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Net photosynthetic rate (P N) measured at the same CO2 concentration, the maximum in vivo carboxylation rate, and contents of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPCO) and RuBPCO activase were significantly decreased, but the maximum in vivo electron transport rate and RuBP content had no significant change in CO2-enriched [EC, about 200 μmol mol−1 above the ambient CO2 concentration (AC)] wheat leaves compared with those in AC grown wheat leaves. Hence photosynthetic acclimation in wheat leaves to EC is largely due to RuBP carboxylation limitation.  相似文献   

利用便携式光合气体分析系统 (LI 6 4 0 0 ) ,比较测定了高CO2 浓度 (FACE ,free airCO2 enrich ment)和普通空气CO2 浓度下生长的水稻叶片的净光合速率、水分利用率、表观量子效率和RuBP羧化效率等光合参数 .在各自生长CO2 浓度 (380vs 5 80 μmol·mol-1)下测定时 ,高CO2 浓度 (5 80 μmol·mol-1)下生长的水稻叶片的净光合速率、碳同化的表观量子效率和水分利用率明显高于普通空气 (380 μmol·mol-1)下生长的水稻叶片 .但是 ,随着FACE处理时间的延长 ,高CO2 浓度对净光合速率的促进作用逐渐减小 .在相同CO2 浓度下测定时 ,FACE条件下生长的水稻叶片净光合速率和羧化效率明显比普通空气下生长的对照低 .尽管高CO2 浓度下生长的水稻叶片的气孔导度明显低于普通空气中生长的水稻叶片 ,但两者胞间CO2 浓度差异不显著 ,因此高CO2 浓度下生长的水稻叶片光合下调似乎不是由气孔导度降低造成的 .  相似文献   

Our previous study has demonstrated that both RuBP carboxylation limitation and RuBP regeneration limitation exist simultaneously in rice grown under free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE, about 200 μmol mol−1 above the ambient air CO2 concentration) conditions [G.-Y. Chen, Z.-H. Yong, Y. Liao, D.-Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, H.-B. Zhang, J. Chen, J.-G. Zhu, D.-Q. Xu, Photosynthetic acclimation in rice leaves to free-air CO2 enrichment related to both ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase limitation and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration limitation. Plant Cell Physiol. 46 (2005) 1036–1045]. To explore the mechanism for forming of RuBP regeneration limitation, we conducted the gas exchange measurements and some biochemical analyses in FACE-treated and ambient rice plants. Net CO2 assimilation rate (Anet) in FACE leaves was remarkably lower than that in ambient leaves when measured at the same CO2 concentration, indicating that photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 occurred. In the meantime the maximum electron transport rate (ETR) (Jmax), maximum carboxylation rate (Vcmax) in vivo, and RuBP contents decreased significantly in FACE leaves. The whole chain electron transport rate and photophosphorylation rate reduced significantly while ETR of photosystem II (PSII) did not significantly decrease and ETR of photosystem I (PSI) was significantly increased in the chloroplasts from FACE leaves. Further, the amount of cytochrome (Cyt) f protein, a key component localized between PSII and PSI, was remarkably declined in FACE leaves. It appears that during photosynthetic acclimation the decline in the Cyt f amount is an important cause for the decreased RuBP regeneration capacity by decreasing the whole chain electron transport in FACE leaves.  相似文献   

A. Makino  T. Mae  K. Ohira 《Planta》1985,166(3):414-420
Changes in gas-exchange rates during the life span of the leaves of rice (Oryza sativa L.) were analyzed quantitatively by measuring changes in the carboxylation/oxygenation and regeneration of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) at photon fluence rates of 2000 (saturating) and 500 (subsaturating) μmol quanta·m-2·s-1 under ambient air conditions. The RuBP levels were always higher than the active-site concentrations of RuBP carboxylase (EC, irrespective of the irradiance supplied. Analysis of the CO2-assimilation rate as a function of intercellular CO2 concentration indicated that RuBP regeneration does not limit CO2 assimilation. The estimated RuBP-carboxylase/oxygenase activity in vivo was linearly correlated to the rate of CO2 assimilation at each level of irradiance. This enzyme activity was just enough to account for the rate of CO2 assimilation at the saturating irradiance and was 35% more than the rate of CO2 assimilation at the subsaturating irradiance. Analysis of the assimilation rate at subsaturating irradiance as a function of intercellular CO2 concentration indicated that a limitation caused by enzyme activation comes into play. The results indicate that the rate of CO2 assimilation in rice leaves under ambient air conditions is limited during their entire life span by the RuBP-carboxylation/oxygenation capacity.  相似文献   

