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Summary Sedimentological, paleontological and sequence analyses of Cenomanian limestones in Sicily reveal the facies architecture and dynamics of a Mid Cretaceous rudistdominated platform margin from Western Tethys. The studied deposits outcrop near Palermo, as part of a large structural unit of the Sicilian Maghrebids. They belong to the Panormide carbonate platform, a Mesocenozoic paleogeographic domain of the African margin. The lateral continuity of the beds along three nearly parallel E-W outcrop sections allowed the recording of cm/dm thick lithological and faunal variations. Nine main lithofacies associations have been recognised along about 200 m of subvertical strata. Their vertical and lateral organisation points to a transition from highenergy shelf-margin rudist patches and shoals to more internal lagoonal-tidal environments over a short distance. The lithofacies evolution and stacking pattern along the three sections made it possible to define elementary cycles, composite cycles and larger-scale sequences with a dominant shallowing-upward trend. Their hierarchical organisation implies that sea-level fluctuations were an important factor in their formation. The cycles are characterised by a great variation in facies as a result of transgressive-regressive events in different sectors of the inferred Cenomanian shelf. Subtidal cycles typical of the shelf margin (4–10 m-thick) are particularly well identifiable. They are made of large Caprinidae and Sauvagesiac rudstone-to-floatstone (about 2/3 of the total thickness), capped by rudist-conglomerates, often organised into 3–5 fining-upward amalgamated beds and showing, in places, effects of surface-related diagenesis. In more internal shelf areas the cycles consist of Caprinidae-Radiolitidae floastone grading up into amalgamated beds of angular bioclastic rudstone/grainstone. Alternations of foraminifer/ostracod mudstone/wackestone and bioclastic grainstone/fine-rudstone, capped by loferites and/or by other emersion-related overprintings, characterise the cycles formed in the peritidal zones. these cycles are stacked into three incomplete depositional sequences. The sequence boundaries have been identified by the abrupt interposition of peritidal cycles in subtidal rudist-rich cycles, with evidence of brief subaerial exposure.  相似文献   

Summary The Miocene and Pliocene of three ODP Leg 133 sites (812, 813, 814) record the biofacies evolution prior and during the partial drowning of the Queensland Plateau carbonate platform. Four major skeletal assemblages occur in the succession. The first, middle Miocene assemblage consists of a tropical chlorozoan association. The second assemblage, which records warm-temperate depositional conditions, lacks aragonitic skeletal elements. It is dominated by foraminifera and bryozoans. The third skeletal association (uppermost Lower Pliocene) contains green algae, foraminifera, and bryozoans. The last skeletal association is pelagic (ooze) and mainly consists of planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton. The middle Miocene depositional geometry in the analysed transect of drill sites is that of a carbonate bank with a well-defined rim and a flank. During the late Miocene and early Pliocene carbonate ramps formed. Upper Miocene and lower Pliocene deposits in the drill holes are rich in large benthic foraminifera. Combination of micropaleontological with seismic data allows the reconstruction of a curve of relative sea level for the Tortonian and Messinian. The long term trend of relative sea level is characterised by a rise punctuated by four short term falls.Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) rutteni is described from the Australian faunal province for the first time.  相似文献   

The depositional geometry and facies distribution of an Early Miocene (Burdigalian) carbonate system in the Perfugas Basin (NW Sardinia) comprise a well-exposed example of a transition from a ramp to a steep-flanked platform. The carbonate succession (Sedini Limestone Unit) is composed of two depositional sequences separated by a major erosional unconformity. The lower (sequence 1) records a ramp dominated by heterozoan producers and the upper (sequence 2) is dominated by photozoan producers and displays a gradual steepening of the depositional profile into a steep-flanked platform. This paper shows the process of creating a digital outcrop model including a facies model. This process consists of combining field data sets, including 17 sedimentary logs, and a spatial dataset consisting of differential global positioning system data points measured along key stratigraphic surfaces and sedimentary logs, with the goal of locking traditional field observations into a 3D spatial model. Establishing a precise geometrical framework and visualizing the overall change in the platform geometry and the related vertical and lateral facies variations of the Sedini carbonate platform, allows us to better understand the sedimentary processes leading to the geometrical turn-over of the platform. Furthermore, a detailed facies modeling helps us to gain insight into the detailed depositional dynamics. The final model reproduces faithfully the depositional geometries observed in the outcrops and helps in understanding the relationships between facies and architectural framework at the basin scale. Moreover, it provides the basis to characterize semiquantitatively regional sedimentological features and to make further reservoir and subsurface analogue studies.  相似文献   

