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利用普通小球藻Chlorella vugaris C9-JN2010处理蓝藻-猪粪沼液废水,以实现废水无害化利用。实验考察了氮磷比和沼液浓度对小球藻生长及处理废水效果的影响,结果表明:在氮磷比(20:1)和沼液浓度(5%)条件下培养小球藻,藻细胞生长和废水处理效果最佳,最高细胞干重及生产强度分别为900.1 mg·L~(-1)和85.1 mg·L~(-1)·d~(-1),废水中总氮、总磷、氨氮的去除率分别为84.6%、95.9%和90.5%,对应去除强度分别为5.43 mg·L~(-1)·d~(-1)、0.30 mg·L~(-1)·d~(-1)和4.75 mg·L~(-1)·d~(-1)。利用小球藻可较彻底的去除蓝藻-猪粪沼液废水中氮、磷等营养,达到污水处理效果。  相似文献   

普通小球藻对养殖污水脱氮除磷的效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国养殖业的不断发展,养殖污水排放量的日益增加,养殖污水的高氮、磷含量导致水体富营养化问题日趋严重。小球藻是光能自养生物,能有效同化氮、磷,使污水中的氮、磷减少。本研究通过在实验室模拟不同氮、磷含量的养殖污水环境,分析小球藻对氮、磷的去除效果;在此基础上,用小球藻处理某养殖场污水;并联合膨润土与小球藻,探究两者脱氮除磷的协同作用能力及膨润土对小球藻细胞沉降的效果。结果表明,小球藻对模拟污水的氨氮去除率可达80%,对磷酸根的最高去除率接近100%;对养殖污水中的氮、磷也有一定的去除效果;但养殖污水成分复杂,小球藻的生长被抑制。膨润土与小球藻的结合,能够提高污水中的氮磷去除率并帮助藻细胞快速沉降,为污水处理后藻细胞的收集处理提供了有效方法。  相似文献   

The microalga Chlorella vulgaris was cultured in a combined medium obtained by mixing standard Jaworski medium with a solution from the modified Solvay process that contained only NaHCO(3) and NH(4)Cl. Cell number, pH and nitrogen content were monitored throughout growth. Lipids were extracted from lyophilised biomass using CHCl(3)-MeOH. A combination of grinding, microwave treatment and sonication proved to give the best lipid extract yield. Freeze-dried algal biomass was also utilised for thermal degradation studies. The degradation exhibited three distinct regions - primary cell structure breakage paralleled by evaporation of water, followed by two predominant exothermic degradation processes. The latter were modelled using nth order apparent kinetics. The activation energies of the degradation processes were determined to be 120-126kJ/mol and 122-132kJ/mol, respectively. The degradation model may be readily applied to an assortment of thermal algal processes, especially those relating to renewable energy.  相似文献   

Conservation and reuse of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from animalmanure is increasingly important as producers try to minimize transport ofthesenutrients from farms. An alternative to land spreading is to grow crops ofalgaeon the N and P present in the manure. The general goal of our research is toassess nutrient recovery from animal manure using attached algae. The specificobjective of this study was to evaluate the use of small subsections of algalturfs for determining N and P removal rates by attached algae under differentloading rates of dairy manure. Algae were grown in a laboratory–scalealgal turf scrubber (ATS) operated by recycling wastewater and adding manureeffluent daily. Replicate subsections (0.032 m2) ofalgal turf screens were removed and treated with five different loadings ofanaerobically digested dairy manure containing 5 to 80 mgL–1 NH4-N and 1 to 20 mgL–1 PO4-P over a 2-h incubationperiod. NH4-N removal rates were biphasic with a fast initial ratefollowed by a slower rate. Biphasic rates were more pronounced for the lowestloading rates but less so for the higher ones. PO4-P removal rateswere linear throughout the incubation period for all loading rates. N and Premoval rates increased with increasing loading rate and biomass. Inincubationsusing 1% dairy manure NH4-N and PO4-P removal ratesaveraged 0.72 and 0.33 g m–2d–1,respectively. These rates were approximately 5 to 8-fold lower than ratesmeasured on laboratory-scale ATS units using undisturbed turfs.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the feasibility of removing nutrients by the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris, using urban wastewater as culture medium, namely the effluent subjected to secondary biological treatment in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). For this, laboratory experiments were performed in batch cultures to study the effect of initial nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations on growth and reduction of nutrient performance of C. vulgaris. The microalga was cultivated in enriched wastewater containing different phosphorus (1.3-143.5 mg x L(-1) P.PO4(3-)), ammonium (5.8-226.8 mg x L(-1) N-NH4+) and nitrate (1.5-198.3 mg x L(-1) N-NO3-) concentrations. The nutrient removal and growth kinetics have been studied: maximum productivity of 0.95 g SS x L(-1) x day(-1), minimum yield factor for cells on substrate (Y) of 11.51 g cells x g nitrogen(-1) and 0.04 g cells x g phosphorus(-1) were observed. The results suggested that C. vulgaris has a high potential to reduce nutrients in secondary WWTP effluents.  相似文献   