于分蘖、拔节和抽穗 3个时期在空气CO2 浓度 (380 μmol·mol-1)下测定稻田中稗草叶片的净光合速率 (Pn) ,发现在开放式CO2 浓度增高 (FACE)条件下生长的稗草叶片后 2个时期的Pn显著低于普通空气中生长的对照 ,比对照下降约 2 0 % ,说明FACE条件下稗草叶片光合作用对高CO2 浓度发生了明显的适应 .同时 ,叶片的气孔导度 (Gs)和胞间CO2 浓度 (Ci)的下降更为明显 .与对照相比 ,叶片可溶性蛋白含量明显降低 ,拔节期只有对照的 6 2 .4 % ;高CO2 浓度下生长的稗草叶片Rubisco含量也降低 ,分蘖期和拔节期分别为对照的 87%和 84 % ,但其差异未达到显著水平 .可以认为 ,长期生长在高CO2 浓度下的C4植物稗草叶片光合作用的适应是叶片气孔部分关闭和可溶性蛋白含量下降的结果 .  相似文献   

《Plant Science Letters》1978,11(2):159-168
Pea leaves, supplied with [35S]methionine, were homogenized and a crude hypotonic soluble fraction was centrifuged on sucrose gradients to separate fully assembled ribulose-1,5-biphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase from any free or partially assembled carboxylase subunits. Slowly sedimenting subunits of the enzyme were identified in upper fractions of the sucrose gradient, using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), isoelectric focussing, and immune precipitation. The presence of these subunits in low molecular weight form was shown not to be due to artefactual dissociation of the enzyme. It is suggested that these subunits are related to the assembly of RuBP carboxylase.  相似文献   

稻米品质性状对开放式空气二氧化碳浓度增高的响应   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
利用开放式空气CO2浓度增高(FACE)系统平台。研究大田栽培条件下粳稻武香粳14号稻米品质性状对CO2浓度增高200μmol·mol^-1的响应。结果表明.FACE处理稻谷的出糙率平均比CK高1.4个百分点,整精米率平均比CK低12.3个百分点,较低的供N水平有利于提高FACE条件下的出糙率.较高的供N水平有利于提高FACE条件下的整精米率;FACE处理的稻米垩白略有增加。垩白粒率平均比CK高11.9个百分点,垩白度平均比CK平均高2.8个百分点,较高的供N和供P水平有利于降低FACE条件下垩白大小、垩白粒率和垩白度;FACE处理稻米糊化温度平均比CK平均高0.52℃,胶稠度有提高的趋势,但对稻米直链淀粉含量影响较小,较高的供N和供P水平有利于降低FACE条件下稻米的直链淀粉含量,较低的供N和较高的供P水平有利于降低FACE条件下稻米胶稠度,较低的供N水平有利于降低FACE条件下稻米糊化温度;FACE处理使稻米蛋白质含量比CK平均低0.6个百分点,较低的供N和供P水平有利于降低FACE条件下稻米蛋白质含量。  相似文献   