The Latemar is a mainly aggrading platform, but shows repeated backstepping during its entire development. The behaviour of the slope does not reflect accommodation changes and lateral consistencies of the lagoonal interior; the Latemar contemporaneously reveals different, even contrasting depositional characteristics. The slope of the late stage platform evolution corresponds at least partially to the base-of-slope apron model. Controlling factors on slope evolution are of tectonic (proximity of the Stava Line) and autocyclic (repeated oversteepening) nature. Other factors are insignificant and/or overprinted. The reef-facies at Latemar reveals a complex facies pattern; it varies along and across the margin and is rich in encrusting sponges, corals, biogenic crusts and Microproblematica. Some biota or fossil assemblages—e.g. foraminifers (Abriolina mediterranea, Turriglomina scandonei) or Tubiphytes multisiphonatus thrombolites—have not been described in the Dolomites before. Biostratigraphic evidence from the uppermost reef-facies confirms a mainly Anisian age of the outcropping platform interior.  相似文献   

Summary The development of carbonate ramp depositional systems in the Neogene of the Mediterranean Region represents a widespread feature so far analysed in several papers. It is striking to note that the evolution of upper Miocene carbonate ramps, characterized by the presence of coralgal bioherms, highlights the events leading to the Messinian salinity crisis. The coralgal bioherms of preevaporite Messinian age exhibit fossil assemblages indicating marine waters with normal salinity, whereas stromatolitic and microbial encrustations underline the deterioration of the environment during the Messinian salinity crisis. Maiella Mountain is a broad carbonate massif located in Abruzzo (Central Italy). The late lower Oligocene-Messinian part of its stratigraphic succession consists of stacked non-tropical carbonate ramp deposits related to third and higher order sequences. The investigations performed in the southernmost portion of the massif allowed to recognize a complete fourth order carbonate depositional sequence on a homoclinal ramp of pre-evaporite Messinian age. The presence of small coralgal patch reefs and overlaying microbial encrustations is significant. A transect exhibits the stratigraphic framework of the area. The data show how local parameters play a notable role in the development of these deposits.  相似文献   

Summary In the Western Dinarides the Lower Liassic carbonates are underlain by Upper Triassic “Hauptdolomit”, whereas the first appearance of the foraminiferOrbitopsella praecursor (Gümbel) marks the beginning of the Middle Liassic. Their composition, observed at several localities in Western Croatia, shows a correlation of sedimentation events, which took place during Early Liassic on the Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform. Facies variability is interpreted as result of autocyclic sedimentary processes on which the carbonate platform reacted by periodical oscillations of sea-bottom near the fair-weather wavebase. As a consequence, the Lower Liassic carbonate successions in the Dinarides is characterized by stacking of two main types of coarsening-upward parasequences: (1) the basal part of the Lower Liassic succession is represented by parasequences composed of mudstones or pelletal-bioclastic wackestones as their lower members, and peloidal-bioclastic wackestone/packstones to grain-stones as their upper members; and (2) the upper part of the Lower Liassic succession with parasequences consisting of mudstones or pelletal-bioclastic wackestones overlain by ooid grainstones. Judging from the composition of parasequences and thickness relations of their members, the first type is interpreted to comprise late transgressive system tract (ITST) and/or early highstand system tract (eHST), while the second type corresponds to a late highstand system tract (1HST) and/or early lowstand system tract (eLST) of a third-order sequence.  相似文献   

In the Central Lombardy Basin (Southern Alps) Anisian carbonate platform marginal facies yielding the first documented occurrence of coral colonies in this area of the Western Tethys has been recognized. These marginal facies identify the east-west transition between two sectors with a different Anisian evolution. West of the recognized marginal facies the Anisian succession is characterised by subtidal bioturbated limestones passing upward to peritidal dolostones, whereas toward the east a thicker succession of subtidal facies persist until the end of the Anisian. The margin belt develops at the passage between a more subsiding eastern portion and a less subsiding one toward the west. The different facies and thickness of the Anisian succession east and west of the marginal facies is indicative of syndepositional tectonics. The transition from subtidal to peritidal facies in the western sector is ascribed to a sea-level fall that favoured the onsetting of peritidal facies on the less subsiding block and of marginal facies on its border. The occurrence of a N-S trending syndepositional Anisian fault system could also explain the scarce progradational evolution of the margin facies, prevented both by the paleobathymetric setting and by the scarce productivity of the Anisian marginal communities. The presence, in the Anisian marginal facies, of crinoids and corals (together with the occurrence of one of the oldest specimen of coralline red algae) outlines the return to normal marine conditions and documents the recovery of the carbonate platform marginal faunal association after the Permo-Triassic crisis in the Western Southern Alps.  相似文献   