[背景]养猪废水作为高浓度有机废水,是导致我国农业面源污染的主要因素之一.目前采用菌藻共生系统处理养猪废水越来越受到关注,与传统序批式反应器(Sequencing Batch Reactor,SBR)相比,藻辅助SBR具有提高脱氮除磷效果、增加污泥活性和降低能源消耗的特点.[目的]针对SBR中菌藻共生系统对养猪废水脱氮...  相似文献   

Quantification of the calorific content of microalgae is critical in studies of energy flow, trophic partitioning, plant/herbivore interactions in aquaculture and biomass production for biofuels. We investigated the calorific value and biochemical composition of Chlorella vulgaris at different phosphorus (P) concentrations (6.0 × 10?7, 2.3 × 10?6 and 2.3 × 10?4 mol L?1 P). As expected, the control (2.3 × 10?4 mol L?1 P) supported better growth than P limited treatments. Biomolecules like total carbohydrates and lipids accumulated under P limitation, which significantly correlated with high calorific values. Lipid class composition showed that triacylglycerols were the most accumulated under P limited conditions. The calorific value reported under control conditions (13.78 kJ g?1) was less than those obtained under P limitation (30.47–33.07 kJ g?1). The highest calorific value with less growth retardation was obtained at 2.3 × 10?6 mol L?1 P.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - Climate change could impact nutrient bioavailability in aquatic environment. To understand the interaction of nutrient bioavailability and elevated CO2, Chlorella vulgaris...  相似文献   

Simultaneous removal of phosphorus and nitrogen in sequencing batch reactor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this research, investigations were made on material transfer mechanisms and optimum operation mode for sequencing batch reactor system removing phosphorus and nitrogen simultaneously. Phosphorus release characteristics were expressed in the Monod equation, in which the reaction rate was replaced with specific phosphorus release (SPR) rate. The rate of SPR was increased during the first 80 days, but increased sharply to reach 0.003 hr-1 afterwards. Phosphorus removal efficiencies were about 60% in the first 80 days, 75% after 80 days, and above 95% after 120 days. After 120 days, phosphorus concentration in effluent was below 0.5 mgl-1 when 8 mgl-1 was in the influent and the released phosphorus after 3-hour-anaerobic period was 60 mgl-1. In the proposed optimum operation strategy (2-hour anaerobic react, 3-hour aerobic react, 4-hour anoxic react, and 3-hour settle and draw), phosphorus reappeared if the oxidized nitrogen was completely denitrified. In order to prevent this undesirable phosphorus release, anoxic period should be reduced to the extent of which the minimal concentration of the oxidized nitrogen existed. Phosphorus removal efficiency was stable under shock load as 5 times high as normal phosphorus concentration.Abbreviations dP/dt Phosphorus release rate (mgl-1 hr-1) - K Phosphorus release yield constant (mg P mg TOC-1) - dS/dt Substrate utilization rate (mgl-1 hr-1) - X Mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS, mgl-1) - S Soluble TOC (mgl-1) - k-qmax (Ymax)-1 Maximum substrate utilization rate - Y Yield coefficient (mg mg-1) - Ks Saturation constant (mgl-1) - Pmax kK-Maximum phosphorus release rate (hr-1) - Prel Total released phosphorus (mgl-1) - Po Phosphorus in influent (mgl-1) - Pe phosphorus in effluent (mgl-1) - t Anaerobic period (hr)  相似文献   