The photosynthetic rates under saturating CO2 conditions per unit of leaf‐N content were higher in wheat than in rice. This suggested that ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate (RuBP) regeneration capacity is greater in wheat. Therefore, the biochemical factor(s) for this difference were examined between rice and wheat. Soluble protein‐N, insoluble‐N, and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) soluble‐N contents were found not to differ between the two species. The activities of several Calvin cycle enzymes such as RuBP carboxylase, NADP‐glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerate kinase and chloroplastic fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase (cpFBPase) activities per unit of leaf‐N content were all higher in wheat than in rice. Among them, cpFBPase activity was most highly correlated with CO2‐saturated photosynthesis. The Vmax activity of sucrose‐phosphate synthase (SPS) for UDP‐glucose was almost the same between the two species and its Km value was a little lower in rice. Chlorophyll content and its a/b ratio did not differ. Cytochrome (Cyt) f content was greater in wheat, whereas coupling factor 1 content was greater in rice. Cyt f content was highly correlated with CO2‐saturated photosynthesis, irrespective of the two species. The results thus suggested that higher RuBP regeneration capacity in wheat leaves is most closely related to a greater Cyt f content and that another candidate is cpFBPase.  相似文献   

开放式空气CO2浓度增高对水稻冠层微气候的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
利用位于江苏省无锡市安镇的我国唯一的农田开放式空气CO2 浓度增高 (FACE)系统平台 ,于2 0 0 1年 8月 2 6日至 10月 13日 (水稻抽穗至成熟期 )进行水稻作物冠层微气候连续观测 ,以研究FACE对水稻冠层微气候特征的影响 .结果表明 ,FACE降低了水稻叶片的气孔导度 ,FACE与对照水稻叶片气孔导度的差异上层叶片大于下层叶片 ,生长前期大于生长后期 .FACE使白天水稻冠层和叶片温度升高 ,这种差异生长前期大于生长后期 ;但FACE对夜间水稻冠层温度的影响不明显 .在水稻旺盛生长的抽穗开花期 ,晴天正午前后FACE水稻冠层温度比对照高 1.2℃ ;从开花至成熟期 ,FACE水稻冠层白天平均温度比对照高 0 .4 3℃ .FACE对冠层空气温度也有影响 ,白天水稻冠层空气温度FACE高于对照 ,这种差异随太阳辐射增强而增大且冠层中部大于冠层顶部 ;冠层中部空气温度FACE与对照的差异 (Tface-Tambient)日最大值在 0 .4 7~ 1.2℃之间 ,而冠层顶部的Tface-Tambient日最大值在 0 .37~ 0 .8℃之间 .夜间水稻冠层空气温度FACE与对照差别不大 ,变化在± 0 .3℃之内 .而FACE对水稻冠层空气湿度无显著影响 ,表明FACE使水稻叶片气孔导度降低 ,从而削弱了植株的蒸腾降温作用 ,导致水稻冠层温度和冠层空气温度升高 ,改变了整个水稻冠层的温度环  相似文献   

Wang ZY  Portis AR 《Plant physiology》1992,99(4):1348-1353
Ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP), a substrate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), is an inhibitor of Rubisco activation by carbamylation if bound to the inactive, noncarbamylated form of the enzyme. The effect of Rubisco activase on the dissociation kinetics of RuBP bound to this form of the enzyme was examined and characterized with the use of 3H-labeled RuBP and proteins purified from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) In the absence of Rubisco activase and in the presence of a large excess of unlabeled RuBP, the dissociation rate of bound [1-3H]RuBP was much faster after a short (30 second) incubation than after an extended incubation (1 hour). After 1 hour of incubation, the dissociation rate constant (Koff) of the bound RuBP was 4.8 × 10−4 per second, equal to a half-time of about 35 minutes, whereas the rate after only 30 seconds was too fast to be accurately measured. This time-dependent change in the dissociation rate was reflected in the subsequent activation kinetics of Rubisco in the presence of RuBP, CO2, and Mg2+, and in both the absence or presence of Rubisco activase. However, the activation of Rubisco also proceeded relatively rapidly without Rubisco activase if the RuBP level decreased below the estimated catalytic site concentration. High pH (pH 8.5) and the presence of Mg2+ in the medium also enhanced the dissociation of the bound RuBP from Rubisco in the presence of RuBP. In the presence of Rubisco activase, Mg2+, ATP (but not the nonhydrolyzable analog, adenosine-5′-O-[3-thiotriphosphate]), excess RuBP, and an ATP-regenerating system, the dissociation of [1-3H]RuBP from Rubisco was increased in proportion to the amount of Rubisco activase added. This result indicates that Rubisco activase-mediated hydrolysis of ATP is required for promotion of the enhanced dissociation of the bound RuBP from Rubisco. Furthermore, product analysis by ion-exchange chromatography demonstrated that the release of the bound RuBP, in an unchanged form, was considerably faster than the observed increase in Rubisco activity. Thus, RuBP dissociation was experimentally separated from activation and precedes the subsequent formation of active, carbamylated Rubisco during activation of Rubisco by Rubisco activase.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1986,44(2):119-123
The low activity of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase from darkened soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv. Bragg) leaves was not raised to the level of that from leaves in the light by CO2 and Mg2+, even after a 4-h incubation. The extract of darkened leaves, unlike the extract from illuminated leaves, was not fully CO2/Mg2+-activatable after Sephadex gel filtration in the absence of Mg2+. (NH4)2SO4 fractionation eliminated the inhibition effect found in the dark extracts resulting in similar rates for the extracts obtained from leaves in the dark and light. Although the Vmax values of the gel-filtered extracts from dark and light leaves differed by 3-fold, the Km(CO2)-values were the same (12.7 μM), as were the Km(RuBP)-values (250 μM). These data support the hypothesis that for soybean leaves in the dark a tightly-binding inhibitor renders much of the ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase enzyme catalytically non-functional.  相似文献   

