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A biotinylated probe of the Adh (alcohol dehydrogenase) gene of Drosophila melanogaster was used for in situ hybridization on polytene chromosomes of D. mojavensis and D. buzzatii, two species of the repleta group of the genus Drosophila. Hybridization showed that the Adh gene maps at the G1a band of the third chromosome. This is in accordance with a previous result obtained through the use of interspecific hybrid asynapsis as a cytological marker and establishes the limits of the precision of this method.  相似文献   

Individuals of an alcohol dehydrogenase-negative strain of Drosophila melanogaster designated Adh n5 are resistant to ethanol poisoning at low but not at high temperatures. The basis for this behavior is that Adh n5 flies contain a mutant form of alcohol dehydrogenase which is less heat stable than that of wild-type flies. The mutation in Adh n5 maps at, or very close to, the presumptive structural locus and is not complemented by any of 11 other alcohol dehydrogenase-null mutants.This research was supported by Grant No. GM 18254 from the National Institutes of Health and Grant No. M55.2217 from the National Cancer Institute.Publication No. 768 from the Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins University.  相似文献   

We report here the DNA sequence of the alcohol dehydrogenase gene (Adh) cloned from Drosophila willistoni. The three major findings are as follows: (1) Relative to all other Adh genes known from Drosophila, D. willistoni Adh has the last intron precisely deleted; PCR directly from total genomic DNA indicates that the deletion exists in all members of the willistoni group but not in any other group, including the closely related saltans group. Otherwise the structure and predicted protein are very similar to those of other species. (2) There is a significant shift in codon usage, especially compared with that in D. melanogaster Adh. The most striking shift is from C to U in the wobble position (both third and first position). Unlike the codon-usage-bias pattern typical of highly biased genes in D. melanogaster, including Adh, D. willistoni has nearly 50% G + C in the third position. (3) The phylogenetic information provided by this new sequence is in agreement with almost all other molecular and morphological data, in placing the obscura group closer to the melanogaster group, with the willistoni group farther distant but still clearly within the subgenus Sophophora.   相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(2):421-429
The evolution of male courtship song pattern in fruit flies of the repleta group within the genus Drosophila is described. We suggest that the archetypal song was composed of two distinct components, an ‘A’ song with short, regular pulse trains which occurred at the beginning of courtship, and a ‘B’ song consisting of longer pulse trains of more widely spaced pulses occurring later in courtship. During evolution of the repleta group some species have lost the A song, others the B song and, in many species, the latter has become less regular and more complex in form. A songs appear to be involved primarily in species recognition and have been subject to stabilizing selection while the B songs sexually stimulate females and have therefore evolved rapidly through the action of sexual selection. Other factors influencing the evolution of song patterns have been certain physiological and energetic constraints.  相似文献   

Accessory gland proteins (Acps) are part of the seminal fluid of Drosophila species. These proteins have important reproductive functions, being responsible for the proper functioning of several steps of the fertilization process. Acps also contribute indirectly for the reproductive success of males by modulating female behavior. Evidence that Acps participate in sperm competition and sexual conflict includes findings that, on average, Acps have fast evolutionary rates, suggestive of adaptive evolution. This is especially true in species of the Drosophila repleta group. Nevertheless, only in a few occasions have robust statistical tests been used to determine whether observed evolutionary rates are in fact due to positive selection on amino acid substitutions between related species. Here we apply maximum likelihood tests for positive selection on 14 Acps of the D. repleta group. To increase statistical robustness, we use at least 8 sequences, all belonging to species of the Drosophila mulleri complex, for each gene analyzed. We found significant evidence of adaptive evolution for 10 of the tested genes. Among these, the ones with a conserved protein domain had positively selected sites within the functional region of the sequence. We also detected one instance of lineage-specific adaptive evolution in a clade formed by 2 sister species.  相似文献   