Microalgae are recognized for serving as a sustainable source for biodiesel production. This study investigated the effect of nitrogen starvation strategies and photobioreactor design on the performance of lipid production and of CO(2) fixation of an indigenous microalga Chlorella vulgaris ESP-31. Comparison of single-stage and two-stage nitrogen starvation strategies shows that single-stage cultivation on basal medium with low initial nitrogen source concentration (i.e., 0.313 g/L KNO(3)) was the most effective approach to enhance microalgal lipid production, attaining a lipid productivity of 78 mg/L/d and a lipid content of 55.9%. The lipid productivity of C. vulgaris ESP-31 was further upgraded to 132.4 mg/L/d when it was grown in a vertical tubular photobioreactor with a high surface to volume ratio of 109.3 m(2)/m(3) . The high lipid productivity was also accompanied by fixation of 6.36 g CO(2) during the 10-day photoautotrophic growth with a CO(2) fixation rate of 430 mg/L/d. Analysis of fatty acid composition of the microalgal lipid indicates that over 65% of fatty acids in the microalgal lipid are saturated [i.e., palmitic acid (C16:0) and stearic acid (C18:0)] and monounsaturated [i.e., oleic acid (C18:1)]. This lipid quality is suitable for biodiesel production.  相似文献   

A mixed culture of oleaginous yeast Rhodotorula glutinis and microalga Chlorella vulgaris was performed to enhance lipid production from industrial wastes. These included effluent from seafood processing plant and molasses from sugar cane plant. In the mixed culture, the yeast grew faster and the lipid production was higher than that in the pure cultures. This could be because microalga acted as an oxygen generator for yeast, while yeast provided CO(2) to microalga and both carried out the production of lipids. The optimal conditions for lipid production by the mixed culture were as follows: ratio of yeast to microalga at 1:1; initial pH at 5.0; molasses concentration at 1%; shaking speed at 200 rpm; and light intensity at 5.0 klux under 16:8 hours light and dark cycles. Under these conditions, the highest biomass of 4.63±0.15 g/L and lipid production of 2.88±0.16 g/L were obtained after five days of cultivation. In addition, the plant oil-like fatty acid composition of yeast and microalgal lipids suggested their high potential for use as biodiesel feedstock.  相似文献   

Calorimetry and other on-line techniques are used for the first time as complement to the traditional off-line methods in order to follow the growth of the green Chlorella vulgaris microalgae. A 2-L photo-bio-reactor was adapted from a commercial calorimeter used previously to study heterotrophic microbial growth. An external source of light was added to favor the photosynthesis of the autotrophic cells. Heterotrophic growth was also tested with external glucose in the broth. A third mode, mixotrophic, allowed faster autotrophic plus heterotrophic growth. Calorimetric measurements were performed considering the corresponding calibrations in order to consider only the energy involved during the microalgal growth. The three different modes of Chlorella cultures were energetically characterized. Besides calorimetry, the weight of diluted nitric acid added to maintain the pH of the culture was correlated with the cellular growth and the nitrogen composition of the algae. Additionally, the on-line infrared spectroscopy proved to be an efficient technique to follow the composition of the broth in glucose, nitrates, and phosphates. These results were compared and complemented with some classic off-line techniques used to track this kind of cultures.  相似文献   

Yan  Guoan  Yu  Jingyi  Wang  Yuanxiang 《Biotechnology letters》1996,18(8):893-896
Summary When Chlorella vulgaris was immobilized in calcium alginate beads, it removed more than 90% phosphate (10mg P/L) added to artificial wastewater at pH 3 to 9 and from 10 to 30°C. Free cells, however, only removed 40–60% of added phosphate at low pH (3–5) and at 10°C. Immobilized C. vulgaris is shown to have great potentialities for removing phosphate from low pH wastewater and at low temperature.  相似文献   

Chemostat cultures of Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 grown on methanol or succinate at a range of dilution rates were compared to batch cultures in terms of enzyme levels, poly-β-hydroxybutyrate content, and intracellular concentrations of adenine and pyridine nucleotides. In both chemostat and batch cultures, enzymes specific to C1 metabolism were up-regulated during growth on methanol and down-regulated during growth on succinate, polyhydroxybutyrate levels were higher on succinate, intracellular ATP levels and the energy charge were higher during growth on methanol, while the pools of reducing equivalents were higher during growth on succinate. For most of the tested parameters, little alteration occurred in response to growth rate. Overall, we conclude that the chemostat cultivation conditions developed in this study roughly mimic the growth in batch cultures, but provide a better control over the culturing conditions and a better data reproducibility, which are important for integrative functional studies. This study provides baseline data for future work using chemostat cultures, defining key similarities and differences in the physiology compared to existing batch culture data.  相似文献   