In light and in darkness, exposure of leaf segments to CO2-free atmospheres caused a marked reduction in extractable RuBP carboxylase activity. By contrast, darkness caused a relatively small decrease in carboxylase activity in extracts from leaf segments kept in air containing CO2. Recovery of carboxylase activity in leaves during illumination in air after exposure to CO2-free conditions paralleled recovery of capacity for photosynthesis; in darkness recovery of carboxylase activity in leaves was slower than in the light. Extracts from leaves exposed to CO2-free conditions recovered activity when provided with CO2 and Mg2+; there were clearly, however, substances in the extracts that modified the activity achieved and caused anomalous decreases and increases with time after extraction. Studies of the effect of orthophosphate on the activity of purified wheat carboxylase in vitro were consistent with the view that many of the effects observed on the activity of crude leaf extracts were due to orthophosphate content.  相似文献   

开放式空气CO2增高对水稻物质生产与分配的影响   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:21  
在大田栽培条件下,研究开放式空气CO2增加(FACE)200μmol·mol^-1的处理对水稻物质生产与分配的影响.结果表明,FACE处理使移栽至抽穗后20d的干物质积累量显著增加,使抽穗后20d至成熟期的干物质生产量显著减少,生物产量显著提高.移栽至抽穗期的干物质积累量增加是由于叶面积系数和净同化率共同提高所致;抽穗期至抽穗后20d的干物质积累量增加主要是由于叶面积系数的增加所致;抽穗后20d至成熟期的干物质生产量减少主要是由于净同化率的下降所造成.提高茎鞘占全株干物重的比例,降低叶片占全株干物重的比例,对穗占全株干物重的比例无显著影响,能显著提高水稻抽穗期茎鞘中可溶性糖、淀粉的含有率和含量,提高FACE处理的生物产量能极显著提高水稻产量(r=0.7825).  相似文献   

