion. We show that rimantadine, an inhibitor of M2 proton conductance, blocks the acidification-dependent dissipation of fluorescence from a pH-sensitive virus-content probe. Fusion-pore formation usually follows internal acidification but does not require it. The rate of internal virion acidification increases with external proton concentration and saturates with a pK(m) of ~4.7. The rate of proton transport through a single, fully protonated M2 channel is approximately 100 to 400 protons per second. The saturating proton-concentration dependence and the low rate of internal virion acidification derived from authentic virions support a transporter model for the mechanism of proton transfer.  相似文献   

M2, an integral membrane protein of influenza A virus, was purified from either influenza A virus-infected CV-1 cells or from Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells infected with a recombinant-M2 baculovirus. The purified protein, when incorporated into phospholipid bilayer membranes, produced ion-permeable channels with the following characteristics: (1) The channels appeared in bursts during which unit conductances of diverse magnitudes (25–500 pS) were observed. (2) The most probable open state was usually the lowest unit conductance (25–90 pS). (3) The channels were selective for cations; t Na = 0.75 when 150 mm NaCl bathed both sides of the membrane. (4) Amantadine reduced the probability of opening of the high conductance state and also the conductance of the most probable state. (5) Reducing pH increased the mean current through the open channel as well as the conductance of the most probable state. (6) The sequence of selectivity for group IA monovalent cations was Rb > K > Cs ~ Na > Li. The pH activation, amantadine block and ion selectivity of the M2 protein ion channel in bilayers are consistent with those observed on expression of the M2 protein in oocytes of Xenopus laevis as well as for those predicted for the proposed role of an ion channel in the uncoating process of influenza virus. The finding that the M2 protein has intrinsic ion channel activity supports the hypothesis that it has ion channel activity in the influenza virus particle.  相似文献   

The long-sought three-dimensional structure of the M2 proton channel of influenza A virus was successfully determined recently by the high-resolution NMR [J.R. Schnell, J.J. Chou, Structure and mechanism of the M2 proton channel of influenza A virus, Nature 451 (2008) 591-595]. Such a milestone work has provided a solid structural basis for studying drug-resistance problems. However, the action mechanism revealed from the NMR structure is completely different from the traditional view and hence prone to be misinterpreted as “conflicting” with some previous biological functional studies. To clarify this kind of confusion, an in-depth analysis was performed for these functional studies, particularly for the mutations D44N, D44A and N44D on position 44, and the mutations on positions 27-38. The analyzed results have provided not only compelling evidences to further validate the NMR structure but also very useful clues for dealing with the drug-resistance problems and developing new effective drugs against H5N1 avian influenza virus, an impending threat to human beings.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Xu H  Wu N  Shi H  Wang X  Wang T 《The new microbiologica》2010,33(4):311-317
The proton channels of influenza A virus (A/M2) and influenza B virus (BM2) are essential for viral replication. Previously we have shown that monoclonal antibodies targeting the ectodomain of the A/M2 proton channel have antiviral activity in vitro. In this study, we generated both monoclonal antibody and phage displayed peptide against the eight amino acids comprising the ectodomain of the BM2 proton channel and investigated their antiviral activities in vitro. A cytopathic assay showed that the monoclonal antibody potently protected MDCK cells from homologous, but not heterologous, virus infections. A plaque forming assay showed that viral replication was not completely neutralized, but greatly inhibited, by the monoclonal antibody. In contrast, no antiviral activity was observed for the synthetic native or engineered peptides. These results indicate that antibody targeting the M2 proton channel is a promising therapeutic candidate for treating influenza virus infections, and that antibody structure is important for antiviral activity.  相似文献   

Membrane protein function within the membrane interstices is achieved by mechanisms that are not typically available to water-soluble proteins. The whole balance of molecular interactions that stabilize three-dimensional structure in the membrane environment is different from that in an aqueous environment. As a result interhelical interactions are often dominated by non-specific van der Waals interactions permitting dynamics and conformational heterogeneity in these interfaces. Here, solid-state NMR data of the transmembrane domain of the M2 protein from influenza A virus are used to exemplify such conformational plasticity in a tetrameric helical bundle. Such data lead to very high resolution structural restraints that can identify both subtle and substantial structural differences associated with various states of the protein. Spectra from samples using two different preparation protocols, samples prepared in the presence and absence of amantadine, and spectra as a function of pH are used to illustrate conformational plasticity.  相似文献   

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