半连续及连续培养小球藻减排沼液及CO2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用半连续或连续模式培养小球藻,考察小球藻减排沼液和CO2的能力。结果表明:在半连续培养模式中,当更新率为30%时,沼液中的N、P质量浓度可分别稳定在16~18和0.4~0.6 mg/L,达到污水二级排放标准;提高更新率到40%以上,3 d后微藻生物量及其对沼液中N、P的吸收达到动态平衡,但N、P去除率未达到污水直接排放标准;在连续培养模式中,分别选用20%及30%的日更新率,7 L规模12 d后沼液中的总氮(TN)仍高达55.64 mg/L。说明大规模培养条件下的光限制是微藻法减排沼液的主要制约因素。  相似文献   

The basic requirements for high-density photoautotrophic microalgal cultures in enclosed photobioreactors are a powerful light source and proper distribution of light, efficient gas exchange, and suitable medium composition. This article introduces the concept of balancing the elemental composition of growth medium with biomass composition to obtain high-density cultures. N-8 medium, commonly used for culturing Chlorella vulgaris was evaluated for its capacity to support high-density cultures on the basis of elemental stoichiometric composition of C. vulgaris. This analysis showed that the N-8 medium is deficient in iron, magnesium, sulfur, and nitrogen at high cell densities. N-8 medium was redesigned to contain stoichiometrically balanced quantities of the four deficient elements to support a biomass concentration of 2% (v/v). The redesigned medium, called M-8 medium, resulted in up to three- to fivefold increase in total chlorophyll content per volume of culture as compared to N-8 medium. Further experiments showed that addition of each of the four elements separately to N-8 medium did not improve culture performance and that balanced supplementation of all four deficient elements was required to yield the improved performance. Long-term (24 d) C. vulgaris culture in M-8 medium showed continuous increase in chlorophyll content and biomass throughout the period of cultivation. In contrast, the increase in chlorophyll content and biomass ceased after 7 and 12 d, respectively in N-8 medium, demonstrating the higher capacity of M-8 medium to produce biomass. Thus, the performance of high cell density photobioreactors can be significantly enhanced by proper medium design. The elemental composition of the biomass generated is an appropriate basis for medium design.  相似文献   

Coimmobilization of the freshwater microalga Chlorella vulgaris and the plant-growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense in small alginate beads resulted in a significantly increased growth of the microalga. Dry and fresh weight, total number of cells, size of the microalgal clusters (colonies) within the bead, number of microalgal cells per cluster, and the levels of microalgal pigments significantly increased. Light microscopy revealed that both microorganisms colonized the same cavities inside the beads, though the microalgae tended to concentrate in the more aerated periphery while the bacteria colonized the entire bead. The effect of indole-3-acetic acid addition to microalgal culture prior to immobilization of microorganisms in alginate beads partially imitated the effect of A. brasilense. We propose that coimmobilization of microalgae and plant-growth-promoting bacteria is an effective means of increasing microalgal populations within confined environments.  相似文献   

The information of nutrient dynamics is essential for the precise control of effluent quality discharged from biological wastewater treatment processes. However, these variables can usually be determined with a significant time delay. Although the final effluent quality can be analyzed after this delay, it is often too late to make proper adjustments. In this paper, a neural network approach, a software sensor, was proposed for the real-time estimation of nutrient concentrations and overcoming the problem of delayed measurements. In order to improve the neural network performance, a split network structure applied separately for anaerobic and aerobic conditions was employed with dynamic modeling methods such as auto-regressive with exogenous inputs. The proposed methodology was applied to a bench-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for biological nutrient removal. The extrapolation problem of neural networks was possible to be partially overcome with the aid of multiway principal component analysis because of its ability of detecting of abnormal situations which could generate extrapolation. Real-time estimation of PO43−, NO3 and NH4+ concentrations based on neural network was successfully carried out with the simple on-line information of the SBR system only.  相似文献   

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