Changes in the temperature dependence of the photosynthetic rate depending on growth temperature were investigated for a temperate evergreen tree, Quercus myrsinaefolia . Plants were grown at 250 μ mol quanta m–2 s–1 under two temperature conditions, 15 and 30 °C. The optimal temperature that maximizes the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis at 350 μ L L–1 CO2 was found to be 20–25 and 30–35 °C for leaves grown at 15 and 30 °C, respectively. We focused on two processes, carboxylation and regeneration of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP), which potentially limit photosynthetic rates. Because the former process is known to limit photosynthesis at lower CO2 concentrations while the latter limits it at higher CO2 concentrations, we determined the temperature dependence of the photosynthetic rate at 200 and 1000 μ L L–1 CO2 under saturated light. It was revealed that the temperature dependence of both processes varied depending on the growth temperature. Using a biochemical model, we estimated the capacity of the two processes at various temperatures under ambient CO2 concentration. It was suggested that, in leaves grown at low temperature (15 °C), the photosynthetic rate was limited solely by RuBP carboxylation under any temperature. On the other hand, it was suggested that, in leaves grown at high temperature (30 °C), the photosynthetic rate was limited by RuBP regeneration below 22 °C, but limited by RuBP carboxylation above 22 °C. We concluded that: (1) the changes in the temperature dependence of carboxylation and regeneration of RuBP and (2) the changes in the balance of these two processes altered the temperature dependence of the photosynthetic rate.  相似文献   

Viil  Juta  Ivanova  Hiie  Pärnik  Tiit 《Photosynthesis research》1999,60(2-3):247-256
An in vivo method for the estimation of kinetic parameters of partial reactions of carboxylation of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) catalyzed by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is described. Rubisco in barley, wheat and bean is different in the ability of its active centers to bind RuBP. The rate constant of the formation of the Rubisco-RuBP complex in these plants at 25 °C is 0.414, 0.245 and 0.660 mM-1 s-1, respectively. The rate constant of the reaction of the Rubisco-bound enediol with CO2 does not differ significantly in barley and wheat, and averages 66 mM-1 s-1. Decreased irradiance inhibits Rubisco in two ways: by reducing the concentration of operating catalytic sites and by decreasing the rate constant of binding of RuBP to Rubisco. High concentrations of CO2 inhibit Rubisco by decreasing the concentration of competent carboxylation centers, without any s ignificant influence upon the rate constants of partial reactions.  相似文献   

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv Asmer) and maize (Zea mays L. cv Eta) plants were grown under controlled environmental conditions with a nutrient solution containing 0, 0.5, or 10 millimolar inorganic phosphate. Phosphate-deficient leaves had lower photosynthetic rates at ambient and saturating CO2 and much smaller carboxylation efficiencies than those of plants grown with ample phosphate. In addition, phosphate-deficient leaves contained smaller quantities of total soluble proteins and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) per unit area, although the relative proportions of these components remained unchanged. The specific activity of Rubisco (estimated in the crude extracts of leaves) was significantly reduced by phosphate deficiency in sunflower but not in maize. Thus, there was a strong dependence of carboxylation efficiency and CO2-saturated photosynthetic rate on Rubisco activity only in sunflower. Phosphate deficiency decreased the 3-phosphoglycerate and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) contents of the leaf in both species. The ratio of 3-phosphoglycerate to RuBP decreased in sunflower but increased in maize with phosphate deficiency. The calculated concentrations of RuBP and RuBP-binding sites in the chloroplast stroma decreased markedly with phosphate deficiency. The ratio of the stromal concentration of RuBP to that of RuBP-binding sites decreased in sunflower but was not affected in maize with phosphate deficiency. We suggest that a decrease in this ratio made the RuBP-binding sites more vulnerable to blockage or inactivation by tight-binding metabolites/inhibitors, causing a decrease in the initial specific activity of Rubisco in the crude extract from phosphate-deficient sunflower leaves. However, the decrease in Rubisco specific activity was much less than the decrease in the RuBP content in the leaf and its concentration in the stroma. A large ratio of RuBP to RuBP-binding sites may have maintained the Rubisco-specific activity in phosphate-deficient maize leaves. We conclude that the effect of phosphate deficiency is more on RuBP regeneration than on Rubisco activity in both sunflower and maize.  相似文献   