N-Ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) was used to induce mutations in the Drosophila melanogaster, alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene. Flies were treated with ENU and mated to homozygous intragenic Adh null mutants; Adh null mutations were selected by exposure of the F1 generation to 1-penten-3-ol. Fourteen Adh null mutations were recovered which included 11 from spermatozoa, 2 from oocytes and 1 from a premeiotic spermatocyte. 2 mutations from spermatozoa and 1 of the mutations from oocytes were multilocus deficiencies which included the Adh locus as determined by complementation tests. The remaining 11 intragenic Adh null mutations were sequenced using the Sanger dideoxy method. One Adh null mutation induced in an oocyte was an AT to TA transversion and the mutation induced in a premeiotic spermatocyte was a GC to AT transition, both of which resulted in a single amino acid substitution. The 11 null mutations induced in spermatozoa were a data set in which both the dose of ENU and the treated germ-cell stage were held constant; therefore, only these 11 mutations were used to calculate the mutation frequency and compare the mutations at the Adh locus with those recovered in other studies. The dose of ENU induced a sex-linked recessive lethal frequency approximately 300 times that of the spontaneous frequency; therefore, these mutations were assumed to have been induced by ENU. 2 of the 11 mutations induced in spermatozoa were multilocus deficiencies and 9 were intragenic mutations. 7 of the 9 intragenic mutations were GC to AT transitions which resulted in 5 single amino acid substitutions, 1 premature translation termination codon, and 1 splice site mutation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Electrophoresis method was used to analyze the genetic structure of four experimental Drosophila populations (the control one and those with 5, 10 and 15% of ethanol in the nutrient medium) with initial frequency of AdhF = 0.5 for 50 monitoring generations. It was established that F and S alleles had different selective values. Natural selection favoured the F-allele. Addition of ethanol to the nutrient medium increased the selection intensity in the first 15 generations but did not change the relative adaptability of three genotypes. This caused a similarity of genetic structure in experimental populations during 50 generations.  相似文献   

Five morphometrical traits (wing and thorax length, ovariole number, and thoracic and female abdomen pigmentation) were investigated in laboratory stocks of 20 species belonging to the Drosophila obscura group (subgenus Sophophora). These species originated from four biogeographical regions and represent all five of the presently recognized, taxonomic subgroups. Size‐related traits (wing and thorax length) were highly variable across species, and interspecific variation explained more than 90% of total variability. In both traditional and phylogenetic analyses, wing size was positively correlated with latitude of origin. These interspecific correlations were however notably weaker than those for intraspecific correlations. Wing/thorax ratio, which may be related to flight capacity, showed little variation. Ovariole number was highly variable (range 27–53) both within and between species, and was positively correlated with the wing/thorax ratio, suggesting that species with relatively large ovaries have relatively low wing loading. Although many species are completely dark, 11 had some regions of light coloration. A light thorax with a median darkening was observed in six species. A variable pigmentation of abdominal tergites, in females only, was found in nine species, belonging to three subgroups only. With respect to both molecular phylogeny and morphometrical evolution, the D. obscura subgroup is probably now the best investigated clade in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Metaphase chromosomes from neuroblasts of strains from both laboratory stocks and natural populations of D. serido, D. meridionalis, D. borborema and D. buzzatii have been studied using colcemid pretreatment, and air-drying followed by Giemsa staining. The two latter species both show a uniform ‘basic’ metaphase karyotype. D. serido and D. meridionalis, on the other hand, both include a number of different, geographically distinct, metaphase karyotypes involving differences in the major blocks of constitutive heterochromatin present on the sex chromosomes and/or the 6th chromosome (microchromosome). These chromosomal differences are largely due to the acquisition of extra heterochromatin though pericentric inversions appear to be responsible for some of the Y-chromosome variants in D. serido. Moreover, the cytological evidence demonstrates that populations of both species are far from continuous in distribution. The extent to which such cytological differences reflect the existence of subspecific or specific complexes with minimal morphological differentiation is under investigation.  相似文献   