The crenistria Limestone is a set of three autochthonous massive limestone beds occurring with great lithological persistence in the Kulm Facies (cd III , upper Viséan) of the eastern Rheinisches Schiefergebirge. Microfacies analysis reveals mainly minipeloidal fabrics and homogeneous micrite. Uncrushed, sediment-filled conchs of goniatites represent loci of sheltered preservation of primary carbonate textures. Calcified radiolarians are abundant, forming between 20 and 80% of total rock volume. The alleged algal genus Rectangulina is common in the crenistria Limestone. It is reinterpreted to represent the faeces of goniatites. For the first time the presence of in situ preserved sponges is reported. They can be recognized as delicate networks of microsparitic needles embedded in peloidal fabrics. Hexactinellids with primary spicule arrangements can be found embedded in homogeneous micrite. The carbonate forming the limestone beds was produced microbially during decomposition of soft tissue of the radiolarians and sponges. During the cd III , anoxia in the bottom waters of the Kulm Basin persisted for long periods due to stable density stratification of the water column under humid climatic conditions. Oxic conditions in the bottom waters during formation of the limestone are indicated by bioturbation, the presence of sponges and the high Mn-contents of the carbonate. The latter derived from reduction of Mn-oxides during microbial carbonate formation.  相似文献   

The encrusting genus Lithocodium Elliott, widespread in Tethyan Triassic-Cretaceous carbonate platforms and interpreted in the past as a codiacean alga, is presently regarded as a colony of calcified cyanobacteria, a microorganism incertae sedis or a loftusiacean foraminifer. The absence of apertures connecting neighbouring cavities, as well as the very irregular form and arrangement of these hollows within a frequently massive micritic matrix, excludes assigning Lithocodium to the foraminifers, but could rather suggest colonies of calcified cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Thomas Wotte 《Facies》2009,55(3):473-487
Detailed litho- and biofacies investigations of the Lower–Middle Cambrian carbonate Láncara Formation resulted in its subdivision into nine lithofacies types: (1) claystone, (2) recrystallized mudstone, (3) laminated mudstone with laminoid-fenestral fabrics, (4) stromatolite, (5) laminated aggregate grainstone, (6) non-laminated aggregate grainstone, (7) oolitic-bioclastic floatstone, (8) echinodermal packstone, and (9) bioclastic grainstone. The thicknesses of lithofacies 1–7 (lower member of the Láncara Formation) decrease from south to north. Lithofacies types 8–9 (upper member of the Láncara Formation) are characterized by similar thicknesses and low facies and faunal gradients and are thus indicative of deposition on a carbonate ramp. From palaeoecological, palaeo(bio)geographical, palaeomagnetic, and tectonic considerations, the depositional environment of the Láncara Formation is re-interpreted as an eastward/north-eastward sloping, low morphology carbonate ramp. The Cantabrian Zone, with a primary lateral extension of about 300 km, is further construed to be an element of a widespread and connected, discontinuous drowned Perigondwanan depositional system.  相似文献   

In this paper, the sedimentology and the stratigraphic architecture of the Devonian Santa Lucia Formation in the Cantabrian Mountains of NW-Spain are described. The Santa Lucia Formation consists of 11 different facies that can be attributed to peritidal/lagoonal, intertidal and subtidal facies associations. These facies associations are arranged in small-scale sedimentary cycles. Three different settings of small-scale sedimentary cycles are recognized: intertidal/supratidal, shallow subtidal/intertidal and subtidal cycles. These cycles reflect spatial differences in the reaction of the depositional system to small-scale relative sea-level changes. Small-scale stratigraphic cycles are stacked into seven medium-scale cycles that in turn are integral parts of three larger-scale cycles. Most of the Santa Lucia Formation (sequences 2–6) forms one major large-scale cycle, whereas sequences 1 and 7 are part of an underlying and an overlying cycle, respectively. Eustatic sea-level changes exerted major control on the formation of these large-scale sequences, whereas the medium-scale cycles seem to be co-controlled by regional tectonism and eustasy. Small-scale cycles seem to be the product of high frequency, eustatic sea-level changes. During the deposition of the Santa Lucia Formation, the morphology of the carbonate platform changed from a gently south-dipping ramp to a rimmed shelf and back to a gently dipping ramp.  相似文献   