开放系统中农作物对空气CO2浓度增加的响应   总被引:93,自引:12,他引:93  
FACE试验(free-air CO2 enrichment)开展的10多年中,供试农作物主要有:C3禾本科作物小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)、多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne)和水稻(Oryza sativaL.),C4禾本科类高梁(Sorghum bicolor(L.)Moench),C3豆科植物白三叶草(Trifolium repens ),C3非禾本科块茎状作物马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.),以及多年生C3类木作物棉花(Gossypium hirsutum L.)和葡萄(Vitisvinifera l.)。本文系统整理和分析了以下各项参数的结果;光合作用、气孔导度、冠层温度、水分利用、水势、叶面积指数、根茎生物量累积、作物产量、辐射利用率,比叶面积、N含量、N收益、碳水化合物含量、物候变化、土壤微生物、土壤呼吸、痕量气体交换以及土壤碳固定,CO2浓度升高对农作物的影响作用主要表现在以下方面:(1)促进了植物光合作用,增加了其生物量累积;(2)显著提高C3作物产量,但对C4作物产量的影响很小;(3)降低了C3和C4作物气孔导度,非常显著地提高了所有作物的水分利用率;(4)对植物生长的促进作用在水分不足与水分充中时二者相当或前者大于后者;(6)对根系生长的促进作用要大于地上部分;(7)对多年生植物气孔导度的影响较小,但对其生长的促进作用仍很高;(8)降低了植物体内N含量,但作物体内碳水化合物及某些其他含碳化合物含量增加,且叶部含量要明显高于植物其他器官;(9)对大多数作物的物候略有加速;(10)对某些土壤微生物具显著影响,而对有些则无,但都增加了微生物活性;(11)综合多年、多地点的试验结果表明土壤对大气CO2的固定增加,但单独一个试验无法观测到SOC的显著性变化,对FACE和前期的熏气室试验结果都进行了尽可能的对比研究,除了二例以外,发现在大多数情况下二者的结果基本一致,其中,FACE使气孔导度降低的1.5倍,明显高于前期熏气室试验的结果;其二,相对于熏气室,FACE条件下CO2倍增对根的相对促进作用要高于地上部分,因此,我们对基于这二者的结论的准确性和可靠性是充满信心的,不过,更接近自然环境和具更大小区面积的FACE试验仍是必需的,它可以为我们提供在CO2升高条件下更具代表性的田间试验条件,从而为我们提供更多、更有益的多学科交叉的试验数据和研究结果。  相似文献   

Photosynthetic rates and photosynthate partitioning were studied in three-week-old soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Williams] plants exposed to either ambient (35 Pa) or elevated (70 Pa) CO2 in controlled environment chambers. Ambient CO2-grown plants also were given a single 24 h treatment with 70 Pa CO2 1 d prior to sampling. Photosynthetic rates of ambient CO2-grown plants initially increased 36% when the measurement CO2 was doubled from 35 to 70 Pa. Photosynthetic rates of the third trifoliolate leaf, both after 1 and 21 d of elevated CO2 treatment, were 30 to 45% below those of ambient CO2-grown plants when measured at 35 Pa CO2. These reduced photosynthetic rates were not due to increased stomatal resistance and were observed for 2 to 8 h after plants given 1 d of CO2 enrichment were returned to ambient CO2. Initial and total ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activities, percent activation, Rubisco protein, soluble protein and leaf chlorophyll content were similar in all CO2 treatments. Quantum yields of photosynthesis, determined at limiting irradiances and at 35 Pa CO2, were 0.049±0.003 and 0.038±0.005 mol CO2 fixed per mol quanta for ambient and elevated CO2-grown plants, respectively (p<0.05). Leaf starch and sucrose levels were greater in plants grown at 70 than at 35 Pa CO2. Starch accumulation rates during the day were greater in ambient CO2-grown plants than in plants exposed to elevated CO2 for either 1 or 21 d. However, the percentage of C partitioned to starch relative to total C fixed was unaffected by 1 d of CO2 enrichment. The above results showed that both photosynthetic and starch accumulation rates of soybean leaflets measured at 35 Pa CO2 were temporarily reduced after 1 and 21 d of CO2 enrichment. The biochemical mechanism affecting these responses was not identified.Abbreviations SLW- specific leaf weight (g m–2) - Rubisco- ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - Rul- 5bisP, ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate - DAP- days after planting - SAR- starch accumulation rate - Ci- intercellular CO2 concentration  相似文献   

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