The species in the repleta group of the genus Drosophila have been placed into five subgroups-the mulleri, hydei, mercatorum, repleta, and fasciola subgroups. Each subgroup has been further subdivided into complexes and clusters. Extensive morphological and cytological analyses of the members of this species group have formed the foundation for the proposed relationships among the members of the repleta species group. Fifty-four taxa, including 46 taxa belonging to the repleta species group, were sequenced for fragments of four genes-16S ribosomal DNA (16S), cytochrome oxidase II (COII), and nitrogen dehydrogenase 1 (ND1) of the mitochondrial genome and a region of the hunchback (hb) nuclear gene. We also generated a partial data set of elongation factor 1-alpha (Ef1alpha) sequences for a subset of taxa. Our analysis used both DNA characters and chromosomal inversion data. The phylogenetic hypothesis we obtained supports many of the traditionally accepted clades within the mulleri subgroup, but the monophyly of taxonomic groups outside of this subgroup appears not to be supported. Phylogenetic analysis revealed one well-supported, highly resolved clade that consists of closely related members of the mulleri and buzzatii complexes. The remaining taxa, a wide assortment of taxonomic groups, ranging from members of other species groups to members of several subgroups and members of three species complexes from the mulleri subgroup are found in poorly supported arrangements at the base of the tree.  相似文献   

We present a revised molecular phylogeny of the Drosophila repleta group including 62 repleta group taxa and nine outgroup species based on four mitochondrial and six nuclear DNA sequence fragments. With ca. 100 species endemic to the New World, the repleta species group represents one of the major species radiations in the genus Drosophila. Most repleta group species are associated with cacti in arid or semiarid regions. Contrary to previous results, maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenies of the 10-gene dataset strongly support the monophyly of the repleta group. Several previously described subdivisions in the group were also recovered, despite poorly resolved relationships between these clades. Divergence time estimates suggested that the repleta group split from its sister group about 21millionyears ago (Mya), although diversification of the crown group began ca. 16Mya. Character mapping of patterns of host plant use showed that flat leaf Opuntia use is common throughout the phylogeny and that shifts in host use from Opuntia to the more chemically complex columnar cacti occurred several times independently during the history of this group. Although some species retained the use of Opuntia after acquiring the use of columnar cacti, there were multiple, phylogenetically independent instances of columnar cactus specialization with loss of Opuntia as a host. Concordant with our proposed timing of host use shifts, these dates are consistent with the suggested times when the Opuntioideae originated in South America. We discuss the generally accepted South American origin of the repleta group.  相似文献   

A study was made of environmental and genetic factors affecting the quantity and disposition of the alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) protein in Drosophila melanogaster. It was found that the amount of enzyme per fly is greatly influenced by the environmental conditions in which it develops. A critical factor is the concentration of yeast in the medium. A high concentration of yeast can double the quantity of ADH. The yeast appears to act through the provision of protein, and the protein to act through the provision of threonine, which is already known to induce ADH in fungi. Various genetic factors affect the quantity of enzyme. Males have more ADH than females. Files homozygous for the Fast allele have more ADH than those homozygous for the slow allele, and the difference is greater in females than in males. One particular line (ve), homozygous for Slow, has approximately half the normal quantity of enzyme, and the quantity segregates with the electrophoretic allele. Lines differ in the relative amounts of ADH in the gut (including Malpighian tubules) and the fat body. In general it seems that slow lines have relatively more enzyme in the fat body. In a cross between ve and a line homozygous to Fast, the difference in tissue distribution segregated with the electrophoretic allele. It is argued, but not demonstrated, that the differences in quantity and tissue distribution are due to nucleotide substitutions in noncoding regions close to, or within, the structural gene. It seems likely that the observed environmental and genetic differences in the quantity and disposition of ADH will influence the relative selective values of the electrophoretic genotypes.  相似文献   

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