The Moravo-Silesian Basin (MSB; eastern Czech Republic and southern Poland) hosted an extensive shallow-water carbonate platform in the Middle Devonian to Frasnian interval. The platform drowned in a stepwise fashion from the Palmatolepis hassi to the Pa. linguiformis zone. Three types of drowning successions were revealed from conodont biostratigraphy, facies, microfacies and gamma-ray spectrometry data: (A) drowning to periplatform turbidite setting; (B) drowning to (hemi)pelagic seamount setting and (C) drowning associated with the stratigraphical gap. In the lower Pa. hassi zone, rapid subsidence caused the platform to drown locally along the N–S to NW–SE trending faults (type A drowning). In the upper Pa. rhenana to the Pa. linguiformis zone, the drowning accelerated in the western part of the MSB due to locally higher subsidence rates combined with the Late Frasnian biotic crisis (type B). In the southern part of the basin, the platform emerged shortly before the Frasnian/Famennian (F/F) boundary and drowned in the Early to Late Famennian (type C). The primary cause of drowning was differential subsidence at the Laurussian passive margin. Eustatic sea-level fluctuations, if any, contributed only to a minor extent to the Late Frasnian drowning, but were effective in type C drowning during the Famennian. The drowning boundaries are associated with increased contents of K and Th, reflecting the deceleration of carbonate production. Uranium contents display isolated peaks that roughly correlate with the drowning boundaries or the stratigraphic gaps associated with the F/F boundary. The uranium contents are considered to reflect local depositional conditions and are not suitable for stratigraphic correlation. On the other hand, from the K and Th contents, we can infer Late Frasnian sea-level fluctuations with duration on the order of 1 Myr. These cyclic variations in K and Th contents proved to be useful in platform-to-basin stratigraphic correlation.  相似文献   

Middle to Upper Oxfordian reefs of a shallow marine carbonate platform located in northeastern France show important facies changes in conjunction with terrigeneous contents. The Pagny-sur-Meuse section shows coral-microbialite reefs that developed both in pure carbonate limestones and in mixed carbonate-siliciclastic deposits. Phototrophic coral associations dominated in pure carbonate environments, whereas a mixed phototrophic/heterotrophic coral fauna occurred in more siliciclastic settings. Microbialites occur in pure carbonate facies but are more abundant in mixed carbonate-siliciclastic settings. Reefs seem to have lived through periods favourable for intense coral growth that was contemporaneous with a first microbialitic layer and periods more favourable for large microbialitic development (second microbialitic layer). The first microbialitic crust probably developed within the reef body and thus appears to be controlled by autogenic factors. The second generation of microbialites tended to develop over the entire reef surface and was probably mainly controlled by allogenic factors. Variations in terrigeneous input and nutrient content, rather related to climatic conditions than to water depth and accumulation rate, were major factors controlling development of reefs and their taxonomic composition.  相似文献   

A revision of Chamaeleo caroliquarti Moody and Ro?ek is presented. The comparisons of the holotypic left dentary with those of specimens subsequently assigned to C. caroliquarti and of the Recent species of Chamaeleo, Furcifer and Calumma is carried out. It is shown that the type dentaries of C. caroliquarti include two different morphotypes with the absence of unique features. Within the Recent chameleons, the exact determination of the individual species merely on the basis of the dentaries is impossible. The holotypic dentary of C. caroliquarti is basically identical with that of C. calyptratus. However, the same morphology of the dentary as present in C. caroliquarti is also present in other species of different genera such as Calumma globifer and Furcifer pardalis. The paratypic dentaries of C. caroliquarti have a different morphology to the holotype and are indistinguishable from that in the Recent C. chamaeleon. On the other hand, a new species of the genus Chamaeleo, C. andrusovi, is described on the basis of isolated cranial elements, which possess clear autapomorphic features. This material comes from the Lower Miocene (Ottnangian) zone MN 4 in the Dolnice locality of the Czech Republic, and it differs from Recent and fossil chameleons in the following combination of characters: (1) its typically developed strongly pustular ornamentation and its distribution on the external surfaces of the skull roofing bones; (2) the frontoparietal suture is digitiform with a well-developed, anteriorly directed mesial spine, and (3) the parietal bone narrows posteriorly at its midlength, it is not bowed dorsally and it does not contribute posteriorly to a dorsal sagittal crest. This new material expands our knowledge of the cranial anatomy of Lower Miocene chameleons.  相似文献   

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